Co-reporter:Cade B. Markegard, Cameron P. Gallivan, Darrell D. Cheng, and Hung D. Nguyen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016 Volume 120(Issue 32) pp:7795-7806
Publication Date(Web):July 22, 2016
A newly developed coarse-grained model called BioModi is utilized to elucidate the effects of temperature and concentration on DNA hybridization in self-assembly. Large-scale simulations demonstrate that complementary strands of either the tetrablock sequence or randomized sequence with equivalent number of cytosine or guanine nucleotides can form completely hybridized double helices. Even though the end states are the same for the two sequences, there exist multiple kinetic pathways that are populated with a wider range of transient aggregates of different sizes in the system of random sequences compared to that of the tetrablock sequence. The ability of these aggregates to undergo the strand displacement mechanism to form only double helices depends upon the temperature and DNA concentration. On one hand, low temperatures and high concentrations drive the formation and enhance stability of large aggregating species. On the other hand, high temperatures destabilize base-pair interactions and large aggregates. There exists an optimal range of moderate temperatures and low concentrations that allow minimization of large aggregate formation and maximization of fully hybridized dimers. Such investigation on structural dynamics of aggregating species by two closely related sequences during the self-assembly process demonstrates the importance of sequence design in avoiding the formation of metastable species. Finally, from kinetic modeling of self-assembly dynamics, the activation energy for the formation of double helices was found to be in agreement with experimental results. The framework developed in this work can be applied to the future design of DNA nanostructures in both fields of structural DNA nanotechnology and dynamic DNA nanotechnology wherein equilibrium end states and nonequilibrium dynamics are equally important requiring investigation in cooperation.
Co-reporter:Quynh N. Vo, Liem X. Dang, Mikael Nilsson, and Hung D. Nguyen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016 Volume 120(Issue 28) pp:6985-6994
Publication Date(Web):July 11, 2016
Tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP), a representative of neutral organophosphorous ligands, is an important extractant used in the solvent extraction process for the recovery of uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel. Microscopic pictures of TBP isomerism and its behavior in n-dodecane diluent were investigated utilizing MD simulations with previously optimized force field parameters for TBP and n-dodecane. Potential mean force (PMF) calculations on a single TBP molecule show seven probable TBP isomers. Radial distribution functions (RDFs) of TBP suggest the existence of TBP trimers at high TBP concentrations in addition to dimers. 2D PMF calculations were performed to determine the angle and distance criteria for TBP trimers. The dimerization and trimerization constants of TBP in n-dodecane were obtained and match our own experimental values using the FTIR technique. The new insights into the conformational behaviors of the TBP molecule as a monomer and as part of an aggregate could greatly aid in the understanding of the complexation between TBP and metal ions in a solvent extraction system.
Co-reporter:Quynh N. Vo, Jaclynn L. Unangst, Hung D. Nguyen, and Mikael Nilsson
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016 Volume 120(Issue 28) pp:6976-6984
Publication Date(Web):July 11, 2016
Tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP), a representative of neutral organophosphorous metal-ion-extracting reagents, is an important ligand used in solvent extraction processes for the recovery of uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel, as well as other non-nuclear applications. Ligand–ligand and organic solvent–ligand interactions play an important role in these processes. The self-association behavior of TBP in various alkane diluents of different chain lengths (8, 12, and 16 carbons) and a branched alkane (iso-octane) was investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic measurements. By careful deconvolution of the spectra into multiple peaks, our results indicate that TBP self-associates to form not only dimers, as previous studies showed, but also trimers in the practical concentration range. Using a mathematical fitting procedure, the dimerization and trimerization constants were determined. As expected, these equilibrium constants are dependent on the solvent used. As the alkane chain for linear hydrocarbon solvents becomes longer, dimerization decreases whereas trimerization increases. For the more branched hydrocarbon, we observe a significantly higher dimerization constant. These effects are most likely due to the intermolecular van der Waals interactions between the butyl tails of each TBP molecule and the diluent hydrocarbon chain as all solvents in this study are relatively nonpolar.
Co-reporter:Iris W. Fu, Cade B. Markegard, and Hung D. Nguyen
Langmuir 2015 Volume 31(Issue 1) pp:315-324
Publication Date(Web):December 8, 2014
Peptide amphiphiles are known to form a variety of distinctive self-assembled nanostructures (including cylindrical nanofibers in hydrogels) dependent upon the solvent conditions. Using a novel coarse-grained model, large-scale molecular dynamics simulations are performed on a system of 800 peptide amphiphiles (sequence, palmitoyl-Val3Ala3Glu3) to elucidate kinetic mechanisms of molecular assembly as a function of the solvent conditions. The assembly process is found to occur via a multistep process with transient intermediates that ultimately leads to the stabilized nanostructures including open networks of β-sheets, cylindrical nanofibers, and elongated micelles. Different kinetic mechanisms are compared in terms of peptide secondary structures, solvent-accessible surface area, radius of gyration, relative shape anisotropy, intra/intermolecular interactions, and aggregate size dynamics to provide insightful information for the design of functional biomaterials.
Co-reporter:Quynh N. Vo, Cory A. Hawkins, Liem X. Dang, Mikael Nilsson, and Hung D. Nguyen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015 Volume 119(Issue 4) pp:1588-1597
Publication Date(Web):January 7, 2015
Tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) is an important extractant used in the solvent extraction process for recovering uranium and plutonium from used nuclear fuel. An atomistic molecular dynamics study was used to understand the fundamental molecular-level behavior of extracting agents in solution. Atomistic parametrization was carried out using the AMBER force field to model the TBP molecule and n-dodecane molecule, a commonly used organic solvent. Validation of the optimized force field was accomplished through various thermophysical properties of pure TBP and pure n-dodecane in the bulk liquid phase. The mass density, dipole moment, self-diffusion coefficient, and heat of vaporization were calculated from our simulations and compared favorably with experimental values. The molecular structure of TBPs in n-dodecane at a dilute TBP concentration was examined based on radial distribution functions. 1D and 2D potential mean force studies were carried out to establish the criteria for identifying TBP aggregates. The dimerization constant of TBP in the TBP/n-dodecane mixture was also obtained and matched the experimental value.
Co-reporter:Cade B. Markegard, Iris W. Fu, K. Anki Reddy, and Hung D. Nguyen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015 Volume 119(Issue 5) pp:1823-1834
Publication Date(Web):January 12, 2015
A novel coarse-grained model is developed to elucidate thermodynamics and kinetic mechanisms of DNA self-assembly. It accounts for sequence and solvent conditions to capture key experimental results such as sequence-dependent thermal property and salt-dependent persistence length of ssDNA and dsDNA. Moreover, constant-temperature simulations on two single strands of a homogeneous sequence show two main mechanisms of hybridization: a slow slithering mechanism and a one-order faster zippering mechanism. Furthermore, large-scale simulations at a high DNA strand concentration demonstrate that DNA self-assembly is a robust and enthalpically driven process in which the formation of double helices is deciphered to occur via multiple self-assembly pathways including the strand displacement mechanism. However, sequence plays an important role in shifting the majority of one pathway over the others and controlling size distribution of self-assembled aggregates. This study yields a complex picture on the role of sequence on programmable self-assembly and demonstrates a promising simulation tool that is suitable for studies in DNA nanotechnology.
Co-reporter:Cade B. Markegard, Amir Mazaheripour, Jonah-Micah Jocson, Anthony M. Burke, Mary N. Dickson, Alon A. Gorodetsky, and Hung D. Nguyen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015 Volume 119(Issue 35) pp:11459-11465
Publication Date(Web):August 21, 2015
Perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimides (PTCDIs) are a well-known class of organic materials. Recently, these molecules have been incorporated within DNA as base surrogates, finding ready applications as probes of DNA structure and function. However, the assembly dynamics and kinetics of PTCDI DNA base surrogates have received little attention to date. Herein, we employ constant temperature molecular dynamics simulations to gain an improved understanding of the assembly of PTCDI dimers and trimers. We also use replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the energetic landscape dictating the formation of stacked PTCDI structures. Our studies provide insight into the equilibrium configurations of multimeric PTCDIs and hold implications for the construction of DNA-inspired systems from perylene-derived organic semiconductor building blocks.
Co-reporter:Iris W. Fu, Cade B. Markegard, Brian K. Chu, and Hung D. Nguyen
Langmuir 2014 Volume 30(Issue 26) pp:7745-7754
Publication Date(Web):2017-2-22
Using a novel coarse-grained model, large-scale molecular dynamics simulations were performed to examine self-assembly of 800 peptide amphiphiles (sequence palmitoyl-V3A3E3). Under suitable physiological conditions, these molecules readily assemble into nanofibers leading to hydrogel construction as observed in experiments. Our simulations capture this spontaneous self-assembly process, including formation of secondary structure, to identify morphological transitions of distinctive nanostructures. As the hydrophobic interaction is increased, progression from open networks of secondary structures toward closed cylindrical nanostructures containing either β-sheets or random coils are observed. Moreover, temperature effects are also determined to play an important role in regulating formation of secondary structures within those nanostructures. These understandings of the molecular interactions involved and the role of environmental factors on hydrogel formation provide useful insight for development of innovative smart biomaterials for biomedical applications.
Co-reporter:Yoann Cote ; Iris W. Fu ; Eric T. Dobson ; Joshua E. Goldberger ; Hung D. Nguyen ;Jana K. Shen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014 Volume 118(Issue 29) pp:16272-16278
Publication Date(Web):July 4, 2014
Stimuli-responsive, self-assembling nanomaterials hold a great promise to revolutionize medicine and technology. However, current discovery is slow and often serendipitous. Here we report a multiscale modeling study to elucidate the pH-controlled self-assembly of nanofibers from the peptide amphiphiles, palmitoyl-I-A3E4-NH2. The coarse-grained simulations revealed the formation of random-coil based spherical micelles at strong electrostatic repulsion. However, at weak or no electrostatic repulsion, the micelles merge into a nanofiber driven by the β-sheet formation between the peptide segments. The all-atom constant pH molecular dynamics revealed a cooperative transition between random coil and β-sheet in the pH range 6–7, matching the CD data. Interestingly, although the bulk pKa is more than one unit below the transition pH, consistent with the titration data, the highest pKa’s coincide with the transition pH, suggesting that the latter may be tuned by modulating the pKa’s of a few solvent-buried Glu side chains. Together, these data offer, to our best knowledge, the first multiresolution and quantitative view of the pH-dependent self-assembly of nanofibers. The novel protocols and insights gained are expected to advance the computer-aided design and discovery of pH-responsive nanomaterials.
Co-reporter:Brian K. Chu, Iris W. Fu, Cade B. Markegard, Seong E. Choi, and Hung D. Nguyen
Biomacromolecules 2014 Volume 15(Issue 9) pp:
Publication Date(Web):July 28, 2014
Peptide amphiphiles (PA) offer the potential of incorporating biological function into synthetic materials for tissue engineering in regenerative medicine. These hybrid conjugates are known to undergo self-assembly starting from single molecules to nanofibers before turning into hydrogel scaffolds—such a process involves conformational changes in secondary structures of peptides. Therefore, insights on the ability of peptide amphiphiles to form secondary structure as single molecules are useful for understanding self-assembly behavior. We report here a molecular simulation study of peptide folding by two PA sequences, each contains an alkyl tail and short peptide segment. The alkyl tail is observed to play two opposing roles in modulating sequence-dependent folding kinetics and thermodynamics. On one hand, it restricts conformational freedom reducing the entropic cost of folding, which is thus promoted. On the other hand, it acts as an interaction site with nonpolar peptide residues, blocking the peptide from helix nucleation, which reduces folding.
Co-reporter:Iris W. Fu;Cade B. Markegard;Brian K. Chu
Advanced Healthcare Materials 2013 Volume 2( Issue 10) pp:1388-1400
Publication Date(Web):
Smart biomaterials that are self-assembled from peptide amphiphiles (PA) are known to undergo morphological transitions in response to specific physiological stimuli. The design of such customizable hydrogels is of significant interest due to their potential applications in tissue engineering, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. Using a novel coarse-grained peptide/polymer model, which has been validated by comparison of equilibrium conformations from atomistic simulations, large-scale molecular dynamics simulations are performed to examine the spontaneous self-assembly process. Starting from initial random configurations, these simulations result in the formation of nanostructures of various sizes and shapes as a function of the electrostatics and temperature. At optimal conditions, the self-assembly mechanism for the formation of cylindrical nanofibers is deciphered involving a series of steps: (1) PA molecules quickly undergo micellization whose driving force is the hydrophobic interactions between alkyl tails; (2) neighboring peptide residues within a micelle engage in a slow ordering process that leads to the formation of β-sheets exposing the hydrophobic core; (3) spherical micelles merge together through an end-to-end mechanism to form cylindrical nanofibers that exhibit high structural fidelity to the proposed structure based on experimental data. As the temperature and electrostatics vary, PA molecules undergo alternative kinetic mechanisms, resulting in the formation of a wide spectrum of nanostructures. A phase diagram in the electrostatics-temperature plane is constructed delineating regions of morphological transitions in response to external stimuli.
Co-reporter:Iris W. Fu;Cade B. Markegard;Brian K. Chu
Advanced Healthcare Materials 2013 Volume 2( Issue 10) pp:
Publication Date(Web):