Ashis K. Basu

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Name: Basu, Ashis K.
Organization: University of Connecticut , USA
Department: Department of Chemistry
Title: (PhD)
Co-reporter:Ashis K. Basu, Paritosh Pande, and Arindam Bose
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2017 Volume 30(Issue 1) pp:
Publication Date(Web):October 19, 2016
With the discovery of translesion synthesis DNA polymerases, great strides have been made in the last two decades in understanding the mode of replication of various DNA lesions in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A database search indicated that approximately 2000 articles on this topic have been published in this period. This includes research involving genetic and structural studies as well as in vitro experiments using purified DNA polymerases and accessory proteins. It is a daunting task to comprehend this exciting and rapidly emerging area of research. Even so, as the majority of DNA damage occurs at 2′-deoxyguanosine residues, this perspective attempts to summarize a subset of this field, focusing on the most relevant eukaryotic DNA polymerases responsible for their bypass.
Co-reporter:Paritosh Pande, Shaofei Ji, Shivam Mukherjee, Orlando D. Schärer, Natalia Y. TretyakovaAshis K. Basu
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2017 Volume 30(Issue 2) pp:
Publication Date(Web):December 12, 2016
DNA–protein cross-links are formed upon exposure of cellular DNA to various agents, including antitumor drugs, UV light, transition metals, and reactive oxygen species. They are thought to contribute to cancer, aging, and neurodegenerative diseases. It has been proposed that DNA–protein cross-links formed in cells are subject to proteolytic degradation to the corresponding DNA-peptide cross-links (DpCs). To investigate the effects of DpCs on DNA replication, we have constructed plasmid DNA containing a 10-mer Myc peptide covalently linked to C7 of 7-deaza-dG, a hydrolytically stable mimic of N7-dG lesions. Following transfection in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293T), progeny plasmids were recovered and sequenced. Translesion synthesis (TLS) past DpC was 76% compared to that of the unmodified control. The DpC induced 20% targeted G → A and G → T plus 15% semitargeted mutations, notably at a guanine (G5) five bases 3′ to the lesion site. Proteolytic digestion of the DpC reduced the mutation frequency considerably, indicating that the covalently attached 10-mer peptide was responsible for the observed mutations. TLS efficiency and targeted mutations were reduced upon siRNA knockdown of pol η, pol κ, or pol ζ, indicating that they participate in error-prone bypass of the DpC lesion. However, the semitargeted mutation at G5 was only reduced upon knockdown of pol ζ, suggesting its critical role in this type of mutations. Our results indicate that DpCs formed at the N7 position of guanine can induce both targeted and semitargeted mutations in human cells and that the TLS polymerases play a critical role in their error-prone bypass.
Co-reporter:Arindam Bose, Amy D. Millsap, Arnie DeLeon, Carmelo J. Rizzo, and Ashis K. Basu
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2016 Volume 29(Issue 9) pp:1549
Publication Date(Web):August 4, 2016
Translesion synthesis (TLS) of the N2-2′-deoxyguanosine (dG-N2-IQ) adduct of the carcinogen 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) was investigated in human embryonic kidney 293T cells by replicating plasmid constructs in which the adduct was individually placed at each guanine (G1, G2, or G3) of the NarI sequence (5′-CG1G2CG3CC-3′). TLS efficiency was 38%, 29%, and 25% for the dG-N2-IQ located at G1, G2, and G3, respectively, which suggests that dG-N2-IQ is bypassed more efficiently by one or more DNA polymerases at G1 than at either G2 or G3. TLS efficiency was decreased 8–35% in cells with knockdown of pol η, pol κ, pol ι, pol ζ, or Rev1. Up to 75% reduction in TLS occurred when pol η, pol ζ, and Rev1 were simultaneously knocked down, suggesting that these three polymerases play important roles in dG-N2-IQ bypass. Mutation frequencies (MFs) of dG-N2-IQ at G1, G2, and G3 were 23%, 17%, and 11%, respectively, exhibiting a completely reverse trend of the previously reported MF of the C8-dG adduct of IQ (dG-C8-IQ), which is most mutagenic at G3 ( (2015) Nucleic Acids Res.43, 8340−8351). The major type of mutation induced by dG-N2-IQ was targeted G → T, as was reported for dG-C8-IQ. In each site, knockdown of pol κ resulted in an increase in MF, whereas MF was reduced when pol η, pol ι, pol ζ, or Rev1 was knocked down. The reduction in MF was most pronounced when pol η, pol ζ, and Rev1 were simultaneously knocked down and especially when the adduct was located at G3, where MF was reduced by 90%. We conclude that pol κ predominantly performs error-free TLS of the dG-N2-IQ adduct, whereas pols η, pol ζ, and Rev1 cooperatively carry out the error-prone TLS. However, in vitro experiments using yeast pol ζ and κ showed that the former was inefficient in full-length primer extension on dG-N2-IQ templates, whereas the latter was efficient in both error-free and error-prone extensions. We believe that the observed differences between the in vitro experiments using purified DNA polymerases, and the cellular results may arise from several factors including the crucial roles played by the accessory proteins in TLS.
Co-reporter:Arindam Bose, Chaitra Surugihalli, Paritosh Pande, Elise Champeil, and Ashis K. Basu
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2016 Volume 29(Issue 5) pp:933
Publication Date(Web):April 15, 2016
Mitomycin C (MC) is a cytotoxic and mutagenic antitumor agent that alkylates DNA upon reductive activation. 2,7-Diaminomitosene (2,7-DAM) is a major metabolite of MC in tumor cells, which also alkylates DNA. MC forms seven DNA adducts, including monoadducts and inter- and intrastrand cross-links, whereas 2,7-DAM forms two monoadducts. Herein, the biological effects of the dG-N2 adducts formed by MC and 2,7-DAM have been compared by constructing single-stranded plasmids containing these adducts and replicating them in human embryonic kidney 293T cells. Translesion synthesis (TLS) efficiencies of dG-N2-MC and dG-N2-2,7-DAM were 38 ± 3 and 27 ± 3%, respectively, compared to that of a control plasmid. This indicates that both adducts block DNA synthesis and that dG-N2-2,7-DAM is a stronger replication block than dG-N2-MC. TLS of each adducted construct was reduced upon siRNA knockdown of pol η, pol κ, or pol ζ. For both adducts, the most significant reduction occurred with knockdown of pol κ, which suggests that pol κ plays a major role in TLS of these dG-N2 adducts. Analysis of the progeny showed that both adducts were mutagenic, and the mutation frequencies (MF) of dG-N2-MC and dG-N2-2,7-DAM were 18 ± 3 and 10 ± 1%, respectively. For both adducts, the major type of mutation was G → T transversions. Knockdown of pol η and pol ζ reduced the MF of dG-N2-MC and dG-N2-2,7-DAM, whereas knockdown of pol κ increased the MF of these adducts. This suggests that pol κ predominantly carries out error-free TLS, whereas pol η and pol ζ are involved in error-prone TLS. The largest reduction in MF by 78 and 80%, respectively, for dG-N2-MC and dG-N2-2,7-DAM constructs occurred when pol η, pol ζ, and Rev1 were simultaneously knocked down. This result strongly suggests that, unlike pol κ, these three TLS polymerases cooperatively perform the error-prone TLS of these adducts.
Co-reporter:Paritosh Pande, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Yu-Lin Jiang, Marc M. Greenberg, and Ashis K. Basu
Biochemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 10) pp:1859-1862
Publication Date(Web):March 5, 2015
8-OxodGuo and Fapy·dG induced 10–22% mutations, predominantly G → T transversions, in human embryonic kidney 293T cells in four TG*N sequence contexts, where N = C, G, A, or T. siRNA knockdown of pol λ resulted in 34 and 55% increases in the level of mutations in the progeny from the 8-oxodGuo construct in the TG*T and TG*G sequences, respectively, suggesting that pol λ is involved in error-free bypass of 8-oxodGuo. For Fapy·dG, in contrast, the level of G → T mutations was reduced by 27 and 46% in the TG*T and TG*G sequences, respectively, suggesting that pol λ is responsible for a significant fraction of Fapy·dG-induced G → T mutations.
Co-reporter:Varsha Pednekar, Savithri Weerasooriya, Vijay P. Jasti, and Ashis K. Basu
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2014 Volume 27(Issue 2) pp:200
Publication Date(Web):January 6, 2014
Reactive oxygen species generate many lesions in DNA, including R and S diastereomers of 8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyadenosine (cdA) and 8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyguanosine (cdG). Herein, the result of replication of a plasmid containing S-cdA in Escherichia coli is reported. S-cdA was found mutagenic and highly genotoxic. Viability and mutagenicity of the S-cdA construct were dependent on functional pol V, but mutational frequencies (MFs) and types varied in pol II- and pol IV-deficient strains relative to the wild-type strain. Both S-cdA → T and S-cdA → G substitutions occurred in equal frequency in wild-type E. coli, but the frequency of S-cdA → G dropped in pol IV-deficient strain, especially when being SOS induced. This suggests that pol IV plays a role in S-cdA → G mutations. MF increased significantly in pol II-deficient strain, suggesting pol II’s likely role in error-free translesion synthesis. Primer extension and steady-state kinetic studies using pol IV, exo-free Klenow fragment (KF (exo–)), and Dpo4 were performed to further assess the replication efficiency and fidelity of S-cdA and S-cdG. Primer extension by pol IV mostly stopped before the lesion, although a small fraction was extended opposite the lesion. Kinetic studies showed that pol IV incorporated dCMP almost as efficiently as dTMP opposite S-cdA, whereas it incorporated the correct nucleotide dCMP opposite S-cdG 10-fold more efficiently than any other dNMP. Further extension of each lesion containing pair, however, was very inefficient. These results are consistent with the role of pol IV in S-cdA → G mutations in E. coli. KF (exo–) was also strongly blocked by both lesions, but it could slowly incorporate the correct nucleotide opposite them. In contrast, Dpo4 could extend a small fraction of the primer to a full-length product on both S-cdG and S-cdA templates. Dpo4 incorporated dTMP preferentially opposite S-cdA over the other dNMPs, but the discrimination was only 2- to 8-fold more proficient. Further extension of the S-cdA:T and S-cdA:C pair was not much different. For S-cdG, conversely, the wrong nucleotide, dTMP, was incorporated more efficiently than dCMP, although one-base extension of the S-cdG:T pair was less efficient than the S-cdG:C pair. S-cdG, therefore, has the propensity to cause G → A transition, as was reported to occur in E. coli. The results of this study are consistent with the strong replication blocking nature of S-cdA and S-cdG, and their ability to initiate error-prone synthesis by Y-family DNA polymerases.
Co-reporter:Paritosh Pande, Chanchal K. Malik, Arindam Bose, Vijay P. Jasti, and Ashis K. Basu
Biochemistry 2014 Volume 53(Issue 32) pp:5323-5331
Publication Date(Web):July 31, 2014
3-Nitrobenzanthrone (3-NBA), a potent mutagen and suspected human carcinogen, is a common environmental pollutant. The genotoxicity of 3-NBA has been associated with its ability to form DNA adducts, including N-(2′-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-3-aminobenzanthrone (C8-dG-ABA). To investigate the molecular mechanism of C8-dG-ABA mutagenesis in human cells, we have replicated a plasmid containing a single C8-dG-ABA in human embryonic kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells, which yielded 14% mutant progeny. The major types of mutations induced by C8-dG-ABA were G → T > G → A > G → C. siRNA knockdown of the translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases (pols) in HEK293T cells indicated that pol η, pol κ, pol ι, pol ζ, and Rev1 each have a role in replication across this adduct. The extent of TLS was reduced with each pol knockdown, but the largest decrease (of ∼55% reduction) in the level of TLS occurred in cells with knockdown of pol ζ. Pol η and pol κ were considered the major contributors of the mutagenic TLS, because the mutation frequency (MF) decreased by 70%, when these pols were simultaneously knocked down. Rev1 also is important for mutagenesis, as reflected by the 60% reduction in MF upon Rev1 knockdown, but it probably plays a noncatalytic role by physically interacting with the other two Y-family pols. In contrast, pol ζ appeared to be involved in the error-free bypass of the lesion, because MF increased by 60% in pol ζ knockdown cells. These results provide important mechanistic insight into the bypass of the C8-dG-ABA adduct.
Co-reporter:Chanchal K. Malik;Rajat S. Das
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 2013 Volume 56( Issue 8) pp:376-381
Publication Date(Web):

To facilitate NMR studies and low-level detection in biological samples by mass spectrometry, [1,3, NH2-15N3] (5′S)-8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyguanosine was synthesized from imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid in 21 steps. The three 15N isotopes were introduced during the chemo-enzymatic preparation of [1,3, NH2-15N3]-2′-deoxyguanosine using an established procedure. The 15N-labeled 2′-deoxyguanosine was converted to a 5′-phenylthio derivative, which allowed the 8-5′ covalent bond formation via photochemical homolytic cleavage of the C–SPh bond. SeO2 oxidation of C-5′ followed by sodium borohydride reduction and deprotection gave the desired product in good yield. The isotopic purity of the [1,3, NH2-15N3] (5′S)-8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyguanosine was in excess of 99.94 atom% based on liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry measurements. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Co-reporter:Rajat S. Das, Milinda Samaraweera, Martha Morton, José A. Gascón, and Ashis K. Basu
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2012 Volume 25(Issue 11) pp:2451
Publication Date(Web):October 1, 2012
8,5′-Cyclopurine deoxynucleosides are unique tandem lesions containing an additional covalent bond between the base and the sugar. These mutagenic and genotoxic lesions are repaired only by nucleotide excision repair. The N-glycosidic (or C1′-N9) bond of 2′-deoxyguanosine (dG) derivatives is usually susceptible to acid hydrolysis, but even after cleavage of this bond of the cyclopurine lesions, the base would remain attached to the sugar. Here, the stability of the N-glycosidic bond and the products formed by formic acid hydrolysis of (5′S)-8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyguanosine (S-cdG) were investigated. For comparison, the stability of the N-glycosidic bond of 8,5′-cyclo-2′,5′-dideoxyguanosine (ddcdG), 8-methyl-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-Me-dG), 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-Oxo-dG), and dG was also studied. In various acid conditions, S-cdG and ddcdG exhibited similar stability to hydrolysis. Likewise, 8-Me-dG and dG showed comparable stability, but the half-lives of the cyclic dG lesions were at least 5-fold higher than those of dG or 8-Me-dG. NMR studies were carried out to investigate the products formed after the cleavage of the C1′-N9 bond. 2-Deoxyribose generated α and β anomers of deoxyribopyranose and deoxyribopyranose oligomers following acid treatment. S-cdG gave α- and β-deoxyribopyranose linked guanine as the major products, but α and β anomers of deoxyribofuranose linked guanine and other products were also detected. The N-glycosidic bond of 8-Oxo-dG was found exceptionally stable in acid. Computational studies determined that both the protonation of the N7 atom and the rate constant in the bond breaking step control the overall kinetics of hydrolysis, but both varied for the molecules studied indicating a delicate balance between the two steps. Nevertheless, the computational approach successfully predicted the trend observed experimentally. For 8-Oxo-dG, the low pKa of O8 and N3 prevented appreciable protonation, making the free energy for N-glycosidic bond cleavage in the subsequent step very high.
Co-reporter:Paromita Raychaudhury and Ashis K. Basu
Biochemistry 2011 Volume 50(Issue 12) pp:
Publication Date(Web):February 8, 2011
γ-Radiation generates a variety of complex lesions in DNA, including the G[8,5-Me]T intrastrand cross-link in which C8 of guanine is covalently linked to the 5-methyl group of the 3′-thymine. We have investigated the toxicity and mutagenesis of this lesion by replicating a G[8,5-Me]T-modified plasmid in Escherichia coli with specific DNA polymerase knockouts. Viability was very low in a strain lacking pol II, pol IV, and pol V, the three SOS-inducible DNA polymerases, indicating that translesion synthesis is conducted primarily by these DNA polymerases. In the single-polymerase knockout strains, viability was the lowest in a pol V-deficient strain, which suggests that pol V is most efficient in bypassing this lesion. Most mutations were single-base substitutions or deletions, though a small population of mutants carrying two point mutations at or near the G[8,5-Me]T cross-link was also detected. Mutations in the progeny occurred at the cross-linked bases as well as at bases near the lesion site, but the mutational spectrum varied on the basis of the identity of the DNA polymerase that was knocked out. Mutation frequency was the lowest in a strain that lacked the three SOS DNA polymerases. We determined that pol V is required for most targeted G → T transversions, whereas pol IV is required for the targeted T deletions. Our results suggest that pol V and pol IV compete to carry out error-prone bypass of the G[8,5-Me]T cross-link.
Co-reporter:Vijay P. Jasti, Thomas E. Spratt, and Ashis K. Basu
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2011 Volume 24(Issue 11) pp:1833
Publication Date(Web):October 26, 2011
To investigate the biological effects of the O2-alkylthymidines induced by the tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), we have replicated a plasmid containing O2-methylthymidine (O2-Me-dT) or O2-[4-(3-pyridyl-4-oxobut-1-yl]thymidine (O2-POB-dT) in Escherichia coli with specific DNA polymerase knockouts. High genotoxicity of the adducts was manifested in the low yield of transformants from the constructs, which was 2–5% in most strains but increased 2–4-fold with SOS. In the SOS-induced wild type E. coli, O2-Me-dT and O2-POB-dT induced 21% and 56% mutations, respectively. For O2-POB-dT, the major type of mutation was T → G followed by T → A, whereas for O2-Me-dT, T → G and T → A occurred in equal frequency. For both lesions, T → C also was detected in low frequency. The T → G mutation was reduced in strains with deficiency in any of the three SOS polymerases. By contrast, T → A was abolished in the pol V– strain, while its frequency in other strains remained unaltered. This suggests that pol V was responsible for the T → A mutations. The potent mutagenicity of these lesions may be related to NNK mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.
Co-reporter:Vijay P. Jasti, Rajat S. Das, Benjamin A. Hilton, Savithri Weerasooriya, Yue Zou, and Ashis K. Basu
Biochemistry 2011 Volume 50(Issue 19) pp:
Publication Date(Web):April 15, 2011
8,5′-Cyclopurines, making up an important class of ionizing radiation-induced tandem DNA damage, are repaired only by nucleotide excision repair (NER). They accumulate in NER-impaired cells, as in Cockayne syndrome group B and certain Xeroderma Pigmentosum patients. A plasmid containing (5′S)-8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyguanosine (S-cdG) was replicated in Escherichia coli with specific DNA polymerase knockouts. Viability was <1% in the wild-type strain, which increased to 5.5% with SOS. Viability decreased further in a pol II– strain, whereas it increased considerably in a pol IV– strain. Remarkably, no progeny was recovered from a pol V– strain, indicating that pol V is absolutely required for bypassing S-cdG. Progeny analyses indicated that S-cdG is significantly mutagenic, inducing ∼34% mutation with SOS. Most mutations were S-cdG → A mutations, though S-cdG → T mutation and deletion of 5′C also occurred. Incisions of purified UvrABC nuclease on S-cdG, S-cdA, and C8-dG-AP on a duplex 51-mer showed that the incision rates are C8-dG-AP > S-cdA > S-cdG. In summary, S-cdG is a major block to DNA replication, highly mutagenic, and repaired slowly in E. coli.
Co-reporter:Laureen C. Colis, Paromita Raychaudhury and Ashis K. Basu
Biochemistry 2008 Volume 47(Issue 31) pp:
Publication Date(Web):July 11, 2008
Comparative mutagenesis of γ- or X-ray-induced tandem DNA lesions G[8,5-Me]T and T[5-Me,8]G intrastrand cross-links was investigated in simian (COS-7) and human embryonic (293T) kidney cells. For G[8,5-Me]T in 293T cells, 5.8% of progeny contained targeted base substitutions, whereas 10.0% showed semitargeted single-base substitutions. Of the targeted mutations, the G → T mutation occurred with the highest frequency. The semitargeted mutations were detected up to two bases 5′ and three bases 3′ to the cross-link. The most prevalent semitargeted mutation was a C → T transition immediately 5′ to the G[8,5-Me]T cross-link. Frameshifts (4.6%) (mostly small deletions) and multiple-base substitutions (2.7%) also were detected. For the T[5-Me,8]G cross-link, a similar pattern of mutations was noted, but the mutational frequency was significantly higher than that of G[8,5-Me]T. Both targeted and semitargeted mutations occurred with a frequency of ∼16%, and both included a dominant G → T transversion. As in 293T cells, more than twice as many targeted mutations in COS cells occurred in T[5-Me,8]G (11.4%) as in G[8,5-Me]T (4.7%). Also, the level of semitargeted single-base substitutions 5′ to the lesion was increased and 3′ to the lesion decreased in T[5-Me,8]G relative to G[8,5-Me]T in COS cells. It appeared that the majority of the base substitutions at or near the cross-links resulted from incorporation of dAMP opposite the template base, in agreement with the so-called “A-rule”. To determine if human polymerase η (hpol η) might be involved in the mutagenic bypass, an in vitro bypass study of G[8,5-Me]T in the same sequence was carried out, which showed that hpol η can bypass the cross-link incorporating the correct dNMP opposite each cross-linked base. For G[8,5-Me]T, nucleotide incorporation by hpol η was significantly different from that by yeast pol η in that the latter was more error-prone opposite the cross-linked Gua. The incorporation of the correct nucleotide, dAMP, by hpol η opposite cross-linked T was 3−5-fold more efficient than that of a wrong nucleotide, whereas incorporation of dCMP opposite the cross-linked G was 10-fold more efficient than that with dTMP. Therefore, the nucleotide incorporation pattern by hpol η was not consistent with the observed cellular mutations. Nevertheless, at and near the lesion, hpol η was more error-prone compared to a control template. The in vitro data suggest that translesion synthesis by another Y-family DNA polymerase and/or flawed participation of an accessory protein is a more likely scenario in the mutagenesis of these lesions in mammalian cells. However, hpol η may play a role in correct bypass of the cross-links.
Co-reporter:Danielle L. Watt, Christopher D. Utzat, Pablo Hilario and Ashis K. Basu
Chemical Research in Toxicology 2007 Volume 20(Issue 11) pp:1658
Publication Date(Web):October 2, 2007
The mutagenesis of the major DNA adduct N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-1-aminopyrene (C8-AP-dG) formed by 1-nitropyrene was compared with the analogous C8-dG adducts of 2-aminofluorene (AF) and N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (AAF) in simian kidney (COS-7) cells. The DNA sequence chosen for this comparison contained 5′-CCATCGCTACC-3′ that has been used for solution NMR investigations. The structural and conformational differences among these lesions are well-established [Patel, D. J.Mao, B.Gu, Z.Hingerty, B. E.Gorin, A.Basu, A. K.Broyde,S. (1998) NMR solutionstructures of covalent aromatic amine-DNA adducts and their mutagenicrelevance. Chem. Res. Toxicol.11, 391–407.]. Accordingly, we found a notable difference in the viability of the progeny, which showed that the AAF adduct was most toxic and that the AF adduct was least toxic, with the AP adduct exhibiting intermediate toxicity. However, analysis of the progeny showed that translesion synthesis was predominantly error-free. Only low-level mutations (<3%) were detected with G→T as the dominant type of mutation by all three DNA adducts. When C8-AP-dG was evaluated in a repetitive 5′-CGCGCG-3′ sequence, higher mutational frequency (∼8%) was observed. Again, G→T was the major type of mutations in simian kidney cells, even though in bacteria CpG deletions predominate in this sequence [Hilario, P.Yan, S.Hingerty, B. E.Broyde, S.Basu, A. K. (2002) Comparative mutagenesis of the C8-guanine adducts of 1-nitropyrene,and 1,6- and 1,8-dinitropyrene in a CpG repeat sequence: A slippedframeshift intermediate model for dinucleotide deletion. J. Biol. Chem.277, 45068–45074.]. Mutagenesis of C8-AP-dG in a 12-mer containing the local DNA sequence around codon 273 of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, where the adduct was located at the second base of this codon, was also investigated. In this 5′-GTGCGTGTTTGT-3′ site, the mutations were slightly lower but not very different from the progeny derived from the 5′-CGCGCG-3′ sequence. However, the mutational frequency increased by more than 50% when the 5′-C to the adduct was replaced with a 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC). With a 5-MeC, the most notable change in mutation was the enhancement of G→A, which occurred 2.5 times relative to a 5′-C. The C8-AP-dG adduct in codon 273 dodecamer sequence with a 5′-C or 5-MeC was also evaluated in human embryonic kidney (293T) cells. Similar to COS cells, targeted mutations doubled with a 5-MeC 5′ to the adduct. Except for an increase in G→C transversions, the results in 293T were similar to that in COS cells. We conclude that C8-AP-dG mutagenesis depends on the type of cell in which it is replicated, the neighboring DNA sequence, and the methylation status of the 5′-C.
Co-reporter:Savithri Weerasooriya, Vijay P. Jasti, Arindam Bose, Thomas E. Spratt, Ashis K. Basu
DNA Repair (November 2015) Volume 35() pp:63-70
Publication Date(Web):1 November 2015
•O2-Me-dT and O2-POB-dT are replication blocking and highly mutagenic lesions in human cells•Both O2-Me-dT and O2-POB-dT induce T → A as the major type of mutations in human cells.•Pols η, ζ and Rev1 play important roles in the TLS of O2-Me-dT and O2-POB-dT.•Pol ζ is a key enzyme for mutagenesis induced by O2-POB-dT.The tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) is a potent human carcinogen. Metabolic activation of NNK generates a number of DNA adducts including O2-methylthymidine (O2-Me-dT) and O2-[4-(3-pyridyl)-4-oxobut-1-yl]thymidine (O2-POB-dT). To investigate the biological effects of these O2-alkylthymidines in humans, we have replicated plasmids containing a site-specifically incorporated O2-Me-dT or O2-POB-dT in human embryonic kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells. The bulkier O2-POB-dT exhibited high genotoxicity and only 26% translesion synthesis (TLS) occurred, while O2-Me-dT was less genotoxic and allowed 55% TLS. However, O2-Me-dT was 20% more mutagenic (mutation frequency (MF) 64%) compared to O2-POB-dT (MF 53%) in HEK293T cells. The major type of mutations in each case was targeted T → A transversions (56% and 47%, respectively, for O2-Me-dT and O2-POB-dT). Both lesions induced a much lower frequency of T → G, the dominant mutation in bacteria. siRNA knockdown of the TLS polymerases (pols) indicated that pol η, pol ζ, and Rev1 are involved in the lesion bypass of O2-Me-dT and O2-POB-dT as the TLS efficiency decreased with knockdown of each pol. In contrast, MF of O2-Me-dT was decreased in pol ζ and Rev1 knockdown cells by 24% and 25%, respectively, while for O2-POB-dT, it was decreased by 44% in pol ζ knockdown cells, indicating that these TLS pols are critical for mutagenesis. Additional decrease in both TLS efficiency and MF was observed in cells deficient in pol ζ plus other Y-family pols. This study provided important mechanistic details on how these lesions are bypassed in human cells in both error-free and error-prone manner.Download high-res image (128KB)Download full-size image
Co-reporter:Paritosh Pande, Rajat S. Das, Clayton Sheppard, Yoke W. Kow, Ashis K. Basu
DNA Repair (1 November 2012) Volume 11(Issue 11) pp:926-931
Publication Date(Web):1 November 2012
5′-R and 5′-S diastereoisomers of 8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyadenosine (cdA) and 8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyguanosine (cdG) containing a base-sugar covalent bond are formed by hydroxyl radicals. R-cdA and S-cdA are repaired by nucleotide excision repair (NER) in mammalian cellular extracts. Here, we have examined seven purified base excision repair enzymes for their ability to repair S-cdG or S-cdA. We could not detect either excision or binding of these enzymes on duplex oligonucleotide substrates containing these lesions. However, both lesions were repaired by HeLa cell extracts. Dual incisions by human NER on a 136-mer duplex generated 24–32 bp fragments. The time course of dual incisions were measured in comparison to cis-anti-B[a]P-N2-dG, an excellent substrate for human NER, which showed that cis-anti-B[a]P-N2-dG was repaired more efficiently than S-cdG, which, in turn, was repaired more efficiently than S-cdA. When NER efficiency of S-cdG with different complementary bases was investigated, the wobble pair S-cdG·dT was excised more efficiently than the S-cdG·dC pair that maintains nearly normal Watson-Crick base pairing. But S-cdG·dA mispair with no hydrogen bonds was excised less efficiently than the S-cdG·dC pair. Similar pattern was noted for S-cdA. The S-cdA·dC mispair was excised much more efficiently than the S-cdA·dT pair, whereas the S-cdA·dA pair was excised less efficiently. This result adds to complexity of human NER, which discriminates the damaged base pairs on the basis of multiple criteria.Highlights► NEIL1, NEIL2, Fpg, OGG1, Endo III, Endo V, and Endo VIII do not recognize S-cdG and S-cdA. ► Both S-cdG and S-cdA are repaired by HeLa cell extracts. NER efficiencies followed the order: cis-anti-B[a]P-N2-dG ≫ S-cdG > S-cdA. ► Human NER efficiency of S-cdG and S-cdA depends on the complementary base. Repair efficiency followed the order: S-cdG·dT > S-cdG·dC > S-cdG·dA, although duplex stability in melting temperature (Tm) followed the order: S-cdG·dC > S-cdG·dT > S-cdG·dA. ► NER efficiency of S-cdA followed analogous pattern: S-cdA·dC > S-cdA·dT > S-cdA·dA.
Guanosine, 2'-deoxy-8-[(7-oxo-7H-benz[de]anthracen-3-yl)amino]-
Guanosine, 2'-deoxy-8-(1-pyrenylamino)-