Co-reporter:Lisa Pecher, Sebastian Schmidt, and Ralf Tonner
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C December 7, 2017 Volume 121(Issue 48) pp:26840-26840
Publication Date(Web):November 9, 2017
Surprising adsorption dynamics in terms of an either direct or pseudodirect pathway in contrast to common precursor-mediated surface reactions is shown for the title system by theoretical investigations. We present a computational protocol for the description of the adsorption dynamics in this complex system that is transferable to other large molecules. The system size prohibits the use of established accurate methods, and approximations have to be made and validated. Our approach combines potential energy surface scans, reaction path determination methods, statistical thermodynamics, and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations based on density functional theory (DFT). This leads to a conclusive picture of adsorption dynamics in the limits of DFT accuracy and shows how a thoughtful selection of methods can comprehensively describe the adsorption dynamics of an experimentally relevant system that might seem too complex for ab initio approaches at first glance.
Co-reporter:Lisa Pecher;Dr. Slimane Laref;Dr. Marc Raupach;Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ralf Tonner
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 47) pp:15347-15351
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/20
AbstractWir zeigen mit quantenchemischen Methoden, dass sich die Adsorption von Ether-Molekülen auf Si(001) im Ultrahochvakuum durch klassische Konzepte der organischen Molekülchemie verstehen lässt. Wie unsere detaillierte Analyse zeigt, spiegelt der zweistufige Mechanismus – 1) Ausbildung einer dativen Bindung zwischen dem Sauerstoffatom am Ether und einem Lewis-sauren Oberflächenatom, 2) nukleophiler Angriff eines nahegelegenen Lewis-basischen Oberflächenatoms – die säurekatalysierte Etherspaltung in Lösung wider. Zudem ist die dative O-Si-Bindung die stärkste ihrer Art und die Reaktivität in Schritt 2 verläuft entgegen dem Bell-Evans-Polanyi-Prinzip. Mithilfe einer neuartigen Methode der Bindungsanalyse wird außerdem die Umverteilung von Elektronendichte während des C-O-Bindungsbruchs visualisiert. Hierbei wird deutlich, dass der Mechanismus nukleophiler Substitutionen auf Halbleiteroberflächen identisch zu molekularen SN2-Reaktionen ist. Unsere Untersuchungen verdeutlichen, wie die Forschungsfelder der Oberflächenwissenschaften und Molekülchemie voneinander profitieren können und so unerwartete Einblicke ermöglichen.
Co-reporter:Lisa Pecher;Dr. Slimane Laref;Dr. Marc Raupach;Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ralf Tonner
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 47) pp:15150-15154
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/20
AbstractBy using computational chemistry it has been shown that the adsorption of ether molecules on Si(001) under ultrahigh vacuum conditions can be understood with classical concepts of organic chemistry. Detailed analysis of the two-step reaction mechanism—1) formation of a dative bond between the ether oxygen atom and a Lewis acidic surface atom and 2) nucleophilic attack of a nearby Lewis basic surface atom—shows that it mirrors acid-catalyzed ether cleavage in solution. The O−Si dative bond is the strongest of its kind, and the reactivity in step 2 defies the Bell–Evans–Polanyi principle. Electron rearrangement during C−O bond cleavage has been visualized with a newly developed method for analyzing bonding, which shows that the mechanism of nucleophilic substitutions on semiconductor surfaces is identical to molecular SN2 reactions. Our findings illustrate how surface science and molecular chemistry can mutually benefit from each other and unexpected insight can be gained.
Co-reporter:Ralf Tonner, Phil Rosenow and Peter Jakob
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 vol. 18(Issue 8) pp:6316-6328
Publication Date(Web):03 Feb 2016
The structure and vibrational properties of the metal–organic interface of 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (NTCDA) on Ag(111) were analysed using Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy in conjunction with density functional theory calculations including dispersion forces (PBE-D3). Mode assignments and polarizations as well as molecular distortions were determined for four adsorption geometries of NTCDA on top and bridge sites aligned either parallel or perpendicular to the Ag rows and compared to accurate calculations of the free molecule. This enables an in-depth understanding of surface effects on the computed and experimental vibrational spectra of the adsorbed NTCDA molecule. The molecule–substrate interaction comprises two major and equally important contributions: non-directional van der Waals forces between molecule and surface, and covalent bonding of the acyl oxygen atoms with underlying Ag atoms, which is quantified by charge-transfer analysis. Furthermore, adsorption energy calculations showed that the molecular axis of flat-lying NTCDA is oriented preferably in parallel to the Ag rows. The molecule is subject to particular distortions from the planar gas phase structure with covalent bonding leading to downward bending of the acyl oxygen atoms and Pauli repulsion to upward bending of the carbon core. In parallel, strong buckling of the silver surface was identified. As found in previous studies, the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the molecule slips below the Fermi level and becomes partially populated upon adsorption. Excitation of totally symmetric vibrational modes then leads to substantial interfacial dynamical charge transfer, which is convincingly reproduced in the calculated IR spectra.
Co-reporter:Mona Bauer;Dejan Premu&x17e;i&x107;;Günther Thiele;Bernhard Neumüller;Álvaro Raya-Barón;Ignacio Fernández;Istemi Kuzu
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2016 Volume 2016( Issue 23) pp:3756-3766
Publication Date(Web):
Depending on the temperature, the twofold deprotonation of 1,1′-methylenebis(3-methylimidazole-2-thione) (1) and the subsequent reaction with 2 equiv. of trimethylsilyl chloride (TMSCl) gives two different bis-TMS-functionalized isomers, namely, 1,1′-methylenebis(3-methyl-4-trimethylsilylimidazole-2-thione) (2) and 1,1′-methylenebis(3-methyl-5-trimethylsilylimidazole-2-thione) (3). The cyclic dimethylsilyl-bridged derivative 1,1′-methylene-5,5′-dimethylsilylenebis(3-methylimidazole-2-thione) (4) can also be obtained, corroborating the 5/5′ addition under certain conditions. All compounds have been examined by multinuclear 1D and 2D NMR experiments (1–4) together with single-crystal X-ray diffraction (3 and 4). Additionally, the dilithiated species 5 was synthesized by reacting 1 with 2 equiv. of nBuLi at ambient temperature in solution (THF). 1H and 7Li pulsed field-gradient spin-echo (PGSE) NMR, 7Li–1H heteronuclear Overhauser spectroscopy (HOESY), gradient heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (gHMQC) and gradient heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (gHMBC) experiments showed that 5 exists as a monomeric contact ion pair (CIP) in THF solution. On the contrary, the X-ray diffraction analysis of 5 revealed a polymeric chain, which can be described as [{5(thf)2}2]∞. Quantum chemical DFT and MP2 calculations were also conducted to determine the energies required for the deprotonation of 1. These results explain the regioselective deprotonation of 1 by CIP formation depending on the temperature and fully support the results of the synthetic and spectroscopic experiments.
Co-reporter:Jörn E. Münzer;Pascual Oña-Burgos;Francisco M. Arrabal-Campos;Bernhard Neumüller;Ignacio Fernández;Istemi Kuzu
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2016 Volume 2016( Issue 24) pp:3852-3858
Publication Date(Web):
The reaction of hexaphenyl-carbodiphosphorane C(PPh3)2 (CDP, 1) with BF3·OEt2 provides the corresponding difluoroborenium cation [CDP–BF2]+ (2+) through fluoride abstraction. Advanced NMR spectroscopy methods, including 19F,31P HMQC; 31P,13C HMQC; 19F,1H HOESY; 19F NOESY; 31P,13C INEPT; and 1H, 31P, 19F, and 11B diffusion NMR measurements, were performed, and they revealed strong ion pairing of 2+ with the [BF4]– counterion in chloroform solution. Structural and computational studies showed strong donor–acceptor interactions, in which the σ and π lone pairs of electrons of C(PPh3)2 donate into the vacant orbitals of the [BF2]+ fragment. The C–B bond shows the highest interaction energy of 242.9 kcal mol–1 found for the corresponding carbodiphosphorane adducts.
Co-reporter:Phil Rosenow; Peter Jakob
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2016 Volume 7(Issue 8) pp:1422-1427
Publication Date(Web):March 30, 2016
We study the significance and characteristics of interfacial dynamical charge transfer at metal–organic interfaces for the organic semiconductor model system 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-tetra-carboxylic dianhydride (NTCDA) on Ag(111) quantitatively. We combine infrared absorption spectroscopy and dispersion-corrected density functional theory calculations to analyze dynamic dipole moments and electron–vibron coupling at the interface. We demonstrate that interfacial dynamical charge transfer is the dominant cause of infrared activity in these systems and that it correlates with results from partial charge and density of states analysis. Nuclear motion generates an additional dynamic dipole moment but represents a minor effect except for modes with significant out-of-plane amplitudes.
Co-reporter:Mewlude Imam, Konstantin Gaul, Andreas Stegmüller, Carina Höglund, Jens Jensen, Lars Hultman, Jens Birch, Ralf Tonner and Henrik Pedersen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015 vol. 3(Issue 41) pp:10898-10906
Publication Date(Web):17 Sep 2015
We present triethylboron (TEB) as a single-source precursor for chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of BxC thin films and study its gas phase chemistry under CVD conditions by quantum chemical calculations. A comprehensive thermochemical catalogue for the species of the gas phase chemistry of TEB is examined and found to be dominated by β-hydride eliminations of C2H4 to yield BH3. A complementary bimolecular reaction path based on H2 assisted C2H6 elimination to BH3 is also significant at lower temperatures in the presence of hydrogen. Furthermore, we find a temperature window of 600–1000 °C for the deposition of X-ray amorphous BxC films with 2.5 ≤ x ≤ 4.5 from TEB. Films grown at temperatures below 600 °C contain high amounts of H, while temperatures above 1000 °C result in C-rich films. The film density and hardness are determined to be in the range of 2.40–2.65 g cm−3 and 29–39 GPa, respectively, within the determined temperature window.
Co-reporter:Andreas Stegmüller and Ralf Tonner
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 13) pp:6363-6372
Publication Date(Web):June 22, 2015
The β-hydrogen elimination reactions of group 15 alkyl compounds at the example of EH2(t-C4H9) (element E = N–Bi) were investigated and compared to the group 13 example of GaH2(t-C4H9). With the aid of extensive density functional theory based analysis of atomic and electronic structures at the transition state, we can derive three distinct reaction classes. The gallium compound follows the well-known β-hydride route with participation of an empty p orbital at the metal in a concerted, synchronous fashion, exhibiting a low barrier. For compounds with group 15 elements, we find highly nonsynchronous reactions with high reaction barriers. In the case of nitrogen, a proton-like H atom is transferred via attack of the nitrogen nonbonding electron pair. For the heavier homologues (P–Bi), E–Cα bond breaking occurs first and the H atom does not carry charge at the transition state. The reaction barrier in group 15 homologues is thus determined by the E–Cα bond strength down the group. The results enable a rationale for ligand design for precursors involved in chemical vapor-phase deposition processes because a good ligand needs to stabilize the positive charge at Cα.
Co-reporter:Andreas Stegmüller
Chemical Vapor Deposition 2015 Volume 21( Issue 7-8-9) pp:161-165
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Jan-Niclas Luy, Simone A. Hauser, Adrian B. Chaplin, and Ralf Tonner
Organometallics 2015 Volume 34(Issue 20) pp:5099-5112
Publication Date(Web):September 23, 2015
Computational methods have been used to analyze distorted coordination geometries in a coherent range of known and new rhodium(I) and iridium(I) complexes containing bioxazoline-based NHC ligands (IBiox). Such distortions are readily placed in context of the literature through measurement of the Cnt(NHC)–CNCN–M angle (ΘNHC; Cnt = ring centroid). On the basis of restricted potential energy calculations using cis-[M(IBioxMe4)(CO)2Cl] (M1; M = Rh, Ir), in-plane (yawing) tilting of the NHC was found to incur significantly steeper energetic penalties than orthogonal out-of-plane (pitching) movement, which is characterized by noticeably flat potential energy surfaces. Energy decomposition analysis (EDA) of the ground-state and pitched structures of M1 indicated only minor differences in bonding characteristics. In contrast, yawing of the NHC ligand is associated with a significant increase in Pauli repulsion (i.e., sterics) and reduction in M→NHC π back donation, but is counteracted by supplemental stabilizing bonding interactions only possible due to the closer proximity of the methyl substituents with the metal and ancillary ligands. Aided by this analysis, comparison with a range of carefully selected model systems and EDA, distorted coordination modes in trans-[M(IBioxMe4)2(COE)Cl] (M2; M = Rh, Ir) and [M(IBioxMe4)3]+ (M3; M = Rh, Ir) have been rationalized. Steric interactions were identified as the major contributing factor and are associated with a high degree of NHC pitching. In the case of Rh3, weak agostic interactions also contribute to the distortions, particularly with respect to NHC yawing, and are notable for increasing the bond dissociation energy of the distorted ligands. Supplementing the computational analysis, an analogue of the formally 14 VE Rh(I) species Rh3 bearing the cyclohexyl-functionalized IBiox6 ligand ([Rh(IBiox6)3]+, Rh3-Cy) was prepared and found to exhibit an exceptionally distorted NHC ligand (ΘNHC = 155.7(2)°) in the solid state.
Co-reporter:Ralf Tonner and Nicola Gaston
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 vol. 16(Issue 44) pp:24244-24249
Publication Date(Web):19 Sep 2014
We consider the structural similarity of small gallium clusters to the bulk structure of α-gallium, which has been previously described as a molecular metal, via density functional theory-based computations. Previous calculations have shown that the tetramer, the hexamer, and the octamer of gallium are all structurally similar to the α-phase. We perform an analysis of the bonding in these clusters in terms of the molecular orbitals and atoms in molecules description in order to assess whether we can see similarities at these sizes to the bonding pattern, which is ascribed to the co-existence of covalent and metallic bonding in the bulk. The singlet Ga4 and Ga8 clusters can be constructed in a singlet ground state from the Ga-dimers in the first excited triplet state of the Ga2-molecule, the 3Σg− state. Molecular orbital (MO) analysis confirms that the dimer is an essential building block of these small clusters. Comparison of the AIM characteristics of the bonds within the clusters to the bonds in the bulk α-phase supports the identification of the covalent bond in the bulk as related to the 3Σg− state of the dimer.
Co-reporter:Andreas Stegmüller, Phil Rosenow and Ralf Tonner
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 vol. 16(Issue 32) pp:17018-17029
Publication Date(Web):09 Jul 2014
The gas phase decomposition reactions of precursor molecules relevant for metal–organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) of semiconductor thin films are investigated by computational methods on the density-functional level as well as on the ab initio (MP2, CCSD(T)) level. A comprehensive reaction catalogue of uni- and bimolecular reactions is presented for triethylgallium (TEG) as well as for tert-butylphosphine (TBP) containing thermodynamic data together with transition state energies. From these energies it can be concluded that TEG is decomposed in the gas phase under MOVPE conditions (T = 400–675 °C, p = 0.05 atm) to GaH3via a series of β-hydride elimination reactions. For elevated temperatures, further decomposition to GaH is thermodynamically accessible. In the case of TBP, the original precursor molecule will be most abundant since all reaction channels exhibit either large barriers or unfavorable thermodynamics. Dispersion-corrected density functional calculations (PBE-D3) provide an accurate description of the reactions investigated in comparison to high level CCSD(T) calculations serving as benchmark values.
Co-reporter:Dr. Ralf Tonner; Dr. Gernot Frenking;Dr. Matthias Lein; Dr. Peter Schwerdtfeger
ChemPhysChem 2011 Volume 12( Issue 11) pp:2081-2084
Publication Date(Web):
How many rare gas atoms can be placed into a fullerene cage until the pressure becomes large enough to break the C60 framework? The answer given by density functional and ab initio computations is surprising and underlines the high stability of this unique carbon structure.
Co-reporter:Ralf Tonner and Gernot Frenking
Chemical Communications 2008 (Issue 13) pp:1584-1586
Publication Date(Web):27 Feb 2008
Theoretical investigations suggest that substitution of an N-heterocyclic carbene by a carbodiphosphorane in the Grubb’s catalyst for olefin metathesis might lead to enhanced reactivity.
Co-reporter:Ralf Tonner and Nicola Gaston
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 - vol. 16(Issue 44) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Ralf Tonner, Phil Rosenow and Peter Jakob
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 - vol. 18(Issue 8) pp:NaN6328-6328
Publication Date(Web):2016/02/03
The structure and vibrational properties of the metal–organic interface of 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (NTCDA) on Ag(111) were analysed using Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy in conjunction with density functional theory calculations including dispersion forces (PBE-D3). Mode assignments and polarizations as well as molecular distortions were determined for four adsorption geometries of NTCDA on top and bridge sites aligned either parallel or perpendicular to the Ag rows and compared to accurate calculations of the free molecule. This enables an in-depth understanding of surface effects on the computed and experimental vibrational spectra of the adsorbed NTCDA molecule. The molecule–substrate interaction comprises two major and equally important contributions: non-directional van der Waals forces between molecule and surface, and covalent bonding of the acyl oxygen atoms with underlying Ag atoms, which is quantified by charge-transfer analysis. Furthermore, adsorption energy calculations showed that the molecular axis of flat-lying NTCDA is oriented preferably in parallel to the Ag rows. The molecule is subject to particular distortions from the planar gas phase structure with covalent bonding leading to downward bending of the acyl oxygen atoms and Pauli repulsion to upward bending of the carbon core. In parallel, strong buckling of the silver surface was identified. As found in previous studies, the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the molecule slips below the Fermi level and becomes partially populated upon adsorption. Excitation of totally symmetric vibrational modes then leads to substantial interfacial dynamical charge transfer, which is convincingly reproduced in the calculated IR spectra.
Co-reporter:Andreas Stegmüller, Phil Rosenow and Ralf Tonner
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 - vol. 16(Issue 32) pp:NaN17029-17029
Publication Date(Web):2014/07/09
The gas phase decomposition reactions of precursor molecules relevant for metal–organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) of semiconductor thin films are investigated by computational methods on the density-functional level as well as on the ab initio (MP2, CCSD(T)) level. A comprehensive reaction catalogue of uni- and bimolecular reactions is presented for triethylgallium (TEG) as well as for tert-butylphosphine (TBP) containing thermodynamic data together with transition state energies. From these energies it can be concluded that TEG is decomposed in the gas phase under MOVPE conditions (T = 400–675 °C, p = 0.05 atm) to GaH3via a series of β-hydride elimination reactions. For elevated temperatures, further decomposition to GaH is thermodynamically accessible. In the case of TBP, the original precursor molecule will be most abundant since all reaction channels exhibit either large barriers or unfavorable thermodynamics. Dispersion-corrected density functional calculations (PBE-D3) provide an accurate description of the reactions investigated in comparison to high level CCSD(T) calculations serving as benchmark values.
Co-reporter:Mewlude Imam, Konstantin Gaul, Andreas Stegmüller, Carina Höglund, Jens Jensen, Lars Hultman, Jens Birch, Ralf Tonner and Henrik Pedersen
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015 - vol. 3(Issue 41) pp:NaN10906-10906
Publication Date(Web):2015/09/17
We present triethylboron (TEB) as a single-source precursor for chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of BxC thin films and study its gas phase chemistry under CVD conditions by quantum chemical calculations. A comprehensive thermochemical catalogue for the species of the gas phase chemistry of TEB is examined and found to be dominated by β-hydride eliminations of C2H4 to yield BH3. A complementary bimolecular reaction path based on H2 assisted C2H6 elimination to BH3 is also significant at lower temperatures in the presence of hydrogen. Furthermore, we find a temperature window of 600–1000 °C for the deposition of X-ray amorphous BxC films with 2.5 ≤ x ≤ 4.5 from TEB. Films grown at temperatures below 600 °C contain high amounts of H, while temperatures above 1000 °C result in C-rich films. The film density and hardness are determined to be in the range of 2.40–2.65 g cm−3 and 29–39 GPa, respectively, within the determined temperature window.
Co-reporter:Ralf Tonner and Gernot Frenking
Chemical Communications 2008(Issue 13) pp:
Publication Date(Web):