Co-reporter:David A. Leigh, Vanesa Marcos, Tugrul Nalbantoglu, Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal, F. Tuba Yasar, and Xiaokang Zhu
Journal of the American Chemical Society May 24, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 20) pp:7104-7104
Publication Date(Web):May 4, 2017
We report on rotaxanes featuring a pyridyl-acyl hydrazone moiety on the axle as a photo/thermal-switchable macrocycle binding site. The pyridyl-acyl E-hydrazone acts as a hydrogen bonding template that directs the assembly of a benzylic amide macrocycle around the axle to form [2]rotaxanes in up to 85% yield; the corresponding Z-hydrazone thread affords no rotaxane under similar conditions. However, the E-rotaxane can be smoothly converted into the Z-rotaxane in 98% yield under UV irradiation. The X-ray crystal structures of the E- and Z-rotaxanes show different intercomponent hydrogen bonding patterns. In molecular shuttles containing pyridyl-acyl hydrazone and succinic amide ester binding sites, the change of position of the macrocycle on the thread can be achieved through a series of light irradiation and heating cycles with excellent positional integrity (>95%) and switching fidelity (98%) in each state.
Co-reporter:Guillaume De Bo, Guillaume Dolphijn, Charlie T. McTernan, and David A. Leigh
Journal of the American Chemical Society June 28, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 25) pp:8455-8455
Publication Date(Web):June 16, 2017
We report on the synthesis of [2]rotaxanes driven by stabilization of the axle-forming transition state. A bifunctional macrocycle, with hydrogen bond donors at one end and acceptors at the other, is used to stabilize the charges that develop during the addition of a primary amine to a cyclic sulfate.
Co-reporter:Katarzyna Eichstaedt, Javier Jaramillo-Garcia, David A. Leigh, Vanesa Marcos, Simone Pisano, and Thomas A. Singleton
Journal of the American Chemical Society July 12, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 27) pp:9376-9376
Publication Date(Web):June 19, 2017
The “off” state for aminocatalysis by a switchable [2]rotaxane is shown to correspond to an “on” state for anion-binding catalysis. Conversely, the aminocatalysis “on” state of the dual-function rotaxane is inactive in anion-binding catalysis. Switching between the different states is achieved through the stimuli-induced change of position of the macrocycle on the rotaxane thread. The anion-binding catalysis results from a pair of triazolium groups that act together to CH-hydrogen-bond to halide anions when the macrocycle is located on an alternative (ammonium) binding site, stabilizing the in situ generation of benzhydryl cation and oxonium ion intermediates from activated alkyl halides. The aminocatalysis and anion-binding catalysis sites of the dual-function rotaxane catalyst can be sequentially concealed or revealed, enabling catalysis of both steps of a tandem reaction process.
Co-reporter:Guillaume De Bo, Malcolm A. Y. Gall, Matthew O. Kitching, Sonja Kuschel, David A. Leigh, Daniel J. Tetlow, and John W. Ward
Journal of the American Chemical Society August 9, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 31) pp:10875-10875
Publication Date(Web):July 19, 2017
We report on the synthesis and operation of a three-barrier, rotaxane-based, artificial molecular machine capable of sequence-specific β-homo (β3) peptide synthesis. The machine utilizes nonproteinogenic β3-amino acids, a class of amino acids not generally accepted by the ribosome, particularly consecutively. Successful operation of the machine via native chemical ligation (NCL) demonstrates that even challenging 15- and 19-membered ligation transition states are suitable for information translation using this artificial molecular machine. The peptide-bond-forming catalyst region can be removed from the transcribed peptide by peptidases, artificial and biomachines working in concert to generate a product that cannot be made by either machine alone.
Co-reporter:Christopher J. Martin, Alan T. L. Lee, Ralph W. Adams, and David A. Leigh
Journal of the American Chemical Society August 30, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 34) pp:11998-11998
Publication Date(Web):August 1, 2017
We describe a small-molecule “walker” that uses enzyme catalysis to discriminate between the relative positions of its “feet” on a track and thereby move with net directionality. The bipedal walker has identical carboxylic acid feet, and “steps” along an isotactic hydroxyl-group-derivatized polyether track by the formation/breakage of ester linkages. Lipase AS catalyzes the selective hydrolysis of the rear foot of macrocyclized walkers (an information ratchet mechanism), the rear foot producing an (R)-stereocenter at its point of attachment to the track. If the hydrolyzed foot reattaches to the track in front of the bound foot it forms an (S)-stereocenter, which is resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis. Only macrocyclic walker-track conjugates are efficiently hydrolyzed by the enzyme, leading to high processivity of the walker movement along the track. Conventional chemical reagents promote formation of the ester bonds between the walker and the track. Iterative macrocyclization and hydrolysis reactions lead to 68% of walkers taking two steps directionally along a three-foothold track.
Co-reporter:Jonathan J. Danon;Anneke Krüger;Jean-François Lemonnier;Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal;Alexander J. Stephens;Steffen L. Woltering
Science 2017 Volume 355(Issue 6321) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Three strands ironed closely together
It is not uncommon when braiding hair or bread to intertwine three different strands. At the molecular level, however, synthetic knots have thus far been restricted to architectures accessible from two-strand braids. Danon et al. used iron ion coordination to guide three organic ligand strands to form a knot geometry with eight separate crossings.
Science, this issue p. 159
Co-reporter:Guillaume De Bo;Charlie T. McTernan;Shoufeng Wang
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2017 vol. 8(Issue 10) pp:7077-7081
Publication Date(Web):2017/09/25
A pair of enantioselective switchable bifunctional catalysts are shown to promote a range of conjugate addition reactions in up to 95 : 5 e.r. and 95% conversion. Each catalyst can be switched OFF using conditions that switch the other catalyst ON. Catalyst ON : OFF ratios of up to 98 : 2 and 1 : 99 were achieved, with a ratio of reaction rates of up to 16 : 1 between the ON and OFF states, maintained over complete ON–OFF–ON and OFF–ON–OFF cycles. However, simultaneous operation of the catalyst pair in the same reaction vessel, which in principle could allow product handedness to be switched by simple E–Z isomerisation of the catalyst pair, was unsuccessful. In this first generation complementary pair of enantioselective switchable organocatalysts, the OFF state of one catalyst inhibits the ON state of the other.
Co-reporter:Stephen D. P. Fielden; David A. Leigh;Dr. Steffen L. Woltering
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 37) pp:11166-11194
Publication Date(Web):2017/09/04
AbstractThe first synthetic molecular trefoil knot was prepared in the late 1980s. However, it is only in the last few years that more complex small-molecule knot topologies have been realized through chemical synthesis. The steric restrictions imposed on molecular strands by knotting can impart significant physical and chemical properties, including chirality, strong and selective ion binding, and catalytic activity. As the number and complexity of accessible molecular knot topologies increases, it will become increasingly useful for chemists to adopt the knot terminology employed by other disciplines. Here we give an overview of synthetic strategies towards molecular knots and outline the principles of knot, braid, and tangle theory appropriate to chemistry and molecular structure.
Co-reporter:Salma Kassem;Thomas van Leeuwen;Anouk S. Lubbe;Miriam R. Wilson;Ben L. Feringa
Chemical Society Reviews 2017 vol. 46(Issue 9) pp:2592-2621
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/09
Motor proteins are nature's solution for directing movement at the molecular level. The field of artificial molecular motors takes inspiration from these tiny but powerful machines. Although directional motion on the nanoscale performed by synthetic molecular machines is a relatively new development, significant advances have been made. In this review an overview is given of the principal designs of artificial molecular motors and their modes of operation. Although synthetic molecular motors have also found widespread application as (multistate) switches, we focus on the control of directional movement, both at the molecular scale and at larger magnitudes. We identify some key challenges remaining in the field.
Co-reporter:Stephen D. P. Fielden; David A. Leigh;Dr. Steffen L. Woltering
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 37) pp:11318-11347
Publication Date(Web):2017/09/04
AbstractDer erste synthetische Kleeblattknoten wurde in den späten 1980er Jahren hergestellt. Kompliziertere Knotentopologien wurden jedoch erst in den letzten Jahren in molekularer Form erhalten. Die Verknotung molekularer Stränge erzeugt sterische Einschränkungen und kann so wichtige physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften verleihen, unter anderem Chiralität, starkes und selektives Binden von Ionen und katalytische Aktivität. Da die Anzahl und Komplexität molekularer Knoten steigt, wird es für Chemiker immer wichtiger, die Knotennomenklatur anderer Disziplinen zu verwenden. Hier geben wir einen Überblick über die Synthesestrategien für molekulare Knoten und beschreiben die Grundlagen der Knoten-, Zopf- und Tangle-Theorie in einem für Chemiker und molekulare Strukturen angemessenen Umfang.
Co-reporter:Guzmán Gil-Ramírez, Steven Hoekman, Matthew O. Kitching, David A. Leigh, Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal, and Gen Zhang
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 40) pp:13159-13162
Publication Date(Web):September 26, 2016
We report the stereoselective synthesis of a left-handed trefoil knot from a tris(2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide) oligomer with six chiral centers using a lanthanide(III) ion template. The oligomer folds around the lanthanide ion to form an overhand knot complex of single handedness. Subsequent joining of the overhand knot end groups by ring-closing olefin metathesis affords a single enantiomer of the trefoil knot in 90% yield. The knot topology and handedness were confirmed by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography. The pseudo-D3-symmetric knot was employed as an asymmetric catalyst in Mukaiyama aldol reactions, generating enantioselectivities of up to 83:17 er, which are significantly higher than those obtained with a comparable unknotted ligand complex.
Co-reporter:Jonathan J. Danon, David A. Leigh, Paul R. McGonigal, John W. Ward, and Jhenyi Wu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 38) pp:12643-12647
Publication Date(Web):August 29, 2016
[4]Rotaxanes featuring three axles threaded through a single ring have been prepared through active metal template synthesis. Nickel-catalyzed sp3–sp3 homocouplings of alkyl bromide “half-threads” through 37- and 38-membered 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridyl macrocycles generate triply threaded [4]rotaxanes in up to 11% yield. An analogous 39-membered macrocycle produced no rotaxane products under similar conditions. The constitutions of the [4]rotaxanes were determined by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Doubly threaded [3]rotaxanes were also obtained from the reactions but no [2]rotaxanes were isolated, suggesting that upon demetalation the axle of a singly threaded rotaxane can slip through a macrocycle that is sufficiently large to accommodate three threads.
Co-reporter:Yusuf Cakmak; Sundus Erbas-Cakmak
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 6) pp:1749-1751
Publication Date(Web):February 2, 2016
Mechanical point-chirality in a [2]rotaxane is utilized for asymmetric catalysis. Stable enantiomers of the rotaxane result from a bulky group in the middle of the thread preventing a benzylic amide macrocycle shuttling between different sides of a prochiral center, creating point chirality in the vicinity of a secondary amine group. The resulting mechanochirogenesis delivers enantioselective organocatalysis via both enamine (up to 71:29 er) and iminium (up to 68:32 er) activation modes.
Co-reporter:Alexander J. Stephens;Alina L. Nussbaumer;Vanesa Marcos;Alberto Valero;Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal;Jean-François Lemonnier;Steffen L. Woltering;Javier Jaramillo-Garcia
Science 2016 Volume 352(Issue 6293) pp:
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Catalysis gets all tied up in knots
Over the past decade, chemists have used metal ion templating to prepare a wide variety of knotted molecular strands. Marcos et al. now show that one such pentafoil knot can be applied to catalysis. When held taut by zinc ions, the knot can capture a chloride or bromide ion from a halocarbon, thereby unleashing the reactivity of the residual cation for applications such as Lewis acid catalysis. Removing the zinc ions lowers the knot's affinity for the halides, offering a reversible modulation mechanism for the catalysis.
Science, this issue p. 1555
Co-reporter:Sundus Erbas-Cakmak, David A. Leigh, Charlie T. McTernan, and Alina L. Nussbaumer
Chemical Reviews 2015 Volume 115(Issue 18) pp:10081
Publication Date(Web):September 8, 2015
Co-reporter:Victor Blanco, David A. Leigh and Vanesa Marcos
Chemical Society Reviews 2015 vol. 44(Issue 15) pp:5341-5370
Publication Date(Web):12 May 2015
Catalysis is key to the effective and efficient transformation of readily available building blocks into high value functional molecules and materials. For many years research in this field has largely focussed on the invention of new catalysts and the optimization of their performance to achieve high conversions and/or selectivities. However, inspired by Nature, chemists are beginning to turn their attention to the development of catalysts whose activity in different chemical processes can be switched by an external stimulus. Potential applications include using the states of multiple switchable catalysts to control sequences of transformations, producing different products from a pool of building blocks according to the order and type of stimuli applied. Here we outline the state-of-art in artificial switchable catalysis, classifying systems according to the trigger used to achieve control over the catalytic activity and stereochemical or other structural outcomes of the reaction.
Co-reporter:Steven Hoekman; Matthew O. Kitching; David A. Leigh; Marcus Papmeyer;Diederik Roke
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 24) pp:7656-7659
Publication Date(Web):June 10, 2015
We report on the active template synthesis of a [2]rotaxane through a Goldberg copper-catalyzed C–N bond forming reaction. A C2-symmetric cyclohexyldiamine macrocycle directs the assembly of the rotaxane, which can subsequently serve as a ligand for enantioselective nickel-catalyzed conjugate addition reactions. Rotaxanes are a previously unexplored ligand architecture for asymmetric catalysis. We find that the rotaxane gives improved enantioselectivity compared to a noninterlocked ligand, at the expense of longer reaction times.
Co-reporter:Jean-François Ayme; Jonathon E. Beves; Christopher J. Campbell; Guzmán Gil-Ramírez; David A. Leigh;Alexander J. Stephens
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 31) pp:9812-9815
Publication Date(Web):July 6, 2015
A molecular pentafoil knot and doubly and triply entwined [2]catenanes based on circular Fe(II) double helicate scaffolds bind halide anions in their central cavities through electrostatic and CH···X– hydrogen-bonding interactions. The binding is up to (3.6 ± 0.2) × 1010 M–1 in acetonitrile (for pentafoil knot [2·Cl](PF6)9), making these topologically complex host molecules some of the strongest synthetic noncovalent binders of halide anions measured to date, comparable in chloride ion affinity to silver salts.
Co-reporter:Gen Zhang; Guzmán Gil-Ramírez; Augustinas Markevicius; Colm Browne; Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 32) pp:10437-10442
Publication Date(Web):July 27, 2015
We report on the assembly of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide ligands (1) with point chirality about lanthanide metal ion (Ln3+) templates, in which the helical chirality of the resulting entwined 3:1 ligand:metal complexes is covalently captured by ring-closing olefin metathesis to form topologically chiral molecular trefoil knots of single handedness. The ligands do not self-sort (racemic ligands form a near-statistical mixture of homoleptic and heteroleptic lanthanide complexes), but the use of only (R,R)-1 leads solely to a trefoil knot of Λ-handedness, whereas (S,S)-1 forms the Δ-trefoil knot with complete stereoselectivity. The knots and their isomeric unknot macrocycles were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography and the expression of the chirality that results from the topology of the knots studied by circular dichroism.
Co-reporter:Jack Beswick, Victor Blanco, Guillaume De Bo, David A. Leigh, Urszula Lewandowska, Bartosz Lewandowski and Kenji Mishiro
Chemical Science 2015 vol. 6(Issue 1) pp:140-143
Publication Date(Web):13 Nov 2014
The activation mode of a rotaxane-based organocatalyst with both secondary amine and squaramide catalytic units can be switched with acid or base. The macrocycle blocks whichever of the catalytic sites it is positioned over. The switchable rotaxane catalyst generates different products from a mixture of three building blocks according to the location of the macrocyclic ring in the rotaxane.
Co-reporter:Dr. Daniela Menozzi; David A. Leigh; Enrico Dalcanale
Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015 Volume 4( Issue 3) pp:204-207
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A phosphonate cavitand-terminated rotaxane-like complex is assembled by exploiting orthogonal recognition modes for the threading and the end-capping processes.
Co-reporter:Dr. Guzmán Gil-Ramírez; David A. Leigh;Alexer J. Stephens
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 21) pp:6110-6150
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Half a century after Schill and Lüttringhaus carried out the first directed synthesis of a [2]catenane, a plethora of strategies now exist for the construction of molecular Hopf links (singly interlocked rings), the simplest type of catenane. The precision and effectiveness with which suitable templates and/or noncovalent interactions can arrange building blocks has also enabled the synthesis of intricate and often beautiful higher order interlocked systems, including Solomon links, Borromean rings, and a Star of David catenane. This Review outlines the diverse strategies that exist for synthesizing catenanes in the 21st century and examines their emerging applications and the challenges that still exist for the synthesis of more complex topologies.
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Jonathan J. Danon; David A. Leigh;Dr. Jean-François Lemonnier;Dr. Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 26) pp:7555-7559
Publication Date(Web):
A molecular Solomon link was synthesized through the assembly of an interwoven molecular grid consisting of four bis(benzimidazolepyridyl)benzthiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole ligands and four zinc(II), iron(II), or cobalt(II) cations, followed by ring-closing olefin metathesis. NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography confirmed the doubly interlocked topology, and subsequent demetalation afforded the wholly organic Solomon link. The synthesis, in which each metal ion defines the crossing point of two ligand strands, suggests that interwoven molecular grids should be useful scaffolds for the rational construction of other topologically complex structures.
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Jonathan J. Danon; David A. Leigh;Dr. Jean-François Lemonnier;Dr. Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 26) pp:
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Co-reporter:Dr. Guzmán Gil-Ramírez; David A. Leigh;Alexer J. Stephens
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 21) pp:6208-6249
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Ein halbes Jahrhundert nach der ersten gerichteten Synthese eines [2]Catenans durch Schill und Lüttringhaus existiert heutzutage eine Vielzahl an Strategien zur Synthese von Hopf-Verschlingungen (einfach verzahnten Ringen), der einfachsten Klasse der Catenane. Die Präzision und Effektivität, mit der geeignete Template und/oder nichtkovalente Wechselwirkungen Bausteine anordnen können, ermöglichten die Synthese komplizierter – und häufig schöner – verzahnter Systeme höherer Ordnung, darunter Salomonische Verschlingungen, Borromäische Ringe und ein Davidstern-Catenan. In diesem Aufsatz werden die zahlreichen Strategien, die im 21. Jahrhundert zur Synthese von Catenanen zur Verfügung stehen, vorgestellt und potenzielle Anwendungen untersucht. Des Weiteren werden die Herausforderungen bei der Synthese noch komplizierterer Topologien aufgezeigt.
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Jonathan J. Danon; David A. Leigh;Dr. Jean-François Lemonnier;Dr. Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 26) pp:7665-7669
Publication Date(Web):
A molecular Solomon link was synthesized through the assembly of an interwoven molecular grid consisting of four bis(benzimidazolepyridyl)benzthiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole ligands and four zinc(II), iron(II), or cobalt(II) cations, followed by ring-closing olefin metathesis. NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography confirmed the doubly interlocked topology, and subsequent demetalation afforded the wholly organic Solomon link. The synthesis, in which each metal ion defines the crossing point of two ligand strands, suggests that interwoven molecular grids should be useful scaffolds for the rational construction of other topologically complex structures.
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Jonathan J. Danon; David A. Leigh;Dr. Jean-François Lemonnier;Dr. Iñigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 26) pp:
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Co-reporter:Jonathon E. Beves ; Victor Blanco ; Barry A. Blight ; Romen Carrillo ; Daniel M. D’Souza ; David Howgego ; David A. Leigh ; Alexandra M. Z. Slawin ;Mark D. Symes
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014 Volume 136(Issue 5) pp:2094-2100
Publication Date(Web):January 14, 2014
We report on the design, synthesis, and operation of a bimetallic molecular biped on a three-foothold track. The “walker” features a palladium(II) complex “foot” that can be selectively stepped between 4-dimethylaminopyridine and pyridine ligand sites on the track via reversible protonation while the walker remains attached to the track throughout by means of a kinetically inert platinum(II) complex foot. The substitution pattern of the three ligand binding sites, together with the kinetic stability of the metal–ligand coordination bonds, affords the two positional isomers a high degree of metastability, meaning that altering the chemical state of the track does not automatically instigate stepping in the absence of an additional stimulus (heat in the presence of a coordinating solvent). The use of metastable metal complexes for foot–track interactions offers a promising alternative to dynamic covalent chemistry for the design of small-molecule synthetic molecular walkers.
Co-reporter:Victor Blanco ; David A. Leigh ; Vanesa Marcos ; José A. Morales-Serna ;Alina L. Nussbaumer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014 Volume 136(Issue 13) pp:4905-4908
Publication Date(Web):March 20, 2014
A rotaxane-based switchable asymmetric organocatalyst has been synthesized in which the change of the position of the macrocycle reveals or conceals an acyclic, yet still highly effective, chiral organocatalytic group. This allows control over both the rate and stereochemical outcome of a catalyzed asymmetric Michael addition.
Co-reporter:Guillaume De Bo ; Sonja Kuschel ; David A. Leigh ; Bartosz Lewandowski ; Marcus Papmeyer ;John W. Ward
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014 Volume 136(Issue 15) pp:5811-5814
Publication Date(Web):March 28, 2014
We report on an improved strategy for the preparation of artificial molecular machines that can pick up and assemble reactive groups in sequence by traveling along a track. In the new approach a preformed rotaxane synthon is attached to the end of an otherwise fully formed strand of building blocks. This “rotaxane-capping” protocol is significantly more efficient than the “final-step-threading” method employed previously and enables the synthesis of threaded molecular machines that operate on extended oligomer, and potentially polymer, tracks. The methodology is exemplified through the preparation of a machine that adds four amino acid building blocks from a strand in sequence, featuring up to 20-membered ring native chemical ligation transition states.
Co-reporter:Jean-François Ayme ; Guzmán Gil-Ramírez ; David A. Leigh ; Jean-François Lemonnier ; Augustinas Markevicius ; Christopher A. Muryn ;Gen Zhang
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014 Volume 136(Issue 38) pp:13142-13145
Publication Date(Web):September 8, 2014
We report on a complex featuring three 2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide ligands entwined around a lanthanide (Ln3+) ion. The ligand strands can be cyclized by ring-closing olefin metathesis to form a molecular trefoil knot in 58% yield. Demetalation with tetraethylammonium fluoride quantitatively generates the wholly organic 81-atom-loop trefoil knot.
Co-reporter:Victor Blanco ; David A. Leigh ; Urszula Lewandowska ; Bartosz Lewandowski ;Vanesa Marcos
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014 Volume 136(Issue 44) pp:15775-15780
Publication Date(Web):October 6, 2014
The reactivity of a rotaxane that acts as an aminocatalyst for the functionalization of carbonyl compounds through HOMO and LUMO activation pathways has been studied. Its catalytic activity is explored for C–C and C–S bond forming reactions through iminium catalysis, in nucleophilic substitutions and additions through enamine intermediates, in Diels–Alder reactions via trienamine catalysis, and in a tandem iminium-ion/enamine reaction. The catalyst can be switched “on” or “off”, effectively controlling the rate of all of these chemical transformations, by the in situ change of the position of the macrocycle between two different binding sites on the rotaxane thread.
Co-reporter:Anne Van Quaethem, Perrine Lussis, David A. Leigh, Anne-Sophie Duwez and Charles-André Fustin
Chemical Science 2014 vol. 5(Issue 4) pp:1449-1452
Publication Date(Web):29 Jan 2014
Here we demonstrate for the first time the interrogation of a mechanical link made of catenane rings at the single molecule level. We used AFM-based single molecule force spectroscopy to address the mobility of the rings in a catenane unit of the benzylic amide family. To interface the catenane with the AFM probe, we connected a polymer chain to each of the macrocycles of the [2]catenane. Force–extension profiles in different solvents were then recorded. We show that the catenane ring motions can be detected at the single molecule level and that the ring rotation can be locked or unlocked depending on the solvent.
Co-reporter:David A. Leigh, Vanesa Marcos, and Miriam R. Wilson
ACS Catalysis 2014 Volume 4(Issue 12) pp:4490
Publication Date(Web):November 3, 2014
Co-reporter:Dr. Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh;Dr. Inigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal;Steffen L. Woltering
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 50) pp:13991-13994
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A [2]rotaxane was produced through the assembly of a picolinaldehyde, an amine, and a bipyridine macrocycle around a CuI template by imine bond formation in close-to-quantitative yield. An analogous [3]rotaxane is obtained in excellent yield by replacing the amine with a diamine, thus showing the suitability of the system for the construction of higher order interlocked structures. The rotaxanes are formed within a few minutes simply through mixing the components in solution at room temperature and they can be isolated through removal of the solvent or precipitation.
Co-reporter:Jean-François Ayme;Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Dr. Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 30) pp:7957-7961
Publication Date(Web):
We report on multicomponent self-sorting to form open circular helicates of different sizes from a primary monoamine, FeII ions, and dialdehyde ligand strands that differ in length and structure by only two oxygen atoms. The corresponding closed circular helicates that are formed from a diamine—a molecular Solomon link and a pentafoil knot—also self-sort, but up to two of the Solomon-link-forming ligand strands can be accommodated within the pentafoil knot structure and are either incorporated or omitted depending on the stage that the components are mixed.
Co-reporter:Dr. Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh;Dr. Inigo J. Vitorica-Yrezabal;Steffen L. Woltering
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 50) pp:13771-13774
Publication Date(Web):
A [2]rotaxane was produced through the assembly of a picolinaldehyde, an amine, and a bipyridine macrocycle around a CuI template by imine bond formation in close-to-quantitative yield. An analogous [3]rotaxane is obtained in excellent yield by replacing the amine with a diamine, thus showing the suitability of the system for the construction of higher order interlocked structures. The rotaxanes are formed within a few minutes simply through mixing the components in solution at room temperature and they can be isolated through removal of the solvent or precipitation.
Co-reporter:Jean-François Ayme;Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Dr. Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 30) pp:7823-7827
Publication Date(Web):
We report on multicomponent self-sorting to form open circular helicates of different sizes from a primary monoamine, FeII ions, and dialdehyde ligand strands that differ in length and structure by only two oxygen atoms. The corresponding closed circular helicates that are formed from a diamine—a molecular Solomon link and a pentafoil knot—also self-sort, but up to two of the Solomon-link-forming ligand strands can be accommodated within the pentafoil knot structure and are either incorporated or omitted depending on the stage that the components are mixed.
Co-reporter:Bartosz Lewandowski;Guillaume De Bo;John W. Ward;Marcus Papmeyer;Sonja Kuschel;María J. Aldegunde;Philipp M. E. Gramlich;Dominik Heckmann;Stephen M. Goldup;Daniel M. D’Souza;Antony E. Fernandes
Science 2013 Vol 339(6116) pp:189-193
Publication Date(Web):11 Jan 2013
Ribosomal Rotaxane?
The ribosome is an extraordinarily sophisticated molecular machine, assembling amino acids into proteins based on the precise sequence dictated by messenger RNA. Lewandowski et al. (p. 189) have now taken a step toward the preparation of a stripped-down synthetic ribosome analog. Their machine comprises a rotaxane—a ring threaded on a rod—in which the ring bears a pendant thiol that can pluck amino acids off the rod; the terminal nitrogen then wraps around to form a peptide bond and liberate the thiol for further reaction. The system was able to link three amino acids in order from the preassembled rod.
Co-reporter:Jean-François Ayme, Jonathon E. Beves, Christopher J. Campbell and David A. Leigh
Chemical Society Reviews 2013 vol. 42(Issue 4) pp:1700-1712
Publication Date(Web):13 Aug 2012
This tutorial review outlines the different template strategies that chemists have employed to synthesise knotted molecular topologies. Metal ion coordination, hydrogen bonding and aromatic donor–acceptor interactions have all been used to direct the formation of well-defined crossing points for molecular strands. Advances in the methods used to covalently capture the interwoven structures are highlighted, including the active metal template strategy in which metal ions both organise crossing points and catalyse the bond forming reactions that close the loop to form the topologically complex product. Although most non-trivial knots prepared to date from small-molecule building blocks have been trefoil knots, the first pentafoil knot was recently synthesised. Possible future directions and strategies in this rapidly evolving area of chemistry are discussed.
Co-reporter:Araceli G. Campaña ; David A. Leigh ;Urszula Lewandowska
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 135(Issue 23) pp:8639-8645
Publication Date(Web):May 14, 2013
We report on the spontaneous intramolecular migration of α-methylene-4-nitrostyrene from amine group to amine group along oligoethyleneimine tracks up to eight repeat units in length (number of amine footholds, n = 3, 5, 9). Each track consists of n – 1 aliphatic secondary amine footholds plus a naphthylmethylamine group foothold situated at one end of the track. Under basic conditions the α-methylene-4-nitrostyrene unit undergoes a series of reversible intramolecular Michael–retro-Michael reactions between adjacent amine groups that move it up and down the track. For n = 3 and 5 it is possible to monitor the population of every positional isomer on the track by 1H NMR spectroscopy. On the longest track (n = 9) the fraction of walkers on each end-foothold can be quantified with respect to those on the inner footholds. In all cases the naphthylmethylamine foothold acts as a thermodynamic sink with the steady-state distribution significantly biased in favor of the walker at that site. The dynamics of the walker migration is well described by the random walk of a Brownian particle in one dimension.
Co-reporter:David A. Leigh ; Craig C. Robertson ; Alexandra M. Z. Slawin ;Patrick I. T. Thomson
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 135(Issue 26) pp:9939-9943
Publication Date(Web):June 13, 2013
The X-ray crystal structure of a previously reported extremely strong quadruple NH···N AAAA-DDDD hydrogen-bond array [5·4] (Ka = 1.5 × 106 M–1 in CH3CN; Ka > 3 × 1012 M–1 in CH2Cl2) features four short linear hydrogen bonds. Changing the two benzimidazole groups of the DDDD unit to triazole groups replaces two of the NH···N hydrogen bonds with CH···N interactions (complex [5·6]), but only reduces the association constant in CH3CN by 2 orders of magnitude (Ka = 2.6 × 104 M–1 in CH3CN; Ka > 1 × 107 M–1 in CH2Cl2). Related complexes without the triazole groups range in Ka from 18 to 270 M–1 in CH3CN, suggesting that the CH···N interactions can be considered part of a strong AAAA-DDDD quadruple hydrogen-bonding array. The NH···N/CH···N AAAA-DDDD motif can be repeatedly switched “on” and “off” in CDCl3 through successive additions of acid and base.
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh;Dr. Robin G. Pritchard
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013 Volume 52( Issue 25) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh;Dr. Robin G. Pritchard
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013 Volume 52( Issue 25) pp:6464-6467
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh;Dr. Robin G. Pritchard
Angewandte Chemie 2013 Volume 125( Issue 25) pp:6592-6595
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Jonathon E. Beves;Christopher J. Campbell; David A. Leigh;Dr. Robin G. Pritchard
Angewandte Chemie 2013 Volume 125( Issue 25) pp:
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Co-reporter:Armando Carlone ; Stephen M. Goldup ; Nathalie Lebrasseur ; David A. Leigh ;Adam Wilson
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 20) pp:8321-8323
Publication Date(Web):April 23, 2012
We describe a three-compartment rotaxane information ratchet in which the macrocycle can be directionally transported in either direction along an achiral (disregarding isotopic labeling) track. Chiral DMAP-based catalysts promote a benzoylation reaction that ratchets the displacement of the macrocycle, transporting it predominantly to a particular end compartment determined by the handedness of the catalyst.
Co-reporter:Jean-François Ayme ; Jonathon E. Beves ; David A. Leigh ; Roy T. McBurney ; Kari Rissanen ;David Schultz
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 22) pp:9488-9497
Publication Date(Web):May 3, 2012
We report on the synthesis of 11 pentameric cyclic helicates formed by imine condensation of alkyl monoamines with a common bis(formylpyridine)bipyridyl-derived building block and iron(II) and chloride ions. The cyclic double-stranded helicates were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and in the case of a 2,4-dimethoxybenzylamine-derived pentameric cyclic helicate, X-ray crystallography. The factors influencing the assembly process (reactant stoichiometry, concentration, solvent, nature and amount of anion) were studied in detail: the role of chloride in the assembly process appears not to be limited to that of a simple template, and larger circular helicates observed with related tris(bipyridine) ligands with different iron salts are not produced with the imine ligands. Using certain chiral amines, pentameric cyclic helices of single handedness could be isolated and the stereochemistry of the helix determined by circular dichroism. By employing a particular diamine, a closed-loop molecular pentafoil knot was prepared. The pentafoil knot was characterized by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography, confirming the topology and providing insights into the reasons for its formation.
Co-reporter:David A. Leigh, Paul J. Lusby, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin and D. Barney Walker
Chemical Communications 2012 vol. 48(Issue 47) pp:5826-5828
Publication Date(Web):24 Apr 2012
We report on a heterocircuit [2]catenane in which a reversible half-rotation of one ring about the other can be induced, and locked in place, by switching the coordination of the interlocked rings between Pd(II) and Co(III).
Co-reporter:Dr. Victor Blanco;Dr. Armo Carlone;Dr. Kevin D. Hänni; David A. Leigh;Dr. Bartosz Lewowski
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 21) pp:5166-5169
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Araceli G. Campaña;Dr. Armo Carlone;Dr. Kai Chen;Dr. David T. F. Dryden; David A. Leigh;Urszula Lewowska;Dr. Kathleen M. Mullen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 22) pp:5480-5483
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Victor Blanco;Dr. Armo Carlone;Dr. Kevin D. Hänni; David A. Leigh;Dr. Bartosz Lewowski
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 21) pp:5256-5259
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Araceli G. Campaña;Dr. Armo Carlone;Dr. Kai Chen;Dr. David T. F. Dryden; David A. Leigh;Urszula Lewowska;Dr. Kathleen M. Mullen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 22) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Araceli G. Campaña;Dr. Armo Carlone;Dr. Kai Chen;Dr. David T. F. Dryden; David A. Leigh;Urszula Lewowska;Dr. Kathleen M. Mullen
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 22) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Araceli G. Campaña;Dr. Armo Carlone;Dr. Kai Chen;Dr. David T. F. Dryden; David A. Leigh;Urszula Lewowska;Dr. Kathleen M. Mullen
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 22) pp:5576-5579
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Jack Beswick, Victor Blanco, Guillaume De Bo, David A. Leigh, Urszula Lewandowska, Bartosz Lewandowski and Kenji Mishiro
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2015 - vol. 6(Issue 1) pp:NaN143-143
Publication Date(Web):2014/11/13
The activation mode of a rotaxane-based organocatalyst with both secondary amine and squaramide catalytic units can be switched with acid or base. The macrocycle blocks whichever of the catalytic sites it is positioned over. The switchable rotaxane catalyst generates different products from a mixture of three building blocks according to the location of the macrocyclic ring in the rotaxane.
Co-reporter:Salma Kassem, Thomas van Leeuwen, Anouk S. Lubbe, Miriam R. Wilson, Ben L. Feringa and David A. Leigh
Chemical Society Reviews 2017 - vol. 46(Issue 9) pp:NaN2621-2621
Publication Date(Web):2017/04/20
Motor proteins are nature's solution for directing movement at the molecular level. The field of artificial molecular motors takes inspiration from these tiny but powerful machines. Although directional motion on the nanoscale performed by synthetic molecular machines is a relatively new development, significant advances have been made. In this review an overview is given of the principal designs of artificial molecular motors and their modes of operation. Although synthetic molecular motors have also found widespread application as (multistate) switches, we focus on the control of directional movement, both at the molecular scale and at larger magnitudes. We identify some key challenges remaining in the field.
Co-reporter:Jean-François Ayme, Jonathon E. Beves, Christopher J. Campbell and David A. Leigh
Chemical Society Reviews 2013 - vol. 42(Issue 4) pp:NaN1712-1712
Publication Date(Web):2012/08/13
This tutorial review outlines the different template strategies that chemists have employed to synthesise knotted molecular topologies. Metal ion coordination, hydrogen bonding and aromatic donor–acceptor interactions have all been used to direct the formation of well-defined crossing points for molecular strands. Advances in the methods used to covalently capture the interwoven structures are highlighted, including the active metal template strategy in which metal ions both organise crossing points and catalyse the bond forming reactions that close the loop to form the topologically complex product. Although most non-trivial knots prepared to date from small-molecule building blocks have been trefoil knots, the first pentafoil knot was recently synthesised. Possible future directions and strategies in this rapidly evolving area of chemistry are discussed.
Co-reporter:Victor Blanco, David A. Leigh and Vanesa Marcos
Chemical Society Reviews 2015 - vol. 44(Issue 15) pp:NaN5370-5370
Publication Date(Web):2015/05/12
Catalysis is key to the effective and efficient transformation of readily available building blocks into high value functional molecules and materials. For many years research in this field has largely focussed on the invention of new catalysts and the optimization of their performance to achieve high conversions and/or selectivities. However, inspired by Nature, chemists are beginning to turn their attention to the development of catalysts whose activity in different chemical processes can be switched by an external stimulus. Potential applications include using the states of multiple switchable catalysts to control sequences of transformations, producing different products from a pool of building blocks according to the order and type of stimuli applied. Here we outline the state-of-art in artificial switchable catalysis, classifying systems according to the trigger used to achieve control over the catalytic activity and stereochemical or other structural outcomes of the reaction.
Co-reporter:David A. Leigh, Paul J. Lusby, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin and D. Barney Walker
Chemical Communications 2012 - vol. 48(Issue 47) pp:NaN5828-5828
Publication Date(Web):2012/04/24
We report on a heterocircuit [2]catenane in which a reversible half-rotation of one ring about the other can be induced, and locked in place, by switching the coordination of the interlocked rings between Pd(II) and Co(III).
Co-reporter:Anne Van Quaethem, Perrine Lussis, David A. Leigh, Anne-Sophie Duwez and Charles-André Fustin
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2014 - vol. 5(Issue 4) pp:NaN1452-1452
Publication Date(Web):2014/01/29
Here we demonstrate for the first time the interrogation of a mechanical link made of catenane rings at the single molecule level. We used AFM-based single molecule force spectroscopy to address the mobility of the rings in a catenane unit of the benzylic amide family. To interface the catenane with the AFM probe, we connected a polymer chain to each of the macrocycles of the [2]catenane. Force–extension profiles in different solvents were then recorded. We show that the catenane ring motions can be detected at the single molecule level and that the ring rotation can be locked or unlocked depending on the solvent.