Masaki Takata

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Organization: Riken , Japan
Department: 1 SPring-8/JASRI, Kouto, Mikazuki, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5198, Japan, Fax: (+81) 791-58-0946;2 Department of Applied Physics
Title: (PhD)


Co-reporter:Koji Ohara;László Temleitner;Kunihisa Sugimoto;Shinji Kohara;Toshiyuki Matsunaga;László Pusztai;Masayoshi Itou;Hiroyuki Ohsumi;Rie Kojima;Noboru Yamada;Takeshi Usuki;Akihiko Fujiwara
Advanced Functional Materials 2012 Volume 22( Issue 11) pp:2251-2257
Publication Date(Web):


Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) has demonstrated its outstanding importance among rapid phase-change (PC) materials, being applied for optical and electrical data storage for over three decades. The mechanism of nanosecond phase change in GST, which is vital for its application, has long been disputed: various, quite diverse scenarios have been proposed on the basis of various experimental and theoretical approaches. Nevertheless, one central question still remains unanswered: why is amorphous GST stable at room temperature for long time while it can rapidly transform to the crystalline phase at high temperature? Here it is revealed for the first time, by modelling the amorphous structure based on synchrotron radiation anomalous X-ray scattering data, that germanium and tellurium atoms form a “core” Ge-Te network with ring formation. It is also suggested that the Ge-Te network can stabilize the amorphous phase at room temperature and can persist in the crystalline phase. On the other hand, antimony does not contribute to ring formation but constitutes a “pseudo” network with tellurium, in which the characteristic Sb–Te distance is somewhat longer than the covalent Sb–Te bond distance. This suggests that the Sb-Te pseudo network may act as a precursor to forming critical nuclei during the crystallization process. The findings conclude that the Ge-Te core network is responsible for the outstanding stability and rapid phase change of the amorphous phase while the Sb-Te pseudo network is responsible for triggering critical nucleation.

Co-reporter:Che-Hsiu Shih, Chou-Fu Sheu, Kenichi Kato, Kunihisa Sugimoto, Jungeun Kim, Yu Wang and Masaki Takata  
Dalton Transactions 2010 vol. 39(Issue 41) pp:9794-9800
Publication Date(Web):10 Sep 2010
The photo-induced superstructure of polymorph C of trans-[Fe(abpt)2(NCS)2] (abpt = 4-amino-3,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole) is discovered as a commensurate modulated structure by single-crystal X-ray diffraction under irradiation. The crystal structure at 25 K before the photo-irradiation composed of two crystallographically independent iron molecules, one of which exhibits high spin (HS) state and the other at low spin (LS) state. Under green laser light (λ = 532 nm) irradiation, the LS molecule (Fe1) is found to be excited to a metastable HS state and gives rise to a commensurate tripled superstructure along the c axis. In addition, it is confirmed that this modulation persists until the HS → LS relaxation temperature beyond 52 K. Our structural findings suggest that the structural modulation and the site-selective LS → HS excitation are highly correlated.
Co-reporter:Shinobu Aoyagi Dr.;Kenichi Kato;Akira Ota;Hideki Yamochi Dr.;Gunzi Saito Dr.;Hiroyoshi Suematsu Dr.;Makoto Sakata Dr. Dr.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2004 Volume 43(Issue 28) pp:
Publication Date(Web):7 JUL 2004

Dimers of flat (EDO-TTF)+molecules separated by bent neutral EDO-TTF (ethylenedioxytetrathiafulvalene) molecules are found in the insulator phase of (EDO-TTF)2PF6, but not in that of the metallic phase. The cooperativity of Peierls distortion, charge ordering, and anion ordering in this metal–insulator transition can be regarded as the result of a molecular displacement.

Co-reporter:Shinobu Aoyagi Dr.;Kenichi Kato;Akira Ota;Hideki Yamochi Dr.;Gunzi Saito Dr.;Hiroyoshi Suematsu Dr.;Makoto Sakata Dr. Dr.
Angewandte Chemie 2004 Volume 116(Issue 28) pp:
Publication Date(Web):7 JUL 2004

Dimere aus flachen (EDO-TTF)+-Molekülen, getrennt durch gebogene neutrale EDO-TTF-Moleküle (EDO-TTF=Ethylendioxytetrathiafulvalen), finden sich in der Struktur der Isolatorphase von (EDO-TTF)2PF6 (siehe Bild), nicht jedoch in der der metallischen Phase. Die Kooperativität von Peierls-Verzerrung, Ladungs- und Anionenanordnung bei diesem Metall-Isolator-Übergang kann als Ergebnis einer Molekülverschiebung verstanden werden.

Co-reporter:Masaki Takata, E Nishibori, M Sakata, C R-Wang, H Shinohara
Chemical Physics Letters 2003 Volume 372(3–4) pp:512-518
Publication Date(Web):29 April 2003


The structure of an IPR-violated metallofullerene Sc2@C66 has been determined in the electron density level by the MEM/Rietveld method using synchrotron radiation powder data. The fundamental structure has been obtained by the Rietveld analysis. The cage structure of C66 has been unambiguously identified as that of Isomer No. 4348. The obtained charge density by the MEM analysis shows that the encapsulated two Sc atoms form the covalent bonded Sc2 dimer and that the charge density of dimer is overlapping with that of C66 cage, indicating the existence of a covalent bond character between Sc2 and the carbon cage.

Co-reporter:Che-Hsiu Shih, Chou-Fu Sheu, Kenichi Kato, Kunihisa Sugimoto, Jungeun Kim, Yu Wang and Masaki Takata
Dalton Transactions 2010 - vol. 39(Issue 41) pp:NaN9800-9800
Publication Date(Web):2010/09/10
The photo-induced superstructure of polymorph C of trans-[Fe(abpt)2(NCS)2] (abpt = 4-amino-3,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole) is discovered as a commensurate modulated structure by single-crystal X-ray diffraction under irradiation. The crystal structure at 25 K before the photo-irradiation composed of two crystallographically independent iron molecules, one of which exhibits high spin (HS) state and the other at low spin (LS) state. Under green laser light (λ = 532 nm) irradiation, the LS molecule (Fe1) is found to be excited to a metastable HS state and gives rise to a commensurate tripled superstructure along the c axis. In addition, it is confirmed that this modulation persists until the HS → LS relaxation temperature beyond 52 K. Our structural findings suggest that the structural modulation and the site-selective LS → HS excitation are highly correlated.
1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-choline monohydrate
2-Propenamide, N-[2-[2-(2-aminoethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl]-2-methyl-