Co-reporter:D. Friedrich;M. Schlosser;R. Weihrich;A. Pfitzner
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2017 vol. 4(Issue 2) pp:393-400
Publication Date(Web):2017/02/13
CsGaS2-mC64 was obtained by reaction of CsN3 with stoichiometric amounts of Ga2S3 and S at elevated temperatures. The crystal structure of the air- and moisture stable compound was determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The colourless solid crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (no. 15) with the lattice parameters a = 10.5718(6) Å, b = 10.5708(6) Å, c = 16.0847(8) Å, β = 99.445(4)°, V = 1773.1(2) Å3, and Z = 16. The compound crystallizes in the TlGaSe2 structure type and features anionic layers 2∞[Ga4S84−] consisting of corner-sharing Ga4S10 supertetrahedra. At temperatures above 600 °C an irreversible phase-transition to CsGaS2-mC16 occurs. The phase-transition kinetics were studied using in situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction techniques. This transition can only be reversed by using high pressures (>5 GPa at 500 °C). The compound was further characterized using Raman- and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Chemical bonding was analysed by DFT calculations.
Co-reporter:Thomas Buchecker;Sebastian Krickl;Robert Winkler;Isabelle Grillo;Pierre Bauduin;Didier Touraud;Werner Kunz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017 vol. 19(Issue 3) pp:1806-1816
Publication Date(Web):2017/01/18
In the present contribution, the pre-structuring of binary mixtures of hydrotropes and H2O is linked to the solubilisation of poorly water miscible compounds. We have chosen a series of short-chain alcohols as hydrotropes and benzyl alcohol, limonene and a hydrophobic azo-dye (Disperse Red 13) as organic compounds to be dissolved. A very weak pre-structuring is found for ethanol/H2O and 2-propanol/H2O mixtures. Pre-structuring is most developed for binary 1-propanol/H2O and tert-butanol/H2O mixtures and supports the bicontinuity model of alcohol-rich and water-rich domains as already postulated by Anisimov et al. Such a pre-structuring leads to a high solubilisation power for poorly water miscible components (limonene and Disperse Red, characterized by high octanol/water partition coefficients, log(P) values of 4.5 and 4.85), whereas a very weak pre-structuring leads to a high solubilisation power for slightly water miscible components (benzyl alcohol). This difference in solubilisation power can be linked to (i) the formation of mesoscale structures in the cases of ethanol and 2-propanol and (ii) the extension of pre-structures in the cases of 1-propanol and tert-butanol. Three different solubilisation mechanisms could be identified: bulk solubilisation, interface solubilisation and a combination of both. These supramolecular structures in binary and ternary systems were investigated by small-and-wide-angle X-ray and neutron scattering, dynamic light scattering and conductivity measurements (in the presence of small amounts of salt).
Co-reporter:Sebastian Krickl;Thomas Buchecker;Andreas Uwe Meyer;Isabelle Grillo;Didier Touraud;Pierre Bauduin;Burkhard König;Werner Kunz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017 vol. 19(Issue 35) pp:23773-23780
Publication Date(Web):2017/09/13
In this contribution, we (i) link the mesoscopic structuring of the binary structured solvent mixture H2O/tert-butanol (TBA) to the kinetics and the efficacy of the oxidation of benzyl alcohol (BA) to the corresponding aldehyde catalyzed by H5PMo10V2O40. We also compare the catalytic efficacy of this reaction in the mesoscopically structured solvent H2O/TBA to an unstructured (or very weakly structured) solvent H2O/ethanol (EtOH). In this context, we (ii) also give a methodological outline on how to study systematically the catalytic efficacy of chemical reactions as a function of the mesoscale structuring of a binary solvent. We demonstrate that the obtained yields of benzyl aldehyde depend on the type of mesoscopic structuring of the binary solvent H2O/TBA. An elevated catalytic performance of at least 100% is found for unstructured binary mixtures H2O/TBA compared to compartmented binary mixtures H2O/TBA. We conclude that compartmentation of both the organic substrate and the catalyst in TBA and water-rich micro phases seems to be unfavorable for the catalytic efficacy.
Co-reporter:Christoph Vitzthumecker;Fred Robinson
Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly 2017 Volume 148( Issue 4) pp:629-633
Publication Date(Web):2017 April
Single crystals of molybdenum-oxy-di-tetrahydrofuran-trichloride were obtained by the reaction of Mo2Cl10, tetrahydrofuran, sulfur, and P4S3 in carbon disulfide after layering the solution with n-hexane. Single crystal structure determination at T = 123 K reveals that MoOCl3(THF)2 crystalizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with the lattice constants a = 7.8620(9) Å, b = 12.302(1) Å, c = 14.043(2) Å, V = 1304.10(3) Å3, and Z = 4. EPR experiments on the solid compound showed a g value of 1.94 at 347.46 mT, which accords to a Mo(V) species. The electronic structure of the title compound was investigated with DFT methods.
Co-reporter:Daniel Friedrich, Marc Schlosser, and Arno Pfitzner
Crystal Growth & Design 2016 Volume 16(Issue 7) pp:3983-3992
Publication Date(Web):May 24, 2016
The light gray selenogallate CsGaSe2-mC64 was obtained by reaction of stoichiometric amounts of CsN3, GaSe, and Se at elevated temperatures. Its crystal structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (No. 15) with a = 11.043(2) Å, b = 11.015(4) Å, c = 16.810(2) Å, β = 99.49(1) °, V = 2016.7(8) Å3, and Z = 16 (powder data, ambient temperature). Its crystal structure features anionic layers ∞2[Ga4Se84–] consisting of corner-sharing Ga4Se10 supertetrahedra. The compound undergoes a first-order phase transition at temperatures of 610 ± 10 °C. The high-temperature phase CsGaSe2-mC16 also crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (No. 15) with a = 7.651(3) Å, b = 12.552(4) Å, c = 6.170(3) Å, β = 113.62(4)°, V = 542.9(5) Å3, and Z = 4 (powder data, ambient temperature). The crystal structure of the high-temperature phase consists of SiS2 analogous chains ∞1[GaSe2–]. In situ high-temperature X-ray diffraction experiments were performed to study this phase transition. The crystallization kinetics of the phase transitions were studied using Johnson–Mehl–Avrami–Kolmogorov (JMAK) theory for isothermal crystallization processes. The activation energy of the phase transition was determined using the Arrhenius equation. Furthermore, the compound was studied by vibrational and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.
Co-reporter:Constantin Pompe, Christian Preitschaft, Richard Weihrich, and Arno Pfitzner
Inorganic Chemistry 2015 Volume 54(Issue 23) pp:11457-11464
Publication Date(Web):November 24, 2015
Pure samples of Na2TeS3 and Na2TeSe3 were synthesized by the reactions of stoichiometric amounts of the elements Na, Te, and Q (Q = S, Se) in the ratio 2:1:3. Both compounds are highly air- and moisture-sensitive. The crystal structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Yellow Na2TeS3 crystallizes in the space group P21/c. Na2TeSe3 exists in a low-temperature modification (Na2TeSe3-mP24, space group P21/c) and a high-temperature modification (Na2TeSe3-mC48, space group C2/c); both modifications are red. Density functional theory calculations confirmed the coexistence of both modifications of Na2TeSe3 because they are very close in energy (ΔE = 0.18 kJ mol–1). To the contrary, hypothetic Na2TeS3-mC48 is significantly less favored (ΔE = 1.8 kJ mol–1) than the primitive modification. Na2TeS3 and Na2TeSe3-mP24 are isotypic to Li2TeS3, whereas Na2TeSe3-mC48 crystallizes in its own structure type, which was first described by Eisenmann and Zagler. The title compounds have two common structure motifs. Trigonal TeQ3 pyramids form layers, and the Na atoms are surrounded by a distorted octahedral environment of chalcogen atoms. Raman spectra are dominated by the vibration modes of the TeQ3 units. The activation energies of the total conductivity of the title compounds range between 0.68 eV (Na2TeS3) and 1.1 eV (Na2TeSe3). Direct principal band gaps of 1.20 and 1.72 eV were calculated for Na2TeSe3 and Na2TeS3, respectively. The optical band gaps are in the range from 1.38 eV for Li2TeSe3 to 2.35 eV for Na2TeS3.
Co-reporter:Daniel Friedrich;Florian Pielnhofer;Marc Schlosser;Richard Weihrich ;Dr. Arno Pfitzner
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 4) pp:1811-1817
Publication Date(Web):
The reaction of CsN3 with GaS and S at elevated temperatures results in Cs2Ga2S5. Its crystal structure was determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The colorless solid crystallizes in space group C2/c (no. 15) with V=1073.3(4) Å3 and Z=4. Cs2Ga2S5 is the first compound that features one-dimensional chains [Ga2S3(S2)2−] of edge- and corner-sharing GaS4 tetrahedra. The vibrational band of the S22− units at 493 cm−1 was revealed by Raman spectroscopy. Cs2Ga2S5 has a wide bandgap of about 3.26 eV. The thermal decomposition of CsN3 yields elemental Cs, which reacts with sulfur to provide Cs2S6 as an intermediate product. The crystal structure of Cs2S6 was redetermined from selected single crystals. The red compound crystallizes in space group with V=488.99(8) Å3 and Z=2. Cs2S6 consists of S62− polysulfide chains and two Cs positions with coordination numbers of 10 and 11, respectively. Results of DFT calculations on Cs2Ga2S5 are in good agreement with the experimental crystal structure and Raman data. The analysis of the chemical bonding behavior revealed completely ionic bonds for Cs, whereas GaS and SS form polarized and fully covalent bonds, respectively. HOMO and LUMO are centered at the S2 units.
Co-reporter:Dr. Sebastian Huber ;Dr. Arno Pfitzner
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 39) pp:13683-13688
Publication Date(Web):
Li17Sb13S28 was synthesized by solid-state reaction of stoichiometric amounts of anhydrous Li2S and Sb2S3. The crystal structure of Li17Sb13S28 was determined from dark-red single crystals at room temperature. The title compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/m (no. 12) with a=12.765(2) Å, b=11.6195(8) Å, c=9.2564(9) Å, β=119.665(6)°, V=1193.0(2) Å3, and Z=4 (data at 20 °C, lattice constants from powder diffraction). The crystal structure contains one cation site with a mixed occupation by Li and Sb, and one with an antimony split position. Antimony and sulfur form slightly distorted tetragonal bipyramidal [SbS5E] units (E=free electron pair). Six of these units are arranged around a vacancy in the anion substructure. The lone electron pairs E of the antimony(III) cations are arranged around these vacancies. Thus, a variant of the rock salt structure type with ordered vacancies in the anionic substructure results. Impedance spectroscopic measurements of Li17Sb13S28 show a specific conductivity of 2.9×10−9 Ω−1 cm−1 at 323 K and of 7.9×10−6 Ω−1 cm−1 at 563 K, the corresponding activation energy is EA=0.4 eV below 403 K and EA=0.6 eV above. Raman spectra are dominated by the SbS stretching modes of the [SbS5] units at 315 and 341 cm−1 at room temperature. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) measurements of Li17Sb13S28 indicate peritectic melting at 854 K.
Co-reporter:Dominik Frank, Birgit Gerke, Matthias Eul, Rainer Pöttgen, and Arno Pfitzner
Chemistry of Materials 2013 Volume 25(Issue 11) pp:2339
Publication Date(Web):May 15, 2013
Ag9FeS4.1Te1.9 was prepared by solid state synthesis from stoichiometric amounts of the elements at 873 K. The compound forms gray crystals which are stable against air and moisture. The crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction from selected single crystals. Ag9FeS4.1Te1.9 crystallizes in the space group F4̅3m, a = 11.0415(7) Å, V = 1346.1(1) Å3, and Z = 4 (powder data at 293 K). The compound shows a reversible phase transition upon cooling to the space group P213, a = 11.0213(1) Å, V = 1338.75(2) Å3, and Z = 4 (single crystal data at 200 K). The title compound is the first example of an iron containing argyrodite-type material with Fe3+ located in tetrahedral sites. Silver atoms are disordered at room temperature which was taken into account by nonharmonic refinement of the silver positions. The refinement converged to R1 = 3.51% and wR2 = 10.66% for the room temperature measurement and to R1 = 1.55% and wR2= 5.23% for the 200 K data set (all data). Impedance measurements were performed in the temperature range from 323 to 473 K. Ionic conductivity values are 1.81 × 10–2 S cm–1 at 323 K and 1.41 × 10–1 S cm–1 at 468 K. The activation energy is 0.19 eV from 323 to 423 K and 0.06 eV from 393 to 473 K. DTA measurements reveal congruent melting at 907 K. A phase transition temperature of 232 K with an enthalpy of 7.9 kJ/mol was determined by DSC measurements. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra show one signal at 298 K and a doublet at 78 K, indicating Fe3+ and structural distortions upon cooling the samples. Hyperfine field splitting of iron is observed at 5 K. Measurements of the molar susceptibility revealed that the compound is paramagnetic down to a Néel temperature of TN = 22.1(5) K. Antiferromagnetic ordering is observed at lower temperatures.Keywords: argyrodite; ion conductor; magnetism; Mössbauer spectroscopy; nonharmonic refinement;
Co-reporter:Thomas Rödl;Dr. Richard Weihrich;Julia Wack;Dr. Jürgen Senker;Dr. Arno Pfitzner
Angewandte Chemie 2011 Volume 123( Issue 46) pp:11188-11192
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Thomas Rödl;Dr. Richard Weihrich;Julia Wack;Dr. Jürgen Senker;Dr. Arno Pfitzner
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011 Volume 50( Issue 46) pp:10996-11000
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Diana Hoppe Dr.;Dominik Schemmel;Martin Schütz Dr. Dr.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2009 Volume 15( Issue 29) pp:7129-7138
Publication Date(Web):
Phosphorus sulfide cages α-P4S4, α-P4S5, β-P4S5, and β-P4S6 and transition-metal chlorides TaCl5 and NbCl5 form molecular adducts in CS2/n-hexane. The crystal structures of the adducts (TaCl5)(α-P4S4), (TaCl5)(α-P4S5), (TaCl5)(β-P4S5), (NbCl5)(β-P4S5), and (TaCl5)(β-P4S6) are reported and their conformation and energetic stability are discussed on the basis of ab initio electronic structure calculations. Furthermore bond lengths of coordinated and noncoordinated phosphorus sulfide cages obtained from experiment and theory are compared, emphasizing the changes within the cages that emerge upon coordination.
Co-reporter:Thomas Bernert, Manfred Zabel, Arno Pfitzner
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2006 Volume 179(Issue 3) pp:849-854
Publication Date(Web):March 2006
Cu2MnGeS4 crystallizes orthorhombic in a wurtzite superstructure type while Cu2MnSnS4 crystallizes in a tetragonal sphalerite superstructure type. Lattice constants and thermal analyses of the solid solution series Cu2MnGexSn1−xS4 are presented. A two-phase region is found from Cu2MnGe0.3Sn0.7S4 to Cu2MnGe0.5Sn0.5S4. The cell volume of the mixed crystals increases with increasing Sn content. The melting points increase smoothly with increasing Ge content to x=0.5x=0.5 and then steeply for higher Ge contents. The single crystal X-ray structure analysis of Cu2MnGe0.55Sn0.45S4 is presented. The refinement converges to R=0.0270R=0.0270 and wR2=0.0586wR2=0.0586, Z is 2. The volumes of the tetrahedra [MS4] (M=Cu, Mn, Ge, Sn) are calculated. From these volumes the differences in size of the tetrahedra are derived and compared with the corresponding differences in the end members of the solid solution series. It turns out that the resulting structure type in these materials depends on the volume differences of the constituting tetrahedra [MS4].The system Cu2MnGeS4–Cu2MnSnS4 is inspected for the formation of mixed crystals at a temperature of 800 °C. The wurtzstannite structure type of Cu2MnGeS4 exists to 60% germanium content. The stannite structure type dominates from 20% germanium content to the pure Sn compound. Germanium and tin occupy a 2a position and are statistically disordered. Tetrahedra volumes [MS4] of Cu2MnGe0.55Sn0.45S4 are compared with those of the end members and are used as a measure for the preference of the different structure type.
Co-reporter:Michael F. Bräu Dr.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006 Volume 45(Issue 27) pp:
Publication Date(Web):7 JUN 2006
Unrattled cage: From the reaction of HgI2, As, and S, an adduct of linear HgI2 units and undistorted As4S4 cages is formed with only weak intermolecular interactions (see picture; Hg gray, I violet, S yellow, As blue). For the first time in this class of compounds, no polycationic network of Hg and S atoms is obtained. The optimization of the total energy prevents the formation of HgS bonds and the cleavage of the As4S4 cage.
Co-reporter:Arno Pfitzner Dr.
Angewandte Chemie 2006 Volume 118(Issue 5) pp:
Publication Date(Web):28 DEC 2005
In die Röhre geschaut: Obwohl Phosphor nun schon seit bereits ca. 350 Jahren bekannt ist, bietet er noch immer Raum für Entdeckungen. So gelang nun die Aufklärung der Kristallstruktur des faserförmigen Phosphors, bei dem die polymeren Phosphorröhren nicht wie im Hittorfschen Phosphor über Kreuz miteinander verknüpft sind, sondern als Doppelröhren vorliegen (siehe Bild). Zudem konnten Polymere mit der translatorischen Einheit [P12] aus ihren Kupferiodid-Addukten isoliert werden.
Co-reporter:Arno Pfitzner
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006 45(5) pp:699-700
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Christian Brinkmann, Hellmut Eckert, Dirk Wilmer, Michael Vogel, Jörn Schmedt auf der Günne, Wilfried Hoffbauer, Franz Rau, Arno Pfitzner
Solid State Sciences 2004 Volume 6(Issue 10) pp:1077-1088
Publication Date(Web):October 2004
A highly unusual structural evolution has been observed in temperature dependent studies of the fast ion conductor Ag7P3S11, using X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, 31P and 109Ag NMR spectroscopy, and electrical conductivity measurements. At 205 K the high-temperature γ -phase (space group C2/cC2/c) undergoes a phase transition to an intermediate β-phase of different symmetry. At a temperature near 130 K another phase transition is observed resulting in the formation of an ordered low-temperature α-modification crystallizing in the same space group as the γ-phase. Restoration of the high-temperature-phase symmetry in the low-temperature phase is unambiguously confirmed by single-crystal X-ray structure determination and 31P solid state NMR peak multiplicities. The re-entrant phase behavior is further supported by temperature dependent electrical conductivity measurements, which reveal that the activation energies of the dc conductivity for the α- and γ-phases are identical and significantly lower compared to those measured in the β-phase. Although the β- to γ-phase transition is associated with a change in enthalpy, those observables reflecting silver ion dynamics show no discontinuities at the phase transition temperature. The high-temperature γ -phase crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/cC2/c (No. 15), a=23.999(2) Åa=23.999(2) Å, b=6.3621(3) Åb=6.3621(3) Å, c=24.909(2) Åc=24.909(2) Å, β=110.926(7)°β=110.926(7)°, R=0.0318R=0.0318 (300 K). The low-temperature α -phase is isostructural with a=24.090(1) Åa=24.090(1) Å, b=6.3400(3) Åb=6.3400(3) Å, c=24.581(1) Åc=24.581(1) Å, β=110.870(6)°β=110.870(6)°, R=0.0317R=0.0317 (120 K). Contrary to the situation in γ-Ag7P3S11, all the silver atoms are well-localized in the α-phase.
Co-reporter:S. Nilges, T. Nilges, H. Haeuseler, A. Pfitzner
Journal of Molecular Structure 2004 Volume 706(1–3) pp:89-94
Publication Date(Web):12 November 2004
Orange–red (CuBr)2P8Se3 was obtained from stoichiometric amounts of CuBr, P and Se by melting and subsequent annealing at 380 °C for 1 month. The crystal structure was determined from single crystal X-ray data. (CuBr)2P8Se3 crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pbcm (No. 57), with and Z=4. This compound consists of neutral P8Se3 cage molecules attached to Cu2Br2 rhombs. Vibrational spectroscopic data are reported for (CuBr)2P8Se3 and for the homologous (CuI)2P8Se3. The wavenumbers of the Cu–Br and Cu–I vibrational modes show an excellent correlation with the corresponding Cu–X bond lengths.
Co-reporter:Arno Pfitzner Dr.;Michael F. Bräu;Josef Zweck Dr.;Gunther Brunklaus Dr.;Hellmut Eckert
Angewandte Chemie 2004 Volume 116(Issue 32) pp:
Publication Date(Web):9 AUG 2004
Co-reporter:Arno Pfitzner Dr.;Michael F. Bräu;Josef Zweck Dr.;Gunther Brunklaus Dr.;Hellmut Eckert
Angewandte Chemie 2004 Volume 116(Issue 32) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 JUN 2004
P wird extrahiert: Zwei amorphe Allotrope von elementarem Phosphor, die aus Polymerketten bestehen (siehe Beispiel), wurden in reiner Form durch Extraktion ihrer Kupferiodid-Addukte mit einer wässrigen Kaliumcyanidlösung erhalten. 31P-NMR-Spektren und hoch aufgelösten TEM-Bildern zufolge ist die Struktur dieser Phosphor-Nanostäbe nach der Extraktion unverändert.
Co-reporter:Arno Pfitzner Dr.;Michael F. Bräu;Josef Zweck Dr.;Gunther Brunklaus Dr.;Hellmut Eckert
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2004 Volume 43(Issue 32) pp:
Publication Date(Web):9 AUG 2004
Co-reporter:Arno Pfitzner Dr.;Michael F. Bräu;Josef Zweck Dr.;Gunther Brunklaus Dr.;Hellmut Eckert
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2004 Volume 43(Issue 32) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 JUN 2004
Extracting the P: Two novel amorphous allotropes of elemental phosphorus that consist of polymeric chains (see example depicted) were obtained in a pure form by extraction from their copper iodide adducts with an aqueous solution of potassium cyanide. 31P NMR spectra and high-resolution TEM images suggest that the structure of these phosphorus nanorods is unchanged after extraction.
Co-reporter:Sara Reiser;Gunther Brunklaus;Jung Hoon Hong;Jerry C. C. Chan;Hellmut Eckert Dr. Dr.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2002 Volume 8(Issue 18) pp:
Publication Date(Web):16 SEP 2002
(CuI)3P4S4 is obtained by reaction of stoichiometric amounts of CuI, P, and S in evacuated silica ampoules. The yellow compound consists of monomeric β-P4S4 cage molecules that are separated by hexagonal columns of CuI. (CuI)3P4S4 crystallizes isotypic to (CuI)3P4Se4 in the hexagonal system, space group P63cm (no. 185) with a=19.082(3), c=6.691(1) Å, V=2109.9(6) Å3, and Z=6. Three of the four phosphorus atoms are bonded to copper, whereas no bonds between copper and sulfur are observed. The two crystallographically distinct copper sites are clearly differentiated by 65Cu magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy. Furthermore, an unequivocal assignment of the 31P MAS-NMR spectra is possible on the basis of homo- and heteronuclear dipole–dipole and scalar interactions. Dipolar coupling to the adjacent quadrupolar spins 63, 65Cu generates a clear multiplet structure of the peaks attributable to P1 and P2, respectively. Furthermore, the utility of a newly developed two-dimensional NMR technique is illustrated to reveal direct connectivity between P atoms based on (31P–31P) scalar interactions.
Co-reporter:Thomas Buchecker, Sebastian Krickl, Robert Winkler, Isabelle Grillo, Pierre Bauduin, Didier Touraud, Arno Pfitzner and Werner Kunz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017 - vol. 19(Issue 3) pp:NaN1816-1816
Publication Date(Web):2016/11/30
In the present contribution, the pre-structuring of binary mixtures of hydrotropes and H2O is linked to the solubilisation of poorly water miscible compounds. We have chosen a series of short-chain alcohols as hydrotropes and benzyl alcohol, limonene and a hydrophobic azo-dye (Disperse Red 13) as organic compounds to be dissolved. A very weak pre-structuring is found for ethanol/H2O and 2-propanol/H2O mixtures. Pre-structuring is most developed for binary 1-propanol/H2O and tert-butanol/H2O mixtures and supports the bicontinuity model of alcohol-rich and water-rich domains as already postulated by Anisimov et al. Such a pre-structuring leads to a high solubilisation power for poorly water miscible components (limonene and Disperse Red, characterized by high octanol/water partition coefficients, log(P) values of 4.5 and 4.85), whereas a very weak pre-structuring leads to a high solubilisation power for slightly water miscible components (benzyl alcohol). This difference in solubilisation power can be linked to (i) the formation of mesoscale structures in the cases of ethanol and 2-propanol and (ii) the extension of pre-structures in the cases of 1-propanol and tert-butanol. Three different solubilisation mechanisms could be identified: bulk solubilisation, interface solubilisation and a combination of both. These supramolecular structures in binary and ternary systems were investigated by small-and-wide-angle X-ray and neutron scattering, dynamic light scattering and conductivity measurements (in the presence of small amounts of salt).
Co-reporter:D. Friedrich, M. Schlosser, R. Weihrich and A. Pfitzner
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2017 - vol. 4(Issue 2) pp:NaN400-400
Publication Date(Web):2016/12/28
CsGaS2-mC64 was obtained by reaction of CsN3 with stoichiometric amounts of Ga2S3 and S at elevated temperatures. The crystal structure of the air- and moisture stable compound was determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The colourless solid crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (no. 15) with the lattice parameters a = 10.5718(6) Å, b = 10.5708(6) Å, c = 16.0847(8) Å, β = 99.445(4)°, V = 1773.1(2) Å3, and Z = 16. The compound crystallizes in the TlGaSe2 structure type and features anionic layers 2∞[Ga4S84−] consisting of corner-sharing Ga4S10 supertetrahedra. At temperatures above 600 °C an irreversible phase-transition to CsGaS2-mC16 occurs. The phase-transition kinetics were studied using in situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction techniques. This transition can only be reversed by using high pressures (>5 GPa at 500 °C). The compound was further characterized using Raman- and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Chemical bonding was analysed by DFT calculations.