Hamed Azimi

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Organization: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg


Co-reporter:Jie Min, Zhi-Guo Zhang, Yi Hou, Cesar Omar Ramirez Quiroz, Thomas Przybilla, Carina Bronnbauer, Fei Guo, Karen Forberich, Hamed Azimi, Tayebeh Ameri, Erdmann Spiecker, Yongfang Li, and Christoph J. Brabec
Chemistry of Materials 2015 Volume 27(Issue 1) pp:227
Publication Date(Web):December 8, 2014
Perovskite hybrid solar cells (pero-HSCs) were demonstrated to be among the most promising candidates within the emerging photovoltaic materials with respect to their power conversion efficiency (PCE) and inexpensive fabrication. Further PCE enhancement mainly relies on minimizing the interface losses via interface engineering and the quality of the perovskite film. Here, we demonstrate that the PCEs of pero-HSCs are significantly increased to 14.0% by incorporation of a solution-processed perylene–diimide (PDINO) as cathode interface layer between the [6,6]-phenyl-C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) layer and the top Ag electrode. Notably, for PDINO-based devices, prominent PCEs over 13% are achieved within a wide range of the PDINO thicknesses (5–24 nm). Without the PDINO layer, the best PCE of the reference PCBM/Ag device was only 10.0%. The PCBM/PDINO/Ag devices also outperformed the PCBM/ZnO/Ag devices (11.3%) with the well-established zinc oxide (ZnO) cathode interface layer. This enhanced performance is due to the formation of a highly qualitative contact between PDINO and the top Ag electrode, leading to reduced series resistance (Rs) and enhanced shunt resistance (Rsh) values. This study opens the door for the integration of a new class of easily-accessible, solution-processed high-performance interfacial materials for pero-HSCs.
Co-reporter:Hamed Azimi;Thomas Heumüller;Andreas Gerl;Gebhard Matt;Peter Kubis;Monica Distaso;Rameez Ahmad;Tugce Akdas;Moses Richter;Wolfgang Peukert;Christoph J. Brabec
Advanced Energy Materials 2013 Volume 3( Issue 12) pp:1589-1596
Publication Date(Web):

The understanding and control of nanostructures with regard to transport and recombination mechanisms is of key importance in the optimization of the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of solar cells based on inorganic nanocrystals. Here, the transport properties of solution-processed solar cells are investigated using photo-CELIV (photogenerated charge carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage) and transient photovoltage techniques; the solar cells are prepared by an in-situ formation of CuInS2 nanocrystals (CIS NCs) at the low temperature of 270 °C. Structural and morphological analyses reveal the presence of a metastable CuIn5S8 phase and a disordered morphology in the CuInS2 nanocrytalline films consisting of polycrystalline grains at the nanoscale range. Consistent with the disordered morphology of the CIS NC thin films, the CIS NC devices are characterized by a low carrier mobility. The carrier density dynamic indicates that the recombination kinetics in these devices follows the dispersive bimolecular recombination model and does not fully behave in a diffusion-controlled manner, as expected by Langevin-type recombination. The mobility–lifetime product of the charge carriers properly explains the performance of the thin (200 nm) CIS NC solar cell with a high fill-factor of 64% and a PCE of over 3.5%.

Co-reporter:Hamed Azimi, Darcy Fournier, Maarten Wirix, Edmund Dobrocka, Tayebeh Ameri, Florian Machui, Sheila Rodman, Gilles Dennler, Markus C. Scharber, Kurt Hingerl, Joachim Loos, Christoph J. Brabec, Mauro Morana
Organic Electronics 2012 Volume 13(Issue 8) pp:1315-1321
Publication Date(Web):August 2012
We have studied organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices based on a bridged-bithiophene donor–acceptor type low-band gap polymer blended with PCBM and bis-PCBM. The impact of the molecular arrangement is discussed in terms of the correlation between the solar-cell performance and the degree of crystallization. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) prove that films with bis-PCBM typically result in more amorphous blends than comparable films with PCBM. Electron tomography (ET) is used to visualize the three dimensional morphology of photoactive layers, confirming the presence of nanofibers, formed in different scales through the thickness in the blended films with mono and bis-fullerenes.Graphical abstractHighlights► Solar cells based on mono and bis-adduct fullerenes were studied. ► Morphological differences between PCBM and bis-PCBM are dependent on the host polymer. ► The worse transport properties of the bis-PCBM solar cells arise from an unfavorable microstructure.
Co-reporter:Hamed Azimi;Alessia Senes;Markus C. Scharber;Kurt Hingerl;Christoph J. Brabec
Advanced Energy Materials 2011 Volume 1( Issue 6) pp:1162-1168
Publication Date(Web):


Charge transport and recombination are studied for organic solar cells fabricated using blends of polymer poly[(4,4′-bis(2-ethylhexyl)dithieno[3,2-b:2′,3′-d]silole)-2,6-diyl-alt-(4,7-bis(2-thienyl)-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)-5,5′-diyl] (Si-PCPDTBT) with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (mono-PCBM) and the bis-adduct analogue of mono-PCBM (bis-PCBM). The photocurrent of Si-PCPDTBT:bis-PCBM devices shows a strong square root dependence on the effective applied voltage. From the relationship between the photocurrent and the light intensity, we found that the square-root dependence of the photocurrent is governed by the mobility-lifetime (μτ) product of charge carriers while space-charge field effects are insignificant. The fill factor (FF) and short circuit current density (Jsc) of bis-PCBM solar cells show a considerable increase with temperature as compared to mono-PCBM solar cells. SCLC analysis of single carrier devices proofs that the mobility of both electrons and holes is significantly lowered when replacing mono-PCBM with bis-PCBM. The increased recombination in Si-PCPDTBT:bis-PCBM solar cells is therefore attributed to the low carrier mobilities, as the transient photovoltage measurements show that the carrier lifetime of devices are not significantly altered by using bis-PCBM instead of mono-PCBM.

Clevios P-VP-AI 4083
Copper gallium indium selenide sulfide
Propanoic acid,mercapto-
Formamide, N,N-dimethyl-
Cu In S
2-ethenylbenzenesulfonic acid