The thermodynamically controlled reactions of water-soluble tetraformylcavitand 2 with two equivalents of H2N(CH2)nNH2 (n=2–4) in the presence of a suitable templating guest give hemicarceplexes 1 a–c⋅guest, the yield of which depends on the match between size and shape of the guest and that of the inner phase. These hemicarceplexes are dynamic and dissociate upon addition of acid and reform upon basification. In water, they exchange guests through temporary hydrolysis of imine bonds. To test 1 b as molecular reaction flask, 3-noradamantyldiazirine 6 was encapsulated and photolyzed at 350 nm to produce Bredt olefin protoadamantene 5 and 1-noradamantyldiazomethane 8 in a 4:1 ratio. Encapsulated protoadamantene is stable for days at room temperature in (CD3)2SO/CD3CN (t1/2=5.5 days) and has a lifetime of several minutes in D2O.
The field of dynamic covalent nanocapsule synthesis is very young, and most contributions to the development of reliable approaches for the assembly of dynamic covalent capsules have been made during the past five years. In 1991, Quan and Cram published the first Schiff base molecular container compound. Over the past six years, a large number of multi-component polyimine hemicarcerand and polyhedron syntheses have been developed. This review will focus primarily on recent achievements in the area of pure Schiff base nanocapsules and highlight different synthetic approaches and design strategies, as well as first applications of these capsules in molecular recognition, gas storage, and gas separation.
The thermodynamically controlled syntheses of different di-, tetra-, and hexacavitand polyacylhydrazone nanocapsules are reported. [2+4]-, [4+8]-, and [6+12]-nanocapsules assemble upon reacting a tetraformyl cavitand with two equivalents of isophthalic dihydrazide, or terephthalic dihydrazide in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid, whereby the building blocks are linked together through 8, 16, or 24 newly formed acylhydrazone bonds. Futhermore, the reaction of the tetraformylcavitands with different trigonal planar trihydrazides, simultaneously leads to the formation of [2+4]- and [6+8]-nanocapsules in varying ratios that depend on the cavitand to trihydrazide ratio and the nature of the cavitand and trihydrazide building blocks. The product ratios are rationalized with the different conformational strain of the acylhydrazone linkages in these nanocapsules. Diffusion NMR experiments with the hexacavitand polyacylhydrazone nanocapsules yield solvodynamic radii that range from 1.6 to 2.5 nm, consistent with estimates from force field calculations, and support, that these capsules have solvent filled, spherical interiors, the sizes of which approaches those of smaller proteins.
Molecular container compounds have a range of potential applications in chemical and biological sciences, most notably as nanoreactors, drug delivery devices, and storage materials. We report a highly efficient dynamic covalent chemistry approach for the synthesis of covalent rhombicuboctahedral nanocapsule 1 from 14 square- and triangular-shaped molecular components. The nanocapsule is obtained in a one-pot reaction in high yield and high purity, and has a solvodynamic diameter of 3.9 nm. In our approach, six formyl cavitands and eight 1,3,5-tris(p-aminophenyl)benzene molecules are assembled into a molecular rhombicuboctahedron through twenty four newly formed dynamic imine bonds. Binding studies show that 1 encapsulates tetraalkylammonium salts in toluene. We also discuss the growth mechanism of this nanocapsule.
Molekulare Containerverbindungen bieten zahlreiche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der chemischen und biologischen Forschung insbesondere als Nanoreaktoren, Wirkstofftransportsysteme und zur Gasspeicherung. Wir beschreiben hier ein auf dynamisch kovalenter Chemie beruhendes, sehr effizientes Verfahren zur Synthese einer rhombicuboktaedrischen Nanokapsel 1, die aus 14 quadratischen und dreieckigen Komponenten aufgebaut ist und einen Durchmesser von 3.9 nm besitzt. Kapsel 1 bildet sich in hoher Ausbeute und Reinheit durch Kondensation von 6 Formylcavitanden und 8 1,3,5-Tris(p-aminophenyl)benzolen, wobei 24 neue Iminbindungen geknüpft werden. Bindungsstudien zeigen, dass 1 Tetraalkylammonium Salze in Toluol einschliesst. Weiterhin diskutieren wir den Kapselbildungsmechanismus.