Abraham P. Lee

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Name: Lee,, Abraham P.
Organization: University of California at Irvine , USA
Department: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Title: Professor(PhD)


Co-reporter:Duc T. T. Phan;Xiaolin Wang;Brianna M. Craver;Agua Sobrino;Da Zhao;Jerry C. Chen;Lilian Y. N. Lee;Steven C. George;Christopher C. W. Hughes
Lab on a Chip (2001-Present) 2017 vol. 17(Issue 3) pp:511-520
Publication Date(Web):2017/01/31
There is a growing awareness that complex 3-dimensional (3D) organs are not well represented by monolayers of a single cell type – the standard format for many drug screens. To address this deficiency, and with the goal of improving screens so that drugs with good efficacy and low toxicity can be identified, microphysiological systems (MPS) are being developed that better capture the complexity of in vivo physiology. We have previously described an organ-on-a-chip platform that incorporates perfused microvessels, such that survival of the surrounding tissue is entirely dependent on delivery of nutrients through the vessels. Here we describe an arrayed version of the platform that incorporates multiple vascularized micro-organs (VMOs) on a 96-well plate. Each VMO is independently-addressable and flow through the micro-organ is driven by hydrostatic pressure. The platform is easy to use, requires no external pumps or valves, and is highly reproducible. As a proof-of-concept we have created arrayed vascularized micro tumors (VMTs) and used these in a blinded screen to assay a small library of compounds, including FDA-approved anti-cancer drugs, and successfully identified both anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor drugs. This 3D platform is suitable for efficacy/toxicity screening against multiple tissues in a more physiological environment than previously possible.
Co-reporter:Duc T. T. Phan;Xiaolin Wang;Brianna M. Craver;Agua Sobrino;Da Zhao;Jerry C. Chen;Lilian Y. N. Lee;Steven C. George;Christopher C. W. Hughes
Lab on a Chip (2001-Present) 2017 vol. 17(Issue 3) pp:511-520
Publication Date(Web):2017/01/31
There is a growing awareness that complex 3-dimensional (3D) organs are not well represented by monolayers of a single cell type – the standard format for many drug screens. To address this deficiency, and with the goal of improving screens so that drugs with good efficacy and low toxicity can be identified, microphysiological systems (MPS) are being developed that better capture the complexity of in vivo physiology. We have previously described an organ-on-a-chip platform that incorporates perfused microvessels, such that survival of the surrounding tissue is entirely dependent on delivery of nutrients through the vessels. Here we describe an arrayed version of the platform that incorporates multiple vascularized micro-organs (VMOs) on a 96-well plate. Each VMO is independently-addressable and flow through the micro-organ is driven by hydrostatic pressure. The platform is easy to use, requires no external pumps or valves, and is highly reproducible. As a proof-of-concept we have created arrayed vascularized micro tumors (VMTs) and used these in a blinded screen to assay a small library of compounds, including FDA-approved anti-cancer drugs, and successfully identified both anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor drugs. This 3D platform is suitable for efficacy/toxicity screening against multiple tissues in a more physiological environment than previously possible.
Co-reporter:Xuan Li;Yinglei Tao;Do-Hyun Lee;Hemantha K. Wickramasinghe
Lab on a Chip (2001-Present) 2017 vol. 17(Issue 9) pp:1635-1644
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/02
We present an in situ mRNA extraction platform to quantify marker-genes' expression levels of single target cells within high-density microfluidic trapping arrays. This platform enables single-cell transcriptomic analysis to reveal in-depth information of cellular mechanisms and population heterogeneity. Although microfluidic technology enables the automation of single-cell sorting, trapping and identification, most developed microfluidic devices are closed off and prevent single-cell access by external analytical equipment. Besides, cell lysing is usually required for mRNA extraction. In our platform, cells are trapped individually in a microwell array sealed by a 1 μm-thick polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane, and a modified atomic force microscopy (AFM) probe—a dielectrophoretic nanotweezer (DENT)—penetrates through the membrane and extracts mRNA molecules from a single cell by dielectrophoresis. The single-cellular expression levels of 3 housekeeping genes from HeLa cells were analyzed quantitatively based on the quantification of the extracted mRNAs, and the probed cells remained viable when the applied alternating-current (AC) voltage was lower than 1.5 Vpp during mRNA probing. We also performed in situ mRNA isolation from a mixture of SK-BR-3 and U937 cells, mimicking a blood sample that underwent primary enrichment of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), and evaluated various marker-genes' expressions. This integrated platform combines the non-destructive and precise-control of a single-cell mRNA probe with sealed microfluidic systems' capability of upstream sample processing and downstream multifunctional analysis to enable a versatile and powerful tool for biomedical research.
Co-reporter:Gopakumar Kamalakshakurup
Lab on a Chip (2001-Present) 2017 vol. 17(Issue 24) pp:4324-4333
Publication Date(Web):2017/12/05
Single cell analysis has emerged as a paradigm shift in cell biology to understand the heterogeneity of individual cells in a clone for pathological interrogation. Microfluidic droplet technology is a compelling platform to perform single cell analysis by encapsulating single cells inside picoliter–nanoliter (pL–nL) volume droplets. However, one of the primary challenges for droplet based single cell assays is single cell encapsulation in droplets, currently achieved either randomly, dictated by Poisson statistics, or by hydrodynamic techniques. In this paper, we present an interfacial hydrodynamic technique which initially traps the cells in micro-vortices, and later releases them one-to-one into the droplets, controlled by the width of the outer streamline that separates the vortex from the flow through the streaming passage adjacent to the aqueous–oil interface (dgap). One-to-one encapsulation is achieved at a dgap equal to the radius of the cell, whereas complete trapping of the cells is realized at a dgap smaller than the radius of the cell. The unique feature of this technique is that it can perform 1. high efficiency single cell encapsulations and 2. size-selective capturing of cells, at low cell loading densities. Here we demonstrate these two capabilities with a 50% single cell encapsulation efficiency and size selective separation of platelets, RBCs and WBCs from a 10× diluted blood sample (WBC capture efficiency at 70%). The results suggest a passive, hydrodynamic micro-vortex based technique capable of performing high-efficiency single cell encapsulation for cell based assays.
Co-reporter:Xiaolin Wang, Duc T. T. Phan, Da Zhao, Steven C. George, Christopher C. W. Hughes and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2016 vol. 16(Issue 5) pp:868-876
Publication Date(Web):04 Feb 2016
Coculturing multiple cell types together in 3-dimensional (3D) cultures better mimics the in vivo microphysiological environment, and has become widely adopted in recent years with the development of organ-on-chip systems. However, a bottleneck in set-up of these devices arises as a result of the delivery of the gel into the microfluidic chip being sensitive to pressure fluctuations, making gel confinement at a specific region challenging, especially when manual operation is performed. In this paper, we present a novel design of an on-chip regulator module with pressure-releasing safety microvalves that can facilitate stable gel delivery into designated microchannel regions while maintaining well-controlled, non-bursting gel interfaces. This pressure regulator design can be integrated into different microfluidic chip designs and is compatible with a wide variety of gel injection apparatuses operated automatically or manually at different flow rates. The sensitivity and working range of this pressure regulator can be adjusted by changing the width of its pressure releasing safety microvalve design. The effectiveness of the design is validated by its incorporation into a microfluidic platform we have developed for generating 3D vascularized micro-organs (VMOs). Reproducible gel loading is demonstrated for both an automatic syringe pump and a manually-operated micropipettor. This design allows for rapid and reproducible loading of hydrogels into microfluidic devices without the risk of bursting gel–air interfaces.
Co-reporter:Xiaolin Wang, Duc T. T. Phan, Agua Sobrino, Steven C. George, Christopher C. W. Hughes and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2016 vol. 16(Issue 2) pp:282-290
Publication Date(Web):18 Nov 2015
This paper reports a method for generating an intact and perfusable microvascular network that connects to microfluidic channels without appreciable leakage. This platform incorporates different stages of vascular development including vasculogenesis, endothelial cell (EC) lining, sprouting angiogenesis, and anastomosis in sequential order. After formation of a capillary network inside the tissue chamber via vasculogenesis, the adjacent microfluidic channels are lined with a monolayer of ECs, which then serve as the high-pressure input (“artery”) and low pressure output (“vein”) conduits. To promote a tight interconnection between the artery/vein and the capillary network, sprouting angiogenesis is induced, which promotes anastomosis of the vasculature inside the tissue chamber with the EC lining along the microfluidic channels. Flow of fluorescent microparticles confirms the perfusability of the lumenized microvascular network, and minimal leakage of 70 kDa FITC-dextran confirms physiologic tightness of the EC junctions and completeness of the interconnections between artery/vein and the capillary network. This versatile device design and its robust construction methodology establish a physiological transport model of interconnected perfused vessels from artery to vascularized tissue to vein. The system has utility in a wide range of organ-on-a-chip applications as it enables the physiological vascular interconnection of multiple on-chip tissue constructs that can serve as disease models for drug screening.
Co-reporter:Roger Shih and Abraham P. Lee
Langmuir 2016 Volume 32(Issue 8) pp:1939-1946
Publication Date(Web):January 28, 2016
Medical ultrasound imaging often employs ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs), injectable microbubbles stabilized by shells or membranes. In tissue, the compressible gas cores can strongly scatter acoustic signals, resonate, and emit harmonics. However, bubbles generated by conventional methods have nonuniform sizes, reducing the fraction that resonates with a given transducer. Microfluidic flow-focusing is an alternative production method which generates highly monodisperse bubbles with uniform constituents, enabling more-efficient contrast enhancement than current UCAs. Production size is tunable by adjusting gas pressure and solution flow rate, but solution effects on downstream stable size and lifetime have not been closely examined. This study therefore investigated several solution parameters, including the DSPC/DSPE-PEG2000 lipid ratio, concentration, viscosity, and preparation temperature to determine their effects on stabilization. It was found that bubble lifetime roughly correlated with stable size, which in turn was strongly influenced by primary-lipid-to-emulsifier ratio, analogous to its effects on conventional bubble yield and Langmuir-trough compressibility in existing studies. Raising DSPE-PEG2000 fraction in solution reduced bubble surface area in proportion to its reduction of lipid packing density at low compression in literature. In addition, the surface area was found to increase proportionately with lipid concentration above 2.1 mM. However, viscosities above or below 2.3–3.3 mPa·s seemed to reduce bubble size. Finally, lipid preparation at room temperature led to smaller bubbles compared to preparation near or above the primary lipid’s phase transition point. Understanding these effects will further improve on postformation control over microfluidic bubble production, and facilitate size-tuning for optimal contrast enhancement.
Co-reporter:David Bardin and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2014 vol. 14(Issue 20) pp:3978-3986
Publication Date(Web):05 Aug 2014
The continued growth of microfluidics into industry settings in areas such as point-of-care diagnostics and targeted therapeutics necessitates a workforce trained in microfluidic technologies and experimental methods. Laboratory courses for students at the university and high school levels will require cost-effective in-class demonstrations that instruct in chip design, fabrication, and experimentation at the microscale. We present a hand-operated pressure pumping system to form monodisperse picoliter to nanoliter droplet streams at low cost, and a series of exercises aimed at instructing in the specific art of droplet formation. Using this setup, the student is able to generate and observe the modes of droplet formation in flow-focusing devices, and the effect of device dimensions on the characteristics of formed droplets. Lastly, at ultra-low cost we demonstrate large plug formation in a T-junction using coffee stirrers as a master mold substitute. Our method reduces the cost of experimentation to enable intuitive instruction in droplet formation, with additional implications for creating droplets in the field or at point-of-care.
Co-reporter:Maulik V. Patel, Imaly A. Nanayakkara, Melinda G. Simon and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2014 vol. 14(Issue 19) pp:3860-3872
Publication Date(Web):15 Aug 2014
We present a microfluidic platform for simultaneous on-chip pumping and size-based separation of cells and particles without external fluidic control systems required for most existing platforms. The device utilizes an array of acoustically actuated air/liquid interfaces generated using dead-end side channels termed Lateral Cavity Acoustic Transducers (LCATs). The oscillating interfaces generate local streaming flow while the angle of the LCATs relative to the main channel generates a global bulk flow from the inlet to the outlet. The interaction of these two competing velocity fields (i.e. global bulk velocity vs. local streaming velocity) is responsible for the observed separation. It is shown that the separation of 5 μm and 10 μm polystyrene beads is dependent on the ratio of these two competing velocity fields. The experimental and simulation results suggest that particle trajectories based only on Stokes drag force cannot fully explain the separation behavior and that the impact of additional forces due to the oscillating flow field must be considered to determine the trajectory of the beads and ultimately the separation behavior of the device. To demonstrate an application of this separation platform with cellular components, smaller red blood cells (7.5 ± 0.8 μm) are separated from larger K562 cells (16.3 ± 2.0 μm) with viabilities comparable to those of controls based on a trypan blue exclusion assay.
Co-reporter:Albert Tsung-Hsi Hsieh;Patrick J. Pan
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2014 Volume 406( Issue 13) pp:3059-3067
Publication Date(Web):2014 May
This research demonstrates an integrated microfluidic titration assay to characterize the cation concentrations in working buffer to rapidly optimize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of molecular beacons (MBs). The “Microfluidic Droplet Array Titration Assay" (MiDATA) integrated the functions of sample dilution, sample loading, sample mixing, fluorescence analysis, and re-confirmation functions all together in a one-step process. It allows experimentalists to arbitrarily change sample concentration and acquire SNR measurements instantaneously. MiDATA greatly reduces sample dilution time, number of samples needed, sample consumption, and the total titration time. The maximum SNR of molecular beacons is achieved by optimizing the concentrations of the monovalent and divalent cation (i.e., Mg2+ and K+) of the working buffer. MiDATA platform is able to reduce the total consumed reagents to less than 50 μL, and decrease the assay time to less than 30 min. The SNR of the designated MB is increased from 20 to 126 (i.e., enhanced the signal 630 %) using the optimal concentration of MgCl2 and KCl determined by MiDATA. This novel microfluidics-based titration method is not only useful for SNR optimization of molecular beacons but it also can be a general method for a wide range of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based molecular probes.
Co-reporter:Roger Shih, David Bardin, Thomas D. Martz, Paul S. Sheeran, Paul A. Dayton and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2013 vol. 13(Issue 24) pp:4816-4826
Publication Date(Web):25 Oct 2013
Ultrasound imaging often calls for the injection of contrast agents, micron-sized bubbles which echo strongly in blood and help distinguish vascularized tissue. Such microbubbles are also being augmented for targeted drug delivery and gene therapy, by the addition of surface receptors and therapeutic payloads. Unfortunately, conventional production methods yield a polydisperse population, whose nonuniform resonance and drug-loading are less than ideal. An alternative technique, microfluidic flow-focusing, is able to produce highly monodisperse microbubbles with stabilizing lipid membranes and drug-carrying oil layers. However, the published 1 kHz production rate for these uniform drug bubbles is very low compared to conventional methods, and must be improved before clinical use can be practical. In this study, flow-focusing production of oil-layered lipid microbubbles was tested up to 300 kHz, with coalescence suppressed by high lipid concentrations or inclusion of Pluronic F68 surfactant in the lipid solution. The transition between geometry-controlled and dripping production regimes was analysed, and production scaling was found to be continuous, with a power trend of exponent ~5/12 similar to literature. Unlike prior studies with this trend, however, scaling curves here were found to be pressure-dependent, particularly at lower pressure-flow equilibria (e.g. <15 psi). Adjustments in oil flow rate were observed to have a similar effect, akin to a pressure change of 1–3 psi. This analysis and characterization of high-speed dual-layer bubble generation will enable more-predictive production control, at rates practical for in vivo or clinical use.
Co-reporter:Yu-Hsiang Hsu, Monica L. Moya, Christopher C. W. Hughes, Steven C. George and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2013 vol. 13(Issue 15) pp:2990-2998
Publication Date(Web):17 May 2013
This paper reports a polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic model system that can develop an array of nearly identical human microtissues with interconnected vascular networks. The microfluidic system design is based on an analogy with an electric circuit, applying resistive circuit concepts to design pressure dividers in serially-connected microtissue chambers. A long microchannel (550, 620 and 775 mm) creates a resistive circuit with a large hydraulic resistance. Two media reservoirs with a large cross-sectional area and of different heights are connected to the entrance and exit of the long microchannel to serve as a pressure source, and create a near constant pressure drop along the long microchannel. Microtissue chambers (0.12 μl) serve as a two-terminal resistive component with an input impedance >50-fold larger than the long microchannel. Connecting each microtissue chamber to two different positions along the long microchannel creates a series of pressure dividers. Each microtissue chamber enables a controlled pressure drop of a segment of the microchannel without altering the hydrodynamic behaviour of the microchannel. The result is a controlled and predictable microphysiological environment within the microchamber. Interstitial flow, a mechanical cue for stimulating vasculogenesis, was verified by finite element simulation and experiments. The simplicity of this design enabled the development of multiple microtissue arrays (5, 12, and 30 microtissues) by co-culturing endothelial cells, stromal cells, and fibrin within the microchambers over two and three week periods. This methodology enables the culturing of a large array of microtissues with interconnected vascular networks for biological studies and applications such as drug development.
Co-reporter:Andrew C. Hatch, Apurva Patel, N. Reginald Beer and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2013 vol. 13(Issue 7) pp:1308-1315
Publication Date(Web):18 Dec 2012
We present a study of passive hydrodynamic droplet sorting in microfluidic channels based on intrinsic viscoelastic fluid properties. Sorting is achieved by tuning the droplets' intrinsic viscous and viscoelastic properties relative to the continuous oil phase to achieve a positive or negative lateral migration toward high or low shear gradients in the channel. In the presence of weakly viscoelastic fluid behavior, droplets with a viscosity ratio, κ, between 0.5–10 were found to migrate toward a high shear gradient near the channel walls. For all other κ-values, or Newtonian fluids, droplets would migrate toward a low shear gradient at the channel centerline. It was also found that for strongly viscoelastic fluids with low interfacial tension, droplets would migrate toward the edge even with κ-values lower than 0.5. The resulting bi-directional lateral droplet migration between different droplets allows size-independent sorting. Still, their sorting efficiencies are dependent on droplet size, intrinsic fluid elasticity, viscosity, droplet deformability, and overall fluid shear rates. Based on these findings, we demonstrate >200 Hz passive droplet sorting frequencies and achieve >100 fold enrichment factors without the need to actively sense and/or control active mechanisms. Using a low viscosity oil phase of 6.25 cPs, we demonstrate sorting discrimination of 1 cPs and 5 cPs aqueous droplets with κ-values of 0.2 and 0.8 respectively.
Co-reporter:Yu-Hsiang Hsu, Monica L. Moya, Parinaz Abiri, Christopher C.W. Hughes, Steven C. George and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2013 vol. 13(Issue 1) pp:81-89
Publication Date(Web):22 Oct 2012
We report the first demonstration of a microfluidic platform that captures the full physiological range of mass transport in 3-D tissue culture. The basis of our method used long microfluidic channels connected to both sides of a central microtissue chamber at different downstream positions to control the mass transport distribution within the chamber. Precise control of the Péclet number (Pe), defined as the ratio of convective to diffusive transport, over nearly five orders of magnitude (0.0056 to 160) was achieved. The platform was used to systematically investigate the role of physiological mass transport on vasculogenesis. We demonstrate, for the first time, that vasculogenesis can be independently stimulated by interstitial flow (Pe > 10) or hypoxic conditions (Pe < 0.1), and not by the intermediate state (normal living tissue). This simple platform can be applied to physiological and biological studies of 3D living tissue followed by pathological disease studies, such as cancer research and drug screening.
Co-reporter:Javier L. Prieto, Jente Lu, Jamison L. Nourse, Lisa A. Flanagan and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2012 vol. 12(Issue 12) pp:2182-2189
Publication Date(Web):30 Mar 2012
We present an automated dielectrophoretic assisted cell sorting (DACS) device for dielectric characterization and isolation of neural cells. Dielectrophoretic (DEP) principles are often used to develop cell sorting techniques. Here we report the first statistically significant neuronal sorting using DACS to enrich neurons from a heterogeneous population of mouse derived neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) and neurons. We also study the dielectric dispersions within a heterogeneous cell population using a Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation. This simulation model explains the trapping behavior of populations as a function of frequency and predicts sorting efficiencies. The platform consists of a DEP electrode array with three multiplexed trapping regions that can be independently activated at different frequencies. A novel microfluidic manifold enables cell sorting by trapping and collecting cells at discrete frequency bands rather than single frequencies. The device is used to first determine the percentage of cells trapped at these frequency bands. With this characterization and the MC simulation we choose the optimal parameters for neuronal sorting. Cell sorting experiments presented achieve a 1.4-fold neuronal enrichment as predicted by our model.
Co-reporter:Maulik V. Patel, Armando R. Tovar and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2012 vol. 12(Issue 1) pp:139-145
Publication Date(Web):10 Nov 2011
A novel on-chip microfluidic switch is demonstrated that utilizes the acoustic microstreaming generated by an oscillating air–liquid interface to switch cells/particles into bifurcating microchannels. The air–liquid interface of the Lateral Cavity Acoustic Transducers (LCATs) can be actuated by an external acoustic energy source causing the interface to oscillate. The oscillating interface results in the generation of vortex-like microstreaming flow within a localized region of the surrounding liquid. This streaming was utilized here to deflect cells/particles into a collection outlet. It was demonstrated that the switching zone could be controlled by varying the actuation time of the LCAT. An LCAT based microfluidic switch is capable of achieving theoretical switching rates of 800 cells/particles per second. It was also demonstrated that K562 cells could be switched into a collection channel with cell viability comparable to that of controls as determined by Trypan blue exclusion assay.
Co-reporter:Yuka Okabe, Yulin Chen, Rishi Purohit, Robert M. Corn, Abraham P. Lee
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2012 35(1) pp: 37-43
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:David Bardin, Thomas D. Martz, Paul S. Sheeran, Roger Shih, Paul A. Dayton and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2011 vol. 11(Issue 23) pp:3990-3998
Publication Date(Web):20 Oct 2011
In this study we report on a microfluidic device and droplet formation regime capable of generating clinical-scale quantities of droplet emulsions suitable in size and functionality for in vivo therapeutics. By increasing the capillary number—based on the flow rate of the continuous outer phase—in our flow-focusing device, we examine three modes of droplet breakup: geometry-controlled, dripping, and jetting. Operation of our device in the dripping regime results in the generation of highly monodisperse liquid perfluoropentane droplets in the appropriate 3–6 μm range at rates exceeding 105 droplets per second. Based on experimental results relating droplet diameter and the ratio of the continuous and dispersed phase flow rates, we derive a power series equation, valid in the dripping regime, to predict droplet size, Dd ≅ 27(QC/QD)−5/12. The volatile droplets in this study are stable for weeks at room temperature yet undergo rapid liquid-to-gas phase transition, and volume expansion, above a uniform thermal activation threshold. The opportunity exists to potentiate locoregional cancer therapies such as thermal ablation and percutaneous ethanol injection using thermal or acoustic vaporization of these monodisperse phase-change droplets to intentionally occlude the vessels of a cancer.
Co-reporter:Andrew C. Hatch, Jeffrey S. Fisher, Armando R. Tovar, Albert T. Hsieh, Robert Lin, Stephen L. Pentoney, David L. Yang and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2011 vol. 11(Issue 22) pp:3838-3845
Publication Date(Web):29 Sep 2011
Digital droplet reactors are useful as chemical and biological containers to discretize reagents into picolitre or nanolitre volumes for analysis of single cells, organisms, or molecules. However, most DNA based assays require processing of samples on the order of tens of microlitres and contain as few as one to as many as millions of fragments to be detected. Presented in this work is a droplet microfluidic platform and fluorescence imaging setup designed to better meet the needs of the high-throughput and high-dynamic-range by integrating multiple high-throughput droplet processing schemes on the chip. The design is capable of generating over 1-million, monodisperse, 50 picolitre droplets in 2–7 minutes that then self-assemble into high density 3-dimensional sphere packing configurations in a large viewing chamber for visualization and analysis. This device then undergoes on-chip polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and fluorescence detection to digitally quantify the sample's nucleic acid contents. Wide-field fluorescence images are captured using a low cost 21-megapixel digital camera and macro-lens with an 8–12 cm2 field-of-view at 1× to 0.85× magnification, respectively. We demonstrate both end-point and real-time imaging ability to perform on-chip quantitative digital PCR analysis of the entire droplet array. Compared to previous work, this highly integrated design yields a 100-fold increase in the number of on-chip digitized reactors with simultaneous fluorescence imaging for digital PCR based assays.
Co-reporter:Andrew C. Hatch, Jeffrey S. Fisher, Stephen L. Pentoney, David L. Yang and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2011 vol. 11(Issue 15) pp:2509-2517
Publication Date(Web):14 Jun 2011
We present a tunable three-dimensional (3D) self-assembled droplet packing method to achieve high-density micro-reactor arrays for greater imaging efficiency and higher-throughput chemical and biological assays. We demonstrate the capability of this platform's high-density imaging method by performing single molecule quantification using digital polymerase chain reaction, or digital PCR, in multiple self-assembled colloid-like crystal lattice configurations. By controlling chamber height to droplet diameter ratios we predictively control three-dimensional packing configurations with varying degrees of droplet overlap to increase droplet density and imaging sensor area coverage efficiency. Fluorescence imaging of the densely packed 3D reactor arrays, up to three layers high, demonstrates high throughput quantitative analysis of single-molecule reactions. Now a greater number of microreactors can be observed and studied in a single picture frame without the need for confocal imaging, slide scanners, or complicated image processing techniques. Compared to 2D designs, tunable 3D reactor arrays yield up to a threefold increase in density and use 100% of the sensor's imaging area to enable simultaneous imaging a larger number of reactions without sacrificing digital quantification performance. This novel approach provides an important advancement for ultra-high-density reactor arrays.
Co-reporter:Kanaka Hettiarachchi, Abraham P. Lee
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2010 Volume 344(Issue 2) pp:521-527
Publication Date(Web):15 April 2010
Polymer–lipid microbubbles (PLBs) are generated by microfluidic flow-focusing devices to form a new class of long-lasting hybrid particles. The specific PLB construct developed is an elastic gas-filled microsphere with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) shell containing phospholipids conjugated to functionalized polyethyleneglycol (PEG). Digital “droplet-based” microfluidics technology enables control of particle composition, size, and polydispersity (σ < 10%). Use of PDMS as a shell component improves the functionality and stability (lifetime > 6 months) of the hybrid particles due to the thermally maneuverable solidification process. With a gas core, they serve as a template material for creating three-dimensional porous structures and surfaces, requiring no cumbersome post-processing removal steps. By adding biotinylated PEG–lipid derivatives that offer targeting capabilities, we demonstrate the immobilization of fluorescent IgG antibodies on stationary PDMS–lipid microbubbles through biotin–avidin interactions and on-chip trapping for immunoassays. A PDMS–lipid composition offers several advantages such as biocompatibility and biodegradability for future in vivo use as porous engineered scaffolds, packing materials, or delivery (e.g. therapeutic) agents with cell targeting capability.Long-lasting polymer–lipid microbubbles are suitable for biosensing and the production of three-dimensional porous structures and surfaces. Droplet microfluidics technology is used for control of particle composition, size, and polydispersity.
Co-reporter:Abraham Lee
BMC Proceedings 2010 Volume 4( Issue 3 Supplement) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2010 December
Co-reporter:Albert Tsung-Hsi Hsieh, Nicole Hori, Rustin Massoudi, Patrick Jen-Hao Pan, Hirotaka Sasaki, Yuh Adam Lin and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2009 vol. 9(Issue 18) pp:2638-2643
Publication Date(Web):24 Jun 2009
A novel picolitre incubator based microfluidic system for consistent nonviral gene carrier formulation is presented. A cationic lipid-based carrier is the most attractive nonviral solution for delivering plasmid DNA, shRNA, or drugs for pharmaceutical research and RNAi applications. The size of the cationic lipid and DNA complex (CL-DNA), or the lipoplex, is one of the important variations for consistency of gene transfection. CL-DNA size, in turn, may be controlled by factors such as the cationic lipid and DNA mixing order, mixing rate, and mixture incubation time. The Picolitre Microfluidic Reactor and Incubator (PMRI) system described here is able to control these parameters in order to create homogeneous CL-DNA. Compared with conventional CL-DNA preparation techniques involving hand-shaking or vortexing, the PMRI system demonstrates a greater ability to constantly and uniformly mix cationic lipids and DNA simultaneously. After mixing in the picolitre droplet reactors, the cationic lipid and DNA is incubated within the picolitre incubator to form CL-DNA. The PMRI generates a narrower size distribution band, while also turning the sample loading, mixing and incubation steps into an integrated process enabling the consistent formation of CL-DNA. The coefficient of variation (CV) of transfection efficiency is 0.05 and 0.30 for PMRI-based and conventional methods, respectively. In addition, this paper demonstrates that the gene transfection efficiency of lipoplex created in the PMRI is more reproducible.
Co-reporter:Armando R. Tovar and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2009 vol. 9(Issue 1) pp:41-43
Publication Date(Web):24 Oct 2008
We present a lateral cavity acoustic transducer (LCAT) capable of pumping and mixing fluids within a microfluidic system using an acoustic energy source from an external piezoelectric buzzer. The device is capable of pumping at flow rates of approximately 250 nl min−1 and real-time mixing in low flow rate (<1 µl min−1) devices typical in microfluidic systems.
Co-reporter:Albert Tsung-Hsi Hsieh;Patrick Jen-Hao Pan
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2009 Volume 6( Issue 3) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2009 March
We report a novel microfluidic system that is capable of rapidly detecting DNA and its mutants in microfluidic droplets, in addition to elucidating the dynamic hybridization process. This microfluidic picoliter droplet analysis system is able to overcome the limitations of conventional analytical techniques that utilize immobilized sensing probes on a substrate. Molecular beacon (MB), a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) molecule, was used as the DNA sensing probe in picoliter droplets. The MB-DNA duplex formation process was analyzed by the change in FRET signal, which was acquired by the time-resolved method: converting distance traveled to hybridization time. This technique demonstrates the ability to detect presence of target nucleic acids within few seconds, multiplex DNA samples in microdroplet, and distinguish single nucleotide polymorphisms. It is promising for analyzing biomolecules or reactions, such as mRNA, cells, enzymatic activity, and protein folding whose analysis requires rapid mixing and small volume.
Co-reporter:Lung-Hsin Hung, Robert Lin and Abraham Phillip Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2008 vol. 8(Issue 6) pp:983-987
Publication Date(Web):08 Apr 2008
This paper presents a rapid, simple, and low-cost fabrication method to prepare solvent resistant and biocompatible microfluidic devices with three-dimensional geometries. The devices were fabricated in thiolene and replicated from PDMS master with high molding fidelity. Good chemical compatibility for organic solvents allows volatile chemicals in synthesis and analysis applications. The surface can be processed to be hydrophobic or hydrophilic for water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions. Monodisperse organic solvent droplet generation is demonstrated to be reproducible in thiolene microchannels without swelling. The thiolene surface prevents cell adhesion but normal cell growth and adhesion on glass substrates is not affected by the adjacent thiolene patterns.
Co-reporter:Shia-Yen Teh, Robert Lin, Lung-Hsin Hung and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2008 vol. 8(Issue 2) pp:198-220
Publication Date(Web):11 Jan 2008
Droplet-based microfluidic systems have been shown to be compatible with many chemical and biological reagents and capable of performing a variety of “digital fluidic” operations that can be rendered programmable and reconfigurable. This platform has dimensional scaling benefits that have enabled controlled and rapid mixing of fluids in the droplet reactors, resulting in decreased reaction times. This, coupled with the precise generation and repeatability of droplet operations, has made the droplet-based microfluidic system a potent high throughput platform for biomedical research and applications. In addition to being used as microreactors ranging from the nano- to femtoliter range; droplet-based systems have also been used to directly synthesize particles and encapsulate many biological entities for biomedicine and biotechnology applications. This review will focus on the various droplet operations, as well as the numerous applications of the system. Due to advantages unique to droplet-based systems, this technology has the potential to provide novel solutions to today's biomedical engineering challenges for advanced diagnostics and therapeutics.
Co-reporter:Yung-Chieh Tan;Yao Li Ho;Abraham Phillip Lee
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2008 Volume 4( Issue 4) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2008 April
Droplet sorting by size was achieved in microfluidic channels through controlling the bifurcating junction geometry and the flow rates of the daughter channels. The sorting designs separated droplets with a radius difference of as little as 4 μm. The developed droplet channel design can be potentially used in combination with other particle sorting system to improve the sorting efficiency without the control of electrodes or fluidic valves.
Co-reporter:Lisen Wang, Lisa A. Flanagan, Noo Li Jeon, Edwin Monuki and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2007 vol. 7(Issue 9) pp:1114-1120
Publication Date(Web):25 Jun 2007
A novel dielectrophoresis switching with vertical electrodes in the sidewall of microchannels for multiplexed switching of objects has been designed, fabricated and tested. With appropriate electrode design, lateral DEP force can be generated so that one can dynamically position particulates along the width of the channel. A set of interdigitated electrodes in the sidewall of the microchannels is used for the generation of non-uniform electrical fields to generate negative DEP forces that repel beads/cells from the sidewalls. A countering DEP force is generated from another set of electrodes patterned on the opposing sidewall. These lateral negative DEP forces can be adjusted by the voltage and frequency applied. By manipulating the coupled DEP forces, the particles flowing through the microchannel can be positioned at different equilibrium points along the width direction and continue to flow into different outlet channels. Experimental results for switching biological cells and polystyrene microbeads to multiple outlets (up to 5) have been achieved. This novel particle switching technique can be integrated with other particle detection components to enable microfluidic flow cytometry systems.
Co-reporter:Kanaka Hettiarachchi, Esra Talu, Marjorie L. Longo, Paul A. Dayton and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2007 vol. 7(Issue 4) pp:463-468
Publication Date(Web):08 Mar 2007
This paper presents a new manufacturing method to generate monodisperse microbubble contrast agents with polydispersity index (σ) values of <2% through microfluidic flow-focusing. Micron-sized lipid shell-based perfluorocarbon (PFC) gas microbubbles for use as ultrasound contrast agents were produced using this method. The poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-based devices feature expanding nozzle geometry with a 7 μm orifice width, and are robust enough for consistent production of microbubbles with runtimes lasting several hours. With high-speed imaging, we characterized relationships between channel geometry, liquid flow rate Q, and gas pressure P in controlling bubble sizes. By a simple optimization of the channel geometry and Q and P, bubbles with a mean diameter of <5 μm can be obtained, ideal for various ultrasonic imaging applications. This method demonstrates the potential of microfluidics as an efficient means for custom-designing ultrasound contrast agents with precise size distributions, different gas compositions and new shell materials for stabilization, and for future targeted imaging and therapeutic applications.
Co-reporter:John Collins;Abraham Phillip Lee
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2007 Volume 3( Issue 1) pp:19-25
Publication Date(Web):2007 February
This paper describes a method to control and detect droplet size gradient by step-wise flow rate ramping of water-in-oil droplets in a microfluidic device. The droplets are generated in a cross channel device with two oil inlets and a water inlet. The droplet images are captured and analyzed in a time sequence in order to quantify the droplet generation frequency. It is demonstrated that by controlling the ramping of the oil flow rates it is possible to manipulate the ramping of droplet sizes. Increasing or decreasing of droplet sizes is achieved for a step-wise triangular ramping profile of the oil flow rate. The dynamic behavior of droplets due to the step-wise flow pulses is investigated. Uniform linear size ramping of water-in-oil droplets from 73 to 83 μm in diameter is generated with an oil flow ramping range from 1 to 11 μL/min in a minimum of five steps while water flow rate is held constant at 2 μL/min.
Co-reporter:Lung-Hsin Hung, Kyung M. Choi, Wei-Yu Tseng, Yung-Chieh Tan, Kenneth J. Shea and Abraham Phillip Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2006 vol. 6(Issue 2) pp:174-178
Publication Date(Web):05 Jan 2006
A multifunctional and high-efficiency microfluidic device for droplet generation and fusion is presented. Through unique design of the micro-channels, the device is able to alternately generate droplets, generating droplet ratios ranging from 1 ∶ 5 to 5 ∶ 1, and fuse droplets, enabling precise chemical reactions in several picoliters on a single chip. The controlled fusion is managed by passive control based on the channel geometry and liquid phase flow. The synthesis of CdS nanoparticles utilizing each fused droplet as a microreactor for rapid and efficient mixing of reagents is demonstrated in this paper. Following alternating droplet generation, the channel geometry allows the exclusive fusion of alternate droplets with concomitant rapid mixing and produces supersaturated solution of Cd2+and S2− ions to form CdS nanoparticles in each fused droplet. The spectroscopic properties of the CdS nanoparticles produced by this method are compared with CdS prepared by bulk mixing.
Co-reporter:Yung-Chieh Tan, Vittorio Cristini, Abraham P. Lee
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2006 Volume 114(Issue 1) pp:350-356
Publication Date(Web):30 March 2006
A microfluidic device designed to generate monodispersed picoliter to femtoliter sized droplet emulsions at controlled rates is presented. This PDMS microfabricated device utilizes the geometry of the channel junctions in addition to the flow rates to control the droplet sizes. An expanding nozzle is used to control the breakup location of the droplet generation process. The droplet breakup occurs at a fixed point due to the focused velocity gradient created by the nozzle shape geometry. The system not only creates monodispersed primary droplets with sizes controlled by the applied flow rates, but also generates monodispersed submicron droplets. Droplets with radii as less than 100 nm can be produced without use of surfactants. Numerical results relating flow rates to the size of primary droplets, satellite droplets and generation rates are reported.
Co-reporter:Yung-Chieh Tan and Abraham Phillip Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2005 vol. 5(Issue 10) pp:1178-1183
Publication Date(Web):08 Aug 2005
Emulsions are widely used to produce sol–gel, drugs, synthetic materials, and food products. Recent advancements in microfluidic droplet emulsion technology has enabled the precise sampling and processing of small volumes of fluids (picoliter to femtoliter) by the controlled viscous shearing in microchannels. However the generation of monodispersed droplets smaller than 1 µm without surfactants has been difficult to achieve. Normally, the generation of satellite droplets along with parent droplets is undesirable and makes it difficult to control volume and purity of samples in droplets. In this paper, however, several methods are presented to passively filter out satellite droplets from the generation of parent droplets and use these satellite droplets as the source for monodispersed production of submicron emulsions. A passive satellite droplet filtration system and a dynamic satellite droplet separation system are demonstrated. Satellite droplets are filtered from parent droplets with a two-layer channel geometry. This design allows the creation and collection of droplets that are less than 100 nm in diameter. In the dynamic separation system, satellite droplets of defined sizes can be selectively separated into different collecting zones. The separation of the satellite droplets into different collecting zones correlates with the cross channel position of the satellite droplets during the breakup of the liquid thread. The delay time for droplets to switch between the different alternating collecting zones is nominally 1 min and is proportional to the ratio of the oil shear flows. With our droplet generation system, monodispersed satellite droplets with an average radius of 2.23 ± 0.11 µm, and bidispersed secondary and tertiary satellite droplets with radii of 1.55 ± 0.07 µm and 372 ± 46 nm respectively, have been dynamically separated and collected.
Co-reporter:Yung-Chieh Tan, Jeffrey S. Fisher, Alan I. Lee, Vittorio Cristini and Abraham Phillip Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2004 vol. 4(Issue 4) pp:292-298
Publication Date(Web):01 Jul 2004
Passive microfluidic channel geometries for control of droplet fission, fusion and sorting are designed, fabricated, and tested. In droplet fission, the inlet width of the bifurcating junction is used to control the range of breakable droplet sizes and the relative resistances of the daughter channels were used to control the volume of the daughter droplets. Droplet fission is shown to produce concentration differences in the daughter droplets generated from a primary drop with an incompletely mixed chemical gradient, and for droplets in each of the bifurcated channels, droplets were found to be monodispersed with a less than 2% variation in size. Droplet fusion is demonstrated using a flow rectifying design that can fuse multiple droplets of same or different sizes generated at various frequencies. Droplet sorting is achieved using a bifurcating flow design that allows droplets to be separated base on their sizes by controlling the widths of the daughter channels. Using this sorting design, submicron satellite droplets are separated from the larger droplets.
Co-reporter:John Collins and Abraham P. Lee  
Lab on a Chip 2004 vol. 4(Issue 1) pp:7-10
Publication Date(Web):11 Nov 2003
A new flow transducer for measuring the flow rate of a conducting fluid in a microchannel is reported. In this paper, the measure of flow of such fluid under laminar flow conditions based on the change of electrical admittance is established with the aid of a pair of electrodes parallel to the line of flow in a glass–PDMS microfluidic device. This flow sensor is simple in design and can be integrated to most of the microfluidic platforms. The effect of flow rate of the electrolyte, the frequency of the applied ac voltage, the voltage applied across the detector electrodes, and the conductivity of the electrolyte are varied to optimize for high sensitivity. The optimized values are then used to demonstrate the measurements of very low flow rates (<1 nL s−1). This flow sensor can be extended towards the measurement of chemical and biochemical buffers and reagents.
Co-reporter:N. Garg, D. Vallejo, D. Boyle, I. Nanayakkara, ... P. Felgner
Procedia Engineering (2016) Volume 159() pp:53-57
Publication Date(Web):1 January 2016
Infectious diseases remain a major health concern in many parts of the developing world, where access to adequate health care and modern diagnostic tools are absent. Current diagnostic technologies like ELISA and PCR require large sample volumes, bulky, expensive instrumentation, highly trained personnel, long experimental time, and a modern infrastructure that developing countries lack. Hence, portable, low cost tools would be a huge first step towards making accurate diagnostics available to a wider range of patients worldwide. In this work, we present a portable, microfluidic platform, controlled via a smartphone application, that requires no external pumping and is capable of rapid (within 18 minutes) 6-step colorimetric detection of an array of vaccinia virus proteins spotted on a nitrocellulose pad. We envision this platform as a first step to a fully integrated, portable immunoassay that can be used to expand global healthcare.
Silane, trichloro(heneicosafluorodecyl)-
(R)-2,3-Bis(stearoyloxy)propyl (2-(trimethylammonio)ethyl) phosphate
Hexanoic acid,6-[[5-[(3aS,4S,6aR)-hexahydro-2-oxo-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-4-yl]-1-oxopentyl]amino]-,2,5-dioxo-3-sulfo-1-pyrrolidinyl ester, sodium salt (1:1)
Polyglycolic acid