Co-reporter:Alan K. Thomas, Ryan Johnson, Benjamin W. Stein, Martin L. Kirk, Hua Guo, and John K. Grey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C October 26, 2017 Volume 121(Issue 42) pp:23817-23817
Publication Date(Web):October 9, 2017
Charge transfer doping of a nominally disordered conjugated polymer induces long-range conformational ordering (stiffening) of backbone segments. Addition of [2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ) to dilute solutions of poly[2-methoxy-5-(3′,7′-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV) results in quantitative charge transfer in the ground electronic state of the polymer. Following charge (hole) injection, greater MDMO-PPV monomer coplanarity is evident in electronic, Raman, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra over a broad range of dopant loadings. New transitions emerge at lower energies with spectral patterns distinct from pristine materials but closely resemble minority low energy conformers selectively that can be prepared by careful control of processing conditions. We further demonstrate that characteristic Raman patterns of PPV systems actually contain signatures of a minority ordered form that interacts preferentially with the dopant. Subsequent additions of dopant also show that most chains convert into the low energy form. This notion is consistent with greater backbone planarity and, hence, lower torsional reorganization energies required to access the cation form. Preresonant excitation of the emergent red-shifted optical transition reveals long overtone-combination progressions due to enhanced electronic delocalization along planarized backbone segments and diminished coupling the surroundings. We propose that planarity enhancements from doping also lead to the eventual formation of spinless bipolarons, evident from EPR spectra. Facile charge transfer doping induced conversion into the ordered MDMO-PPV conformer suggests that better control of polymer conformations and carrier levels could be harnessed to improve charge and energy transport efficiency in optoelectronic devices.
Co-reporter:Alan K. Thomas, Camron J. Kouhestani, John K. Grey
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2017 Volume 160(Volume 160) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 February 2017
•Polymer solar cell performance degradation by ionizing radiation is morphology-dependent.•Solar cells with a larger fraction of purified domains display irreversible degradation.•Irradiation induces charge extraction barriers at the cathode region.•Well-mixed polymer blends with stable morphologies can better withstand ionizing radiation.Solar cells based on conjugated polymer and fullerene blends exhibit morphology-dependent stability towards ionizing radiation exposure. Blend thin film solar cells of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl-C60-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were irradiated up to 1 Mrad with X-rays (10–60 KeV) and investigated with resonance Raman and photocurrent/photovoltage modulation spectroscopy and imaging. Bulk blend morphological characteristics were pre-selected by controlling film processing conditions (i.e., solvent and thermal annealing). As-cast P3HT/PCBM devices with a large fraction of a well-mixed phase display improvements in performance upon application of post-irradiation annealing treatments. On the other hand, devices annealed prior to irradiation showed irreversible performance degradation that could not be recovered following annealing treatments after exposure. Resonance Raman spectroscopy and imaging following irradiation up to 1 Mrad reveals virtually no changes in the P3HT structural and packing integrity for both types of devices. Intensity modulated photocurrent/photovoltage spectroscopy measurements indicate that radiation-induced performance degradation is concentrated in the vicinity of device contacts, evident from large alterations in charge extraction kinetics. We propose that charge transfer from the aluminum cathode leads to formation of a space charge zone which becomes more pronounced in devices with greater phase purification (i.e., larger PCBM crystallites in the vicinity of the cathode). Importantly, well-mixed P3HT/PCBM regions, which are more plentiful in as-cast devices, appear to mitigate radiation-induced performance degradation since application of post-irradiation annealing treatments restores device performances to pristine levels. Our results suggest that greater morphological stability, such as polymer/fullerene systems forming co-crystals, is key for suppressing performance losses from ionizing radiation exposure.
Co-reporter:Benjamin D. Datko;Alan K. Thomas;Zhuping Fei;Martin Heeney
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017 vol. 19(Issue 41) pp:28239-28248
Publication Date(Web):2017/10/25
Triplet formation and interactions with emissive singlet excitons are investigated in poly(3-hexylselenophene) (P3HS) using single molecule spectroscopy. P3HS is a heavy atom analog of the more commonly studied poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), a benchmark polymer for solar cells. P3HS tends to aggregate strongly which necessitates dilution to ultra-low levels within a solid inert host in order to resolve photophysical responses of single chains. Fluorescence excitation intensity modulation is performed on isolated P3HS chains using a sequence of rectangular pulses of varying intensities to probe the presence of spin-forbidden triplet excitons. Triplet population dynamics originating from singlet–triplet and triplet–triplet interactions appear as quenching of the initial fluorescence intensity to steady-state levels on characteristic time scales of ∼1–10 μs. Over 80% of all molecules studied display significant fluorescence intensity modulation (quenching depths >50%) indicative of efficient intersystem crossing and large triplet occupancies. Because triplets are highly localized and singlet–triplet and triplet–triplet annihilation rate constants are comparable to those of intersystem crossing, multiple triplets are present at any given time on single P3HS chains. Triplet lifetimes were estimated to be ∼4 μs (upper limit) determined from recovery to the ground electronic singlet state in the absence of light and, surprisingly, triplets vanish at the onset of P3HS aggregation. This result was unexpected since P3HS triplet formation takes place on time scales <30 ps making this process competitive with most accessible non-radiative deactivation pathways.
Co-reporter:Yongqian Gao, Adam J. Wise, Alan K. Thomas, and John K. Grey
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016 Volume 8(Issue 1) pp:285
Publication Date(Web):December 22, 2015
Molecular spectroscopic and intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy (IMPS) imaging techniques are used to map morphology-dependent charge recombination in organic polymer/fullerene solar cells. IMPS uses a small (∼10%) sinusoidal modulation of an excitation light source and photocurrent responses are measured while modulation frequencies are swept over several decades (∼1 Hz–20 kHz). Solar cells consisting of either poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and poly(2-methoxy-5-(3′-7′-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MDMO-PPV) blended with a soluble fullerene derivative, [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) are used as targets. The morphologies of these polymer/fullerene systems are distinctly different due to PCBM miscibility in various polymer conformers. IMPS responses of both blend solar cells show unique morphology-dependent charge generation, transport and extraction signatures that can be spatially correlated to microscopic variations in local composition and packing by constructing IMPS images along with corresponding molecular spectroscopic imaging over the same scan area. We find that boundaries separating enriched polymer and fullerene domains promote nongeminate charge recombination appearing as positive phase shifts in the IMPS response. These zones are susceptible to degradation and we propose the approaches herein can be used to probe material and device degradation in situ under various conditions, such as oxygen content, temperature and ionizing radiation.Keywords: charge recombination; charge trapping; frequency-dependent photocurrent spectroscopy; morphology; photocurrent imaging; polymer solar cells
Co-reporter:Alan K. Thomas, Hunter A. Brown, Benjamin D. Datko, Jose A. Garcia-Galvez, and John K. Grey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016 Volume 120(Issue 40) pp:23230-23238
Publication Date(Web):September 15, 2016
The pathways and dynamics of converting spin-allowed (S = 0) singlet excitons to spin-forbidden (S = 1) triplets have significant implications in determining performance metrics of conjugated polymers in optoelectronic devices. We study the effect of structural ordering factors on triplet formation in self-assembled aggregate π-stacked chains of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) using single-molecule time-resolved intensity modulation and electric-field-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Triplet generation is only efficient in P3HT aggregates of high purity, and formation yields are found to increase with nanofiber size. We propose that the high intrachain order in purified aggregates that extends exciton coherence lengths, leading to J-aggregate spectral signatures, is also important for populating interchain charge transfer (CT) states that, at longer times, recombine preferentially to triplets according to spin statistics. Electric-field-dependent PL decays of isolated P3HT aggregates show large modulation of a long-lived emitting state attributed to the delocalized intrachain exciton with substantial CT state admixture. Our results demonstrate the importance of dark CT states in mediating exciton relaxation and spin conversion processes that are usually obscured in conventional thin films by heterogeneity. We further demonstrate the utility of subtle structural factors for selecting photophysical outcomes by careful control of processing conditions.
Co-reporter:Eric J. J. Martin, Nicolas Bérubé, Françoise Provencher, Michel Côté, Carlos Silva, Stephen K. Doorn and John K. Grey
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015 vol. 3(Issue 23) pp:6058-6066
Publication Date(Web):18 May 2015
Blends of alternating ‘push–pull’ donor/acceptor (d/a) co-polymers with soluble fullerenes as active materials have shown promise for increasing power conversion efficiencies in organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. We investigate morphology-dependent optical and electronic properties of poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b;3,4-b′]dithiophene)-alt-4,7(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT) blended with [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) using electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies. Selective resonance excitation spanning the entire PCPDTBT absorption envelope (∼400–900 nm) was used to probe via Raman spectroscopy the degree of composition- and conformation-dependent charge transfer character along the polymer backbone. Raman intensities of characteristic PCPDTBT backbone donor/acceptor moieties vary with excitation wavelength. We perform density functional theory (DFT) calculations to assign Raman-active vibrational modes and correlate polymer backbone conformations to the degree of intra-chain donor/acceptor charge transfer character. We find the best agreement between experimental and simulated spectra for planarized PCPDTBT backbone consistent with strong charge transfer character along the backbone, which also gives rise to a new red-shifted absorption band appearing in PCBM blends. Resonance Raman and photocurrent imaging experiments were next used to spatially map morphology-dependent vibrational signatures of PCPDTBT donor/acceptor moieties within functioning solar cell devices. Solvent additives were applied using 1,8 octanedithiol (ODT) to modify PCPDTBT:PCBM morphologies and compared to as-cast blends. Raman and photocurrent images indicate a well-mixed morphology that we propose induces planarization of the PCPDTBT backbone.
Co-reporter:Jian Gao
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015 Volume 119(Issue 28) pp:16396-16402
Publication Date(Web):June 24, 2015
Charge transfer doping efficiencies of π-stacked poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) aggregate nanofibers are studied using spectroscopic and electron microscopy probes. Solution dispersions of self-assembled P3HT nanofibers are doped in the ground electronic state by adding varying amounts (w/w%) of the strong charge transfer dopant 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ). Careful control of self-assembly conditions allows us to select either the H- and J-aggregate limiting forms, which differ primarily in the degree of purity (i.e., molecular weight fractionation) and nanomorphology. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electronic absorption, and Raman spectroscopy of F4-TCNQ–:P3HT+ species are then used to track doping efficiency with dopant loading. J-aggregate nanofibers exhibit over an order of magnitude larger doping efficiencies than polymorphic H-aggregate nanofibers. The higher purity and order of the former promote intrachain polaron delocalization whereas disorder arising from greater molecular weight polydispersity in the latter instead lead to polaron localization resulting in charge transfer complex formation. Interestingly, J-aggregate nanofiber EPR signals decrease significantly after ∼25% F4-TCNQ loading which we attribute to increased antiferromagnetic coupling between delocalized hole polarons on neighboring P3HT chains leading to spinless interchain bipolarons. Raman spectra excited on resonance with NIR F4-TCNQ–:P3HT+ absorption transitions also reveal quinoid distortions of the P3HT backbone in J-aggregates. We propose that self-assembly approaches to control aggregate packing and purity can potentially be harnessed to achieve long-range, anisotropic charge transport with minimal losses.
Co-reporter:Jian Gao
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015 Volume 119(Issue 16) pp:8980-8990
Publication Date(Web):April 1, 2015
New structure–function correlations are revealed in poly(3-alkyl-thienylenevinylene) (P3ATV) derivatives using resonance Raman spectroscopy techniques. P3ATVs are prototype conjugated polymers that have received increased attention recently due to reports of efficient singlet fission following excitation of the lowest energy allowed (1Bu) excited state. Raman spectra are measured with excitation wavelengths resonant with the P3ATV 1Bu absorption line shape (∼450–750 nm) to probe geometrical rearrangements incurred in this initial excited state. Rich spectral features are resolved, namely, multiple overtone and combination progressions involving the main P3ATV symmetric skeletal stretching vibrational modes. We use a time-dependent wavepacket approach to calculate the Raman cross-correlation wavepacket overlap function for each displaced mode and their extent of displacement in the excited state. Fit parameters are checked by simulating optical absorption spectra that show good agreement with experimental absorption line shapes. Excitation wavelength-dependent Raman frequency dispersion and Raman excitation profiles of symmetric CC skeletal vibrations showed significant variation across the P3ATV absorption envelope and anomalously large enhancements for lower energy (longer wavelength) excitation, respectively. We demonstrate these behaviors are due to excitation of aggregated and amorphous P3ATV chains with distinct absorption and Raman signatures. This assignment was confirmed by measuring Raman spectra to selectively excite each limiting form and spectral decomposition of absorption line shapes using simulated absorption spectra of aggregates. Resonance Raman and photocurrent imaging of model P3ATV/fullerene blend solar cells were next performed to spatially correlate local morphology to photocurrent generation efficiency. Raman images of aggregated and amorphous P3ATV regions were constructed that show larger photocurrent production in the former, suggesting these structures are well mixed with PCBM. Conversely, amorphous zones have diminished PCBM content, resulting in lower photocurrents. Absorption and Raman spectra demonstrate that the P3ATV aggregate packing characteristics and amounts are largely unaffected by the addition of PCBM, indicating weak interactions with P3ATV chain backbone that lead to poor charge generation efficiencies in solar cells.
Co-reporter:Chao Qiu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015 Volume 6(Issue 22) pp:4560-4565
Publication Date(Web):November 2, 2015
Time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) of isolated methylammonium lead tribromide (MAPbBr3) perovskite crystalline platelets is studied under applied electric fields to understand the influence of ion conformational and translational dynamics on charge recombination dynamics. MAPbBr3 PL decays and intensity transients over ∼100 ps to 10 s time scales show large modulation upon application of electric fields up to ∼ ±107 V/m that we attribute primarily to reorientation of the methylammonium cation (MA+) dipole moments. On longer time scales, a large fraction of electric field-dependent PL intensity transients exhibit oscillatory behavior and undergo spontaneous switching on time scales comparable to ion drift (∼1–10 s). PL modulation behavior decreases significantly with aging, suggesting diminished reorientational susceptibility (conformational flexibility) of MA+ groups to applied electric fields.
Co-reporter:Jian Gao, Alan K. Thomas, Ryan Johnson, Hua Guo, and John K. Grey
Chemistry of Materials 2014 Volume 26(Issue 15) pp:4395
Publication Date(Web):July 18, 2014
Resonance Raman spectroscopy was used to identify ordered and disordered conformers of poly(2,5-bis(3-tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) (PBTTT) blended with the electron acceptor [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells where PCBM intercalates into PBTTT side groups. We show that the PBTTT thiophene ring symmetric C═C stretching mode consists of contributions from ordered (ℏωC═C = 1489 cm–1, fwhm ∼ 15 cm–1) and disordered (ℏωC═C = 1500 cm–1, fwhm ∼ 25 cm–1) components and their relative amounts are sensitive to PCBM loading, annealing and excitation energy. The 1500 cm–1 PBTTT component originates from twisted thiophene rings and disordered side groups due to PCBM intercalation in a mixed kinetic phase and thermal annealing promotes ordering of PBTTT chains from the formation of bimolecular PBTTT/PCBM crystals. Density functional theory (DFT) Raman simulations of PBTTT monomers support these assignments. Resonance Raman images of annealed PBTTT/PCBM model solar cells confirm that ordered PBTTT chains are most concentrated in PCBM-rich bimolecular crystals and corresponding intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy (IMPS) and imaging measurements show increased nongeminate charge recombination at the boundaries of ordered/disordered regions.
Co-reporter:Alan K. Thomas, José A. Garcia, Jordan Ulibarri-Sanchez, Jian Gao, and John K. Grey
ACS Nano 2014 Volume 8(Issue 10) pp:10559
Publication Date(Web):October 6, 2014
Photoluminescence (PL) of single poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) J-aggregate nanofibers (NFs) exhibits strong quenching under intensity-modulated pulsed excitation. Initial PL intensities (I0) decay to steady-state levels (ISS) typically within ∼1–10 μs, and large quenching depths (I0/ISS >2) are observed for ∼70% of these NFs. Similar studies of polymorphic, H-aggregate type P3HT NFs show much smaller PL quenching depths (I0/ISS ≤1.2). P3HT chains in J-type NF π-stacks possess high intrachain order, which has been shown previously to promote the formation of long-lived, delocalized polarons. We propose that these species recombine nongeminately to triplets on time scales of >1 ns. The identity of triplets as the dominant PL quenchers was confirmed by subjecting NFs to oxygen, resulting in an instantaneous loss of triplet PL quenching (I0/ISS ∼1). The lower intrachain order in H-type NFs, similar to P3HT thin-film aggregates, localizes excitons and polarons, leading to efficient geminate recombination that suppresses triplet formation at longer time scales. Our results demonstrate the promise of self-assembly strategies to control intrachain ordering within multichromophoric polymeric aggregate assemblies to tune exciton coupling and interconversion processes between different spin states.Keywords: intrachain order; J-aggregate; P3HT nanofibers; polaron recombination; triplet quenching;
Co-reporter:Jian Gao, John D. Roehling, Yongle Li, Hua Guo, Adam J. Moulé and John K. Grey
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013 vol. 1(Issue 36) pp:5638-5646
Publication Date(Web):22 Jul 2013
The effect of the strong electron acceptor, 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ), on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) aggregates is studied. F4-TCNQ is commonly used as a dopant for P3HT, however, relatively little is currently known about its effect on polymer conformation and packing in the presence of fullerenes. Resonance Raman and optical spectra of pristine P3HT or blends with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) doped with F4-TCNQ up to ∼10% w/w show a loss of pristine-type P3HT aggregates with increasing dopant concentration. Complexed P3HT chains possess greater backbone planarity due to hole injection which is corroborated from density functional theory (DFT) calculations of oligothiophene surrogates and F4-TCNQ. Morphologies of doped P3HT/PCBM systems are characterized using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) detection and images reveal mixed clusters of P3HT/F4-TCNQ fibril-like domains that increase in size with dopant loading. The apparent preference of F4-TCNQ for P3HT aggregates is attributed to efficient charge separation stemming owing to the more polarizable nature of chains comprising the aggregate π-stack.
Co-reporter:Jian Gao, Edwards T. Niles, and John K. Grey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2013 Volume 4(Issue 17) pp:2953-2957
Publication Date(Web):August 15, 2013
The doping efficiencies of regioregular (r-Re) and regiorandom (r-Ra) poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ) were studied in solution using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), 19F NMR, optical absorption, and Raman spectroscopy. EPR spectra of doped r-Re P3HT possess significantly larger amounts of paramagnetic species than r-Ra P3HT with similar F4-TCNQ loadings (∼0.1% up to 50%), which is confirmed by corresponding optical absorption spectra. 19F NMR also show a rapid disappearance of the pristine F4-TCNQ signal when small amounts of r-Re P3HT are added due to minority paramagnetic species acting as efficient spin relaxation channels. Raman spectra of both P3HT variants indicate strong interactions with F4-TCNQ, however, the presence of free charges is only detected in r-Re samples owing to its ability to aggregate and adopt ordered conformations allowing for delocalization of hole charges after initial contact with the dopant.Keywords: Charge transfer; doping; P3HT;
Co-reporter:Ma. Helen M. Cativo, Amanda C. Kamps, Jian Gao, John K. Grey, Geoffrey R. Hutchison, and So-Jung Park
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013 Volume 117(Issue 16) pp:4528-4535
Publication Date(Web):November 28, 2012
Here, we report an unusual oxidation-induced photoluminescence (PL) turn-on response of a poly(3-alkoxythiophene), poly(3-{2-[2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy}thiophene) (PEEEET). PEEEET shows a significantly red-shifted absorption spectrum compared to polyalkylthiophenes and is almost nonfluorescent (quantum yield ≪ 1%) in its pristine state. The introduction of sulfonyl defects along the polymer backbone by the oxidation of PEEEET with meta-chloroperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA) increased the emission quantum yield with the intensity increasing with the degree of oxidation. Molecular modeling data indicated that the oxidation-induced PL increase cannot be explained by the nature of monomer units and radiative rate changes. We attributed the enhanced fluorescence to the reduced nonradiative rate caused by the increased band gap, according to the energy gap law, which is consistent with the observed blue shifts in absorption and PL spectra accompanied by the PL increase.
Co-reporter:Thomas P. Martin, Adam J. Wise, Erik Busby, Jian Gao, John D. Roehling, Michael J. Ford, Delmar S. Larsen, Adam J. Moulé, and John K. Grey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013 Volume 117(Issue 16) pp:4478-4487
Publication Date(Web):December 6, 2012
Nanofibers (NFs) of the prototype conjugated polymer, poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), displaying H- and J-aggregate character are studied using temperature- and pressure-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Single J-aggregate NF spectra show a decrease of the 0–0/0–1 vibronic intensity ratio from ∼2.0 at 300 K to ∼1.3 at 4 K. Temperature-dependent PL line shape parameters (i.e., 0–0 energies and 0–0/0–1 intensity ratios) undergo an abrupt change in the range of ∼110—130 K suggesting a change in NF chain packing. Pressure-dependent PL lifetimes also show increased contributions from an instrument-limited decay component which is attributed to greater torsional disorder of the P3HT backbone upon decreasing NF volume. It is proposed that the P3HT alkyl side groups change their packing arrangement from a type I to type II configuration causing a decrease in J-aggregate character (lower intrachain order) in both temperature- and pressure-dependent PL spectra. Chain packing dependent exciton and polaron relaxation and recombination dynamics in NF aggregates are next studied using transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS). TAS data reveal faster polaron recombination dynamics in H-type P3HT NFs indicative of interchain delocalization whereas J-type NFs exhibit delayed recombination suggesting that polarons (in addition to excitons) are more delocalized along individual chains. Both time-resolved and steady-state spectra confirm that excitons and polarons in J-type NFs are predominantly intrachain in nature that can acquire interchain character with small structural (chain packing) perturbations.
Co-reporter:Adam J. Wise and John K. Grey
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 vol. 14(Issue 32) pp:11273-11276
Publication Date(Web):02 Jul 2012
Resonance Raman spectra of poly(2-methoxy-5-(3′-7′-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MDMO-PPV) and small molecule acceptor blend charge transfer (CT) complexes reveal long and detailed progressions of overtone and combination bands. These features are sensitive to the specific MDMO-PPV/acceptor interactions and enable quantitative calculations of vibrational mode specific displacements of the polymer CT complex.
Co-reporter:Jian Gao, John K. Grey
Chemical Physics Letters 2012 Volume 522() pp:86-91
Publication Date(Web):19 January 2012
Nanoparticles of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-bis-N,N-(4-butylphenyl)-bis-N,N-phenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine) [PFB] and poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-benzothiadiazole) [F8BT] (1:1 w/w) were studied using scanned probe and single particle spectroscopy techniques. Photoluminescence (PL spectra of ∼58 and ∼100 nm PFB/F8BT nanoparticles show efficient energy transfer from the PFB (donor) component to the F8BT (acceptor) component that is independent of particle size. We propose that nanoparticles are phase segregated into discrete PFB/F8BT nanodomains on the order of ∼20–40 nm for both particle sizes. Pressure-dependent nanoparticle PL spectra support this assignment where lineshape maxima of each component red-shift in a similar manner due to increased interchain packing within the single nanodomains.
Co-reporter:Jian Gao, Amanda Kamps, So-Jung Park, and John K. Grey
Langmuir 2012 Volume 28(Issue 47) pp:16401-16407
Publication Date(Web):October 30, 2012
Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) nanofibers (NF) displaying J-aggregate exciton coupling behavior are encapsulated with the amphiphilic block copolymer (BCP), poly(3-hexyl-thiophene)-block-poly(ethylene-glycol), (PHT20-b-PEG108). Encapsulation results in the formation of hierarchical superstructures, and the BCP coating is expected to exert a mild chemical pressure on the periphery of the NFs. Photoluminescence from encapsulated NF superstructures show line shape distortions due to self-absorption of the 0–0 transition which is consistent with preservation of J-aggregate character (intrachain order). Detailed resonance Raman spectra of encapsulated BCP-NF structures show no discernible changes in the P3HT aggregation state, and overtone and combination bands involving the symmetric stretching C═C (∼1450 cm–1) and C–C (∼1380 cm–1) backbone modes are observed. These features permit quantitative estimates of vibrational mode-specific excited state structural displacements using a time-dependent Raman intensity analysis which is not possible from conventional vibronic analysis of optical lineshapes.
Co-reporter:Edwards T. Niles, John D. Roehling, Hajime Yamagata, Adam J. Wise, Frank C. Spano, Adam J. Moulé, and John K. Grey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2012 Volume 3(Issue 2) pp:259-263
Publication Date(Web):January 4, 2012
Nanofibers (NFs) of poly-3-hexylthiophene (P3HT) assembled in toluene exhibit single-chain J-aggregate character. Absorption, fluorescence emission, and Raman spectroscopy of dilute NF dispersions demonstrate that P3HT chains possess long-range intrachain order (planarity) that suppresses interchain exciton coupling. We demonstrate that a delicate interplay exists between intrachain order and interchain coupling as revealed through the emission 0–0/0–1 vibronic intensity ratios. Lowering temperature and application of pressure induces minor perturbations in the NF packing, which destroys J-aggregate character and partially restores predominant interchain interactions (i.e., H-aggregate behavior). The fact that π–π stacked P3HT chains can exhibit both H- and J-aggregate behavior opens up new possibilities for controlling electronic coupling through noncovalent stacking interactions.Keywords: aggregates; exciton coupling; intrachain order; nanofibers; P3HT;
Co-reporter:Adam J. Wise, Mimi R. Precit, Alexandra M. Papp, and John K. Grey
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2011 Volume 3(Issue 8) pp:3011
Publication Date(Web):July 7, 2011
Photoluminescence (PL) and resonance Raman spectroscopy are used to track changes in the conformations and packing of poly-(2-methoxy-5-(3′-7′-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MDMO-PPV) chains with the addition of [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) molecules. PL lineshapes of MDMO-PPV thin films as a function of annealing time were first measured to determine the spectroscopic signatures of chain conformations and packing in the absence of PCBM. Annealing results in enhanced interchain interactions leading to red-shifts of PL 0–0 transitions by up to ∼300 cm–1 and apparent increases of the line shape Huang–Rhys factors. Wavelength-dependent PL lifetimes of as-cast and films annealed for short times (∼30 s) are nonexponential with an instrument-limited component of ∼100 ps and a ∼350 ps component. With longer annealing times, decays become single exponential with an average lifetime of ∼1 ns indicating that all excitations efficiently funnel to strongly coupled interchain sites. Addition of PCBM disrupts MDMO-PPV interchain interactions causing PL 0–0 transitions to blue-shift, increases in line width, and decreases in apparent Huang–Rhys factors. Resonance Raman spectra of MDMO-PPV/PCBM thin films with variable PCBM weight fractions (∼50:1 up to 1:8 w/w) were then measured using short (488 nm) and long (568 nm) excitation wavelengths. The out-of-plane vinylene C–H wag mode of MDMO-PPV (∼964 cm–1) showed pronounced increases in intensity of up to ∼30% and red-shifts of up to 5 cm–1 with increasing PCBM content. These changes result from a decrease of planarity between chain segments that suppresses interchain interactions. Furthermore, red-shifts of up to ∼4 cm–1 were observed for the C═C symmetric stretch of the MDMO-PPV vinylene group (∼1625 cm–1) with 488 nm excitation. The sensitivity of the MDMO-PPV vinylene group vibrations with PCBM indicates preferential interactions between these two molecules and is consistent with intercalation of PCBM into the polymer structure. This assignment was confirmed by thermally annealing of MDMO-PPV/PCBM films to remove intercalated PCBM molecules, which partially restores interchain interactions as seen from smaller intensity increases (∼15%) and red-shifts (∼2 cm–1) of the ∼964 cm–1 mode. Overall, the spectroscopic results show that MDMO-PPV chains adopt distorted conformations (i.e., less intrachain order and shorter conjugation lengths) that have important implications for explaining the structural origins for large improvements in charge mobilities in MDMO-PPV/PCBM blends.Keywords: conjugated polymers; intercalation; planarity; resonance Raman spectroscopy;
Co-reporter:Yongqian Gao, Thomas P. Martin, Alan K. Thomas and John K. Grey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2010 Volume 1(Issue 1) pp:178-182
Publication Date(Web):November 12, 2009
Resonance Raman−photocurrent imaging (RRPI) is introduced to spatially map the morphology-dependent polymer aggregation state to local photocurrent generation efficiency in poly-(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) blend thin film photovoltaic devices. The C═C symmetric stretching mode of P3HT is decomposed into contributions from aggregated (IC═Cagg, ∼1450 cm−1) and unaggregated (IC═Cun, ∼1470 cm−1) chains, and the ratios of their integrated intensities (IC═Cagg/IC═Cun, R) is used as a reporter for the local P3HT aggregation state. Maps of R values and photocurrents are generated for both as-cast and annealed P3HT/PCBM devices that permit direct spatial correlations between the P3HT aggregation state and local photocurrent generation efficiency. Regions of increased P3HT aggregation are observed at both P3HT/PCBM interfaces and in P3HT-rich areas that result in decreased photocurrent generation. Voltage-dependent RRPI studies are also performed at several applied bias levels that reveal distinct changes in photocurrents due to morphology-dependent charge mobility characteristics. Keywords (keywords): Aggregation; charge transfer; morphology; polymer blends;
Co-reporter:Yongqian Gao, Thomas P. Martin, Edwards T. Niles, Adam J. Wise, Alan K. Thomas and John K. Grey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010 Volume 114(Issue 35) pp:15121-15128
Publication Date(Web):August 18, 2010
We fabricate poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) thin film solar cells of variable weight/weight (w/w) compositions (i.e., 1:1 to 1:4) to systematically perturb polymer packing (aggregation) properties and assess their impact on local electronic structure and photocurrent generation efficiency. A combination of absorption spectroscopy and resonance Raman spectroscopic and photocurrent imaging techniques are used to quantify and spatially map morphology-dependent cofacial, π−π aggregated P3HT chains and correlate these structures to local photocurrent production characteristics. On average, increasing the PCBM weight fraction results in blue shifts and broadening for absorption and Raman spectra in the dominant P3HT C═C stretching mode region (∼1450−1470 cm−1), whereas symmetric stretching C—C modes show decreased intensities and red shifts. P3HT/PCBM absorption spectra are fitted near the resolved P3HT onset region using a weakly coupled H-aggregate model that reveals decreases in the relative amounts of aggregated/unaggregated P3HT chains as well as interchain exciton coupling in the aggregated component. Raman bands of P3HT C═C modes can likewise be decomposed into contributions from both aggregated (IC═Cagg.) and unaggregated (IC═Cun.) chains, and like absorption spectra, IC═Cagg./IC═Cun. values decrease with increased PCBM content. Combined Raman and photocurrent imaging studies of 1:1 P3HT/PCBM devices reveal that most aggregated (ordered) P3HT chains reside primarily outside PCBM-rich regions, but this, surprisingly, reverses for >1:1 PCBM w/w loadings where all aggregated P3HT chains reside within PCBM-rich regions. This effect is attributed to a change in the type of P3HT aggregation from inter- to primarily intrachain (or self-aggregated) that is supported by decreases in the interchain exciton coupling parameter from absorption fits as well as Raman C—C and C═C (agg.) frequency maps. The results reveal not only the importance of the polymer aggregation state but also its spatial location in the film that together have a large impact on charge transport properties and material performance.
Co-reporter:Eric J. J. Martin, Nicolas Bérubé, Françoise Provencher, Michel Côté, Carlos Silva, Stephen K. Doorn and John K. Grey
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015 - vol. 3(Issue 23) pp:NaN6066-6066
Publication Date(Web):2015/05/18
Blends of alternating ‘push–pull’ donor/acceptor (d/a) co-polymers with soluble fullerenes as active materials have shown promise for increasing power conversion efficiencies in organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. We investigate morphology-dependent optical and electronic properties of poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b;3,4-b′]dithiophene)-alt-4,7(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT) blended with [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) using electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies. Selective resonance excitation spanning the entire PCPDTBT absorption envelope (∼400–900 nm) was used to probe via Raman spectroscopy the degree of composition- and conformation-dependent charge transfer character along the polymer backbone. Raman intensities of characteristic PCPDTBT backbone donor/acceptor moieties vary with excitation wavelength. We perform density functional theory (DFT) calculations to assign Raman-active vibrational modes and correlate polymer backbone conformations to the degree of intra-chain donor/acceptor charge transfer character. We find the best agreement between experimental and simulated spectra for planarized PCPDTBT backbone consistent with strong charge transfer character along the backbone, which also gives rise to a new red-shifted absorption band appearing in PCBM blends. Resonance Raman and photocurrent imaging experiments were next used to spatially map morphology-dependent vibrational signatures of PCPDTBT donor/acceptor moieties within functioning solar cell devices. Solvent additives were applied using 1,8 octanedithiol (ODT) to modify PCPDTBT:PCBM morphologies and compared to as-cast blends. Raman and photocurrent images indicate a well-mixed morphology that we propose induces planarization of the PCPDTBT backbone.
Co-reporter:Jian Gao, John D. Roehling, Yongle Li, Hua Guo, Adam J. Moulé and John K. Grey
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013 - vol. 1(Issue 36) pp:NaN5646-5646
Publication Date(Web):2013/07/22
The effect of the strong electron acceptor, 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ), on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) aggregates is studied. F4-TCNQ is commonly used as a dopant for P3HT, however, relatively little is currently known about its effect on polymer conformation and packing in the presence of fullerenes. Resonance Raman and optical spectra of pristine P3HT or blends with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) doped with F4-TCNQ up to ∼10% w/w show a loss of pristine-type P3HT aggregates with increasing dopant concentration. Complexed P3HT chains possess greater backbone planarity due to hole injection which is corroborated from density functional theory (DFT) calculations of oligothiophene surrogates and F4-TCNQ. Morphologies of doped P3HT/PCBM systems are characterized using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) detection and images reveal mixed clusters of P3HT/F4-TCNQ fibril-like domains that increase in size with dopant loading. The apparent preference of F4-TCNQ for P3HT aggregates is attributed to efficient charge separation stemming owing to the more polarizable nature of chains comprising the aggregate π-stack.
Co-reporter:Adam J. Wise and John K. Grey
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 - vol. 14(Issue 32) pp:NaN11276-11276
Publication Date(Web):2012/07/02
Resonance Raman spectra of poly(2-methoxy-5-(3′-7′-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MDMO-PPV) and small molecule acceptor blend charge transfer (CT) complexes reveal long and detailed progressions of overtone and combination bands. These features are sensitive to the specific MDMO-PPV/acceptor interactions and enable quantitative calculations of vibrational mode specific displacements of the polymer CT complex.