Co-reporter:Daniel J. Sindhikara, Daniel J. Emerson, and Adrian E. Roitberg
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2010 Volume 6(Issue 9) pp:2804-2808
Publication Date(Web):July 28, 2010
Previous work by us showed that in replica exchange molecular dynamics, exchanges should be attempted extremely often, providing gains in efficiency and no undesired effects. Since that time some questions have been raised about the extendability of these claims to the general case. In this work, we answer this question in two ways. First, we perform a study measuring the effect of exchange attempt frequency in explicit solvent simulations including thousands of atoms. This shows, consistent with the previous assertion, that high exchange attempt frequency allows an optimal rate of exploration of configurational space. Second, we present an explanation of many theoretical and technical pitfalls when implementing replica exchange that cause “improper” exchanges resulting in erroneous data, exacerbated by high exchange attempt frequency.
Co-reporter:Daniel J. Sindhikara, Seonah Kim, Arthur F. Voter and Adrian E. Roitberg
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2009 Volume 5(Issue 6) pp:1624-1631
Publication Date(Web):April 28, 2009
Molecular dynamics simulations starting from different initial conditions are commonly used to mimic the behavior of an experimental ensemble. We show in this article that when a Langevin thermostat is used to maintain constant temperature during such simulations, extreme care must be taken when choosing the random number seeds to prevent statistical correlation among the MD trajectories. While recent studies have shown that stochastically thermostatted trajectories evolving within a single potential basin with identical random number seeds tend to synchronize, we show that there is a synchronization effect even for complex, biologically relevant systems. We demonstrate this effect in simulations of alanine trimer and pentamer and in a simulation of a temperature-jump experiment for peptide folding of a 14-residue peptide. Even in replica-exchange simulations, in which the trajectories are at different temperatures, we find partial synchronization occurring when the same random number seed is employed. We explain this by extending the recent derivation of the synchronization effect for two trajectories in a harmonic well to the case in which the trajectories are at two different temperatures. Our results suggest several ways in which mishandling selection of a pseudorandom number generator initial seed can lead to corruption of simulation data. Simulators can fall into this trap in simple situations such as neglecting to specifically indicate different random seeds in either parallel or sequential restart simulations, utilizing a simulation package with a weak pseudorandom number generator, or using an advanced simulation algorithm that has not been programmed to distribute initial seeds.