Co-reporter:Yue Wang, Xiaochuan Zou, Xia Feng, Yongfang Shi, Liming Wu
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2017 Volume 245() pp:110-114
Publication Date(Web):January 2017
•A new quaternary noncentrosymmetric sulfide Y4GaSbS9 has been synthesized by high-temperature solid-state reaction.•Title compound adopted a known RE4GaSbS9-structure type in the orthorhombic space group Aba2 (no. 41).•The large optical gap of 2.06 eV for Y4GaSbS9 was deduced from UV/Vis reflectance spectroscopy.•DFT calculations are used to study the electronic structure and nonlinear optical properties of Y4GaSbS9.A new rare-earth metal gallium thioantimonate, Y4GaSbS9, has been synthesized successfully via high-temperature solid-state method. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses revealed it adopted a known RE4GaSbS9-structure type in the orthorhombic space group Aba2 (no.41) with a=13.480(4) Å, b=13.790(4) Å, c=13.990(4) Å, V=2600.6(2) Å3 and Z=8. The structure is composed of bimetallic polar (Sb2S5) units and dimeric (GaS4)2 tetrahedra that share vertexes to form a 1D infinite chains Ga2∞110−, inside which the isolated Y3+ cations and S2– anions. Polycrystalline Y4GaSbS9 shows the weak powder second harmonic generation (SHG) responses of this family, which is about 7.5 times that of the benchmark α-SiO2 in the particle size of 74–106 µm at the laser radiation wavelength of 2050 nm with a non-phase-matchable behavior. In addition, the synthesis, structural characterization, and optical properties as well as theoretical studies are also discussed.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin;Hong Chen;Yu-Jun Zheng;Yu-Kun Chen;Ju-Song Yu
Chemical Communications 2017 vol. 53(Issue 17) pp:2590-2593
Publication Date(Web):2017/02/23
A novel quaternary sulfide, Ba5Cu8In2S12 (1), has been successfully synthesized via a high-temperature solid-state reaction. It contains Cu8S10S4/2 clusters as basic building blocks, which are connected to one another by discrete In3+ ions to generate a 3D copper-rich framework, where the Ba2+ cations reside. Interestingly, such large clusters that are fused by five crystallographically independent Cu sites with three different chemical environments result in the increase of phonon scattering, which is the crucial factor to the exceptionally low lattice thermal conductivity (ca. 0.28 W m−1 K−1 at 773 K) in 1.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin;Jin-Ni Shen;Wei-Wei Zhu;Yi Liu;Xin-Tao Wu;Qi-Long Zhu
Dalton Transactions 2017 vol. 46(Issue 40) pp:13731-13738
Publication Date(Web):2017/10/17
Two novel ternary rare-earth chalcogenides, Yb6Ga4S15 and Lu5GaS9, have been prepared by solid-state reactions of an elemental mixture at high temperatures. Their structures were determined on the basis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Yb6Ga4S15 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/m (no.12) [a = 23.557(2) Å, b = 3.7664(4) Å, c = 12.466(1) Å, β = 90.915(9)°, V = 1105.9(2) Å3 and Z = 2], whereas Lu5GaS9 crystallizes in the triclinic space group P (no.2) [a = 7.735(3) Å, b = 10.033(4) Å, c = 10.120(4) Å, α = 106.296(4)°, β = 100.178(5)°, γ = 101.946(3)°, V = 714.1(5) Å3 and Z = 2]. Both the structures feature complicated three dimensional frameworks with the unique interlinkages of GaS4 as basic building units. Significantly, photo-electrochemical measurements indicated that title compounds were photoresponsive under visible-light illumination. Furthermore, the UV–visible–near IR diffuse reflectance spectra, thermal stabilities, electronic structures, physical properties as well as a structure change trend of the ternary rare-earth/gallium/sulfur compounds have been evaluated.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin;Hong Chen;Yu-Jun Zheng;Ju-Song Yu;Xin-Tao Wu
Dalton Transactions 2017 vol. 46(Issue 24) pp:7714-7721
Publication Date(Web):2017/06/20
Mid- and far-infrared (MFIR) nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals with excellent performances are critical to laser frequency-conversion technology. However, the current commercial MFIR NLO crystals, including AgGaS2 (AGS), AgGaSe2 and ZnGeP2, suffer from certain intrinsic drawbacks and cannot achieve a good balance between large second-harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency and high laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDTs). Herein, we report two new phase-matchable MFIR NLO chalcogenides, specifically RbXSn2Se6 (X = Ga, In), which were successfully synthesized by high-temperature solid-state reactions. The remarkable structural feature of these materials was their 3D diamond-like framework (DLF) stacked by M3Se9 (M = X/Sn) asymmetric building units of vertex-sharing MSe4 tetrahedra along the c axis. Significantly, both of the materials showed the excellent NLO performances with the desired balance between their large SHG efficiencies (4.2 and 4.8 × benchmark AGS) and large LIDTs (8.9 and 8.1 × benchmark AGS), demonstrating that the title compounds meet the crucial conditions as promising MFIR NLO candidates. Furthermore, the crystal structures, synthesis, and theoretical analysis, as well as optical properties are presented herein.
Co-reporter:Peng-Fei Liu;Yan-Yan Li;Yu-Jun Zheng;Ju-Song Yu;Rui-Huan Duan;Hong Chen;Hua Lin;Ling Chen
Dalton Transactions 2017 vol. 46(Issue 8) pp:2715-2721
Publication Date(Web):2017/02/21
Three novel zero-dimensional quaternary chalcohalides, Ba4Ge3S9Cl2, Ba4Si3Se9Cl2 and Ba4Ge3Se9Cl2, which crystallize in the polar noncentrosymmetric space group P63 (no. 173), have been rationally synthesized by a tailored approach on the basis of unique [M3Q9]6− (M = Ge, Q = S; M = Ge/Si, Q = Se) units with Ba2+ cations and Cl− anions occupying the interspaces. The [M3Q9]6− units which consist of three Q-corner-sharing [MQ4]4− tetrahedra, are arranged along the 63 screw axis. Remarkably, Ba4Ge3S9Cl2 exhibits a strong powder second harmonic generation (SHG) response that is 2.4 times that of benchmark AgGaS2 at a laser radiation of 2.05 μm in the same particle size range of 46–74 μm. Furthermore, theoretical studies based on the density functional theory helped to gain insight into the origin of the SHG.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin;Hong Chen;Ni Ma;Yu-Jun Zheng;Jin-Ni Shen;Ju-Song Yu;Xin-Tao Wu
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2017 vol. 4(Issue 8) pp:1273-1280
Publication Date(Web):2017/08/08
In this work, four ternary rare-earth copper tellurides with a general formula RECuTe2 (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) were successfully synthesized by a conventional high-temperature solid-state reaction of the elements. These isostructural materials adopted a known TmCuTe2-structure type and contained a 2D honeycomb-like layer built up from CuTe4 tetrahedral building units along the c-axis, with RE3+ located in layers. Moreover, all of them show a first order structure phase-transition, from the low-temperature-phase (LTP, space group: Pm1) to the high-temperature-phase (HTP, space group: P), due to the Cu atom's re-distribution on the covalent CuTe4-based layer substructure. It is interesting to note the influence of the electronegativity of the constituent rare-earth metals on thermoelectric (TE) properties, e.g., the Seebeck coefficient (S) values decrease while the electrical conductivity (σ) and thermal conductivity (k) values increase with increasing electronegativity for a given RE. Consequently, TbCuTe2 showed the highest dimensionless figure-of-merit ZT value of 1.0 at 750 K in the present RECuTe2 systems, which is a promising TE candidate for medium temperature applications.
Co-reporter:Yan-Yan Li;Jin-Qiu Wang;Peng-Fei Liu;Hua Lin;Ling Chen
RSC Advances (2011-Present) 2017 vol. 7(Issue 14) pp:8082-8089
Publication Date(Web):2017/01/23
A noncentrosymmetric structure is a prerequisite of many important properties, such as ferroelectric, piezoelectric and nonlinear optical properties. The design synthesis of a noncentrosymmetric compound is highly desired but it is a great challenge. Herein, two new quaternary selenides, Ba8Ga2Sn7Se18, 1 and Ba10Ga2Sn9Se22, 2, have been discovered by solid-state reactions. Compound 1 crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group Pnma (no. 62) with a = 12.466 (9) Å, b = 9.358 (6) Å, c = 18.14 (2) Å, V = 2116 (3) Å3, Z = 2; and 2 crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric space group Cmc21 (no. 36) with a = 9.384 (2) Å, b = 44.834 (6) Å, c = 12.416 (2) Å, V = 5224 (2) Å3, Z = 4. The major motif of both 1 and 2 is the [Ga2Sn7Se18]∞16− ladder chain built by alternately jointed GaSe4 tetrahedra and SnSe4 tetragonal pyramids, and to each of these polyhedra, an accessory (SnSe3 pyramid or Sn2Se4 dimer) is attached. Interestingly, the noncentrosymmetric structure of 2 is the combination of centrosymmetric 1 and the imbedded isolated dimeric [Sn2Se4] with a C2v polar symmetry that separates every two such ladder chains. 1 and 2 directly illustrate that a simple combination reaction can drive the centrosymmetric to noncentrosymmetric structural transformation.
Co-reporter:Peng-Fei Liu;Liujiang Zhou;Thomas Frauenheim
Nanoscale (2009-Present) 2017 vol. 9(Issue 3) pp:1007-1013
Publication Date(Web):2017/01/19
Based on first-principles calculations, we predict the existence of the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect in hydrogenated transition-metal nitrides MN2H2 (M = Mo, W), showing high structural stability. MN2H2 monolayers are identified to be intrinsic topological insulators (TIs) with protected Dirac type topological helical edge states, and show robust topological features against the large stretching strain. Besides, sizeable intrinsic nontrivial band gaps (70–124 meV) ensure the QSH effect in MN2H2 at room temperature. The pure d–d band inversion was revealed. More interestingly, the topological phase transition between a QSH phase and a topological semimetallic phase can be induced by applying in-plane strain.
Co-reporter:Rui-Huan Duan;Peng-Fei Liu;Hua Lin;Shang-Xiong Huangfu
Dalton Transactions 2017 vol. 46(Issue 43) pp:14771-14778
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/07
The desirable development of infrared nonlinear optical (IR NLO) materials is to design new compounds which exhibit wide band gaps and strong second harmonic generation (SHG) responses. Herein, we report three new sulfides, Ba4Ga4SnS12 (1), Ba12Sn4S23 (2) and Ba7Sn3S13 (3), with wide band gaps of 2.90, 2.98 and 3.0 eV, respectively, which have been successfully synthesized for the first time. Significantly, compound 1 exhibited a large SHG coefficient (34 × KDP), illustrating a good balance between the band gap and the SHG response. Single crystal X-ray diffraction determined that compound 1 crystallizes in the non-centrosymmetric space group P21c and it was characterized as an interesting kite-shaped linkage motif of ∞[Ga4SnS12]. Compounds 2 and 3 crystallize in the space groups of P21c and Pnma, respectively. In addition, compounds 2 and 3 were characterized as zero-dimensional (0D) structures comprising isolated SnS4 tetrahedra with Ba2+ cations and S2− anions located between them. However, compound 2 contains extra disulfide S22− anions in its isolated structure. Moreover, the theoretical calculations demonstrated that SHG responses for compound 1 could be ascribed to the transitions from S-3p and Ga-4p states to Ba-5d, Ga-4p and Sn-5p states. By analysing the relationship between the structures and properties for Pb4Ga4GeS12-type compounds, it was concluded that site disorder could be an effective way to improve optical properties.
Co-reporter:Hong Chen;Hua Lin;Yi Liu;Xin-Tao Wu
Dalton Transactions 2017 vol. 46(Issue 43) pp:14752-14756
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/07
The chemistry of copper-based chalcogenides has received considerable attention due to their diverse structures and potential applications in the area of thermoelectric (TE) materials. In this communication, a series of spinel-type Cu4Mn2Te4-based samples have been successfully prepared and their high TE performances are attributed to the enhanced power factor and low thermal conductivity via the synergistic effect of Te deficiency and Cl doping. Consequently, a maximum TE figure of merit (ZT) of ∼0.4 was achieved for the Cu4Mn2Te3.93Cl0.03 sample at 700 K, which was about 100% enhanced in comparison with the undoped Cu4Mn2Te4 sample and one of the highest ZT values reported for p-type spinel tellurides.
Co-reporter:Peng-Fei Liu, Liujiang Zhou, Thomas Frauenheim and Li-Ming Wu
Nanoscale 2016 vol. 8(Issue 9) pp:4915-4921
Publication Date(Web):03 Feb 2016
MoS2, one of the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), has gained a lot of attention due to its excellent semiconductor characteristics and potential applications. Here, based on density functional theory methods, we predict a novel 2D QSH insulator in the porous allotrope of monolayer MoS2 (g-MoS2), consisting of MoS2 squares and hexagons. g-MoS2 has a nontrivial gap as large as 109 meV, comparable with previously reported 1T′-MoS2 (80 meV) and so-MoS2 (25 meV). We demonstrate that the origin of the 2D QSH effect in g-MoS2 originates from the pure d–d band inversion, different from the conventional band inversion between s–p, p–p or d–p orbitals. The new polymorph greatly enriches the TMD family and its stabilities are confirmed using phonon spectrum analysis. In particular, its porous structure endows it with the potential for efficient gas separation and energy storage applications.
Co-reporter:Rui-Huan Duan, Ju-Song Yu, Hua Lin, Yu-Jun Zheng, Hua-Jun Zhao, Shang-Xiong Huang-Fu, Muhammad Ali Khan, Ling Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2016 vol. 45(Issue 31) pp:12288-12291
Publication Date(Web):06 Jul 2016
A novel noncentrosysmmetric sulfide, Pb5Ga6ZnS15 (1), was synthesized for the first time. Its crystal structure revealed the presence of [GaS2]−∞ (chain 1, chains of [GaS4]5− tetrahedra) and [Ga4S9]6−∞ (chain 2, chains of T2-supertetrahedra) connected by isolated [ZnS4]6− tetrahedra. Structure correlation with the network constructed solely using chain 1 (Pb4Ga4GeQ12-type) is discussed. Pb5Ga6ZnS15 was calculated to have a suitable static briefringence (Δn) of 0.1137, and a large nonlinear optical susceptibility d31 of 58.32 pm V−1 at a wavelength of 2.05 μm (0.6 eV), much higher than that of the benchmark AgGaS2 (18.14 pm V−1).
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Hong Chen, Ju-Song Yu, Yu-Jun Zheng, Peng-Fei Liu, Muhammad Ali Khan and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2016 vol. 45(Issue 30) pp:11931-11934
Publication Date(Web):27 Jun 2016
CsBi4Te6 is one of the best performing low-temperature thermoelectric (TE) materials. However, it has not received worldwide intensive investigation due to the limitation of synthetic methods. Here we report a new facile approach by not using the reactive Cs metal and the mid-temperature TE properties have been studied for the first time.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Hong Chen, Peng-Fei Liu, Ju-Song Yu, Yu-Jun Zheng, Khan Muhammad Ali, Ling Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2016 vol. 45(Issue 13) pp:5775-5782
Publication Date(Web):17 Feb 2016
Five new quaternary rare-earth selenides, Cs[RE9Cd4Se18] (RE = Tb–Tm), which are the first examples with closed cavities in the quaternary A/RE/Cd/Q (A = alkali metal; RE = rare earth metal; Q = chalcogenide) system, have been synthesized by high-temperature solid state reactions with a modified reactive CsCl flux. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses show that these isostructural materials adopted a known BaV13O18-structure type in the trigonal space group R (no. 148) with cell parameters of a = 17.773(2)–17.489(6) Å, c = 9.918(2)–9.765(5) Å and Z = 3. The structure is composed of MSe6 (centered by disordered RE and Cd) and RESe6 octahedra that share edges to form a 3D framework, inside which the cuboctahedral Se12 closed cavities accommodate Cs cations. It is interesting to note that these compounds exhibit atomic distributions different from the recently reported Mn-compounds Cs[RE9Mn4Se18]. In Cd-compounds, Cd and RE atoms are statistically mixed only at one of the 18f sites; the rest of the RE atoms are fully occupied at the two framework sites: 18f and 3a. Moreover, the theoretical studies have greatly aided the understanding of the site-preference about a Cd atom in the 3D framework. The synthesis, structural characterization, electronic band structure as well as physical properties of the title compounds are also discussed.
Co-reporter:Yao-Dong Song;Qiao-Ling Chen;Fa-Kun Liu
Journal of Molecular Modeling 2016 Volume 22( Issue 1) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2016 January
How do lithium atoms affect the first hyperpolarizability (β0) of boron–nitrogen (BN) edge-doped graphene. In this work, using pentacene as graphene model, Lin@BN-1 edge-doped pentacene and Lin@BN-2 edge-doped pentacene (n = 1, 5) were designed to study this problem. First, two models (BN-1 edge-doped pentacene, and BN-2 edge-doped pentacene ) were formed by doping the BN into the pentacene with different order, and then Li@BN-1 edge-doped pentacene and Li@ BN-2 edge-doped pentacene were obtained by substituting the H atom in BN edge-doped pentacene with a Li atom. The results show that the first hyperpolarizabilities of BN-1 edge-doped pentacene and Li@BN-1 edge-doped pentacene were 4059 a.u. and 6249 a.u., respectively; the first hyperpolarizabilities of BN-2 edge-doped pentacene and Li@BN-2 edge-doped pentacene were 2491 a.u. and 4265 a.u., respectively. The results indicate that the effect of Li substitution is to greatly increase the β0 value. To further enhance the first hyperpolarizability, Li5@ BN-1 edge-doped pentacene and Li5@BN-2 edge-doped pentacene were designed, and were found to exhibit considerably larger first hyperpolarizabilities (β0) (12,112 a.u. and 7921a.u., respectively). This work may inspire further study of the nonlinear properties of BN edge-doped graphene.
Co-reporter:Yao-Dong Song;Liang Wang;Qiao-Ling Chen
Journal of Molecular Modeling 2016 Volume 22( Issue 2) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2016 February
In this paper, we report a study on the structure and first hyperpolarizability of C60Cl2 and C60F2. The calculation results show that the first hyperpolarizabilities of C60Cl2 and C60F2 were 172 au and 249 au, respectively. Compared with the fullerenes, the first hyperpolarizability of C60Cl2 increased from 0 au to 172 au, while the first hyperpolarizability of C60F2 increased from 0 au to 249 au. In order to further increase the first hyperpolarizability of C60Cl2 and C60F2, Li@C60Cl2 and Li@C60F2 were obtained by introducing a lithium atom to C60Cl2 and C60F2. The first hyperpolarizabilities of Li@C60Cl2 and Li@C60F2 were 2589 au and 985 au, representing a 15-fold and 3.9-fold increase, respectively, over those of C60Cl2 and C60F2. The transition energies of four molecules (C60Cl2, Li@C60Cl2, C60F2, Li@C60F2) were calculated, and were found to be 0.17866 au, 0.05229 au, 0.18385 au, and 0.05212 au, respectively. A two-level model explains why the first hyperpolarizability increases for Li@C60Cl2 and Li@C60F2.
Co-reporter:Yong-Fang Shi, Yu-kun Chen, Mei-Chun Chen, Li-Ming Wu, Hua Lin, Liu-Jiang Zhou, and Ling Chen
Chemistry of Materials 2015 Volume 27(Issue 5) pp:1876
Publication Date(Web):February 16, 2015
The well-known polar R3MTQ7 is a large family of noncentrosymmetric chalcogenides, and despite of adopting the same crystal structure type, its members show distinctively different nonlinear optical (NLO) properties, which is quite unusual. Yet, the intrinsic reason remains unknown. Herein, we report the discovery of six new members, La3Ga0.5(Ge0.5/Ga0.5)S7 (1), La3In0.5(Ge0.5/In0.5)S7 (2), Sm3Ga0.5(Ge0.5/Ga0.5)S7 (3), La3In0.33GeS7 (4), Sm3In0.33GeS7 (5), and Gd3In0.33GeS7 (6). Remarkably, polycrystalline 1 and 2 show the strongest second harmonic generation (SHG) of this family, 4.8 and 1.8 times that of the benchmark AgGaS2 at 2.05 μm in the same particle size of 74–106 μm. For the first time we reveal that for the R3MTQ7 family the atomic distribution mainly determines the NLO property, and members showing strong SHG must have a formula of R3M0.5TQ7. Furthermore, we illustrate whether the building unit MS6 octahedron is half occupied (1–3) or one-third occupied (4–6) is total energy driven and charge balance controlled.
Co-reporter:Su-Hua He, Peng-Fei Liu, Zi-Xiong Lin, Guo-Qiang Wang, Ling Chen, Zhao-Xing Wang, Li-Ming Wu
Acta Materialia 2015 Volume 101() pp:16-21
Publication Date(Web):December 2015
Lead-free In4Se3 is a newly established promising middle temperature n-type thermoelectric (TE) material candidate. Series of Yb-substituted In4−xYbxSe3 (x = 0.01–0.09) samples are prepared herein and their TE properties and the structure–property relationship are investigated. Magnetic molar susceptibility measurements indicate that Yb is nonmagnetic. However, the Yb doped samples behave abnormally in transport properties. The unit cell volume variations and the carrier concentration (ne) changes reveal that Yb substitutes the In4+ site when x < 0.05 in the unitcell of In4Se3 and behaves in transport property as an +1 ion leading to a slow ne decrease; differently, Yb substitutes the In35+ sites in the unitcell of In4Se3 when x > 0.05, and behaves as an acceptor leading to a sharp ne decline. These are considered to be attributed to the Fermi level pinning of the f and d orbitals of Yb. Such Yb substitution preference is also supported by our primary formation energy calculation. Besides, the carriers that on the pinning level are highly localized, thus contribute very little to the electrical conductivity, but contribute to some degree to the thermal conductivity as shown by property-temperature plots. In addition, the Yb atoms produce resonate states around EF that enhance the Seebeck coefficient. As a heavy atom, Yb effectively scatter phonons resulting in the thermal conductivity reduction. All these factors together give In3.95Yb0.05Se3 a significant 30% ZT at 703 K relevant to that of the pure In4Se3.
Co-reporter:Yan-Yan Li;Peng-Fei Liu;Lei Hu;Ling Chen;Hua Lin;Liu-Jiang Zhou
Advanced Optical Materials 2015 Volume 3( Issue 7) pp:957-966
Publication Date(Web):
Infrared nonlinear optical (IR NLO) materials are the key materials in the modern laser frequency conversion technology that are widely applied in many fields. Yet, the major issue is lacking of high performance materials with large nonlinear susceptibility and high laser damage threshold, which are two correlated and contradictory parameters. Here, the novel dual ion substitution synergy leads to the discovery of Ba4MGa4Se10Cl2 (M = Zn, 1; Cd, 2; Mn, 3; Cu/Ga, 4; Co, 5; and Fe, 6), crystallizing in the tetragonal . Polycrystalline 1–4 exhibits very strong IR second harmonic generations (SHG). (1: 59×; 2: 52×; 4: 39×; and 3: 30× that of IR benchmark NLO material AgGaS2). Remarkably, the laser-induced damage threshold of 1 is 143.6 MW cm–2, roughly 17 times that of benchmark AgGaS2. These distinguish 1 as a new promising NLO material. In addition, 1, 2, and 4 illustrate the coexistence of NLO and photoluminescence properties. Especially, 3 demonstrate for the first time the coexistence of triple properties (NLO, photoluminescence, and magnetism) in a single crystal structure. The insights of the driving force of the synergetic substitution, SHG origin, and microscopic contributions of the building units open a new route to discovering novel multi-functional NLO materials.
Co-reporter:Yan-Yan Li, Bing-Xuan Li, Ge Zhang, Liu-Jiang Zhou, Hua Lin, Jin-Ni Shen, Cheng-Yi Zhang, Ling Chen, and Li-Ming Wu
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 10) pp:4761-4767
Publication Date(Web):April 30, 2015
The most advanced UV–vis and IR NLO materials are usually borates and chalcogenides, respectively. But thioborates, especially thio-borometalates, are extremely rare. Here, four new such compounds are discovered by solid state reactions representing 0D structures constructed by isolated BQ3 trigonal planes and discrete MQ3 pyramids with Ba2+ cations filling among them, centrosymmetric monoclinic P21/c Ba3(BS3)1.5(MS3)0.5 (M = Sb, Bi) 1, 2 with a = 12.9255(9), 12.946(2) Å; b = 21.139(2), 21.170(2)Å; c = 8.4194(6), 8.4207(8) Å; β = 101.739(5), 101.688(7)°; V = 2252.3(3), 2259.9(3) Å3 and noncentrosymmetric hexagonal P6̅2m Ba3(BQ3)(SbQ3) (Q = S, Se) 3, 4 with a = b = 17.0560(9), 17.720(4) Å; c = 10.9040(9), 11.251(3) Å; V = 2747.1(3), 3060(2) Å3. 3 exhibits the strongest SHG among thioborates that is about three times that of the benchmark AgGaS2 at 2.05 μm. 1 and 3 also show an interesting structure relationship correlated to the size mismatching of the anionic building units that can be controlled by the experimental loading ratio of B:Sb. Syntheses, structure characterizations, and electronic structures based on the density functional theory calculations are reported.
Co-reporter:Hong Chen; Hua Lin; Zi-Xiong Lin; Jin-Ni Shen; Ling Chen
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 3) pp:867-871
Publication Date(Web):November 24, 2014
Thermoelectric (TE) materials are of worldwide interest for energy sustainability through direct waste-heat-to-electricity conversion. Practically, a TE power generator requires a large working temperature gradient; to achieve high efficiency, key TE materials with high ZT values are necessary and, furthermore, their ZT values should decline as little as possible over the imposed temperature range. Unfortunately, sharp ZT declines in all of the known materials are inevitable. Here we found the bulk superionic α-Ag1–xCuSe material exhibits unusual weakly temperature-dependent ZT values in the range of 480–693 K with the smallest ZT–T slope known to date. These result from the Seebeck coefficient balance of the countercontributions of holes and electrons and the weakly temperature-dependent thermal conductivity.
Co-reporter:Shang-Xiong Huang-Fu ;Jin-Ni Shen ; Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Li-Ming Wu
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 27) pp:9809-9815
Publication Date(Web):
A novel type of supertetrahedral connectivity is exhibited by the 72-atom discrete supercubooctahedron in (Cs6Cl)2Cs5[Ga15Ge9Se48] (1), which undergoes both cation and anion exchange, as revealed by unambiguous single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Electronic-structure studies helped to understand the Ge/Ga distribution.
Co-reporter:Jin-Ni Shen, Li-Ming Wu and Yong-Fan Zhang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014 vol. 2(Issue 8) pp:2538-2543
Publication Date(Web):19 Nov 2013
Based on first-principle electronic structure calculations and Boltzmann transport theory, we investigate the composition-dependent thermoelectric properties of germanium/silicon core/shell [110]-oriented nanowires, as well as the surface passivation effects. The results demonstrate that the ZT values depend on the surface structure and the Ge/Si ratio. Significantly, for n-type [110]-Ge/Si core/shell NWs (about 2.6 nm in diameter) ZT = 0.65 at 300 K can be obtained, that is 65 times that of bulk Si, and 1.8 times that of SiNW without the core/shell structure at the same temperature.
Co-reporter:Wen-Juan Huai, Jin-Ni Shen, Hua Lin, Ling Chen, and Li-Ming Wu
Inorganic Chemistry 2014 Volume 53(Issue 11) pp:5575-5580
Publication Date(Web):May 13, 2014
The first sodalite-type telluride, Cs3Cu20Te13, has been successfully synthesized by solid-state reactions. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction data reveal its cubic symmetry and lattice parameters of a = 14.7557(6) Å, V = 3212.8(2) Å3, and Z = 4. The three-dimensional network is constructed by (CuTe)12 tetrakaidecahedra centered by different guest species (either a Cs+ or a Te2–@Cu8 cube) extending in a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell with respect to the conventional sodalite. Density functional theory analysis uncovers the unique feature of the p-type metallic sodalite framework accommodating anionic guest species, which agrees well with the experimental metallic electrical conductivity and Pauli paramagnetism.
Co-reporter:Dr. Hua Lin;Hong Chen;Jin-Ni Shen; Ling Chen; Li-Ming Wu
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 47) pp:15401-15408
Publication Date(Web):
Thermoelectric (TE) materials have continuously attracted interest worldwide owing to their capability of converting heat into electricity. However, discovery and design of new TE material system remains one of the greatest difficulties. A TE material, TmCuTe2, has been designed by a substructure approach and successfully synthesized. The structure mainly features CuTe4-based layers stacking along the c axis that are separated by Tm3+ cations. Such an intrinsic Cu site vacancy structure undergoes a first-order phase transition at around 606 K driven by the energetically favorable uniform Cu atom re-distribution on the covalent CuTe4-based layer substructure, as shown by crystal structure simulations and variable-temperature XRD data. Featured with very low thermal conductivity (ca. 0.6 W m−1 K−1), large Seebeck coefficient (+185 μV K−1), and moderate electrical conductivity (220 S cm−1), TmCuTe2 has a maximum ZT of 0.81 at 745 K, which is nine times higher than the value of 0.09 for binary Cu2Te, thus making it a promising candidate for mid-temperature TE applications. Theoretical studies uncover the electronic structure modifications from the metallic Cu2Te to the narrow gap semiconductor TmCuTe2 that lead to such a remarkable performance enhancement.
Co-reporter:Liu-Jiang Zhou ; Z. F. Hou ; Li-Ming Wu ;Yong-Fan Zhang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014 Volume 118(Issue 48) pp:28055-28062
Publication Date(Web):November 12, 2014
To understand the effect of topological defects on the Li adsorption on graphene, we have performed first-principles calculations to study the adsorption and diffusion of a lithium adatom on graphene with (5, 0)|(3, 3), (2, 1)|(2, 1), and (2, 0)|(2, 0) grain boundaries (GBs). Our results show that the adsorption of a Li adatom on defect-free graphene is endothermic with respect to the bulk Li and the adsorption of a Li adatom on the GBs of graphene is exothermic. In particular, the presence of a (2, 0)|(2, 0) GB leads to a decrease of about 0.92 eV in the adsorption energy of a Li adatom on graphene. This suggests that GBs would significantly enhance the Li adsorption on graphene. In three cases of GBs, the energy barrier for the diffusion of a Li adatom along the boundary is lower than that perpendicular to the boundary, indicating that a Li adatom tends to diffuse along the boundary and to migrate from nonboundary sites toward the boundary zone. The difference charge density and the Bader charge analysis both show there is a significant charge transfer from the Li adatom to its nearest neighboring carbon atoms.
Co-reporter:Zhi-Sheng Lin;Ling Chen;Li-Min Wang;Jing-Tai Zhao
Advanced Materials 2013 Volume 25( Issue 34) pp:4800-4806
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Liu-Jiang Zhou, Yong-Fan Zhang, and Li-Ming Wu
Nano Letters 2013 Volume 13(Issue 11) pp:5431-5436
Publication Date(Web):October 17, 2013
In excitonic solar cells (XSC), power conversion efficiency (PCE) depends critically on the interface band alignment between donor and acceptor materials. Graphene or silicene is not suitable for donor materials due to their semimetallic features (zero band gaps); it is therefore highly desired to open an energy gap in graphene or silicene to extend their application in optoelectronic devices, especially in photovoltaics. In this paper, based on the global particle-swarm optimization algorithm and the density functional theory methods, we predict a novel SiC2 siligraphene (g-SiC2) with a direct band gap of 1.09 eV showing infinite planar geometry, in which Si and C atoms adopt sp2 hybridization and C atoms form delocalized 4 C-domains that are periodically separated by Si atoms. Such a g-SiC2 siligraphene (with a global minimum of energy) is 0.41 eV/atom lower and thermally stabler than the isomeric pt-SiC2 silagraphene containing planar 4-fold coordinated silicon (3000 K vs 1000 K). Interestingly, the derivative (n, 0), (n, n) nanotubes (with diameters greater than 8.0 Å) have band gaps about 1.09 eV, which are independent of the chirality and diameter. Besides, a series of g-SiC2/GaN bilayer and g-SiC2 nanotube/ZnO monolayer XSCs have been proposed, which exhibit considerably high PCEs in the range of 12–20%.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin ; Ling Chen ; Liu-Jiang Zhou
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 135(Issue 34) pp:12914-12921
Publication Date(Web):July 31, 2013
Seven nonlinear optical (NLO) active selenides in the middle IR region, AXII4XIII5Se12 (A = K+–Cs+; XII = Mn2+, Cd2+; XIII = Ga3+, In3+) adopting the KCd4Ga5S12-type structure, have been synthesized by high-temperature solid-state reaction of an elemental mixture with ACl flux. Their three-dimensional network structures are stacked by M9Se24-layers of vertex sharing MSe4 tetrahedra, of which each center is jointly occupied by XII and XIII atoms. Studies suggest that such tetrahedral building units can be regarded as the “multi-functional sites”, on which the Cd2+/Ga3+ pair gives rise to the coexistence of NLO and thermochromic properties, and the Mn2+/In3+ pair leads to the coexistence of NLO and magnetic properties. The density functional theory (DFT) studies and the cutoff-energy-dependent NLO coefficient analyses reveal that such “multi-functional sites” contribute to the origin of the second harmonic generation (SHG) that is ascribed to the electronic transitions from the Se-4p states to the ns, np states of XII and XIII atoms. Remarkably, title compounds show very strong SHG at an incident wavelength of 2.05 μm, roughly 16–40 times that of commercial AgGaS2; among them, ACd4In5Se12 (A = Rb, Cs) represents the strongest SHG among chalcogenides to date.
Co-reporter:Peng Yu ; Li-Ming Wu ; Liu-Jiang Zhou ;Ling Chen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 136(Issue 1) pp:480-487
Publication Date(Web):December 19, 2013
Deep-ultraviolet nonlinear optical (deep-UV NLO) crystals are of worldwide interest for the generation of coherent light with wavelength below 200 nm by the direct second-harmonic generation (SHG) output from solid-state lasers. The unprecedented deep-UV NLO phosphates representing their own structure types, Ba3P3O10Cl (BPOC), Ba3P3O10Br (BPOB), have been discovered, which display moderate powder SHG intensities in type I phase matchable behaviors with a short UV cutoff edge of 180 nm (measured by a single crystal, one of the shortest values among phosphates to date). Insightfully, the geometry and polarization of the C1-P3O105– building unit are affected by the crystal packing. DFT calculations and cutoff energy dependent SHG coefficient analyses reveal that the SHG origin is from the cooperation of asymmetric C1-P3O105– anion, Ba2+ cation, and Cl–/Br– anion.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Jin-Ni Shen, Ling Chen, and Li-Ming Wu
Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 52(Issue 19) pp:10726-10728
Publication Date(Web):September 19, 2013
Dark-red CsMnInTe3 is synthesized by a solid-state approach using CsCl as the reactive flux. This layered compound is constructed by T3 supertetrahedra and crystallizes in the space group C2/c with a = 12.400(7) Å, b = 12.400(7) Å, c = 24.32(2) Å, β = 97.31(2)°, and V = 927.07(6) Å3. The electrostatic interactions cause tilting of the supertetrahedra layers, and the value of the tilting angle is fixed by a structure index, β′ = 180° – arccos(a/4c). Such an index is valid for all of the members in this family known to date.
Co-reporter:Yu-Kun Chen, Mei-Chun Chen, Liu-Jiang Zhou, Ling Chen, and Li-Ming Wu
Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 52(Issue 15) pp:8334-8341
Publication Date(Web):July 12, 2013
Two noncentrosymmetric isostructural compounds Pb4Ga4GeQ12 (Q = S, Se) with their own structure type have been synthesized by solid-state reactions at high temperature. They crystallize in the tetragonal space group P4̅21c (No. 114) with a = 12.673(2) Å and c = 6.128(2) Å, and a = 13.064(7) Å and c = 6.310(5) Å, respectively, and Z = 2. The major structure motif features a three-dimensional framework constructed by chains of GaQ4 tetrahedra that are interconnected by separated GeQ4 tetrahedra at regular intervals. Interestingly, such a [Ga4GeQ12]8- framework is flexible to allow the addition of Ag+ or Li+ to occupy the embedded A- or B-type of vacancies to generate the previously reported [AgGa5Q12]7- or [LiGa5Q12]7– interstitial compounds without symmetry breaking. The title compounds (Q = S, Se) have optical band gaps of 2.35 and 1.91 eV, respectively, and wide IR transparent regions of 0.80–22.5 and 0.75–22.5 μm, respectively. Significantly, the powder Pb4Ga4GeSe12 sample exhibits a strong second-harmonic-generation (SHG) response that is ∼2 times that of the benchmark AgGaS2 at a laser radiation of 2.05 μm with a non phase-matchable behavior. The calculated d36 coefficient agrees well with the experimental observation. The density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest that the SHG response originates from the electronic transitions from Se 4p states to Pb 6p, Ga 4p, and Ge 4p states.
Co-reporter:Xiu-Li Wang ; Yi-Zhi Huang
Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 52(Issue 1) pp:9-11
Publication Date(Web):December 18, 2012
Five iodine boracites, M3B7O13I (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cd), have been synthesized by reactions of metal oxide, B2O3, element B, and I2 at intermediate temperature above 350 °C. Powder X-ray diffraction analyses verify the identities and purity of the products, which are also confirmed by magnetic property measurement. Except safe, cheap, and convenient, this novel method is significantly flexible in the selection of the starting metal oxide. The influence of the reaction temperature and time has also been studied.
Co-reporter:Yong-Fang Shi ; Yue Wang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013 Volume 117(Issue 39) pp:20054-20059
Publication Date(Web):September 9, 2013
Bulk MIn2S4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co) only have a thermodynamically stable cubic phase known to date. In this paper, new hexagonal phases (MnIn2S4, FeIn2S4, CoIn2S4) are first discovered as nano petals of microsphere flowers by a solventless method. As the anneal temperature increases, the hexagonal to cubic phase transformation for MnIn2S4 and FeIn2S4 has been observed. The theoretical analyses imply that such a phase transition can be explained by the competition between the proportions of the surface energy and the bulk-phase energy to the total energy. These results also explain clearly why the novel hexagonal MIn2S4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co) phase is only stable as nanometer-scale structures.
Co-reporter:Wen-Qiang Hu, Yong-Fang Shi, and Li-Ming Wu
Crystal Growth & Design 2012 Volume 12(Issue 7) pp:3458-3464
Publication Date(Web):May 24, 2012
Orthorhombic Ag8SnS6 submicropyramids with high surface energy have been synthesized by the solventless method. The four outer surfaces are (4̅11), (112), (211̅) and (41̅3) lattice planes according to scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, high resolution TEM, fast Fourier transform analyses, and angle measurements. Such morphology agrees well with the crystallographic symmetry requirement of the space group Pna21 of orthorhombic Ag8SnS6. Effects of polar washing solvent, reaction temperature, and time that influence the morphology are systematically investigated. Interestingly, the as-synthesized Ag8SnS6 submicropyramids exhibit superior photocatalytic activity to commercial P25 TiO2 under visible light, which may owe to the high surface energy.
Co-reporter:Yue Wang, Yong-Fang Shi, Yu-Biao Chen, Li-Ming Wu
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2012 Volume 191() pp:19-26
Publication Date(Web):July 2012
Porous submicro-structures of Ag, Pd, Cu, Ni, and Bi with high surface area have been prepared by the reduction of hydrazine in glycerol–ethanol solution at room temperature or 120–180 °C. Phase purity, morphology, and specific surface area have been characterized. The reactions probably undergo three different mechanisms: simple reduction for Ag and Pd, coordination-then-reduction for Cu and Ni, and hydrolysis-then-reduction for Bi. The reductant hydrazine also plays an important role to the formation of the porous submicro-structure. The reaction temperature influences the size of the constituent particles and the overall architecture of the submicro-structure so as to influence the surface area value. The as-prepared porous metals have shown the second largest surface area ever reported, which are smaller than those made by the reduction of NaBH4, but larger than those made by hard or soft template methods.Graphical abstractPorous submicro-structures of Ag, Pd, Cu, Ni, and Bi with high surface area have been prepared by the reduction of hydrazine in the glycerol–ethanol solution at room temperature or 120–180 °C. The reactions undergo different mechanisms: simple reduction for Ag and Pd, coordination-then-reduction for Cu and Ni, and hydrolysis-then-reduction for Bi.Highlights► Syntheses of porous Ag, Pd, Cu, Ni, and Bi with high surface area. ► Ag and Pd undergo simple reduction. ► Cu and Ni undergo coordination-then-reduction. ► Bi undergoes hydrolysis-then-reduction. ► The as-prepared metals have shown the second largest surface area ever reported.
Co-reporter:Liu-Jiang Zhou, Ling Chen, Jun-Qian Li, Li-Ming Wu
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2012 Volume 195() pp:166-171
Publication Date(Web):November 2012
Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been performed on electronic structures of 11 middle-infrared (mid-IR) nonlinear optical quaternary sulfides: Ln4GaSbS9 (Ln=Ce–Nd, Sm, Gd–Tm, Lu). Our results show that Ln4GaSbS9 are indirect gap semiconductors with a slight band gap increase from Ce to Lu. Their linear optical properties, including refractive index, absorption coefficient and energy loss function, as well as the nonlinear optical coefficients including static d31, d32, d33 and dynamic d32, are calculated. More importantly, the strong SHG response of Ln4GaSbS9 can be attributed to the electronic transitions from S 3p states in valence bands (VB) to Sb–S and Ln–S antibonding states (CB).Graphical AbstractDensity functional theory (DFT) calculations on Ln4GaSbS9 reveal their linear optical properties, including refractive index, adsorption coefficient and energy loss function, the nonlinear optical coefficients including static d31, d32, d33 and dynamic d32, as well as the origins of the strong SHG response.Highlights► First-principles studies on a newly discovered NLO active family Ln4GaSbS9. ► Reports static SHG coefficients (d31, d32, d33) and dynamic d32. ► Reveals the origin of the strong SHG response.
Co-reporter:Liu-Jiang Zhou, Z. F. Hou, and Li-Ming Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012 Volume 116(Issue 41) pp:21780-21787
Publication Date(Web):September 24, 2012
To understand the effect of point defects on the Li adsorption on graphene, we have studied the adsorption and diffusion of lithium on graphene with divacancy and Stone–Wales defect using the first-principles calculations. Our results show that in the presence of divacancy Li adatom energetically prefers the hollow site above the center of an octagonal ring rather than the top sites of carbon atoms next to vacancy site. In the case of Stone–Wales defect, Li atom is energetically favorable to be adsorbed on the top site of carbon atom in a pentagonal ring shared with two hexagonal rings, and such adsorption results in a bucking of graphene sheet. For divacancy and Stone–Wales defects in graphene, their interactions with a Li adatom are attractive, suggesting that the presence of point defects would enhance the Li adsorption on graphene. The difference charge density and the Bader charge analysis both show that there is a significant charge transfer from Li adatom to it nearest neighbor carbon atoms.
Co-reporter:Yue Wang, Jing Chen, Ling Chen, Yu-Biao Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Crystal Growth & Design 2010 Volume 10(Issue 4) pp:1578-1584
Publication Date(Web):March 18, 2010
Novel nano Bi spheres and hexagonal disks have been synthesized via the thermolysis of a bismuth-thiolate precursor in a mild solventless condition with the help of capping reagents that have shown an isotropic or anisotropic absorption tendency on the Bi crystal faces. Various techniques such as X-ray diffraction, electron dispersive spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, and atomic force microscopy have been used to characterize the purity, composition, and morphology of the nanoproducts. The experiments also reveal size dependencies based on thermolysis temperature and annealing time of both disks and spheres. In addition, the reactant molar ratio also affects the morphology. Finally, a possible growth mechanism has been proposed, and the as-synthesized disks and spheres have exhibited different UV−vis absorption spectra.
Co-reporter:Peng Li, Long-Hua Li, Ling Chen, Li-Ming Wu
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2010 Volume 183(Issue 2) pp:444-450
Publication Date(Web):February 2010
New ternary β-LaGaS3 has been synthesized from the stoichiometric mixture of elements by a conventional solid-state reaction at 1100 °C and annealed at 820 °C. This compound represents a new structure type that crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric orthorhombic space group Pna21 (No.33) with a=10.405(1) Å, b=21.984(2) Å, c=6.0565(5) Å, and Z=12, and features the wavy GaS4 tetrahedron chains that are separated by La3+ cations. Detailed structural differences between the title compound and its isomer, monoclinic α-LaGaS3, are discussed. With the aid of WIEN2k package, the absorption spectra and electronic structures as well as the refractive indexes, absorption coefficients and reflectivities of two types of LaGaS3 have been calculated. The calculated band gap and the absorption edge of β-LaGaS3 agree well with the experimental measurements. And a weak NLO response of β-LaGaS3 has been detected.New non-centrosymmeteic ternary lanthanum gallium sulfide, β-LaGaS3, features the wavy GaS4 tetrahedron chains that are separated by La3+ cations has been synthesized by a solid state reaction. Such an orthorhombic β-LaGaS3 is isomeric with the monoclinic α-LaGaS3. Detailed structural differences between the title compound and its isomer, monoclinic α-LaGaS3, are discussed. The absorption spectra and electronic structures of both types of LaGaS3 have been calculated with the aid of WIEN2k package as well as the refractive indexes, absorption coefficients and reflectivities. The calculated band gap and absorption edge of β-LaGaS3 agree well with the experimental measurements. And a weak NLO response of β-LaGaS3 has been detected.
Co-reporter:Fang Fang, Ling Chen, Yu-Biao Chen and Li-Ming Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010 Volume 114(Issue 6) pp:2393-2397
Publication Date(Web):January 27, 2010
Homogeneous ZnIn2S4 nano/micropeony of about 1.94 μm in diameter (σ = 9.7%) with petals of ∼10 nm in thickness has been synthesized by a solventhermal method. HRTEM and SAED analyses indicate that the growth of the petal is in ab plane, and such an orientation has also been revealed by the intensity ratio of 006/110 XRD diffractions of the peonies. The ternary ZnIn2S4 phase has been converted from the binary ZnS under the experimental condition; such a conversion can be realized in the range of 155−180 °C. The peony morphology is thought to be the result of the equilibrium of the anisotropic lamella-growth controlled by the capping reagent OTC and the isotropic dentrite-growth controlled by the dynamic Ostwald ripening process. The influence of reaction temperature, reaction time, and solvent are also discussed. The band gaps of samples are measured. The as-synthesized ZnIn2S4 peonies so exhibit an efficient photodegradation of methylene blue under visible light.
Co-reporter:Yue Wang, Jing Chen, Peng Wang, Ling Chen, Yu-Biao Chen and Li-Ming Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009 Volume 113(Issue 36) pp:16009-16014
Publication Date(Web):August 13, 2009
Uniform Bi2S3 nanorods growing along [001] have been synthesized from the precursor of Bi[S2CN(C8H17)2]3 by two different approaches: solventless and solvothermal methods. The structure, morphology, and formation process of the nanorods have been investigated by SEM, TEM, HRTEM, XRD, and EDX analyses. The growth direction is intrinsically governed by the crystal structure motif and the high surface energy of the (001) plane of orthorhombic Bi2S3 according to the CASTEP calculations. Besides, some important factors that influence the growth of Bi2S3 nanorods, such as the length of alkyl group in the precursor and the reaction temperature are investigated. The optical band gap of the as-synthesized Bi2S3 nanorods is measured to be 1.50 eV indicating a slightly blue shift owing to the quantum size effect.
Co-reporter:Long-Hua Li, Ling Chen, Jun-Qian Li and Li-Ming Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009 Volume 113(Issue 34) pp:15384-15389
Publication Date(Web):August 5, 2009
Bulk CaB6 has been previously studied by GW, sX-LDA, and WDA, which consume great computer resources and give some inconsistent results. Here, we present a study on the structure and electronic properties of bulk CaB6 utilizing an improved exchange−correlation functional, Hamprecht−Cohen−Tozer−Handy, within the framework of DFT. This new method generates compatible band gap with the above-mentioned methods and consumes much fewer computer resources. Our calculated positional parameter z agrees well with the latest experimental value. As a second example of this new method, CaB6 nanowires are designed for the possible electronic and field emission applications. The geometry and length effect of CaB6 nanowires are investigated under the electric field. Our results suggest that CaB6 nanowires may be an alternative field emission electron source material.
Co-reporter:Long-Hua Li, Ling Chen, Li-Ming Wu and Jun-Qian Li
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009 Volume 113(Issue 11) pp:4321-4326
Publication Date(Web):2017-2-22
The geometric and electronic structures of the coaxial nanocables of [GaNNW/(n,n)BNNT], n = 10, 12, 14 (GaN nanowire (GaNNW) as core and armchair (n,n)BN nanotube (BNNT) as sheath), are investigated by density functional theory. The geometry optimization and stability calculations show that between the GaNNW core and the BNNT sheath an interval is necessary to maintain the stability. Our calculated band gaps of [GaNNW/BNNT], individual GaNNW, and individual BNNT, as well as the optimized bond lengths, are comparable with the corresponding experimental values. Although [GaNNW/(12,12)BNNT] exhibits type II localization, the main components of the valence band maximum (VBM) can be changed from the shell to the core by the introduction of the Al dopant in the core. The thus-generated type I [Ga1−xAlxNNW/(12,12)BNNT] cables are energetically favorable when x ≥ 1/3.
Co-reporter:Yi-Zhi Huang ; Ling Chen
Inorganic Chemistry 2008 Volume 47(Issue 22) pp:10723-10728
Publication Date(Web):October 15, 2008
The submicrosized ZnE rods, ZnO/ZnE cables, and ZnE tubes (E = S, Se, Te) have been synthesized via exterior-to-interior boron-chalcogen corrosions on the initial ZnO rods. The products are well characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, and elemental analyses. The morphologies of both ZnE rods and ZnO/ZnE cables are roughly comparable to that of ZnO. The measured optical gaps of the ZnE rods are in agreement with those of the corresponding bulk materials, and the ZnO/ZnE cables exhibit type-I excitonic localization that is restrained in the region of the narrower band gap component.
Co-reporter:Yi Liu, Ling Chen, Long-Hua Li and Li-Ming Wu, Oksana Ya. Zelinska and Arthur Mar
Inorganic Chemistry 2008 Volume 47(Issue 24) pp:11930-11941
Publication Date(Web):November 11, 2008
A new series of isostructural ternary rare-earth zinc antimonides RE6Zn1+xSb14+y (RE = Pr, Sm, Gd−Ho) has been obtained by direct reaction of the elements at 1050−1100 °C. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies revealed that these compounds adopt an orthorhombic structure type (space group Immm (no. 71), Z = 2, a = 4.28−4.11 Å, b = 15.15−14.73 Å, c = 19.13−18.56 Å in the progression from RE = Pr to Ho) that may be regarded as stuffed variants of a (U0.5Ho0.5)3Sb7-type host structure. Columns of face-sharing RE6 trigonal prisms, centered by Sb atoms, occupy channels defined by an extensive polyanionic Sb network. This network is constructed from three-atom-wide and four-atom-wide Sb strips, the latter being linked together by single Sb atoms in RE6Zn1+xSb14 (RE = Sm, Gd−Ho; y = 0), but also by additional Sb−Sb pairs in a disordered fashion in Pr6Zn1+xSb14+y (y = ∼0.6). Interstitial Zn atoms then partially fill tetrahedral sites (occupancy of 0.5−0.7) and, to a lesser extent, square pyramidal sites (occupancy of 0.04−0.12), accounting for the observed nonstoichiometry with variable x. Except for the Gd member, these compounds undergo antiferromagnetic ordering below TN < 9 K, with the magnetic susceptibilities of the Tb, Dy, and Ho members following the Curie−Weiss law above TN. For the Ho member, the thermal conductivities are low and the Seebeck coefficients are small and positive, implying p-type character consistent with the occurrence of partial Zn occupancies. At low temperatures (down to 5 K), electrical resistivity measurements for the Tb, Dy, and Ho members indicated metallic behavior, which persists at high temperatures (up to 560 K) for the Ho member. Band structure calculations on an idealized “Gd6Zn2Sb14” model revealed the existence of a pseudogap near the Fermi level.
Co-reporter:Yu-Biao Chen, Ling Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Crystal Growth & Design 2008 Volume 8(Issue 8) pp:2736
Publication Date(Web):June 27, 2008
Homogeneous inorganic core−shell microspheres made from hexagonal CuS are synthesized via thermolysis of Cu(R2dtc)2 (R = octyl, dtc = dithiocarbamate) precursor at 130−180 °C under N2 flow, optimally at 180 °C for 0.5 h. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses indicate that the core−shell microspheres have an average diameter of 1.74 μm (σ = ±12.7%) with a shell thickness of about 225 nm. Their formation is induced by the small amount of water in the precursor. A tentative formation mechanism is speculated. Interestingly, the as-made cupric sulfide CuS microspheres undergo a reduction to tetragonal cuprous sulfide Cu2S microspheres without morphology changes via solid-state annealing at 400 °C under N2 atmosphere. The microspheres made over 400−700 °C are invariably tetragonal Cu2S phase.
Co-reporter:Yi-Zhi Huang, Ling Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Crystal Growth & Design 2008 Volume 8(Issue 2) pp:739
Publication Date(Web):January 11, 2008
Three different kinds of pure-phase nanowires of Ln2O2S, Ln2O2S2, and LnS2 with diameters of several tens of nanometers, ∼20 nm for the La-series and ∼30 nm for the Nd-series, and lengths of up to several micrometers have been successfully converted from the same starting Ln(OH)3 (Ln = La or Nd) nanowires via a boron-sulfur method under mild conditions, 400–500 °C for 10 min or 24 h. The identity of the product is controlled by the reaction stoichiometry. The commercial red phosphor, La2O2S:Eu3+, that emits at 623 nm has also been obtained in the form of nanowires by this method. Such conversions are processes by which the morphology of the starting Ln(OH)3 is well preserved. The phase characterizations and morphologies of the nanowires, key parameters of the synthetic conditions, the postulated conversion mechanism, and the luminescence properties are reported.
Co-reporter:Long-Hua Li, Jun-Qian Li, Li-Ming Wu
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2008 Volume 181(Issue 9) pp:2462-2468
Publication Date(Web):September 2008
The electronic structures of three wurtzite type isostructural compounds LiBSe2 (B=Al, Ga, In) are studied by the density functional theory (DFT). The results reveal that the presence of Li cations has direct influence on neither the band gaps (Eg) nor the bonding levels, but plays an important role in the stabilization of the structures. The band structures and densities of states (DOS) are analyzed in detail, and the band gaps of LiBSe2 adhere to the following trend Eg(LiAlSe2)>Eg(LiGaSe2)>Eg(LiInSe2), which is in agreement with the decrease of the bond energy of the corresponding Se 4p–B s antibonding orbitals. The role of the active s electrons of B element on the band gaps is also discussed. Finally, the optical properties are predicted, and the results would be a guide to understand the experiments.The electronic structures and optical properties of wurtzite type LiBSe2 (B=Al, Ga, In) have been studied by the DFT calculations. And the correlation of the electronegative of B element and the band gap decrease-trend are discussed. The comparison between different calculation methods and the experimental results is presented.
Co-reporter:Yu-Biao Chen Dr.;Ling Chen Dr.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2008 Volume 14( Issue 35) pp:11069-11075
Publication Date(Web):
Uniform Cu2S nanodisks have been synthesized from a well-characterized layered copper thiolate precursor by structure-controlling solventless thermolysis at 200–220 °C under a N2 atmosphere. The development from small Cu2S nanoparticles (diameter ≈3 nm) to nanodisks (diameter 8.3 nm) and then to faceted nanodisks (diameter 27.5 nm, thickness 12.7 nm) is accompanied by a continuous phase transition from metastable orthorhombic to monoclinic Cu2S, the ripening of small particles by aggregation, and finally the crystallization process. The growth of the nanoproduct is constrained by the crystal structure of the precursor and the in situ-generated thiol molecules. Such controlled anisotropic growth leads to a nearly constant thickness of faceted nanodisks with different diameters, which has been confirmed by TEM observations and optical absorption measurements.
Co-reporter:Yao-Dong Song, Liang Wang, Li-Ming Wu
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (April 2017) Volume 135() pp:139-152
Publication Date(Web):1 April 2017
How do the alkali metal atoms affect electronic structure and the first hyperpolarizability (β0) of C24N24 nanocage. In this work, Mout@C24N24 (M = Li, Na, K) and Mint@C24N24 (M = Na, K) were designed and investigated in theory using density functional theory. First, two models (Mout@C24N24 and Mint@C24N24) is formed by introduction the alkali metal atoms into the C24N24 nanocage with different doping sites, the center of four nitrogen atoms and encapsulated into C24N24 nanocage. It is revealed that energy gap Egap of Mout@C24N24 and Mint@C24N24 decreased obviously in contrast to C24N24 cage due to alkali metal atoms effect. Furthermore, introduction the alkali atoms lead to Mout@C24N24 and Mint@C24N24 exhibiting considerable first hyperpolarizabilities, which were 1242, 650, 1065 au for Mout@C24N24 (M = Li, Na, K), and 4772, 106 au for Mint@C24N24 (M = Na, K), respectively. It is clearly that introduction Li over the center of four nitrogen atoms get large first hyperpolarizabilities for Mout@C24N24 (M = Li, Na, K), while the different situation is obtained for Mint@C24N24 (M = Na, K), where introduction Na atom can obtain large first hyperpolarizabilities.
Co-reporter:Peng-Fei Liu, Liujiang Zhou, Thomas Frauenheim and Li-Ming Wu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 - vol. 18(Issue 44) pp:NaN30384-30384
Publication Date(Web):2016/10/13
Based on density functional calculations and a global particle-swarm optimization method, a novel Mg3N2 monolayer (g-Mg3N2) with a hexagonal lattice was firstly predicted, displaying an intrinsic direct band gap of 1.86 eV, close to that (1.90 eV) of a MoS2 monolayer. In the infinite planar geometry, each N atom adopts sp2 hybridization with three Mg atoms and each Mg atom as a 2-fold coordinated “bridge” enables the stable bonding with two N atoms. Such a g-Mg3N2 sheet is not only dynamically stable, but also can withstand temperatures up to 2000 K. Importantly, the intrinsic acoustic-phonon-limited carrier mobility of the g-Mg3N2 sheet can reach ∼103 cm2 V−1 s−1 for electrons and ∼433 cm2 V−1 s−1 for holes under ambient conditions, higher than that (60–200 cm2 V−1 s−1) of MoS2 and comparable to that (∼103 cm2 V−1 s−1) of few-layer phosphorene. In particular, the derivative nanotubes have direct band gaps, independent of chirality and radius. The versatility of g-Mg3N2 and its derivatives is expected to possess a broad range of applications in FET devices.
Co-reporter:Jin-Ni Shen, Li-Ming Wu and Yong-Fan Zhang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014 - vol. 2(Issue 8) pp:NaN2543-2543
Publication Date(Web):2013/11/19
Based on first-principle electronic structure calculations and Boltzmann transport theory, we investigate the composition-dependent thermoelectric properties of germanium/silicon core/shell [110]-oriented nanowires, as well as the surface passivation effects. The results demonstrate that the ZT values depend on the surface structure and the Ge/Si ratio. Significantly, for n-type [110]-Ge/Si core/shell NWs (about 2.6 nm in diameter) ZT = 0.65 at 300 K can be obtained, that is 65 times that of bulk Si, and 1.8 times that of SiNW without the core/shell structure at the same temperature.
Co-reporter:Rui-Huan Duan, Ju-Song Yu, Hua Lin, Yu-Jun Zheng, Hua-Jun Zhao, Shang-Xiong Huang-Fu, Muhammad Ali Khan, Ling Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2016 - vol. 45(Issue 31) pp:NaN12291-12291
Publication Date(Web):2016/07/06
A novel noncentrosysmmetric sulfide, Pb5Ga6ZnS15 (1), was synthesized for the first time. Its crystal structure revealed the presence of [GaS2]−∞ (chain 1, chains of [GaS4]5− tetrahedra) and [Ga4S9]6−∞ (chain 2, chains of T2-supertetrahedra) connected by isolated [ZnS4]6− tetrahedra. Structure correlation with the network constructed solely using chain 1 (Pb4Ga4GeQ12-type) is discussed. Pb5Ga6ZnS15 was calculated to have a suitable static briefringence (Δn) of 0.1137, and a large nonlinear optical susceptibility d31 of 58.32 pm V−1 at a wavelength of 2.05 μm (0.6 eV), much higher than that of the benchmark AgGaS2 (18.14 pm V−1).
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Hong Chen, Peng-Fei Liu, Ju-Song Yu, Yu-Jun Zheng, Khan Muhammad Ali, Ling Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2016 - vol. 45(Issue 13) pp:NaN5782-5782
Publication Date(Web):2016/02/17
Five new quaternary rare-earth selenides, Cs[RE9Cd4Se18] (RE = Tb–Tm), which are the first examples with closed cavities in the quaternary A/RE/Cd/Q (A = alkali metal; RE = rare earth metal; Q = chalcogenide) system, have been synthesized by high-temperature solid state reactions with a modified reactive CsCl flux. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses show that these isostructural materials adopted a known BaV13O18-structure type in the trigonal space group R (no. 148) with cell parameters of a = 17.773(2)–17.489(6) Å, c = 9.918(2)–9.765(5) Å and Z = 3. The structure is composed of MSe6 (centered by disordered RE and Cd) and RESe6 octahedra that share edges to form a 3D framework, inside which the cuboctahedral Se12 closed cavities accommodate Cs cations. It is interesting to note that these compounds exhibit atomic distributions different from the recently reported Mn-compounds Cs[RE9Mn4Se18]. In Cd-compounds, Cd and RE atoms are statistically mixed only at one of the 18f sites; the rest of the RE atoms are fully occupied at the two framework sites: 18f and 3a. Moreover, the theoretical studies have greatly aided the understanding of the site-preference about a Cd atom in the 3D framework. The synthesis, structural characterization, electronic band structure as well as physical properties of the title compounds are also discussed.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Hong Chen, Yu-Jun Zheng, Ju-Song Yu and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2016 - vol. 45(Issue 44) pp:NaN17609-17609
Publication Date(Web):2016/10/13
The discovery of novel materials with very low thermal conductivity is paramount to improving the efficiency of thermoelectric devices. Here we present a series of quaternary semiconducting tellurides AXII4XIII5Te12 (A = Rb, Cs; XII = Mn, Zn, Cd; XIII = Ga, In) with three-dimensional (3D) diamond-like frameworks (DLFs) and they exhibit a very low thermal conductivity (ca. 0.26–0.42 W m−1 K−1) around 800 K.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Hong Chen, Yu-Jun Zheng, Yu-Kun Chen, Ju-Song Yu and Li-Ming Wu
Chemical Communications 2017 - vol. 53(Issue 17) pp:NaN2593-2593
Publication Date(Web):2017/01/31
A novel quaternary sulfide, Ba5Cu8In2S12 (1), has been successfully synthesized via a high-temperature solid-state reaction. It contains Cu8S10S4/2 clusters as basic building blocks, which are connected to one another by discrete In3+ ions to generate a 3D copper-rich framework, where the Ba2+ cations reside. Interestingly, such large clusters that are fused by five crystallographically independent Cu sites with three different chemical environments result in the increase of phonon scattering, which is the crucial factor to the exceptionally low lattice thermal conductivity (ca. 0.28 W m−1 K−1 at 773 K) in 1.
Co-reporter:Peng-Fei Liu, Yan-Yan Li, Yu-Jun Zheng, Ju-Song Yu, Rui-Huan Duan, Hong Chen, Hua Lin, Ling Chen and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2017 - vol. 46(Issue 8) pp:NaN2721-2721
Publication Date(Web):2017/01/27
Three novel zero-dimensional quaternary chalcohalides, Ba4Ge3S9Cl2, Ba4Si3Se9Cl2 and Ba4Ge3Se9Cl2, which crystallize in the polar noncentrosymmetric space group P63 (no. 173), have been rationally synthesized by a tailored approach on the basis of unique [M3Q9]6− (M = Ge, Q = S; M = Ge/Si, Q = Se) units with Ba2+ cations and Cl− anions occupying the interspaces. The [M3Q9]6− units which consist of three Q-corner-sharing [MQ4]4− tetrahedra, are arranged along the 63 screw axis. Remarkably, Ba4Ge3S9Cl2 exhibits a strong powder second harmonic generation (SHG) response that is 2.4 times that of benchmark AgGaS2 at a laser radiation of 2.05 μm in the same particle size range of 46–74 μm. Furthermore, theoretical studies based on the density functional theory helped to gain insight into the origin of the SHG.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Hong Chen, Yu-Jun Zheng, Ju-Song Yu, Xin-Tao Wu and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2017 - vol. 46(Issue 24) pp:NaN7721-7721
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/10
Mid- and far-infrared (MFIR) nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals with excellent performances are critical to laser frequency-conversion technology. However, the current commercial MFIR NLO crystals, including AgGaS2 (AGS), AgGaSe2 and ZnGeP2, suffer from certain intrinsic drawbacks and cannot achieve a good balance between large second-harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency and high laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDTs). Herein, we report two new phase-matchable MFIR NLO chalcogenides, specifically RbXSn2Se6 (X = Ga, In), which were successfully synthesized by high-temperature solid-state reactions. The remarkable structural feature of these materials was their 3D diamond-like framework (DLF) stacked by M3Se9 (M = X/Sn) asymmetric building units of vertex-sharing MSe4 tetrahedra along the c axis. Significantly, both of the materials showed the excellent NLO performances with the desired balance between their large SHG efficiencies (4.2 and 4.8 × benchmark AGS) and large LIDTs (8.9 and 8.1 × benchmark AGS), demonstrating that the title compounds meet the crucial conditions as promising MFIR NLO candidates. Furthermore, the crystal structures, synthesis, and theoretical analysis, as well as optical properties are presented herein.
Co-reporter:Hua Lin, Hong Chen, Ju-Song Yu, Yu-Jun Zheng, Peng-Fei Liu, Muhammad Ali Khan and Li-Ming Wu
Dalton Transactions 2016 - vol. 45(Issue 30) pp:NaN11934-11934
Publication Date(Web):2016/06/27
CsBi4Te6 is one of the best performing low-temperature thermoelectric (TE) materials. However, it has not received worldwide intensive investigation due to the limitation of synthetic methods. Here we report a new facile approach by not using the reactive Cs metal and the mid-temperature TE properties have been studied for the first time.