Latha Venkataraman

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Name: Venkataraman, Latha
Organization: Columbia University , USA
Department: Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
Title: Associate Professor(PhD)
Co-reporter:Arunabh Batra, Gregor Kladnik, Narjes Gorjizadeh, Jeffrey Meisner, Michael Steigerwald, Colin Nuckolls, Su Ying Quek, Dean Cvetko, Alberto Morgante, and Latha Venkataraman
Journal of the American Chemical Society September 10, 2014 Volume 136(Issue 36) pp:12556-12559
Publication Date(Web):August 14, 2014
We study the formation of covalent gold–carbon bonds in benzyltrimethylstannane (C10H16Sn) deposited on Au in ultra-high-vacuum conditions. Through X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray absorption measurements, we find that the molecule fragments at the Sn–benzyl bond when exposed to Au surfaces at temperatures as low as −110 °C. The resulting benzyl species is stabilized by the presence of Au(111) but only forms covalent Au–C bonds on more reactive Au surfaces like Au(110). We also present spectroscopic proof for the existence of an electronic “gateway” state localized on the Au–C bond that is responsible for its unique electronic properties. Finally, we use DFT-based nudged elastic band calculations to elucidate the crucial role played by the under-coordinated Au surface in the formation of Au–C bonds.
Co-reporter:Yaping Zang, Andrew Pinkard, Zhen-Fei Liu, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Michael L. Steigerwald, Xavier Roy, and Latha Venkataraman
Journal of the American Chemical Society October 25, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 42) pp:14845-14845
Publication Date(Web):October 5, 2017
We report a series of single-molecule transport measurements carried out in an ionic environment with oligophenylenediamine wires. These molecules exhibit three discrete conducting states accessed by electrochemically modifying the contacts. Transport in these junctions is defined by the oligophenylene backbone, but the conductance is increased by factors of ∼20 and ∼400 when compared to traditional dative junctions. We propose that the higher-conducting states arise from in situ electrochemical conversion of the dative Au←N bond into a new type of Au–N contact. Density functional theory-based transport calculations establish that the new contacts dramatically increase the electronic coupling of the oligophenylene backbone to the Au electrodes, consistent with experimental transport data. The resulting contact resistance is the lowest reported to date; more generally, our work demonstrates a facile method for creating electronically transparent metal–organic interfaces.
Co-reporter:M. Kamenetska, Su Ying Quek, A. C. Whalley, M. L. Steigerwald, H. J. Choi, Steven G. Louie, C. Nuckolls, M. S. Hybertsen, J. B. Neaton and L. Venkataraman
Journal of the American Chemical Society May 19, 2010 Volume 132(Issue 19) pp:6817-6821
Publication Date(Web):May 19, 2010
We have measured the conductance and characterized molecule−electrode binding geometries of four pyridine-terminated molecules by elongating and then compressing gold point contacts in a solution of molecules. We have found that all pyridine-terminated molecules exhibit bistable conductance signatures, signifying that the nature of the pyridine−gold bond allows two distinct conductance states that are accessed as the gold−molecule−gold junction is elongated. We have identified the low-conductance state as corresponding to a molecule fully stretched out between the gold electrodes, where the distance between contacts correlates with the length of the molecule; the high-conductance state is due to a molecule bound at an angle. For all molecules, we have found that the distribution of junction elongations in the low-conductance state is the same, while in the high-conductance state, the most likely elongation length increases linearly with molecule length. The results of first-principles conductance calculations for the four molecules in the low-conductance geometry agree well with the experimental results and show that the dominant conducting channel in the conjugated pyridine-linked molecules is through the π* orbital.
Co-reporter:Wenbo Chen, Haixing Li, Jonathan R. Widawsky, Chandrakumar Appayee, Latha Venkataraman, and Ronald Breslow
Journal of the American Chemical Society January 22, 2014 Volume 136(Issue 3) pp:918-920
Publication Date(Web):January 7, 2014
We have measured the conductance of single-molecule junctions created with three different molecular wires using the scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique. Each wire contains one of three different cyclic five-membered rings: cyclopentadiene, furan, or thiophene. We find that the single-molecule conductance of these three wires correlates negatively with the resonance energy of the five-membered ring; the nonaromatic cyclopentadiene derivative has the highest conductance, while the most aromatic of this series, thiophene, has the lowest. Furthermore, we show for another wire structure that the conductance of furan-based wires is consistently higher than for analogous thiophene systems, indicating that the negative correlation between conductance and aromaticity is robust. The best conductance would be for a quinoid structure that diminishes aromaticity. The energy penalty for partly adopting the quinoid structure is less with compounds having lower initial aromatic stabilization. An additional effect may reflect the lower HOMOs of aromatic compounds.
Co-reporter:E-Dean Fung;Olgun Adak;Giacomo Lovat;Diego Scarabelli
Nano Letters February 8, 2017 Volume 17(Issue 2) pp:1255-1261
Publication Date(Web):January 23, 2017
We investigate light-induced conductance enhancement in single-molecule junctions via photon-assisted transport and hot-electron transport. Using 4,4′-bipyridine bound to Au electrodes as a prototypical single-molecule junction, we report a 20–40% enhancement in conductance under illumination with 980 nm wavelength radiation. We probe the effects of subtle changes in the transmission function on light-enhanced current and show that discrete variations in the binding geometry result in a 10% change in enhancement. Importantly, we prove theoretically that the steady-state behavior of photon-assisted transport and hot-electron transport is identical but that hot-electron transport is the dominant mechanism for optically induced conductance enhancement in single-molecule junctions when the wavelength used is absorbed by the electrodes and the hot-electron relaxation time is long. We confirm this experimentally by performing polarization-dependent conductance measurements of illuminated 4,4′-bipyridine junctions. Finally, we perform lock-in type measurements of optical current and conclude that currents due to laser-induced thermal expansion mask optical currents. This work provides a robust experimental framework for studying mechanisms of light-enhanced transport in single-molecule junctions and offers tools for tuning the performance of organic optoelectronic devices by analyzing detailed transport properties of the molecules involved.Keywords: hot-electron; Photon-assisted transport; single-molecule; surface plasmon; Tien-Gordon;
Co-reporter:Timothy A. Su, Jonathan R. Widawsky, Haixing Li, Rebekka S. Klausen, James L. Leighton, Michael L. Steigerwald, Latha Venkataraman, and Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society December 11, 2013 Volume 135(Issue 49) pp:18331-18334
Publication Date(Web):November 21, 2013
Here we demonstrate for the first time that strained silanes couple directly to gold electrodes in break-junction conductance measurements. We find that strained silicon molecular wires terminated by alkyl sulfide aurophiles behave effectively as single-molecule parallel circuits with competing sulfur-to-sulfur (low G) and sulfur-to-silacycle (high G) pathways. We can switch off the high conducting sulfur-to-silacycle pathway by altering the environment of the electrode surface to disable the Au–silacycle coupling. Additionally, we can switch between conductive pathways in a single molecular junction by modulating the tip–substrate electrode distance. This study provides a new molecular design to control electronics in silicon-based single molecule wires.
Co-reporter:Jonathan Z. Low;Brian Capozzi;Jing Cui;Sujun Wei;Luis M. Campos
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2017 vol. 8(Issue 4) pp:3254-3259
Publication Date(Web):2017/03/28
Thiophene-1,1-dioxide (TDO) oligomers have fascinating electronic properties. We previously used thermopower measurements to show that a change in charge carrier from hole to electron occurs with increasing length of TDO oligomers when single-molecule junctions are formed between gold electrodes. In this article, we show for the first time that the dominant conducting orbitals for thiophene/TDO oligomers of fixed length can be tuned by altering the strength of the electron acceptors incorporated into the backbone. We use the scanning tunneling microscope break-junction (STM-BJ) technique and apply a recently developed method to determine the dominant transport channel in single-molecule junctions formed with these systems. Through these measurements, we find that increasing the electron affinity of thiophene derivatives, within a family of pentamers, changes the polarity of the charge carriers systematically from holes to electrons, with some systems even showing mid-gap transport characteristics.
Co-reporter:Michael S. Inkpen;Yann R. Leroux;Philippe Hapiot;Luis M. Campos
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2017 vol. 8(Issue 6) pp:4340-4346
Publication Date(Web):2017/05/30
Whilst most studies in single-molecule electronics involve components first synthesized ex situ, there is also great potential in exploiting chemical transformations to prepare devices in situ. Here, as a first step towards this goal, we conduct reversible reactions on monolayers to make and break covalent bonds between alkanes of different lengths, then measure the conductance of these molecules connected between electrodes using the scanning tunneling microscopy-based break junction (STM-BJ) method. In doing so, we develop the critical methodology required for assembling and disassembling surface-bound single-molecule circuits. We identify effective reaction conditions for surface-bound reagents, and importantly demonstrate that the electronic characteristics of wires created in situ agree with those created ex situ. Finally, we show that the STM-BJ technique is unique in its ability to definitively probe surface reaction yields both on a local (∼50 nm2) and pseudo-global (≥10 mm2) level. This investigation thus highlights a route to the construction and integration of more complex, and ultimately functional, surface-based single-molecule circuitry, as well as advancing a methodology that facilitates studies beyond the reach of traditional ex situ synthetic approaches.
Co-reporter:Haixing Li;Timothy A. Su;María Camarasa-Gómez;Dr. Daniel Hernangómez-Pérez;Simon E. Henn;Dr. Vladislav Pokorný;Caravaggio D. Caniglia;Michael S. Inkpen; Richard Korytár;Dr. Michael L. Steigerwald; Colin Nuckolls; Ferdin Evers and; Latha Venkataraman
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 45) pp:14145-14148
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/06
AbstractWe report that the single-molecule junction conductance of thiol-terminated silanes with Ag electrodes are higher than the conductance of those formed with Au electrodes. These results are in contrast to the trends in the metal work function Φ(Ag)<Φ(Au). As such, a better alignment of the Au Fermi level to the molecular orbital of silane that mediates charge transport would be expected. This conductance trend is reversed when we replace the thiols with amines, highlighting the impact of metal–S covalent and metal–NH2 dative bonds in controlling the molecular conductance. Density functional theory calculations elucidate the crucial role of the chemical linkers in determining the level alignment when molecules are attached to different metal contacts. We also demonstrate that conductance of thiol-terminated silanes with Pt electrodes is lower than the ones formed with Au and Ag electrodes, again in contrast to the trends in the metal work-functions.
Co-reporter:Mark S. Hybertsen and Latha Venkataraman
Accounts of Chemical Research 2016 Volume 49(Issue 3) pp:452
Publication Date(Web):March 3, 2016
Over the past 10 years, there has been tremendous progress in the measurement, modeling and understanding of structure–function relationships in single molecule junctions. Numerous research groups have addressed significant scientific questions, directed both to conductance phenomena at the single molecule level and to the fundamental chemistry that controls junction functionality. Many different functionalities have been demonstrated, including single-molecule diodes, optically and mechanically activated switches, and, significantly, physical phenomena with no classical analogues, such as those based on quantum interference effects. Experimental techniques for reliable and reproducible single molecule junction formation and characterization have led to this progress. In particular, the scanning tunneling microscope based break-junction (STM-BJ) technique has enabled rapid, sequential measurement of large numbers of nanoscale junctions allowing a statistical analysis to readily distinguish reproducible characteristics. Harnessing fundamental link chemistry has provided the necessary chemical control over junction formation, enabling measurements that revealed clear relationships between molecular structure and conductance characteristics. Such link groups (amines, methylsuflides, pyridines, etc.) maintain a stable lone pair configuration that selectively bonds to specific, undercoordinated transition metal atoms available following rupture of a metal point contact in the STM-BJ experiments. This basic chemical principle rationalizes the observation of highly reproducible conductance signatures. Subsequently, the method has been extended to probe a variety of physical phenomena ranging from basic I–V characteristics to more complex properties such as thermopower and electrochemical response. By adapting the technique to a conducting cantilever atomic force microscope (AFM-BJ), simultaneous measurement of the mechanical characteristics of nanoscale junctions as they are pulled apart has given complementary information such as the stiffness and rupture force of the molecule-metal link bond. Overall, while the BJ technique does not produce a single molecule circuit for practical applications, it has proved remarkably versatile for fundamental studies. Measured data and analysis have been combined with atomic-scale theory and calculations, typically performed for representative junction structures, to provide fundamental physical understanding of structure–function relationships.This Account integrates across an extensive series of our specific nanoscale junction studies which were carried out with the STM- and AFM-BJ techniques and supported by theoretical analysis and density functional theory based calculations, with emphasis on the physical characteristics of the measurement process and the rich data sets that emerge. Several examples illustrate the impact of measured trends based on the most probable values for key characteristics (obtained from ensembles of order 1000–10 000 individual junctions) to build a solid picture of conductance phenomena as well as attributes of the link bond chemistry. The key forward-looking question posed here is the extent to which the full data sets represented by the individual trajectories can be analyzed to address structure–function questions at the level of individual junctions. Initial progress toward physical modeling of conductance of individual junctions indicates trends consistent with physical junction structures. Analysis of junction mechanics reveals a scaling procedure that collapses existing data onto a universal force–extension curve. This research directed to understanding the distribution of structures and physical characteristics addresses fundamental questions concerning the interplay between chemical control and stochastically driven diversity.
Co-reporter:Brian Capozzi, Jonathan Z. Low, Jianlong Xia, Zhen-Fei Liu, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Luis M. Campos, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2016 Volume 16(Issue 6) pp:3949-3954
Publication Date(Web):May 17, 2016
Charge transport phenomena in single-molecule junctions are often dominated by tunneling, with a transmission function dictating the probability that electrons or holes tunnel through the junction. Here, we present a new and simple technique for measuring the transmission functions of molecular junctions in the coherent tunneling limit, over an energy range of 1.5 eV around the Fermi energy. We create molecular junctions in an ionic environment with electrodes having different exposed areas, which results in the formation of electric double layers of dissimilar density on the two electrodes. This allows us to electrostatically shift the molecular resonance relative to the junction Fermi levels in a manner that depends on the sign of the applied bias, enabling us to map out the junction’s transmission function and determine the dominant orbital for charge transport in the molecular junction. We demonstrate this technique using two groups of molecules: one group having molecular resonance energies relatively far from EF and one group having molecular resonance energies within the accessible bias window. Our results compare well with previous electrochemical gating data and with transmission functions computed from first principles. Furthermore, with the second group of molecules, we are able to examine the behavior of a molecular junction as a resonance shifts into the bias window. This work provides a new, experimentally simple route for exploring the fundamentals of charge transport at the nanoscale.
Co-reporter:Haixing Li, Nathaniel T. Kim, Timothy A. Su, Michael L. Steigerwald, Colin Nuckolls, Pierre Darancet, James L. Leighton, and Latha Venkataraman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 49) pp:16159-16164
Publication Date(Web):November 18, 2016
The stability of chemical bonds can be studied experimentally by rupturing single molecule junctions under applied voltage. Here, we compare voltage-induced bond rupture in two Si–Si backbones: one has no alternate conductive pathway whereas the other contains an additional naphthyl pathway in parallel to the Si–Si bond. We show that in contrast to the first system, the second can conduct through the naphthyl group when the Si–Si bond is ruptured using an applied voltage. We investigate this voltage induced Si–Si bond rupture by ab initio density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamics simulations that ultimately demonstrate that the excitation of molecular vibrational modes by tunneling electrons leads to homolytic Si–Si bond rupture.
Co-reporter:Timothy A. Su; Haixing Li; Rebekka S. Klausen; Jonathan R. Widawsky; Arunabh Batra; Michael L. Steigerwald; Latha Venkataraman;Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 24) pp:7791-7795
Publication Date(Web):June 14, 2016
While the single-molecule conductance properties of π-conjugated and σ-conjugated systems have been well-studied, little is known regarding the conductance properties of mixed σ–π backbone wires and the factors that control their transport properties. Here we utilize a scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique to study a series of molecular wires with π–σ–π backbone structures, where the π-moiety is an electrode-binding thioanisole ring and the σ-moiety is a triatomic α–β–α chain composed of C, Si, or Ge atoms. We find that the sequence and composition of group 14 atoms in the α–β–α chain dictates whether electronic communication between the aryl rings is enhanced or suppressed. Placing heavy atoms at the α-position decreases conductance, whereas placing them at the β-position increases conductance: for example, the C–Ge–C sequence is over 20 times more conductive than the Ge–C–Ge sequence. Density functional theory calculations reveal that these conductance trends arise from periodic trends (i.e., atomic size, polarizability, and electronegativity) that differ from C to Si to Ge. The periodic trends that control molecular conductance here are the same ones that give rise to the α and β silicon effects from physical organic chemistry. These findings outline a new molecular design concept for tuning conductance in single-molecule electrical devices.
Co-reporter:Nathaniel T. Kim, Haixing Li, Latha Venkataraman, and James L. Leighton
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 36) pp:11505-11508
Publication Date(Web):August 26, 2016
A highly conducting electronic contact between a strained disilane and Au is demonstrated through scanning tunneling microscope-based single-molecule measurements. Conformationally locked cis diastereomers of bis(sulfide)-anchor-equipped 1,2-disilaacenaphthenes readily form high-conducting junctions in which the two sulfide anchors bind in a bipodal fashion to one gold electrode, providing enough stability for a stable electrical contact between the Si–Si σ bond and the other electrode.
Co-reporter:Haixing Li, Marc H. Garner, Zhichun Shangguan, Qianwen Zheng, Timothy A. Su, Madhav Neupane, Panpan Li, Alexandra Velian, Michael L. Steigerwald, Shengxiong Xiao, Colin Nuckolls, Gemma C. Solomon and Latha Venkataraman  
Chemical Science 2016 vol. 7(Issue 9) pp:5657-5662
Publication Date(Web):30 May 2016
Here we examine the impact of ring conformation on the charge transport characteristics of cyclic pentasilane structures bound to gold electrodes in single molecule junctions. We investigate the conductance properties of alkylated cyclopentasilane cis and trans stereoisomers substituted in the 1,3-position with methylthiomethyl electrode binding groups using both the scanning tunneling microscope-based break junction technique and density functional theory based ab initio calculations. In contrast with the linear ones, these cyclic silanes yield lower conductance values; calculations reveal that the constrained dihedral geometries occurring within the ring are suboptimal for σ-orbital delocalization, and therefore, conductance. Theoretical calculations reproduce the measured conductance trends for both cis and trans isomers and find several distinct conformations that are likely to form stable molecular junctions at room temperature. Due to the weakened σ-conjugation in the molecule, through-space interactions are found to contribute significantly to the conductance. This manuscript details the vast conformational flexibility in cyclopentasilanes and the tremendous impact it has on controlling conductance.
Co-reporter:Dean Cvetko, Guido Fratesi, Gregor Kladnik, Albano Cossaro, Gian Paolo Brivio, Latha Venkataraman and Alberto Morgante  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 vol. 18(Issue 32) pp:22140-22145
Publication Date(Web):14 Jul 2016
Charge transfer rates at metal/organic interfaces affect the efficiencies of devices for organic based electronics and photovoltaics. A quantitative study of electron transfer rates, which take place on the femtosecond timescale, is often difficult, especially since in most systems the molecular adsorption geometry is unknown. Here, we use X-ray resonant photoemission spectroscopy to measure ultrafast charge transfer rates across pyridine/Au(111) interfaces while also controlling the molecular orientation on the metal. We demonstrate that a bi-directional charge transfer across the molecule/metal interface is enabled upon creation of a core-exciton on the molecule with a rate that has a strong dependence on the molecular adsorption angle. Through density functional theory calculations, we show that the alignment of molecular levels relative to the metal Fermi level is dramatically altered when a core-hole is created on the molecule, allowing the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital to fall partially below the metal Fermi level. We also calculate charge transfer rates as a function of molecular adsorption geometry and find a trend that agrees with the experiment. These findings thus give insight into the charge transfer dynamics of a photo-excited molecule on a metal surface.
Co-reporter:Anders Borges, E-Dean Fung, Fay Ng, Latha Venkataraman, and Gemma C. Solomon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2016 Volume 7(Issue 23) pp:4825-4829
Publication Date(Web):November 10, 2016
Guidelines to predict trends in the electrical conductance of molecules have been developed for the π-system of conjugated systems. Little is known, however, about the conductance of the underlying σ-systems because the π-system usually dominates the transport. Here we study a family of bipyridine-based molecules using STM-break junction experiments and density functional theory transport calculations. We use different lengths and substitution patterns to probe the role of both the σ-system and the π-system in controlling conductance. By exploiting the destructive interference feature found in the π-system of the meta-coupled six-membered aromatic rings, we show that the conductance of the σ-system of a meta-coupled molecule can be probed directly and can even exceed that of its para-coupled analog. These results add to the understanding of the conductance through the chemically hidden σ-electrons.
Co-reporter:Mikkel Strange, Gemma C. Solomon, Latha Venkataraman, and Luis M. Campos
Nano Letters 2015 Volume 15(Issue 11) pp:7177-7178
Publication Date(Web):October 20, 2015
Co-reporter:Olgun Adak, Gregor Kladnik, Gregor Bavdek, Albano Cossaro, Alberto Morgante, Dean Cvetko, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2015 Volume 15(Issue 12) pp:8316-8321
Publication Date(Web):November 17, 2015
We investigate bidirectional femtosecond charge transfer dynamics using the core–hole clock implementation of resonant photoemission spectroscopy from 4,4′-bipyridine molecular layers on three different surfaces: Au(111), epitaxial graphene on Ni(111), and graphene nanoribbons. We show that the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the molecule drops partially below the Fermi level upon core–hole creation in all systems, opening an additional decay channel for the core–hole, involving electron donation from substrate to the molecule. Furthermore, using the core–hole clock method, we find that the bidirectional charge transfer time between the substrate and the molecule is fastest on Au(111), with a 2 fs time, then around 4 fs for epitaxial graphene and slowest with graphene nanoribbon surface, taking around 10 fs. Finally, we provide evidence for fast phase decoherence of the core-excited LUMO* electron through an interaction with the substrate providing the first observation of such a fast bidirectional charge transfer across an organic/graphene interface.
Co-reporter:Olgun Adak, Ethan Rosenthal, Jeffery Meisner, Erick F. Andrade, Abhay N. Pasupathy, Colin Nuckolls, Mark S. Hybertsen, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2015 Volume 15(Issue 6) pp:4143-4149
Publication Date(Web):May 5, 2015
Charge transport properties of metal–molecule interfaces depend strongly on the character of molecule–electrode interactions. Although through-bond coupled systems have attracted the most attention, through-space coupling is important in molecular systems when, for example, through-bond coupling is suppressed due to quantum interference effects. To date, a probe that clearly distinguishes these two types of coupling has not yet been demonstrated. Here, we investigate the origin of flicker noise in single molecule junctions and demonstrate how the character of the molecule–electrode coupling influences the flicker noise behavior of single molecule junctions. Importantly, we find that flicker noise shows a power law dependence on conductance in all junctions studied with an exponent that can distinguish through-space and through-bond coupling. Our results provide a new and powerful tool for probing and understanding coupling at the metal-molecule interface.
Co-reporter:Olgun Adak, Richard Korytár, Andrew Y. Joe, Ferdinand Evers, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2015 Volume 15(Issue 6) pp:3716-3722
Publication Date(Web):May 28, 2015
We study the impact of electrode band structure on transport through single-molecule junctions by measuring the conductance of pyridine-based molecules using Ag and Au electrodes. Our experiments are carried out using the scanning tunneling microscope based break-junction technique and are supported by density functional theory based calculations. We find from both experiments and calculations that the coupling of the dominant transport orbital to the metal is stronger for Au-based junctions when compared with Ag-based junctions. We attribute this difference to relativistic effects, which result in an enhanced density of d-states at the Fermi energy for Au compared with Ag. We further show that the alignment of the conducting orbital relative to the Fermi level does not follow the work function difference between two metals and is different for conjugated and saturated systems. We thus demonstrate that the details of the molecular level alignment and electronic coupling in metal–organic interfaces do not follow simple rules but are rather the consequence of subtle local interactions.
Co-reporter:Timothy A. Su; Haixing Li; Vivian Zhang; Madhav Neupane; Arunabh Batra; Rebekka S. Klausen; Bharat Kumar; Michael L. Steigerwald; Latha Venkataraman;Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 38) pp:12400-12405
Publication Date(Web):September 16, 2015
While the electrical conductivity of bulk-scale group 14 materials such as diamond carbon, silicon, and germanium is well understood, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the conductivity of these materials at the nano and molecular scales. Filling this gap is important because integrated circuits have shrunk so far that their active regions, which rely so heavily on silicon and germanium, begin to resemble ornate molecules rather than extended solids. Here we unveil a new approach for synthesizing atomically discrete wires of germanium and present the first conductance measurements of molecular germanium using a scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction (STM-BJ) technique. Our findings show that germanium and silicon wires are nearly identical in conductivity at the molecular scale, and that both are much more conductive than aliphatic carbon. We demonstrate that the strong donor ability of C–Ge σ-bonds can be used to raise the energy of the anchor lone pair and increase conductance. Furthermore, the oligogermane wires behave as conductance switches that function through stereoelectronic logic. These devices can be trained to operate with a higher switching factor by repeatedly compressing and elongating the molecular junction.
Co-reporter:Haixing Li; Timothy A. Su; Vivian Zhang; Michael L. Steigerwald; Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 15) pp:5028-5033
Publication Date(Web):February 12, 2015
Here we study the stability and rupture of molecular junctions under high voltage bias at the single molecule/single bond level using the scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique. We synthesize carbon-, silicon-, and germanium-based molecular wires terminated by aurophilic linker groups and study how the molecular backbone and linker group affect the probability of voltage-induced junction rupture. First, we find that junctions formed with covalent S–Au bonds are robust under high voltage and their rupture does not demonstrate bias dependence within our bias range. In contrast, junctions formed through donor–acceptor bonds rupture more frequently, and their rupture probability demonstrates a strong bias dependence. Moreover, we find that the junction rupture probability increases significantly above ∼1 V in junctions formed from methylthiol-terminated disilanes and digermanes, indicating a voltage-induced rupture of individual Si–Si and Ge–Ge bonds. Finally, we compare the rupture probabilities of the thiol-terminated silane derivatives containing Si–Si, Si–C, and Si–O bonds and find that Si–C backbones have higher probabilities of sustaining the highest voltage. These results establish a new method for studying electric field breakdown phenomena at the single molecule level.
Co-reporter:Wendu Ding, Matthieu Koepf, Christopher Koenigsmann, Arunabh Batra, Latha Venkataraman, Christian F. A. Negre, Gary W. Brudvig, Robert H. Crabtree, Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, and Victor S. Batista
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2015 Volume 11(Issue 12) pp:5888-5896
Publication Date(Web):November 3, 2015
We report a systematic computational search of molecular frameworks for intrinsic rectification of electron transport. The screening of molecular rectifiers includes 52 molecules and conformers spanning over 9 series of structural motifs. N-Phenylbenzamide is found to be a promising framework with both suitable conductance and rectification properties. A targeted screening performed on 30 additional derivatives and conformers of N-phenylbenzamide yielded enhanced rectification based on asymmetric functionalization. We demonstrate that electron-donating substituent groups that maintain an asymmetric distribution of charge in the dominant transport channel (e.g., HOMO) enhance rectification by raising the channel closer to the Fermi level. These findings are particularly valuable for the design of molecular assemblies that could ensure directionality of electron transport in a wide range of applications, from molecular electronics to catalytic reactions.
Co-reporter:Zhen-Fei Liu, Sujun Wei, Hongsik Yoon, Olgun Adak, Ingrid Ponce, Yivan Jiang, Woo-Dong Jang, Luis M. Campos, Latha Venkataraman, and Jeffrey B. Neaton
Nano Letters 2014 Volume 14(Issue 9) pp:5365-5370
Publication Date(Web):August 11, 2014
Using scanning tunneling microscope break-junction experiments and a new first-principles approach to conductance calculations, we report and explain low-bias charge transport behavior of four types of metal–porphyrin–gold molecular junctions. A nonequilibrium Green’s function approach based on self-energy corrected density functional theory and optimally tuned range-separated hybrid functionals is developed and used to understand experimental trends quantitatively. Importantly, due to the localized d states of the porphyrin molecules, hybrid functionals are essential for explaining measurements; standard semilocal functionals yield qualitatively incorrect results. Comparing directly with experiments, we show that the conductance can change by nearly a factor of 2 when different metal cations are used, counter to trends expected from gas-phase ionization energies which are relatively unchanged with the metal center. Our work explains the sensitivity of the porphyrin conductance with the metal center via a detailed and quantitative portrait of the interface electronic structure and provides a new framework for understanding transport quantitatively in complex junctions involving molecules with localized d states of relevance to light harvesting and energy conversion.
Co-reporter:Jianlong Xia, Brian Capozzi, Sujun Wei, Mikkel Strange, Arunabh Batra, Jose R. Moreno, Roey J. Amir, Elizabeth Amir, Gemma C. Solomon, Latha Venkataraman, and Luis M. Campos
Nano Letters 2014 Volume 14(Issue 5) pp:2941-2945
Publication Date(Web):April 18, 2014
We have designed and synthesized five azulene derivatives containing gold-binding groups at different points of connectivity within the azulene core to probe the effects of quantum interference through single-molecule conductance measurements. We compare conducting paths through the 5-membered ring, 7-membered ring, and across the long axis of azulene. We find that changing the points of connectivity in the azulene impacts the optical properties (as determined from UV–vis absorption spectra) and the conductivity. Importantly, we show here that simple models cannot be used to predict quantum interference characteristics of nonalternant hydrocarbons. As an exemplary case, we show that azulene derivatives that are predicted to exhibit destructive interference based on widely accepted atom-counting models show a significant conductance at low biases. Although simple models to predict the low-bias conductance do not hold with all azulene derivatives, we demonstrate that the measured conductance trend for all molecules studied actually agrees with predictions based on the more complete GW calculations for model systems.
Co-reporter:Taekyeong Kim, Pierre Darancet, Jonathan R. Widawsky, Michele Kotiuga, Su Ying Quek, Jeffrey B. Neaton, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2014 Volume 14(Issue 2) pp:794-798
Publication Date(Web):January 21, 2014
We measure conductance and thermopower of single Au–4,4′-bipyridine–Au junctions in distinct low and high conductance binding geometries accessed by modulating the electrode separation. We use these data to determine the electronic energy level alignment and coupling strength for these junctions, which are known to conduct through the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). Contrary to intuition, we find that, in the high-conductance junction, the LUMO resonance energy is further away from the Au Fermi energy than in the low-conductance junction. However, the LUMO of the high-conducting junction is better coupled to the electrode. These results are in good quantitative agreement with self-energy corrected zero-bias density functional theory calculations. Our calculations show further that measurements of conductance and thermopower in amine-terminated oligophenyl–Au junctions, where conduction occurs through the highest occupied molecular orbitals, cannot be used to extract electronic parameters as their transmission functions do not follow a simple Lorentzian form.
Co-reporter:Brian Capozzi, Qishui Chen, Pierre Darancet, Michele Kotiuga, Marisa Buzzeo, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Colin Nuckolls, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2014 Volume 14(Issue 3) pp:1400-1404
Publication Date(Web):February 3, 2014
We modulate the conductance of electrochemically inactive molecules in single-molecule junctions using an electrolytic gate to controllably tune the energy level alignment of the system. Molecular junctions that conduct through their highest occupied molecular orbital show a decrease in conductance when applying a positive electrochemical potential, and those that conduct though their lowest unoccupied molecular orbital show the opposite trend. We fit the experimentally measured conductance data as a function of gate voltage with a Lorentzian function and find the fitting parameters to be in quantitative agreement with self-energy corrected density functional theory calculations of transmission probability across single-molecule junctions. This work shows that electrochemical gating can directly modulate the alignment of the conducting orbital relative to the metal Fermi energy, thereby changing the junction transport properties.
Co-reporter:Arunabh Batra, Dean Cvetko, Gregor Kladnik, Olgun Adak, Claudia Cardoso, Andrea Ferretti, Deborah Prezzi, Elisa Molinari, Alberto Morgante and Latha Venkataraman  
Chemical Science 2014 vol. 5(Issue 11) pp:4419-4423
Publication Date(Web):2014/07/31
We studied the formation of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) via the self-assembly of 10,10′-dibromo-9,9′-bianthryl precursor molecules on gold surfaces with different synchrotron spectroscopies. Through X-ray photoemission spectroscopy core-level shifts, we followed each step of the synthetic process, and could show that the Br–C bonds of the precursors cleave at temperatures as low as 100 °C on both Au(111) and Au(110). We established that the resulting radicals bind to Au, forming Au–C and Au–Br bonds. We show that the polymerization of the precursors follows Br desorption from Au, suggesting that the presence of halogens is the limiting factor in this step. Finally, with angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory we show that the GNR/Au interaction results in an upshift of the Shockley surface state of Au(111) by ∼0.14 eV, together with an increased electron effective mass.
Co-reporter:J. R. Widawsky, W. Chen, H. Vázquez, T. Kim, R. Breslow, M. S. Hybertsen, and L. Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2013 Volume 13(Issue 6) pp:2889-2894
Publication Date(Web):May 17, 2013
We report the simultaneous measurement of conductance and thermopower of highly conducting single-molecule junctions using a scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction setup. We start with molecular backbones (alkanes and oligophenyls) terminated with trimethyltin end groups that cleave off in situ to create junctions where terminal carbons are covalently bonded to the Au electrodes. We apply a thermal gradient across these junctions and measure their conductance and thermopower. Because of the electronic properties of the highly conducting Au–C links, the thermoelectric properties and power factor are very high. Our results show that the molecular thermopower increases nonlinearly with the molecular length while conductance decreases exponentially with increasing molecular length. Density functional theory calculations show that a gateway state representing the Au–C covalent bond plays a key role in the conductance. With this as input, we analyze a series of simplified models and show that a tight-binding model that explicitly includes the gateway states and the molecular backbone states accurately captures the experimentally measured conductance and thermopower trends.
Co-reporter:Arunabh Batra, Pierre Darancet, Qishui Chen, Jeffrey S. Meisner, Jonathan R. Widawsky, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Colin Nuckolls, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2013 Volume 13(Issue 12) pp:6233-6237
Publication Date(Web):November 25, 2013
We demonstrate a new method of achieving rectification in single molecule devices using the high-bias properties of gold–carbon bonds. Our design for molecular rectifiers uses a symmetric, conjugated molecular backbone with a single methylsulfide group linking one end to a gold electrode and a covalent gold–carbon bond at the other end. The gold–carbon bond results in a hybrid gold-molecule “gateway” state pinned close to the Fermi level of one electrode. Through nonequilibrium transport calculations, we show that the energy of this state shifts drastically with applied bias, resulting in rectification at surprisingly low voltages. We use this concept to design and synthesize a family of diodes and demonstrate through single-molecule current–voltage measurements that the rectification ratio can be predictably and efficiently tuned. This result constitutes the first experimental demonstration of a rationally tunable system of single-molecule rectifiers. More generally, the results demonstrate that the high-bias properties of “gateway” states can be used to provide additional functionality to molecular electronic systems.
Co-reporter:Emma J. Dell ; Brian Capozzi ; Kateri H. DuBay ; Timothy C. Berkelbach ; Jose Ricardo Moreno ; David R. Reichman ; Latha Venkataraman ;Luis M. Campos
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 135(Issue 32) pp:11724-11727
Publication Date(Web):August 1, 2013
We have measured the single-molecule conductance of a family of bithiophene derivatives terminated with methyl sulfide gold-binding linkers using a scanning tunneling microscope based break-junction technique. We find a broad distribution in the single-molecule conductance of bithiophene compared with that of a methyl sulfide terminated biphenyl. Using a combination of experiments and calculations, we show that this increased breadth in the conductance distribution is explained by the difference in 5-fold symmetry of thiophene rings as compared to the 6-fold symmetry of benzene rings. The reduced symmetry of thiophene rings results in a restriction on the torsion angle space available to these molecules when bound between two metal electrodes in a junction, causing each molecular junction to sample a different set of conformers in the conductance measurements. In contrast, the rotations of biphenyl are essentially unimpeded by junction binding, allowing each molecular junction to sample similar conformers. This work demonstrates that the conductance of bithiophene displays a strong dependence on the conformational fluctuations accessible within a given junction configuration, and that the symmetry of such small molecules can significantly influence their conductance behaviors.
Co-reporter:Sriharsha V. Aradhya, Michael Frei, András Halbritter, and Latha Venkataraman
ACS Nano 2013 Volume 7(Issue 4) pp:3706
Publication Date(Web):March 23, 2013
We measure simultaneously force and conductance of Ag metal point-contacts under ambient conditions at room temperature. We observe the formation of contacts with a conductance close to 1 G0, the quantum of conductance, which can be attributed to a single-atom contact, similar to those formed by Au. We also find two additional conductance features at ∼0.4 G0 and ∼1.3 G0, which have been previously ascribed to contacts with oxygen contaminations. Here, using a conductance cross-correlation technique, we distinguish three different atomic-scale structural motifs and analyze their rupture forces and stiffness. Our results allow us to assign the ∼0.4 G0 conductance feature to an Ag–O–Ag contact and the ∼1.3 G0 feature to an Ag–Ag single-atom contact with an oxygen atom in parallel. Utilizing complementary information from force and conductance, we thus demonstrate the correlation of conductance with the structural evolution at the atomic scale.Keywords: Ag point-contacts; atomic defects; bond rupture forces; break-junctions; electronic transport
Co-reporter:Pierre Darancet, Jonathan R. Widawsky, Hyoung Joon Choi, Latha Venkataraman, and Jeffrey B. Neaton
Nano Letters 2012 Volume 12(Issue 12) pp:6250-6254
Publication Date(Web):November 20, 2012
Using self-energy-corrected density functional theory (DFT) and a coherent scattering-state approach, we explain current–voltage (IV) measurements of four pyridine-Au and amine-Au linked molecular junctions with quantitative accuracy. Parameter-free many-electron self-energy corrections to DFT Kohn–Sham eigenvalues are demonstrated to lead to excellent agreement with experiments at finite bias, improving upon order-of-magnitude errors in currents obtained with standard DFT approaches. We further propose an approximate route for prediction of quantitative IV characteristics for both symmetric and asymmetric molecular junctions based on linear response theory and knowledge of the Stark shifts of junction resonance energies. Our work demonstrates that a quantitative, computationally inexpensive description of coherent transport in molecular junctions is readily achievable, enabling new understanding and control of charge transport properties of molecular-scale interfaces at large bias voltages.
Co-reporter:Jonathan R. Widawsky, Pierre Darancet, Jeffrey B. Neaton, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2012 Volume 12(Issue 1) pp:354-358
Publication Date(Web):November 30, 2011
We report the first concurrent determination of conductance (G) and thermopower (S) of single-molecule junctions via direct measurement of electrical and thermoelectric currents using a scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique. We explore several amine-Au and pyridine-Au linked molecules that are predicted to conduct through either the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) or the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), respectively. We find that the Seebeck coefficient is negative for pyridine-Au linked LUMO-conducting junctions and positive for amine-Au linked HOMO-conducting junctions. Within the accessible temperature gradients (<30 K), we do not observe a strong dependence of the junction Seebeck coefficient on temperature. From histograms of thousands of junctions, we use the most probable Seebeck coefficient to determine a power factor, GS2, for each junction studied, and find that GS2 increases with G. Finally, we find that conductance and Seebeck coefficient values are in good quantitative agreement with our self-energy corrected density functional theory calculations.
Co-reporter:Sriharsha V. Aradhya, Jeffrey S. Meisner, Markrete Krikorian, Seokhoon Ahn, Radha Parameswaran, Michael L. Steigerwald, Colin Nuckolls, and Latha Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2012 Volume 12(Issue 3) pp:1643-1647
Publication Date(Web):February 21, 2012
Electronic factors in molecules such as quantum interference and cross-conjugation can lead to dramatic modulation and suppression of conductance in single-molecule junctions. Probing such effects at the single-molecule level requires simultaneous measurements of independent junction properties, as conductance alone cannot provide conclusive evidence of junction formation for molecules with low conductivity. Here, we compare the mechanics of the conducting para-terminated 4,4′-di(methylthio)stilbene and moderately conducting 1,2-bis(4-(methylthio)phenyl)ethane to that of insulating meta-terminated 3,3′-di(methylthio)stilbene single-molecule junctions. We simultaneously measure force and conductance across single-molecule junctions and use force signatures to obtain independent evidence of junction formation and rupture in the meta-linked cross-conjugated molecule even when no clear low-bias conductance is measured. By separately quantifying conductance and mechanics, we identify the formation of atypical 3,3′-di(methylthio)stilbene molecular junctions that are mechanically stable but electronically decoupled. While theoretical studies have envisaged many plausible systems where quantum interference might be observed, our experiments provide the first direct quantitative study of the interplay between contact mechanics and the distinctively quantum mechanical nature of electronic transport in single-molecule junctions.
Co-reporter:Michael Frei ; Sriharsha V. Aradhya ; Mark S. Hybertsen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 9) pp:4003-4006
Publication Date(Web):February 16, 2012
We use a modified conducting atomic force microscope to simultaneously probe the conductance of a single-molecule junction and the force required to rupture the junction formed by alkanes terminated with four different chemical link groups which vary in binding strength and mechanism to the gold electrodes. Molecular junctions with amine, methylsulfide, and diphenylphosphine terminated molecules show clear conductance signatures and rupture at a force that is significantly smaller than the measured 1.4 nN force required to rupture the single-atomic gold contact. In contrast, measurements with a thiol terminated alkane which can bind covalently to the gold electrode show conductance and force features unlike those of the other molecules studied. Specifically, the strong Au–S bond can cause structural rearrangements in the electrodes, which are accompanied by substantial conductance changes. Despite the strong Au–S bond and the evidence for disruption of the Au structure, the experiments show that on average these junctions also rupture at a smaller force than that measured for pristine single-atom gold contacts.
Co-reporter:Rebekka S. Klausen ; Jonathan R. Widawsky ; Michael L. Steigerwald ; Latha Venkataraman ;Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 10) pp:4541-4544
Publication Date(Web):February 21, 2012
Bulk silicon, the bedrock of information technology, consists of the deceptively simple electronic structure of just Si–Si σ bonds. Diamond has the same lattice structure as silicon, yet the two materials have dramatically different electronic properties. Here we report the specific synthesis and electrical characterization of a class of molecules, oligosilanes, that contain strongly interacting Si–Si σ bonds, the essential components of the bulk semiconductor. We used the scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique to compare the single-molecule conductance of these oligosilanes to those of alkanes. We found that the molecular conductance decreases exponentially with increasing chain length with a decay constant β = 0.27 ± 0.01 Å–1, comparable to that of a conjugated chain of C═C π bonds. This result demonstrates the profound implications of σ conjugation for the conductivity of silicon.
Co-reporter:Jeffrey S. Meisner ; Seokhoon Ahn ; Sriharsha V. Aradhya ; Markrete Krikorian ; Radha Parameswaran ; Michael Steigerwald ; Latha Venkataraman ;Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 50) pp:20440-20445
Publication Date(Web):November 21, 2012
We study the effects of molecular structure on the electronic transport and mechanical stability of single-molecule junctions formed with Au point contacts. Two types of linear conjugated molecular wires are compared: those functionalized with methylsulfide or amine aurophilic groups at (1) both or (2) only one of its phenyl termini. Using scanning tunneling and atomic force microscope break-junction techniques, the conductance of mono- and difunctionalized molecular wires and its dependence on junction elongation and rupture forces were studied. Charge transport through monofunctionalized wires is observed when the molecular bridge is coupled through a S–Au donor–acceptor bond on one end and a relatively weak Au−π interaction on the other end. For monofunctionalized molecular wires, junctions can be mechanically stabilized by installing a second aurophilic group at the meta position that, however, does not in itself contribute to a new conduction pathway. These results reveal the important interplay between electronic coupling through metal−π interactions and quantum mechanical effects introduced by chemical substitution on the conjugated system. This study affords a strategy to deterministically tune the electrical and mechanical properties through molecular wires.
Co-reporter:Seokhoon Ahn, Sriharsha V. Aradhya, Rebekka S. Klausen, Brian Capozzi, Xavier Roy, Michael L. Steigerwald, Colin Nuckolls and Latha Venkataraman  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 vol. 14(Issue 40) pp:13841-13845
Publication Date(Web):09 Jul 2012
We characterize electron transport across Au–molecule–Au junctions of heterogeneous carboxyl and methyl sulfide terminated saturated and conjugated molecules. Low-bias conductance measurements are performed using the scanning tunneling microscopy based break-junction technique in the presence of solvents and at room temperature. For a series of alkanes with 1–4 carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain, our results show an exponential decrease in conductance with increasing molecule length characterized by a decay constant of 0.9 ± 0.1 per methylene group. Control measurements in pH 11 solutions and with COOMe terminations suggest that the carboxylic acid group binds through the formation of a COO−–Au bond. Simultaneous measurements of conductance and force across these junctions yield a rupture force of 0.6 ± 0.1 nN, comparable to that required to rupture a Au–SMe bond. By establishing reliable, in situ junction formation, these experiments provide a new approach to probe electronic properties of carboxyl groups at the single molecule level.
Co-reporter:Dr. Xavier Roy;Christine L. Schenck;Dr. Seokhoon Ahn; Roger A. Lalancette; Latha Venkataraman; Colin Nuckolls;Dr. Michael L. Steigerwald
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 50) pp:12473-12476
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Xavier Roy;Christine L. Schenck;Dr. Seokhoon Ahn; Roger A. Lalancette; Latha Venkataraman; Colin Nuckolls;Dr. Michael L. Steigerwald
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 50) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Xavier Roy;Christine L. Schenck;Dr. Seokhoon Ahn; Roger A. Lalancette; Latha Venkataraman; Colin Nuckolls;Dr. Michael L. Steigerwald
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 50) pp:12641-12644
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Dr. Xavier Roy;Christine L. Schenck;Dr. Seokhoon Ahn; Roger A. Lalancette; Latha Venkataraman; Colin Nuckolls;Dr. Michael L. Steigerwald
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 50) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Jeffrey S. Meisner, Masha Kamenetska, Markrete Krikorian, Michael L. Steigerwald, Latha Venkataraman, and Colin Nuckolls
Nano Letters 2011 Volume 11(Issue 4) pp:1575-1579
Publication Date(Web):March 17, 2011
Controlling electron transport through a single-molecule device is key to the realization of nanoscale electronic components. A design requirement for single molecule electrical devices is that the molecule must be both structurally and electrically connected to the metallic electrodes. Typically, the mechanical and electrical contacts are achieved by the same chemical moiety. In this study, we demonstrate that the structural role may be played by one group (for example, a sulfide) while the electrical role may be played by another (a conjugated chain of C═C π-bonds). We can specify the electrical conductance through the molecule by modulating to which particular site on the oligoene chain the electrode binds. The result is a device that functions as a potentiometer at the single-molecule level.
Co-reporter:Michael Frei, Sriharsha V. Aradhya, Max Koentopp, Mark S. Hybertsen, and L. Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2011 Volume 11(Issue 4) pp:1518-1523
Publication Date(Web):March 2, 2011
We simultaneously measure conductance and force across nanoscale junctions. A new, two-dimensional histogram technique is introduced to statistically extract bond rupture forces from a large data set of individual junction elongation traces. For the case of Au point contacts, we find a rupture force of 1.4 ± 0.2 nN, which is in good agreement with previous measurements. We then study systematic trends for single gold metal−molecule−metal junctions for a series of molecules terminated with amine and pyridine linkers. For all molecules studied, single molecule junctions rupture at the Au−N bond. Selective binding of the linker group allows us to correlate the N−Au bond-rupture force to the molecular backbone. We find that the rupture force ranges from 0.8 nN for 4,4′ bipyridine to 0.5 nN in 1,4 diaminobenzene. These experimental results are in excellent quantitative agreement with density functional theory based adiabatic molecular junction elongation and rupture calculations.
Co-reporter:V. Fatemi, M. Kamenetska, J. B. Neaton, and L. Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2011 Volume 11(Issue 5) pp:1988-1992
Publication Date(Web):April 18, 2011
The conductance of individual 1,4-benzenediamine (BDA)–Au molecular junctions is measured in different solvent environments using a scanning tunneling microscope based point-contact technique. Solvents are found to increase the conductance of these molecular junctions by as much as 50%. Using first principles calculations, we explain this increase by showing that a shift in the Au contact work function is induced by solvents binding to undercoordinated Au sites around the junction. Increasing the Au contact work function reduces the separation between the Au Fermi energy and the highest occupied molecular orbital of BDA in the junction, increasing the measured conductance. We demonstrate that the solvent-induced shift in conductance depends on the affinity of the solvent to Au binding sites and also on the induced dipole (relative to BDA) upon adsorption. Via this mechanism, molecular junction level alignment and transport properties can be statistically altered by solvent molecule binding to the contact surface.
Co-reporter:Severin T. Schneebeli ; Maria Kamenetska ; Zhanling Cheng ; Rachid Skouta ; Richard A. Friesner ; Latha Venkataraman ;Ronald Breslow
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011 Volume 133(Issue 7) pp:2136-2139
Publication Date(Web):January 25, 2011
Understanding electron transport across π−π-stacked systems will help to answer fundamental questions about biochemical redox processes and benefit the design of new materials and molecular devices. Herein we employed the STM break-junction technique to measure the single-molecule conductance of multiple π−π-stacked aromatic rings. We studied electron transport through up to four stacked benzene rings held together in an eclipsed fashion via a paracyclophane scaffold. We found that the strained hydrocarbons studied herein couple directly to gold electrodes during the measurements; hence, we did not require any heteroatom binding groups as electrical contacts. Density functional theory-based calculations suggest that the gold atoms of the electrodes bind to two neighboring carbon atoms of the outermost cyclophane benzene rings in η2 fashion. Our measurements show an exponential decay of the conductance with an increasing number of stacked benzene rings, indicating a nonresonant tunneling mechanism. Furthermore, STM tip−substrate displacement data provide additional evidence that the electrodes bind to the outermost benzene rings of the π−π-stacked molecular wires.
Co-reporter:Brycelyn M. Boardman ; Jonathan R. Widawsky ; Young S. Park ; Christine L. Schenck ; Latha Venkataraman ; Michael L. Steigerwald ;Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011 Volume 133(Issue 22) pp:8455-8457
Publication Date(Web):May 3, 2011
Understanding the electrical properties of semiconducting quantum dot devices have been limited due to the variability of their size/composition and the chemistry of ligand/electrode binding. Furthermore, to probe their electrical conduction properties and its dependence on ligand/electrode binding, measurements must be carried out at the single dot/cluster level. Herein we report scanning tunneling microscope based break junction measurements of cobalt chalcogenide clusters with Te, Se and S to probe the conductance properties. Our measured conductance trends show that the Co–Te based clusters have the highest conductance while the Co-S clusters the lowest. These trends are in very good agreement with cyclic voltammetry measurements of the first oxidation potentials and with density functional theory calculations of their HOMO–LUMO gaps.
Co-reporter:Wenbo Chen ; Jonathan R. Widawsky ; Héctor Vázquez ; Severin T. Schneebeli ; Mark S. Hybertsen ; Ronald Breslow
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011 Volume 133(Issue 43) pp:17160-17163
Publication Date(Web):September 22, 2011
We measure electronic conductance through single conjugated molecules bonded to Au metal electrodes with direct Au–C covalent bonds using the scanning tunneling microscope based break-junction technique. We start with molecules terminated with trimethyltin end groups that cleave off in situ, resulting in formation of a direct covalent σ bond between the carbon backbone and the gold metal electrodes. The molecular carbon backbone used in this study consist of a conjugated π system that has one terminal methylene group on each end, which bonds to the electrodes, achieving large electronic coupling of the electrodes to the π system. The junctions formed with the prototypical example of 1,4-dimethylenebenzene show a conductance approaching one conductance quantum (G0 = 2e2/h). Junctions formed with methylene-terminated oligophenyls with two to four phenyl units show a 100-fold increase in conductance compared with junctions formed with amine-linked oligophenyls. The conduction mechanism for these longer oligophenyls is tunneling, as they exhibit an exponential dependence of conductance on oligomer length. In addition, density functional theory based calculations for the Au–xylylene–Au junction show near-resonant transmission, with a crossover to tunneling for the longer oligomers.
Co-reporter:M. Kamenetska ; M. Dell’Angela ; J.R. Widawsky ; G. Kladnik ; A. Verdini ; A. Cossaro ; D. Cvetko ; A. Morgante ;L. Venkataraman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011 Volume 115(Issue 25) pp:12625-12630
Publication Date(Web):May 17, 2011
We investigate the binding and energy level alignment of 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzenediamine (TMBDA) on Au(111) through a combination of helium atom scattering (HAS), X-ray photoemission (XPS), and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We show that TMBDA binds to step edges and to flat Au (111) terraces in a nearly flat-lying configuration. Through combination of HAS and STM data, we determine that the molecules are bound on step edges with an adsorption energy of about 1.2 eV, which is about 0.2 eV stronger than the adsorption energy we measure on flat surface. Preferential bonding to the under-coordinated Au atoms on step edges suggests that the molecules bind to Au through the nitrogen lone pair. Finally, STM measurements on TMBDA in these two different adsorption configurations show that the highest-occupied molecular orbital is deeper relative to Fermi for the more strongly bound molecules on step edges, confirming that the nitrogen bonds through charge donation to the Au.
Co-reporter:M. Dell’Angela, G. Kladnik, A. Cossaro, A. Verdini, M. Kamenetska, I. Tamblyn, S. Y. Quek, J. B. Neaton, D. Cvetko, A. Morgante and L. Venkataraman
Nano Letters 2010 Volume 10(Issue 7) pp:2470-2474
Publication Date(Web):June 25, 2010
Using photoemission spectroscopy, we determine the relationship between electronic energy level alignment at a metal−molecule interface and single-molecule junction transport data. We measure the position of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) relative to the Au metal Fermi level for three 1,4-benzenediamine derivatives on Au(111) and Au(110) with ultraviolet and resonant X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. We compare these results to scanning tunnelling microscope-based break-junction measurements of single molecule conductance and to first-principles calculations. We find that the energy difference between the HOMO and Fermi level for the three molecules adsorbed on Au(111) correlate well with changes in conductance and agree well with quasiparticle energies computed from first-principles calculations incorporating self-energy corrections. On the Au(110) that presents Au atoms with lower-coordination, critical in break-junction conductance measurements, we see that the HOMO level shifts further from the Fermi level. These results provide the first direct comparison of spectroscopic energy level alignment measurements with single molecule junction transport data.
Co-reporter:Severin Schneebeli, Maria Kamenetska, Frank Foss, Hector Vazquez, Rachid Skouta, Mark Hybertsen, Latha Venkataraman, and Ronald Breslow
Organic Letters 2010 Volume 12(Issue 18) pp:4114-4117
Publication Date(Web):August 19, 2010
The effect of the partial antiaromaticity of biphenylene on its substitution chemistry, its oxidation potential, and its single-molecule conductance is explored. Biphenylene and fluorene molecules with linkers of two amino groups or two cyclic thioether groups were synthesized and their conduction properties were investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) break-junction techniques and DFT calculations. Despite the partial antiaromaticity of biphenylene, which causes the biphenylenes to be much more easily oxidizable, no significant increase in molecular conductance was found.
Co-reporter:R. Parameswaran, J. R. Widawsky, H. Vázquez, Y. S. Park, B. M. Boardman, C. Nuckolls, M. L. Steigerwald, M. S. Hybertsen and L. Venkataraman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2010 Volume 1(Issue 14) pp:2114-2119
Publication Date(Web):June 22, 2010
We measure the conductance of single Au−molecule−Au junctions with a series of air-stable diphenylphosphine-terminated molecules using the scanning tunneling microscope-based break junction technique. Thousands of conductance versus displacement traces collected for each molecule are used to statistically analyze junction conductance and evolution upon elongation. Measured conductances for a series of alkane-based molecules exhibit an exponential decrease with increasing length, as expected for saturated molecules, with a tunneling decay constant of 0.98 ± 0.04. Measurements of junction elongation indicate strong metal−molecule binding, with a length that increases with the number of methylene groups in the backbone. Measured conductance histograms for four molecules with short, unsaturated backbones (e.g., benzene) are much broader with less well-defined peaks. These measurements are supported by density function theory calculations. The phosphine binds selectively to under-coordinated gold atoms through a donor−acceptor bond with a binding energy of about 1 eV. The calculated tunnel coupling correlates very well with experiment.Keywords (keywords): diphenyl phosphine; electron transport; gold electrode; scanning tunneling microscope break-junction; single molecule conductance; tunnel coupling;
Co-reporter:Young S. Park ; Jonathan R. Widawsky ; Maria Kamenetska ; Michael L. Steigerwald ; Mark S. Hybertsen ; Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009 Volume 131(Issue 31) pp:10820-10821
Publication Date(Web):July 17, 2009
We compare the conductance of 1,4-bis(methylthio)benzene with that of 2,3,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene and the conductance of 1,4-bis(methylseleno)benzene with that of 2,3,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]diselenophene and show explicitly that the orientation of an Au−S or Au−Se bond relative to the aromatic π system controls electron transport through conjugated molecules. Specifically, we have found that the conduction pathway connects the Au electrodes to the aromatic π-system via the chalcogen p lone pairs, and greater overlaps among these components lead to higher conductivity through the molecular junction.
Co-reporter:Arunabh Batra ; Gregor Kladnik ; Narjes Gorjizadeh ; Jeffrey Meisner ; Michael Steigerwald ; Colin Nuckolls ; Su Ying Quek ; Dean Cvetko ; Alberto Morgante
Journal of the American Chemical Society () pp:
Publication Date(Web):August 14, 2014
We study the formation of covalent gold–carbon bonds in benzyltrimethylstannane (C10H16Sn) deposited on Au in ultra-high-vacuum conditions. Through X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray absorption measurements, we find that the molecule fragments at the Sn–benzyl bond when exposed to Au surfaces at temperatures as low as −110 °C. The resulting benzyl species is stabilized by the presence of Au(111) but only forms covalent Au–C bonds on more reactive Au surfaces like Au(110). We also present spectroscopic proof for the existence of an electronic “gateway” state localized on the Au–C bond that is responsible for its unique electronic properties. Finally, we use DFT-based nudged elastic band calculations to elucidate the crucial role played by the under-coordinated Au surface in the formation of Au–C bonds.
Co-reporter:M. Kamenetska ; Su Ying Quek ; A. C. Whalley ; M. L. Steigerwald ; H. J. Choi ; Steven G. Louie ; C. Nuckolls ; M. S. Hybertsen ; J. B. Neaton ;L. Venkataraman
Journal of the American Chemical Society () pp:
Publication Date(Web):2017-2-22
We have measured the conductance and characterized molecule−electrode binding geometries of four pyridine-terminated molecules by elongating and then compressing gold point contacts in a solution of molecules. We have found that all pyridine-terminated molecules exhibit bistable conductance signatures, signifying that the nature of the pyridine−gold bond allows two distinct conductance states that are accessed as the gold−molecule−gold junction is elongated. We have identified the low-conductance state as corresponding to a molecule fully stretched out between the gold electrodes, where the distance between contacts correlates with the length of the molecule; the high-conductance state is due to a molecule bound at an angle. For all molecules, we have found that the distribution of junction elongations in the low-conductance state is the same, while in the high-conductance state, the most likely elongation length increases linearly with molecule length. The results of first-principles conductance calculations for the four molecules in the low-conductance geometry agree well with the experimental results and show that the dominant conducting channel in the conjugated pyridine-linked molecules is through the π* orbital.
Co-reporter:Wenbo Chen ; Haixing Li ; Jonathan R. Widawsky ; Chandrakumar Appayee ; Latha Venkataraman ;Ronald Breslow
Journal of the American Chemical Society () pp:
Publication Date(Web):January 7, 2014
We have measured the conductance of single-molecule junctions created with three different molecular wires using the scanning tunneling microscope-based break-junction technique. Each wire contains one of three different cyclic five-membered rings: cyclopentadiene, furan, or thiophene. We find that the single-molecule conductance of these three wires correlates negatively with the resonance energy of the five-membered ring; the nonaromatic cyclopentadiene derivative has the highest conductance, while the most aromatic of this series, thiophene, has the lowest. Furthermore, we show for another wire structure that the conductance of furan-based wires is consistently higher than for analogous thiophene systems, indicating that the negative correlation between conductance and aromaticity is robust. The best conductance would be for a quinoid structure that diminishes aromaticity. The energy penalty for partly adopting the quinoid structure is less with compounds having lower initial aromatic stabilization. An additional effect may reflect the lower HOMOs of aromatic compounds.
Co-reporter:Timothy A. Su ; Jonathan R. Widawsky ; Haixing Li ; Rebekka S. Klausen ; James L. Leighton ; Michael L. Steigerwald ; Latha Venkataraman ;Colin Nuckolls
Journal of the American Chemical Society () pp:
Publication Date(Web):November 21, 2013
Here we demonstrate for the first time that strained silanes couple directly to gold electrodes in break-junction conductance measurements. We find that strained silicon molecular wires terminated by alkyl sulfide aurophiles behave effectively as single-molecule parallel circuits with competing sulfur-to-sulfur (low G) and sulfur-to-silacycle (high G) pathways. We can switch off the high conducting sulfur-to-silacycle pathway by altering the environment of the electrode surface to disable the Au–silacycle coupling. Additionally, we can switch between conductive pathways in a single molecular junction by modulating the tip–substrate electrode distance. This study provides a new molecular design to control electronics in silicon-based single molecule wires.
Co-reporter:Jonathan Z. Low, Brian Capozzi, Jing Cui, Sujun Wei, Latha Venkataraman and Luis M. Campos
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2017 - vol. 8(Issue 4) pp:NaN3259-3259
Publication Date(Web):2017/02/28
Thiophene-1,1-dioxide (TDO) oligomers have fascinating electronic properties. We previously used thermopower measurements to show that a change in charge carrier from hole to electron occurs with increasing length of TDO oligomers when single-molecule junctions are formed between gold electrodes. In this article, we show for the first time that the dominant conducting orbitals for thiophene/TDO oligomers of fixed length can be tuned by altering the strength of the electron acceptors incorporated into the backbone. We use the scanning tunneling microscope break-junction (STM-BJ) technique and apply a recently developed method to determine the dominant transport channel in single-molecule junctions formed with these systems. Through these measurements, we find that increasing the electron affinity of thiophene derivatives, within a family of pentamers, changes the polarity of the charge carriers systematically from holes to electrons, with some systems even showing mid-gap transport characteristics.
Co-reporter:Haixing Li, Marc H. Garner, Zhichun Shangguan, Qianwen Zheng, Timothy A. Su, Madhav Neupane, Panpan Li, Alexandra Velian, Michael L. Steigerwald, Shengxiong Xiao, Colin Nuckolls, Gemma C. Solomon and Latha Venkataraman
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2016 - vol. 7(Issue 9) pp:NaN5662-5662
Publication Date(Web):2016/05/30
Here we examine the impact of ring conformation on the charge transport characteristics of cyclic pentasilane structures bound to gold electrodes in single molecule junctions. We investigate the conductance properties of alkylated cyclopentasilane cis and trans stereoisomers substituted in the 1,3-position with methylthiomethyl electrode binding groups using both the scanning tunneling microscope-based break junction technique and density functional theory based ab initio calculations. In contrast with the linear ones, these cyclic silanes yield lower conductance values; calculations reveal that the constrained dihedral geometries occurring within the ring are suboptimal for σ-orbital delocalization, and therefore, conductance. Theoretical calculations reproduce the measured conductance trends for both cis and trans isomers and find several distinct conformations that are likely to form stable molecular junctions at room temperature. Due to the weakened σ-conjugation in the molecule, through-space interactions are found to contribute significantly to the conductance. This manuscript details the vast conformational flexibility in cyclopentasilanes and the tremendous impact it has on controlling conductance.
Co-reporter:Michael S. Inkpen, Yann R. Leroux, Philippe Hapiot, Luis M. Campos and Latha Venkataraman
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2017 - vol. 8(Issue 6) pp:NaN4346-4346
Publication Date(Web):2017/04/07
Whilst most studies in single-molecule electronics involve components first synthesized ex situ, there is also great potential in exploiting chemical transformations to prepare devices in situ. Here, as a first step towards this goal, we conduct reversible reactions on monolayers to make and break covalent bonds between alkanes of different lengths, then measure the conductance of these molecules connected between electrodes using the scanning tunneling microscopy-based break junction (STM-BJ) method. In doing so, we develop the critical methodology required for assembling and disassembling surface-bound single-molecule circuits. We identify effective reaction conditions for surface-bound reagents, and importantly demonstrate that the electronic characteristics of wires created in situ agree with those created ex situ. Finally, we show that the STM-BJ technique is unique in its ability to definitively probe surface reaction yields both on a local (∼50 nm2) and pseudo-global (≥10 mm2) level. This investigation thus highlights a route to the construction and integration of more complex, and ultimately functional, surface-based single-molecule circuitry, as well as advancing a methodology that facilitates studies beyond the reach of traditional ex situ synthetic approaches.
Co-reporter:Seokhoon Ahn, Sriharsha V. Aradhya, Rebekka S. Klausen, Brian Capozzi, Xavier Roy, Michael L. Steigerwald, Colin Nuckolls and Latha Venkataraman
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012 - vol. 14(Issue 40) pp:NaN13845-13845
Publication Date(Web):2012/07/09
We characterize electron transport across Au–molecule–Au junctions of heterogeneous carboxyl and methyl sulfide terminated saturated and conjugated molecules. Low-bias conductance measurements are performed using the scanning tunneling microscopy based break-junction technique in the presence of solvents and at room temperature. For a series of alkanes with 1–4 carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain, our results show an exponential decrease in conductance with increasing molecule length characterized by a decay constant of 0.9 ± 0.1 per methylene group. Control measurements in pH 11 solutions and with COOMe terminations suggest that the carboxylic acid group binds through the formation of a COO−–Au bond. Simultaneous measurements of conductance and force across these junctions yield a rupture force of 0.6 ± 0.1 nN, comparable to that required to rupture a Au–SMe bond. By establishing reliable, in situ junction formation, these experiments provide a new approach to probe electronic properties of carboxyl groups at the single molecule level.
Co-reporter:Dean Cvetko, Guido Fratesi, Gregor Kladnik, Albano Cossaro, Gian Paolo Brivio, Latha Venkataraman and Alberto Morgante
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 - vol. 18(Issue 32) pp:NaN22145-22145
Publication Date(Web):2016/07/14
Charge transfer rates at metal/organic interfaces affect the efficiencies of devices for organic based electronics and photovoltaics. A quantitative study of electron transfer rates, which take place on the femtosecond timescale, is often difficult, especially since in most systems the molecular adsorption geometry is unknown. Here, we use X-ray resonant photoemission spectroscopy to measure ultrafast charge transfer rates across pyridine/Au(111) interfaces while also controlling the molecular orientation on the metal. We demonstrate that a bi-directional charge transfer across the molecule/metal interface is enabled upon creation of a core-exciton on the molecule with a rate that has a strong dependence on the molecular adsorption angle. Through density functional theory calculations, we show that the alignment of molecular levels relative to the metal Fermi level is dramatically altered when a core-hole is created on the molecule, allowing the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital to fall partially below the metal Fermi level. We also calculate charge transfer rates as a function of molecular adsorption geometry and find a trend that agrees with the experiment. These findings thus give insight into the charge transfer dynamics of a photo-excited molecule on a metal surface.
Co-reporter:Arunabh Batra, Dean Cvetko, Gregor Kladnik, Olgun Adak, Claudia Cardoso, Andrea Ferretti, Deborah Prezzi, Elisa Molinari, Alberto Morgante and Latha Venkataraman
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2014 - vol. 5(Issue 11) pp:NaN4423-4423
Publication Date(Web):2014/07/31
We studied the formation of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) via the self-assembly of 10,10′-dibromo-9,9′-bianthryl precursor molecules on gold surfaces with different synchrotron spectroscopies. Through X-ray photoemission spectroscopy core-level shifts, we followed each step of the synthetic process, and could show that the Br–C bonds of the precursors cleave at temperatures as low as 100 °C on both Au(111) and Au(110). We established that the resulting radicals bind to Au, forming Au–C and Au–Br bonds. We show that the polymerization of the precursors follows Br desorption from Au, suggesting that the presence of halogens is the limiting factor in this step. Finally, with angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory we show that the GNR/Au interaction results in an upshift of the Shockley surface state of Au(111) by ∼0.14 eV, together with an increased electron effective mass.
HEPTASILANE, 1,7-DICHLORO-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7-TETRADECAMETHYL-
Lithium, [4-(methylthio)phenyl]-
Tetragermane, 1,4-dichloro-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-octamethyl-
Silane, bis(bromomethyl)dimethyl-
Cyclopentasilane, 1,1,2,2,4,4-hexamethyl-3,3,5,5-tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)-
Germane, methylenebis[chlorodimethyl-
2,5-Dibromothiophene 1,1-Dioxide