Jeroen S. Dickschat

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Name: NULL
Organization: University of Bonn , Germany
Title: NULL(PhD)
Co-reporter:Lena Barra;Paul Barac;Gabriele M. König;Max Crüsemann
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017 vol. 15(Issue 35) pp:7411-7421
Publication Date(Web):2017/09/13
The volatiles emitted by five fungal strains previously isolated from the marine sponge Callyspongia cf. flammea were captured with a closed-loop stripping apparatus (CLSA) and analyzed by GC-MS. Besides several widespread compounds, a series of metabolites with interesting bioactivities were found, including the quorum sensing inhibitor protoanemonin, the fungal phytotoxin 3,4-dimethylpentan-4-olide, and the insect attractant 1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene. In addition, the aromatic polyketides isotorquatone and chartabomone that are both known from Eucalyptus and a new O-desmethyl derivative were identified. The biosynthesis of isotorquatone was studied by feeding experiments with isotopically labeled precursors and its absolute configuration was determined by enantioselective synthesis of a reference compound. Bioactivity testings showed algicidal activity for some of the identified compounds, suggesting a potential ecological function in sponge defence.
Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe;Markiyan Samborskyy;Peter F. Leadlay
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017 vol. 15(Issue 11) pp:2353-2358
Publication Date(Web):2017/03/15
Genome sequencing of Streptomyces malaysiensis DSM 4137 revealed the presence of four terpene cyclase genes, one of which was characterised as (+)-isoafricanol synthase. Its cyclisation mechanism was extensively studied using isotopically labelled precursors. Several enzymes with high homology that likely also function as (+)-isoafricanol synthases are encoded in a number of other genome sequenced streptomycetes.
Co-reporter:Jan Rinkel;Lukas Lauterbach; Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 51) pp:16603-16607
Publication Date(Web):2017/12/18
AbstractEine Terpensynthase aus dem marinen Bakterium Streptomyces xinghaiensis wurde charakterisiert, einschließlich einer vollen Strukturaufklärung ihrer Produkte aus verschiedenen Substraten. Weiterhin wurden detaillierte Untersuchungen des Enzymmechanismus durch Isotopenmarkierungsexperimente, Variationen des Metallcofaktors und Mutageneseexperimente durchgeführt. Die Daten zeigten eine Abhängigkeit der Mn2+-katalysierten Reaktion von der Gegenwart von Asp-217, einem Rest, der in anderen bakteriellen Terpensynthasen von einem hochkonservierten Glu eingenommen wird.
Co-reporter:Dr. Patrick Rabe;Jan Rinkel;Etilia Dolja;Thomas Schmitz;Britta Nubbemeyer;T. Hoang Luu; Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 10) pp:2820-2823
Publication Date(Web):2017/03/01
AbstractDie Mechanismen von zwei Diterpencyclasen aus Streptomyceten – eine mit unbekanntem Produkt, das als der spirocyclische Kohlenwasserstoff Spiroviolen identifiziert wurde, und eine mit dem bekannten Produkt Tsukubadien – wurden detailliert durch Isotopenmarkierungsexperimente untersucht. Obwohl die Strukturen der Produkte sehr unterschiedlich sind, beginnen die Cyclisierungsmechanismen beider Enzyme mit derselben Cyclisierungsreaktion, bevor sie auf dem Weg zu ihren individuellen Produkten divergieren. Dies spiegelt die nahe phylogenetische Verwandtschaft der Enzyme wider.
Co-reporter:Jan Rinkel;Lukas Lauterbach; Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 51) pp:16385-16389
Publication Date(Web):2017/12/18
AbstractA terpene synthase from the marine bacterium Streptomyces xinghaiensis has been characterised, including a full structure elucidation of its products from various substrates and an in-depth investigation of the enzyme mechanism by isotope labelling experiments, metal cofactor variations, and mutation experiments. The results revealed an interesting dependency of Mn2+ catalysis on the presence of Asp-217, a residue that is occupied by a highly conserved Glu in most other bacterial terpene synthases.
Co-reporter:Immo Burkhardt;Lukas Lauterbach;Nelson L. Brock
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017 vol. 15(Issue 20) pp:4432-4439
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/23
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) catabolism of marine bacteria plays an important role in marine and global ecology. The genome of Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3, a model organism from the Roseobacter group, harbours no less than three genes for different DMSP lyases (DddW, DddP and DddQ) that catalyse the degradation of DMSP to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and acrylate. Despite their apparent similar function these enzymes show no significant overall sequence identity. In this work DddQ and DddW from R. pomeroyi and the DddP homolog from Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395 were functionally characterised and their substrate scope was tested using several synthetic DMSP analogues. Comparative kinetic assays revealed differences in the conversion of DMSP and its analogues in terms of selectivity and overall velocity, giving additional insights into the molecular mechanisms of DMSP lyases and into their putatively different biological functions.
Co-reporter:Ersin Celik;Michael Maczka;Nils Bergen;Thorsten Brinkhoff;Stefan Schulz
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017 vol. 15(Issue 14) pp:2919-2922
Publication Date(Web):2017/04/05
Both enantiomers of the sulfoquinovose breakdown product 2,3-dihydroxypropane-1-sulfonate, an important sulfur metabolite produced by marine algae, were synthesised in a 34S-labelled form and used in feeding experiments with marine bacteria. The labelling was efficiently incorporated into the sulfur-containing antibiotic tropodithietic acid and sulfur volatiles by the algal symbiont Phaeobacter inhibens, but not into sulfur volatiles released by marine bacteria associated with crustaceans. The ecological implications and the relevance of these findings for the global sulfur cycle are discussed.
Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe, Jan Rinkel, Tim A. Klapschinski, Lena Barra and Jeroen S. Dickschat  
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2016 vol. 14(Issue 1) pp:158-164
Publication Date(Web):2015/10/15
Three sesquiterpene cyclases from Streptomyces scabei 87.22, Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 10712 and Streptomyces clavuligerus ATCC 27064 were characterised and their products were identified as (−)-neomeranol B, (+)-isodauc-8-en-11-ol and (+)-intermedeol, respectively. The stereochemical courses of the terpene cyclisations were investigated by use of various 13C-labelled FPP isotopomers. A quick and easy test was developed that allows to distinguish reprotonations of olefinic double bonds in neutral intermediates from the two stereoheterotopic faces. The method makes use of incubating 13C-FPP isotopomers labelled at the reprotonated carbon in deuterium oxide and subsequent HSQC analysis of the product. A 1,7-cyclisation towards (+)-isodauc-8-en-11-ol was followed by use of (1,7-13C2)FPP. Surprisingly, the (+)-isodauc-8-en-11-ol also accepted (2Z,6E)-FPP resulting in the same product profile as obtained from (2E,6E)-FPP.
Co-reporter:Immo Burkhardt;Thomas Siemon;Dr. Matthias Henrot;Dr. Lena Studt;Sarah Rösler;Dr. Bettina Tudzynski;Dr. Mathias Christmann;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 30) pp:8748-8751
Publication Date(Web):


Two sesquiterpene cyclases from Fusarium fujikuroi were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. The first enzyme was inactive because of a critical mutation, but activity was restored by sequence correction through site-directed mutagenesis. The mutated enzyme and two naturally functional homologues from other fusaria converted farnesyl diphosphate into guaia-6,10(14)-diene. The second enzyme produced eremophilene. The absolute configuration of guaia-6,10(14)-diene was elucidated by enantioselective synthesis, while that of eremophilene was evident from the sign of its optical rotation and is opposite to that in plants but the same as in Sorangium cellulosum. The mechanisms of both terpene cyclases were studied with various 13C- and 2H-labelled FPP isotopomers.

Co-reporter:Tim A. Klapschinski;Dr. Patrick Rabe ;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 34) pp:10141-10144
Publication Date(Web):


A terpene cyclase from Streptomyces pristinaespiralis was characterized as the synthase for (+)-(2S,3S,9R)-pristinol. The structure of this sesquiterpene alcohol, which has a new carbon skeleton, was established by NMR spectroscopy and single-wavelength anomalous-dispersion X-ray crystallography. Extensive isotopic labelling experiments were performed to distinguish between various possible cyclization mechanisms of the terpene cyclase and to decipher the EI-MS fragmentation mechanism for pristinol.

Co-reporter:Immo Burkhardt;Thomas Siemon;Dr. Matthias Henrot;Dr. Lena Studt;Sarah Rösler;Dr. Bettina Tudzynski;Dr. Mathias Christmann;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 30) pp:8890-8893
Publication Date(Web):


Zwei Sesquiterpencyclasen aus Fusarium fujikuroi wurden in Escherichia coli exprimiert und gereinigt. Das erste Enzym war wegen einer kritischen Mutation inaktiv, die Aktivität konnte aber durch Sequenzkorrektur per ortsgerichteter Mutagenese wiederhergestellt werden. Das mutierte Enzym und zwei natürlicherweise funktionale Homologe aus anderen Fusarien konvertierten Farnesyldiphosphat zu Guaia-6,10(14)-dien. Das zweite Enzym produzierte Eremophilen. Die absolute Konfiguration von Guaia-6,10(14)-dien wurde durch enantioselektive Synthese aufgeklärt, während die des Eremophilens aus dem Vorzeichen der optischen Drehung ableitbar war und derjenigen aus Pflanzen entgegengesetzt ist, aber mit der aus Sorangium cellulosum übereinstimmt. Die Mechanismen beider Terpencyclasen wurden mithilfe diverser 13C- und 2H-markierter FPP-Isotopomere studiert.

Co-reporter:Tim A. Klapschinski;Dr. Patrick Rabe ;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 34) pp:10296-10299
Publication Date(Web):


Eine Terpencyclase aus Streptomyces pristinaespiralis wurde als (+)-(2S,3S,9R)-Pristinol-Synthase charakterisiert. Die Struktur dieses Sesquiterpenalkohols mit einem neuen Gerüst wurde durch NMR-Spektroskopie und monochromatische anomale Röntgendispersion aufgeklärt. Isotopenmarkierungsexperimente ermöglichten es, zwischen verschiedenen Cyclisierungsmechanismen der Terpencyclase zu unterscheiden und den EI-MS-Fragmentierungsmechanismus des Pristinols zu studieren.

Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe;Aron Janusko;Dr. Bernd Goldfuss;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
ChemBioChem 2016 Volume 17( Issue 2) pp:146-149
Publication Date(Web):


The biosynthesis of corvol ethers A and B, two sesquiterpenes from Kitasatospora setae, proceeds with involvement of either one 1,3- or two sequential 1,2-hydride shifts. Quantum chemical calculations revealed that the sequence of two 1,2-hydride shifts is energetically favoured. Labelling experiments were in agreement with this finding. In addition, the stereochemical course of a reprotonation step was investigated by incubation of 13C-labelled isotopomers of farnesyl diphosphate in water and in deuterium oxide.

Co-reporter:Dr. Patrick Rabe;Tim A. Klapschinski ;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
ChemBioChem 2016 Volume 17( Issue 14) pp:1333-1337
Publication Date(Web):


The EI-MS fragmentation mechanism of the bacterial sesquiterpene epi-isozizaene was investigated through enzymatic conversion of all 15 synthetic (13C1)FPP isotopomers with the epi-isozizaene synthase from Streptomyces albus and GC-MS and GC-QTOF analysis including MS-MS. A systematic method, which we wish to call position-specific mass shift analysis, for the identification of the full set of fragmentation reactions was developed.

Co-reporter:Christian A. Citron, Lena Barra, Joachim Wink and Jeroen S. Dickschat  
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2015 vol. 13(Issue 9) pp:2673-2683
Publication Date(Web):13 Jan 2015
The volatiles released by agar plate cultures of nineteen actinomycetes whose genomes were recently sequenced were collected by use of a closed-loop stripping apparatus (CLSA) and analysed by GC/MS. In total, 178 compounds from various classes were identified. The most interesting findings were the detection of the insect pheromone frontalin in Streptomyces varsoviensis, and the emission of the unusual plant metabolite 1-nitro-2-phenylethane. Its biosynthesis from phenylalanine was investigated in isotopic labelling experiments. Furthermore, the identified terpenes were correlated to the information about terpene cyclase homologs encoded in the investigated strains. The analytical data were in line with functionally characterised bacterial terpene cyclases and particularly corroborated the recently suggested function of a terpene cyclase from Streptomyces violaceusniger by the identification of a functional homolog in Streptomyces rapamycinicus.
Co-reporter:Jeroen S. Dickschat, Patrick Rabe and Christian A. Citron  
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2015 vol. 13(Issue 7) pp:1954-1968
Publication Date(Web):02 Jan 2015
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate is a highly abundant sulfur metabolite in marine ecosystems. Its biosynthesis by different organisms including plants, marine algae and dinoflagellates is discussed. Furthermore, the accumulated knowledge about bacterial uptake systems and its climatically relevant degradation by marine bacteria to methanethiol or dimethylsulfide is presented. Finally, uptake and degradation of synthetic DMSP analogs are addressed.
Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe;Dr. Khomaizon A. K. Pahirulzaman;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 20) pp:6041-6045
Publication Date(Web):


Here we present the functional characterization of a sesquiterpene cyclase from Kitasatospora setae. The enzyme converts the sesquiterpene precursor farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) into two previously unknown and unstable sesquiterpene ethers for which we propose the trivial names corvol ethers A and B. Both compounds were purified and their structures were determined by one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. A biosynthetic mechanism for the FPP cyclization by the corvol ether synthase was proposed. The results from the incubation experiments of the corvol ether synthase with isotopically labeled precursors were in line with this mechanism, while alternative mechanisms could clearly be ruled out.

Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe;Lena Barra;Jan Rinkel;Dr. Ramona Riclea;Dr. Christian A. Citron;Tim A. Klapschinski;Aron Janusko ;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 45) pp:13448-13451
Publication Date(Web):


An uncharacterized terpene cyclase from Streptomyces pratensis was identified as (+)-(1(10)E,4E,6S,7R)-germacradien-6-ol synthase. The enzyme product exists as two interconvertible conformers, resulting in complex NMR spectra. For the complete assignment of NMR data, all fifteen (13C1)FPP isotopomers (FPP=farnesyl diphosphate) and (13C15)FPP were synthesized and enzymatically converted. The products were analyzed using various NMR techniques, including 13C, 13C COSY experiments. The (13C)FPP isotopomers were also used to investigate the thermal rearrangement and EI fragmentation of the enzyme product.

Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe;Dr. Khomaizon A. K. Pahirulzaman;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 20) pp:6139-6143
Publication Date(Web):


Wir berichten über die funktionale Charakterisierung einer Sesquiterpencyclase aus Kitasatospora setae. Das Enzym konvertiert den Sesquiterpen-Vorläufer Farnesyldiphosphat (FPP) in zwei zuvor unbekannte und instabile Sesquiterpenether, für die wir die Trivialnamen Corvolether A und B vorschlagen. Beide Verbindungen wurden gereinigt und ihre Strukturen durch ein- und zweidimensionale NMR-Spektroskopie aufgeklärt. Ein Biosynthesemechanismus für die FPP-Cyclisierung durch die Corvolether-Synthase wurde vorgeschlagen. Die Ergebnisse aus Inkubationsexperimenten der Corvolether-Synthase mit isotopenmarkierten Vorläufern waren in Übereinstimmung mit diesem Mechanismus, wohingegen alternative Mechanismen ausgeschlossen werden konnten.

Co-reporter:Lena Barra;Dr. Kerstin Ibrom;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 22) pp:6737-6740
Publication Date(Web):


Die Fütterung von (2,3,4,5,6-13C5)Mevalonolacton an den Pilz Hypomyces odoratus lieferte einen komplett markierten Sesquiterpenether. Die Konnektivität der Kohlenstoffatome wurde aus einem 13C,13C-COSY-Spektrum erschlossen und ergab eine Struktur, die sich von der für Hypodoratoxid zuvor berichteten unterschied, obwohl die 13C-NMR-spektroskopischen Daten übereinstimmten. Die Strukturrevision für Hypodoratoxid wird präsentiert. Dessen absolute Konfiguration wurde vorläufig aus derjenigen des Cometaboliten cis-Dihydroagarofuran abgeleitet. Die Biosynthese wurde durch Fütterung von (3-13C)- und (4,6-13C2)Mevalonolacton untersucht, die Einblicke in komplexe Gerüstumlagerungen während der Terpencyclisierung durch 13C,13C-Kopplungen gaben.

Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe;Lena Barra;Jan Rinkel;Dr. Ramona Riclea;Dr. Christian A. Citron;Tim A. Klapschinski;Aron Janusko ;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 45) pp:13649-13653
Publication Date(Web):


Eine uncharakterisierte Terpenzyklase aus Streptomyces pratensis wurde als (+)-(1(10)E,4E,6S,7R)-Germacradien-6-ol-Synthase identifiziert, deren Produkt als zwei ineinander konvertierbare Konformere existiert, wodurch komplexe NMR-Spektren resultieren. Für eine komplette Zuordnung der NMR-Daten wurden alle fünfzehn Isotopomere des (13C1)FPP sowie (13C15)FPP synthetisiert und enzymatisch umgesetzt und die Produkte durch diverse NMR-Methoden einschließlich 13C,13C-COSY analysiert. Die (13C)FPP-Isotopomere wurden weiterhin für die Untersuchung der thermischen Umlagerung und des EI-Fragmentierungsmechanismus des Enzymprodukts verwendet.

Co-reporter:Dr. Ramona Riclea ;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 41) pp:12167-12170
Publication Date(Web):


The sesquiterpenoid 7-epi-neopetasone was synthesized via the Wieland–Miescher ketone. The compound was identical to a previously tentatively identified headspace constituent of Penicillium roqueforti. Feeding experiments with 13C-labeled mevalonolactone isotopomers demonstrated that oxidation at C12 and an isomerization of the C11C12 to a C7C11 double bond must occur independently and not via a C7-C11-C12 allyl radical in one step. Feeding with (11,12,13-13C3)-7-epi-neopetasone resulted in labelling of the PR toxin, thus establishing this compound as a newly identified pathway intermediate.

Co-reporter:Dr. Ramona Riclea ;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 41) pp:12335-12338
Publication Date(Web):


Das Sesquiterpenoid 7-epi-Neopetason wurde über das Wieland-Miescher-Keton synthetisiert. Die Verbindung war identisch zu einem zuvor vorläufig identifizierten Bestandteil des Bouquets von Penicillium roqueforti. Fütterungsexperimente mit 13C-markierten Isotopomeren von Mevalonolacton zeigten, dass die Oxidation an C12 und die Isomerisierung der C11-C12- zur C7-C11-Doppelbindung unabhängig voneinander und nicht über ein C7-C11-C12-Allylradikal in einem Schritt ablaufen. Fütterung von (11,12,13-13C3)-7-epi-Neopetason resultierte im Einbau der Isotopenmarkierung in PR-Toxin, wodurch die Verbindung als biosynthetisches Intermediat etabliert wurde.

Co-reporter:Lena Barra;Dr. Kerstin Ibrom;Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 22) pp:6637-6640
Publication Date(Web):


Feeding of (2,3,4,5,6-13C5)mevalonolactone to the fungus Hypomyces odoratus resulted in a completely labeled sesquiterpene ether. The connectivity of the carbon atoms was easily deduced from a 13C,13C COSY spectrum, revealing a structure that was different from the previously reported structure of hypodoratoxide, even though the reported 13C NMR data matched. A structural revision of hypodoratoxide is thus presented. Its absolute configuration was tentatively assigned from its co-metabolite cis-dihydroagarofuran. Its biosynthesis was investigated by feeding of (3-13C)- and (4,6-13C2)mevalonolactone, which gave insights into the complex rearrangement of the carbon skeleton during terpene cyclization by analysis of the 13C,13C couplings.

Co-reporter:Christian A. Citron;Patrick Rabe;Lena Barra;Chiaki Nakano;Tsutomu Hoshino
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014 Volume 2014( Issue 34) pp:7684-7691
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A flexible, efficient and robust method for the synthesis of isotopically labelled oligoprenyl diphosphates was developed. The method makes use of just a few building blocks (acetone, triethyl phosphonoacetate, and ethyl acetoacetate) from which several isotopomers with deuterium or 13C-labelling are commercially available or can be easily obtained by synthesis. Besides these building blocks, a few deuterated reagents were used for the introduction of deuterium labelling. Furthermore, the synthesis of [14-2H]geranylgeranyl diphosphate is reported. The material was used for a stereochemical analysis of the cyclisation reaction catalysed by tuberculosinyl diphosphate synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Co-reporter:Lena Barra;Dr. Barbara Schulz; Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
ChemBioChem 2014 Volume 15( Issue 16) pp:2379-2383
Publication Date(Web):


Six 13C-labelled isotopomers of mevalonolactone were synthesised and used in feeding experiments with the endophytic fungus Geniculosporium. The high incorporation rates of 13C-label into a sesquiterpene that was found in headspace extracts of the fungus enabled unambiguous identification of this volatile as pogostol without the need for compound purification, simply by collecting the volatile fraction with a closed-loop stripping apparatus followed by direct 13C NMR analysis (CLSA-NMR). The feeding experiments also gave insights into the biosynthesis of pogostol, including stereochemical aspects of the terpene cyclisation reaction. The possible biological function of pogostol is discussed.

Co-reporter:Ersin Celik, Michael Maczka, Nils Bergen, Thorsten Brinkhoff, Stefan Schulz and Jeroen S. Dickschat
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017 - vol. 15(Issue 14) pp:NaN2922-2922
Publication Date(Web):2017/03/22
Both enantiomers of the sulfoquinovose breakdown product 2,3-dihydroxypropane-1-sulfonate, an important sulfur metabolite produced by marine algae, were synthesised in a 34S-labelled form and used in feeding experiments with marine bacteria. The labelling was efficiently incorporated into the sulfur-containing antibiotic tropodithietic acid and sulfur volatiles by the algal symbiont Phaeobacter inhibens, but not into sulfur volatiles released by marine bacteria associated with crustaceans. The ecological implications and the relevance of these findings for the global sulfur cycle are discussed.
Co-reporter:Immo Burkhardt, Lukas Lauterbach, Nelson L. Brock and Jeroen S. Dickschat
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017 - vol. 15(Issue 20) pp:NaN4439-4439
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/09
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) catabolism of marine bacteria plays an important role in marine and global ecology. The genome of Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3, a model organism from the Roseobacter group, harbours no less than three genes for different DMSP lyases (DddW, DddP and DddQ) that catalyse the degradation of DMSP to dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and acrylate. Despite their apparent similar function these enzymes show no significant overall sequence identity. In this work DddQ and DddW from R. pomeroyi and the DddP homolog from Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395 were functionally characterised and their substrate scope was tested using several synthetic DMSP analogues. Comparative kinetic assays revealed differences in the conversion of DMSP and its analogues in terms of selectivity and overall velocity, giving additional insights into the molecular mechanisms of DMSP lyases and into their putatively different biological functions.
Co-reporter:Jeroen S. Dickschat, Patrick Rabe and Christian A. Citron
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2015 - vol. 13(Issue 7) pp:NaN1968-1968
Publication Date(Web):2015/01/02
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate is a highly abundant sulfur metabolite in marine ecosystems. Its biosynthesis by different organisms including plants, marine algae and dinoflagellates is discussed. Furthermore, the accumulated knowledge about bacterial uptake systems and its climatically relevant degradation by marine bacteria to methanethiol or dimethylsulfide is presented. Finally, uptake and degradation of synthetic DMSP analogs are addressed.
Co-reporter:Christian A. Citron, Lena Barra, Joachim Wink and Jeroen S. Dickschat
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2015 - vol. 13(Issue 9) pp:NaN2683-2683
Publication Date(Web):2015/01/13
The volatiles released by agar plate cultures of nineteen actinomycetes whose genomes were recently sequenced were collected by use of a closed-loop stripping apparatus (CLSA) and analysed by GC/MS. In total, 178 compounds from various classes were identified. The most interesting findings were the detection of the insect pheromone frontalin in Streptomyces varsoviensis, and the emission of the unusual plant metabolite 1-nitro-2-phenylethane. Its biosynthesis from phenylalanine was investigated in isotopic labelling experiments. Furthermore, the identified terpenes were correlated to the information about terpene cyclase homologs encoded in the investigated strains. The analytical data were in line with functionally characterised bacterial terpene cyclases and particularly corroborated the recently suggested function of a terpene cyclase from Streptomyces violaceusniger by the identification of a functional homolog in Streptomyces rapamycinicus.
Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe, Jan Rinkel, Tim A. Klapschinski, Lena Barra and Jeroen S. Dickschat
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2016 - vol. 14(Issue 1) pp:NaN164-164
Publication Date(Web):2015/10/15
Three sesquiterpene cyclases from Streptomyces scabei 87.22, Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 10712 and Streptomyces clavuligerus ATCC 27064 were characterised and their products were identified as (−)-neomeranol B, (+)-isodauc-8-en-11-ol and (+)-intermedeol, respectively. The stereochemical courses of the terpene cyclisations were investigated by use of various 13C-labelled FPP isotopomers. A quick and easy test was developed that allows to distinguish reprotonations of olefinic double bonds in neutral intermediates from the two stereoheterotopic faces. The method makes use of incubating 13C-FPP isotopomers labelled at the reprotonated carbon in deuterium oxide and subsequent HSQC analysis of the product. A 1,7-cyclisation towards (+)-isodauc-8-en-11-ol was followed by use of (1,7-13C2)FPP. Surprisingly, the (+)-isodauc-8-en-11-ol also accepted (2Z,6E)-FPP resulting in the same product profile as obtained from (2E,6E)-FPP.
Co-reporter:Patrick Rabe, Markiyan Samborskyy, Peter F. Leadlay and Jeroen S. Dickschat
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2017 - vol. 15(Issue 11) pp:NaN2358-2358
Publication Date(Web):2017/03/01
Genome sequencing of Streptomyces malaysiensis DSM 4137 revealed the presence of four terpene cyclase genes, one of which was characterised as (+)-isoafricanol synthase. Its cyclisation mechanism was extensively studied using isotopically labelled precursors. Several enzymes with high homology that likely also function as (+)-isoafricanol synthases are encoded in a number of other genome sequenced streptomycetes.
2(5H)-Furanone, 5-(6-methyloctyl)-
2H-Pyran-2-one, tetrahydro-6-(5-methylheptyl)-
1,6-Octadiene, 2,7-dimethyl-3-methylene-