Anna Pla-quintana

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Organization: Universitat de Girona
Department: Department of Chemistry and Technical Research Unit
Co-reporter:Òscar Torres;Miquel Solà;Anna Roglans
Chemical Communications 2017 vol. 53(Issue 71) pp:9922-9925
Publication Date(Web):2017/08/31
A RhI/(S)-BINAP catalytic system is able to promote carbene alkyne metathesis and cascade this elemental step with an stereoselective reaction with allenes. An unusual carbene/allene reactivity is discovered that, through a formal addition of p-toluenesulfinic acid to a Rh-bound trimethylenemethane intermediate, affords 4-methylenetetrahydropyran compounds in good yields and excellent enantioselectivities.
Co-reporter:Martí Fernández;Magda Parera;Teodor Parella;Agustí Lledó;Jean Le Bras;Jacques Muzart;Anna Roglans
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2016 Volume 358( Issue 11) pp:1848-1853
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Ewelina Haraburda, Agustí Lledó, Anna Roglans, and Anna Pla-Quintana
Organic Letters 2015 Volume 17(Issue 12) pp:2882-2885
Publication Date(Web):June 11, 2015
A rhodium-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition of cyano-yne-allene scaffolds followed by a dehydrogenative process enabling the direct synthesis of unsaturated pyridine-containing compounds that can be conveniently converted to 2,6-naphthyridine derivatives is reported.
Co-reporter:Òscar Torres;Dr. Teodor Parella;Dr. Miquel Solà;Dr. Anna Roglans;Dr. Anna Pla-Quintana
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 45) pp:16240-16245
Publication Date(Web):


The reaction of diyne arylsulfonyl hydrazone substrates under rhodium(I)/BINAP catalysis gives access to sulfonated azacyclic frameworks in a highly enantioselective manner. This new cascade process considerably increases the molecular complexity by generating two CC bonds, one CS bond, and one CH bond. Theoretical calculations, competitive experiments, and deuterium labeling have jointly been used to propose a mechanism that accounts for the reaction. The mechanism involves the formation of vinyl rhodium carbenoids, hydride migratory insertion, and intermolecular stereoselective nucleophilic attack. The last two steps are the key to the stereoselectivity of the process.

La reacció catalitzada per rodi(I)/BINAP de substrats contenint dos alquins i una sulfonilhidrazona permet sintetitzar compostos nitrogenats amb un grup sulfona de forma altament enantioselectiva. Aquest nou procés en cascada augmenta considerablement la complexitat molecular ja que genera dos enllaços CC, un enllaç CS i un enllaç CH. S′ha proposat un mecanisme per al procés desenvolupat en base als resultats obtinguts mitjançant càlculs DFT, experiments de competició i marcatge amb deuteri. El mecanisme involucra la formació d′un vinilcarbenoid de rodi, una inserció migratòria d′hidrur i un atac nucleofílic intermolecular estereoselectiu. Els dos darrers passos són claus per a l′enantioselectivitat del procés.

Co-reporter:Ewelina Haraburda;Òscar Torres;Dr. Teodor Parella;Dr. Miquel Solà;Dr. Anna Pla-Quintana
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 17) pp:5034-5045
Publication Date(Web):


Allene–ene–allene (2 and 5) and allene–yne–allene (3 and 7) N-tosyl and O-linked substrates were satisfactorily synthesised. The [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction catalysed by the Wilkinson catalyst [RhCl(PPh3)3] was evaluated. Substrates 2 and 5, which bear a double bond in the central position, gave a tricyclic structure in a reaction in which four contiguous stereogenic centres were formed as a single diastereomer. The reaction of substrates 3 and 7, which bear a triple bond in the central position, gave a tricyclic structure with a cyclohexenic ring core, again in a diastereoselective manner. All cycloadducts were formed by a regioselective reaction of the inner allene double bond and, therefore, feature an exocyclic diene motif. A Diels–Alder reaction on N-tosyl linked cycloadducts 8 and 10 allowed pentacyclic scaffolds to be diastereoselectively constructed. The reactivity of the allenes on [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions was studied for the first time by density functional theory calculations. This mechanistic study rationalizes the order in which the unsaturations take part in the catalytic cycle, the reactivity of the two double bonds of the allene towards the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction, and the diastereoselectivity of the reaction.

S′ha preparat satisfactòriament compostos contenint dues unitats d′al⋅lè i un doble (2 and 5) o un triple enllaç (3 and 7) amb unitats enllaçants N-tosil i O. Aquests compostos s’han emprat com a substrats en processos de cicloaddició [2+2+2] catalitzats pel complex de Wilkinson [RhCl(PPh3)3]. Els substrats 2 i 5, contenint un doble enllaç en posició central, han donat compostos tricíclics en una reacció on s’han format de forma diastereoselectiva quatre centres estereogènics. La reacció dels substrats 3 i 7 contenint un triple enllaç en posició central, han permès l′obtenció de tricicles contenint un anell central ciclohexànic en una reacció de nou diastereoselectiva. Tots els cicloadductes s’han format mitjançant la reacció regioselectiva del doble enllaç intern de l′al⋅lè. Així s’han obtingut compostos contenint un diè exocíclic. Una reacció de Diels–Alder en els substrats amb unió N-tosil 8 i 10, ha permès la construcció diastereoselectiva d′estructures pentacícliques. La reactivitat dels al⋅lens en la cicloaddició [2+2+2] s’ha estudiat per primer cop mitjançant càlculs teòrics basats en la teoria del funcional de la densitat. Aquest estudi mecanístic ha permès racionalitzar l′ordre en què les insaturacions participen en la reacció, la reactivitat dels dos dobles enllaços de l′al⋅lè en la cicloaddició [2+2+2] i la diastereoselectivitat del procés.

Co-reporter:Lídia Garcia, Anna Roglans, Régis Laurent, Jean-Pierre Majoral, Anna Pla-Quintana and Anne-Marie Caminade  
Chemical Communications 2012 vol. 48(Issue 74) pp:9248-9250
Publication Date(Web):08 Aug 2012
Phosphorus dendrimers containing terminal phosphoramidite ligands have been found to be highly effective and recoverable catalysts for the rhodium(I) catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions. A strong positive dendritic effect is observed both in the activity and enantiodiscrimination leading to axially chiral biaryl compounds.
Co-reporter:Sandra Brun, Anna Torrent, Anna Pla-Quintana, Anna Roglans, Xavier Fontrodona, Jordi Benet-Buchholz, and Teodor Parella
Organometallics 2012 Volume 31(Issue 1) pp:318-326
Publication Date(Web):December 23, 2011
A variety of new nitrogen-containing 15-membered triacetylenic macrocycles with one or two alkyl substituents in a propargylic position have been efficiently synthesized and completely characterized. These macrocyclic systems undergo [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition reactions, leading to the corresponding fused tetracycles with a benzene core on treatment with Wilkinson’s catalyst, [RhCl(PPh3)3]. The effects of alkyl chains have been evaluated on both the efficiency of the reaction and the conformational and structural analysis of the reactants.
Co-reporter:Magda Parera;Dr. Anna Dachs;Dr. Miquel Solà;Dr. Anna Pla-Quintana;Dr. Anna Roglans
Chemistry - A European Journal 2012 Volume 18( Issue 41) pp:13097-13107
Publication Date(Web):


The mechanism of the Rh-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction of diynes with monoynes has been examined using ESI-MS and ESI-CID-MS analysis. The catalytic system used consisted of the combination of a cationic rhodium(I) complex with bisphosphine ligands, which generates highly active complexes that can be detected by ESI(+) experiments. ESI-MS on-line monitoring has allowed the detection for the first time of all of the intermediates in the catalytic cycle, supporting the mechanistic proposal based mainly on theoretical calculations. For all ESI-MS experiments, the structural assignments of ions are supported by tandem mass spectrometry analyses. Computer model studies based on density functional theory (DFT) support the structural proposal made for the monoyne insertion intermediate. The collective studies provide new insight into the reactivity of cationic rhodacyclopentadienes, which should facilitate the design of related rhodium-catalysed CC couplings.

Co-reporter:Lídia Garcia, Anna Roglans, Régis Laurent, Jean-Pierre Majoral, Anna Pla-Quintana and Anne-Marie Caminade
Chemical Communications 2012 - vol. 48(Issue 74) pp:NaN9250-9250
Publication Date(Web):2012/08/08
Phosphorus dendrimers containing terminal phosphoramidite ligands have been found to be highly effective and recoverable catalysts for the rhodium(I) catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions. A strong positive dendritic effect is observed both in the activity and enantiodiscrimination leading to axially chiral biaryl compounds.
3(2H)-Pyridazinone, 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-
Benzenesulfonamide, N-2-butynyl-4-methyl-
Potassium furan-2-trifluoroborate
Benzenesulfonamide, N-3-butynyl-4-methyl-
Benzenepropanoic acid, β-hydroxy-α-methylene-, methyl ester, (βR)-