Co-reporter:Chenglong Xia;Boran Han;Ruobo Zhou
PNAS 2017 Volume 114 (Issue 32 ) pp:E6678-E6685
Publication Date(Web):2017-08-08
Actin, spectrin, and associated molecules form a membrane-associated periodic skeleton (MPS) in neurons. In the MPS, short
actin filaments, capped by actin-capping proteins, form ring-like structures that wrap around the circumference of neurites,
and these rings are periodically spaced along the neurite by spectrin tetramers, forming a quasi-1D lattice structure. This
1D MPS structure was initially observed in axons and exists extensively in axons, spanning nearly the entire axonal shaft
of mature neurons. Such 1D MPS was also observed in dendrites, but the extent to which it exists and how it develops in dendrites
remain unclear. It is also unclear whether other structural forms of the membrane skeleton are present in neurons. Here, we
investigated the spatial organizations of spectrin, actin, and adducin, an actin-capping protein, in the dendrites and soma
of cultured hippocampal neurons at different developmental stages, and compared results with those obtained in axons, using
superresolution imaging. We observed that the 1D MPS exists in a substantial fraction of dendritic regions in relatively mature
neurons, but this structure develops slower and forms with a lower propensity in dendrites than in axons. In addition, we
observed that spectrin, actin, and adducin also form a 2D polygonal lattice structure, resembling the expanded erythrocyte
membrane skeleton structure, in the somatodendritic compartment. This 2D lattice structure also develops substantially more
slowly in the soma and dendrites than the development of the 1D MPS in axons. These results suggest membrane skeleton structures
are differentially regulated across different subcompartments of neurons.
Co-reporter:Tony Jun Huang;Doory Kim;Huayun Deng;Sara A. Jones;Jarrod B. French;Haibei Hu;Raymond J. Pugh;Ye Fang;Hong Zhao;Anthony M. Pedley;Chung Yu Chan;Youxin Zhang;Stephen J. Benkovic
Science 2016 Volume 351(Issue 6274) pp:733-737
Publication Date(Web):12 Feb 2016
Spatial control of cellular enzymes
Purine is a building block of DNA and also a component of ATP that is used as an energy source in the cell. Enzymes involved in purine biosynthesis organize into dynamic bodies called purinosomes. French et al. found that purinosomes colocalize with mitochondria, organelles that generate ATP (see the Perspective by Ma and Jones). Dysregulation of mitochondria caused an increase in the number of purinosomes. This suggests a synergy, with the purinosomes supplying the purine required for ATP production and in turn using ATP in the biosynthetic pathway. A master regulator of cellular metabolism, mTOR, appears to mediate the association of purinosomes and mitochondria. This could make purine and ATP synthesis responsive to changes in the metabolic needs of the cell.
Science, this issue p. 733; see also p. 670
Co-reporter:Jeffrey R. Moffitt;Dhananjay Bambah-Mukku;Catherine Dulac;Tian Lu;Junjie Hao
PNAS 2016 Volume 113 (Issue 50 ) pp:14456-14461
Publication Date(Web):2016-12-13
Highly multiplexed single-molecule FISH has emerged as a promising approach to spatially resolved single-cell transcriptomics
because of its ability to directly image and profile numerous RNA species in their native cellular context. However, background—from
off-target binding of FISH probes and cellular autofluorescence—can become limiting in a number of important applications,
such as increasing the degree of multiplexing, imaging shorter RNAs, and imaging tissue samples. Here, we developed a sample
clearing approach for FISH measurements. We identified off-target binding of FISH probes to cellular components other than
RNA, such as proteins, as a major source of background. To remove this source of background, we embedded samples in polyacrylamide,
anchored RNAs to this polyacrylamide matrix, and cleared cellular proteins and lipids, which are also sources of autofluorescence.
To demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, we measured the copy number of 130 RNA species in cleared samples using multiplexed
error-robust FISH (MERFISH). We observed a reduction both in the background because of off-target probe binding and in the
cellular autofluorescence without detectable loss in RNA. This process led to an improved detection efficiency and detection
limit of MERFISH, and an increased measurement throughput via extension of MERFISH into four color channels. We further demonstrated
MERFISH measurements of complex tissue samples from the mouse brain using this matrix-imprinting and -clearing approach. We
envision that this method will improve the performance of a wide range of in situ hybridization-based techniques in both cell
culture and tissues.
Co-reporter:Hazen P. Babcock;Guiping Wang;Jeffrey R. Moffitt;Kok Hao Chen;Junjie Hao
PNAS 2016 Volume 113 (Issue 39 ) pp:11046-11051
Publication Date(Web):2016-09-27
Image-based approaches to single-cell transcriptomics, in which RNA species are identified and counted in situ via imaging,
have emerged as a powerful complement to single-cell methods based on RNA sequencing of dissociated cells. These image-based
approaches naturally preserve the native spatial context of RNAs within a cell and the organization of cells within tissue,
which are important for addressing many biological questions. However, the throughput of these image-based approaches is relatively
low. Here we report advances that lead to a drastic increase in the measurement throughput of multiplexed error-robust fluorescence
in situ hybridization (MERFISH), an image-based approach to single-cell transcriptomics. In MERFISH, RNAs are identified via
a combinatorial labeling approach that encodes RNA species with error-robust barcodes followed by sequential rounds of single-molecule
fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) to read out these barcodes. Here we increase the throughput of MERFISH by two
orders of magnitude through a combination of improvements, including using chemical cleavage instead of photobleaching to
remove fluorescent signals between consecutive rounds of smFISH imaging, increasing the imaging field of view, and using multicolor
imaging. With these improvements, we performed RNA profiling in more than 100,000 human cells, with as many as 40,000 cells
measured in a single 18-h measurement. This throughput should substantially extend the range of biological questions that
can be addressed by MERFISH.
Co-reporter:Jiang He;Monica A. Carrasco;Ruobo Zhou;Zhuhao Wu;Peri T. Kurshan;Jonathan E. Farley;David J. Simon;Guiping Wang;Boran Han;Junjie Hao;Evan Heller;Marc R. Freeman;Kang Shen;Tom Maniatis;Marc Tessier-Lavigne
PNAS 2016 Volume 113 (Issue 21 ) pp:6029-6034
Publication Date(Web):2016-05-24
Actin, spectrin, and associated molecules form a periodic, submembrane cytoskeleton in the axons of neurons. For a better
understanding of this membrane-associated periodic skeleton (MPS), it is important to address how prevalent this structure
is in different neuronal types, different subcellular compartments, and across different animal species. Here, we investigated
the organization of spectrin in a variety of neuronal- and glial-cell types. We observed the presence of MPS in all of the
tested neuronal types cultured from mouse central and peripheral nervous systems, including excitatory and inhibitory neurons
from several brain regions, as well as sensory and motor neurons. Quantitative analyses show that MPS is preferentially formed
in axons in all neuronal types tested here: Spectrin shows a long-range, periodic distribution throughout all axons but appears
periodic only in a small fraction of dendrites, typically in the form of isolated patches in subregions of these dendrites.
As in dendrites, we also observed patches of periodic spectrin structures in a small fraction of glial-cell processes in four
types of glial cells cultured from rodent tissues. Interestingly, despite its strong presence in the axonal shaft, MPS is
disrupted in most presynaptic boutons but is present in an appreciable fraction of dendritic spine necks, including some projecting
from dendrites where such a periodic structure is not observed in the shaft. Finally, we found that spectrin is capable of
adopting a similar periodic organization in neurons of a variety of animal species, including Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, Gallus gallus, Mus musculus, and Homo sapiens.
Co-reporter:Siyuan Wang;Bogdan Bintu;Brian J. Beliveau;Jeffrey R. Moffitt;Jun-Han Su;Chao-ting Wu
Science 2016 Volume 353(Issue 6299) pp:598-602
Publication Date(Web):05 Aug 2016
Spatial organization inside the nucleus
In eukaryotic cells, DNA is packaged into a complex macromolecular structure called chromatin. Wang et al. have developed an imaging method to map the position of multiple regions on individual chromosomes, and the results confirm that chromatin is organized into large contact domains called TADS (topologically associating domains). Unexpectedly, though, folding deviates from the classical fractal-globule model at large length scales.
Science, this issue p. 598
Co-reporter:Alistair N. Boettiger;Jeffrey R. Moffitt;Kok Hao Chen;Siyuan Wang
Science 2015 Volume 348(Issue 6233) pp:
Publication Date(Web):24 Apr 2015
Multiplexed RNA imaging in single cells
The basis of cellular function is where and when proteins are expressed and in what quantities. Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) experiments quantify the copy number and location of mRNA molecules; however, the numbers of RNA species that can be simultaneously measured by smFISH has been limited. Using combinatorial labeling with error-robust encoding schemes, Chen et al. simultaneously imaged 100 to 1000 RNA species in a single cell. Such large-scale detection allows regulatory interactions to be analyzed at the transcriptome scale.
Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aaa6090
Co-reporter:Siyuan Wang;Jeffrey R. Moffitt;Graham T. Dempsey;X. Sunney Xie
PNAS 2014 111 (23 ) pp:8452-8457
Publication Date(Web):2014-06-10
Photoactivatable fluorescent proteins (PAFPs) have been widely used for superresolution imaging based on the switching and
localization of single molecules. Several properties of PAFPs strongly influence the quality of the superresolution images.
These properties include (i) the number of photons emitted per switching cycle, which affects the localization precision of individual molecules; (ii) the ratio of the on- and off-switching rate constants, which limits the achievable localization density; (iii) the dimerization tendency, which could cause undesired aggregation of target proteins; and (iv) the signaling efficiency, which determines the fraction of target–PAFP fusion proteins that is detectable in a cell. Here,
we evaluated these properties for 12 commonly used PAFPs fused to both bacterial target proteins, H-NS, HU, and Tar, and mammalian
target proteins, Zyxin and Vimentin. Notably, none of the existing PAFPs provided optimal performance in all four criteria,
particularly in the signaling efficiency and dimerization tendency. The PAFPs with low dimerization tendencies exhibited low
signaling efficiencies, whereas mMaple showed the highest signaling efficiency but also a high dimerization tendency. To address
this limitation, we engineered two new PAFPs based on mMaple, which we termed mMaple2 and mMaple3. These proteins exhibited
substantially reduced or undetectable dimerization tendencies compared with mMaple but maintained the high signaling efficiency
of mMaple. In the meantime, these proteins provided photon numbers and on–off switching rate ratios that are comparable to
the best achieved values among PAFPs.
Co-reporter:Joshua C. Vaughan ; Graham T. Dempsey ; Eileen Sun
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 135(Issue 4) pp:1197-1200
Publication Date(Web):January 11, 2013
We report that the cyanine dye Cy5 and several of its structural relatives are reversibly quenched by the phosphine tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP). Using Cy5 as a model, we show that the quenching reaction occurs by 1,4-addition of the phosphine to the polymethine bridge of Cy5 to form a covalent adduct. Illumination with UV light dissociates the adduct and returns the dye to the fluorescent state. We demonstrate that TCEP quenching can be used for super-resolution imaging as well as for other applications, such as differentiating between molecules inside and outside the cell.
Co-reporter:Ke Xu;Guisheng Zhong
Science 2013 Volume 339(Issue 6118) pp:452-456
Publication Date(Web):25 Jan 2013
Co-reporter:Dr. Mark Bates;Graham T. Dempsey;Kok Hao Chen; Xiaowei Zhuang
ChemPhysChem 2012 Volume 13( Issue 1) pp:99-107
Publication Date(Web):
Understanding the complexity of the cellular environment will benefit from the ability to unambiguously resolve multiple cellular components, simultaneously and with nanometer-scale spatial resolution. Multicolor super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques have been developed to achieve this goal, yet challenges remain in terms of the number of targets that can be simultaneously imaged and the crosstalk between color channels. Herein, we demonstrate multicolor stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) based on a multi-parameter detection strategy, which uses both the fluorescence activation wavelength and the emission color to discriminate between photo-activatable fluorescent probes. First, we obtained two-color super-resolution images using the near-infrared cyanine dye Alexa 750 in conjunction with a red cyanine dye Alexa 647, and quantified color crosstalk levels and image registration accuracy. Combinatorial pairing of these two switchable dyes with fluorophores which enhance photo-activation enabled multi-parameter detection of six different probes. Using this approach, we obtained six-color super-resolution fluorescence images of a model sample. The combination of multiple fluorescence detection parameters for improved fluorophore discrimination promises to substantially enhance our ability to visualize multiple cellular targets with sub-diffraction-limit resolution.
Co-reporter:Hazen Babcock;Yaron M Sigal
Optical Nanoscopy 2012 Volume 1( Issue 1) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2012 December
Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) and related methods achieves sub-diffraction-limit image resolution through sequential activation and localization of individual fluorophores. The analysis of image data from these methods has typically been confined to the sparse activation regime where the density of activated fluorophores is sufficiently low such that there is minimal overlap between the images of adjacent emitters. Recently several methods have been reported for analyzing higher density data, allowing partial overlap between adjacent emitters. However, these methods have so far been limited to two-dimensional imaging, in which the point spread function (PSF) of each emitter is assumed to be identical.In this work, we present a method to analyze high-density super-resolution data in three dimensions, where the images of individual fluorophores not only overlap, but also have varying PSFs that depend on the z positions of the fluorophores.This approach accurately analyzed data sets with an emitter density five times higher than previously possible with sparse emitter analysis algorithms. We applied this algorithm to the analysis of data sets taken from membrane-labeled retina and brain tissues which contain a high-density of labels, and obtained substantially improved super-resolution image quality.
Co-reporter:Mariana Mihalusova;John Y. Wu
PNAS 2011 108 (51 ) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2011-12-20
Telomerase ribonucleoprotein (RNP) employs an RNA subunit to template the addition of telomeric repeats onto chromosome ends.
Previous studies have suggested that a region of the RNA downstream of the template may be important for telomerase activity
and that the region could fold into a pseudoknot. Whether the pseudoknot motif is formed in the active telomerase RNP and
what its functional role is have not yet been conclusively established. Using single-molecule FRET, we show that the isolated
pseudoknot sequence stably folds into a pseudoknot. However, in the context of the full-length telomerase RNA, interference
by other parts of the RNA prevents the formation of the pseudoknot. The protein subunits of the telomerase holoenzyme counteract
RNA-induced misfolding and allow a significant fraction of the RNPs to form the pseudoknot structure. Only those RNP complexes
containing a properly folded pseudoknot are catalytically active. These results not only demonstrate the functional importance
of the pseudoknot but also reveal the critical role played by telomerase proteins in pseudoknot folding.
Co-reporter:Mariana Mihalusova;John Y. Wu
PNAS 2011 108 (51 ) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2011-12-20
Telomerase ribonucleoprotein (RNP) employs an RNA subunit to template the addition of telomeric repeats onto chromosome ends.
Previous studies have suggested that a region of the RNA downstream of the template may be important for telomerase activity
and that the region could fold into a pseudoknot. Whether the pseudoknot motif is formed in the active telomerase RNP and
what its functional role is have not yet been conclusively established. Using single-molecule FRET, we show that the isolated
pseudoknot sequence stably folds into a pseudoknot. However, in the context of the full-length telomerase RNA, interference
by other parts of the RNA prevents the formation of the pseudoknot. The protein subunits of the telomerase holoenzyme counteract
RNA-induced misfolding and allow a significant fraction of the RNPs to form the pseudoknot structure. Only those RNP complexes
containing a properly folded pseudoknot are catalytically active. These results not only demonstrate the functional importance
of the pseudoknot but also reveal the critical role played by telomerase proteins in pseudoknot folding.
Co-reporter:Gene-Wei Li;Wenqin Wang;X. Sunney Xie;Chongyi Chen
Science 2011 Volume 333(Issue 6048) pp:1445-1449
Publication Date(Web):09 Sep 2011
Super-resolution imaging in live Escherichia coli reveals protein clusters that sequester DNA loci and organize the chromosome.
Co-reporter:Ethan C. Garner;Remi Bernard;Wenqin Wang;David Z. Rudner;Tim Mitchison
Science 2011 Volume 333(Issue 6039) pp:222-225
Publication Date(Web):08 Jul 2011
Bacteria elongation involves moving synthetic complexes around the cell wall.
Co-reporter:Graham T. Dempsey ; Mark Bates ; Walter E. Kowtoniuk ; David R. Liu ; Roger Y. Tsien
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009 Volume 131(Issue 51) pp:18192-18193
Publication Date(Web):December 4, 2009
Cyanine dyes have been shown to undergo reversible photoswitching, where the fluorophore can be switched between a fluorescent state and a dark state upon illumination at different wavelengths. The photochemical mechanism by which switching occurs has yet to be elucidated. In this study, we have determined the mechanism of photoswitching by characterizing the kinetics of dark state formation and the spectral and structural properties of the dark state. The rate of switching to the dark state depends on the concentration of the primary thiol in the solution and the solution pH in a manner quantitatively consistent with the formation of an encounter complex between the cyanine dye and ionized thiol prior to their conjugation. Mass spectrometry suggests that the photoconversion product is a thiol−cyanine adduct in which covalent attachment of the thiol to the polymethine bridge disrupts the original conjugated π-electron system of the dye.
Co-reporter:Timothy R. Blosser,
Janet G. Yang,
Michael D. Stone,
Geeta J. Narlikar
Xiaowei Zhuang
Nature 2009 462(7276) pp:1022
Publication Date(Web):2009-12-24
The ATP-dependent chromatin assembly factor (ACF) generates regularly spaced nucleosomes, but the mechanism by which ACF mobilizes nucleosomes remains poorly understood. Here, single-molecule FRET is used to monitor the remodelling of individual nucleosomes by ACF in real time; the study reveals previously unknown remodelling intermediates and dynamics, and indicates that ACF is a highly processive and bidirectional nucleosome translocase.
Co-reporter:Bo Huang;Wenqin Wang;Mark Bates
Science 2008 Vol 319(5864) pp:810-813
Publication Date(Web):08 Feb 2008
Recent advances in far-field fluorescence microscopy have led to substantial improvements in image resolution, achieving a near-molecular resolution of 20 to 30 nanometers in the two lateral dimensions. Three-dimensional (3D) nanoscale-resolution imaging, however, remains a challenge. We demonstrated 3D stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) by using optical astigmatism to determine both axial and lateral positions of individual fluorophores with nanometer accuracy. Iterative, stochastic activation of photoswitchable probes enables high-precision 3D localization of each probe, and thus the construction of a 3D image, without scanning the sample. Using this approach, we achieved an image resolution of 20 to 30 nanometers in the lateral dimensions and 50 to 60 nanometers in the axial dimension. This development allowed us to resolve the 3D morphology of nanoscopic cellular structures.
Co-reporter:Mark Bates, Bo Huang, Xiaowei Zhuang
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2008 Volume 12(Issue 5) pp:505-514
Publication Date(Web):October 2008
A new form of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy has emerged in recent years, based on the high accuracy localization of individual photo-switchable fluorescent labels. Image resolution as high as 20 nm in the lateral dimensions and 50 nm in the axial direction has been attained with this concept, representing an order of magnitude improvement over the diffraction limit. The demonstration of multicolor imaging with molecular specificity, three-dimensional (3D) imaging of cellular structures, and time-resolved imaging of living cells further illustrates the exciting potential of this method for biological imaging at the nanoscopic scale.
Co-reporter:Jason W. Rausch;Elio A. Abbondanzieri;Shixin Liu;Stuart F. J. Le Grice
Science 2008 Volume 322(Issue 5904) pp:1092-1097
Publication Date(Web):14 Nov 2008
The reverse transcriptase (RT) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) catalyzes a series of reactions to convert single-stranded viral RNA into double-stranded DNA for host cell integration. This process requires a variety of enzymatic activities, including DNA polymerization, RNA cleavage, strand transfer, and strand displacement synthesis. We used single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer to probe the interactions between RT and nucleic acid substrates in real time. RT was observed to slide on nucleic acid duplexes, rapidly shuttling between opposite termini of the duplex. Upon reaching the DNA 3′ terminus, RT can spontaneously flip into a polymerization orientation. Sliding kinetics were regulated by cognate nucleotides and anti-HIV drugs, which stabilized and destabilized the polymerization mode, respectively. These long-range translocation activities facilitate multiple stages of the reverse transcription pathway, including normal DNA polymerization and strand displacement synthesis.
Co-reporter:Elio A. Abbondanzieri,
Gregory Bokinsky,
Jason W. Rausch,
Jennifer X. Zhang,
Stuart F. J. Le Grice
Xiaowei Zhuang
Nature 2008 453(7192) pp:184
Publication Date(Web):2008-05-08
The reverse transcriptase of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) catalyses a series of reactions to convert the single-stranded RNA genome of HIV into double-stranded DNA for host-cell integration. This task requires the reverse transcriptase to discriminate a variety of nucleic-acid substrates such that active sites of the enzyme are correctly positioned to support one of three catalytic functions: RNA-directed DNA synthesis, DNA-directed DNA synthesis and DNA-directed RNA hydrolysis. However, the mechanism by which substrates regulate reverse transcriptase activities remains unclear. Here we report distinct orientational dynamics of reverse transcriptase observed on different substrates with a single-molecule assay. The enzyme adopted opposite binding orientations on duplexes containing DNA or RNA primers, directing its DNA synthesis or RNA hydrolysis activity, respectively. On duplexes containing the unique polypurine RNA primers for plus-strand DNA synthesis, the enzyme can rapidly switch between the two orientations. The switching kinetics were regulated by cognate nucleotides and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, a major class of anti-HIV drugs. These results indicate that the activities of reverse transcriptase are determined by its binding orientation on substrates.
Co-reporter:Boerries Brandenburg
Xiaowei Zhuang
Nature Reviews Microbiology 2007 5(3) pp:197
Publication Date(Web):2007-03-01
What could be a better way to study virus trafficking than 'miniaturizing oneself' and 'taking a ride with the virus particle' on its journey into the cell? Single-virus tracking in living cells potentially provides us with the means to visualize the virus journey. This approach allows us to follow the fate of individual virus particles and monitor dynamic interactions between viruses and cellular structures, revealing previously unobservable infection steps. The entry, trafficking and egress mechanisms of various animal viruses have been elucidated using this method. The combination of single-virus trafficking with systems approaches and state-of-the-art imaging technologies should prove exciting in the future.
Co-reporter:Shixin Liu;Gregory Bokinsky;Nils G. Walter
PNAS 2007 Volume 104 (Issue 31 ) pp:12634-12639
Publication Date(Web):2007-07-31
Single-molecule FRET is a powerful tool for probing the kinetic mechanism of a complex enzymatic reaction. However, not every
reaction intermediate can be identified via a distinct FRET value, making it difficult to fully dissect a multistep reaction
pathway. Here, we demonstrate a method using sequential kinetic experiments to differentiate each reaction intermediate by
a distinct time sequence of FRET signal (a kinetic “fingerprint”). Our model system, the two-way junction hairpin ribozyme,
catalyzes a multistep reversible RNA cleavage reaction, which comprises two structural transition steps (docking/undocking)
and one chemical reaction step (cleavage/ligation). Whereas the docked and undocked forms of the enzyme display distinct FRET
values, the cleaved and ligated forms do not. To overcome this difficulty, we used Mg2+ pulse–chase experiments to differentiate each reaction intermediate by a distinct kinetic fingerprint at the single-molecule
level. This method allowed us to unambiguously determine the rate constant of each reaction step and fully characterize the
reaction pathway by using the chemically competent enzyme–substrate complex. We found that the ligated form of the enzyme
highly favors the docked state, whereas undocking becomes accelerated upon cleavage by two orders of magnitude, a result different
from that obtained with chemically blocked substrate and product analogs. The overall cleavage reaction is rate-limited by
the docking/undocking kinetics and the internal cleavage/ligation equilibrium, contrasting the rate-limiting mechanism of
the four-way junction ribozyme. These results underscore the kinetic interdependence of reversible steps on an enzymatic reaction
pathway and demonstrate a potentially general route to dissect them.
Co-reporter:Mark Bates;Bo Huang;Graham T. Dempsey
Science 2007 Volume 317(Issue 5845) pp:1749-1753
Publication Date(Web):21 Sep 2007
Recent advances in far-field optical nanoscopy have enabled fluorescence imaging with a spatial resolution of 20 to 50 nanometers. Multicolor super-resolution imaging, however, remains a challenging task. Here, we introduce a family of photo-switchable fluorescent probes and demonstrate multicolor stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). Each probe consists of a photo-switchable “reporter” fluorophore that can be cycled between fluorescent and dark states, and an “activator” that facilitates photo-activation of the reporter. Combinatorial pairing of reporters and activators allows the creation of probes with many distinct colors. Iterative, color-specific activation of sparse subsets of these probes allows their localization with nanometer accuracy, enabling the construction of a super-resolution STORM image. Using this approach, we demonstrate multicolor imaging of DNA model samples and mammalian cells with 20- to 30-nanometer resolution. This technique will facilitate direct visualization of molecular interactions at the nanometer scale.
Co-reporter:Michael D. Stone,
Mariana Mihalusova,
Catherine M. O'Connor,
Ramadevi Prathapam,
Kathleen Collins
Xiaowei Zhuang
Nature 2007 446(7134) pp:458
Publication Date(Web):2007-02-25
Telomerase is an essential cellular ribonucleoprotein (RNP) that solves the end replication problem and maintains chromosome stability by adding telomeric DNA to the termini of linear chromosomes1, 2, 3. Genetic mutations that abrogate the normal assembly of telomerase RNP cause human disease4. It is therefore of fundamental and medical importance to decipher cellular strategies for telomerase biogenesis, which will require new insights into how specific interactions occur in a precise order along the RNP assembly pathway. Here we use a single-molecule approach to dissect the individual assembly steps of telomerase. Direct observation of complex formation in real time revealed two sequential steps of protein-induced RNA folding, establishing a hierarchical RNP assembly mechanism: interaction with the telomerase holoenzyme protein p65 induces structural rearrangement of telomerase RNA, which in turn directs the binding of the telomerase reverse transcriptase to form the functional ternary complex. This hierarchical assembly process is facilitated by an evolutionarily conserved structural motif within the RNA. These results identify the RNA folding pathway during telomerase biogenesis and define the mechanism of action for an essential telomerase holoenzyme protein.
Co-reporter:David Rueda;Gregory Bokinsky;Maria M. Rhodes;Michael J. Rust;Nils G. Walter;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2004 101(27) pp:10066-10071
Publication Date(Web):June 24, 2004
The hairpin ribozyme is a minimalist paradigm for studying RNA folding and function. In this enzyme, two domains dock by induced
fit to form a catalytic core that mediates a specific backbone cleavage reaction. Here, we have fully dissected its reversible
reaction pathway, which comprises two structural transitions (docking/undocking) and a chemistry step (cleavage/ligation),
by applying a combination of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays, ensemble cleavage assays,
and kinetic simulations. This has allowed us to quantify the effects that modifications of essential functional groups remote
from the site of catalysis have on the individual rate constants. We find that all ribozyme variants show similar fractionations
into effectively noninterchanging molecule subpopulations of distinct undocking rate constants. This leads to heterogeneous
cleavage activity as commonly observed for RNA enzymes. A modification at the domain junction additionally leads to heterogeneous
docking. Surprisingly, most modifications not only affect docking/undocking but also significantly impact the internal chemistry
rate constants over a substantial distance from the site of catalysis. We propose that a network of coupled molecular motions
connects distant parts of the RNA with its reaction site, which suggests a previously undescribed analogy between RNA and
protein enzymes. Our findings also have broad implications for applications such as the action of drugs and ligands distal
to the active site or the engineering of allostery into RNA.
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 2004 11(6) pp:567-573
Publication Date(Web):02 May 2004
Most viruses enter cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis. However, the entry mechanisms used by many of them remain unclear. Also largely unknown is the way in which viruses are targeted to cellular endocytic machinery. We have studied the entry mechanisms of influenza viruses by tracking the interaction of single viruses with cellular endocytic structures in real time using fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that influenza can exploit clathrin-mediated and clathrin- and caveolin-independent endocytic pathways in parallel, both pathways leading to viral fusion with similar efficiency. Remarkably, viruses taking the clathrin-mediated pathway enter cells via the de novo formation of clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) at viral-binding sites. CCP formation at these sites is much faster than elsewhere on the cell surface, suggesting a virus-induced CCP formation mechanism that may be commonly exploited by many other types of viruses.
Co-reporter:Fernando Patolsky;Gengfeng Zheng;Charles M. Lieber;Oliver Hayden;Melike Lakadamyali
PNAS 2004 Volume 101 (Issue 39 ) pp:14017-14022
Publication Date(Web):2004-09-28
We report direct, real-time electrical detection of single virus particles with high selectivity by using nanowire field effect
transistors. Measurements made with nanowire arrays modified with antibodies for influenza A showed discrete conductance changes
characteristic of binding and unbinding in the presence of influenza A but not paramyxovirus or adenovirus. Simultaneous electrical
and optical measurements using fluorescently labeled influenza A were used to demonstrate conclusively that the conductance
changes correspond to binding/unbinding of single viruses at the surface of nanowire devices. pH-dependent studies further
show that the detection mechanism is caused by a field effect, and that the nanowire devices can be used to determine rapidly
isoelectric points and variations in receptor-virus binding kinetics for different conditions. Lastly, studies of nanowire
devices modified with antibodies specific for either influenza or adenovirus show that multiple viruses can be selectively
detected in parallel. The possibility of large-scale integration of these nanowire devices suggests potential for simultaneous
detection of a large number of distinct viral threats at the single virus level.
Co-reporter:Gregory Bokinsky;David Rueda;Vinod K. Misra;Maria M. Rhodes;Andrew Gordus;Hazen P. Babcock;Nils G. Walter;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2003 100(16) pp:9302-9307
Publication Date(Web):July 17, 2003
How RNA molecules fold into functional structures is a problem of great
significance given the expanding list of essential cellular RNA enzymes and
the increasing number of applications of RNA in biotechnology and medicine. A
critical step toward solving the RNA folding problem is the characterization
of the associated transition states. This is a challenging task in part
because the rugged energy landscape of RNA often leads to the coexistence of
multiple distinct structural transitions. Here, we exploit single-molecule
fluorescence spectroscopy to follow in real time the equilibrium transitions
between conformational states of a model RNA enzyme, the hairpin ribozyme. We
clearly distinguish structural transitions between effectively
noninterchanging sets of unfolded and folded states and characterize key
factors defining the transition state of an elementary folding reaction where
the hairpin ribozyme's two helical domains dock to make several tertiary
contacts. Our single-molecule experiments in conjunction with site-specific
mutations and metal ion titrations show that the two RNA domains are in a
contact or close-to-contact configuration in the transition state even though
the native tertiary contacts are at most partially formed. Such a compact
transition state without well formed tertiary contacts may be a general
property of elementary RNA folding reactions.
Co-reporter:Michael J. Rust;Melike Lakadamyali;Hazen P. Babcock
PNAS 2003 Volume 100 (Issue 16 ) pp:9280-9285
Publication Date(Web):2003-08-05
Influenza is a paradigm for understanding viral infections. As an
opportunistic pathogen exploiting the cellular endocytic machinery for
infection, influenza is also a valuable model system for exploring the cell's
constitutive endocytic pathway. We have studied the transport, acidification,
and fusion of single influenza viruses in living cells by using real-time
fluorescence microscopy and have dissected individual stages of the viral
entry pathway. The movement of individual viruses revealed a striking
three-stage active transport process that preceded viral fusion with endosomes
starting with an actin-dependent movement in the cell periphery, followed by a
rapid, dynein-directed translocation to the perinuclear region, and finally an
intermittent movement involving both plus- and minus-end-directed
microtubule-based motilities in the perinuclear region. Surprisingly, the
majority of viruses experience their initial acidification in the perinuclear
region immediately following the dynein-directed rapid translocation step.
This finding suggests a previously undescribed scenario of the endocytic
pathway toward late endosomes: endosome maturation, including initial
acidification, largely occurs in the perinuclear region.
Co-reporter:Adish Dani, Bo Huang, Joseph Bergan, Catherine Dulac, Xiaowei Zhuang
Neuron (9 December 2010) Volume 68(Issue 5) pp:843-856
Publication Date(Web):9 December 2010
Determination of the molecular architecture of synapses requires nanoscopic image resolution and specific molecular recognition, a task that has so far defied many conventional imaging approaches. Here, we present a superresolution fluorescence imaging method to visualize the molecular architecture of synapses in the brain. Using multicolor, three-dimensional stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, the distributions of synaptic proteins can be measured with nanometer precision. Furthermore, the wide-field, volumetric imaging method enables high-throughput, quantitative analysis of a large number of synapses from different brain regions. To demonstrate the capabilities of this approach, we have determined the organization of ten protein components of the presynaptic active zone and the postsynaptic density. Variations in synapse morphology, neurotransmitter receptor composition, and receptor distribution were observed both among synapses and across different brain regions. Combination with optogenetics further allowed molecular events associated with synaptic plasticity to be resolved at the single-synapse level.Highlights► Superresolution fluorescence imaging of brain tissue ► High-throughput ultrastructural imaging of synapses ► High-precision position and orientation analyses of synaptic proteins ► Quantitative analyses of composition and plasticity of individual synapses
Co-reporter:Joshua C. Vaughan, Boerries Brandenburg, James M. Hogle, Xiaowei Zhuang
Biophysical Journal (16 September 2009) Volume 97(Issue 6) pp:
Publication Date(Web):16 September 2009
During the course of an infection, viruses take advantage of a variety of mechanisms to travel in cells, ranging from diffusion within the cytosol to active transport along cytoskeletal filaments. To study viral motility within the intrinsically heterogeneous environment of the cell, we have developed a motility assay that allows for the global and unbiased analysis of tens of thousands of virus trajectories in live cells. Using this assay, we discovered that poliovirus exhibits anomalously rapid intracellular movement that was independent of microtubules, a common track for fast and directed cargo transport. Such rapid motion, with speeds of up to 5 μm/s, allows the virus particles to quickly explore all regions of the cell with the exception of the nucleus. The rapid, microtubule-independent movement of poliovirus was observed in multiple human-derived cell lines, but appeared to be cargo-specific. Other cargo, including a closely related picornavirus, did not exhibit similar motility. Furthermore, the motility is energy-dependent and requires an intact actin cytoskeleton, suggesting an active transport mechanism. The speed of this microtubule-independent but actin-dependent movement is nearly an order of magnitude faster than the fastest speeds reported for actin-dependent transport in animal cells, either by actin polymerization or by myosin motor proteins.
Co-reporter:Eran A. Mukamel, Hazen Babcock, Xiaowei Zhuang
Biophysical Journal (16 May 2012) Volume 102(Issue 10) pp:
Publication Date(Web):16 May 2012
Superresolution microscopy techniques based on the sequential activation of fluorophores can achieve image resolution of ∼10 nm but require a sparse distribution of simultaneously activated fluorophores in the field of view. Image analysis procedures for this approach typically discard data from crowded molecules with overlapping images, wasting valuable image information that is only partly degraded by overlap. A data analysis method that exploits all available fluorescence data, regardless of overlap, could increase the number of molecules processed per frame and thereby accelerate superresolution imaging speed, enabling the study of fast, dynamic biological processes. Here, we present a computational method, referred to as deconvolution-STORM (deconSTORM), which uses iterative image deconvolution in place of single- or multiemitter localization to estimate the sample. DeconSTORM approximates the maximum likelihood sample estimate under a realistic statistical model of fluorescence microscopy movies comprising numerous frames. The model incorporates Poisson-distributed photon-detection noise, the sparse spatial distribution of activated fluorophores, and temporal correlations between consecutive movie frames arising from intermittent fluorophore activation. We first quantitatively validated this approach with simulated fluorescence data and showed that deconSTORM accurately estimates superresolution images even at high densities of activated fluorophores where analysis by single- or multiemitter localization methods fails. We then applied the method to experimental data of cellular structures and demonstrated that deconSTORM enables an approximately fivefold or greater increase in imaging speed by allowing a higher density of activated fluorophores/frame.