Co-reporter:Hisashi Doi, Kengo Sato, Hideo Shindou, Kengo Sumi, Hiroko Koyama, Takamitsu Hosoya, Yasuyoshi Watanabe, Satoshi Ishii, Hideo Tsukada, Koji Nakanishi, Masaaki Suzuki
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2016 Volume 24(Issue 21) pp:5148-5157
Publication Date(Web):1 November 2016
The blood–brain barrier permeability of ginkgolide B was examined using positron emission tomography (PET) probes of a 18F-incorporated ginkgolide B ([18F]-2) and a 11C-incorporated methylbenzyl-substituted ginkgolide B ([11C]-3). PET studies in monkeys showed low uptake of [18F]-2 into the brain, but small amounts of [11C]-3 were accumulated in the parenchyma. Furthermore, when cyclosporine A was preadministered to rats, the accumulation of [18F]-2 in the rat brain did not significantly change, however, the accumulation of [11C]-3 was five times higher than that in the control rat. These results provide effective approaches for investigating the drug potential of ginkgolides.
Co-reporter:Koji Nakanishi
The Chemical Record 2013 Volume 13( Issue 3) pp:343-352
Publication Date(Web):
It is with special pleasure and a warm feeling of gratitude that I introduce Koji Nakanishi's essay which accompanies the publication of the fifth segment of the Tetsuo Nozoe Autograph Books. This project, “Bonding beyond Borders,” is a symbol of the ever-increasing connectivity among the many members of the chemistry community. Both Nakanishi and Nozoe wrote autobiographies in the Profiles, Pathways and Dreams series that I edited from 1985 to 1997. I learned from their books how close they were as friends and as colleagues. My interest in publishing the Nozoe Autograph Books goes back many years but was stymied by the difficulty of finding a publisher. This interest was rekindled when, in 2006, Nakanishi told me about – and eventually lent me – a one volume specially printed commemorative collection of the Nozoe Autograph Books. At an ACS National meeting, I rushed to show this book to Eva Wille who could not put it down. This was the entry, the personal connection, that led to the publication of the Nozoe Autograph Books by Wiley-VCH in The Chemical Record. This is another example of bonding, of enthusiasm and commitment, within our community.
Richmond, Virginia 23173, USA
Co-reporter:Yihui Chen Dr.;Yalin Wu Dr.;Peter Henklein Dr.;Xiaoxu Li Dr.;Klaus Peter Hofmann Dr. Dr.;OliverP. Ernst Dr.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2010 Volume 16( Issue 25) pp:7389-7394
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Yihui Chen, Timothy Parr, Andrea E. Holmes and Koji Nakanishi
Bioconjugate Chemistry 2008 Volume 19(Issue 1) pp:5
Publication Date(Web):December 8, 2007
Porphyrinmaleimides were synthesized and characterized. The thiol-containing amino acid l-cysteine reacted with 58% yield with these porphyrins to form bioconjugate adducts. The new thiol-active reagents were labeled cytoplasmic cysteine 140 and 316 in rhodopsin (Rh), a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR).
Co-reporter:Eisuke Kato, Rachel Howitt, Sergei V. Dzyuba and Koji Nakanishi
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2007 vol. 5(Issue 23) pp:3758-3761
Publication Date(Web):19 Oct 2007
Site-selective introduction of biotin and benzophenone probes onto ginkgolide scaffolds is described.
Co-reporter:Chandima Abeywickrama;Hiroko Matsuda;Steffen Jockusch;Jilin Zhou;Young P. Jang;Bi-Xing Chen;Yasuhiro Itagaki;Bernard F. Erlanger;Nicholas J. Turro;Janet R. Sparrow
PNAS 2007 Volume 104 (Issue 37 ) pp:14610-14615
Publication Date(Web):2007-09-11
The autofluorescent lipofuscin pigment A2E accumulates in retinal pigment epithelial cells with age and is particularly abundant
in some retinal disorders. To generate a polyclonal antibody that recognizes this pyridinium bisretinoid molecule, we immunized
rabbits with bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugates in which the protein was linked to the A2E molecule via its pyridinium
ethanolamine moiety. Analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
of the A2E–BSA conjugate indicated the presence of five intact A2E molecules covalently linked to BSA, thus deeming it a suitable
antigen for immunization. By immunocytochemical staining, the rabbit polyclonal antibody recognized A2E that had accumulated
in cultured cells, whereas dot-blot analysis revealed binding to both A2E and A2E-rabbit serum albumin (A2E–RSA) conjugate
but no cross-reactivity with various retinoids. Preimmune serum was nonreactive. In fluorescence spectroscopy studies, antibody-A2E
binding was evidenced by a fluorescence increase and by a blue-shift in the emission maximum consistent with a change in A2E
milieu upon antibody binding. The changes in fluorescence emission upon antibody binding could reflect several processes including
restrictions on trans-cis isomerization and intersystem crossing of photo-excited A2E.
Co-reporter:Takumi Furuta, Minatsu Sakai, Hiroyasu Hayashi, Tomohiro Asakawa, Fumi Kataoka, Satoshi Fujii, Takashi Suzuki, Yasuo Suzuki, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Nathan Fishkin and Koji Nakanishi
Chemical Communications 2005 (Issue 36) pp:4575-4577
Publication Date(Web):17 Aug 2005
An artificial phospholipid, possessing saturated alkyl chains as a membrane anchor and protein recognition site as well as an Fe(III)–EDTA moiety as a protein cleavable polar head group, was designed and synthesized based on the amidite method for the purpose of examination of cleavage of integral membrane proteins.
Co-reporter:Hideki Ishii, Sergei V. Dzyuba and Koji Nakanishi
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2005 vol. 3(Issue 19) pp:3471-3472
Publication Date(Web):30 Aug 2005
The lactone rings of ginkgolide A are converted into corresponding tetrahydrofuran moieties via DIBAL-H reduction followed by deoxygenation of the formed lactols with Et3SiH–BF3·Et2O to produce a series of lactone-free ginkgolides.
Co-reporter:Hideki Ishii;Yihui Chen;Ross A. Miller;Sor Karady;Nina Berova
Chirality 2005 Volume 17(Issue 6) pp:305-315
Publication Date(Web):25 APR 2005
A combined chemical/chiroptical microscale protocol for the determination of absolute configurations of cyclic α-hydroxyketones is described. The hydroxyl group in cyclic α-hydroxyketones is converted into (3-aminopropylamino)acetate (NH2CH2CH2CH2NHCH2COOR), or more generally, according to a newly developed protocol, into (3-hydroxypropylamino)acetate group (HOCH2CH2CH2NHCH2COOR). The resultant conjugated compound forms a 1:1 host–guest complex with a dimeric zinc porphyrin tweezer, which exhibits exciton-coupled bisignate CD spectrum centered around the 420-nm porphyrin Soret band due to induced helicity between the two porphyrins in the complex. The absolute configurations of the α-stereogenic center is then determined by comparison of the sign of the observed CD exciton couplet of the complex with that of the preferred porphyrin twist predicted by the Merck Molecular Force Field (MMFFs) method. Chirality 17:305–315, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Co-reporter:Ilyas Washington, Steffen Jockusch, Yasuhiro Itagaki, Nicholas J. Turro,Koji Nakanishi
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2005 44(43) pp:7097-7100
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Ilyas Washington Dr.;Steffen Jockusch Dr.;Yasuhiro Itagaki Dr.;Nicholas J. Turro
Angewandte Chemie 2005 Volume 117(Issue 43) pp:
Publication Date(Web):12 OCT 2005
Eng und persönlich: Eng zusammenstehende Retinoidpolyene, wie sie auf dem rechten Sessel abgebildet sind, reagieren leicht mit Sauerstoff (rot) zu polyoxygenierten Verbindungen. Getrennte Polyene dagegen, wie sie auf dem linken Sofa zu sehen sind, werden nur eingeschränkt oxidiert.
Co-reporter:Stanislav Jaracz, Shahid Malik, Koji Nakanishi
Phytochemistry 2004 Volume 65(Issue 21) pp:2897-2902
Publication Date(Web):November 2004
Ginkgolides A, B, C and J, together with bilobalide, are unique terpenoid components of the Ginkgo biloba tree. Due to similar chemical properties, their separation is quite tedious. We have developed an efficient and rapid protocol for separation of individual ginkgolides and bilobalide from G. biloba extracts. The procedure takes advantage of enhanced susceptibility of ginkgolides B and C to benzylation and the ease of separation of these products from ginkgolides A and J which do not react. The protocol is applicable to the previously reported enriched extracts prepared from G. biloba leaves. A single chromatographic step prior to benzylation provides bilobalide and mixture of ginkgolides A, B, C, and J. After benzylation, the individual ginkgolides are separated by chromatography.An efficient and rapid protocol has been developed for isolation of individual ginkgolides and bilobalide from Ginkgo biloba extracts. The method is based on combination of benzylation, chromatography, and hydrogenolysis.Figure optionsDownload full-size imageDownload as PowerPoint slide
Co-reporter:Nathan Fishkin;Gennaro Pescitelli;Janet R. Sparrow;Nina Berova
Chirality 2004 Volume 16(Issue 9) pp:637-641
Publication Date(Web):21 SEP 2004
An all-trans-retinal (ATR) dimer (1) isolated from photoreceptor outer segments was found to have a stereogenic center at C13′ flanked by tetraene (295 nm) and hexaenal (438 nm) chromophores. Analytical chiral HPLC (Chiralcel OD) revealed that the isolated retinoid had formed in 13% enantiomeric excess. Using a combination of 1H-1H NOESY constraints, molecular modeling, and CD exciton coupling analysis, it was determined that the favored enantiomer was 13′(R). Three low-energy conformers of the 13′(S) model were found with MMFF/DFT and were used to calculate the CD spectrum of the ATR dimer (DeVoe method). The Boltzmann weighted spectrum was found to exhibit a positive exciton couplet, in excellent agreement with the experimental spectrum for the first eluted enantiomer. This further suggested that despite the large energy difference between the two interacting chromophores, the dominant source of optical activity in the CD spectrum is the nondegenerate exciton mechanism. Chirality 16:637–641, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Co-reporter:Nathan Fishkin;Nina Berova
The Chemical Record 2004 Volume 4(Issue 2) pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 APR 2004
The visual pigment rhodopsin (bovine) is a 40 kDa protein consisting of 348 amino acids, and is a prototypical member of the subfamily A of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). This remarkably efficient light-activated protein (quantum yield = 0.67) binds the chromophore 11-cis-retinal covalently by attachment to Lys296 through a protonated Schiff base. The 11-cis geometry of the retinylidene chromophore keeps the partially active opsin protein locked in its inactive state (inverse agonist). Several retinal analogs with defined configurations and stereochemistry have been incorporated into the apoprotein to give rhodopsin analogs. These incorporation results along with the spectroscopic properties of the rhodopsin analogs clarify the mode of entry of the chromophore into the apoprotein and the biologically relevant conformation of the chromophore in the rhodopsin binding site. In addition, difference UV, CD, and photoaffinity labeling studies with a 3-diazo-4-oxo analog of 11-cis-retinal have been used to chart the movement of the retinylidene chromophore through the various intermediate stages of visual transduction. © 2004 The Japan Chemical Journal Forum and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Chem Rec 4: 120–135; 2004: Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/tcr.20000
Co-reporter:Kristian Strømgaard
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2004 Volume 43(Issue 13) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 MAR 2004
Co-reporter:Kristian Strømgaard
Angewandte Chemie 2004 Volume 116(Issue 13) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 MAR 2004
Co-reporter:Kristian Strømgaard
Angewandte Chemie 2004 Volume 116(Issue 13) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 MAR 2004
Ginkgo biloba – der Ginkgobaum – ist die älteste lebende Baumart der Welt. Ginkgo-Präparate sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin, und in den letzten Jahren haben die Blattextrakte als Phytopräparat in Europa und als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel weltweit breiten Absatz gefunden. Zu den postulierten Wirkungen des Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakts gehören die Verbesserung der Gedächtnisleistung, die Steigerung der Blutzirkulation und eine Verzögerung der Alzheimer-Demenz. Was den Extrakt so einzigartig macht, sind die Terpentrilactone – Ginkgolide und Bilobalid –, die als strukturell komplexe Moleküle attraktive Zielstrukturen für Totalsynthesen waren. Es wird angenommen, dass Terpentrilactone für die neuroregulatorischen Eigenschaften der Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakte mit ausschlaggebend sind. Eine Reihe biologischer Wirkungen der in den letzten Jahren entdeckten Terpentrilactone macht diese zu aussichtsreichen pharmakologischen Substanzen.
Co-reporter:Kristian Strømgaard
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2004 Volume 43(Issue 13) pp:
Publication Date(Web):17 MAR 2004
Ginkgo biloba, the ginkgo tree, is the oldest living tree, with a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. In recent years, the leaf extracts have been widely sold as phytomedicine in Europe and as a dietary supplement worldwide. Effects of Ginkgo biloba extracts have been postulated to include improvement of memory, increased blood circulation, as well as beneficial effects to sufferers of Alzheimer's disease. The most unique components of the extracts are the terpene trilactones, that is, ginkgolides and bilobalide. These structurally complex molecules have been attractive targets for total synthesis. Terpene trilactones are believed to be partly responsible for the neuromodulatory properties of Ginkgo biloba extracts, and several biological effects of the terpene trilactones have been discovered in recent years, making them attractive pharmacological tools that could provide insight into the effects of Ginkgo biloba extracts.
Co-reporter:Stanislav Jaracz ;Anders A. Jensen ;Kristian Strømgaard
Chemistry - A European Journal 2004 Volume 10(Issue 6) pp:
Publication Date(Web):15 MAR 2004
Co-reporter:Stanislav Jaracz ;Anders A. Jensen ;Kristian Strømgaard
Chemistry - A European Journal 2004 Volume 10(Issue 6) pp:
Publication Date(Web):15 MAR 2004
Ginkgolides from the Ginkgo biloba tree are diterpenes with a cage structure consisting of six five-membered rings and a unique tBu group. They exert a variety of biological properties. In addition to being antagonists of the platelet activating factor receptor (PAFR), it has recently been shown that native ginkgolides are potent and selective antagonists of the inhibitory glycine receptor. Forty new ginkgolide derivatives have been prepared in good to high yields on milligram scales and investigated for their antagonistic properties at homomeric α1 glycine receptors, thus providing the first structure–activity relationship study of ginkgolides at glycine receptors. A high-throughput screening assay showed that native ginkgolide C was the most potent ligand, and that manipulation of any of the hydroxyl groups led to loss of activity at α1 glycine receptors.
Co-reporter:Nathan Fishkin, Young-Pyo Jang, Yasuhiro Itagaki, Janet R. Sparrow and Koji Nakanishi
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2003 vol. 1(Issue 7) pp:1101-1105
Publication Date(Web):05 Mar 2003
A2E and iso-A2E are fluorescent amphiphilic pyridinium bisretinoids involved in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is now shown that the presence of high exogenous concentrations of all-trans-retinal in photoreceptor outer segments leads to the formation of A2-rhodopsin (A2-Rh), an unprecedented fluorescent rhodopsin adduct which consists of bisretinoids (A2) linked to each of three lysine residues in rhodopsin (Rh) and which exhibits an emission spectrum similar to A2E. The fluorophore to protein ratio was determined by MALDI-TOF-MS and UV–VIS spectroscopy. Enzymatic degradation with thermolysin and cathepsin D showed that two of the A2 moieties were located in the region of the third cytoplasmic loop and 8th helix of Rh. Examination of A2-Rh and A2-PE (the precursor of A2E) fluorescence in relation to all-trans-retinal concentration indicated that whereas A2-PE formation is favored over that of A2-Rh, for a single rhodopsin molecule only one phosphatidylethanolamine molecule is available to react with all-trans-retinal; this phosphatidylethanolamine is probably tightly associated with the protein.
Co-reporter:So Ra Kim;Leif M. Abrell;Sonja Krane
Helvetica Chimica Acta 2003 Volume 86(Issue 11) pp:3776-3786
Publication Date(Web):24 NOV 2003
Microphysiometry was used to evaluate the effects of terpene trilactone and flavonoid constituents of Ginkgo biloba on human platelet-activating-factor receptor (PAFR). Inhibition of the platelet-activating factor response by terpene trilactones was confirmed using this functional assay. Ginkgolide B (GB) and 10-O-benzyl-GB showed the strongest inhibition (81 and 93%, resp.) of the PAFR response, while the flavonoids rutin, quercetin, and kaempferol showed negligible response inhibition. G. biloba extract mixtures were also tested, and results indicate possible synergistic effects among various components.
Co-reporter:Sarah E. Tully;Nina Berova;Yukari Fujimoto;Rongyuan Xie
Chirality 2002 Volume 14(Issue 4) pp:340-346
Publication Date(Web):11 APR 2002
Both enantiomers of 13-(E) and 13-(Z) isomers of 11-cis-locked bicyclo[5.1.0]octanyl retinal were prepared by an improved synthesis and incubated with bovine opsin. The synthesis also establishes the absolute configuration of the enantiomers. Only one of the enantiomers binds to opsin, thus showing the steric restrictions regarding the middle polyene moiety of the retinoid molecule; this is in sharp contrast to the known leniency of the ring moiety binding site of retinoids. However, although one enantiomer is incorporated into the pigment, the circular dichroic spectrum of the pigment incorporating the bound enantiomer yields only a very weak Cotton effect, showing that, once incorporated, the bicyclo[5.1.0]octanyl chromophore is flattened by the opsin binding site. The titled retinoid was synthesized for study of the absolute conformation of the retinal pigment in rhodopsin. Chirality 14:340–346, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Co-reporter:Shimon Ben-Shabat Dr.;Yasuhiro Itagaki Dr.;Steffen Jockusch Dr.;Janet R. Sparrow ;Nicholas J. Turro
Angewandte Chemie 2002 Volume 114(Issue 5) pp:
Publication Date(Web):7 MAR 2002
Neun Epoxidringe entstehen nacheinander, wenn A2E mit blauem Licht in Gegenwart von Sauerstoff bestrahlt wird [Gl. (1)]. Mechanistisch gesehen erzeugt A2E Singulettsauerstoff und reagiert mit diesem zu den Polyoxiranen. Das Verständnis der Reaktion von A2E mit Sauerstoff ist wichtig, weil blaues Licht die Apoptose von A2E-beladenen Zellen des retinalen Pigmentepithels auslöst, die typisch für die altersabhängige Makuladegeneration ist.
Co-reporter:Shimon Ben-Shabat Dr.;Yasuhiro Itagaki Dr.;Steffen Jockusch Dr.;Janet R. Sparrow ;Nicholas J. Turro
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2002 Volume 41(Issue 5) pp:
Publication Date(Web):7 MAR 2002
Nine epoxide rings are formed sequentially when A2E is irradiated with blue light in the presence of oxygen [Eq. (1)]. Mechanistically, A2E generates singlet oxygen and reacts with it to give the polyoxiranes. An understanding of the reaction of A2E with oxygen is important as blue light induces the apoptotic death of A2E-laden retinal pigment epithelium cells, which are typical of age-related macular degeneration.
Co-reporter:Craig A. Parish, Hong Jiang, Yoshi Tokiwa, Nina Berova, Koji Nakanishi, Denise McCabe, Warren Zuckerman, Ming Ming Xia, Joëlle E. Gabay
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2001 Volume 9(Issue 2) pp:377-382
Publication Date(Web):February 2001
While hemoglobin is one of the most well characterized proteins due to its function in oxygen transport, few additional properties of hemoglobin have been described. While screening serum samples for novel antimicrobial factors, it was found that intact hemoglobin tetramers, including that from human, exhibited considerable activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and fungi. To further characterize this surprising activity, the antimicrobial potency of sections of human hemoglobin was tested against a panel of microorganisms. In all cases separate testing of the alpha and beta subunits provided activity at least as potent as the intact tetramer. This activity is derived from the protein portion of hemoglobin since removal of the heme prosthetic group did not lead to decreases in potency. In addition, cyanogen bromide cleavage of both subunits provided fragments that still contained substantial antimicrobial activity. It has been possible to map specific regions of the human hemoglobin molecule that are responsible for significant antimicrobial activity. The carboxyl terminal thirty amino acids of the β subunit, which form a cationic α-helix based on the crystal structure of the intact tetramer, were active against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. In view of the fact that different hemoglobin-derived peptide fragments exhibit diverse antibiotic activities, it is conceivable that, in addition to its role in oxygen transport, hemoglobin functions as an important multi-defense agent against a wide range of microorganisms.
Co-reporter:Shimon Ben-Shabat, Craig A Parish, Masaru Hashimoto, Jianghua Liu, Koji Nakanishi, Janet R Sparrow
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2001 Volume 11(Issue 12) pp:1533-1540
Publication Date(Web):18 June 2001
The major hydrophobic fluorophore of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is A2E, a pyridinium bis-retinoid derived from all-trans-retinal and phosphatidyl-ethanolamine. The accumulation of fluorophores such as A2E is implicated in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a disease associated with the deterioration of central vision and a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. Recent chemical and biological studies have provided insight into the synthesis and biosynthesis of A2E, the spectroscopic properties of this pigment, and the role of A2E and RPE cell death.Graphic
Co-reporter:Yukari Fujimoto;Jun Ishihara Dr.;Shojiro Maki Dr.;Naoko Fujioka Dr.;Tao Wang Dr.;Takumi Furuta Dr.;Nathan Fishkin;Babak Borhan Dr.;Nina Berova Dr.
Chemistry - A European Journal 2001 Volume 7(Issue 19) pp:
Publication Date(Web):27 SEP 2001
Incubation of opsin with synthetic 6-s-locked retinoids 2 a and 2 b only led to pigment formation from the alpha-locked 2 a, the CD spectrum of which was similar to that of native rhodopsin (Rh). This establishes that the 6-s-bond of the chromophore in rhodopsin is cis, and that its helicity is negative. Earlier cross-linking studies showed that the 11-cis to all-trans photoisomerization occurring in the batho-Rh to lumi-Rh conversion induces a flip over of the side carrying the ring moiety. The GTP-binding assay of pigment Rh-(2 a), incorporating retinal analogue 2 a, has shown that its activity is 80 % that of the native pigment. That is, the overall conformation around the 6-s bond is retained in the steps leading to G-protein activation.
Co-reporter:York Tomita;Kenji Monde;M. Lane Gilchrist Jr.;Ann E. McDermott;Kenji Monde;York Tomita;M. Lane Gilchrist Jr.;Ann E. McDermott
Israel Journal of Chemistry 2000 Volume 40(Issue 3‐4) pp:301-306
Publication Date(Web):8 MAR 2010
With 13C-labeled samples, it is possible to measure internuclear distances up to 7 Å by solid-state NMR, thus providing a powerful tool for probing ligand—receptor interactions. However, limitations in measurable distances and appreciable natural abundant 13C background signals present problems in solid-state 13C NMR. In order to overcome these disadvantages, a set of reference compounds with known F—F distances, namely, quinolinol, p-biphenyl, and p-terphenyl-bearing trifluoromethyl and trifluoromethylthio groups, have been synthesized. The preparation of these reference compounds and means for diluting these references in solid-state NMR are described.
Co-reporter:Babak Borhan;María L. Souto;Joann M. Um;Bishan Zhou
Chemistry - A European Journal 1999 Volume 5(Issue 4) pp:
Publication Date(Web):25 MAR 1999
Synthesis of 11-cis-retinal analogues, of great importance in bioorganic studies of the photoreceptor of the visual transduction pathway, has been hampered by unusual difficulties in establishing the 11-cis geometry. However, a general and mild preparation of 11-cis-retinoids in high yield has been achieved by reduction of 11-yne precursors to 11-cis-enes with Cu/Ag-activated zinc dust (below). The ready availability of the 11-yne precursors makes this strategy applicable for general use.
Co-reporter:Qiang Tan;Jihong Lou;Dr. Babak Borhan;Dr. Elena Karnaukhova; Nina Berova; Koji Nakanishi
Angewandte Chemie 1997 Volume 109(Issue 19) pp:
Publication Date(Web):31 JAN 2006
Co-reporter:Eisuke Kato, Rachel Howitt, Sergei V. Dzyuba and Koji Nakanishi
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2007 - vol. 5(Issue 23) pp:NaN3761-3761
Publication Date(Web):2007/10/19
Site-selective introduction of biotin and benzophenone probes onto ginkgolide scaffolds is described.