Yves Rubin

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Name: Rubin, Yves F.
Organization: University of California , USA
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Title: (PhD)


Co-reporter:Robert S. Jordan, Yolanda L. Li, Cheng-Wei Lin, Ryan D. McCurdy, Janice B. Lin, Jonathan L. Brosmer, Kristofer L. Marsh, Saeed I. Khan, K. N. Houk, Richard B. Kaner, and Yves Rubin
Journal of the American Chemical Society November 8, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 44) pp:15878-15878
Publication Date(Web):October 30, 2017
We demonstrate a highly efficient thermal conversion of four differently substituted polydiacetylenes (PDAs 1 and 2a–c) into virtually indistinguishable N = 8 armchair graphene nanoribbons ([8]AGNR). PDAs 1 and 2a–c are themselves easily accessed through photochemically initiated topochemical polymerization of diynes 3 and 4a–c in the crystal. The clean, quantitative transformation of PDAs 1 and 2a–c into [8]AGNR occurs via a series of Hopf pericyclic reactions, followed by aromatization reactions of the annulated polycyclic aromatic intermediates, as well as homolytic bond fragmentation of the edge functional groups upon heating up to 600 °C under an inert atmosphere. We characterize the different steps of both processes using complementary spectroscopic techniques (CP/MAS 13C NMR, Raman, FT-IR, and XPS) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). This novel approach to GNRs exploits the power of crystal engineering and solid-state reactions by targeting very large organic structures through programmed chemical transformations. It also affords the first reported [8]AGNR, which can now be synthesized on a large scale via two operationally simple and discrete solid-state processes.
Co-reporter:Zhaoqi Guo;Mitsuharu Suzuki;Juliet F. Khosrowabadi Kotyk;Yoshito Tobe;Jun Gotoda;Kohei Iritani;Kazukuni Tahara;Huan Nguyen
Langmuir June 7, 2016 Volume 32(Issue 22) pp:5532-5541
Publication Date(Web):2017-2-22
We have studied the self-assembly behavior of dehydro[24]annulene (D24A) derivatives 1, 2a–2d, and 3a–3c at the liquid/solid interface using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Both the relative placement and the nature of the four D24A substituents strongly influence the self-assembly pattern. Overall, the eight D24A derivatives examined in this study display seven types of 2D packing patterns. The D24A derivatives 1, 2a, and 3a have either two or four stearate groups and adopt face-on configurations of their macrocyclic cores with respect to the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface. Their 2D packing pattern is determined by the interchain spacings and number of stearate substituents. The D24A derivatives 2b–2d and 3b–3c bear hydrogen-bonding carbamate groups to further strengthen intermolecular interactions. Face-on patterns were also observed for most of these compounds, while an unstable edge-on self-assembly was observed in the case of 2b at room temperature. Stable edge-on self-assemblies of D24A derivatives were sought for this work as an important stepping stone to achieving the on-surface topochemical polymerization of these carbon-rich macrocycles into tubular π-conjugated nanowires. The overall factors determining the 2D packing patterns of D24As at the liquid/solid interface are discussed on the basis of theoretical simulations, providing useful guidelines for controlling the self-assembly pattern of future D24A macrocycles.
Co-reporter:Robert S. Jordan, Yves Rubin
Chem 2017 Volume 2, Issue 1(Volume 2, Issue 1) pp:
Publication Date(Web):12 January 2017
Cutting-edge synthesis is gradually delivering new types of graphene nanoribbons, enabling comparison of their properties to theoretical predictions. In this issue of Chem, Wu and coworkers describe oligomers of N = 5 armchair graphene nanoribbons possessing near-metallic (Eg = 0.21 eV) behavior.
Co-reporter:Mitsuharu Suzuki; Juliet F. Khosrowabadi Kotyk; Saeed I. Khan
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 18) pp:5939-5956
Publication Date(Web):April 18, 2016
The self-assembly of a series of dehydro[24]annulene derivatives into columnar stacks has been examined for its latent ability to form π-conjugated carbon-rich nanotubular structures through topochemical polymerizations. We have studied the parameters affecting self-assembly, including the nature of the substituent and crystallization conditions, using 10 different dehydro[24]annulene derivatives. In particular, hydrogen-bonding interactions through carbamate groups were found to be especially useful at directing the formation of nanotubular supramolecular assemblies. We have also evaluated the electronic coupling between neighboring dehydroannulene molecules within these supramolecular assemblies. Density functional calculations on the stacked supramolecular nanotube assemblies show that transfer integrals vary considerably between the three columnar assemblies, ranging from moderate to high (59–98 meV for the highest occupied molecular orbitals, 63–97 meV for the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals), depending on the local molecular topology. In addition, the dehydro[24]annulene derivatives afforded distinct architectures in the crystal, including nanochannel arrays, sheets with solvent-filled pores, and lamellae. This work is an essential step toward a controlled formation of covalently linked carbon-rich nanostructures generated from molecular precursors with a latent diacetylene reactivity.
Co-reporter:Shaohua Huang, Guangye Zhang, Nicholas S. Knutson, Matthew T. Fontana, Rachel C. Huber, Amy S. Ferreira, Sarah H. Tolbert, Benjamin J. Schwartz and Yves Rubin  
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016 vol. 4(Issue 2) pp:416-424
Publication Date(Web):05 Nov 2015
Organic solar cells have been based mostly on conjugated polymers and the classic fullerene derivative PCBM and are characterized by modest open circuit voltages (Voc). Increasing Voc requires fullerene acceptors with higher LUMOs than PCBM. To date, most fullerene derivatives synthesized for this purpose either do not achieve the high photocurrent afforded by PCBM or show relatively poor compatibility with the next-generation low bandgap conjugated polymers used in high-efficiency organic solar cells. Here, we report the facile synthesis of methoxylated 1,4-bisbenzyl fullerene adducts and their application as efficient electron acceptors in conjugated polymer-based solar cells. The methoxy groups are found to be essential to increasing the LUMO levels, and accordingly the Voc, of the devices compared to the parent 1,4-bisbenzyl fullerene, and more importantly, to PCBM. The best fullerene 1,4-bisadduct provides a ∼20% enhancement in power conversion efficiency over PCBM when used with the classic crystalline polymer P3HT. When used in combination with a higher-performance low bandgap polymer, PTB7, the bisadduct both increases the device open-circuit voltage and maintains the high photocurrent provided by the more traditional PCBM. We also examine 10 different 1,4-fullerene bisadducts and show that the photovoltaic device performance is strongly influenced by the number and relative position of the methoxy substituents on the benzyl addends: moving a single methoxy substituent by one position on the benzyl rings can change the device efficiency by over a factor of 2.
Co-reporter:Rachel C. Huber;Daniel Kilbride;Nicholas S. Knutson;J. Reddy Challa;Amy S. Ferreira;Daniel B. Toso;Robert Thompson;Benjamin J. Schwartz;Sarah H. Tolbert;Lekshmi Sudha Devi;Z. Hong Zhou
Science 2015 Volume 348(Issue 6241) pp:
Publication Date(Web):

Photoinduction of long-lived polarons

Photosynthetic complexes and organic photovoltaics can rapidly create separated charges upon photoexcitation. However, unproductive charge recombination often occurs in the human-made system. This is in part because the charge acceptor and donor structures are much larger. Huber et al. created aqueous micelles that pair conjugated polyelectrolyte charge donors with fullerene acceptors at a much smaller interface. They observed the photoinduced formation of polarons—stable pairs of separated charges—with lifetimes of several days.

Science, this issue p. 1340

Co-reporter:Dr. Michio Yamada;Yasuhiro Muto;Dr. Hiroki Kurihara;Dr. Zdenek Slanina;Dr. Mitsuaki Suzuki;Dr. Yutaka Maeda;Dr. Yves Rubin;Dr. Marilyn M. Olmstead;Dr. Alan L. Balch;Dr. Shigeru Nagase;Dr. Xing Lu;Dr. Takeshi Akasaka
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 7) pp:2232-2235
Publication Date(Web):


The thermal reaction of the endohedral metallofullerene La2@D2(10611)-C72, which contains two pentalene units at opposite ends of the cage, with 5,6-diphenyl-3-(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazine proceeded selectively to afford only two bisfulleroid isomers. The molecular structure of one isomer was determined using single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The results suggest that the [4+2] cycloaddition was initiated in a highly regioselective manner at the CC bond connecting two pentagon rings of C72. Subsequent intramolecular electrocyclization followed by cycloreversion resulted in the formation of an open-cage derivative having three seven-membered ring orifices on the cage and a significantly elongated cage geometry. The reduction potentials of the open-cage derivatives were similar to those of La2@D2-C72 whereas the oxidation potentials were shifted more negative than those of La2@D2-C72. These results point out that further oxidation could occur easily in the derivatives.

Co-reporter:Dr. Michio Yamada;Yasuhiro Muto;Dr. Hiroki Kurihara;Dr. Zdenek Slanina;Dr. Mitsuaki Suzuki;Dr. Yutaka Maeda;Dr. Yves Rubin;Dr. Marilyn M. Olmstead;Dr. Alan L. Balch;Dr. Shigeru Nagase;Dr. Xing Lu;Dr. Takeshi Akasaka
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 7) pp:2260-2263
Publication Date(Web):


The thermal reaction of the endohedral metallofullerene La2@D2(10611)-C72, which contains two pentalene units at opposite ends of the cage, with 5,6-diphenyl-3-(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazine proceeded selectively to afford only two bisfulleroid isomers. The molecular structure of one isomer was determined using single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The results suggest that the [4+2] cycloaddition was initiated in a highly regioselective manner at the CC bond connecting two pentagon rings of C72. Subsequent intramolecular electrocyclization followed by cycloreversion resulted in the formation of an open-cage derivative having three seven-membered ring orifices on the cage and a significantly elongated cage geometry. The reduction potentials of the open-cage derivatives were similar to those of La2@D2-C72 whereas the oxidation potentials were shifted more negative than those of La2@D2-C72. These results point out that further oxidation could occur easily in the derivatives.

Co-reporter:Andrew P.-Z. Clark, Chenjun Shi, Benny C. Ng, James N. Wilking, Alexander L. Ayzner, Adam Z. Stieg, Benjamin J. Schwartz, Thomas G. Mason, Yves Rubin, and Sarah H. Tolbert
ACS Nano 2013 Volume 7(Issue 2) pp:962
Publication Date(Web):January 24, 2013
In an effort to favor the formation of straight polymer chains without crystalline grain boundaries, we have synthesized an amphiphilic conjugated polyelectrolyte, poly(fluorene-alt-thiophene) (PFT), which self-assembles in aqueous solutions to form cylindrical micelles. In contrast to many diblock copolymer assemblies, the semiconducting backbone runs parallel, not perpendicular, to the long axis of the cylindrical micelle. Solution-phase micelle formation is observed by X-ray and visible light scattering. The micelles can be cast as thin films, and the cylindrical morphology is preserved in the solid state. The effects of self-assembly are also observed through spectral shifts in optical absorption and photoluminescence. Solutions of higher-molecular-weight PFT micelles form gel networks at sufficiently high aqueous concentrations. Rheological characterization of the PFT gels reveals solid-like behavior and strain hardening below the yield point, properties similar to those found in entangled gels formed from surfactant-based micelles. Finally, electrical measurements on diode test structures indicate that, despite a complete lack of crystallinity in these self-assembled polymers, they effectively conduct electricity.Keywords: amphiphilic assembly; hydrogel; polymer micelle; self-assembly; semiconducting polymer; water-soluble conjugated polymer
Co-reporter:Hiroki Kurihara ; Yuto Iiduka ; Yves Rubin ; Markus Waelchli ; Naomi Mizorogi ; Zdenek Slanina ; Takahiro Tsuchiya ; Shigeru Nagase ;Takeshi Akasaka
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 9) pp:4092-4095
Publication Date(Web):February 14, 2012
The reaction of tetrazine 1 with Sc3C2@C80 exclusively affords the open-cage derivative 2 instead of the expected C2-inserted derivative 3 bearing a four-membered ring, as previously obtained for C60. The structure of 2 has been firmly established by NMR spectroscopy and theoretical calculations. EPR spectroscopy shows that a single Sc atom of the Sc3C2 cluster gets located within the bulge created by the bridging addend, which is a first step toward release of the internal metal atoms.
Co-reporter:Dr. Robert D. Kennedy;Merissa Halim;Dr. Saeed I. Khan; Benjamin J. Schwartz; Sarah H. Tolbert ; Yves Rubin
Chemistry - A European Journal 2012 Volume 18( Issue 24) pp:7418-7433
Publication Date(Web):


The relationship between the size of the substituents of aryl groups in a series of fifteen 6,9,12,15,18-pentaaryl-1-hydro[60]fullerenes and the solid-state structures and packing motifs of these compounds has been analyzed. Pentaarylfullerenes have a characteristic “badminton shuttlecock” shape that causes several derivatives to crystallize into columnar stacks. However, many pentaarylfullerenes form non-stacked structures with, for example, dimeric, layered, diamondoid, or feather-in-cavity relationships between molecules. Computational modeling gave a qualitative estimate of the best shape match between the ball and socket surfaces of each pentaarylfullerene. The best match was for pentaarylfullerenes with large, spherically shaped para-substituents on the aryl groups. The series of pentaarylfullerenes was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. A total of 34 crystal structures were obtained as various solvates and were categorized by their packing motifs.

Co-reporter:Regina Neubauer;Dr. Frank W. Heinemann;Dr. Frank Hampel;Dr. Yves Rubin;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 47) pp:11892-11896
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Regina Neubauer;Dr. Frank W. Heinemann;Dr. Frank Hampel;Dr. Yves Rubin;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 47) pp:11722-11726
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Merissa Halim ; Robert D. Kennedy ; Mitsuharu Suzuki ; Saeed I. Khan ; Paula L. Diaconescu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011 Volume 133(Issue 17) pp:6841-6851
Publication Date(Web):April 8, 2011
Gold(I), silver(I), and copper(I) phosphine complexes of 6,9,12,15,18-pentaaryl[60]fullerides 1a and 1b, namely, [(4-MeC6H4)5C60]Au(PPh3) (2a), [(4-t-BuC6H4)5C60]Au(PPh3) (2b), [(4-MeC6H4)5C60]Ag(PCy3) (3a), [(4-t-BuC6H4)5C60]Ag(PPh3) (3b), [(4-t-BuC6H4)5C60]Ag(PCy3) (3c), [(4-MeC6H4)5C60]Cu(PPh3) (4a), and [(4-t-BuC6H4)5C60]Cu(PPh3) (4b), have been synthesized and characterized spectroscopically. All complexes except for 3c were also characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Several coordination modes between the cyclopentadienyl ring embedded in the fullerene and the metal centers are observed, ranging from η1 with a slight distortion toward η3 in the case of gold(I), to η2/η3 for silver(I), and η5 for copper(I). Silver complexes 3a and 3b are rare examples of crystallographically characterized Ag(I) cyclopentadienyls whose preparation was possible thanks to the steric shielding provided by fullerides 1a and 1b, which stabilizes these complexes. Silver complexes 3a and 3b both display unexpected coordination of the cyclopentadienyl portion of the fulleride anion with Ag(I). DFT calculations on the model systems (H5C60)M(PH3) and CpMPH3 (M = Au, Ag, or Cu) were carried out to probe the geometries and electronic structures of these metal complexes.
Co-reporter:Mitsuharu Suzuki, Angelo Comito, Saeed I. Khan and Yves Rubin
Organic Letters 2010 Volume 12(Issue 10) pp:2346-2349
Publication Date(Web):April 19, 2010
Dehydro[24]annulene 1c adopts an unusual planarized conformation in the crystal. A multilayered stack of hydrogen-bonded grids delineates tightly packed nanotubular channels. The related macrocycles 1a and 1b, on the other hand, have the expected puckered conformations in the crystal.
Co-reporter:Merissa Halim ; Robert D. Kennedy ; Saeed I. Khan
Inorganic Chemistry 2010 Volume 49(Issue 9) pp:3974-3976
Publication Date(Web):April 8, 2010
Two gold(I) complexes, (Ph3P)Au[C60(4-MeC6H4)5] (1) and (Ph3P)Au[C60(4-t-BuC6H4)5] (2), were prepared in excellent yield and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Complex 1, grown from two solvent systems, has different coordination modes of the fullerene-embedded Cp ring to the (PPh3)Au fragment. For 1·(ODCB)2, the cyclopentadienyl ring coordinates to the (Ph3P)Au fragment in an η1 fashion distorted toward η3 geometry, while in 1·(CHCl3)2(CS2), crystal packing forces produce enough distortion to give near η2 coordination.
Co-reporter:Yves Rubin ;Thibaut Jarrosson;Guan-Wu Wang Dr.;Michael D. Bartberger Dr.;K. N. Houk ;Georg Schick Dr.;Martin Saunders ;R. James Cross
Angewandte Chemie 2001 Volume 113(Issue 8) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 APR 2001

Das Titelbild zeigt den Vorgang der Wasserstoff- und Heliuminsertion/abgabe, der erstmals mit einem offenen Fullerenderivat (im Hintergrund angedeutet) gelang. Die experimentelle Aktivierungsbarriere für die Heliumdekomplexierung konnte bestimmt werden; sie ist sehr gut mit dem berechneten Wert (Dichtefunktionaltheorie) in Einklang. Die Barriere für die Komplexierung/Dekomplexierung von H2 ist interessanterweise fast doppelt so groß wie die bei Helium, wie das Energiediagramm im Vordergrund illustriert. Der Grund für den Unterschied ist die größere, gestreckte Oberfläche von H2, das stärkere van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkungen im Übergangszustand eingeht als Helium, obwohl beide Atome denselben Radius haben. Mehr über diesen Prozess erfahren Sie in dem Beitrag von Rubin, Houk, Saunders, Cross et al. auf S. 1591 ff.

Co-reporter:Wenyuan Qian
Angewandte Chemie 2000 Volume 112(Issue 17) pp:
Publication Date(Web):4 SEP 2000
Co-reporter:Wenyuan Qian
Angewandte Chemie 1999 Volume 111(Issue 16) pp:
Publication Date(Web):6 AUG 1999

Selektive C60-Funktionalisierungen, die zu ungewöhnlichen mehrfach funktionalisierten Verbindungen führen, sind von großer Bedeutung bei der Bildung von hochgeordneten dreidimensionalen Anordnungen. Durch vorübergehende „Maskierung” von drei der reaktivsten Positionen von C60 mit einem Bisdien-Spacer gelang die leichte und mit hoher Ausbeute verlaufende Bildung des vollständig differenzierten Trisaddukts 1 und des interessanten Hexakisaddukts 2.

Co-reporter:Georg Schick;Thibaut Jarrosson
Angewandte Chemie 1999 Volume 111(Issue 16) pp:
Publication Date(Web):6 AUG 1999

Ein großes Loch in einem Fulleren: Die Addition von Sauerstoff an die äußerst reaktive 1,4-Diaminobutadien-Einheit der Verbindung 1, die durch Reaktion von C60 mit einem starren Diazidobutadien entsteht, führt sehr effizient zur Bildung der bislang größten Öffnung in einem Fullerengerüst (siehe Kalottenmodell). Deren Durchmesser könnte groß genug sein, um kleinen Atomen, Molekülen oder Ionen den Durchtritt zu ermöglichen.

Co-reporter:Georg Schick;Thibaut Jarrosson
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1999 Volume 38(Issue 16) pp:
Publication Date(Web):6 AUG 1999

A large hole in a fullerene: The addition of dioxygen to the highly reactive 1,4-diaminobutadiene moiety of 1, formed from the reaction of C60 with a rigid diazidobutadiene, results in the very efficient formation of an open fullerene (see the space-filling model) with the largest orifice created so far on a fullerene. The opening may be large enough to allow the smallest atoms, molecules, or ions to pass through.

Co-reporter:Wenyuan Qian
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1999 Volume 38(Issue 16) pp:
Publication Date(Web):6 AUG 1999

Selective C60-functionalizations that provide access to unusual multifunctional molecules are of interest in the construction of highly organized three-dimensional assemblies. The temporary “masking” of three of the most reactive sites on C60 by a bisdiene tether has allowed the facile and high-yielding formation of the fully differentiated trisadduct 1 and the interesting hexaadduct 2.

Co-reporter:Yves Rubin;Padma S. Ganapathi;Andreas Franz;Yi-Zhong An;Wenyuan Qian;Reinhard Neier
Chemistry - A European Journal 1999 Volume 5(Issue 11) pp:
Publication Date(Web):29 OCT 1999

As a preliminary step in our quest for 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexahydro derivatives of C60—which should ring-open spontaneously in a retro [2+2+2] fashion to form a large orifice permitting the introduction of metals into the fullerene cage—we have created a family of highly congested 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobuckminsterfullerene derivatives 1.

Co-reporter:Yves Rubin;Timothy C. Parker;Salvador J. Pastor;Satish Jalisatgi;Christophe Boulle;Charles L. Wilkins
Angewandte Chemie 1998 Volume 110(Issue 9) pp:
Publication Date(Web):12 MAR 1999

Eine logische Vorstufe und damit ein Eckstein in einer möglichen Totalsynthese von C60 ist das Cyclophan C60H6(CO)121. Unter Negativ-Ionen-Laserdesorptions-Bedingungen fragmentiert es im Massenspektrometer unter sukzessiver Abspaltung von CO zu C60H62. Nach weiterem Verlust von sechs H-Atomen und Umlagerung erhält man C60-Ionen mit Fullerenstruktur.

Co-reporter:Yves Rubin;Timothy C. Parker;Salvador J. Pastor;Satish Jalisatgi;Christophe Boulle;Charles L. Wilkins
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1998 Volume 37(Issue 9) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 DEC 1998

A logical precursor of macrocycle C60H6, cyclophane C60H6(CO)12 (1) represents a building block in a possible total synthesis of C60. In Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance laser desorption mass spectroscopic experiments in the negative-ion mode, 1 fragments to C60H6 (2) under successive loss of CO. Further loss of six H atoms and rearrangement gives C60 ions with a fullerenic structure.

Co-reporter:Yves Rubin
Chemistry - A European Journal 1997 Volume 3(Issue 7) pp:
Publication Date(Web):21 JAN 2006

We have been investigating the synthesis of endohedral metallofullerenes since we successfully opened an orifice on the framework of C60 in the form of a cobalt complex having the metal sitting on top of the opening. A second approach aims at the synthesis of spherically-shaped acetylenic macrocycles, which are expected to rearrange to endohedral metal complexes of fullerenes in a controlled process analogous to the gas-phase coalescence of mono- and polycyclic polyynes during fullerene formation by the graphite evaporation method. Since the potential benefits from obtaining endohedral metal complexes of C60 are enormous, both approaches are being actively pursued in our group.

Co-reporter:Shaohua Huang, Guangye Zhang, Nicholas S. Knutson, Matthew T. Fontana, Rachel C. Huber, Amy S. Ferreira, Sarah H. Tolbert, Benjamin J. Schwartz and Yves Rubin
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016 - vol. 4(Issue 2) pp:NaN424-424
Publication Date(Web):2015/11/05
Organic solar cells have been based mostly on conjugated polymers and the classic fullerene derivative PCBM and are characterized by modest open circuit voltages (Voc). Increasing Voc requires fullerene acceptors with higher LUMOs than PCBM. To date, most fullerene derivatives synthesized for this purpose either do not achieve the high photocurrent afforded by PCBM or show relatively poor compatibility with the next-generation low bandgap conjugated polymers used in high-efficiency organic solar cells. Here, we report the facile synthesis of methoxylated 1,4-bisbenzyl fullerene adducts and their application as efficient electron acceptors in conjugated polymer-based solar cells. The methoxy groups are found to be essential to increasing the LUMO levels, and accordingly the Voc, of the devices compared to the parent 1,4-bisbenzyl fullerene, and more importantly, to PCBM. The best fullerene 1,4-bisadduct provides a ∼20% enhancement in power conversion efficiency over PCBM when used with the classic crystalline polymer P3HT. When used in combination with a higher-performance low bandgap polymer, PTB7, the bisadduct both increases the device open-circuit voltage and maintains the high photocurrent provided by the more traditional PCBM. We also examine 10 different 1,4-fullerene bisadducts and show that the photovoltaic device performance is strongly influenced by the number and relative position of the methoxy substituents on the benzyl addends: moving a single methoxy substituent by one position on the benzyl rings can change the device efficiency by over a factor of 2.
Benzoic acid, 3-[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)dimethylsilyl]oxy]-
Benzoic acid, 3,5-bis[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)dimethylsilyl]oxy]-
2-Penten-4-yn-1-ol, 2-bromo-5-(trimethylsilyl)-, (Z)-
Benzoic acid, 4-[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)dimethylsilyl]oxy]-
Benzene, 2-(chloromethyl)-1,3-dimethoxy-