Co-reporter:Aifeng Liu, Yawei Wang, Mo Xian, Zongshan Zhao, Bin Zhao, Jinpeng Wang, Peng Yao
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017 Volume 124, Issue 1(Issue 1) pp:
Publication Date(Web):15 November 2017
•PCB deposition characteristics were studied in ECS and adjacent shelf.•We analyzed 39 PCB congeners by high-resolution sampling and high-resolution MS.•Low chlorinated PCBs were main components and tetra-CBs were dominant congeners.•A boundary of 30°N was found based on PCB deposition characteristics and sources.Due to limited samples and low-resolution analysis, conflicting findings on major polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and their origins remain in the East China Sea (ECS). Based on high-resolution sampling and high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis, 72 surface sediment samples from the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent ECS shelf were determined to characterize 39 PCB congeners. PCBs (∑39PCBs) ranged from 0.003 to 16.18 ng/g dw, presenting a decreasing seaward trend. Tri-, tetra- and penta-CBs were the main components, accounting for > 64% of ∑39PCBs in most samples. Tetra-CBs were the dominant congeners, corresponding to results of sediments from Changjiang middle reach and soils from Changjiang Delta. Comparison between PCBs and sediment properties indicated there may be a deposition boundary of 30°N. In the north, the spatial distribution of PCBs is controlled by Changjiang input and hydrodynamic conditions, while in the south closely related to combination of local source and riverine input.
Co-reporter:Bin Zhao, Peng Yao, Thomas S. Bianchi, Yahong Xu, Hui Liu, Tiezhu Mi, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Jiwen Liu, Zhigang Yu
Journal of Marine Systems (August 2017) Volume 172() pp:64-74
Publication Date(Web):1 August 2017
•Pore-water solute profiles varied among different seasons and regions.•Seasonal erosion-re-deposition greatly influenced pore-water solute profiles.•Terrestrial OC inputs and hypoxia influenced the early diagenetic processes.•The NO3−/NO2− ratios significantly correlated with the abundance of AOA and AOB.•Intense SOC remineralization resulted in rapid formation of authigenic minerals.Large-river delta-front estuaries (LDEs) and their adjacent shelf margins are sites of dynamic diagenetic processes that play a significant role in coastal biogeochemical cycling. In this study, we used dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), redox sensitive elements (Fe2 + and Mn2 +), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) nutrients (NH4+, NO3−, and NO2−), major cations and anions (K+, Ca2 +, Mg2 +, SO42 −, and Cl−) in bottom-water and sediment pore-waters, to investigate the early chemical diagenesis and authigenic mineral formation in mobile-mud deposits of the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS). Vertical profiles of DIC and NH4+ in pore-waters had similar trends at most sites, showing a significant increase with depth near the Changjiang Estuary and being relatively constant at offshore sites. Higher pore-water DIC and NH4+ concentrations were observed in nearshore sites in winter, which were likely attributed to exposure of deeper deposits by winter coastal erosion. Nitrification was observed at most sites, and AOB (ammonia-oxidizing bacteria) played a leading role in ammonia oxidation in the study areas. The nitrification-denitrification was likely important in contributing to the loss of DIN in offshore sites during summer. Large inputs of organic carbon (OC) and terrestrial materials from Changjiang River resulted in intense sulfate reduction and Fe and Mn reduction in nearshore sites. Lower C/N and C/S ratios coupled with an apparent decrease in pore-water Ca2 + and Mg2+ concentrations with depth near the Changjiang Estuary, which indicated that authigenic carbonate formation occurs in these sediments. Decreases in K+ and Mg2 + with depth reflected that reverse weathering was an important process of authigenic mineral formation in these sediments. We conclude that adsorption process, seasonal erosion-redeposition, and summer hypoxic conditions of bottom-waters may play an important role in early diagenesis processes and remineralization of SOC in the Changjiang LDE.