ShiJie Wang

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Name: 王世杰; ShiJie Wang
Organization: Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department: State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry
Title: Researcher/Professor
Co-reporter:XiaoLong Zhu;WeiJun Luo
Science Bulletin 2011 Volume 56( Issue 7) pp:670-675
Publication Date(Web):2011 March
The strontium isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr) of samples including soils, bedrock, soil waters, drip waters and their corresponding speleothems in the Qixing Cave (QXC), Guizhou Province, China, were systemically measured and analyzed. The results indicate that there are significant Sr isotopic differences among samples. The mean 87Sr/86Sr ratios in drip water for the samples 1#, 4# and 9# were 0.709568, 0.709139 and 0.708761, respectively, which possibly result from different flow paths, residence times, and other hydrogeological processes in the unsaturated zone overlying QXC. Meanwhile, levels of 40.8%, 57.6% and 72.4% of Sr in drip waters for 1#, 4# and 9#, respectively, were derived from bedrock dissolution, which was calculated by the mixture model of the two end-members (soil and bedrock). There is, however, no positive correlation between the relative proportion from bedrock dissolution (δ13C value is 1.8‰) and drip water δ13CDIC values. The mean drip water δ13CDIC value in 1# is the heaviest (−4.5‰) with the lowest contribution rate of bedrock dissolution, whereas the value in 9# is the lightest (−9.3‰) with the highest contribution rate of bedrock dissolution. The proportion from host rock dissolution in 4# is higher than that in 1# and lower than that in 9#, while its mean drip water δ13CDIC value (−8.6‰) is higher than that of 9# and lower than that for 1#. This suggests that the prior calcite precipitation (PCP) processes in the unsaturated zone overlying the cave are responsible for the δ13CDIC value differences between different drip waters, and not bedrock dissolution. Furthermore, this study also demonstrates that the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of speleothems in the 1# and 4# mainly reflect the variation in the relative proportions from the soil system (soil water) and bedrock dissolution overlying the cave. It is, therefore, feasible to use the strontium isotopic signals of speleothems as an indicator for soil chemical weathering intensity, and consequently as a monsoon proxy in the study area.
Co-reporter:WeiJun Luo
Science Bulletin 2008 Volume 53( Issue 21) pp:3364-3370
Publication Date(Web):2008 November
According to systemically monitoring results of oxygen (hydrogen) isotope compositions of precipitation, soil waters, soil CO2, cave drip waters and their corresponding speleothems in Liangfeng Cave (LFC) in Guizhou Province, Southwest China, it is found that local precipitation is the main source of soil waters and drip waters, and that the amplitudes of those δ18O values of three waters (precipitation, soil water and drip water) decrease in turn in the observed year, which are 0% to −10%, −2% to −9% and −6% to −8%, respectively. Moreover, the δ18O values for three waters show a roughly simultaneous variation, namely, that those values are lighter in the rainy seasons, weightier in the dry seasons, and that the average δ18O value of drip waters is about 0.3% weightier than that of precipitation, which is modified by surface evaporation processes. We also find that soxygen isotope equilibrium is reached or neared in the formation processes of speleothems in LFC system, and that it is feasible to reconstruct paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation by using δ18O values of speleothems. However, it should be noted that surface evaporation would affect the oxygen isotope values in the study area.
Co-reporter:XingNeng Xie;YunChao Zhou;WeiJun Luo
Science Bulletin 2008 Volume 53( Issue 6) pp:884-889
Publication Date(Web):2008 March
Understanding the responses of fluorescence spectral characteristics of cave drip waters to modern environment and climate changes is key to the reconstructions of environmental and climatic changes using fluorescence spectral characteristics of speleothems. The fluorescence spectral characteristics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in four active cave systems were analyzed with a three-dimensional (3D) fluorescence spectral analysis method. We found that the fluorescence types of DOC were mainly of fulvic-like and protein-like fluorescences, both in soil waters and cave drip waters. The intensity of fulvic-like fluorescence was positively correlated with the concentrations of DOC, suggesting that the DOC of cave drip waters was derived from the overlying soil layer of a cave system. Compared with the other cave systems, the variation range of the excitation and emission wavelengths for fulvic-like fluorescence of cave drip waters in Liangfeng cave system that had forest vegetation was smaller and the excitation wavelength was longer, while its fluorescence intensity varied significantly. By contrast, the excitation and emission wavelengths and fluorescence intensity for that in Jiangjun cave system that had a scrub and tussock vegetation showed the most significant variation, while its excitation wavelength was shorter. This implies that the variation of vegetation overlying a cave appears to be a factor affecting the fluorescence spectral characteristics of cave drip waters.
Co-reporter:Miaoyun Zhang, Shijie Wang, Fengchang Wu, Xianghong Yuan, Ying Zhang
Atmospheric Research (June 2007) Volume 84(Issue 4) pp:311-322
Publication Date(Web):June 2007
Co-reporter:Yu Liu, Shijie Wang, Sheng Xu, Xiuming Liu, Derek Fabel, Xinbao Zhang, Weijun Luo, Anyun Cheng
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (5 September 2013) Volume 73() pp:274-283
Publication Date(Web):5 September 2013
Highlights•Cosmogenic nuclide burial dating of cave sediments in Liuchong River, southwestern China.•The embryonic form of modern Wujiang River was possibly presented at 0.75 Ma ago.•The high river incision rate of northwest Guizhou Plateau is nearly ∼0.48 m/ka.•Strong uplift of Tibetan Plateau in Quaternary might be the primary reason.•Others are due to the soluble carbonate bedrock and cut-through of Three Gorges.Cosmogenic nuclides 10Be and 26Al have been analyzed for sediments from the multilevel riverside caves along the Liuchong River at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The Liuchong River is the northern origin of Wujiang River, which passes through the northwestern Guizhou Plateau and cuts down hundreds of meters into the bedrock, leaving behind an abundance of multilevel caves. The measured 26Al/10Be ratios produced the apparent burial ages in range of 0.49–2.85 Ma. Taking into account of geomorphic and geological backgrounds, the Dashi Cave located at the highest level along the Liuchong River system formed around 0.75 Ma ago, which probably suggests the initial formation age of the modern Wujiang River. The resulted incision rate of ∼480 m/Ma in Guizhou in the last 0.75 Ma is slightly higher than those in adjacent areas. This feature implies an intensive downcutting history of the Liuchong River during the Quaternary, which might be primarily caused by the uplift of Tibetan Plateau, cut-through of the Three Gorges and soluble carbonate bedrock.
Co-reporter:Yongchun Zheng, Shijie Wang, Ziyuan Ouyang, Yongliao Zou, Jianzhong Liu, Chunlai Li, Xiongyao Li, Junming Feng
Advances in Space Research (2 February 2009) Volume 43(Issue 3) pp:448-454
Publication Date(Web):2 February 2009
Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2)
Gibbsite (Al(OH)3)
Pyrophyllite(AlH(SiO3)2) (9CI)
Orthoclase (K(AlSi3O8))
Goethite (Fe(OH)O)
Oxygen, isotope of mass18, at.
dipotassium oxide