Gregor Jung

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Organization: Department of Biophysical Chemistry


Co-reporter:Naim M. Obeid;Lukas Klemmer;Daniel Maus;Michael Zimmer;Jonathan Jeck;Iulia Bejan;Andrew J. P. White;Volker Huch;David Scheschkewitz
Dalton Transactions 2017 vol. 46(Issue 27) pp:8839-8848
Publication Date(Web):2017/07/11
A series of aryl disilenes Tip2SiSi(Tip)Ar (2a–c) and para-arylene bridged tetrasiladienes, Tip2SiSi(Tip)–LU–Si(Tip)SiTip2 (3a–d) are synthesized by the transfer of the Tip2SiSiTip unit to aryl halides and dihalides by nucleophilic disilenides Tip2SiSiTipLi (Tip = 2,4,6-iPr3C6H2, Ar = aryl substituent, LU = para-arylene linking unit). The scope of the nucleophilic SiSi transfer reaction is demonstrated to also include substrates of considerable steric bulk such as mesityl or duryl halides Ar–X (Ar = Mes = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2; Ar = Dur = 2,3,5,6-Me4C6H, X = Br or I). Bridged tetrasiladienes Tip2SiSi(Tip)–LU–Si(Tip)SiTip2 with more extended linking units surprisingly exhibit fluorescence at room temperature, albeit weak. DFT calculations suggest that partial charge transfer character of the excited state is a possible explanation.
Co-reporter:Michael Vester, Andreas Grueter, Björn Finkler, Robert Becker and Gregor Jung  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 vol. 18(Issue 15) pp:10281-10288
Publication Date(Web):11 Mar 2016
Time-resolved experiments with pulsed-laser excitation are the standard approach to map the dynamic evolution of excited states, but ground-state kinetics remain hidden or require pump–dump–probe schemes. Here, we exploit the so-called photon antibunching, a purely quantum-optical effect related to single molecule detection to assess the rate constants for a chemical reaction in the electronic ground state. The measurement of the second-order correlation function g(2), i.e. the evaluation of inter-photon arrival times, is applied to the reprotonation in a Förster-cycle. We find that the antibunching of three different photoacids in the aprotic solvent DMSO significantly differs from the behavior in water. The longer decay constant of the biexponential antibunching tl is linked to the bimolecular reprotonation kinetics of the fully separated ion-pair, independent of the acidic additives. The value of the corresponding bimolecular rate constant, kp = 4 × 109 M−1 s−1, indicates diffusion-controlled reprotonation. The analysis of tl also allows for the extraction of the separation yield of proton and the conjugated base after excitation and amounts to approximately 15%. The shorter time component ts is connected to the decay of the solvent-separated ion pair. The associated time constant for geminate reprotonation is approximately 3 ± 1 ns in agreement with independent tcspc experiments. These experiments verify that the transfer of quantum-optical experiments to problems in chemistry enables mechanistic conclusions which are hardly accessible by other methods.
Co-reporter:Anh Minh Huynh;Andreas Müller;Sonja M. Kessler;Sarah Henrikus;Caroline Hoffmann;Alexra K. Kiemer;Arno Bücker
ChemMedChem 2016 Volume 11( Issue 14) pp:1568-1575
Publication Date(Web):


The combination of the two complementary imaging modalities 19F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorescence imaging (FLI) possesses high potential for biological and medical applications. Herein we report the first design, synthesis, dual detection validation, and cytotoxic testing of four promising BODIPY dyes for dual 19F MRI–fluorescence detection. Using straightforward Steglich reactions, small fluorinated alcohols were easily covalently tethered to a BODIPY dye in high yields, leaving its fluorescence properties unaffected. The synthesized compounds were analyzed with various techniques to demonstrate their potential utility in dual imaging. As expected, the chemically and magnetically equivalent trifluoromethyl groups of the agents exhibited a single NMR signal. The determined longitudinal relaxation times T1 and the transverse relaxation times T2, both in the lower second range, enabled the imaging of four compounds in vitro. The most auspicious dual 19F MRI–fluorescence agent was also successfully imaged in a mouse post-mortem within a 9.4 T small-animal tomograph. Toxicological assays with human cells (primary HUVEC and HepG2 cell line) also indicated the possibility for animal testing.

Co-reporter:Anh Minh Huynh;Johannes Menges;Michael Vester;Tobias Dier;Dr. Volker Huch;Dr. Dietrich A. Volmer;Dr. Gregor Jung
ChemPhysChem 2016 Volume 17( Issue 3) pp:433-442
Publication Date(Web):


Electrophilic monofluorination with Selectfluor and nucleophilic trifluoromethylation with the Ruppert–Prakesh reagent of dimethyl-, tetramethyl- and pentamethyl-substituted boron dipyrromethenes (BODIPY) are investigated. Monofluorinated dyes are synthesized with low yields (<30 %), however trifluoromethyl derivatives are obtained in moderate to high yields (≈40–90 %). All compounds are characterized by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, the photostability is investigated with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF). Monofluorination hardly affects the spectroscopic parameters of the unsubstituted parent compounds, but distinctly enhances the photostability, whereas trifluoromethylation leads to a hypsochromic shift by up to 17 nm in both absorption and emission, slightly enhanced intersystem crossing, and higher photostability. Further development of soft fluorination and trifluoromethylation methods is therefore highly desired.

Co-reporter:Michael Vester; Tobias Staut; Jörg Enderlein
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015 Volume 6(Issue 7) pp:1149-1154
Publication Date(Web):March 12, 2015
The direct observation of chemical reactions on the single-molecule level is an ultimate goal in single-molecule chemistry, which also includes kinetic analyses. To analyze the lifetime of reaction intermediates, very sophisticated excitation schemes are often required. Here we focus on the kinetic analysis of the ground-state proton transfer within the photocycle of a photoacid. In detail, we demonstrate the determination of the bimolecular rate constant of this process with nanosecond resolution. The procedure relies on the exploration of a purely quantum-optical effect, namely, photon antibunching, and thus on evaluating interphoton arrival times to extract the reaction rate constant.
Co-reporter:Marcel Wirtz, Andreas Grüter, Philipp Rebmann, Tobias Dier, Dietrich A. Volmer, Volker Huch and Gregor Jung  
Chemical Communications 2014 vol. 50(Issue 84) pp:12694-12697
Publication Date(Web):28 Aug 2014
CuI-catalyzed azide–alkyne cyclization (CuAAC) is the paradigmatic click reaction of continuous interest. Especially fluorogenic and FRET probes have become indispensable tools for life sciences. Here, we present a fluorescent alkyne for monitoring CuAAC, which undergoes a bathochromic shift upon reaction. Application in single-molecule and catalysis research is foreseen.
Co-reporter:Christian Spies, Shay Shomer, Björn Finkler, Dina Pines, Ehud Pines, Gregor Jung and Dan Huppert  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 vol. 16(Issue 19) pp:9104-9114
Publication Date(Web):26 Mar 2014
Steady-state and time-resolved techniques were employed to study the excited-state proton-transfer (ESPT) rate of two newly synthesized 8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate (pyranine, HPTS) derived photoacids in three protic solvents, water, methanol and ethanol. The ESPT rate constant kPT of tris(1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropan-2-yl)-8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate, 1a, whose pKa* ∼ −4, in water, methanol and ethanol is 3 × 1011 s−1, 8 × 109 s−1 and 5 × 109 s−1 respectively. (8-Hydroxy-N1,N3,N6-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-N1,N3,N6-trimethylpyrene-1,3,6 trisulfonamide, 1b) is a weaker acid than 1a but still a strong photoacid with pKa* ∼ −1 and the ESPT rate in water, methanol and ethanol is 7 × 1010 s−1, 4 × 108 s−1 and 2 × 108 s−1. We qualitatively explain our kinetic results by a Marcus-like free-energy correlation which was found to have a general form suitable for describing proton transfer reactions in both the proton-adiabatic and the proton-non-adiabatic limits.
Co-reporter:Björn Finkler, Christian Spies, Michael Vester, Frederick Walte, Kathrin Omlor, Iris Riemann, Manuel Zimmer, Frank Stracke, Markus Gerhards and Gregor Jung  
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2014 vol. 13(Issue 3) pp:548-562
Publication Date(Web):14 Jan 2014
The photoacid 8-hydroxypyren-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS, pyranine) is a widely used model compound for the examination of excited state proton transfer (ESPT). We synthesized five “super”-photoacids with varying hydrophilicity and acidity on the basis of HPTS. By chemical modification of the three sulfonic acid substituents, the photoacidity is enhanced by up to more than five logarithmic units from pK*a ≈ 1.4 to ∼−3.9 for the most acidic compound. As a result, nearly quantitative ESPT in DMSO can be observed. The novel photoacids were characterized by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence techniques showing distinctively red shifted spectra compared to HPTS while maintaining a high quantum yield near 90%. Photostability of the compounds was checked by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and was found to be adequately high for ultrasensitive fluorescence spectroscopy. The described photoacids present a valuable palette for a wide range of applications, especially when the properties of HPTS, i.e. highly charged, low photostability and only moderate excited state acidity, are limiting.
Co-reporter:Dagmar Auerbach;Martin Klein;Silke Franz;Dr. Yvonne Carius; Dr. C. Roy D. Lancaster; Dr. Gregor Jung
ChemBioChem 2014 Volume 15( Issue 10) pp:1404-1408
Publication Date(Web):


The widely used green fluorescent protein (GFP) decarboxylates upon irradiation; this involves removal of the acidic function of the glutamic acid at position 222, thereby resulting in the irreversible photoconversion of GFP. To suppress this phenomenon, the photostable, non-photoconvertible histidine was introduced at position 222 in GFP. The variant E222H shows negligible photodynamic processes and high expression yield. In addition, the stable and bright fluorescence over a wide pH range makes the E222H protein an alternative for GFP in fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy. Other fluorescent proteins are predicted to benefit from replacement of the catalytic glutamic acid by histidine.

Co-reporter:Christian Spies, Björn Finkler, Nursel Acar and Gregor Jung  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 vol. 15(Issue 45) pp:19893-19905
Publication Date(Web):08 Oct 2013
Photoacidity is frequently found in aromatic alcohols where the equilibrium dissociation constant increases by some orders of magnitude upon electronic excitation. In this study we investigated the solvatochromism of a family of recently synthesized super-photoacids and their methylated counterparts based on pyrene. The chemical similarity of these molecules on the one hand and their differing photoacidity with pKa* values between −0.8 and −3.9 on the other allow for gaining insights into the mechanisms contributing to excited-state proton transfer. Three different solvent scales, namely Lippert–Mataga, Kamlet–Taft and Catalán, were independently employed in this study and gave consistent results. We found the strongest correlation of the excited-state acidity with the dipolarity of the excited state, pem ranging from −1775 cm−1 to −2500 cm−1, and a concomitant change in the permanent dipole moment of roughly 14 Debye. Spectral changes due to varying basicity of the solvent, which probes the conjugated property of the solute, are found to be less indicative of the graduation of excited-state acidity, i.e. bem values between −700 and −1200 cm−1. The solvent acidity is the only parameter with a distinct influence on the electronic spectra of the deprotonated species. The low values of aem ∼ 400 cm−1, which are 3–4× smaller than aabs and aexc, indicate the low basicity of these species in the excited state. Triggered by semiempirical theoretical calculations, the energetic splitting between the two lowest excited states could be related to the excited-state acidity and points to alterations in the electronic mixing of locally excited and charge-transfer states, caused by the substituents. Differences between the threefold negatively charged pyranine and the new neutral photoacids are also discussed.
Co-reporter:Christian Spies, Anh-Minh Huynh, Volker Huch, and Gregor Jung
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013 Volume 117(Issue 35) pp:18163-18169
Publication Date(Web):August 9, 2013
The asymmetric substituted BODIPY dye 4,4-difluoro-1,3-dimethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene crystallizes in three different crystal habits, that is, as needles (I), leaves (II), or microcrystalline sublimed crystals (III). All crystals share the same crystal structure but exhibit varying solid-state fluorescence from yellow-orange to deep red. The crystal structure mainly consists of one-dimensional chains of J-aggregates which leads to excitonic luminescence at λ = 600 nm. The point-dipole approximation is used to calculate the excitonic splitting to a value of 3300 cm–1, which is in good agreement with the experimental observations. The influence of the macroscopic appearance on the luminescence properties is discussed in terms of reflectivity of the surface and reabsorption within the material. It turns out that the long-range order modulates the solid-state luminescence due to the small Stokes shift of the dye.
Co-reporter:Benjamin Hötzer;Rumen Ivanov;Silke Altmeier;Reinhard Kappl
Journal of Fluorescence 2011 Volume 21( Issue 6) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2011 November
The understanding of cellular processes and functions and the elucidation of their physiological mechanisms is an important aim in the life sciences. One important aspect is the uptake and the release of essential substances as well as their interactions with the cellular environment. As green fluorescent protein (GFP) can be genetically encoded in cells it can be used as an internal sensor giving a deeper insight into biochemical pathways. Here we report that the presence of copper(II) ions leads to a decrease of the fluorescence lifetime (τfl) of GFP and provide evidence for Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) as the responsible quenching mechanism. We identify the His6-tag as the responsible binding site for Cu2 +  with a dissociation constant Kd = 9 ±2 μM and a Förster radius R0 = 2.1 ±0.1 nm. The extent of the lifetime quenching depends on [Cu2 + ] which is comprehended by a mathematical titration model. We envision that Cu2 +  can be quantified noninvasively and in real-time by measuring τfl of GFP.
Co-reporter:Gregor Jung, Stephan Gerharz and Alexander Schmitt  
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009 vol. 11(Issue 9) pp:1416-1426
Publication Date(Web):03 Feb 2009
We reinvestigated the solvatochromism of 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate (pyranine) in conjunction with that of 8-methoxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate and of 1-hydroxypyrene (pyrenol) by use of 25 different solvents. Conclusions for the prediction of ESPT behaviour of synthetic dyes were drawn by comparison with the solvatochromism of p-hydroxystyryl Bodipy dyes. Solvents were chosen according to their Kamlet–Taft parameters α and β for elucidating the acidicity of the dyes and the basicity of their conjugated bases in the ground and excited state. Comparison of the spectra of pyranine and pyrenol in solvents with varying β-values revealed that the acidity of both dyes is similar therein. The well-known ESPT behaviour of pyranine in water is assigned to a change of the electronic state at α-values ∼0.7 to 0.8. The high acidity of this excited state also appears in the vanishing solvatochromism of the photoproduct fluorescence. However, prediction of an ESPT tendency of synthetic dyes might fail when only fluorescence emission data are considered. We propose to refer instead to the energetic difference of the 0–0 transition in absorption together with the solvatochromism of the acidic form in aprotic solvents of similar polarity.
Co-reporter:Alexer Schmitt;Babette Hinkeldey;Benjamin Hötzer
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2009 Volume 22( Issue 12) pp:1233-1238
Publication Date(Web):


The synthesis and properties of a ratiometric fluorescent dye system as a probe for the detection of oxidizing species are described. The dye consists of a strongly fluorescent Bodipy label attached to a styryl moiety. The oxidation of the exocyclic double bond by agents for syn- and anti- dihydroxylation leads to a visible change in fluorescence colour from orange to green. IR spectroscopy provides evidence for the generation of the epoxide in the reaction with peroxides, whereas a ketone and a product of unknown structure are produced in the reaction with osmiumtetroxide, each in contrast to the expected hydroxylations. Based on these first attempts, we discuss the significance of fluorescence spectroscopy to track chemical reactions at low concentrations and give a perspective of how present shortcomings can be overcome. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Co-reporter:S. Veettil, N. Budisa, G. Jung
Biophysical Chemistry 2008 Volume 136(Issue 1) pp:38-43
Publication Date(Web):July 2008
The photostability of the widely used autofluorescent proteins EGFP and EYFP and their fluorinated counterparts were compared by means of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. We analyzed the reduction of the apparent diffusional time in analogy to fluorescence quenching in which the ‘photon concentration’ is treated as the quencher concentration.The quantum yields of photobleaching Φbl of EYFP (6.1 × 10− 5) and EGFP (8.2 × 10− 5) are in agreement with the previously published values. Among the investigated mutants, EYFP has the highest photostability and there is an enhanced photobleaching in (2-F) Tyr-EYFP. It turns out that the chromophore fluorination has no significant influence on the photostability.
Co-reporter:Gregor Jung Dr.;Michael Werner;Marc Schneider Dr.
ChemPhysChem 2008 Volume 9( Issue 13) pp:1867-1874
Publication Date(Web):


Phototransformations of autofluorescent proteins are applied in high-resolution microscopy and in studying cellular transport, but they are detrimental when accidentally occurring in blinking or photobleaching (BL). Here, we investigate the kinetics of phototransformations of a photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (GFP) in confocal microscopy. Photoconversion (PC) is achieved by excitation of the barely present anionic chromophore state Req in the GFP mutant Thr203Val. Besides the shift of the equilibrium between the neutral chromophore state RH and Req, the photoconverted anionic chromophore RPC exhibits a reduced fluorescence lifetime τfl=2.2 ns. In fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, τfl is found to depend, however, on the excitation conditions and history. The underlying photochemistry is described by the kinetic scheme of consecutive reactions, ReqRPCPdark, in which the anionic chromophore species and the dark protein Pdark are coupled by PC and BL. Time-correlated single-photon-counting detection in a confocal geometry of freely diffusing species is used to compute the quantum yields for PC and BL, ΦPC and ΦBL. The assessed values are ΦPC=5.5×10−4 and ΦBL>1×10−5. Based on these values, PC provokes misinterpretation in fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments and is responsible for spectroscopic peculiarities in single-molecule detection.

Co-reporter:Babette Hinkeldey;Alexer Schmitt
ChemPhysChem 2008 Volume 9( Issue 14) pp:2019-2027
Publication Date(Web):


In single-molecule applications, the photostability of fluorescent molecules is a key parameter. We apply fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to compare the photostability of four fluorescein and four borondipyrromethene (BODIPY) dyes of similar structure but different triplet yields. The latter class of dyes are more stable. In the kinetic analysis the, diffusion and photobleaching are treated as competitive processes. Corrections, which account for saturation and for experimental artefacts, are achieved solely by using experimental data. Photobleaching is found to occur mainly through the first excited singlet state S1, in contrast to previous findings.

Co-reporter:Michaela Jacob;Alexander Schmitt
Journal of Fluorescence 2008 Volume 18( Issue 3-4) pp:639-644
Publication Date(Web):2008 July
The synthesis and photophysical characterization of the phosphorylated Bodipy dye 5 are reported and compared to those of its hydroxyphenyl counterpart 1. Conversion of the latter by three methods of phosphorylation yields the strongly fluorescent dye 5 which exhibits similar steady-state spectra like 1 but an approximately five times prolonged fluorescence lifetime τFl. We attribute this distinct change from τFl = 0.7 ns for 1 to τFl = 3.7 ns for 5 to the suppression of photoinduced electron transfer in 5. This photochemical reaction was previously held responsible for fluorescence quenching in 1. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy reveals that 5 can be detected by single-molecule methods and that uncaging of phosphate in 5 is a minor problem.
Co-reporter:Gregor Jung Dr.;Yingzhong Ma Dr.;Bradley S. Prall;Graham R. Fleming
ChemPhysChem 2005 Volume 6(Issue 8) pp:
Publication Date(Web):18 JUL 2005

Transient absorption spectroscopy with sub-100 fs time resolution was performed to investigate the oligomerisation behaviour of eYFP in solution. A single time constant τAD=2.2±0.15 ps is sufficient to describe the time-resolved anisotropy decay up to at least 200 ps. The close contact of two protein barrels is deduced as the exclusive aggregation state in solution. From the final anisotropy r=0.28±0.02, the underlying quaternary structure can be traced back to the somewhat distorted structure of the dimers of wt-GFP. The use of autofluorescent proteins as rulers in Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements may demand polarisation-sensitive detection of the fluorescence with high time resolution.

Co-reporter:Gregor Jung, Stephan Gerharz and Alexander Schmitt
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009 - vol. 11(Issue 9) pp:NaN1426-1426
Publication Date(Web):2009/02/03
We reinvestigated the solvatochromism of 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate (pyranine) in conjunction with that of 8-methoxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate and of 1-hydroxypyrene (pyrenol) by use of 25 different solvents. Conclusions for the prediction of ESPT behaviour of synthetic dyes were drawn by comparison with the solvatochromism of p-hydroxystyryl Bodipy dyes. Solvents were chosen according to their Kamlet–Taft parameters α and β for elucidating the acidicity of the dyes and the basicity of their conjugated bases in the ground and excited state. Comparison of the spectra of pyranine and pyrenol in solvents with varying β-values revealed that the acidity of both dyes is similar therein. The well-known ESPT behaviour of pyranine in water is assigned to a change of the electronic state at α-values ∼0.7 to 0.8. The high acidity of this excited state also appears in the vanishing solvatochromism of the photoproduct fluorescence. However, prediction of an ESPT tendency of synthetic dyes might fail when only fluorescence emission data are considered. We propose to refer instead to the energetic difference of the 0–0 transition in absorption together with the solvatochromism of the acidic form in aprotic solvents of similar polarity.
Co-reporter:Marcel Wirtz, Andreas Grüter, Philipp Rebmann, Tobias Dier, Dietrich A. Volmer, Volker Huch and Gregor Jung
Chemical Communications 2014 - vol. 50(Issue 84) pp:NaN12697-12697
Publication Date(Web):2014/08/28
CuI-catalyzed azide–alkyne cyclization (CuAAC) is the paradigmatic click reaction of continuous interest. Especially fluorogenic and FRET probes have become indispensable tools for life sciences. Here, we present a fluorescent alkyne for monitoring CuAAC, which undergoes a bathochromic shift upon reaction. Application in single-molecule and catalysis research is foreseen.
Co-reporter:Christian Spies, Shay Shomer, Björn Finkler, Dina Pines, Ehud Pines, Gregor Jung and Dan Huppert
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014 - vol. 16(Issue 19) pp:NaN9114-9114
Publication Date(Web):2014/03/26
Steady-state and time-resolved techniques were employed to study the excited-state proton-transfer (ESPT) rate of two newly synthesized 8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate (pyranine, HPTS) derived photoacids in three protic solvents, water, methanol and ethanol. The ESPT rate constant kPT of tris(1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropan-2-yl)-8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonate, 1a, whose pKa* ∼ −4, in water, methanol and ethanol is 3 × 1011 s−1, 8 × 109 s−1 and 5 × 109 s−1 respectively. (8-Hydroxy-N1,N3,N6-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-N1,N3,N6-trimethylpyrene-1,3,6 trisulfonamide, 1b) is a weaker acid than 1a but still a strong photoacid with pKa* ∼ −1 and the ESPT rate in water, methanol and ethanol is 7 × 1010 s−1, 4 × 108 s−1 and 2 × 108 s−1. We qualitatively explain our kinetic results by a Marcus-like free-energy correlation which was found to have a general form suitable for describing proton transfer reactions in both the proton-adiabatic and the proton-non-adiabatic limits.
Co-reporter:Naim M. Obeid, Lukas Klemmer, Daniel Maus, Michael Zimmer, Jonathan Jeck, Iulia Bejan, Andrew J. P. White, Volker Huch, Gregor Jung and David Scheschkewitz
Dalton Transactions 2017 - vol. 46(Issue 27) pp:NaN8848-8848
Publication Date(Web):2017/03/29
A series of aryl disilenes Tip2SiSi(Tip)Ar (2a–c) and para-arylene bridged tetrasiladienes, Tip2SiSi(Tip)–LU–Si(Tip)SiTip2 (3a–d) are synthesized by the transfer of the Tip2SiSiTip unit to aryl halides and dihalides by nucleophilic disilenides Tip2SiSiTipLi (Tip = 2,4,6-iPr3C6H2, Ar = aryl substituent, LU = para-arylene linking unit). The scope of the nucleophilic SiSi transfer reaction is demonstrated to also include substrates of considerable steric bulk such as mesityl or duryl halides Ar–X (Ar = Mes = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2; Ar = Dur = 2,3,5,6-Me4C6H, X = Br or I). Bridged tetrasiladienes Tip2SiSi(Tip)–LU–Si(Tip)SiTip2 with more extended linking units surprisingly exhibit fluorescence at room temperature, albeit weak. DFT calculations suggest that partial charge transfer character of the excited state is a possible explanation.
Co-reporter:Christian Spies, Björn Finkler, Nursel Acar and Gregor Jung
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013 - vol. 15(Issue 45) pp:NaN19905-19905
Publication Date(Web):2013/10/08
Photoacidity is frequently found in aromatic alcohols where the equilibrium dissociation constant increases by some orders of magnitude upon electronic excitation. In this study we investigated the solvatochromism of a family of recently synthesized super-photoacids and their methylated counterparts based on pyrene. The chemical similarity of these molecules on the one hand and their differing photoacidity with pKa* values between −0.8 and −3.9 on the other allow for gaining insights into the mechanisms contributing to excited-state proton transfer. Three different solvent scales, namely Lippert–Mataga, Kamlet–Taft and Catalán, were independently employed in this study and gave consistent results. We found the strongest correlation of the excited-state acidity with the dipolarity of the excited state, pem ranging from −1775 cm−1 to −2500 cm−1, and a concomitant change in the permanent dipole moment of roughly 14 Debye. Spectral changes due to varying basicity of the solvent, which probes the conjugated property of the solute, are found to be less indicative of the graduation of excited-state acidity, i.e. bem values between −700 and −1200 cm−1. The solvent acidity is the only parameter with a distinct influence on the electronic spectra of the deprotonated species. The low values of aem ∼ 400 cm−1, which are 3–4× smaller than aabs and aexc, indicate the low basicity of these species in the excited state. Triggered by semiempirical theoretical calculations, the energetic splitting between the two lowest excited states could be related to the excited-state acidity and points to alterations in the electronic mixing of locally excited and charge-transfer states, caused by the substituents. Differences between the threefold negatively charged pyranine and the new neutral photoacids are also discussed.
Co-reporter:Michael Vester, Andreas Grueter, Björn Finkler, Robert Becker and Gregor Jung
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 - vol. 18(Issue 15) pp:NaN10288-10288
Publication Date(Web):2016/03/11
Time-resolved experiments with pulsed-laser excitation are the standard approach to map the dynamic evolution of excited states, but ground-state kinetics remain hidden or require pump–dump–probe schemes. Here, we exploit the so-called photon antibunching, a purely quantum-optical effect related to single molecule detection to assess the rate constants for a chemical reaction in the electronic ground state. The measurement of the second-order correlation function g(2), i.e. the evaluation of inter-photon arrival times, is applied to the reprotonation in a Förster-cycle. We find that the antibunching of three different photoacids in the aprotic solvent DMSO significantly differs from the behavior in water. The longer decay constant of the biexponential antibunching tl is linked to the bimolecular reprotonation kinetics of the fully separated ion-pair, independent of the acidic additives. The value of the corresponding bimolecular rate constant, kp = 4 × 109 M−1 s−1, indicates diffusion-controlled reprotonation. The analysis of tl also allows for the extraction of the separation yield of proton and the conjugated base after excitation and amounts to approximately 15%. The shorter time component ts is connected to the decay of the solvent-separated ion pair. The associated time constant for geminate reprotonation is approximately 3 ± 1 ns in agreement with independent tcspc experiments. These experiments verify that the transfer of quantum-optical experiments to problems in chemistry enables mechanistic conclusions which are hardly accessible by other methods.
4-(4,4-Difluoro-1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene-8-yl)-butyric Acid
Boron,[2-[1-(3,5-dimethyl-2H-pyrrol-2-ylidene-kN)ethyl]-3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrrolato-kN]difluoro-, (T-4)-