Co-reporter:Robin Grotjahn, Toni M. Maier, Josef Michl, and Martin Kaupp
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation October 10, 2017 Volume 13(Issue 10) pp:4984-4984
Publication Date(Web):September 1, 2017
Chromophores suitable for singlet fission need to meet specific requirements regarding the relative energies of their S0, S1, and T1 (and T2) electronic states. Accurate quantum-chemical computations of the corresponding energy differences are thus highly desirable for materials design. Methods based on density functional theory (DFT) have the advantage of being applicable to larger, often more relevant systems compared to more sophisticated post-Hartree–Fock methods. However, most exchange–correlation functionals do not provide the needed accuracy, in particular, due to an insufficient description of the T1 state. Here we use a recent singlet fission chromophore test set (Wen, J.; Havlas, Z.; Michl, J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 165−172) to evaluate a wide range of DFT-based methods, with an emphasis on local hybrid functionals with a position-dependent exact-exchange admixture. New reference vertical CC2/CBS benchmark excitation energies for the test set have been generated, which exhibit somewhat more uniform accuracy than the previous CASPT2-based data. These CC2 reference data have been used to evaluate a wide range of functionals, comparing full linear-response TDDFT, the Tamm–Dancoff approximation (TDA), and ΔSCF calculations. Two simple two-parameter local hybrid functionals and the more empirical M06-2X global meta-GGA hybrid provide the overall best accuracy. Due to its lower empiricism and wide applicability, the Lh12ct-SsifPW92 local hybrid is suggested as the main ingredient of an efficient computational protocol for prediction of the relevant excitation energies in singlet fission chromophores. Full TDDFT for the S1, S2, and T2 excitations is combined with ΔSCF for the T1 excitations. Making use also of some error compensation with suitable DFT-optimized structures, even the most critical T1 excitations can be brought close to the target accuracy of 0.20 eV, while the other excitation energies are obtained even more accurately. This fully DFT-based protocol should become a useful tool in the field of singlet fission.
Co-reporter:Sebastian Gohr, Peter Hrobárik, and Martin Kaupp
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A November 30, 2017 Volume 121(Issue 47) pp:9106-9106
Publication Date(Web):October 27, 2017
For a closer validation of four-component relativistic DFT methods within the matrix Dirac–Kohn–Sham (mDKS) framework with global hybrid functionals for EPR parameter calculations to be applied in the modeling of tungsten enzymes, we refine a previously suggested protocol for computations on 5d systems. This is done for a series of larger, unsymmetrical W(V) complexes thought to closely resemble enzyme active sites in this oxidation state. Particular focus is placed on complexes with thiolate and dithiolene ligands, along with an evaluation of the influence of different amounts of exact-exchange incorporated in hybrid PBE0-xHF functionals, an implicit solvent model, and structural changes on the computed EPR parameters. Compared to previous work, a slightly modified protocol with different optimal exact-exchange admixtures for electronic g- and hyperfine A-tensors is found to provide the best agreement with experimental EPR data. It will provide the basis for our subsequent tungsten enzyme modeling efforts.
Co-reporter:Alexer Burchert;Dr. Robert Müller;Dr. Shenglai Yao;Caspar Schattenberg;Dr. Yun Xiong; Dr. Martin Kaupp; Dr. Matthias Driess
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 22) pp:6395-6398
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/22
AbstractThe synthesis of the unprecedented monomeric SiII selenide complex (bis-NHC)Si=SeGaCl3 2 (bis-NHC=bis-N heterocyclic carbene, H2C[{NC(H)=C(H)N(Dipp)}C:]2, Dipp=2,6-iPr2C6H3), bearing the elusive SiSe ligand as a heavy CO homologue by the reaction of the silylone–GaCl3 adduct (bis-NHC)SiGaCl3 1 with elemental selenium in acetonitrile, is reported. The similar conversion of 1 with excess selenium conducted in THF afforded the SiSe2 complex (bis-NHC)Si(=Se)SeGaCl3 3. Remarkably, the reaction of 1 with Te=P(nBu)3 as a gentle Te transfer reagent led to the isolation of the monomeric SiTe2 complex (bis-NHC)SiTe2 4, the first structurally characterized Lewis acid free heavy CO2 homologue complex. The isolated compounds 2, 3, and 4 have been fully characterized, including single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. Their electronic structures and spectroscopic data have also been studied by quantum-chemical calculations.
Co-reporter:Martin Kaupp, David Danovich, Sason Shaik
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2017 Volume 344(Volume 344) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 August 2017
•Bond-length/bond-strength correlations are in widespread use.•They are empirical rules but sometimes erroneously viewed as physical laws.•Many exceptions are known, having various different explanations.•Bond dissociation energies are more complicated, due to reorganization processes.•But they cannot be disregarded, as they encode decisive chemical information.The current usage of bond-length/bond-strength (BLBS) correlations, namely, that a shorter bond must be associated with larger dissociation energy and/or force constant, is appraised. The numerous exceptions to these rules are noted. The originators of these rules considered them as useful empirical correlations, but in the course of time these relationships have often been painted as laws. As shall be seen, each exception to these rules can be explained by some effects, like strain, steric effects, dispersion stabilization, hybridization defects, bond ionicity, orbital shrinkage, and so on. As such, when the number of special reasons that can be invoked for failures of the BLBS rules, is close to the number of the exceptions to these rules, one must conclude that such correlations cannot be considered as anything even close to physical laws. Indeed, it is often the exceptions to the rules that point to interesting bonding aspects and/or reorganization processes. We argue against disregarding bond dissociation energies or related energy quantities in this context. While the various reorganization processes involved in determining these energy quantities may complicate the BLBS correlations appreciably, compared to the properties that probe structures only close to equilibrium, their consideration cannot be avoided if we want to extract chemical sense from the notion of a bond strength.
Co-reporter:Martin Kaupp, Amir Karton, and Florian A. Bischoff
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2016 Volume 12(Issue 8) pp:3796-3806
Publication Date(Web):July 19, 2016
The radical anion [Al2O4]− has been identified as a rare example of a small gas-phase mixed-valence system with partially localized, weakly coupled class II character in the Robin/Day classification. It exhibits a low-lying C2v minimum with one terminal oxyl radical ligand and a high-lying D2h minimum at about 70 kJ/mol relative energy with predominantly bridge-localized-hole character. Two identical C2v minima and the D2h minimum are connected by two C2v-symmetrical transition states, which are only ca. 6–10 kJ/mol above the D2h local minimum. The small size of the system and the absence of environmental effects has for the first time enabled the computation of accurate ab initio benchmark energies, at the CCSDT(Q)/CBS level using W3-F12 theory, for a class-II mixed-valence system. These energies have been used to evaluate wave function-based methods [CCSD(T), CCSD, SCS-MP2, MP2, UHF] and density functionals ranging from semilocal (e.g., BLYP, PBE, M06L, M11L, N12) via global hybrids (B3LYP, PBE0, BLYP35, BMK, M06, M062X, M06HF, PW6B95) and range-separated hybrids (CAM-B3LYP, ωB97, ωB97X-D, LC-BLYP, LC-ωPBE, M11, N12SX), the B2PLYP double hybrid, and some local hybrid functionals. Global hybrids with about 35–43% exact-exchange (EXX) admixture (e.g., BLYP35, BMK), several range hybrids (CAM-B3LYP, ωB97X-D, ω-B97), and a local hybrid provide good to excellent agreement with benchmark energetics. In contrast, too low EXX admixture leads to an incorrect delocalized class III picture, while too large EXX overlocalizes and gives too large energy differences. These results provide support for previous method choices for mixed-valence systems in solution and for the treatment of oxyl defect sites in alumosilicates and SiO2. Vibrational gas-phase spectra at various computational levels have been compared directly to experiment and to CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z data.
Co-reporter:Sascha Klawohn, Hilke Bahmann, and Martin Kaupp
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2016 Volume 12(Issue 9) pp:4254-4262
Publication Date(Web):July 19, 2016
We present the first implementation of the derivative of the local hybrid exchange-correlation energy with respect to the displacement of nuclei in a Gaussian-type atomic basis set. This extends a recent efficient implementation of local hybrid functionals for self-consistent Kohn–Sham and linear-response TDDFT calculations into the TURBOMOLE program package. In contrast to seminumerical schemes for global exact-exchange admixtures and to the related SCF and TDDFT implementations of local hybrid functionals, additional analytical integrals have to be evaluated at each grid point in the case of molecular gradients. The overall efficiency of the present scheme is improved through prescreening with the density matrix (P-junctions), as well as with spherical overlap estimates (S-junctions). Comparative timings for structure optimizations with local vs global hybrid functionals are discussed while gauging the accuracy for S- and P-junctions using varying thresholds. Local hybrids are furthermore assessed for structure optimization and harmonic vibrational frequency calculations (using numerical second derivatives) of a selection of test systems, comparing with experimental data and some widely used density functionals.
Co-reporter:Shadan Ghassemi Tabrizi, Vladimir Pelmenschikov, Louis Noodleman, and Martin Kaupp
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2016 Volume 12(Issue 1) pp:174-187
Publication Date(Web):November 23, 2015
An unprecedented [4Fe-3S] cluster proximal to the regular [NiFe] active site has recently been found to be responsible for the ability of membrane-bound hydrogenases (MBHs) to oxidize dihydrogen in the presence of ambient levels of oxygen. Starting from proximal cluster models of a recent DFT study on the redox-dependent structural transformation of the [4Fe-3S] cluster, 57Fe Mössbauer parameters (electric field gradients, isomer shifts, and nuclear hyperfine couplings) were calculated using DFT. Our results revise the previously reported correspondence of Mössbauer signals and iron centers in the [4Fe-3S]3+ reduced-state proximal cluster. Similar conflicting assignments are also resolved for the [4Fe-3S]5+ superoxidized state with particular regard to spin-coupling in the broken-symmetry DFT calculations. Calculated 57Fe hyperfine coupling (HFC) tensors expose discrepancies in the experimental set of HFC tensors and substantiate the need for additional experimental work on the magnetic properties of the MBH proximal cluster in its reduced and superoxidized redox states.
Co-reporter:Adrian C. Stelzer, Peter Hrobárik, Thomas Braun, Martin Kaupp, and Beatrice Braun-Cula
Inorganic Chemistry 2016 Volume 55(Issue 10) pp:4915
Publication Date(Web):April 29, 2016
The subvalent aluminum compound [Cp*Al]4 (1) reacts with dioxygen, N2O, or sulfur to yield the heterocubane complexes [Cp*AlX]4 [X = O (2) and S (3)]. Treatment of [Cp*AlO]4 (2) with (tBuO)3SiOH gave [(tBuO)3SiOAlO]4 (6) and Cp*H. The structures and spectroscopic data of the Al clusters are supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which also demonstrate the importance of noncovalent interactions (NCI) in oligomeric Al(I) complexes as well as in [Cp*AlS]4 and the heavier homologues of Se and Te. The computed 27Al NMR shifts indicate a deshielding at the Al centers with increasing electronegativity of the chalcogen atom as well as significant spin–orbit shielding effects within the heavier heterocubane [Al4E4] cores. Further hydrolysis of 6 with an additional amount of silanol in the presence of water resulted in the formation of [Al4(OH)6(OH2)2(OSiOtBu3)6] (7), which shows a structural motif found in boehmite and diaspore.
Co-reporter:Toni M. Maier, Matthias Haasler, Alexei V. Arbuznikov and Martin Kaupp
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 vol. 18(Issue 31) pp:21133-21144
Publication Date(Web):05 Apr 2016
The ambiguity of exchange-energy densities is a fundamental challenge for the development of local hybrid functionals, or of other functionals based on a local mixing of exchange-energy densities. In this work, a systematic construction of semi-local calibration functions (CFs) for adjusting the exchange-energy densities in local hybrid functionals is provided, which directly links a given CF to an underlying semi-local exchange functional, as well as to the second-order gradient expansion of the exchange hole. Using successive steps of integration by parts allows the derivation of correction terms of increasing order, resulting in more and more complicated but also more flexible CFs. We derive explicit first- and second-order CFs (pig1 and pig2) based on B88 generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) exchange, and a first-order CF (tpig1) based on τ-dependent B98 meta-GGA exchange. We combine these CFs with different long-range damping functions and evaluate them for calibration of LDA, B88 GGA, and TPSS meta-GGA exchange-energy densities. Based on a minimization of unphysical nondynamical correlation contributions in three noble-gas dimer potential-energy curves, free parameters in the CFs are optimized, and performance of various approaches in the calibration of different exchange-energy densities is compared. Most notably, the second-order pig2 CF provides the largest flexibility with respect to the diffuseness of the damping function. This suggests that higher-order CFs based on the present integration-by-parts scheme may be particularly suitable for the flexible construction of local hybrid functionals.
Co-reporter:Shadan Ghassemi Tabrizi, Alexei V. Arbuznikov, and Martin Kaupp
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2016 Volume 120(Issue 34) pp:6864-6879
Publication Date(Web):August 2, 2016
We apply broken-symmetry density functional theory to determine isotropic exchange-coupling constants and local zero-field splitting (ZFS) tensors for the tetragonal Mn12tBuAc single-molecule magnet. The obtained parametrization of the many-spin Hamiltonian (MSH), taking into account all 12 spin centers, is assessed by comparing theoretical predictions for thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties with available experimental data. The magnetic susceptibility (calculated by the finite-temperature Lanczos method) is well approximated, and the intermultiplet excitation spectrum from inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments is correctly reproduced. In these respects, the present parametrization of the 12-spin model represents a significant improvement over previous theoretical estimates of exchange-coupling constants in Mn12, and additionally offers a refined interpretation of INS spectra. Treating anisotropic interactions at the third order of perturbation theory, the MSH is mapped onto the giant-spin Hamiltonian describing the S = 10 ground multiplet. Although the agreement with high-field EPR experiments is not perfect, the results clearly point in the right direction and for the first time rationalize the angular dependence of the transverse-field spectra from a fully microscopic viewpoint. Importantly, transverse anisotropy of the effective S = 10 manifold is explicitly shown to arise largely from the ZFS-induced mixing of exchange multiplets. This effect is given a thorough analysis in the approximate D2d spin-permutational symmetry group of the exchange Hamiltonian.
Co-reporter:Marjan Firouzbakht;Dr. Nicole J. Rijs;Dr. Patricio González-Navarrete;Dr. Maria Schlangen;Dr. Martin Kaupp;Dr. Helmut Schwarz
Chemistry - A European Journal 2016 Volume 22( Issue 30) pp:10581-10589
Publication Date(Web):
The thermal reactions of [Ta,O,H]+ with methane and carbon dioxide have been investigated experimentally and theoretically by using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) and density functional theory calculations. Although the activation of methane proceeds by liberation of H2, the activation of CO2 gives rise to the formation of [OTa(OH)]+ under the elimination of CO. Computational studies of the reactions of methane and carbon dioxide with the two isomers of [Ta,O,H]+, namely, [HTaO]+ and [Ta(OH)]+, have been performed to elucidate mechanistic aspects and to explain characteristic reaction patterns.
Co-reporter:Kolja Theilacker, David Buhrke, and Martin Kaupp
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2015 Volume 11(Issue 1) pp:111-121
Publication Date(Web):December 2, 2014
The modeling of chemical reactions in protic solvents tends to be far more computationally demanding than in most aprotic solvents, where bulk solvent effects are well described by dielectric continuum solvent models. In the presence of hydrogen bonds from a protic solvent to reactants, transition states or intermediates, a faithful modeling of the solvent effects usually requires some kind of molecular dynamics treatment. In contrast, the COSMO-RS (conductor-like screening model for real solvents) approach has been known for about a decade to describe protic solvent effects much better than continuum solvents, in spite of being an implicit solvent model without explicit molecular dynamics. More recently, the self-consistent use of its potential in electronic-structure methods has led to the Direct-COSMO-RS approach. It allows, for example, structure optimization in the presence of a protic solvent, of solvent mixtures, as well as self-consistent property calculations. In view of recent successful tests for electron transfer in organic mixed-valence systems, in this work the wider applicability of D-COSMO-RS for organic reactivity is evaluated by computation of activation and reaction free energies, as well as transition-state structures of two prototypical Diels–Alder reactions, with an emphasis on aqueous solution. D-COSMO-RS indeed provides substantial improvements over the COSMO continuum model and in judicious testing compares well with embedded supermolecular model cluster treatments, without prior knowledge about the average numbers of hydrogen-bonding interactions present.
Co-reporter:Kolja Theilacker, H. Bernhard Schlegel, Martin Kaupp, and Peter Schwerdtfeger
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 20) pp:9869-9875
Publication Date(Web):September 30, 2015
The redox stability of gold halide complexes in aqueous solution has been examined quantum-chemically by a systematic comparison of scalar- and nonrelativistic pseudopotential calculations, using both COSMO and D-COSMO-RS solvent models for water. After a computational benchmarking of density-functional methods against CCSD(T) results for the gas phase decomposition AuX4– → AuX2– + X2, B3LYP calculations have been used to establish solvent contributions. While relativity clearly enhances the stability of AuX4– (X = F, Cl, Br, I) complexes against X2 elimination, solvation favors the lower oxidation state. Solvation and relativity are nonadditive, due to the relativistic reduction of bond polarity. At scalar relativistic D-COSMO-RS level, the reaction AuX4– ⇌ AuX2– + X2 is computed to be endergonic, except for X = I, where it is slightly exergonic. Under the chosen conditions, partial hydrolysis of AuCl4– to AuCl3OH– is exergonic. The latter complex in turn is stable against Cl2 elimination. The disproportionation 3 AuCl2– ⇌ AuCl4– + 2 Au(s) + 2 Cl– is clearly exergonic. All of the computed reaction energies at scalar relativistic D-COSMO-RS level agree well with the observed speciation in dilute pH-neutral solutions at ambient temperatures.
Co-reporter:Toni M. Maier, Hilke Bahmann, and Martin Kaupp
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2015 Volume 11(Issue 9) pp:4226-4237
Publication Date(Web):August 14, 2015
Local hybrid functionals with position-dependent exact-exchange admixture offer increased flexibility compared to global hybrids. For sufficiently advanced functionals of this type, this is expected to hold also for a wide range of electronic excitations within time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Following a recent semi-numerical implementation of local hybrid functionals for ground-state self-consistent-field calculations (Bahmann, H.; Kaupp, M. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2015, 11, 1540–1548), the first linear-response TDDFT implementation of local hybrids is reported, using a semi-numerical integration technique. The timings and accuracy of the semi-numerical implementation are evaluated by comparison with analytical schemes for time-dependent Hartree–Fock (TDHF) and for the TPSSh global hybrid. In combination with the RI approximation to the Coulomb part of the kernel, the semi-numerical implementation is faster than the existing analytical TDDFT/TDHF implementation of global hybrid functionals in the TURBOMOLE code, even for small systems and moderate basis sets. Moreover, timings for global and local hybrids are practically equal for the semi-numerical scheme. The way to TDDFT calculations with local hybrid functionals for large systems is thus now open, and more sophisticated parametrizations of local hybrids may be evaluated.
Co-reporter:Anja H. Greif; Peter Hrobárik; Veronika Hrobáriková; Alexei V. Arbuznikov; Jochen Autschbach
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 15) pp:7199-7208
Publication Date(Web):July 16, 2015
Empirical correlations between characteristic 1H NMR shifts in Pt(II) hydrides with trans ligand influence series, Pt–H distances, and 195Pt shifts are analyzed at various levels of including relativistic effects into density-functional calculations. A close examination of the trans ligand effects on hydride NMR shifts is shown to be dominated by spin–orbit shielding σSO. A rather complete understanding of the trends has been obtained by detailed molecular orbital (MO)-by-MO and localized MO analyses of the paramagnetic and spin–orbit (SO) contributions to the chemical shifts, noting that it is the perpendicular shift-tensor components that determine the trend of the 1H hydride shifts. In contrast to previous assumptions, the change of the Pt–H distance in given complexes does not allow correlations between hydride shifts and metal–hydrogen bond length to be understood. Instead, variations in the polarization of metal 5d orbitals by the trans ligand affects the SO (and partly paramagnetic) shift contributions, as well as the Pt–H distances and the covalency of the metal–hydrogen bond (quantified, e.g., by natural atomic charges and delocalization indices from quantum theory atoms-in-molecules), resulting in a reasonable correlation of these structural/electronic quantities with hydride σSO shieldings. Our analysis also shows that specific σp- and σSO-active MOs are not equally important across the entire series. This explains some outliers in the correlation for limited ranges of trans-influence ligands. Additionally, SO effects from heavy-halide ligands may further complicate trends, indicating some limitations of the simple one-parameter correlations. Strikingly, σ-donating/π-accepting ligands with a very strong trans influence are shown to invert the sign of the usually shielding σSO contribution to the 1H shifts, by a substantial reduction of the metal 5d orbital involvement in Pt–H bonding, and by involvement of metal 6p-type orbitals in the magnetic couplings, in violation of the Buckingham–Stephens “off-center ring-current” picture.
Co-reporter:Nicole Kroll, Kolja Theilacker, Marc Schoknecht, Dirk Baabe, Dennis Wiedemann, Martin Kaupp, Andreas Grohmann and Gerald Hörner
Dalton Transactions 2015 vol. 44(Issue 44) pp:19232-19247
Publication Date(Web):13 Oct 2015
The ligand-field strength in metal complexes of polydentate ligands depends critically on how the ligand backbone places the donor atoms in three-dimensional space. Distortions from regular coordination geometries are often observed. In this work, we study the isolated effect of ligand-sphere distortion by means of two structurally related pentadentate ligands of identical donor set, in the solid state (X-ray diffraction, 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy), in solution (NMR spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectroscopy, conductometry), and with quantum-chemical methods. Crystal structures of hexacoordinate iron(II) and nickel(II) complexes derived from the cyclic ligand L1 (6-methyl-6-(pyridin-2-yl)-1,4-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-1,4-diazepane) and its open-chain congener L2 (N1,N3,2-trimethyl-2-(pyridine-2-yl)-N1,N3-bis(pyridine-2-ylmethyl) propane-1,3-diamine) reveal distinctly different donor set distortions reflecting the differences in ligand topology. Distortion from regular octahedral geometry is minor for complexes of ligand L2, but becomes significant in the complexes of the cyclic ligand L1, where trans elongation of Fe−N bonds cannot be compensated by the rigid ligand backbone. This provokes trigonal twisting of the ligand field. This distortion causes the metal ion in complexes of L1 to experience a significantly weaker ligand field than in the complexes of L2, which are more regular. The reduced ligand-field strength in complexes of L1 translates into a marked preference for the electronic high-spin state, the emergence of conformational isomers, and massively enhanced lability with respect to ligand exchange and oxidation of the central ion. Accordingly, oxoiron(IV) species derived from L1 and L2 differ in their spectroscopic properties and their chemical reactivity.
Co-reporter:Kevin B. Vincent, Matthias Parthey, Dmitry S. Yufit, Martin Kaupp, Paul J. Low
Polyhedron 2015 Volume 86() pp:31-42
Publication Date(Web):28 January 2015
The Pt-halide complex trans-PtI{C6H4NAr2}(PPh3)2 (Ar = C6H4OMe-4, 3) was prepared by oxidative addition of N(C6H4I)Ar2 (2) to Pt(PPh3)4. Reactions of trans-PtI{C6H4NAr2}(PPh3)2 (3) with 1-alkynes under CuI catalysed dehydrohalogenation conditions allows the preparation of a range of platinum ethynyl compounds containing up to four redox-active triarylamine centres. The compounds trans-Pt(CCAr)(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2 (4a), trans-Pt(CCC6H4NAr2)(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2 (4b), {trans-Pt(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2}2(μ-CC-1,4-C6H4CC) (5) and N{C6H4CCPt(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2}3 (6) undergo a single electrochemical event for each chemically distinct type of triarylamine in the molecular backbone. The complete reversibility of the larger systems means that they can be used for charge storage materials capable of releasing up to four electrons. A combination of electrochemical, spectroelectrochemical and quantum chemical analyses reveal weak electronic coupling between the amine moieties in the redox products derived from one-electron oxidation.Graphical abstractThe compounds trans-Pt(CCAr)(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2 (4a), trans-Pt(CCC6H4NAr2)(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2 (4b), {trans-Pt(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2}2(μ-CC-1,4-C6H4CC) (5) and N{C6H4CCPt(C6H4NAr2)(PPh3)2}3 (6) have been studied using a combination of electrochemical, spectroelectrochemical and quantum chemical analyses, which reveal weak electronic coupling between the amine moieties in the formally organic mixed-valence complexes formed on one-electron oxidation.
Co-reporter:Sebastian Gohr, Peter Hrobárik, Michal Repiský, Stanislav Komorovský, Kenneth Ruud, and Martin Kaupp
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2015 Volume 119(Issue 51) pp:12892-12905
Publication Date(Web):December 4, 2015
The four-component matrix Dirac–Kohn–Sham (mDKS) implementation of EPR g- and hyperfine A-tensor calculations within a restricted kinetic balance framework in the ReSpect code has been extended to hybrid functionals. The methodology is validated for an extended set of small 4d1 and 5d1 [MEXn]q systems, and for a series of larger Ir(II) and Pt(III) d7 complexes (S = 1/2) with particularly large g-tensor anisotropies. Different density functionals (PBE, BP86, B3LYP-xHF, PBE0-xHF) with variable exact-exchange admixture x (ranging from 0% to 50%) have been evaluated, and the influence of structure and basis set has been examined. Notably, hybrid functionals with an exact-exchange admixture of about 40% provide the best agreement with experiment and clearly outperform the generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) functionals, in particular for the hyperfine couplings. Comparison with computations at the one-component second-order perturbational level within the Douglas–Kroll–Hess framework (1c-DKH), and a scaling of the speed of light at the four-component mDKS level, provide insight into the importance of higher-order relativistic effects for both properties. In the more extreme cases of some iridium(II) and platinum(III) complexes, the widely used leading-order perturbational treatment of SO effects in EPR calculations fails to reproduce not only the magnitude but also the sign of certain g-shift components (with the contribution of higher-order SO effects amounting to several hundreds of ppt in 5d complexes). The four-component hybrid mDKS calculations perform very well, giving overall good agreement with the experimental data.
Co-reporter:M. Parthey and M. Kaupp
Chemical Society Reviews 2014 vol. 43(Issue 14) pp:5067-5088
Publication Date(Web):29 Apr 2014
In mixed-valence (MV) systems essentially identical, more or less electronically coupled, redox centres are brought into formally different oxidation states by removal or addition of an electron. Depending on the strength of electronic coupling, an electron or a hole is either concentrated on one of the redox centres, or it is symmetrically delocalised onto several sites, or the situation is somewhere in between, which leads to the classification system for MV systems introduced by Melvin Robin and Peter Day. These different characteristics are of fundamental importance for the understanding of electron transfer processes. Applications of quantum-chemical methods to aid the classification and to unravel the nature of the electronic structure and spectroscopic data of both organic and transition-metal MV systems, have gained tremendous importance over the last two decades. In this review, we emphasise the prerequisites the quantum-chemical methods need to fulfill to successfully describe MV systems close to the borderline between Robin–Day classes II and III. These are, in particular, a balanced treatment of exchange, dynamical and non-dynamical correlation effects, as well as consideration of the crucial influence of the (solvent or solid-state) environment on the partial localisation of charge. A large variety of applications of quantum-chemical methods to both organic and inorganic MV systems are critically appraised here in view of these prerequisites. Practical protocols based on a combination of suitable density functional methods with continuum or non-continuum solvent models provided good agreement with experimental data for the ground states and the electronic excitations of a large range of MV systems close to the borderline. Recent applications of such methods have highlighted the crucial importance of conformational effects on electronic coupling, all the way to systems where conformational motion may cause a thermal mixing of class II and class III situations in one system.
Co-reporter:Matthias Parthey, Kevin B. Vincent, Manuel Renz, Phil A. Schauer, Dmitry S. Yufit, Judith A. K. Howard, Martin Kaupp, and Paul J. Low
Inorganic Chemistry 2014 Volume 53(Issue 3) pp:1544-1554
Publication Date(Web):January 22, 2014
The character of the electronic transitions in the ultraviolet–visible–near infrared (UV–vis–NIR) spectra of platinum-bis(alkynyl) bridged, bis-triarylamine mixed-valence systems trans-[Pt(C≡CC6H4NAr2)2 (PR3)2]n+ (R = ethyl, Ar = C6H4CH3-4 (1) or C6H4OCH3-4 (2); R = Ph, Ar = C6H4CH3-4 (3) or C6H4OCH3-4 (4), n = 0, 1, 2) has been determined from a combination of spectroscopic measurement and density functional theory calculations. The hybrid functional BLYP35 in combination with a suitable solvent model (i.e., conductor-like screening model (COSMO)) has been used to model the UV–vis–NIR and IR spectroscopic properties of [1–4]+, to confirm the description of [1–4]+ as examples of metal-bridged organic mixed-valence compounds, and to assign the principal features of the electronic spectra, including the triarylamine-based intervalence charge transfer transition located in the NIR region. The successful modeling of the charge distribution within the system demonstrates the utility of the BLYP35-COSMO protocol as a tool for use in the study of intramolecular charge transfer properties in mixed-valence complexes.
Co-reporter:Matthias Parthey;Dr. Josef B. G. Gluyas;Dr. Mark A. Fox;Dr. Paul J. Low ;Dr. Martin Kaupp
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 23) pp:6895-6908
Publication Date(Web):
The conformational energy landscape and the associated electronic structure and spectroscopic properties (UV/Vis/near-infrared (NIR) and IR) of three formally d5/d6 mixed-valence diruthenium complex cations, [{Ru(dppe)Cp*}2(μ-C≡CC6H4C≡C)]+, [1]+, [trans-{RuCl(dppe)2}2(μ-C≡CC6H4C≡C)]+, [2]+, and the Creutz–Taube ion, [{Ru(NH3)5}2(μ-pz)]5+, [3]5+ (Cp=cyclopentadienyl; dppe=1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane; pz=pyrazine), have been studied using a nonstandard hybrid density functional BLYP35 with 35 % exact exchange and continuum solvent models. For the closely related monocations [1]+ and [2]+, the calculations indicated that the lowest-energy conformers exhibited delocalized electronic structures (or class III mixed-valence character). However, these minima alone explained neither the presence of shoulder(s) in the NIR absorption envelope nor the presence of features in the observed vibrational spectra characteristic of both delocalized and valence-trapped electronic structures. A series of computational models have been used to demonstrate that the mutual conformation of the metal fragments—and even more importantly the orientation of the bridging ligand relative to those metal centers—influences the electronic coupling sufficiently to afford valence-trapped conformations, which are of sufficiently low energy to be thermally populated. Areas in the conformational phase space with variable degrees of symmetry breaking of structures and spin-density distributions are shown to be responsible for the characteristic spectroscopic features of these two complexes. The Creutz–Taube ion [3]5+ also exhibits low-lying valence-trapped conformational areas, but the electronic transitions that characterize these conformations with valence-localized electronic structures have low intensities and do not influence the observed spectroscopic characteristics to any notable extent.
Co-reporter:Johannes Schraut ;Dr. Martin Kaupp
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 24) pp:7300-7308
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A recent EPR study (M. Perrez Navarro et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2013, 110, 15561) provided evidence that ammonia binding to the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of photosystem II in its S2 state takes place at a terminal-water binding position (W1) on the “dangler” manganese center MnA. This contradicted earlier interpretations of 14N electron-spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) and extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) data, which were taken to indicate replacement of a bridging oxo ligand by an NH2 unit. Here we have used systematic broken-symmetry density functional theory calculations on large (ca. 200 atom) model clusters of an extensive variety of substitution patterns and core geometries to examine these contradictory pieces of evidence. Computed relative energies clearly favor the terminal substitution pattern over bridging-ligand arrangements (by about 20–30 kcal mol−1) and support W1 as the preferred binding site. Computed 14N EPR nuclear-quadrupole coupling tensors confirm previous assumptions that the appreciable asymmetry may be accounted for by strong, asymmetric hydrogen bonding to the bound terminal NH3 ligand (mainly by Asp61). Indeed, bridging NH2 substitution would lead to exaggerated asymmetries. Although our computed structures confirm that the reported elongation of an Mn–Mn distance by about 0.15 Å inferred from EXAFS experiments may only be reproduced by bridging NH2 substitution, it seems possible that the underlying EXAFS data were skewed by problems due to radiation damage. Overall, the present data clearly support the suggested terminal NH3 coordination at the W1 site. The finding is significant for the proposed mechanistic scenarios of OEC catalysis, as this is not a water substrate site, and effects of this ammonia binding on catalysis thus must be due to more indirect influences on the likely substrate binding site at the O5 bridging-oxygen position.
Co-reporter:Robert Rudolph, Burgert Blom, Shenglai Yao, Florian Meier, Eckhard Bill, Maurice van Gastel, Nils Lindenmaier, Martin Kaupp, and Matthias Driess
Organometallics 2014 Volume 33(Issue 12) pp:3154-3162
Publication Date(Web):June 11, 2014
The first synthesis of a monoradical Ni(μ-S2)Fe core in the [(Nacnac)Ni(μ-S2)Fe(dmpe)2] complex 3 could be accomplished in good yields by PMe3 elimination from the zerovalent iron complex [(dmpe)2(PMe3)Fe] (2; dmpe =1,2-bis(dimethylphosphine)ethane) upon reaction with the supersulfido nickel(II) complex [(Nacnac)Ni(S2)] (1; Nacnac = CH{(CMe)(2,6-iPr2C6H3N)}2). Complex 3 bears Ni(II) and Fe(II) centers, both of which are in a low-spin state. A single electron is located in the HOMO and is somewhat delocalized over the Ni(μ-S2)Fe core, so that the bridging disulfur subunit exhibits some “subsulfide” S23– character. Compound 3 represents a bioinspired example of a monoradical with a Ni(μ-S2)Fe structural motif, reminiscent of the Ni(μ-S2)Fe core structure of the active site in [NiFe] hydrogenases. Its oxidation with [Fe(η5-C5H5)2][B(C6H3(CF3)2)4] affords the product [(Nacnac)Ni(μ-S)2Fe(dmpe)2][B(C6H3(CF3)2)4] (4), and complex 3 can alternatively be prepared via a reductive route upon reaction of [Co(η5-C5Me5)2][(Nacnac)NiS2] (6) with the Fe(0) precursor 2. All synthesized complexes were fully characterized, including in some cases single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, magnetometry, EPR, NMR, and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. DFT calculations were used to compute the spectroscopic parameters and to establish the electronic structure of 3 and its oxidized and reduced forms and related complexes.
Co-reporter:Santiago Marqués-González, Matthias Parthey, Dmitry S. Yufit, Judith A. K. Howard, Martin Kaupp, and Paul J. Low
Organometallics 2014 Volume 33(Issue 18) pp:4947-4963
Publication Date(Web):July 3, 2014
The reaction of trans-RuCl(C≡CC6H4R1-4)(dppe)2 (2: R1 = Me (a), C5H11 (b), OMe (c), CO2Me (d), NO2 (e), C≡CSiMe3 (f), C≡CBut (g), NH2 (h)), prepared in situ from reactions of [RuCl(dppe)2]OTf ([1]OTf) with terminal alkynes in CH2Cl2 solutions containing 1,8-diazabicycloundec-7-ene (DBU) and TlBF4, provides a convenient and rapid route to bis(acetylide) complexes trans-Ru(C≡CC6H4R1-4)2(dppe)2 (3a–h) and trans-Ru(C≡CC6H4R1-4)(C≡CC6H4R2-4)(dppe)2 (4, R1 = C≡CSiMe3, R2 = NH2; 5, R1 = CO2Me, R2 = NH2; 6, R1 = CO2Me, R2 = OMe). However, even in the absence of the chloride abstracting reagent, more strongly electron donating substituents (e.g., R1 = OMe (2c), NH2 (2h)) promote sufficient ionization of the Ru–Cl bond in trans-RuCl(C≡CC6H4R1-4)(dppe)2 to lead to slow conversion to bis(alkynyl) complexes 3c,h in the presence of excess alkyne and DBU. Desilylation of 2f and 3f affords 2i and 3i (R1 = C≡CH), respectively. The molecular structures of 3a–d,f–i have been determined and are reported together with the structures of the monoalkynyl complexes 2f,g,i and compared with related compounds from the literature. Complexes 3a–i and 4–6 undergo one reversible electrochemical oxidation process, which can be attributed to depopulation of an orbital with significant alkynyl ligand character. The one-electron-oxidation products [3f]•+, [3h]•+, [4]•+, and [5]•+, chosen to serve as representative examples of this family of complexes, each exhibit a series of NIR absorptions between 15000 and 5000 cm–1 which on the basis of TDDFT calculations cannot be attributed to a single, static lowest energy molecular structure. Rather, the transitions that are responsible for the absorption band envelope have varying degrees of LMCT and inter-alkynyl ligand IVCT or MLCT character that depend not only on the nature of the Rn groups but also on the ensemble of thermally populated molecular conformers in solution with various relative orientations of the metal fragment and arylethynyl moieties.
Co-reporter:Vladimir Pelmenschikov
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 135(Issue 32) pp:11809-11823
Publication Date(Web):July 13, 2013
Broken-symmetry density functional theory (BS-DFT) has been used to address the redox-dependent structural changes of the proximal [4Fe-3S] cluster, implicated in the O2-tolerance of membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase (MBH). The recently determined structures of the [4Fe-3S] cluster together with its protein ligands were studied at the reduced [4Fe-3S]3+, oxidized [4Fe-3S]4+, and superoxidized [4Fe-3S]5+ levels in context of their relative energies and protonation states. The observed proximal cluster conformational switch, concomitant with the proton transfer from the cysteine Cys20 backbone amide to the nearby glutamate Glu76 carboxylate, is found to be a single-step process requiring ∼12–17 kcal/mol activation energy at the superoxidized [4Fe-3S]5+ level. At the more reduced [4Fe-3S]4+/3+ oxidation levels, this rearrangement has at least 5 kcal/mol higher activation barriers and prohibitively unfavorable product energies. The reverse transformation of the proximal cluster is a fast unidirectional process with ∼8 kcal/mol activation energy, triggered by one-electron reduction of the superoxidized species. A previously discussed ambiguity of the Glu76 carboxylate and ‘special’ Fe4 iron positions in the superoxidized cluster is now rationalized as a superposition of two local minima, where Glu76-Fe4 coordination is either present or absent. The calculated 12.3–17.9 MHz 14N hyperfine coupling (HFC) for the Fe4-bound Cys20 backbone nitrogen is in good agreement with the large 13.0/14.6 MHz 14N couplings from the latest HYSCORE/ENDOR studies.
Co-reporter:Sören Bock, Samantha G. Eaves, Matthias Parthey, Martin Kaupp, Boris Le Guennic, Jean-François Halet, Dmitry S. Yufit, Judith A. K. Howard and Paul J. Low
Dalton Transactions 2013 vol. 42(Issue 12) pp:4240-4243
Publication Date(Web):29 Jan 2013
Convenient preparative routes to mononuclear ruthenium complexes containing the 2,4-pentadiynylnitrile, or cyanobutadiynyl, ligand are described. The electronic properties of the [C5N]− ligand are closely related to those of not only the cyanide ([CN]−) and 2-propynylnitrile or cyanoacetylide ([CCCN]−) ligands, but also those of the isoelectronic polyynyl ([{CC}nR]−) ligands.
Co-reporter:Kevin B. Vincent, Qiang Zeng, Matthias Parthey, Dmitry S. Yufit, Judith A.K. Howard, František Hartl, Martin Kaupp, and Paul J. Low
Organometallics 2013 Volume 32(Issue 20) pp:6022-6032
Publication Date(Web):August 9, 2013
The readily available complex 1,1-dibromo-2-ferrocenylethylene provides a convenient entry point for the preparation of a wide range of cross-conjugated 1,1-bis(alkynyl)-2-ferrocenylethenes through simple Pd(0)/Cu(I)-mediated cross-coupling reactions with 1-alkynes. The ferrocene moiety in compounds of the general form FcCH═C(C≡CR)2 is essentially electronically isolated from the cross-conjugated π system, as evidenced by IR and UV–vis spectroelectrochemical experiments and quantum chemical calculations. In contrast to the other examples which give stable ferrocenium derivatives upon electrochemical oxidation, the aniline derivatives [FcCH═C(C≡CC6H4NH2-4)2]+ and [FcCH═C(C≡CC6H4NMe2-4)2]+ proved to be unstable on the time scale of the spectroelectrochemical experiments, leading to passivation of the electrode surface over time. There is no significant thermodynamic stabilization of the radical anion [FcCH═C(C≡CC6H4NO2-4)2]− relative to the neutral and dianionic analogues, although the dianion [FcCH═C(C≡CC6H4NO2-4)2]2– could be studied as a relatively chemically stable species and is well described in terms of two linked nitrophenyl radicals. The capacity to introduce a relatively isolated point charge at the periphery of the cross-conjugated π system appears to make these complexes useful templates for the construction of electrochemically gated quantum interference transistors.
Co-reporter:Dr. Shenglai Yao;Dr. Peter Hrobárik;Dipl.-Chem. Florian Meier;Dipl.-Chem. Robert Rudolph;Dr. Eckhard Bill;Dr. Elisabeth Irran;Dr. Martin Kaupp;Dr. Matthias Driess
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 Volume 19( Issue 4) pp:
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A unique heterobimetallic disulfur monoradical, complex 2, with a diamond-shaped {NiS2Pt} core has been synthesized by two-electron reduction of a supersulfido-(nacnac)nickel(II) complex (nacnac=β-diketiminato) with [Pt(Ph3P)2(η2-C2H4)] as a platinum(0) source and isolated in 82 % yield. Strikingly, the results of DFT calculations in accordance with spectroscopic (EPR, paramagnetic NMR) and structural features of the complex revealed that the bonding situation of the S2 ligand is between the elusive “half-bonded” S2 radical trianion () and two separated S2− ligands. Accordingly, the NiII center is partially oxidized, whereas the PtII site is redox innocent. The complex can be reversibly oxidized to the corresponding Ni,Pt-disulfido monocation, compound 3, with a SS single bond, and reacts readily with O2 to form the corresponding superoxonickel(II) and disulfidoplatinum(II) (4) complexes. These compounds have been isolated in crystalline form and fully characterized, including IR and multi-nuclear NMR spectroscopy as well as ESI mass spectrometry. The molecular structures of compounds 2–4 have been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray crystallography.
Co-reporter:Matthias Parthey;Dr. Josef B. G. Gluyas;Dr. Phil A. Schauer;Dr. Dmitry S. Yufit;Dr. Judith A. K. Howard;Dr. Martin Kaupp;Dr. Paul J. Low
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 Volume 19( Issue 30) pp:9780-9784
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Co-reporter:Dr. Viktoria H. Gessner;Florian Meier;Diana Uhrich;Dr. Martin Kaupp
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 Volume 19( Issue 49) pp:16729-16739
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Herein, we report the preparation of a new unsymmetrical, bis(thiophosphinoyl)-substituted dilithio methandiide and its application for the synthesis of zirconium- and palladium-carbene complexes. These complexes were found to exhibit remarkably shielded 13C NMR shifts, which are much more highfield-shifted than those of “normal” carbene complexes. DFT calculations were performed to determine the origin of these observations and to distinguish the electronic structure of these and related carbene complexes compared with the classical Fischer and Schrock-type complexes. Various methods show that these systems are best described as highly polarized Schrock-type complexes, in which the metal–carbon bond possesses more electrostatic contributions than in the prototype Schrock systems, or even as “masked” methandiides. As such, geminal dianions represent a kind of “extreme” Schrock-type ligands favoring the ionic resonance structure M+CR2− as often used in textbooks to explain the nucleophilic nature of Schrock complexes.
Co-reporter:Kristine Müther;Dr. Peter Hrobárik;Dr. Veronika Hrobáriková;Dr. Martin Kaupp;Dr. Martin Oestreich
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 Volume 19( Issue 49) pp:16579-16594
Publication Date(Web):
The purpose of this systematic experimental and theoretical study is to deeply understand the unique bonding situation in ferrocene-stabilized silylium ions as a function of the substituents at the silicon atom and to learn about the structure parameters that determine the 29Si NMR chemical shift and electrophilicity of these strong Lewis acids. For this, ten new members of the family of ferrocene-stabilized silicon cations were prepared by a hydride abstraction reaction from silanes with the trityl cation and characterized by multinuclear 1H and 29Si NMR spectroscopy. A closer look at the NMR spectra revealed that additional minor sets of signals were not impurities but silylium ions with substitution patterns different from that of the initially formed cation. Careful assignment of these signals furnished experimental proof that sterically less hindered silylium ions are capable of exchanging substituents with unreacted silane precursors. Density functional theory calculations provided mechanistic insight into that substituent transfer in which the migrating group is exchanged between two silicon fragments in a concerted process involving a ferrocene-bridged intermediate. Moreover, the quantum-chemical analysis of the 29Si NMR chemical shifts revealed a linear relationship between δ(29Si) values and the Fe⋅⋅⋅Si distance for subsets of silicon cations. An electron localization function and electron localizability indicator analysis shows a three-center two-electron bonding attractor between the iron, silicon, and C′ipso atoms, clearly distinguishing the silicon cations from the corresponding carbenium ions and boranes. Correlations between 29Si NMR chemical shifts and Lewis acidity, evaluated in terms of fluoride ion affinities, are seen only for subsets of silylium ions, sometimes with non-intuitive trends, indicating a complicated interplay of steric and electronic effects on the degree of the Fe⋅⋅⋅Si interaction.
Co-reporter:Manuel Renz, Martin Kess, Michael Diedenhofen, Andreas Klamt, and Martin Kaupp
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2012 Volume 8(Issue 11) pp:4189-4203
Publication Date(Web):September 5, 2012
A recently proposed quantum-chemical protocol for the description of the character of organic mixed-valence (MV) compounds, close from both sides to the localized/delocalized borderline, is evaluated and extended for a series of dinitroaryl radical anions 1–6. A combination of global hybrid functionals with exact-exchange admixtures of 35% (BLYP35) or 42% (BMK) with appropriate solvent modeling allows an essentially quantitative treatment of, for example, structural symmetry-breaking in Robin/Day class II systems, thermal electron transfer (ET) barriers, and intervalence charge-transfer (IV-CT) excitation energies, while covering also the delocalized class III cases. Global hybrid functionals with lower exact-exchange admixtures (e.g., B3LYP, M05, or M06) provide a too delocalized description, while functionals with higher exact-exchange admixtures (M05-2X, M06-2X) provide a too localized one. The B2PLYP double hybrid gives reasonable structures but far too small barriers in class II cases. The CAM-B3LYP range hybrid gives somewhat too high ET barriers and IV-CT energies, while the range hybrids ωB97X and LC-BLYP clearly exhibit too much exact exchange. Continuum solvent models describe the situation well in most aprotic solvents studied. The transition of 1,4-dinitrobenzene anion 1 from a class III behavior in aprotic solvents to a class II behavior in alcohols is not recovered by continuum solvent models. In contrast, it is treated faithfully by the novel direct conductor-like screening model for real solvents (D-COSMO-RS). The D-COSMO-RS approach, the TURBOMOLE implementation of which is reported, also describes accurately the increased ET barriers of class II systems 2 and 3 in alcohols as compared to aprotic solvents and can distinguish at least qualitatively between different aprotic solvents with identical or similar dielectric constants. The dominant role of the solvent environment for the ET character of these MV radical anions is emphasized, as in contrast to some previous computational suggestions essentially all of the present systems have delocalized class III character in the gas phase. The present approach allows accurate estimates from the gas phase to aprotic and protic solvent environments, without the need for explicit ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, and without artificial constraints.
Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Tobias A. Engesser;Dr. Peter Hrobárik;Dr. Nils Trapp;Dr. Philipp Eiden;Dr. Harald Scherer;Dr. Martin Kaupp;Dr. Ingo Krossing
ChemPlusChem 2012 Volume 77( Issue 8) pp:643-651
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TeX3[Al(ORF)4] (X=Cl, Br, I; RF=C(CF3)3) were synthesized by the reaction of Ag[Al(ORF)4] and TeX4 or the reaction of AuX, Ag[Al(ORF)4], and elemental tellurium in liquid SO2. The compounds were characterized by 125Te NMR in solution and by X-ray diffraction, Raman, and IR spectroscopy in the solid state. The vibrational spectra and the crystal structure show very weak secondary interactions, indicating “pseudo gas phase conditions” in the condensed phase. The observed trend of the 125Te NMR chemical shifts along the [TeX3]+ series follows neither the monotonous decrease known as “normal halogen dependence” nor the increase known as “inverse halogen dependence”. By relativistic two-component calculations based on the ZORA approach, we find that this “abnormal halogen dependence” results from an interplay of relativistic and solvent effects, where non-negligible scalar relativistic effects and intermediate-sized spin-orbit effects compensate to some extent. The reasons for these trends are evaluated in the context of the Te s-orbital character of the TeX bonds and compared with the halogen dependence(s) within the isoelectronic [SeX3]+ and PX3 series and related trihalomethyl [CX3]+ cations.
Co-reporter:Dr. Peter Hrobárik;Veronika Hrobáriková;Anja H. Greif;Dr. Martin Kaupp
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 43) pp:10884-10888
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Co-reporter:Dr. Peter Hrobárik;Veronika Hrobáriková;Anja H. Greif;Dr. Martin Kaupp
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 43) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Manuel Renz and Martin Kaupp
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012 Volume 116(Issue 43) pp:10629-10637
Publication Date(Web):October 2, 2012
The Robin–Day class II/III mixed-valence character is established quantum-chemically for a series of mixed-valence diquinone radical anions. Particular emphasis is placed on the radical anion of tetrathiafulvalenedibenzoquinone, Q-TTF-Q, which has recently been used to evaluate constrained density functional approaches (CDFT) and new range hybrid functionals. Using a computational protocol based on hybrid functionals with 35–42% exact-exchange admixture and inclusion of solvent models during the structure optimization, it is demonstrated that a) Q-TTF-Q•–, 1, and the related diquinone radical anions 2–4 are all delocalized class III species in the gas phase and in nonpolar solvents, in contrast to previous assumptions; b) 1,4,5,8-anthracenetetraone radical anion, 2, remains class III in polar aprotic solvents, c) systems 1, 3 and 4 become class II, providing excellent agreement between computed and experimental intervalence charge-transfer excitations, thermal electron-transfer (ET) barriers and ESR hyperfine couplings. The direct conductor-like screening model for real solvents (D-COSMO-RS) allows the inclusion of specific hydrogen-bonding effects without the computational effort of molecular dynamics simulations and provides increased ET barriers, as well as a predicted incipient symmetry breaking for 2, due to hydrogen bonding in alcohol solvents. For the first time D-COSMO-RS optimizations in solvent mixtures have been evaluated. As previous computational studies of Q-TTF-Q•– neglected solvent effects during structure optimizations and obtained charge localization in gas-phase optimizations by CDFT or by exaggerated exact-exchange admixtures, they provided at best the right answer for the wrong reason.
Co-reporter:William D. Woodul ; Emma Carter ; Robert Müller ; Anne F. Richards ; Andreas Stasch ; Martin Kaupp ; Damien M. Murphy ; Matthias Driess ;Cameron Jones
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011 Volume 133(Issue 26) pp:10074-10077
Publication Date(Web):June 11, 2011
Stoichiometric reduction of the bulky β-diketiminato germanium(II) chloride complex [(ButNacnac)GeCl] (ButNacnac = [{N(Dip)C(But)}2CH]−, Dip = C6H3Pri2-2,6) with either sodium naphthalenide or the magnesium(I) dimer [{(MesNacnac)Mg}2] (MesNacnac = [(MesNCMe)2CH]−, Mes = mesityl) afforded the radical complex [(ButNacnac)Ge:]• in moderate yields. X-ray crystallographic, EPR/ENDOR spectroscopic, computational, and reactivity studies revealed this to be the first authenticated monomeric, neutral germanium(I) radical.
Co-reporter:Martin Kaupp, Manuel Renz, Matthias Parthey, Matthias Stolte, Frank Würthner and Christoph Lambert
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011 vol. 13(Issue 38) pp:16973-16986
Publication Date(Web):31 Aug 2011
This article discusses recent progress by a combination of spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations in classifying and characterizing organic mixed-valence systems in terms of their localized vs. delocalized character. A recently developed quantum-chemical protocol based on non-standard hybrid functionals and continuum solvent models is evaluated for an extended set of mixed-valence bis-triarylamine radical cations, augmented by unsymmetrical neutral triarylamine-perchlorotriphenylmethyl radicals. It turns out that the protocol is able to provide a successful assignment to class II or class III Robin-Day behavior and gives quite accurate ground- and excited-state properties for the radical cations. The limits of the protocol are probed by the anthracene-bridged system 8, where it is suspected that specific solute–solvent interactions are important and not covered by the continuum solvent model. Intervalence charge-transfer excitation energies for the neutral unsymmetrical radicals are systematically overestimated, but dipole moments and a number of other properties are obtained accurately by the protocol.
Co-reporter:Peter Hrobárik, Veronika Hrobáriková, Florian Meier, Michal Repiský, Stanislav Komorovský, and Martin Kaupp
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011 Volume 115(Issue 22) pp:5654-5659
Publication Date(Web):May 17, 2011
State-of-the-art relativistic four-component DFT-GIAO-based calculations of 1H NMR chemical shifts of a series of 3d, 4d, and 5d transition-metal hydrides have revealed significant spin–orbit-induced heavy atom effects on the hydride shifts, in particular for several 4d and 5d complexes. The spin–orbit (SO) effects provide substantial, in some cases even the dominant, contributions to the well-known characteristic high-field hydride shifts of complexes with a partially filled d-shell, and thereby augment the Buckingham–Stephens model of off-center paramagnetic ring currents. In contrast, complexes with a 4d10 and 5d10 configuration exhibit large deshielding SO effects on their hydride 1H NMR shifts. The differences between the two classes of complexes are attributed to the dominance of π-type d-orbitals for the true transition-metal systems compared to σ-type orbitals for the d10 systems.
Co-reporter:Dr. Sra Schinzel;Robert Müller;Dr. Sebastian Riedel;Dr. Helmut Werner;Dr. Martin Kaupp
Chemistry - A European Journal 2011 Volume 17( Issue 26) pp:7228-7235
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The unusual bridging and semi-bridging binding mode of tertiary phosphanes, arsanes, and stibanes in dinuclear low-valent Group 9 complexes have been studied by density functional methods and bonding analyses. The influence of various parameters (bridging and terminal ligands, metal atoms) on the structural preferences and bonding of dinuclear complexes of the general composition [A1 M1(μ-CH2)2(μ-EX3)M2 A2] (M1, M2=Co, Rh, Ir; A1, A2=F, Cl, Br, I, κ2-acac; E=P, As, Sb, X=H, F, CH3) has been analyzed. A number of factors have been identified that favor bridging or semi-bridging modes for the phosphane ligands and their homologues. A more symmetrical position of the bridging ligand EX3 is promoted by more polar EX bonding, but by less electronegative (softer) terminal anionic ligands. Among the Group 9 metal elements Co, Rh, and Ir, the computations clearly show that the 4d element rhodium exhibits the largest preference for a {M1(μ-EX3)M2} bridge, in agreement with experimental observation. Iridium complexes should be valid targets, whereas cobalt does not seem to support well a symmetric bridging mode. Analyses of the Electron Localization Function (ELF) indicate a competition between a delocalized three-center bridge bond and direct metal–metal bonding.
Co-reporter:Johannes Schraut;Dr. Alexei V. Arbuznikov;Dr. Sra Schinzel ; Dr. Martin Kaupp
ChemPhysChem 2011 Volume 12( Issue 17) pp:3170-3179
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Based on broken-symmetry density functional calculations, the 55Mn hyperfine tensors of a series of exchange-coupled, mixed-valence, dinuclear MnIIIMnIV complexes have been computed. We go beyond previous quantum chemical work by fully including the effects of local zero-field splitting (ZFS) interactions in the spin projection, following the first-order perturbation formalism of Sage et al. [J. Am. Chem. Soc.1989, 111, 7239]. This allows the ZFS-induced transfer of hyperfine anisotropy from the MnIII site to the MnIV site to be described with full consideration of the orientations of local hyperfine and ZFS tensors. After scaling to correct for systematic deficiencies in the quantum chemically computed local ZFS tensors, good agreement with experimental 55Mn anisotropies at the MnIV site is obtained. The hyperfine coupling anisotropies on the MnIII site depend sensitively on structural distortions for a d4 ion. The latter are neither fully reproduced by using a DFT-optimized coordination environment nor by using experimental structures. For very small exchange-coupling constants, the perturbation treatment breaks down and a dramatic sensitivity to the scaling of the local ZFS tensors is observed. These results are discussed with respect to ongoing work to elucidate the structure of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II by analysis of the EPR spectra.
Co-reporter:Kolja Theilacker, Alexei V. Arbuznikov, Hilke Bahmann, and Martin Kaupp
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011 Volume 115(Issue 32) pp:8990-8996
Publication Date(Web):July 12, 2011
Due to their position-dependent exact exchange admixture, local hybrid functionals offer a higher flexibility and thus the potential for more universal and accurate exchange correlation functionals compared to global hybrids with a constant admixture, as has been demonstrated in previous work. Yet, the local hybrid constructions used so far do not account for the inclusion of dispersion-type interactions. As a first exploratory step toward a more general approach that includes van der Waals-type interactions with local hybrids, the present work has added DFT-D3-type corrections to a number of simple local hybrid functionals. Optimization of only the s8 and sr,6 parameters for the S22 set provides good results for weak interaction energies but deteriorates the excellent performance of the local hybrids for G3 atomization energies and for classical reaction barriers. A combined optimization of the two DFT-D3 parameters with one of the two parameters of the spin-polarized local mixing function (LMF) of a local hybrid for a more general optimization set provides simultaneously accurate dispersion energies, improved atomization energies, and accurate reaction barriers, as well as excellent alkane protobranching ratios. For other LMFs, the improvements of such a combined optimization for the S22 energies have been less satisfactory. The most notable advantage of the dispersion-corrected local hybrids over, for example, a B3LYP-D3 approach, is in the much more accurate reaction barriers.
Co-reporter:Sebastian F. Völker;Manuel Renz;Dr. Martin Kaupp;Dr. Christoph Lambert
Chemistry - A European Journal 2011 Volume 17( Issue 50) pp:14147-14163
Publication Date(Web):
Various indolenine squarylium dyes with additional electron-donating amine redox centres have been synthesised and their redox chemistry has been studied. A combination of cyclic voltammetry, spectro-electrochemistry and DFT calculations has been used to characterise the electronic structure of the mono-, di- and, in one case, trications. All monocations still retain the cyanine-like, delocalised character due to the relatively low redox potential of the squaraine bridge and are therefore compounds of Robin–Day class III. Thus we extended previous studies on organic mixed-valence systems by using the indolenine squaraine moiety as very electron-rich bridge between two electron-donating amine redox centres to provoke a strong coupling between the additional redox centres. We synthesised TA3, which has an N–N distance of 26 bonds between the triarylamine redox centres and is to our knowledge the longest bis(triarylamine) radical cation that is completely delocalised. We furthermore show that altering the symmetry of a squaraine dye by substitution of a squaric ring oxygen atom by a dicyanomethylene group has a direct impact on the optical properties of the monocations. In case of the dications, it turned out that the energetically most stable state of dianisylamine-substituted squaraines is an anti-ferromagnetically coupled open-shell singlet state.
Co-reporter:Marjan Firouzbakht, Maria Schlangen, Martin Kaupp, Helmut Schwarz
Journal of Catalysis (November 2016) Volume 343() pp:68-74
Publication Date(Web):1 November 2016
•The thermal reactions of [Y(C6D5)]+ with carbon dioxide have been investigated.•The process proceeds by migratory insertion under CC bond formation.•Direct O-atom transfer is not accessible from encounter complexes.•CO can be eliminated from intermediates, which are formed in the course of insertion.The thermal reactions of the per-deuterated yttrium phenyl cation with carbon dioxide have been investigated experimentally by using electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry and computationally by means of density functional theory. The process proceeds by migratory insertion under CC bond formation followed, to some extent, by decarbonylation. Labeling experiments with C18O2 confirm the origin of the oxygen incorporated in both productions. With regard to the mechanisms, the calculations reveal that the benzoate salt of yttrium corresponds to the most stable isomer. While extrusion of CO starting from this ion, or from two isomeric encounter complexes, is hampered by kinetic barriers, decarbonylation is accessible under thermal conditions from other intermediates which are generated after insertion of CO2 into the YC bond of [YC6D5]+.Download high-res image (40KB)Download full-size image
Co-reporter:Martin Kaupp, Manuel Renz, Matthias Parthey, Matthias Stolte, Frank Würthner and Christoph Lambert
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011 - vol. 13(Issue 38) pp:NaN16986-16986
Publication Date(Web):2011/08/31
This article discusses recent progress by a combination of spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations in classifying and characterizing organic mixed-valence systems in terms of their localized vs. delocalized character. A recently developed quantum-chemical protocol based on non-standard hybrid functionals and continuum solvent models is evaluated for an extended set of mixed-valence bis-triarylamine radical cations, augmented by unsymmetrical neutral triarylamine-perchlorotriphenylmethyl radicals. It turns out that the protocol is able to provide a successful assignment to class II or class III Robin-Day behavior and gives quite accurate ground- and excited-state properties for the radical cations. The limits of the protocol are probed by the anthracene-bridged system 8, where it is suspected that specific solute–solvent interactions are important and not covered by the continuum solvent model. Intervalence charge-transfer excitation energies for the neutral unsymmetrical radicals are systematically overestimated, but dipole moments and a number of other properties are obtained accurately by the protocol.
Co-reporter:Nicole Kroll, Kolja Theilacker, Marc Schoknecht, Dirk Baabe, Dennis Wiedemann, Martin Kaupp, Andreas Grohmann and Gerald Hörner
Dalton Transactions 2015 - vol. 44(Issue 44) pp:NaN19247-19247
Publication Date(Web):2015/10/13
The ligand-field strength in metal complexes of polydentate ligands depends critically on how the ligand backbone places the donor atoms in three-dimensional space. Distortions from regular coordination geometries are often observed. In this work, we study the isolated effect of ligand-sphere distortion by means of two structurally related pentadentate ligands of identical donor set, in the solid state (X-ray diffraction, 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy), in solution (NMR spectroscopy, UV/Vis spectroscopy, conductometry), and with quantum-chemical methods. Crystal structures of hexacoordinate iron(II) and nickel(II) complexes derived from the cyclic ligand L1 (6-methyl-6-(pyridin-2-yl)-1,4-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-1,4-diazepane) and its open-chain congener L2 (N1,N3,2-trimethyl-2-(pyridine-2-yl)-N1,N3-bis(pyridine-2-ylmethyl) propane-1,3-diamine) reveal distinctly different donor set distortions reflecting the differences in ligand topology. Distortion from regular octahedral geometry is minor for complexes of ligand L2, but becomes significant in the complexes of the cyclic ligand L1, where trans elongation of Fe−N bonds cannot be compensated by the rigid ligand backbone. This provokes trigonal twisting of the ligand field. This distortion causes the metal ion in complexes of L1 to experience a significantly weaker ligand field than in the complexes of L2, which are more regular. The reduced ligand-field strength in complexes of L1 translates into a marked preference for the electronic high-spin state, the emergence of conformational isomers, and massively enhanced lability with respect to ligand exchange and oxidation of the central ion. Accordingly, oxoiron(IV) species derived from L1 and L2 differ in their spectroscopic properties and their chemical reactivity.
Co-reporter:M. Parthey and M. Kaupp
Chemical Society Reviews 2014 - vol. 43(Issue 14) pp:NaN5088-5088
Publication Date(Web):2014/04/29
In mixed-valence (MV) systems essentially identical, more or less electronically coupled, redox centres are brought into formally different oxidation states by removal or addition of an electron. Depending on the strength of electronic coupling, an electron or a hole is either concentrated on one of the redox centres, or it is symmetrically delocalised onto several sites, or the situation is somewhere in between, which leads to the classification system for MV systems introduced by Melvin Robin and Peter Day. These different characteristics are of fundamental importance for the understanding of electron transfer processes. Applications of quantum-chemical methods to aid the classification and to unravel the nature of the electronic structure and spectroscopic data of both organic and transition-metal MV systems, have gained tremendous importance over the last two decades. In this review, we emphasise the prerequisites the quantum-chemical methods need to fulfill to successfully describe MV systems close to the borderline between Robin–Day classes II and III. These are, in particular, a balanced treatment of exchange, dynamical and non-dynamical correlation effects, as well as consideration of the crucial influence of the (solvent or solid-state) environment on the partial localisation of charge. A large variety of applications of quantum-chemical methods to both organic and inorganic MV systems are critically appraised here in view of these prerequisites. Practical protocols based on a combination of suitable density functional methods with continuum or non-continuum solvent models provided good agreement with experimental data for the ground states and the electronic excitations of a large range of MV systems close to the borderline. Recent applications of such methods have highlighted the crucial importance of conformational effects on electronic coupling, all the way to systems where conformational motion may cause a thermal mixing of class II and class III situations in one system.
Co-reporter:Sören Bock, Samantha G. Eaves, Matthias Parthey, Martin Kaupp, Boris Le Guennic, Jean-François Halet, Dmitry S. Yufit, Judith A. K. Howard and Paul J. Low
Dalton Transactions 2013 - vol. 42(Issue 12) pp:NaN4243-4243
Publication Date(Web):2013/01/29
Convenient preparative routes to mononuclear ruthenium complexes containing the 2,4-pentadiynylnitrile, or cyanobutadiynyl, ligand are described. The electronic properties of the [C5N]− ligand are closely related to those of not only the cyanide ([CN]−) and 2-propynylnitrile or cyanoacetylide ([CCCN]−) ligands, but also those of the isoelectronic polyynyl ([{CC}nR]−) ligands.
Co-reporter:Toni M. Maier, Matthias Haasler, Alexei V. Arbuznikov and Martin Kaupp
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 - vol. 18(Issue 31) pp:NaN21144-21144
Publication Date(Web):2016/04/05
The ambiguity of exchange-energy densities is a fundamental challenge for the development of local hybrid functionals, or of other functionals based on a local mixing of exchange-energy densities. In this work, a systematic construction of semi-local calibration functions (CFs) for adjusting the exchange-energy densities in local hybrid functionals is provided, which directly links a given CF to an underlying semi-local exchange functional, as well as to the second-order gradient expansion of the exchange hole. Using successive steps of integration by parts allows the derivation of correction terms of increasing order, resulting in more and more complicated but also more flexible CFs. We derive explicit first- and second-order CFs (pig1 and pig2) based on B88 generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) exchange, and a first-order CF (tpig1) based on τ-dependent B98 meta-GGA exchange. We combine these CFs with different long-range damping functions and evaluate them for calibration of LDA, B88 GGA, and TPSS meta-GGA exchange-energy densities. Based on a minimization of unphysical nondynamical correlation contributions in three noble-gas dimer potential-energy curves, free parameters in the CFs are optimized, and performance of various approaches in the calibration of different exchange-energy densities is compared. Most notably, the second-order pig2 CF provides the largest flexibility with respect to the diffuseness of the damping function. This suggests that higher-order CFs based on the present integration-by-parts scheme may be particularly suitable for the flexible construction of local hybrid functionals.