Christof Haettig

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Name: Christof Hättig
Organization: Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum , Germany
Title: (PhD)


Co-reporter:Lena Grimmelsmann, Alireza Marefat Khah, Christian Spies, Christof Hättig, and Patrick Nuernberger
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters May 4, 2017 Volume 8(Issue 9) pp:1986-1986
Publication Date(Web):April 20, 2017
Many synthetic DNA minor groove binders exhibit a strong increase in fluorescence when bound to DNA. The pharmaceutical-relevant berenil (diminazene aceturate) is an exception with an extremely low fluorescence quantum yield (on the order of 10–4). We investigate the ultrafast excited-state dynamics of this triazene by femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence experiments in water, ethylene glycol, and buffer and bound to the enzyme β-trypsin, the minor groove of AT-rich DNA, and G-quadruplex DNA. Ab initio calculations provide additional mechanistic insight. The complementing studies unveil that the excited-state motion initiated by ππ* excitation occurs in two phases: a subpicosecond phase associated with the lengthening of the central N═N double bond, followed by a bicycle-pedal-type motion of the triazene bridge, which is almost volume-conserving and can proceed efficiently within only a few picoseconds even under spatially confined conditions. Our results elucidate the excited-state relaxation mechanism of aromatic triazenes and explain the modest sensitivity of the fluorescence quantum yield of berenil even when it is bound to various biomolecules.
Co-reporter:Benjamin Helmich-Paris, Christof Hättig, and Christoph van Wüllen
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2016 Volume 12(Issue 4) pp:1892-1904
Publication Date(Web):February 16, 2016
In most organic molecules, phosphorescence has its origin in transitions from triplet exited states to the singlet ground state, which are spin-forbidden in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. A sufficiently accurate description of phosphorescence lifetimes for molecules that contain only light elements can be achieved by treating the spin–orbit coupling (SOC) with perturbation theory (PT). We present an efficient implementation of this approach for the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles model CC2 in combination with the resolution-of-the-identity approximation for the electron repulsion integrals. The induced oscillator strengths and phosphorescence lifetimes from SOC-PT are computed within the response theory framework. In contrast to previous work, we employ an explicitly spin-coupled basis for singlet and triplet operators. Thereby, a spin–orbital treatment can be entirely avoided for closed-shell molecules. For compounds containing only light elements, the phosphorescence lifetimes obtained with SOC-PT-CC2 are in good agreement with those of exact two-component (X2C) CC2, whereas the calculations are roughly 12 times faster than with X2C. Phosphorescence lifetimes computed for two thioketones with the SOC-PT-CC2 approach agree very well with reference results from experiment and are similar to those obtained with multireference spin–orbit configuration interaction and with X2C-CC2. An application to phosphorescent emitters for metal-free organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with almost 60 atoms and more than 1800 basis functions demonstrates how the approach extends the applicability of coupled cluster methods for studying phosphorescence. The results indicate that other decay channels like vibrational relaxation may become important in such systems if lifetimes are large.
Co-reporter:Dalibor Hršak, Alireza Marefat Khah, Ove Christiansen, and Christof Hättig
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2015 Volume 11(Issue 8) pp:3669-3678
Publication Date(Web):July 13, 2015
We present a novel polarizable embedded resolution-of-identity coupled cluster singles and approximate doubles (PERI-CC2) method for calculation of two-photon absorption (TPA) spectra of large molecular systems. The method was benchmarked for three types of systems: a water-solvated molecule of formamide, a uracil molecule in aqueous solution, and a set of mutants of the channelrhodopsin (ChR) protein. The first test case shows that the PERI-CC2 method is in excellent agreement with the PE-CC2 method and in good agreement with the PE-CCSD method. The uracil test case indicates that the effects of hydrogen bonding on the TPA of a chromophore with the nearest environment is well-described with the PERI-CC2 method. Finally, the ChR calculation shows that the PERI-CC2 method is well-suited and efficient for calculations on proteins with medium-sized chromophores.
Co-reporter:Gunnar Schmitz, Christof Hättig and David P. Tew  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 vol. 16(Issue 40) pp:22167-22178
Publication Date(Web):03 Sep 2014
We present our current progress on the combination of explicit electron correlation with the pair natural orbital (PNO) representation. In particular we show cubic scaling PNO-MP2-F12, and PNO-CCSD[F12] implementations. The PNOs are constructed using a hybrid scheme, where the PNOs are generated in a truncated doubles space, spanned by orbital specific virtuals obtained using an iterative eigenvector algorithm. We demonstrate the performance of our implementation through calculations on a series of glycine chains. The accuracy of the local approximations is assessed using the S66 benchmark set, and we report for the first time explicitly correlated CCSD results for the whole set and improved estimates for the CCSD/CBS limits. For several dimers the PNO-CCSD[F12] calculations are more accurate than the current reference values. Additionally, we present pilot applications of our PNO-CCSD[F12] code to host–guest interactions in a cluster model for zeolite H-ZSM-5 and in a calix[4]arene–water complex.
Co-reporter:Daniel H. Friese, Christof Hättig, and Jörg Koβmann
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2013 Volume 9(Issue 3) pp:1469-1480
Publication Date(Web):February 28, 2013
An implementation of analytic second derivatives for the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles model CC2 and for second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) will be presented. The RI approximation for the two-electron repulsion integrals is used to reduce memory demands, operation count, and I/O requirements. During the calculation, the storage of quantities (where is a measure for the system size) can completely be avoided. It is shown that with the MP2 method and an appropriate scaling of the harmonic frequencies, especially C–F stretch frequencies are reproduced much better in comparison to experiments than with the B3LYP density functional. Similar advantages are observed for molecules with strong, internal van der Waals interactions. Spin scaling offers additional improvements in these cases. The implementation has been tested for molecules with up to 81 atoms and 684 basis functions.
Co-reporter:Nina O. C. Winter, Nora K. Graf, Samuel Leutwyler and Christof Hättig  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 vol. 15(Issue 18) pp:6623-6630
Publication Date(Web):19 Oct 2012
In the present study a benchmark set of medium-sized and large aromatic organic molecules with 10–78 atoms is presented. For this test set 0–0 transition energies measured in supersonic jets are compared to those calculated with DFT and the B3LYP functional, ADC(2), CC2 and the spin-scaled CC2 variants SOS-CC2 and SCS-CC2. Geometries of the ground and excited states have been optimized with these methods in polarized triple zeta basis sets. Zero-point vibrational corrections have been calculated with the same methods and basis sets. In addition the energies have been corrected by single point calculations with a triple zeta basis augmented with diffuse functions, aug-cc-pVTZ. The deviations of the theoretical results from experimental electronic origins, which have all been measured in the gas phase with high-resolution techniques, were evaluated. The accuracy of SOS-CC2 is comparable to that of unscaled CC2, whereas ADC(2) has slightly larger errors. The lowest errors were found for SCS-CC2. All correlated wave function methods provide significantly better results than DFT with the B3LYP functional. The effects of the energy corrections from the augmented basis set and the method-consistent calculation of the zero-point vibrational corrections are small. With this benchmark set reliable reference data for 0–0 transition energies for larger organic chromophores are available that can be used to benchmark the accuracy of other quantum chemical methods such as new DFT functionals or semi-empirical methods for excitation energies and structures and thereby augments available benchmark sets augments present benchmark sets which include mainly smaller molecules.
Co-reporter:Daniel H. Friese, Christof Hättig and Kenneth Ruud  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 vol. 14(Issue 3) pp:1175-1184
Publication Date(Web):30 Nov 2011
An implementation of two-photon absorption matrix elements using the approximate second-order coupled-cluster singles and doubles model CC2 is presented. In this implementation we use the resolution-of-the-identity approximation for the two-electron repulsion integrals to reduce the computational cost. To avoid storage of large arrays we introduce in addition a numerical Laplace transformation of orbital energy denominators for the response of the doubles amplitudes. The error due to the numerical Laplace transformation is found to be negligible. Using this new implementation, we performed a series of benchmark calculations on substituted benzene and azobenzene derivatives to get reference values for TD-DFT results. We show that results obtained with the Coulomb-attenuated B3LYP functional are in reasonable agreement with the coupled-cluster results, whereas other density functionals which do not have a long-range correction give considerably less accurate results. Applications to the AF240 dye molecule and a weakly bound molecular tweezer complex demonstrate that this new RI-CC2 implementation allows for the first time to compute two-photon absorption cross sections with a correlated wave function method for molecules with more than 70 atoms and to apply this method for benchmarking TD-DFT calculations on molecules which are of particular relevance for experimental studies of two-photon absorption.
Co-reporter:Christof Hättig, Gunnar Schmitz and Jörg Koßmann  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 vol. 14(Issue 18) pp:6549-6555
Publication Date(Web):13 Mar 2012
We report optimised auxiliary basis sets for the resolution-of-the-identity (or density-fitting) approximation of two-electron integrals in second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) and similar electronic structure calculations with correlation-consistent basis sets for the post-d elements Ga–Kr, In–Xe, and Tl–Rn. The auxiliary basis sets are optimised such that the density-fitting error is negligible compared to the one-electron basis set error. To check to which extent this criterion is fulfilled we estimated for a test set of 80 molecules the basis set limit of the correlation energy at the MP2 level and evaluated the remaining density-fitting and the one-electron basis set errors. The resulting auxiliary basis sets are only 2–6 times larger than the corresponding one-electron basis sets and lead in MP2 calculations to speed-ups of the integral evaluation by one to three orders of magnitude. The density-fitting errors in the correlation energy are at least hundred times smaller than the one-electron basis set error, i.e. in the order of only 1–100 μH per atom.
Co-reporter:Christof Hättig, Gunnar Schmitz and Jörg Koßmann
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 - vol. 14(Issue 18) pp:NaN6555-6555
Publication Date(Web):2012/03/13
We report optimised auxiliary basis sets for the resolution-of-the-identity (or density-fitting) approximation of two-electron integrals in second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) and similar electronic structure calculations with correlation-consistent basis sets for the post-d elements Ga–Kr, In–Xe, and Tl–Rn. The auxiliary basis sets are optimised such that the density-fitting error is negligible compared to the one-electron basis set error. To check to which extent this criterion is fulfilled we estimated for a test set of 80 molecules the basis set limit of the correlation energy at the MP2 level and evaluated the remaining density-fitting and the one-electron basis set errors. The resulting auxiliary basis sets are only 2–6 times larger than the corresponding one-electron basis sets and lead in MP2 calculations to speed-ups of the integral evaluation by one to three orders of magnitude. The density-fitting errors in the correlation energy are at least hundred times smaller than the one-electron basis set error, i.e. in the order of only 1–100 μH per atom.
Co-reporter:Daniel H. Friese, Christof Hättig and Kenneth Ruud
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 - vol. 14(Issue 3) pp:NaN1184-1184
Publication Date(Web):2011/11/30
An implementation of two-photon absorption matrix elements using the approximate second-order coupled-cluster singles and doubles model CC2 is presented. In this implementation we use the resolution-of-the-identity approximation for the two-electron repulsion integrals to reduce the computational cost. To avoid storage of large arrays we introduce in addition a numerical Laplace transformation of orbital energy denominators for the response of the doubles amplitudes. The error due to the numerical Laplace transformation is found to be negligible. Using this new implementation, we performed a series of benchmark calculations on substituted benzene and azobenzene derivatives to get reference values for TD-DFT results. We show that results obtained with the Coulomb-attenuated B3LYP functional are in reasonable agreement with the coupled-cluster results, whereas other density functionals which do not have a long-range correction give considerably less accurate results. Applications to the AF240 dye molecule and a weakly bound molecular tweezer complex demonstrate that this new RI-CC2 implementation allows for the first time to compute two-photon absorption cross sections with a correlated wave function method for molecules with more than 70 atoms and to apply this method for benchmarking TD-DFT calculations on molecules which are of particular relevance for experimental studies of two-photon absorption.
Co-reporter:Nina O. C. Winter, Nora K. Graf, Samuel Leutwyler and Christof Hättig
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 - vol. 15(Issue 18) pp:NaN6630-6630
Publication Date(Web):2012/10/19
In the present study a benchmark set of medium-sized and large aromatic organic molecules with 10–78 atoms is presented. For this test set 0–0 transition energies measured in supersonic jets are compared to those calculated with DFT and the B3LYP functional, ADC(2), CC2 and the spin-scaled CC2 variants SOS-CC2 and SCS-CC2. Geometries of the ground and excited states have been optimized with these methods in polarized triple zeta basis sets. Zero-point vibrational corrections have been calculated with the same methods and basis sets. In addition the energies have been corrected by single point calculations with a triple zeta basis augmented with diffuse functions, aug-cc-pVTZ. The deviations of the theoretical results from experimental electronic origins, which have all been measured in the gas phase with high-resolution techniques, were evaluated. The accuracy of SOS-CC2 is comparable to that of unscaled CC2, whereas ADC(2) has slightly larger errors. The lowest errors were found for SCS-CC2. All correlated wave function methods provide significantly better results than DFT with the B3LYP functional. The effects of the energy corrections from the augmented basis set and the method-consistent calculation of the zero-point vibrational corrections are small. With this benchmark set reliable reference data for 0–0 transition energies for larger organic chromophores are available that can be used to benchmark the accuracy of other quantum chemical methods such as new DFT functionals or semi-empirical methods for excitation energies and structures and thereby augments available benchmark sets augments present benchmark sets which include mainly smaller molecules.
Co-reporter:Gunnar Schmitz, Christof Hättig and David P. Tew
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 - vol. 16(Issue 40) pp:NaN22178-22178
Publication Date(Web):2014/09/03
We present our current progress on the combination of explicit electron correlation with the pair natural orbital (PNO) representation. In particular we show cubic scaling PNO-MP2-F12, and PNO-CCSD[F12] implementations. The PNOs are constructed using a hybrid scheme, where the PNOs are generated in a truncated doubles space, spanned by orbital specific virtuals obtained using an iterative eigenvector algorithm. We demonstrate the performance of our implementation through calculations on a series of glycine chains. The accuracy of the local approximations is assessed using the S66 benchmark set, and we report for the first time explicitly correlated CCSD results for the whole set and improved estimates for the CCSD/CBS limits. For several dimers the PNO-CCSD[F12] calculations are more accurate than the current reference values. Additionally, we present pilot applications of our PNO-CCSD[F12] code to host–guest interactions in a cluster model for zeolite H-ZSM-5 and in a calix[4]arene–water complex.
Oxazole, 2-(2-bromophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-4-(phenylmethyl)-, (4S)-
Oxazole,2-(2-bromophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-4-(1-methylethyl)-, (4S)-
Glycine, glycylglycylglycylglycylglycylglycylglycyl-
Methylene, hydroxy-