Mei Hong

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Name: Hong, Mei
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology , USA
Department: Department of Chemistry
Title: Professor(PhD)


Co-reporter:Tuo Wang, Hyunil Jo, William F. DeGrado, and Mei Hong
Journal of the American Chemical Society May 3, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 17) pp:6242-6242
Publication Date(Web):April 13, 2017
Water is essential for protein folding and assembly of amyloid fibrils. Internal water cavities have been proposed for several amyloid fibrils, but no direct structural and dynamical data have been reported on the water dynamics and site-specific interactions of water with the fibrils. Here we use solid-state NMR spectroscopy to investigate the water interactions of several Aβ40 fibrils. 1H spectral lineshapes, T2 relaxation times, and two-dimensional (2D) 1H–13C correlation spectra show that there are five distinct water pools: three are peptide-bound water, while two are highly dynamic water that can be assigned to interfibrillar water and bulk-like matrix water. All these water pools are associated with the fibrils on the nanometer scale. Water-transferred 2D correlation spectra allow us to map out residue-specific hydration and give evidence for the presence of a water pore in the center of the three-fold symmetric wild-type Aβ40 fibril. In comparison, the loop residues and the intramolecular strand–strand interface have low hydration, excluding the presence of significant water cavities in these regions. The Osaka Aβ40 mutant shows lower hydration and more immobilized water than wild-type Aβ40, indicating the influence of peptide structure on the dynamics and distribution of hydration water. Finally, the highly mobile interfibrillar and matrix water exchange with each other on the time scale of seconds, suggesting that fibril bundling separates these two water pools, and water molecules must diffuse along the fibril axis before exchanging between these two environments. These results provide insights and experimental constraints on the spatial distribution and dynamics of water pools in these amyloid fibrils.
Co-reporter:Hongwei Yao;Myungwoon Lee;Shu-Yu Liao
Biochemistry December 13, 2016 Volume 55(Issue 49) pp:6787-6800
Publication Date(Web):October 21, 2016
The fusion peptide (FP) and transmembrane domain (TMD) of viral fusion proteins play important roles during virus–cell membrane fusion, by inducing membrane curvature and transient dehydration. The structure of the water-soluble ectodomain of viral fusion proteins has been extensively studied crystallographically, but the structures of the FP and TMD bound to phospholipid membranes are not well understood. We recently investigated the conformations and lipid interactions of the separate FP and TMD peptides of parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) fusion protein F using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. These studies provide structural information about the two domains when they are spatially well separated in the fusion process. To investigate how these two domains are structured relative to each other in the postfusion state, when the ectodomain forms a six-helix bundle that is thought to force the FP and TMD together in the membrane, we have now expressed and purified a chimera of the FP and TMD, connected by a Gly-Lys linker, and measured the chemical shifts and interdomain contacts of the protein in several lipid membranes. The FP–TMD chimera exhibits α-helical chemical shifts in all the membranes examined and does not cause strong curvature of lamellar membranes or membranes with negative spontaneous curvature. These properties differ qualitatively from those of the separate peptides, indicating that the FP and TMD interact with each other in the lipid membrane. However, no 13C–13C cross peaks are observed in two-dimensional correlation spectra, suggesting that the two helices are not tightly associated. These results suggest that the ectodomain six-helix bundle does not propagate into the membrane to the two hydrophobic termini. However, the loosely associated FP and TMD helices are found to generate significant negative Gaussian curvature to membranes that possess spontaneous positive curvature, consistent with the notion that the FP–TMD assembly may facilitate the transition of the membrane from hemifusion intermediates to the fusion pore.
Co-reporter:Venkata S. Mandala, Shu-Yu Liao, Byungsu Kwon, Mei Hong
Journal of Molecular Biology 2017 Volume 429, Issue 14(Volume 429, Issue 14) pp:
Publication Date(Web):7 July 2017
•WT influenza AM2 is an acid-activated and inward-rectified H+ channel.•A W41F mutant retains the tetrameric α-helical structure based on 13C and 19F NMR.•H37 pKas are clustered in the mutant, indicating enhanced C-terminal H+ exchange.•H37 remains cationic in the mutant despite drug occlusion of the N-terminal pore.•W41 blocks C-terminal acid activation of H37 to achieve inward rectification.The influenza M2 protein forms an acid-activated proton channel that is essential for virus replication. The transmembrane H37 selects for protons under low external pH while W41 ensures proton conduction only from the N terminus to the C terminus and prevents reverse current under low internal pH. Here, we address the molecular basis for this asymmetric conduction by investigating the structure and dynamics of a mutant channel, W41F, which permits reverse current under low internal pH. Solid-state NMR experiments show that W41F M2 retains the pH-dependent α-helical conformations and tetrameric structure of the wild-type (WT) channel but has significantly altered protonation and tautomeric equilibria at H37. At high pH, the H37 structure is shifted toward the π tautomer and less cationic tetrads, consistent with faster forward deprotonation to the C terminus. At low pH, the mutant channel contains more cationic tetrads than the WT channel, consistent with faster reverse protonation from the C terminus. 15N NMR spectra allow the extraction of four H37 pKas and show that the pKas are more clustered in the mutant channel compared to WT M2. Moreover, binding of the antiviral drug, amantadine, at the N-terminal pore at low pH did not convert all histidines to the neutral state, as seen in WT M2, but left half of all histidines cationic, unambiguously demonstrating C-terminal protonation of H37 in the mutant. These results indicate that asymmetric conduction in WT M2 is due to W41 inhibition of C-terminal acid activation by H37. When Trp is replaced by Phe, protons can be transferred to H37 bidirectionally with distinct rate constants.Download high-res image (110KB)Download full-size image
Co-reporter:Jonathan K. Williams; Daniel Tietze; Myungwoon Lee; Jun Wang
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 26) pp:8143-8155
Publication Date(Web):June 10, 2016
Together with the influenza A virus, influenza B virus causes seasonal flu epidemics. The M2 protein of influenza B (BM2) forms a tetrameric proton-conducting channel that is important for the virus lifecycle. BM2 shares little sequence homology with AM2, except for a conserved HxxxW motif in the transmembrane (TM) domain. Unlike AM2, no antiviral drugs have been developed to block the BM2 channel. To elucidate the proton-conduction mechanism of BM2 and to facilitate the development of BM2 inhibitors, we have employed solid-state NMR spectroscopy to investigate the conformation, dynamics, and hydration of the BM2 TM domain in lipid bilayers. BM2 adopts an α-helical conformation in lipid membranes. At physiological temperature and low pH, the proton-selective residue, His19, shows relatively narrow 15N chemical exchange peaks for the imidazole nitrogens, indicating fast proton shuttling that interconverts cationic and neutral histidines. Importantly, pH-dependent 15N chemical shifts indicate that His19 retains the neutral population to much lower pH than His37 in AM2, indicating larger acid-dissociation constants or lower pKa’s. We attribute these dynamical and equilibrium differences to the presence of a second titratable histidine, His27, which may increase the proton-dissociation rate of His19. Two-dimensional 1H–13C correlation spectra probing water 1H polarization transfer to the peptide indicates that the BM2 channel becomes much more hydrated at low pH than at high pH, particularly at Ser12, indicating that the pore-facing serine residues in BM2 mediate proton relay to the proton-selective histidine.
Co-reporter:Matthew R. Elkins, Tuo Wang, Mimi Nick, Hyunil Jo, Thomas Lemmin, Stanley B. Prusiner, William F. DeGrado, Jan Stöhr, and Mei Hong
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 31) pp:9840-9852
Publication Date(Web):July 14, 2016
The amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) forms polymorphic fibrils on the micrometer and molecular scales. Various fibril growth conditions have been identified to cause polymorphism, but the intrinsic amino acid sequence basis for this polymorphism has been unclear. Several single-site mutations in the center of the Aβ sequence cause different disease phenotypes and fibrillization properties. The E22G (Arctic) mutant is found in familial AD and forms protofibrils more rapidly than wild-type Aβ. Here, we use solid-state NMR spectroscopy to investigate the structure, dynamics, hydration and morphology of Arctic E22G Aβ40 fibrils. 13C, 15N-labeled synthetic E22G Aβ40 peptides are studied and compared with wild-type and Osaka E22Δ Aβ40 fibrils. Under the same fibrillization conditions, Arctic Aβ40 exhibits a high degree of polymorphism, showing at least four sets of NMR chemical shifts for various residues, while the Osaka and wild-type Aβ40 fibrils show a single or a predominant set of chemical shifts. Thus, structural polymorphism is intrinsic to the Arctic E22G Aβ40 sequence. Chemical shifts and inter-residue contacts obtained from 2D correlation spectra indicate that one of the major Arctic conformers has surprisingly high structural similarity with wild-type Aβ42. 13C–1H dipolar order parameters, 1H rotating-frame spin–lattice relaxation times and water-to-protein spin diffusion experiments reveal substantial differences in the dynamics and hydration of Arctic, Osaka and wild-type Aβ40 fibrils. Together, these results strongly suggest that electrostatic interactions in the center of the Aβ peptide sequence play a crucial role in the three-dimensional fold of the fibrils, and by inference, fibril-induced neuronal toxicity and AD pathogenesis.
Co-reporter:Byungsu Kwon and Mei Hong
Biochemistry 2016 Volume 55(Issue 38) pp:5387
Publication Date(Web):August 29, 2016
The influenza M2 protein is the target of the amantadine family of antiviral drugs, and its transmembrane (TM) domain structure and dynamics have been extensively studied. However, little is known about the structure of the highly conserved N-terminal ectodomain, which contains epitopes targeted by influenza vaccines. In this study, we synthesized an M2 construct containing the N-terminal ectodomain and the TM domain, to understand the site-specific conformation and dynamics of the ectodomain and to investigate the effect of the ectodomain on the TM structure. We incorporated 13C- and 15N-labeled residues into both domains and measured their chemical shifts and line widths using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. The data indicate that the entire ectodomain is unstructured and dynamic, but the motion is slower for residues closer to the TM domain. 13C line shapes indicate that this ecto-TM construct undergoes fast uniaxial rotational diffusion, like the isolated TM peptide, but drug binding increases the motional rates of the TM helix while slowing the local motion of the ectodomain residues that are close to the TM domain. Moreover, 13C and 15N chemical shifts indicate that the ectodomain shifts the conformational equilibria of the TM residues toward the drug-bound state even in the absence of amantadine, thus providing a molecular structural basis for the lower inhibitory concentration of full-length M2 compared to that of the ectodomain-truncated M2. We propose that this conformational selection may result from electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged ectodomain residues in the tetrameric protein. Together with the recent study of the M2 cytoplasmic domain, these results show that intrinsically disordered extramembrane domains in membrane proteins can regulate the functionally relevant conformation and dynamics of the structurally ordered TM domains.
Co-reporter:Tuo Wang, Pyae Phyo, Mei Hong
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2016 Volume 78() pp:56-63
Publication Date(Web):September 2016
•2D and 3D MAS NMR isused to study13C-labeled plant cell walls.•High-field NMR resolves the structural and dynamic heterogeneity of wall polymers.•Cellulose contact pectins and hemicellulose to form a single network in the wall.•The protein expansin bindsxyloglucan-rich regions of cellulose for wall loosening.Plant primary wall cellulose is polymorphic and distinct from Iα and Iβ allomorphs.Plant biomass has become an important source of bio-renewable energy in modern society. The molecular structure of plant cell walls is difficult to characterize by most atomic-resolution techniques due to the insoluble and disordered nature of the cell wall. Solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy is uniquely suited for studying native hydrated plant cell walls at the molecular level with chemical resolution. Significant progress has been made in the last five years to elucidate the molecular structures and interactions of cellulose and matrix polysaccharides in plant cell walls. These studies have focused on primary cell walls of growing plants in both the dicotyledonous and grass families, as represented by the model plants Arabidopsis thaliana, Brachypodium distachyon, and Zea mays. To date, these SSNMR results have shown that 1) cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectins form a single network in the primary cell wall; 2) in dicot cell walls, the protein expansin targets the hemicellulose-enriched region of the cellulose microfibril for its wall-loosening function; and 3) primary wall cellulose has polymorphic structures that are distinct from the microbial cellulose structures. This article summarizes these key findings, and points out future directions of investigation to advance our fundamental understanding of plant cell wall structure and function.Figure optionsDownload full-size imageDownload as PowerPoint slide
Co-reporter:Tuo Wang, Hui Yang, James D. Kubicki, and Mei Hong
Biomacromolecules 2016 Volume 17(Issue 6) pp:
Publication Date(Web):May 18, 2016
The native cellulose of bacterial, algal, and animal origins has been well studied structurally using X-ray and neutron diffraction and solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and is known to consist of varying proportions of two allomorphs, Iα and Iβ, which differ in hydrogen bonding, chain packing, and local conformation. In comparison, cellulose structure in plant primary cell walls is much less understood because plant cellulose has lower crystallinity and extensive interactions with matrix polysaccharides. Here we have combined two-dimensional magic-angle-spinning (MAS) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (solid-state NMR) spectroscopy at high magnetic fields with density functional theory (DFT) calculations to obtain detailed information about the structural polymorphism and spatial distributions of plant primary-wall cellulose. 2D 13C–13C correlation spectra of uniformly 13C-labeled cell walls of several model plants resolved seven sets of cellulose chemical shifts. Among these, five sets (denoted a–e) belong to cellulose in the interior of the microfibril while two sets (f and g) can be assigned to surface cellulose. Importantly, most of the interior cellulose 13C chemical shifts differ significantly from the 13C chemical shifts of the Iα and Iβ allomorphs, indicating that plant primary-wall cellulose has different conformations, packing, and hydrogen bonding from celluloses of other organisms. 2D 13C–13C correlation experiments with long mixing times and with water polarization transfer revealed the spatial distributions and matrix-polysaccharide interactions of these cellulose structures. Celluloses f and g are well mixed chains on the microfibril surface, celluloses a and b are interior chains that are in molecular contact with the surface chains, while cellulose c resides in the core of the microfibril, outside spin diffusion contact with the surface. Interestingly, cellulose d, whose chemical shifts differ most significantly from those of bacterial, algal, and animal cellulose, interacts with hemicellulose, is poorly hydrated, and is targeted by the protein expansin during wall loosening. To obtain information about the C6 hydroxymethyl conformation of these plant celluloses, we carried out DFT calculations of 13C chemical shifts, using the Iα and Iβ crystal structures as templates and varying the C5–C6 torsion angle. Comparison with the experimental chemical shifts suggests that all interior cellulose favor the tg conformation, but cellulose d also has a similar propensity to adopt the gt conformation. These results indicate that cellulose in plant primary cell walls, due to their interactions with matrix polysaccharides, and has polymorphic structures that are not a simple superposition of the Iα and Iβ allomorphs, thus distinguishing them from bacterial and animal celluloses.
Co-reporter:Shu Y. Liao; Yu Yang; Daniel Tietze
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 18) pp:6067-6077
Publication Date(Web):April 20, 2015
The influenza M2 protein forms an acid-activated tetrameric proton channel important for the virus lifecycle. Residue His37 in the transmembrane domain is responsible for channel activation and proton selectivity. While the structure and dynamics of His37 have been well studied in TM peptide constructs, it has not been investigated in the presence of the full cytoplasmic domain, which increases the proton conductivity by 2-fold compared to the TM peptide. We report here 13C and 15N chemical shifts of His37 in the cytoplasmic-containing M2(21–97) and show that cationic histidines are already present at neutral pH, in contrast to the TM peptide, indicating that the cytoplasmic domain shifts the protonation equilibria. Quantification of the imidazole 15N intensities yielded two resolved proton dissociation constants (pKa’s) of 7.1 and 5.4, which differ from the TM result but resemble the M2(18–60) result, suggesting cooperative proton binding. The average His37 pKa is higher for M2(21–97) than for the shorter constructs. We attribute this higher pKa to direct and indirect effects of the cytoplasmic domain, which is rich in acidic residues. 2D 13C–13C correlation spectra reveal seven His37 Cα-Cβ cross peaks at different pH, some of which are unique to the cytoplasmic-containing M2 and correspond to more ideal α-helical conformations. Based on the pH at which these chemical shifts appear and their side chain structures, we assign these conformations to His37 in differently charged tetramers. Thus, the cytoplasmic domain facilitates proton conduction through the transmembrane pore by modifying the His37-water proton exchange equilibria and the His37 backbone conformational distribution.
Co-reporter:Tuo Wang and Mei Hong
Biochemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 13) pp:2214-2226
Publication Date(Web):March 16, 2015
A wide variety of membrane proteins induce membrane curvature for function; thus, it is important to develop new methods to simultaneously determine membrane curvature and protein binding sites in membranes with multiple curvatures. We introduce solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods based on magnetically oriented bicelles and off-magic-angle spinning (OMAS) to measure membrane curvature and the binding site of proteins in mixed-curvature membranes. We demonstrate these methods on the influenza virus M2 protein, which not only acts as a proton channel but also mediates virus assembly and membrane scission. An M2 peptide encompassing the transmembrane (TM) domain and an amphipathic helix, M2(21–61), was studied and compared with the TM peptide (M2TM). Static 31P NMR spectra of magnetically oriented 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC)/1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DHPC) bicelles exhibit a temperature-independent isotropic chemical shift in the presence of M2(21–61) but not M2TM, indicating that the amphipathic helix confers the ability to generate a high-curvature phase. Two-dimensional (2D) 31P spectra indicate that this high-curvature phase is associated with the DHPC bicelle edges, suggestive of the structure of budding viruses from the host cell. 31P- and 13C-detected 1H relaxation times of the lipids indicate that the majority of M2(21–61) is bound to the high-curvature phase. Using OMAS experiments, we resolved the 31P signals of lipids with identical headgroups based on their distinct chemical shift anisotropies. On the basis of this resolution, 2D 1H–31P correlation spectra show that the amide protons in M2(21–61) correlate with the DMPC but not DHPC 31P signal of the bicelle, indicating that a small percentage of M2(21–61) partitions into the planar region of the bicelles. These results show that the amphipathic helix induces high membrane curvature and localizes the protein to this phase, in good agreement with the membrane scission function of the protein. These bicelle-based relaxation and OMAS solid-state NMR techniques are generally applicable to curvature-inducing membrane proteins such as those involved in membrane trafficking, membrane fusion, and cell division.
Co-reporter:Jonathan K. Williams, Klaus Schmidt-Rohr, Mei Hong
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2015 Volume 72() pp:118-126
Publication Date(Web):November 2015
•Two methods are described to selectively detect the signals of aromatic residues.•Gated 1H decoupling selectivelydetects unprotonated aromatic 13C signals.•Chemical shift filters select the Cα, Cβ and CO signals of aromatic residues.•We successfully demonstrated these techniques on model peptides and proteins.The four aromatic amino acids in proteins, namely histidine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, have strongly overlapping 13C chemical shift ranges between 100 and 160 ppm, and have so far been largely neglected in solid-state NMR determination of protein structures. Yet aromatic residues play important roles in biology through π–π and cation–π interactions. To better resolve and assign aromatic residues' 13C signals in magic-angle-spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR spectra, we introduce two spectral editing techniques. The first method uses gated 1H decoupling in a proton-driven spin-diffusion (PDSD) experiment to remove all protonated 13C signals and retain only non-protonated carbon signals in the aromatic region of the 13C spectra. The second technique uses chemical shift filters and 1H–13C dipolar dephasing to selectively detect the Cα, Cβ and CO cross peaks of aromatic residues while suppressing the signals of all aliphatic residues. We demonstrate these two techniques on amino acids, a model peptide, and the microcrystalline protein GB1, and show that they significantly simplify the 2D NMR spectra and both reveal and permit the ready assignment of the aromatic residues' signals.
Co-reporter:Yu Yang, Hongwei Yao, and Mei Hong
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015 Volume 119(Issue 15) pp:4993-5001
Publication Date(Web):March 27, 2015
Nonlamellar lipid membranes are frequently induced by proteins that fuse, bend, and cut membranes. Understanding the mechanism of action of these proteins requires the elucidation of the membrane morphologies that they induce. While hexagonal phases and lamellar phases are readily identified by their characteristic solid-state NMR line shapes, bicontinuous lipid cubic phases are more difficult to discern, since the static NMR spectra of cubic-phase lipids consist of an isotropic 31P or 2H peak, indistinguishable from the spectra of isotropic membrane morphologies such as micelles and small vesicles. To date, small-angle X-ray scattering is the only method to identify bicontinuous lipid cubic phases. To explore unique NMR signatures of lipid cubic phases, we first describe the orientation distribution of lipid molecules in cubic phases and simulate the static 31P chemical shift line shapes of oriented cubic-phase membranes in the limit of slow lateral diffusion. We then show that 31P T2 relaxation times differ significantly between isotropic micelles and cubic-phase membranes: the latter exhibit 2 orders of magnitude shorter T2 relaxation times. These differences are explained by the different time scales of lipid lateral diffusion on the cubic-phase surface versus the time scales of micelle tumbling. Using this relaxation NMR approach, we investigated a DOPE membrane containing the transmembrane domain (TMD) of a viral fusion protein. The static 31P spectrum of DOPE shows an isotropic peak, whose T2 relaxation times correspond to that of a cubic phase. Thus, the viral fusion protein TMD induces negative Gaussian curvature, which is an intrinsic characteristic of cubic phases, to the DOPE membrane. This curvature induction has important implications to the mechanism of virus–cell fusion. This study establishes a simple NMR diagnostic probe of lipid cubic phases, which is expected to be useful for studying many protein-induced membrane remodeling phenomena in biology.
Co-reporter:Paul B. White and Mei Hong
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015 Volume 119(Issue 35) pp:11581-11589
Publication Date(Web):August 5, 2015
Strong or low-barrier hydrogen bonds have often been proposed in proteins to explain enzyme catalysis and proton-transfer reactions. So far 1H chemical shifts and scalar couplings have been used as the main NMR spectroscopic signatures for strong H-bonds. In this work, we report simultaneous measurements of 15N and 1H chemical shifts and N–H bond lengths by solid-state NMR in 15N-labeled 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene (DMAN), which contains a well-known strong NHN H-bond. We complexed DMAN with three different counteranions to examine the effects of the chemical environment on the H-bond lengths and chemical shifts. All three DMAN compounds exhibit significantly elongated N–H distances compared to the covalent bond length, and the 1HN chemical shifts are larger than ∼17 ppm, consistent with strong NHN H-bonds in the DMAN cation. However, the 15N and 1H chemical shifts and the precise N–H distances differ among the three compounds, and the 15N chemical shifts show opposite dependences on the proton localization from the general trend in organic compounds, indicating the significant effects of the counteranions on the electronic structure of the H-bond. These data provide useful NMR benchmarks for strong H-bonds and caution against the sole reliance on chemical shifts for identifying strong H-bonds in proteins since neighboring side chains can exert influences on chemical shifts similar to those of the bulky organic anions in DMAN. Instead, N–H bond lengths should be measured, in conjunction with chemical shifts, as a more fundamental parameter of H-bond strength.
Co-reporter:Michelle W. Lee;Alan J. Waring;Hongwei Yao;Gerard C. L. Wong
PNAS 2015 Volume 112 (Issue 35 ) pp:10926-10931
Publication Date(Web):2015-09-01
The C-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD) of viral fusion proteins such as HIV gp41 and influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is traditionally viewed as a passive α-helical anchor of the protein to the virus envelope during its merger with the cell membrane. The conformation, dynamics, and lipid interaction of these fusion protein TMDs have so far eluded high-resolution structure characterization because of their highly hydrophobic nature. Using magic-angle-spinning solid-state NMR spectroscopy, we show that the TMD of the parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) fusion protein adopts lipid-dependent conformations and interactions with the membrane and water. In phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) membranes, the TMD is predominantly α-helical, but in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) membranes, the TMD changes significantly to the β-strand conformation. Measured order parameters indicate that the strand segments are immobilized and thus oligomerized. 31P NMR spectra and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data show that this β-strand–rich conformation converts the PE membrane to a bicontinuous cubic phase, which is rich in negative Gaussian curvature that is characteristic of hemifusion intermediates and fusion pores. 1H-31P 2D correlation spectra and 2H spectra show that the PE membrane with or without the TMD is much less hydrated than PC and PG membranes, suggesting that the TMD works with the natural dehydration tendency of PE to facilitate membrane merger. These results suggest a new viral-fusion model in which the TMD actively promotes membrane topological changes during fusion using the β-strand as the fusogenic conformation.
Co-reporter:Paul B. White, Tuo Wang, Yong Bum Park, Daniel J. Cosgrove, and Mei Hong
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014 Volume 136(Issue 29) pp:10399-10409
Publication Date(Web):July 1, 2014
Polysaccharide-rich plant cell walls are hydrated under functional conditions, but the molecular interactions between water and polysaccharides in the wall have not been investigated. In this work, we employ polarization transfer solid-state NMR techniques to study the hydration of primary-wall polysaccharides of the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. By transferring water 1H polarization to polysaccharides through distance- and mobility-dependent 1H–1H dipolar couplings and detecting it through polysaccharide 13C signals, we obtain information about water proximity to cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectins as well as water mobility. Both intact and partially extracted cell wall samples are studied. Our results show that water–pectin polarization transfer is much faster than water–cellulose polarization transfer in all samples, but the extent of extraction has a profound impact on the water–polysaccharide spin diffusion. Removal of calcium ions and the consequent extraction of homogalacturonan (HG) significantly slowed down spin diffusion, while further extraction of matrix polysaccharides restored the spin diffusion rate. These trends are observed in cell walls with similar water content, thus they reflect inherent differences in the mobility and spatial distribution of water. Combined with quantitative analysis of the polysaccharide contents, our results indicate that calcium ions and HG gelation increase the amount of bound water, which facilitates spin diffusion, while calcium removal disrupts the gel and gives rise to highly dynamic water, which slows down spin diffusion. The recovery of spin diffusion rates after more extensive extraction is attributed to increased water-exposed surface areas of the polysaccharides. Water–pectin spin diffusion precedes water–cellulose spin diffusion, lending support to the single-network model of plant primary walls in which a substantial fraction of the cellulose surface is surrounded by pectins.
Co-reporter:Nathan H. Joh;Tuo Wang;Manasi P. Bhate;Yibing Wu;Rudresh Acharya;Michael Grabe;Gevorg Grigoryan;William F. DeGrado
Science 2014 Volume 346(Issue 6216) pp:1520-1524
Publication Date(Web):19 Dec 2014


The design of functional membrane proteins from first principles represents a grand challenge in chemistry and structural biology. Here, we report the design of a membrane-spanning, four-helical bundle that transports first-row transition metal ions Zn2+ and Co2+, but not Ca2+, across membranes. The conduction path was designed to contain two di-metal binding sites that bind with negative cooperativity. X-ray crystallography and solid-state and solution nuclear magnetic resonance indicate that the overall helical bundle is formed from two tightly interacting pairs of helices, which form individual domains that interact weakly along a more dynamic interface. Vesicle flux experiments show that as Zn2+ ions diffuse down their concentration gradients, protons are antiported. These experiments illustrate the feasibility of designing membrane proteins with predefined structural and dynamic properties.

Co-reporter:Jonathan K. Williams, Mei Hong
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2014 247() pp: 118-127
Publication Date(Web):1 October 2014
•Water polarization transfer reveals biomolecular structure and dynamics.•Heteronuclear detected water polarization transfer SSNMR is highly versatile.•Exchange, spin diffusion, and NOE are the mechanisms of polarization transfer.•Water-based SSNMR reveals membrane protein topology and ion channel kinetics.•Water SSNMR reports the four-helix-bundle structure of the flu M2 proton channel.Water plays an essential role in the structure and function of proteins, lipid membranes and other biological macromolecules. Solid-state NMR heteronuclear-detected 1H polarization transfer from water to biomolecules is a versatile approach for studying water–protein, water–membrane, and water–carbohydrate interactions in biology. We review radiofrequency pulse sequences for measuring water polarization transfer to biomolecules, the mechanisms of polarization transfer, and the application of this method to various biological systems. Three polarization transfer mechanisms, chemical exchange, spin diffusion and NOE, manifest themselves at different temperatures, magic-angle-spinning frequencies, and pulse irradiations. Chemical exchange is ubiquitous in all systems examined so far, and spin diffusion plays the key role in polarization transfer within the macromolecule. Tightly bound water molecules with long residence times are rare in proteins at ambient temperature. The water polarization-transfer technique has been used to study the hydration of microcrystalline proteins, lipid membranes, and plant cell wall polysaccharides, and to derive atomic-resolution details of the kinetics and mechanism of ion conduction in channels and pumps. Using this approach, we have measured the water polarization transfer to the transmembrane domain of the influenza M2 protein to obtain information on the structure of this tetrameric proton channel. At short mixing times, the polarization transfer rates are site-specific and depend on the pH, labile protons, sidechain conformation, as well as the radial position of the residues in this four-helix bundle. Despite the multiple dependences, the initial transfer rates reflect the periodic nature of the residue positions from the water-filled pore, thus this technique provides a way of gleaning secondary structure information, helix tilt angle, and the oligomeric structure of membrane proteins.Download high-res image (155KB)Download full-size image
Asahiklin AK 225
SE 10 (vinyl polymer)
3,5,8-Trioxa-4-phosphahexacos-17-en-1-aminium,4-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-9-oxo-7-[[(1-oxohexadecyl)oxy]methyl]-, inner salt,4-oxide, (7R,17Z)-
Hydrogen cation
9-Octadecenoic acid(9Z)-, 1,1'-[1-[[[(2-aminoethoxy)hydroxyphosphinyl]oxy]methyl]-1,2-ethanediyl]ester
D-Galacturonic acid