Helong Jiang

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Organization: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department: Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology
Co-reporter:Leilei Bai, Chicheng Cao, Changhui Wang, Huacheng Xu, Hui Zhang, Vera I. Slaveykova, and Helong Jiang
Environmental Science & Technology June 6, 2017 Volume 51(Issue 11) pp:6018-6018
Publication Date(Web):May 3, 2017
Occurrence of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHAB) can induce considerable patchiness in the concentration and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter (DOM), which could influence biogeochemical processes and fuel microbial metabolism. In the present study, a laboratory 4-stage plug-flow bioreactor was used to successfully separate the CyanoHAB-derived DOM isolated from the eutrophic Lake Taihu (China) into continuum classes of bioavailable compounds. A combination of new state-of-the-art tools borrowed from analytical chemistry and microbial ecology were used to characterize quantitatively the temporary evolution of DOM and to get deeper insights into its bioavailability. The results showed a total 79% dissolved organic carbon loss over time accompanied by depletion of protein-like fluorescent components, especially the relatively hydrophilic ones. However, hydrophilic humic-like fluorescent components exhibited bioresistant behavior. Consistently, ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) revealed that smaller, less aromatic, more oxygenated, and nitrogen-rich molecules were preferentially consumed by microorganisms with the production of lipid-like species, whereas recalcitrant molecules were primarily composed of carboxylic-rich alicyclic compounds. Moreover, the bioavailability of DOM was negatively correlated with microbial community diversity in the bioreactor. Results from this study provide deeper insights into the fate of DOM and relevant biogeochemical processes in eutrophic lakes.
Co-reporter:Leilei Bai, Zhen Zhao, Chunliu Wang, Changhui Wang, Xin Liu, Helong Jiang
Chemosphere 2017 Volume 187(Volume 187) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 November 2017
•Quantitative and qualitative information of TTC-DOM complexes was investigated.•Sequential order of complexation: tryptophan→tyrosine→humic-like component.•Amide I and II, aromatics, and aliphatics in DOM were involved in the complexation.•The interaction of TTC with MDOM was stronger than with ADOM.Interactions of antibiotics with algae-derived dissolved organic matter (ADOM) and macrophyte-derived dissolved organic matter (MDOM) are of vital importance to the transport and ecotoxicity of antibiotics in eutrophic freshwater lakes. Multi-spectroscopic techniques were used to investigate the complexation of tetracycline (TTC) with ADOM and MDOM collected from Lake Taihu (China). The 3 fluorescent components, tyrosine-, tryptophan-, and humic-like component, were identified by excitation emission matrix spectra with parallel factor analysis. Their fluorescence was quenched at different degree by TTC titration through static quenching. The complexation of TTC induced conformational changes in DOM fractions. Synchronous fluorescence spectra combined with two dimensional correlation spectroscopy further suggested that the formation of TTC–DOM complexes occurred on the sequential order of tryptophan-like→tyrosine-like→humic-like component. The effective quenching constants of tryptophan- and tyrosine-like component were similar, higher than those of humic-like component. The strong binding ability and abundant content of protein-like substances indicated their prominent role in the TTC–DOM complexation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy further revealed that the heterogeneous functional groups, including amide I and II, aromatics, and aliphatics, were responsible for the complexation. These results highlight the significant impact of the overgrowth of algae and macrophyte on the environmental behavior of antibiotics in waters.
Co-reporter:Haiyuan Cai;Yuan Shi;Yanan Wang;Henglin Cui
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2017 Volume 110( Issue 9) pp:1169-1177
Publication Date(Web):09 June 2017
A bacterial strain, TH1-2T, was isolated from cyanobacterial aggregates in the eutrophic Lake Taihu, Jiangsu Province, China. Cells were observed to be Gram-negative, slightly curved and rod-shaped. Optimal growth was obtained at pH 7.0 (range 5.5–8.5) and 30 °C (range 20–37 °C) in trypticase soy broth (TSB) without NaCl. Growth was not observed in TSB with 1.0% (w/v) NaCl added. The cells were found to be positive for oxidase and catalase activities. The major fatty acids were identified as 3-hydroxy hexadecanoic acid (C16:0 3-OH), C16:1ω5c and summed feature 8 (consisting of C18:1ω6c and cis-11-Octadecenoic acid (C18:1ω7c). The major polar lipids were identified as diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain TH1-2T was found to be phylogenetically related to those of Glycocaulis abyssi MCS 33T and Brevundimonas naejangsanensis BIO-TAS2-2T (90.5 and 90.0% similarity, respectively). The genomic G+C content of strain TH1-2T was 55.6 mol% based on whole genome calculations. Average nucleotide identities (ANI) and the digital DNA–DNA hybridizations (DDH) for complete genomes ranged from 66.84  to 67.32  and 21.3 to 31.8% between strain TH1-2T and type strains within the family Caulobacteraceae, higher than those between strain TH1-2T and the strains within the family Hyphomonadaceae. The phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic properties, and genome analysis, indicate that strain TH1-2T (=CGMCC 1.12979T = LMG 28362T) represents a novel species in a new genus within the family Caulobacteraceae; thus, the name Aquidulcibacter paucihalophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., is proposed.
Co-reporter:Leilei Bai, Chicheng Cao, Chunliu Wang, Changhui Wang, Hui Zhang, Helong Jiang
Environmental Pollution 2017 Volume 230(Volume 230) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 November 2017
•Phytoplankton- and macrophyte-derived DOM enhanced SMT adsorption on goethite.•Adsorptive fractionation of DOM on goethite was investigated using EEM–PARAFAC.•Fluorescence quenching revealed the interactions between DOM components and SMT.•Protein-like components were preferentially adsorbed on goethite.•The adsorbable protein-like components can strongly form complexes with SMT.Phytoplankton-derived dissolved organic matter (PDOM) and macrophyte-derived dissolved organic matter (MDOM) exist ubiquitously in eutrophic freshwater lakes. To understand the heterogeneous roles of individual fluorescent DOM components in the adsorption of antibiotics onto sediment minerals, the adsorptive fractionation of DOM on goethite (α–FeOOH) and its interaction with sulfamethazine (SMT) were investigated using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix combined with parallel factor analysis (EEM–PARAFAC). The affinity sequence for goethite of the 4 fluorescent PARAFAC components followed the order of: tryptophan- > tyrosine- > long emission wavelength (LEW) humic- > and short emission wavelength (SEW) humic-like component. This sequence indicated the preferential adsorption of protein-like substances. Meanwhile, tyrosine-like components can strongly form complexes with SMT with a large binding constant, followed by tryptophan- and SEW humic-like components. However, LEW humic-like component did not effectively react with SMT. The main mechanism of fluorescence quenching between DOM and SMT was static quenching. The result indicated that protein-like substances in DOM were favorable to SMT adsorption by acting as a bridge to form complexes with both goethite surface and SMT molecules, whereas humic-like substances played secondary roles in the DOM–goethite–SMT ternary system. Due to its higher content of protein-like substances, PDOM improved the SMT adsorption on goethite more than MDOM. Therefore, the abundant DOM released from phytoplankton and macrophytes affected the transport of antibiotics to sediments and might eventually change their bioavailability and toxicity to organisms.Download high-res image (232KB)Download full-size image
Co-reporter:Changhui Wang, Rui He, Yu Wu, Miquel Lürling, Haiyuan Cai, He-Long Jiang, Xin Liu
Water Research 2017 Volume 109(Volume 109) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 February 2017
•Different methods led to varied bioavailable P estimation in amended sediment.•The growth of M. aeruginosa was not well reduced by P inactivating agents.•Bioavailable P reduction was less than mobile P locking by inactivating agents.•Macrophyte and cyanobacteria can utilize various P in amended sediment.•Bioavailable P assessing is crucial for successful lake geo-engineering.Phosphorus (P) immobilization by inactivating agents in the sediment of eutrophic lakes to reduce immediately available P in lake water is often crucial for mitigating nuisance eutrophication symptoms, such as cyanobacterial blooms. Macrophytes and phytoplankton, however, can directly utilize P from the sediment for growth. Accordingly, a comprehensive analysis of the P bioavailability in lake sediment amended with two promising P-inactivation agents, namely Phoslock® and drinking water treatment residue (DWTR), was investigated in both short- and long-term studies (20 and 180 d). Phosphorus-availability was assessed using six chemical extraction methods and Hydrilla verticillata and Microcystis aeruginosa growth tests. The results showed that Phoslock® and DWTR significantly reduced mobile P (NH4Cl and Na2S2O4/NaHCO3 extractable P) in lake sediment, while P bioavailability that was assessed by different methods showed considerable deviations. Interestingly, appropriate bioavailable P chemical extraction methods were determined based on linear correlation analysis, and further comparison indicated that reduction of bioavailable P by DWTR (<55% for macrophyte available P) and Phoslock® (<17% for cyanobacteria available P) were clearly less than the mobile P immobilization (>75%) at recommended dosages, which was probably caused by the capability of macrophyte and cyanobacteria to utilize various fractions of P (except the residual P) in amended sediment under proper illumination. Therefore, DWTR and Phoslock® can effectively reduce P release from lake sediment, but the potential bioavailable P may pose uncertainties for eutrophication control in lakes that typically have regular sediment re-suspension. Overall, an evaluation of the bioavailable P pool in the lake ecosystem should be essential for successful lake geo-engineering.Download high-res image (327KB)Download full-size image
Co-reporter:Haiyuan Cai, Yonghui Zeng, Helong Jiang
Gene Reports 2017 Volume 9(Volume 9) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 December 2017
•The annotated draft genome of Elstera cyanobacteriorum is presented.•Genes involved in denitrification and multiple carbon substrate utilization are encoded.•A comparison with the draft genome of E. litoralis is included.•Physiological differences between strain E. cyanobacteriorum and E. litoralis validate genome differences.We reported the draft genome of Elstera cyanobacteriorum, containing 3.95 Mb. The G + C content of the genome is 62.4%. This strain possesses motility and chemotaxis genes, multiple carbon substrate utilization gene clusters and denitrifying reductase gene clusters. The sequence will provide the genetic basis for better understanding of adaptation to cyanobacterial aggregates and nitrogen removal during cyanobacterial blooming.
Co-reporter:Huacheng Xu, Hua Lv, Xin Liu, Peifang Wang, and Helong Jiang
Environmental Science & Technology 2016 Volume 50(Issue 17) pp:9034-9043
Publication Date(Web):August 9, 2016
The hydrodynamic and structural properties of Microcystis extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in electrolytes with different valences and ionic strengths were investigated via using dynamic light scattering, the fluorescence excitation emission matrix coupled with parallel factor (EEM–PARAFAC) analysis, two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS), and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (Cryo-TEM). The hydrodynamic diameters of EPS colloids exhibited no variation for monovalent NaCl but a substantial increase for divalent CaCl2 and MgCl2. However, the negative electrophoretic mobilities for all complexes indicated that charge neutralization would not be the main mechanism for EPS aggregation. Application of EEM–PARAFAC and 2D-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)–COS revealed obvious electrolyte binding potential with both fluorescent phenolic and aromatic compounds and nonfluorescent polysaccharides. The complexation model showed that divalent Ca2+ and Mg2+ exhibited a strong binding capability with phenolic −OH, aromatic C═C, and polysaccharide C–O groups, while the monovalent electrolyte exhibited negligible association with these groups. Such a strong complexation can bridge each individual biomolecule together to form EPS aggregates and Microcystis colonies, as supported by in situ Cryo-TEM and light microscope observation, respectively. Given the increased concentration in natural ecosystems, electrolyte cations, especially divalent cations, would play increased roles in Microcystis bloom formation and thus should be considered.
Co-reporter:Na Song;Zai-Sheng Yan;Hai-Yuan Cai;He-Long Jiang
Hydrobiologia 2013 Volume 714( Issue 1) pp:131-144
Publication Date(Web):2013 September
In shallow aquatic systems, the majority of organic matter mineralization occurs in the sediments. Several factors including temperature control mineralization rates, however, the underlying causes of the effects are not well understood in subtropical lakes. In this study, we determined the influence of temperature on organic matter degradation by taking sediments from four sites in a subtropical large shallow freshwater lake, and monitoring organic matter composition and enzymes in microcosm experiments at five temperatures from 5 to 40°C. Following a three-month incubation, it was found that the mineralization of submerged plants in sediments was strongly influenced by temperature. Removal efficiency of total organic carbon in sediments ranged from 4.3 to 22.6% at 5°C, and reached 46.7–55.5% at 40°C. In addition, the removal efficiency of organic matter and the relative recalcitrant carbon decomposition depended on sediment type. For sediments in the site located in the lake center, recalcitrant and labile carbon decomposition had equivalent responses to the different temperatures. For sediments with dominance of submerged macrophytes, the humic acids were low even at high temperature. Thus, the annual deposition of plant litter in sediments favored organic carbon decomposition rather than humification.
Co-reporter:Hai-Yuan Cai;Zai-sheng Yan;Ai-Jie Wang;Lee R. Krumholz
Microbial Ecology 2013 Volume 66( Issue 1) pp:73-83
Publication Date(Web):2013 July
The phylogenetic diversity of the microbial community assemblage of the carpet-like mucilaginous cyanobacterial blooms in the eutrophic Lake Taihu was investigated. 16S ribosomal DNA clone libraries produced from the DNA of cyanobacterial assemblages that had been washed to remove unattached bacteria contained only cyanobacteria. However, a further treatment which included grinding the freeze-dried material to physically detach cells followed by the removal of larger cells by filtration allowed us to detect a large variety of bacteria within the cyanobacterial bloom community. Interestingly, the dominant members of the microbial community were Planctomycetes followed by Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroides (CFB), Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria. The analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA clone libraries made from enrichment culture revealed much higher phylogenetic diversity of bacteria. Dominant bacterial groups in the enrichment system were identified as members of the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria subdivisions, CFB group, and Planctomycetes. In addition, the clone libraries constructed from Planctomycetes-specific 16S ribosomal RNA primers also verified that the enrichment allowed a diversity of Planctomycetes to proliferate, although the community composition was altered after enrichment.
Co-reporter:Zai S. Yan;Ying Hu;He L. Jiang
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2011 Volume 87( Issue 2) pp:129-133
Publication Date(Web):2011 August
A study was conducted to determine the response of the rooted submersed macrophyte, Vallisneria spiralis to phenanthrene in freshwater sediments with initial phenanthrene concentrations from 0 to 80 mg kg−1 dry sediment. The sensitivity of various morphological endpoints was evaluated after 90 days of exposure. The most sensitive toxicity test endpoints were those that reflected root growth. Toxicological sensitivity of the endpoints changed with the effect level selected. The toxicity threshold from a plot of the EC10 values was 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than those calculated for the threshold from plots of the EC25 or EC50 values. In addition, stimulatory responses (hormesis) on root growth were observed at subtoxic concentrations of phenanthrene, and a hormetic model should thus be incorporated for ecological risk assessment.
Co-reporter:Tian-Shun Song;Zai-Sheng Yan;Zhi-Wei Zhao
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2011 Volume 34( Issue 5) pp:621-627
Publication Date(Web):2011 June
In this work, sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) with granule activated carbon (GAC) cathode and stainless steel anode was constructed in laboratory tests and various factors on SMFC power output were investigated. The maximum power densities for the SMFC with GAC cathode was 3.5 mW m−2, it was much higher than SMFC with round stainless steel cathode. Addition of cellulose reduced the output power from SMFC at the beginning of experiments, while the output power was found to increase after adding cellulose to sediments on day 90 of operation. On 160 day, maximum power density from the SMFC with adding 0.2% cellulose reached to 11.2 mW m−2. In addition, the surface morphology of stainless steel anode on day 90 was analyzed by scanning electron microscope. It was found that the protection layer of the stainless steel as electrode in SMFCs was destroyed to some extent.
Co-reporter:Tian-Shun Song;Zai-Sheng Yan;Zhi-Wei Zhao;He-Long Jiang
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2010 Volume 85( Issue 11) pp:1489-1493
Publication Date(Web):


BACKGROUND: Besides acting as power sources, sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFC) could be explored to remove organic matter in sediments and then maintain the water quality in aquatic environments. Until now, the role of the external resistance in the removal of organic matter by SMFC has received only limited attention. In this work, the removal of organic matters in sediments by lab-scale SMFCs at five different external resistances from 10 to 1000 Ω was investigated.

RESLUTS: The external resistance in SMFCs had a strong influence on the working potentials of anodes. Application of a 100 Ω external resistance corresponded to the lowest internal resistance and highest removal efficiency of organic matter in sediment. The removal efficiency of readily oxidizable organic matter in a layer of sediment with a distance of 0–1 cm to the anode reached 28.3 ± 1.9% at 100 Ω external resistance after 2 months of operation. In addition, there existed a linear relationship between current production from the SMFCs and removal efficiency of organic matter from sediments.

CONCLUSIONS: The performance of SMFCs for the removal of organic matter in sediments could be enhanced through the selection of optimal external resistance. The SMFC real-time removal process could be monitored remotely using current generated. Thus, SMFCs offer an attractive alternative for the environmentally-friendly removal of organic matter in sediments. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry

Co-reporter:He-Long Jiang;Abdul Majid Maszenan
Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2010 Volume 37( Issue 3) pp:253-262
Publication Date(Web):2010 March
The physical structure and activity of aerobic granules, and the succession of bacterial community within aerobic granules under constant operational conditions and shock loading were investigated in one sequencing batch reactor over ten months. While the maturation phase of the granulation process began on day 30, the structure of microbial community changed markedly until after three months of reactor operation under constant conditions with a loading rate of 1.5 g phenol L−1 day−1. A shock loading of 6.0 g phenol L−1 day−1 from days 182–192 led to divergence of bacterial community, an inhibition of the biomass activity, and a decrease in phenol removal rate in the reactor. However, phenol was still completely removed under this disturbance. After the shock loading, the mean sizes of aerobic granules increased, and the activity of the microbial population within the granules decreased, although there appeared highly resilient for the dominant bacterial community of aerobic granules which mainly included β-Proteobacteria. Correlation analysis suggested that biomass concentration and biomass loading were significantly related to the community composition of aerobic granules during the whole operational period. The development of a relatively stable bacterial community in aerobic granules implied that those distinct dominant microbes in aerobic granules were favorably selected and proliferated under the operational conditions.
Co-reporter:Yan-Li Zhou, He-Long Jiang, Hai-Yuan Cai
Journal of Hazardous Materials (28 April 2015) Volume 287() pp:7-15
Publication Date(Web):28 April 2015
•The release of produced gas from CBB decomposition led to sediment bulking.•Decomposition of settled CBB was delayed with SMFC employment.•SMFC employment shifted bacterial and archaeal communities in bulk sediments.•Growth of fermentative Clostridium in sediments was inhibited with SMFC.•SMFC employment prevented sediment bulking and black water agglomerate.Settlement of cyanobacterial bloom biomass (CBB) into sediments in eutrophic lakes often induced the occurrence of black water agglomerate and then water quality deterioration. This study investigated the effect of sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) on CBB removal in sediments and related water pollution. Sediment bulking and subsequent black water from decomposition of settled CBB happened without SMFC, but were not observed over 100-day experiments with SMFC employment. While CBB in sediments improved power production from SMFC, the removal efficiency of organic matters in CBB-amended sediments with SMFC was significantly lower than that without SMFC. Pyrosequencing analysis showed higher abundances of the fermentative Clostridium and acetoclastic methanogen in CBB-amended bulk sediments without SMFC than with SMFC at the end of experiments. Obviously, SMFC operation changed the microbial community in CBB-amended sediments, and delayed the CBB degradation against sediment bulking. Thus, SMFC could be potentially applied as pollution prevention in CBB-settled and sensitive zones in shallow lakes.Download full-size image
Octadecenoic acid, 2-hydroxy-
(()-3-Hydroxyoctadecanoic acid
(Z)-Octadec-13-enoic acid
Tetradecanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-
Hexadecenoic acid, Z-11-
7-Hexadecenoic acid,(7Z)-
Hexadecanoic acid,3-hydroxy-
2-Hydroxyhexadecanoic acid