Johannes Beck

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Organization: Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universit?t Bonn , Germany
Department: Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn
Title: (PhD)


Co-reporter:Gustavo Luiz Paraginski, Manfredo Hörner, Davi Fernando Back, Aline Joana Rolina Wohlmuth Alves dos Santos, Johannes Beck
Journal of Molecular Structure 2016 Volume 1104() pp:79-84
Publication Date(Web):15 January 2016
•We have reported intramolecular Cu(II)-η6⋯arene-π interactions.•These metal⋯arene-π interaction is new of copper(II) ion.•The coordination mode of the triazenide-N-oxide class was exploited the do it.Deprotonated triazene N-oxides are able to chelate metal ions resulting in five-membered rings without carbon atoms. A new ligand 1-(2-biphenyl)-3-methyltriazenide-N-oxide (1) and its mononuclear Cu(II) complex (2) were synthesized to verify the capability of this ligand to promote Cu(II)⋯arene-π interactions. Ligand 1 and complex 2 have been characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry (ESI(+)-TOF), IR, and UV–Vis spectroscopy. In addition, ligand 1 was characterized by 1H and 13C NMR and complex 2 by X-ray diffraction on single crystal. The crystal structure of complex 2 reveals a distorted tetrahedral geometry of Cu(II) in the first coordination sphere, which expands to a distorted octahedral environment by two symmetrically independent intramolecular metal⋯arene-π interactions. These interactions are provided by ortho-phenyl rings of both triazene N-oxide ligands 1. The aim of this work was to contribute to the architecture of new Cu(II)⋯arene-π complexes based on the synthesis of appropriated ligand for intramolecular interactions
Co-reporter:Dr. Christopher Schulz;Dr. Jörg Daniels;Dr. Thomas Bredow;Dr. Johannes Beck
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 3) pp:1188-1192
Publication Date(Web):


Die elektrochemische Auflösung elementaren Tellurs in ionischen Flüssigkeiten (ionic liquids, ILs) oder flüssigem SO2 wird als eine neue Methode zur Synthese polykationischer Chalkogencluster vorgestellt. Die benutzten ILs sind Ethylmethylimidazoliumtriflat und Tetraalkylammoniumtriflylimid. Triflylmethanid wurde in Form von [BuMeIm][CTf3] als Elektrolyt in flüssigem SO2 eingesetzt. Auf diesem Weg gelang die Isolierung von [Te4][CTf3]2, [Te6][OTf]4 und [Te8][NTf]2, welche das quadratische [Te4]2+, das prismatische [Te6]4+ und das neuartige [Te8]2+ mit Barrelan-Struktur enthalten. Diese Verbindungen haben neuartige Zusammensetzungen, da sie nicht die üblichen Halogenidometallat-Anionen, sondern gebräuchliche, schwach koordinierende Anionen enthalten. Das 125Te-NMR-Spektrum einer IL-Lösung, die das [Te8]2+-Ion enthält, zeigt nur ein breites Signal bei +2700 ppm. DFT-Rechnungen zeigen, dass geringe konzertierte Lageverschiebungen innerhalb des [Te8]2+-Clusters zu einer fluktuierenden Molekülstruktur führen. Die Valenzisomerisierung ist schnell und weist eine geringe Aktivierungsbarriere von etwa 8 kJ mol−1 auf.

Co-reporter:Dr. Christopher Schulz;Dr. Jörg Daniels;Dr. Thomas Bredow;Dr. Johannes Beck
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 3) pp:1173-1177
Publication Date(Web):


As a new method for the synthesis of chalcogen polycationic clusters, the electrochemical dissolution of elemental tellurium in ionic liquids (IL) or in liquid SO2 is presented. ILs used are ethylmethylimidazolium triflate [OTf] and tetraalkylammonium triflylimide [NTf2]. Tristriflylmethanide [CTf3] was used as [BuMeIm][CTf3] as the electrolyte in SO2. This allowed for the isolation of [Te4][CTf3]2, [Te6][OTf]4, and [Te8][NTf2]2 containing the square [Te4]2+, the prismatic [Te6]4+, and the novel barrelane-shaped [Te8]2+. The compounds are novel compositions as they do not contain the usual halometalate anions, but rather common weakly coordinating anions. The 125Te NMR spectrum of an IL solution containing [Te8]2+ features only one broad signal at 2700 ppm. DFT calculations show that slight concerted displacements within the [Te8]2+ cluster lead to a fluxional molecular structure and a fast valence isomerism with a very low activation barrier of about 8 kJ mol−1.

Co-reporter:Andreas Eich, Thomas Bredow, and Johannes Beck
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 2) pp:484-491
Publication Date(Web):December 30, 2014
The reactions of tellurium or selenium with bismuth or antimony in chloridogallate and iodidoaluminate melts in the presence of group 15 trihalides as weak oxidants yielded the compounds (Sb2Te2)[GaCl4] (1), (Sb2Te2)I[AlI4] (2), (Bi2Te2)Cl[GaCl4] (3a), (Bi2Se2)Cl[GaCl4] (3b), (Sb3Te4)[GaCl4] (4), and (SbTe4)[Ga2Cl7] (5). In the crystal structures one-dimensional polymeric cations (Sb2Te2+)n (1), (Sb2Te22+)n (2), (Bi2Te22+)n (3a), (Bi2Se22+)n (3b), (Sb3Te4+)n (4), and (SbTe4+)n (5) are present. The polymeric cationic strands in 2, 3a, 3b, and 4 consist of pentele/chalcogen dumbbells, which are connected to ladder-shaped bands. The strands in 1 and 5 consist of condensed rings that involve four-membered Sb2Te2 rings for 1, and five-membered SbTe4 rings for 5. The counteranions are the weakly coordinating [GaCl4]−, [AlI4]−, and [Ga2Cl7]− in addition to Cl– and I– anions, which are coordinated to the atoms of the cations. The crystal structures of 1–4 are characterized by a statistical disorder in the anions with alternatively occupied positions for the Al and Ga atoms. For 4 superstructure reflections appear in the diffractions patterns, indicating a partial order. A correct assignment of the Sb and Te positions in the cation of 5 was achieved by periodic quantum-chemical calculations, which were performed via a Hartree–Fock density functional theory hybrid method. A clear preference of the 4-fold coordinated site was obtained for Sb.
Co-reporter:Andreas Eich, Yaser NejatyJahromy, Olav Schiemann, Johannes Beck
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2015 Volume 58() pp:20-23
Publication Date(Web):August 2015
•Synthetic work performed in gallium trichloride based melts•Novel helical chalcogen chains are presented.•The chains resemble the chains in elemental Se and Te, but the conformations are different.•Copper(I) tetrachlorido gallate units are spacers between the chains.•The presence of monovalent Cu and thus the neutrality of the chains proven by EPR spectroscopyThe reactions of selenium and tellurium in molten GaCl3 with SbCl3 and copper(II) or copper(I) chloride yielded CuSe4[GaCl4] (1), CuTe4[GaCl4] (2), and Cu2Se7[GaCl4]2 (3). EPR measurements show no resonances, implying the presence of monovalent Cu ions. The structures consist of discrete infinite neutral chalcogen chains of helical shape. Cu(I) ions are coordinated to the Se and Te chains via three chalcogen atoms for the isotypic 1 and 2, and via two Se atoms for 3. The coordination tetrahedron for Cu is completed by coordination of Cl atoms of neighboring [GaCl4]− anions.
Co-reporter:Andreas Eich;Wilfried Hoffbauer;Gregor Schnakenburg;Thomas Bredow;Jörg Daniels
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2014 Volume 2014( Issue 19) pp:3043-3052
Publication Date(Web):


The reactions of elemental antimony, tellurium, selenium and sulfur as well as antimony telluride and antimony sulfide in melts composed of GaCl3/SbCl3/ACl (A = Cu+, Ag+, PPh4+) yielded Ag(Sb7Te8)[GaCl4]6 (1), (Sb7Se8)[GaCl4]2[Ga2Cl7]3 (2), (Sb7Se8Cl2)[GaCl4]3 (3) and (Sb7S8Cl2)[GaCl4]3 (4). SbCl3 plays the role of the oxidant, and GaCl3 plays the role of the Lewis acidic chloride ion acceptor. All of the compounds form orange, air-sensitive crystals. The crystal structures consist of discrete, double-cube-shaped, mixed antimony–chalcogen cationic clusters (Sb7Te8)5+, (Sb7Se8)5+, (Sb7Se8Cl2)3+ and (Sb7S8Cl2)3+. The anions are discrete chloridogallate [GaCl4] and [Ga2Cl7] anions. All compounds were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive electron-beam X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman vibrational spectroscopy and solid-state 77Se NMR spectroscopy. Supporting gas-phase and periodic DFT calculations allowed the assignments of the spectra and provided insights into the bonding situation of the hypervalent Sb atoms.

Co-reporter:Oleksandr Kysliak, Max Marcus, Thomas Bredow, and Johannes Beck
Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 52(Issue 15) pp:8327-8333
Publication Date(Web):July 12, 2013
The reaction of elemental Mn, Fe, and Zn with Te in liquid ammonia at 50 °C leads to the polytellurides [Mn(NH3)6]Te4 (1), [Fe(NH3)6]Te4·NH3 (2), and [Zn(NH3)4]2Te15 (3) in quantitative yield for 1 and 3, and in 30–50% yield for 2. The compounds form black crystals, which are air sensitive and easily lose ammonia without a protective atmosphere of NH3. Compound 3 is semiconducting with a thermal activation energy of 1.2 eV. In the crystal structures of 1 and 2, tetratelluride anions Te42- in gauche conformation with dihedral angles around 90° are present, which are linked to form infinite spiral chains. Compound 3 contains an unusual Te154- polyanion in the form of a bent chain Te7–Te–Te7. The connection between the Te4 groups in 1 and 2 and the two Te7 groups in 3 is achieved via linear Te3 entities, which are strongly asymmetric in 1, almost symmetric in 2, and symmetric in 3 (for 1, Te–Te···Te 174.0°, d1 = 2.87, d2 = 3.25 Å; for 2, Te–Te–Te 178.8°, d1 = 3.01, d2 = 3.09 Å; for 3, Te–Te–Te 180°, d1 = d2 = 3.06 Å). Periodic DFT calculations show that interaction between the Te42- units is negligible in 1 and weak but undoubtedly present in 2. The overlap population amounts to 0.09 in the linear Te3 group of 3. The band structure calculation of 3 gives semiconducting behavior with a band gap of 1.5 eV in fair agreement with experimental data.
Co-reporter:Oleksr Kysliak
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 2013( Issue 1) pp:124-133
Publication Date(Web):


The novel chalcogenidotellurates(IV) [Zn(NH3)6][Zn(NH3)4]2(TeS3)3 (1), [Zn(NH3)4](TeSe3) (2), [Mn(NH3)6](TeS3) (3), [Mn(NH3)6](TeSe3) (4) and [Mn(CH3NH2)6](TeSe3) (5) were obtained by solvothermal reactions from elemental zinc or manganese, tellurium and sulfur or selenium, respectively, in liquid ammonia or methylamine. The reactions were performed in thick-walled glass ampoules at 50 °C and give 1, 2 and 3 in quantitative yield. The yields for 4 and 5 are lower. The crystal structures consist of tetrammine, hexammine and hexakis(methylamine) complexes of divalent Zn and Mn and of trigonal-pyramidal (TeCh3)2– (Ch = S, Se) anions. Compounds 1 (P31m) and 2 [two polymorphic forms, Cmc21 (2a) and Pca21 (2b)] crystallise in a noncentrosymmetric manner in polar structures, while 3 (P21/c), 4 (Pbca) and 5 (P21/m) are centrosymmetric. As an unique feature, the structure of 1 contains two different types of Zn ammine complexes, tetrahedral [Zn(NH3)4]2+ and octahedral [Zn(NH3)6]2+. Compound 5 contains the rare hexacoordinate complex [Mn(CH3NH2)6]2+. Raman spectra of 1 and 2 show the two expected symmetric and asymmetric valence vibrations between 350–380 cm–1 for (TeS3)2– and 215–235 cm–1 for (TeSe3)2–.

Co-reporter:Barbara Szafranowska
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 2013( Issue 18) pp:3167-3177
Publication Date(Web):


5-Cyanotetrazole readily forms from (CN)2 and HN3. The coordination abilities of the 5-cyanotetrazolate anion N4CCN (ctz) towards CuII ions were examined and a series of complexes and coordination polymers were synthesized and characterized by single-crystal structure analyses: PPh4[Cu(ctz)3] (1), [Cu(ctz)2(bipy)] (2, bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine), [CuCl(py)4](ctz)·2py (3, py = pyridine), [Cu2(ctz)6Cu(CH3CN)2(H2O)2]·2CH3CN (4a), [Cu2(ctz)6Cu(H2O)3{(CH3)2CO}]·3(CH3)2CO (4b), [Cu(ctz)2(py)4] (5), [Cu2(ctz)4(bipy)2] (6) and [Cu2(ctz)2(tpm)2(NO3)]NO3 [7, tpm = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane]. As ctz is a multidentate linker, additional neutral coligands such as monodentate py, bidentate bipy and tridentate tpm ligands were used to avoid the formation of noncrystalline polymers. The structures of 17 reflect the versatile coordination abilities of ctz in the various types of coordination environments of the CuII ions and dimensionalities of the linkages. The structures represent 1D chain motifs (1, 2 and 3), 2D layered structures (4a and 4b), mononuclear (5) and dinuclear complexes (6 and 7). Magnetic coupling phenomena were detected by susceptibility measurements of 1, 4a, 6 and 7, which were fitted to the magnetic models according to antiferromagnetic spin-pairing of two S = 1/2 systems (Bleaney–Bowers) for 6 (J = –0.53 cm–1) and 7 (J = –2.91 cm–1), to the ferromagnetic high-temperature series expansion based on the Baker 1D (S = 1/2) chain model for 1 (J = +14.4 cm–1) and to the Néel model of ferrimagnetism for 4a. The diverse magnetic interactions between the Cu2+ sites are communicated by the bridging ctz anions.

Co-reporter:Oleksandr Kysliak, Johannes Beck
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2013 Volume 38() pp:146-151
Publication Date(Web):December 2013
•Novel polychalcogenides of the less-noble metals Mn, Fe, Zn are presented.•One pot synthesis by solvothermal reactions in liquid ammonia or methylamine.•Elemental sulfur and selenium are converted to polyanions of three to six atoms.•With methylamine, rarely known hexakis(methylamine)metal complexes are formed.Solvothermal reactions of the less-noble metals Mn, Fe, and Zn with elemental sulfur or/and selenium in liquid ammonia or methylamine give a series of polyselenides and polysulfides, namely [Mn(NH3)6]Se3 (1), [Mn(MeNH2)6]Se4 (2), [Mn(NH3)6]S6 (3), [Fe(NH3)6]S6 (4), [Zn(NH3)6]S6 (5), [Mn(NH3)6]Se6 (6), [Fe(NH3)6]Se6 (7) and two mixed sulfideselenides [Mn(MeNH2)6](S5)0.15(S1.57Se2.43)0.85 (8) and [Mn(NH3)6](S2.71Se2.29) (9). All compounds represent ionic structures with octahedral [M(NH2R)6]2 + (M = Mn, Fe, Zn; R = H, CH3) complex cations and various polychalcogenide anions in the form of chains consisting of three to six sulfur and/or selenium atoms. The hexachalcogenides 4–7 are isostructural. In the structure of 8 S52 − and (S/Se)42 − anions are present in 15%: 85% ratio on one crystallographic site. 9 contains a (S/Se)52 − mixed chalcogenide anion. Generally, N–H∙∙∙S/Se bonding is weak, which facilitates the observed disorder of the polychalcogenide chains in the hexachalcogenides 4–7. The structures of 1–8 show a packing of cations and anions of the simple rock-salt structure type while 9 adopts the PtS structure type.Solvothermal reactions of the less-noble metals Mn, Fe, and Zn with elemental sulfur or/and selenium in liquid ammonia or methylamine give a series of polyselenides and polysulfides. All compounds represent ionic structures with octahedral [M(NH3)6]2 + and [M(NH2CH3)6]2 +complex cations (M = Mn, Fe, Zn) and various polychalcogenide anions in the form of chains consisting of three to six sulfur and/or selenium atoms.
Co-reporter:Rachmat Trii Tjahjanto;Michael F. Peintinger;Thomas Bredow
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2012 Volume 2012( Issue 22) pp:3625-3635
Publication Date(Web):


The reactions of thianthrene (TA) and selenanthrene (SeA) with AlCl3 were studied in the melt phase and with liquid SO2 as solvent. From neat AlCl3 and TA, the colorless complex [AlCl3(TA)] was isolated as the main product and the dark red salt (TA)3[Al2Cl7]2 as the byproduct. The analogous solvent-free reaction of selenanthrene and AlCl3 takes a different course as colorless [Al(SeA)3][Al2Cl7]3 is formed in quantitative yield. With SO2 as solvent, both TA and SeA give the black radical salts (TA)2[AlCl4]2 and (SeA)2[AlCl4]2, respectively. In the structure of [AlCl3(TA)], thianthrene acts as a monodentate ligand and coordinates with one S atom to the pyramidal AlCl3 unit. The structure of the (TA)32+ ion is a stack of three almost planar TA molecules in parallel arrangement. [Al(SeA)3]3+ represents a tris-chelate complex ion with SeA acting as a bidentate ligand and both Se atoms binding to the octahedrally coordinated Al3+ ion. (SeA)2[AlCl4]2 consists of dimers of SeA+ radical ions, which are bound by weak intermolecular Se···Se bonds. Tentative reaction equations are given to explain the unexpected oxidation processes that lead to the radical ions. Quantum chemical calculations were performed on the molecular fragments and on the periodical structures. The trimeric (TA)32+ ion is in the singlet state in accordance with the magnetic properties of (TA)3[Al2Cl7]2, which show a weak temperature-independent paramagnetism. The ion is bound by long-range four-center bonds between the outer two radicals.

Co-reporter:Dr. Ejaz Ahmed;Dr. Johannes Beck;Dr. Jörg Daniels;Dr. Thomas Doert;Dr. Steffen Jan Eck;Dr. Andreas Heerwig;Dr. Anna Isaeva;Dr. Sven Lidin;Dr. Michael Ruck;Dr. Walter Schnelle;Dr. Alexer Stankowski
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 32) pp:8106-8109
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Ejaz Ahmed;Dr. Johannes Beck;Dr. Jörg Daniels;Dr. Thomas Doert;Dr. Steffen Jan Eck;Dr. Andreas Heerwig;Dr. Anna Isaeva;Dr. Sven Lidin;Dr. Michael Ruck;Dr. Walter Schnelle;Dr. Alexer Stankowski
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 32) pp:8230-8233
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Johannes Beck;Guido Zink
Journal of Chemical Crystallography 2011 Volume 41( Issue 8) pp:1185-1189
Publication Date(Web):2011 August
The reaction of tetra-n-butylammonium-octachloridodirhenate(III), (Bu4N)2[Re2Cl8], with molten 2-oxobutanoic acid Et(CO)CO2H at 75 °C afforded pale-green tetra-n-butylammonium-hexachlorido-(2-oxobutanoato)-dirhenate(III), (Bu4N)[Re2(O2C(CO)Et)Cl6]. Slow evaporation of a solution in CHCl3 yielded shiny, mint-green crystals of the dirhenate complex. The X-ray crystal structure determination (monoclinic, P21/n, a = 11.6557(3) Å, b = 20.5382(5) Å, c = 13.9281(3) Å, β = 112.508(1)°, Z = 4) revealed the presence of [Re2(O2C(CO)Et)Cl6]− anions and tetra-n-butylammonium cations. The central [Re2]6+ core with a Re≣Re quadruple bond of 2.2263(3) Å length is μ2-bridged by one 2-oxobutanoato ligand and additionally coordinated by six chlorido ligands. Each dirhenate unit is linked via two Re···Cl contacts to dimeric, centrosymmetric entities of the constitution {[Re2(O2C(CO)Et)Cl6]2}2−. In the crystal, these dimers of dinuclear complexes are separated from each other by the bulky tetra-n-butylammonium cations.
Co-reporter:Rachmat Trii Tjahjanto
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2009 Volume 2009( Issue 17) pp:2524-2528
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A new (thianthrene)gold(III) complex has been synthesized in liquid SO2 as the solvent from thianthrene (TA) andAuCl3. [AuCl2(TA)2][AuCl4] [triclinic, P, a = 9.9832(2) Å, b = 10.3404(2) Å, c = 15.0798(4) Å, α = 75.038(1)°, β = 81.610(1)°, γ = 68.409(1)°, V = 1396.15(5) Å3, Z = 2] has a salt-like structure consisting of [AuCl2(TA)2]+ and [AuCl4] ions, both with square-planar coordinated gold atoms of oxidation state +3. In the cation, two bent TA molecules are coordinated to Au each through one sulfur atom. The title compound is thermally stable up to 425 K and is semiconducting with a conductivity reaching 25 mSm–1 at 380 K and a low activation energy of 0.43 eV. A model for the charge transport along the stacked cationic complexes is discussed. When dissolved in chloroform [AuCl2(TA)2][AuCl4] is converted into the already known uncharged, mononuclear complex [AuCl3(TA)], which shows that a polymerization isomerism exists between the two forms.(© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)

Co-reporter:Johannes Beck;Manfredo Hörner;Gertrud Dittmann
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2009 Volume 2009( Issue 28) pp:4314-4319
Publication Date(Web):


The diazotisation of 2,2′-diaminotolane with one equivalent of HNO2 yields the macrocyclic bis(tolanetriazene) (tolaneN3H)2 in moderate yield. As shown by the crystal structure determination, the molecule is essentially planar. After deprotonation, the central cavity is suitable for complexation of transition metal ions. In pyridine solution, the anion (tolaneN3)22– is formed, which reacts with the acetates of Co2+ and Ni2+ to the dark red coloured complexes [M((tolaneN3)2)(py)2]. The metal ions are located in the centre of the macrocycles, coordinated by four N atoms of the two triazenide groups. Two pyridine ligands occupy the axial positions, giving the central atoms a distorted octahedral coordination environment. In the temperature range between 30 and 300 K, both complexes show the expected magnetic properties of magnetically isolated ions with nearly fulfilled Curie behaviour and μeff = 3.40 for NiII and 5.19 for CoII, which is in the high spin state.(© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)

Co-reporter:Johannes Beck, Jörg Daniels, Albrecht Roloff and Norbert Wagner  
Dalton Transactions 2006 (Issue 9) pp:1174-1180
Publication Date(Web):14 Nov 2005
The reaction of the α and β forms of C3S52− with thiophosgene yields two isomeric carbon sulfides α,α-C4S6 and α,β-C4S6, respectively. The crystal structures of both compounds could be determined for the first time. Both structures are made up of almost planar molecules. The α,α-isomer (1,3-dithiolo-(4,5-d)-1,3-dithol-2,5-dithione) is D2h-symmetric, while the α,β-isomer is approximately Cs-symmetric. In the molecules of both isomers the two different C3S5 units are retained without significant alterations of structural parameters. α,α-C4S6 is unstable with respect to α,β-C4S6. The molecular rearrangement can be induced by a short thermal treatment at 150 °C. Significant differences are found in the mass spectra fragmentation patterns. Only α,β-C4S6 shows an intense signal for C3S2+ and is therefore a potential source for the synthesis of carbon subsulfide via flash vacuum pyrolysis. Only α,β-C4S6 forms a stable adduct with I2. α,β-C4S6·I2 was already known (F. L. Lu, K. M. Keshavarz-K, G. Srdanov, R. H. Jacobson and F. Wudl, J. Org. Chem., 1989, 54, 2165, ), but a second polymorph is formed on crystallisation from a different solvent. The two polymorphic forms do not show differences in the structures of the individual molecules but show a different packing pattern. α,β-C4S6·I2 is remarkably thermally stable. Thermal analysis shows that I2 cleavage occurs in that temperature region above 200 °C when C–S bonds are broken and CS2 and I2 are simultaneously liberated. Performed at 270 °C thermolysis of α,β-C4S6·I2 yields under cleavage of I2 and CS2 a black polymeric carbon sulfide (CS)x which is probably a mixture of graphitic carbon and unidentified amorphous polymeric carbon sulfides.
Co-reporter:Johannes Beck, Christian Kusterer, Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann, Rainer Pöttgen
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2006 Volume 179(Issue 8) pp:2298-2309
Publication Date(Web):August 2006
The crystal structure of WOCl3, determined on the basis of powder diffraction data (tetragonal, P42/mnm  , a=10.6856(6)a=10.6856(6), c=3.8537(2)c=3.8537(2)), is isotypic to WOI3 and contains one-dimensional strands of edge-sharing double-octahedral W2O4/2Cl6 groups connected via common corners in trans position. A W–W bond of 2.99 Å is present within the planar W2Cl6 groups. A series of non-stochiometric, mixed valence W(IV,V) compounds M1−x[W2O2Cl6] can be obtained from WOCl3 by reaction with metal halides (TlCl, KCl, PbCl2) or by reaction of elemental Hg with WOCl4. All were characterized by single crystal structure determinations and EDX measurements (Tl0.981(2)[W2O2Cl6]: monoclinic, C2/m  , a=12.7050(4)a=12.7050(4), b=3.7797(1)b=3.7797(1), c=10.5651(3)Å, β=107.656(1)°β=107.656(1)°; K0.84(2)[W2O2Cl6]: monoclinic, C2/m  , a=12.812(3)a=12.812(3), b=3.7779(6)b=3.7779(6), c=10.196(3)Å, β=107.422(8)°β=107.422(8)°; Pb0.549(3)[W2O2Cl6]: orthorhombic, Immm,  a=3.7659(1)a=3.7659(1), b=9.8975(4)b=9.8975(4), c=12.1332(6)Å; Hg0.554(6)[W2O2Cl6]: monoclinic, C2/m  , a=12.8361(8)a=12.8361(8), b=3.7622(3)b=3.7622(3), c=10.2581(9)Å, β=113.645(3)°β=113.645(3)°). Two representatives of this family of compounds have already been reported: Na[W2O2Br6] [Y.-Q. Zhang, K. Peters, H.G. von Schnering, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 624 (1998) 1415–1418] and Ag0.74[W2O2Br6] [S. Imhaïne, C. Perrin, M. Sergent, Mat. Res. Bull. 33 (1998) 927–933]. The Ag containing compound can be obtained from elemental Ag and WOBr3. The crystal structure, originally reported in the triclinic system, was redetermined and shown to be monoclinic with space group C2/m   (a=13.7338(10)a=13.7338(10), b=3.7769(3)b=3.7769(3), c=10.7954(9)Å, β=112.401(3)°β=112.401(3)°). The crystal structures of these compounds are in close relationship to the structure of WOCl3 and all contain W2O4/2X6 (X=Cl, Br) double strands with the mono and divalent cations coordinated by the terminal halogen atoms of the W2X6 groups and a short W–W bond (2.85 Å for X=Cl). A cube-shaped coordination environment is present for M=Tl, K and a trigonal-prismatic coordination for M=Ag, Hg. Hg0.55[W2O2Cl6] is a semiconductor with a non-Arrhenius behaviour, high specific conductivity of 0.05 Ω–1 cm−1 and a very small activation energy of 0.03 eV. Hg0.55[W2O2Cl6] and Ag0.8[W2O2Br6] show a temperature independent paramagnetism with a magnetic moment around 300×10–6 cm3 mol–1.WOCl3 has a particular reactivity to form non-stoichiometric quaternary compounds M1−x[W2O2Cl6] with mono and divalent cations. The compounds exhibit temperature independent paramagnetism and high electrical conductivity.
Co-reporter:Johannes Beck and Folker Steden  
Chemical Communications 2005 (Issue 43) pp:5453-5455
Publication Date(Web):04 Oct 2005
A unique, highly charged cationic bismuth fluoro cluster [Bi6F11]7+, embedded in the complex crystal structure of (Se4)2+[Bi6F11]7+[AsF6−]9·10 SO2, was synthesized from Bi2Se3 and AsF5 in liquid SO2.
Co-reporter:Johannes Beck;Tobias Hilbert
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2004 Volume 2004(Issue 10) pp:
Publication Date(Web):4 MAY 2004

The cover picture shows the characteristic crystal form of elemental bismuth in the background and a perspective view of the crystal structure Bi(Bi9)[NbCl6]3 containing three-capped trigonal prismatic Bi95+ clusters. The Bi+ cations in the channels made up of the octahedral halometalate anions are disordered and can be treated in different ways in the crystallographic description. A remarkable feature of the compound is the paramagnetic behaviour, which shows the presence of Nb in the less common oxidation state +IV. Details are discussed in the article by J. Beck and T. Hilbert on p. 2019 ff.

Co-reporter:Johannes Beck;Tobias Hilbert
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2004 Volume 2004(Issue 10) pp:
Publication Date(Web):31 MAR 2004

Bi and BiIII halides comproportionate to form subvalent cationic Bi clusters of various size and shape that can be stabilized in the solid state in the presence of suitable complex ions. Transition metal chlorides and bromides of group 4 elements lead to compounds of the Bi(Bi9)[MX6]3 family, of which all members with M = Zr, Hf; X = Cl, Br are known. At 550 K Bi, BiCl3 and NbCl5, surprisingly, yield the isotypic Bi+(Bi95+)([NbCl6]2−)3 containing NbIV formed by reduction of NbV. The crystal structure [hexagonal; P63/m; a = 1377.1(2), c = 1065.5(2) pm; Z = 2] contains Bi95+ clusters, octahedral [NbCl6]2− and disordered Bi+ ions. The low, temperature-dependent paramagnetic moment (76 K: 0.99 B.M.; 295 K: 1.22 B.M.) confirms the reduction of Nb to the +IV state. Bi8[Ta2O2Br7]2, formed by a trace of H2O in a reaction of Bi, BiBr3 and TaBr5 at 570 K, adopts a new structure type [tetragonal; P4/mnc; a = 1448.0(1), c = 1830.6(2) pm; Z = 4] and consists of square-antiprismatic Bi82+ clusters and onedimensional polymeric bromooxotantalate(V) anions. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004)

Co-reporter:Matthias Ballauff Dr.;Li Li;Sabine Rosenfeldt Dr.;Nico Dingenouts Dr. Dr.;Petra Krieger-Beck Dr.
Angewandte Chemie 2004 Volume 116(Issue 43) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2 NOV 2004

Die Polymerisation von C3O2 (in der Abbildung links bei −10 °C) zu einem braunroten, festen Polymer (rechts) ist seit langem bekannt; die Konstitution dieses Polymers war jedoch bislang nicht gesichert. Untersuchungen mithilfe der Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung ergaben, dass das Polymer bandförmige Moleküle aus ca. 40 monomeren Einheiten bildet. Dies bestärkt die Hypothese eines bandartigen Polymers aus verknüpften α-Pyronringen.

Co-reporter:Matthias Ballauff Dr.;Li Li;Sabine Rosenfeldt Dr.;Nico Dingenouts Dr. Dr.;Petra Krieger-Beck Dr.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2004 Volume 43(Issue 43) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2 NOV 2004

Band substances: The polymerization of C3O2 (see picture left, at −10 °C) into a red-brown, solid polymer (right) having identical composition has been known for almost 100 years. However, the constitution of the polymer remained unknown. Small-angle X-ray scattering studies of the dissolved polymer show that it forms a stiff bandlike molecule with approximately 40 monomeric units, thus confirming the predicted bandlike structure with condensed α-pyrone rings.

Co-reporter:Johannes Beck, Sylvia Hedderich
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2003 Volume 172(Issue 1) pp:12-16
Publication Date(Web):April 2003
Co-reporter:Johannes Beck;Andreas Hormel;Michael Koch
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2002 Volume 2002(Issue 9) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2 AUG 2002

The reaction of tetrachlorocyclopropene with SeCl4 or TeCl4 in CH2Cl2 under solvothermal conditions at 120 °C and 90 °C, respectively, is a suitable route to 1,2-dichalcogenolylium ions. Yellow crystals of (C3Cl3Se2)+Cl or red crystals of {(C3Cl3Te2)+}2[Te2Cl10]2− are formed in such reactions. The reaction of hexachloropropene with elemental sulfur — the well-known route to 3,4,5-trichloro-1,2-dithiolylium chloride (C3Cl3S2)Cl — turned out not to be transferable to selenium and tellurium chemistry. NMR investigations of the reaction solutions allowed to set up reaction equilibria also involving hexachloropropene and dichalcogen dichlorides E2Cl2. The crystal structures of all three compounds were determined by X-ray diffraction. All contain planar, five-membered ring shaped cations (C3Cl3E2)+ (E = S, Se, Te). Short E−E bonds (S−S 201, Se−Se 231, Te−Te 266 pm) indicate substantial π-bonding and charge delocalisation. The anion in (C3Cl3Te2)2[Te2Cl10] consists of two tetragonal pyramidal [TeCl5] units linked by long Te−Cl bridges to centrosymmetric dimers in the form of edge-sharing double octahedra. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2002)

Co-reporter:N. Struch, N. Wagner, G. Schnakenburg, R. Weisbarth, S. Klos, J. Beck and A. Lützen
Dalton Transactions 2016 - vol. 45(Issue 36) pp:NaN14029-14029
Publication Date(Web):2016/08/10
A new thiazolylimine ligand system for iron(II) complexes which stabilises spin-crossover in solution and solid states with T1/2 temperatures around room temperature has been developed. This effect is studied in solution and solid states. Furthermore crystal packing effects are investigated offering a variety of T1/2 and even hysteresis centred at −3 °C in the solid state.
1,2-Propadiene, 1-oxo-3-selenoxo-
1,3,2-Benzodithiazol-1-ium, chloride