Eric J. L. McInnes

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Name: Eric J. L. McInnes
Organization: The University of Manchester , England
Department: School of Chemistry
Title: Professor(PhD)


Co-reporter:Michele Vonci, Kevin Mason, Elizaveta A. Suturina, Andrew T. Frawley, Steven G. Worswick, Ilya Kuprov, David Parker, Eric J. L. McInnes, and Nicholas F. Chilton
Journal of the American Chemical Society October 11, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 40) pp:14166-14166
Publication Date(Web):September 8, 2017
Bleaney’s long-standing theory of magnetic anisotropy has been employed with some success for many decades to explain paramagnetic NMR pseudocontact shifts, and has been the subject of many subsequent approximations. Here, we present a detailed experimental and theoretical investigation accounting for the anomalous solvent dependence of NMR shifts for a series of lanthanide(III) complexes, namely [LnL1] (Ln = Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb; L1: 1,4,7-tris[(6-carboxypyridin-2-yl)methyl]-1,4,7-triazacyclononane), taking into account the effect of subtle ligand flexibility on the electronic structure. We show that the anisotropy of the room temperature magnetic susceptibility tensor, which in turn affects the sign and magnitude of the pseudocontact chemical shift, is extremely sensitive to minimal structural changes in the first coordination sphere of L1. We show that DFT structural optimizations do not give accurate structural models, as assessed by the experimental chemical shifts, and thus we determine a magnetostructural correlation and employ this to evaluate the accurate solution structure for each [LnL1]. This approach allows us to explain the counterintuitive pseudocontact shift behavior, as well as a striking solvent dependence. These results have important consequences for the analysis and design of novel magnetic resonance shift and optical emission probes that are sensitive to the local solution environment and polarity.
Co-reporter:S. Sanz;H. M. O'Connor;V. Martí-Centelles;P. Comar;M. B. Pitak;S. J. Coles;G. Lorusso;E. Palacios;M. Evangelisti;A. Baldansuren;N. F. Chilton;H. Weihe;E. J. L. McInnes;P. J. Lusby;S. Piligkos;E. K. Brechin
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2017 vol. 8(Issue 8) pp:5526-5535
Publication Date(Web):2017/07/24
A family of five [MIII2MII3]n+ trigonal bipyramidal cages (MIII = Fe, Cr and Al; MII = Co, Zn and Pd; n = 0 for 1–3 and n = 6 for 4–5) of formulae [Fe2Co3L6Cl6] (1), [Fe2Zn3L6Br6] (2), [Cr2Zn3L6Br6] (3), [Cr2Pd3L6(dppp)3](OTf)6 (4) and [Al2Pd3L6(dppp)3](OTf)6 (5) (where HL is 1-(4-pyridyl)butane-1,3-dione and dppp is 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane) are reported. Neutral cages 1–3 were synthesised using the tritopic [MIIIL3] metalloligand in combination with the salts CoIICl2 and ZnIIBr2, which both act as tetrahedral linkers. The assembly of the cis-protected [PdII(dppp)(OTf)2] with [MIIIL3] afforded the anionic cages 4–5 of general formula [MIII2PdII3](OTf)6. The metallic skeleton of all cages describes a trigonal bipyramid with the MIII ions occupying the two axial sites and the MII ions sitting in the three equatorial positions. Direct current (DC) magnetic susceptibility, magnetisation and heat capacity measurements on 1 reveal weak antiferromagnetic exchange between the FeIII and CoII ions. EPR spectroscopy demonstrates that the distortion imposed on the {MO6} coordination sphere of [MIIIL3] by complexation in the {MIII2MII3} supramolecules results in a small, but measurable, increase of the zero field splitting at MIII. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations on the three unique CoII sites of 1 suggest DCo ≈ −14 cm−1 and E/D ≈ 0.1, consistent with the magnetothermal and spectroscopic data.
Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda, Giulia Lorusso, Karzan H. Zangana, Elias Palacios, Jürgen Schnack, Marco Evangelisti, Richard E. P. Winpenny and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Chemical Science 2016 vol. 7(Issue 8) pp:4891-4895
Publication Date(Web):25 Apr 2016
We report the synthesis and structure of a molecular {Gd7} cage of the formula (iPr2NH2)6[Gd7(μ3-OH)3(CO3)6(O2CtBu)12] which has crystallographic C3h symmetry. Low temperature specific heat and adiabatic demagnetization experiments (the latter achieving temperatures below 100 mK), lead to the observation of the effects of both intramolecular dipolar interactions and geometric spin frustration. The dipolar interaction leads to a massive rearrangement of energy levels such that specific heat and entropy below 2 K are strongly modified while magnetic susceptibility and magnetization above 2 K are not affected. The consequences of these phenomena for low temperature magnetocaloric applications are discussed.
Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda, Christian Heesing, Floriana Tuna, Yan-Zhen Zheng, Eric J. L. McInnes, Jürgen Schnack, and Richard E. P. Winpenny
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 13) pp:6331-6337
Publication Date(Web):June 10, 2015
Two families of copper lanthanide phosphonate clusters have been obtained through reaction of [Cu2(O2CtBu)4(HO2CtBu)2] and either Ln(NO3)3·nH2O or [Ln2(O2CtBu)6(HO2CtBu)6] and tert-butylphosphonic acid or an amino-functionalized phosphonic acid. The clusters, with general formula [Cu(MeCN)4][Cu3Ln9(μ3-OH)7(O3PtBu)6(O2CtBu)15] and [Cu6Ln6(μ3-OH)6(O3PC(NH2)Me2)6(O2CtBu)12], were structurally characterized through single crystal X-ray diffraction and possess highly symmetric metal cores with approximately C3v and D3h point symmetry, respectively. We have investigated the possible application of the isotropic analogues in magnetic cooling, where we were able to observe that up to around 70% of the theoretical magnetic entropy change is obtained. Simulation of the magnetic data shows antiferromagnetic coupling between the spin centers, which explains the magnetic entropy value observed.
Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda, Nicholas F. Chilton, Floriana Tuna, Richard E. P. Winpenny, and Eric J. L. McInnes
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 12) pp:5930-5941
Publication Date(Web):May 27, 2015
A family of 3d–4f [MII2LnIII2(μ3-OH)2(O2CtBu)10]2– “butterflies” (where MII = Mg, Co, Ni, and Cu; LnIII = Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) and [MnIII2LnIII2(μ3-O)2(O2CtBu)10]2– molecules (where LnIII = Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) has been synthesized and characterized through single-crystal X-ray diffraction, SQUID magnetometry, and ab initio calculations. All dysprosium- and some erbium-containing tetramers showed frequency-dependent maxima in the out-of-phase component of the susceptibility associated with slow relaxation of magnetization, and hence, they are single-molecule magnets (SMMs). AC susceptibility measurements have shown that the SMM behavior is entirely intrinsic to the Dy and Er sites and the magnitude of the energy barrier is influenced by the interactions between the 4f and the 3d metal. A trend is observed between the strength of the 3d-4f exchange interaction between and the maximum observed in the χ″M(T).
Co-reporter:Fabrizio Moro, Danielle Kaminski, Floriana Tuna, George F. S. Whitehead, Grigore A. Timco, David Collison, Richard E. P. Winpenny, Arzhang Ardavan and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Chemical Communications 2014 vol. 50(Issue 1) pp:91-93
Publication Date(Web):04 Nov 2013
Doping a Cr7Zn molecular nanomagnet into a diamagnetic and isostructural host allows pulsed X-band EPR on single crystals, including relaxation and nutation experiments on the S = 3/2 ground state.
Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda, Floriana Tuna, Yan-Zhen Zheng, Simon J. Teat, Richard E. P. Winpenny, Jürgen Schnack, and Eric J. L. McInnes
Inorganic Chemistry 2014 Volume 53(Issue 6) pp:3032-3038
Publication Date(Web):March 6, 2014
Reaction of [Fe3(μ3-O)(O2CtBu)6(HO2CtBu)3](O2CtBu) and [Ln2(O2CtBu)6(HO2CtBu)6] (Ln = lanthanide) with three different phosphonic acids produce a family of highly symmetrical {Fe6Ln6P6} clusters with general formula [Fe6Ln6(μ3-O)2(CO3)(O3PR)6(O2CtBu)18], where R = methyl 1, phenyl 2, or n-hexyl 3. All the clusters present an analogous metal frame to the previously reported {Ni6Ln6P6} both being related to the well-known Wells–Dawson ion from polyoxometallate chemistry. These highly symmetrical clusters have, or approximate very closely to, D3d point symmetry. Both FeIII and GdIII ions are magnetically isotropic and could thus exhibit promising magnetocaloric properties; hence we investigated the {Fe6Gd6P6} compounds accordingly. Modeling the magnetic data of [Fe6Gd6(μ3-O)2(CO3)(O3PPh)6(O2CtBu)18] by the finite-temperature Lanczos method gave a strong antiferromagnetic Fe···Fe interaction (JFe–Fe = −30 cm–1) and very weak Gd···Gd and Gd···Fe exchange interactions (|J| < 0.1 cm–1). The strong antiferromagnetic Fe···Fe interaction could account for the relatively smaller −ΔSm value observed, compared against the {Ni6Gd6P6} analogues.
Co-reporter:Samantha A. Magee;Dr. Stephen Sproules;Dr. Anne-Laure Barra;Dr. Grigore A. Timco;Nicholas F. Chilton; David Collison; Richard E. P. Winpenny; Eric J. L. McInnes
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 21) pp:5414-5417
Publication Date(Web):


[Ru2Mn(O)(O2CtBu)6(py)3] has an S=5/2 ground state with a very large zero-field splitting (ZFS) of D=2.9 cm−1, as characterized by EPR spectroscopy at 4–330 GHz. This is far too large to be due to the MnII ion (D <0.2 cm−1), as shown from the {Fe2Mn} analogue, but can be modeled by antisymmetric exchange effects.

Co-reporter:Samantha A. Magee;Dr. Stephen Sproules;Dr. Anne-Laure Barra;Dr. Grigore A. Timco;Nicholas F. Chilton; David Collison; Richard E. P. Winpenny; Eric J. L. McInnes
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 21) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Samantha A. Magee;Dr. Stephen Sproules;Dr. Anne-Laure Barra;Dr. Grigore A. Timco;Nicholas F. Chilton; David Collison; Richard E. P. Winpenny; Eric J. L. McInnes
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 21) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Samantha A. Magee;Dr. Stephen Sproules;Dr. Anne-Laure Barra;Dr. Grigore A. Timco;Nicholas F. Chilton; David Collison; Richard E. P. Winpenny; Eric J. L. McInnes
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 21) pp:5310-5313
Publication Date(Web):


[Ru2Mn(O)(O2CtBu)6(py)3] has an S=5/2 ground state with a very large zero-field splitting (ZFS) of D=2.9 cm−1, as characterized by EPR spectroscopy at 4–330 GHz. This is far too large to be due to the MnII ion (D <0.2 cm−1), as shown from the {Fe2Mn} analogue, but can be modeled by antisymmetric exchange effects.

Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda, Floriana Tuna, Robin G. Pritchard, Andrew C. Regan, Richard E. P. Winpenny and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Chemical Communications 2013 vol. 49(Issue 34) pp:3522-3524
Publication Date(Web):25 Mar 2013
The use of 1-amino-1-cyclohexyl phosphonic acid, a functionalised phosphonate, leads to the synthesis of two new structural types for 3d–4f phosphonate cages with unusual structural cores and which show high magnetocaloric effects.
Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda ; Floriana Tuna ; Yan-Zhen Zheng ; Richard E. P. Winpenny
Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 52(Issue 23) pp:13702-13707
Publication Date(Web):November 12, 2013
Five clusters with the general formula [Ni6Gd6(μ3-OH)2(μ2-OAc)2(O3PR)6(O2CtBu)16], where R = methyl (1), phenyl (2), n-hexyl (3), benzyl (4), n-octyl (5), have been prepared. All of the clusters have a {Ni6Gd6P6} core that can be related to the Wells–Dawson ion. We have also prepared analogues where the gadolinium is replaced with diamagnetic yttrium: [Ni6Y6(μ3-OH)2(μ2-OAc)2(O3PR)6(O2CtBu)16] (R = methyl (6), n-hexyl (7), benzyl (8), n-octyl (9)), allowing the magnetic exchange within the {Ni3} units to be analyzed by modeling as the sum of two noninteracting isosceles triangles. The variation in the magnetic entropy changes for magnetization (−ΔSM) among compounds 1–5 could be attributed not only to the molecular weight of the compounds but also to intramolecular magnetic interactions.
Co-reporter:David M. King;Dr. Floriana Tuna;Dr. Jonathan McMaster;Dr. William Lewis; Alexer J. Blake; Eric J. L. McInnes;Dr. Stephen T. Liddle
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013 Volume 52( Issue 18) pp:4921-4924
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:David M. King;Dr. Floriana Tuna;Dr. Jonathan McMaster;Dr. William Lewis; Alexer J. Blake; Eric J. L. McInnes;Dr. Stephen T. Liddle
Angewandte Chemie 2013 Volume 125( Issue 18) pp:5021-5024
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Rebecca Docherty, Floriana Tuna, Colin A. Kilner, Eric J. L. McInnes and Malcolm A. Halcrow  
Chemical Communications 2012 vol. 48(Issue 34) pp:4055-4057
Publication Date(Web):06 Mar 2012
The electronic structures of [Cu(terpy)2]2+ and [Cu(bpp)2]2+ (bpp = 2,6-di[pyrazol-1-yl]pyridine) are different, when doped into [M(bpp)2][BF4]2 (M2+ = Fe2+ or Zn2+). The [Cu(terpy)2]2+ dopant is a typical pseudo-Jahn–Teller elongated copper(II) center. However, the [Cu(bpp)2]2+ sites show EPR spectra consistent with a tetragonally compressed {dz2}1 configuration.
Co-reporter:Luke J. Batchelor, Mario Sander, Floriana Tuna, Madeleine Helliwell, Fabrizio Moro, Joris van Slageren, Enrique Burzurí, Oscar Montero, Marco Evangelisti, Fernando Luis and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Dalton Transactions 2011 vol. 40(Issue 19) pp:5278-5284
Publication Date(Web):05 Apr 2011
We report the synthesis, structures and magnetic properties of a series of chromium(III) metal-centered triangle (or “star”) clusters, [Cr4{RC(CH2O)3}2(4,4′-R′2-bipy)3Cl6] [R = Et, R′ = H (2); R = HOCH2, R′ = H (3); R = Et, R′ = tBu (4)], prepared by two-step solvothermal reactions starting from [CrCl3(thf)3]. The product of the first stage of this reaction is the salt [Cr(bipy)2Cl2]2[Cr2Cl8(MeCN)2] (1). In the absence of the diimine, a different family of tetrametallics is isolated: the butterfly complexes [Cr4{EtC(CH2O)3}2{NH(C(R)NH)2}2Cl6] (R = Me (5), Et (6), Ph (7)] where the chelating N-acetimidoylacetamidine NH(C(R)NH)2 ligands are formed in situ via condensation of the nitrile solvents (RCN) under solvothermal conditions. Magnetic measurements show the chromium stars to have an isolated S = 3 ground state, arising from antiferromagnetic coupling between the central and peripheral metal ions, analogous to the well-known Fe(III) stars. Bulk antiferromagnetic ordering is observed at 0.6 K. The butterfly complexes have a singlet ground state, with a low-lying S = 1 first excited state, due to dominant wing-body antiferromagnetic coupling.
Co-reporter:Dr. Angelika B. Boeer;Dr. Anne-Laure Barra; Liviu F. Chibotaru; David Collison; Eric J. L. McInnes;Dr. Richard A. Mole;Dr. Giovanna G. Simeoni;Dr. Grigore A. Timco;Dr. Liviu Ungur;Dr. Tobias Unruh; Richard E. P. Winpenny
Angewandte Chemie 2011 Volume 123( Issue 17) pp:4093-4097
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Angelika B. Boeer;Dr. Anne-Laure Barra; Liviu F. Chibotaru; David Collison; Eric J. L. McInnes;Dr. Richard A. Mole;Dr. Giovanna G. Simeoni;Dr. Grigore A. Timco;Dr. Liviu Ungur;Dr. Tobias Unruh; Richard E. P. Winpenny
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011 Volume 50( Issue 17) pp:4007-4011
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Emma Scales, Lorenzo Sorace, Andrea Dei, Andrea Caneschi, Christopher A. Muryn, David Collison and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Chemical Science 2010 vol. 1(Issue 2) pp:221-225
Publication Date(Web):26 May 2010
A simple synthetic route to low-valent vanadium catecholate clusters, via solvothermal reaction of [V(acac)3] with catechols in alcohols, is presented. The syntheses and X-ray structures of [VIII6O(dbcat)4(OMe)8(MeOH)2] (1; which has the Lindqvist structure), [VIII6O2(dbcat)2(dbsq)2(acac)2(PhCO2)4(EtO)2] (2; which could alternatively be formulated as [VIII4VIV2O2(dbcat)4(acac)2(PhCO2)4(EtO)2]) and [VIV2(dbcat)4(EtOH)2] (3) are reported (dbcat2− = 3,5-tBu2-catecholate; dbsq− = 3,5-tBu2-semiquinone). The X-ray structures of the primary products of the reactions of 1 and 3 with atmospheric oxygen, [V6O3(“dbcat”)4(OMe)8] (4) and [V2O2(“dbcat”)4] (5), are also reported—the assignments of redox states for these four-electron oxidised species are more ambiguous.
Co-reporter:Luke J. Batchelor;Emma Fitzgerald;Dr. Joanna Wolowska;Dr. Joseph J. W. McDouall ; Eric J. L. McInnes
Chemistry - A European Journal 2010 Volume 16( Issue 36) pp:11082-11088
Publication Date(Web):


The synthesis, structural and magnetic characterisation of [VIII3O(tmme)2(diimine)2Cl] [diimine=2,2′-bipyridine (1) or 1,10-phenanthroline (2)] and (HNEt3)2[VIII4O(tmme)4] (3) is reported, in which H3tmme is tris(mercaptomethyl)ethane, MeC(CH2SH)3, the thiol analogue of the famous tripodal alcohol ligands typified by H3thme [tris(hydroxymethyl)ethane, MeC(CH2OH)3]. Complexes 1 and 3 have “T-shaped” and square topologies, respectively, and the latter is centred on a rare example of a square-planar oxide. The tri-thiolate ligands bind the periphery of the clusters and provide such strong antiferromagnetic exchange pathways that in both cases only a single total spin state is occupied up to room temperature, in the absence of metal–metal bonding. Magnetic data, electronic structure calculations and electrochemical data are reported.

Co-reporter:LukeJ. Batchelor;Rachel Shaw Dr.;SophieJ. Markey;Madeline Helliwell Dr. ;Eric J.L. McInnes
Chemistry - A European Journal 2010 Volume 16( Issue 19) pp:5554-5557
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Ian S. Tidmarsh, Luke J. Batchelor, Emma Scales, Rebecca H. Laye, Lorenzo Sorace, Andrea Caneschi, Jürgen Schnack and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Dalton Transactions 2009 (Issue 43) pp:9402-9409
Publication Date(Web):04 Sep 2009
The crystal structure of the monomeric vanadium(III) species mer-[V(bipy)Cl3(MeCN)] (1; bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine) is reported. The solvothermal reaction of [V(bipy)Cl3(MeCN)]with Na(O2CPh) yields the T-shaped cluster [V3(O)Cl3(O2CPh)2(bipy)2(OEt)2], magnetic studies of which show strong intramolecular antiferromagnetic coupling giving a well isolated S = 1 ground state. Solvothermal treatment of 1 with triols yields a series of polymetallic clusters [V4Cl6(thme)2(bipy)3], [V3Cl4(Hcht)2(bipy)2]Cl and [V8(OH)2Cl4(cht)4(O2CPh)6(bipy)2], structurally related to previously reported {M4} centred triangles. Magnetic studies of this series reveal very weak intramolecular antiferromagnetic exchange and very strong local zero-field splitting effects.
Co-reporter:Richard T.W. Scott;LeighF. Jones Dr.;IanS. Tidmarsh Dr.;Barbara Breeze Dr.;RebeccaH. Laye Dr.;Joanna Wolowska Dr.;DanielJ. Stone Dr.;Anna Collins Dr.;Simon Parsons ;Wolfgang Wernsdorfer Dr.;Guillem Aromí Dr.;EricJ.L. McInnes ;EuanK. Brechin Dr.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2009 Volume 15( Issue 45) pp:12389-12398
Publication Date(Web):


A family of planar disc-like hexa-, octa- and decametallic NiII complexes exhibit dominant ferromagnetic exchange. The deca- and octametallic clusters [NiII10(tmp)2(N3)8(acac)6(MeOH)6] (1, H3tmp=1,1,1-tris(hydroxymethyl)propane; acac=acetylacetonate) and [NiII8(thme)2(O2CPh)4(Cl)6(MeCN)6(H2O)2] (2, H3thme=1,1,1-tris(hydroxymethyl)ethane) represent rare examples of NiII-based single-molecule magnets, and [NiII10] (1) possesses the largest barrier to magnetisation reversal of any NiII single-molecule magnet to date.

Co-reporter:Haralampos N. Miras, Daniel J. Stone, Eric J. L. McInnes, Raphael G. Raptis, Peter Baran, George I. Chilas, Michael P. Sigalas, Themistoklis A. Kabanos and Leroy Cronin  
Chemical Communications 2008 (Issue 39) pp:4703-4705
Publication Date(Web):15 Sep 2008
A polyoxomolybdenum/vanadium-sulfite {M18} cluster-based compound, [MoVI11VV5VIV2O52(μ9-SO3)]7−, is reported that exhibits a unique structural motif, arising from the incorporation of five VV and two VIV ions into a {M18} cluster framework templated by SO32−; this cluster compostion was first identified using cryospray mass spectrometry.
Co-reporter:Paul Cooper, Floriana Tuna, Muralidharan Shanmugam, Lorenzo Sorace, Sarah L. Heath, David Collison, Eric J.L. McInnes, Richard E.P. Winpenny
Inorganica Chimica Acta 2008 Volume 361(12–13) pp:3663-3668
Publication Date(Web):1 September 2008
The synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the hexametallic Fe(III) cluster [Fe6IIIO2(OH)2{(C4N2H2SMe)2C(OH)O}2(tBuCO2)10] (1) are reported. Compound 1 was prepared by reaction of mixed-valent [Fe3O(tBuCO2)6(py)3] with one equivalent of the new ligand di-2-(4-methylthio)pyrimidyl ketone (DTPK) in MeCN solution. Compound 1 consists of a planar array of six Fe(III) ions comprising two [Fe3(μ3-O)]7+ subunits that are related by an inversion centre and linked at two of their apices, each via one μ-hydroxide and two μ-carboxylate groups. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility and low temperature magnetization measurements show a well isolated S = 5 electronic spin ground state. Variable temperature W-band EPR measurements on a polycrystalline sample give well resolved spectra and simulations confirm a negative zero-field splitting of D = −0.224 cm−1 but also reveal a very rhombic nature (E/|D| = 0.27). Although 1 has a well isolated S = 5 ground state with a negative magnetic anisotropy, it is not a SMM due to this large rhombicity.[Fe6O2(OH)2{C4N2H2SMe}2C(OH)O}2(tBuCO2)10] consists of two co-planar [Fe3(μ3-O)]7+ triangles, a structural type which gives rise to a well isolated S = 5 spin ground state. HF-EPR reveals a substantial negative zero-field splitting but also a high rhombicity (E/|D| = 0.27), explaining the absence of SMM behaviour in this class of complex.
Co-reporter:Laurent Lisnard Dr.;Floriana Tuna Dr.;Andrea Cini Dr.;Marco Affronte ;RichardE.P. Winpenny ;EricJ.L. McInnes
Angewandte Chemie 2008 Volume 120( Issue 50) pp:9841-9845
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Laurent Lisnard Dr.;Floriana Tuna Dr.;Andrea Cini Dr.;Marco Affronte ;RichardE.P. Winpenny ;EricJ.L. McInnes
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2008 Volume 47( Issue 50) pp:9695-9699
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Rachel Shaw, Floriana Tuna, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Anne-Laure Barra, David Collison and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Chemical Communications 2007 (Issue 48) pp:5161-5163
Publication Date(Web):05 Oct 2007
Syntheses, structural and magnetic and EPR data are reported for two octametallic VIII clusters with anisotropic S = 4 ground states arising from strong ferromagnetic exchange interactions.
Co-reporter:Alessandro Prescimone, Joanna Wolowska, Gopalan Rajaraman, Simon Parsons, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Murlaee Murugesu, George Christou, Stergios Piligkos, Eric J. L. McInnes and Euan K. Brechin  
Dalton Transactions 2007 (Issue 45) pp:5282-5289
Publication Date(Web):15 Oct 2007
Reaction of the dinuclear complex [Mn2O2(bpy)4](ClO4)3 with H3cht (cis,cis-1,3,5-cyclohexanetriol) in MeCN produces the complex [Mn3(Hcht)2(bpy)4](ClO4)3·Et2O·2MeCN (1·Et2O·2MeCN). Dc magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal the existence of weak ferromagnetic exchange between the three Mn ions, leading to a spin ground state of S = 7, with D = −0.23 cm−1. W-Band (94 GHz) EPR measurements on restrained powdered crystalline samples confirm the S = 7 ground state and determine the ground state zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameters of D = −0.14 cm−1 and B40= +1.5 × 10−5 cm−1. The apparent 4th order behaviour is due to a breakdown of the strong exchange limit approximation (J ≈ d, the single-ion ZFS). Single crystal dc relaxation decay and hysteresis loop measurements reveal the molecule to have an appreciable energy barrier to magnetization relaxation, displaying low temperature sweep rate and temperature-dependent hysteresis loops. Density functional studies confirm the ferromagnetic exchange coupling between the Mn ions.
Co-reporter:Ian S. Tidmarsh Dr.;Rebecca H. Laye Dr.;Paul R. Brearley;Maheswaran Shanmugam Dr.;E. Carolina Sañudo Dr.;Lorenzo Sorace Dr.;Andrea Caneschi ;Eric J. L. McInnes
Chemistry - A European Journal 2007 Volume 13(Issue 22) pp:
Publication Date(Web):22 MAY 2007

A family of high nuclearity oxo(alkoxo)vanadium clusters in unprecedentedly low oxidation states is reported, synthesised from simple vanadium diketonate precursors in alcohols under solvothermal conditions. Crystal structures of [V18(O)12(OH)2(H2O)4(EtO)22(O2CPh)6(acac)2] (1), [V16Na2(O)18(EtO)16(EtOH)2(O2CPh)6(HO2CPh)2] (2), [V13(O)13(EtO)15(EtOH)(RCO2)3] in which R=adamantyl (3) or Ph3C (4), and [V11(O)12(EtO)13(EtOH)(Ph3CCO2)2(MePO3)] (5) are reported, revealing these to be {VIII16VIV2} (1), {VIII9VIV3VV} (3 and 4) and {VIII3VIV8} (5) clusters, while 2 consists of isolated {VIII8VIV8} clusters bridged into polymeric chains by {Na2(OEt)2} fragments. Solvothermal conditions are essential to the formation of these species, and the level of oxidation of the isolated clusters is in part controlled by the crystallisation time, with the lowest mean-oxidation-state species being isolated by direct crystallisation on controlled cooling of the reaction solutions.

Co-reporter:Sumit Khanra Dr.;Marc Kloth Dr.;Hassanatu Mansaray;Christopher A. Muryn Dr.;Floriana Tuna Dr.;E. Carolina Sañudo Dr.;Madeleine Helliwell Dr.;Eric J. L. McInnes ;Richard E. P. Winpenny
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2007 Volume 46(Issue 29) pp:
Publication Date(Web):19 JUN 2007

All in the family: Organophosphonate complexes of high-valent vanadium are common, but their VIII analogues are few and far between. Reaction of VCl3 precursors and phosphonates under solvothermal conditions leads to a family of corresponding vanadium(III)-based phosphonates, including the layered {VIII12(VIVO)} cluster shown in the picture (V green, P purple, O red, C black). Preliminary magnetic studies are also reported.

Co-reporter:Sumit Khanra Dr.;Marc Kloth Dr.;Hassanatu Mansaray;Christopher A. Muryn Dr.;Floriana Tuna Dr.;E. Carolina Sañudo Dr.;Madeleine Helliwell Dr.;Eric J. L. McInnes ;Richard E. P. Winpenny
Angewandte Chemie 2007 Volume 119(Issue 29) pp:
Publication Date(Web):19 JUN 2007

Eine ganze Familie: Organophosphonatkomplexe des Vanadiums in hoher Oxidationsstufe sind verbreitet, ihre VIII-Analoga sind dagegen äußerst dünn gesäht. Aus VCl3 und Phosphonaten entsteht unter Solvothermalbedingungen eine ganze Familie entsprechender Vanadium(III)-phosphonate, darunter der schichtförmige Cluster {VIII12(VIVO)} im Bild (V grün, P violett, O rot, C schwarz). Erste Untersuchungen zum magnetischen Verhalten werden ebenfalls beschrieben.

Co-reporter:Ian S. Tidmarsh, Rebecca H. Laye, Paul R. Brearley, Maheswaran Shanmugam, E. Carolina Sañudo, Lorenzo Sorace, Andrea Caneschi and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Chemical Communications 2006 (Issue 24) pp:2560-2562
Publication Date(Web):18 May 2006
The solvothermal synthesis, crystal structure and preliminary magnetic studies are reported of the first high nuclearity VIII-based polyoxo(alkoxo)vanadium cage, a VIII16VIV2 complex.
Co-reporter:David Collison;Euan K. Brechin
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2006 Volume 2006(Issue 14) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 JUN 2006

The syntheses, structures and magnetic properties of a host of polymetallic 3d transition-metal clusters made with the pro-ligand benzotriazole (BtaH) and its analogues are reported. These range from a family of tetradecametallic clusters with spin ground states as large as S ≈ 25, to decametallic vanadium “boxes”, to iron and manganese tetra- and super-tetrahedra, to hexaicosametallic manganese single-molecule magnets. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2006)

Co-reporter:David M. Low Dr.;Gopalan Rajaraman Dr.;Madeleine Helliwell Dr.;Grigore Timco Dr.;Joris van Slageren Dr.;Roberta Sessoli ;Stefan T. Ochsenbein;Rol Bircher;Christopher Dobe;Oliver Waldmann Dr.;Hans-Ulrich Güdel ;Mark A. Adams Dr.;Eliseo Ruiz ;Santiago Alvarez Dr.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2006 Volume 12(Issue 5) pp:
Publication Date(Web):28 NOV 2005

The synthesis and crystal structures of a family of decametallic CrIII “molecular wheels” are reported, namely [Cr10(OR)20(O2CR′)10] [R′=Me, R=Me (1), Et (2); R′=Et, R=Me (3), Et (4); R′=CMe3, R=Me (5), Et (6)]. Magnetic studies on 16 reveal a remarkable dependence of the magnetic behaviour on the nature of R. In each pair of complexes with a common carboxylate (R′) the nearest neighbour Cr⋅⋅⋅Cr magnetic exchange coupling is more antiferromagnetic for the ethoxide-bridged (R=Et) cluster than for the methoxide analogue. In complexes 2, 4 and 6 the overall coupling is weakly antiferromagnetic resulting in diamagnetic (S=0) ground states for the cluster, whilst in 1 and 5 it is weakly ferromagnetic thus resulting in very high-spin ground states. This ground state has been probed directly in the perdeuterated version of 1 ([D]1) by inelastic neutron scattering experiments, and these support the S=15 ground state expected for ferromagnetic coupling of ten CrIII ions, and they also indicate that a single J-value model is inadequate. The ground state of 5 is large but not well defined. The trends in J on changing R are further supported by density functional calculations on 16, which are in excellent agreement with experiment. The very large changes in the nature of the ground state between 1 and 2, and 5 and 6 are the result of relatively small changes in J that happen to cross J=0, hence changing the sign of J.

Co-reporter:Guillem Aromí, Simon Parsons, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Euan K. Brechin and Eric J. L. McInnes  
Chemical Communications 2005 (Issue 40) pp:5038-5040
Publication Date(Web):13 Sep 2005
Ferromagnetic exchange between the ten Ni2+ ions in the complex [Ni10(tmp)2(N3)8(acac)6(MeOH)6] leads to a spin ground state of S = 10; single crystal Mvs. H studies reveal the temperature and sweep rate dependent hysteresis loops expected for a single-molecule magnet.
Co-reporter:Rebecca H. Laye, Finn K. Larsen, Jacob Overgaard, Christopher A. Muryn, Eric J. L. McInnes, Eva Rentschler, Veronica Sanchez, Simon J. Teat, Hans U. Güdel, Oliver Waldmann, Grigore A. Timco and Richard E. P. Winpenny  
Chemical Communications 2005 (Issue 9) pp:1125-1127
Publication Date(Web):13 Jan 2005
The synthesis and structure of new heterometallic wheels are reported, with preliminary studies of selected compounds.
Co-reporter:Fabrizio Moro, Danielle Kaminski, Floriana Tuna, George F. S. Whitehead, Grigore A. Timco, David Collison, Richard E. P. Winpenny, Arzhang Ardavan and Eric J. L. McInnes
Chemical Communications 2014 - vol. 50(Issue 1) pp:NaN93-93
Publication Date(Web):2013/11/04
Doping a Cr7Zn molecular nanomagnet into a diamagnetic and isostructural host allows pulsed X-band EPR on single crystals, including relaxation and nutation experiments on the S = 3/2 ground state.
Co-reporter:Ian S. Tidmarsh, Luke J. Batchelor, Emma Scales, Rebecca H. Laye, Lorenzo Sorace, Andrea Caneschi, Jürgen Schnack and Eric J. L. McInnes
Dalton Transactions 2009(Issue 43) pp:NaN9409-9409
Publication Date(Web):2009/09/04
The crystal structure of the monomeric vanadium(III) species mer-[V(bipy)Cl3(MeCN)] (1; bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine) is reported. The solvothermal reaction of [V(bipy)Cl3(MeCN)]with Na(O2CPh) yields the T-shaped cluster [V3(O)Cl3(O2CPh)2(bipy)2(OEt)2], magnetic studies of which show strong intramolecular antiferromagnetic coupling giving a well isolated S = 1 ground state. Solvothermal treatment of 1 with triols yields a series of polymetallic clusters [V4Cl6(thme)2(bipy)3], [V3Cl4(Hcht)2(bipy)2]Cl and [V8(OH)2Cl4(cht)4(O2CPh)6(bipy)2], structurally related to previously reported {M4} centred triangles. Magnetic studies of this series reveal very weak intramolecular antiferromagnetic exchange and very strong local zero-field splitting effects.
Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda, Floriana Tuna, Robin G. Pritchard, Andrew C. Regan, Richard E. P. Winpenny and Eric J. L. McInnes
Chemical Communications 2013 - vol. 49(Issue 34) pp:NaN3524-3524
Publication Date(Web):2013/03/25
The use of 1-amino-1-cyclohexyl phosphonic acid, a functionalised phosphonate, leads to the synthesis of two new structural types for 3d–4f phosphonate cages with unusual structural cores and which show high magnetocaloric effects.
Co-reporter:Luke J. Batchelor, Mario Sander, Floriana Tuna, Madeleine Helliwell, Fabrizio Moro, Joris van Slageren, Enrique Burzurí, Oscar Montero, Marco Evangelisti, Fernando Luis and Eric J. L. McInnes
Dalton Transactions 2011 - vol. 40(Issue 19) pp:NaN5284-5284
Publication Date(Web):2011/04/05
We report the synthesis, structures and magnetic properties of a series of chromium(III) metal-centered triangle (or “star”) clusters, [Cr4{RC(CH2O)3}2(4,4′-R′2-bipy)3Cl6] [R = Et, R′ = H (2); R = HOCH2, R′ = H (3); R = Et, R′ = tBu (4)], prepared by two-step solvothermal reactions starting from [CrCl3(thf)3]. The product of the first stage of this reaction is the salt [Cr(bipy)2Cl2]2[Cr2Cl8(MeCN)2] (1). In the absence of the diimine, a different family of tetrametallics is isolated: the butterfly complexes [Cr4{EtC(CH2O)3}2{NH(C(R)NH)2}2Cl6] (R = Me (5), Et (6), Ph (7)] where the chelating N-acetimidoylacetamidine NH(C(R)NH)2 ligands are formed in situ via condensation of the nitrile solvents (RCN) under solvothermal conditions. Magnetic measurements show the chromium stars to have an isolated S = 3 ground state, arising from antiferromagnetic coupling between the central and peripheral metal ions, analogous to the well-known Fe(III) stars. Bulk antiferromagnetic ordering is observed at 0.6 K. The butterfly complexes have a singlet ground state, with a low-lying S = 1 first excited state, due to dominant wing-body antiferromagnetic coupling.
Co-reporter:Rebecca Docherty, Floriana Tuna, Colin A. Kilner, Eric J. L. McInnes and Malcolm A. Halcrow
Chemical Communications 2012 - vol. 48(Issue 34) pp:NaN4057-4057
Publication Date(Web):2012/03/06
The electronic structures of [Cu(terpy)2]2+ and [Cu(bpp)2]2+ (bpp = 2,6-di[pyrazol-1-yl]pyridine) are different, when doped into [M(bpp)2][BF4]2 (M2+ = Fe2+ or Zn2+). The [Cu(terpy)2]2+ dopant is a typical pseudo-Jahn–Teller elongated copper(II) center. However, the [Cu(bpp)2]2+ sites show EPR spectra consistent with a tetragonally compressed {dz2}1 configuration.
Co-reporter:Emma Scales, Lorenzo Sorace, Andrea Dei, Andrea Caneschi, Christopher A. Muryn, David Collison and Eric J. L. McInnes
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2010 - vol. 1(Issue 2) pp:NaN225-225
Publication Date(Web):2010/05/26
A simple synthetic route to low-valent vanadium catecholate clusters, via solvothermal reaction of [V(acac)3] with catechols in alcohols, is presented. The syntheses and X-ray structures of [VIII6O(dbcat)4(OMe)8(MeOH)2] (1; which has the Lindqvist structure), [VIII6O2(dbcat)2(dbsq)2(acac)2(PhCO2)4(EtO)2] (2; which could alternatively be formulated as [VIII4VIV2O2(dbcat)4(acac)2(PhCO2)4(EtO)2]) and [VIV2(dbcat)4(EtOH)2] (3) are reported (dbcat2− = 3,5-tBu2-catecholate; dbsq− = 3,5-tBu2-semiquinone). The X-ray structures of the primary products of the reactions of 1 and 3 with atmospheric oxygen, [V6O3(“dbcat”)4(OMe)8] (4) and [V2O2(“dbcat”)4] (5), are also reported—the assignments of redox states for these four-electron oxidised species are more ambiguous.
Co-reporter:Eufemio Moreno Pineda, Giulia Lorusso, Karzan H. Zangana, Elias Palacios, Jürgen Schnack, Marco Evangelisti, Richard E. P. Winpenny and Eric J. L. McInnes
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2016 - vol. 7(Issue 8) pp:NaN4895-4895
Publication Date(Web):2016/04/25
We report the synthesis and structure of a molecular {Gd7} cage of the formula (iPr2NH2)6[Gd7(μ3-OH)3(CO3)6(O2CtBu)12] which has crystallographic C3h symmetry. Low temperature specific heat and adiabatic demagnetization experiments (the latter achieving temperatures below 100 mK), lead to the observation of the effects of both intramolecular dipolar interactions and geometric spin frustration. The dipolar interaction leads to a massive rearrangement of energy levels such that specific heat and entropy below 2 K are strongly modified while magnetic susceptibility and magnetization above 2 K are not affected. The consequences of these phenomena for low temperature magnetocaloric applications are discussed.
Co-reporter:Haralampos N. Miras, Daniel J. Stone, Eric J. L. McInnes, Raphael G. Raptis, Peter Baran, George I. Chilas, Michael P. Sigalas, Themistoklis A. Kabanos and Leroy Cronin
Chemical Communications 2008(Issue 39) pp:NaN4705-4705
Publication Date(Web):2008/09/15
A polyoxomolybdenum/vanadium-sulfite {M18} cluster-based compound, [MoVI11VV5VIV2O52(μ9-SO3)]7−, is reported that exhibits a unique structural motif, arising from the incorporation of five VV and two VIV ions into a {M18} cluster framework templated by SO32−; this cluster compostion was first identified using cryospray mass spectrometry.
Co-reporter:Alessandro Prescimone, Joanna Wolowska, Gopalan Rajaraman, Simon Parsons, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Murlaee Murugesu, George Christou, Stergios Piligkos, Eric J. L. McInnes and Euan K. Brechin
Dalton Transactions 2007(Issue 45) pp:NaN5289-5289
Publication Date(Web):2007/10/15
Reaction of the dinuclear complex [Mn2O2(bpy)4](ClO4)3 with H3cht (cis,cis-1,3,5-cyclohexanetriol) in MeCN produces the complex [Mn3(Hcht)2(bpy)4](ClO4)3·Et2O·2MeCN (1·Et2O·2MeCN). Dc magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal the existence of weak ferromagnetic exchange between the three Mn ions, leading to a spin ground state of S = 7, with D = −0.23 cm−1. W-Band (94 GHz) EPR measurements on restrained powdered crystalline samples confirm the S = 7 ground state and determine the ground state zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameters of D = −0.14 cm−1 and B40= +1.5 × 10−5 cm−1. The apparent 4th order behaviour is due to a breakdown of the strong exchange limit approximation (J ≈ d, the single-ion ZFS). Single crystal dc relaxation decay and hysteresis loop measurements reveal the molecule to have an appreciable energy barrier to magnetization relaxation, displaying low temperature sweep rate and temperature-dependent hysteresis loops. Density functional studies confirm the ferromagnetic exchange coupling between the Mn ions.
Co-reporter:S. Sanz, H. M. O'Connor, V. Martí-Centelles, P. Comar, M. B. Pitak, S. J. Coles, G. Lorusso, E. Palacios, M. Evangelisti, A. Baldansuren, N. F. Chilton, H. Weihe, E. J. L. McInnes, P. J. Lusby, S. Piligkos and E. K. Brechin
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2017 - vol. 8(Issue 8) pp:NaN5535-5535
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/19
A family of five [MIII2MII3]n+ trigonal bipyramidal cages (MIII = Fe, Cr and Al; MII = Co, Zn and Pd; n = 0 for 1–3 and n = 6 for 4–5) of formulae [Fe2Co3L6Cl6] (1), [Fe2Zn3L6Br6] (2), [Cr2Zn3L6Br6] (3), [Cr2Pd3L6(dppp)3](OTf)6 (4) and [Al2Pd3L6(dppp)3](OTf)6 (5) (where HL is 1-(4-pyridyl)butane-1,3-dione and dppp is 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane) are reported. Neutral cages 1–3 were synthesised using the tritopic [MIIIL3] metalloligand in combination with the salts CoIICl2 and ZnIIBr2, which both act as tetrahedral linkers. The assembly of the cis-protected [PdII(dppp)(OTf)2] with [MIIIL3] afforded the anionic cages 4–5 of general formula [MIII2PdII3](OTf)6. The metallic skeleton of all cages describes a trigonal bipyramid with the MIII ions occupying the two axial sites and the MII ions sitting in the three equatorial positions. Direct current (DC) magnetic susceptibility, magnetisation and heat capacity measurements on 1 reveal weak antiferromagnetic exchange between the FeIII and CoII ions. EPR spectroscopy demonstrates that the distortion imposed on the {MO6} coordination sphere of [MIIIL3] by complexation in the {MIII2MII3} supramolecules results in a small, but measurable, increase of the zero field splitting at MIII. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations on the three unique CoII sites of 1 suggest DCo ≈ −14 cm−1 and E/D ≈ 0.1, consistent with the magnetothermal and spectroscopic data.
Co-reporter:Rachel Shaw, Floriana Tuna, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Anne-Laure Barra, David Collison and Eric J. L. McInnes
Chemical Communications 2007(Issue 48) pp:NaN5163-5163
Publication Date(Web):2007/10/05
Syntheses, structural and magnetic and EPR data are reported for two octametallic VIII clusters with anisotropic S = 4 ground states arising from strong ferromagnetic exchange interactions.
Thieno[3,4-d]-1,3-dithiole-2-thione, 4,6-bis(2-methoxyphenyl)-
1,3-Dithiolo[4,5-c]furan-2-thione, 4,6-bis(2-methoxyphenyl)-
Phosphonic acid, (triphenylmethyl)-
Thieno[3,4-d]-1,3-dithiol-2-one, 4,6-dibromo-
Methanone, (2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-diyl)bis[(4-methoxyphenyl)-
Thieno[3,4-d]-1,3-dithiole-2-thione, 4,6-bis(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-
1,3-Dithiolo[4,5-c]furan-2-thione, 4,6-bis(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-