Recently, we found oligodeoxynucleotide could induce single-chained cationic surfactant to organize into vesicles. In this article, we will report the effects of NaCl and temperature on the surfactant/oligodeoxynucleotide vesicle formation. A moderate content of NaCl can facilitate vesicle formation and high content of NaCl makes vesicle degraded. The enhanced hydrophobic interaction between surfactant and oligodeoxynucleotide with NaCl plays a key role for facilitating vesicle formation. Moreover, surfactant/oligodeoxynucleotide vesicles tend to aggregate at high temperature and the change is irreversible. However, the presence of NaCl makes this change reversible. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem, 2012