Ulrich Hahn

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Organization: Hamburg University , Germany
Department: Department of Chemistry
Title: (PhD)


Co-reporter:Eileen Magbanua
BIOspektrum 2016 Volume 22( Issue 4) pp:378-381
Publication Date(Web):2016 June
Aptamers are multifunctional tools relatively easy to generate and modify thus allowing a broad application spectrum. Highly specific for tumor markers or receptors aptamers are able to discriminate between healthy and malignant cells and furthermore may serve as vehicles for directed drug or therapeutic agents’ delivery.
Co-reporter:Katrin Seelhorst, Tomas Piernitzki, Nathalie Lunau, Chris Meier, Ulrich Hahn
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2014 Volume 22(Issue 22) pp:6430-6437
Publication Date(Web):15 November 2014
Fucosyltransferases catalyze the transfer of l-fucose from an activated GDP-β-l-fucose to various acceptor molecules such as N-acetyllactosamine. Frequently fucosylation is the final step within the glycosylation machinery, and the resulting glycans are involved in various cellular processes such as cell–cell recognition, adhesion and inflammation or tumor metastasis. The selective blocking of these interactions would thus be a potential promising therapeutic strategy. The syntheses and analyses of various potential α1,3-fucosyltransferase inhibitors derived from GDP-β-l-fucose containing a triazole linker unit is summarized and the observed inhibitory effect was compared with that of small molecules such as GDP or fucose. To examine their specificity and selectivity, all inhibitors were tested with human α1,3-fucosyltransferase IX and Helicobacter pylori α1,3-fucosyltransferase, which is to date the only α1,3-fucosyltransferase with a known high resolution structure. Specific inhibitors which inhibit either H. pylori α1,3-fucosyltransferase or human fucosyltransferase IX with Ki values in the micromolar range were identified. In that regard, acetylated GDP-galactose derivative Ac-3 turned out to inhibit H. pylori α1,3-fucosyltransferase but not human fucosyltransferase IX, whereas GDP-6-amino-β-l-fucose 17 showed an appreciably better inhibitory effect on fucosyltransferase IX activity than on that of H. pylori fucosyltransferase.
Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Sven Kruspe ;Dr. Ulrich Hahn
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 39) pp:10541-10544
Publication Date(Web):


An aptamer specifically binding the interleukin-6 receptor and intrinsically comprising multiple units of the nucleoside analogue 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine can exert a cytostatic effect direcly on certain cells presenting the receptor. Thus the modified aptamer fulfils the requirements for active drug targeting in an unprecedented manner. It can easily be synthesized in a single enzymatic step and it binds to a cell surface receptor that is conveyed into the lysosome. Upon degradation of the aptamer by intracellular nucleases the active drug is released within the targeted cells exclusively. In this way the aptamer acts as a prodrug meeting two major prerequisites of a drug delivery system: specific cell targeting and the controlled release of the drug triggered by an endogenous stimulus.

Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Sven Kruspe ;Dr. Ulrich Hahn
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 39) pp:10711-10715
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Ein Aptamer, das spezifisch an den Interleukin-6-Rezeptor bindet und intrinsisch mehrere Einheiten des Nukleosidanalogons 5-Fluor-2′-desoxyuridin beinhaltet, ist in der Lage, gezielt einen zytostatischen Effekt auf Zellen auszuüben, die diesen Rezeptor tragen. Das Aptamer kann in einem einzigen enzymatischen Schritt synthetisiert werden und bindet an einen Zelloberflächenrezeptor, der in das Lysosom transportiert wird. Ausschließlich dort in den Zielzellen führt der Abbau durch intrazelluläre Nukleasen zur Freisetzung des aktivierten Wirkstoffs. Dadurch erfüllt das Aptamer als Prodrug zwei grundlegende Voraussetzungen eines Systems zur gezielten Pharmakotherapie: das spezifische Ansteuern von Zielzellen und die durch einen endogenen Stimulus ausgelöste kontrollierte Wirkstoff-Freisetzung.

Co-reporter:Sven Kruspe;Florian Mittelberger;Kristina Szameit ;Dr. Ulrich Hahn
ChemMedChem 2014 Volume 9( Issue 9) pp:1998-2011
Publication Date(Web):


The benefits of directed and selective therapy for systemic treatment are reasons for increased interest in exploiting aptamers for cell-specific drug delivery. Nucleic acid based pharmaceuticals represent an interesting and novel tool to counter human diseases. Combining inhibitory potential and cargo transfer upon internalization, nanocarriers as well as various therapeutics including siRNAs, chemotherapeutics, photosensitizers, or proteins can be imported via these synthetic nucleic acids. However, widespread clinical application is still hampered by obstacles that must be overcome. In this review, we give an overview of applications and recent advances in aptamer-mediated drug delivery. We also introduce prominent selection methods as well as useful approaches in choice of drug and conjugation method. We discuss the challenges that need to be considered and present strategies that have been applied to achieve intracellular delivery of effectors transported by readily internalized aptamers.

Co-reporter:Dr. Nathalie Lunau;Dipl.-Chem. Katrin Seelhorst;Dipl.-Chem. Stefanie Kahl;Dr. Kathrin Tscherch;Dr. Christina Stacke;Dr. Sascha Rohn;Dr. Joachim Thiem;Dr. Ulrich Hahn;Dr. Chris Meier
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 Volume 19( Issue 51) pp:17379-17390
Publication Date(Web):


Fucosylation is often the final process in glycan biosynthesis. The resulting glycans are involved in a variety of biological processes, such as cell adhesion, inflammation, or tumor metastasis. Fucosyltransferases catalyze the transfer of fucose residues from the activated donor molecule GDP-β-L-fucose to various acceptor molecules. However, detailed information about the reaction processes is still lacking for most fucosyltransferases. In this work we have monitored α1,3-fucosyltransferase activity. For both donor and acceptor substrates, the introduction of a fluorescent ATTO dye was the last step in the synthesis. The subsequent conversion of these substrates into fluorescently labeled products by α1,3-fucosyltransferases was examined by high-performance thin-layer chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry as well as dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy, which revealed that both fluorescently labeled donor GDP-β-L-fucose-ATTO 550 and acceptor N-acetyllactosamine-ATTO 647N were accepted by recombinant human fucosyltransferase IX and Helicobacter pylori α1,3-fucosyltransferase, respectively. Analysis by fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy allowed a quick and versatile estimation of the progress of the enzymatic reaction and therefore this method can be used as an alternative method for investigating fucosyltransferase reactions.

Co-reporter:Dr. Cindy Meyer;Dr. Winfried Hinrichs;Dr. Ulrich Hahn
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 21) pp:5045-5047
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Arne Werner;Victor V. Skakun;Cindy Meyer
European Biophysics Journal 2011 Volume 40( Issue 8) pp:907-921
Publication Date(Web):2011 August
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides a versatile tool to investigate molecular interaction under native conditions, approximating infinite dilution. One precondition for its application is a sufficient difference between the molecular weights of the fluorescence-labelled unbound and bound ligand. In previous studies, an 8-fold difference in molecular weights or correspondingly a 1.6-fold difference in diffusion coefficients was required to accurately distinguish between two diffusion species by FCS. In the presented work, the hybridization of two complementary equally sized RNA single strands was investigated at an excellent signal-to-noise ratio enabled by the highly photostable fluorophore Atto647N. The fractions of ssRNA and dsRNA were quantified by applying multicomponent model analysis of single autocorrelation functions and globally fitting several autocorrelation functions. By introducing a priori knowledge into the fitting procedure, 1.3- to 1.4-fold differences in diffusion coefficients of single- and double-stranded RNA of 26, 41, and 54 nucleotides could be accurately resolved. Global fits of autocorrelation functions of all titration steps enabled a highly accurate quantification of diffusion species fractions and mobilities. At a high signal-to-noise ratio, the median of individually fitted autocorrelation functions allowed a robust representation of heterogeneous data. These findings point out the possibility of studying molecular interaction of equally sized molecules based on their diffusional behavior, which significantly broadens the application spectrum of FCS.
Co-reporter:Arne Werner, Petr V. Konarev, Dmitri I. Svergun, Ulrich Hahn
Analytical Biochemistry 2009 Volume 389(Issue 1) pp:52-62
Publication Date(Web):1 June 2009
Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), we have established an in vitro assay to study RNA dynamics by analyzing fluorophore binding RNA aptamers at the single molecule level. The RNA aptamer SRB2m, a minimized variant of the initially selected aptamer SRB-2, has a high affinity to the disulfonated triphenylmethane dye sulforhodamine B. A mobility shift of sulforhodamine B after binding to SRB2m was measured. In contrast, patent blue V (PBV) is visible only if complexed with SRB2m due to increased molecular brightness and minimal background. With small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the three-dimensional structure of the RNA aptamer was characterized at low resolution to analyze the effect of fluorophore binding. The aptamer and sulforhodamine B–aptamer complex was found to be predominantly dimeric in solution. Interaction of PBV with SRB2m led to a dissociation of SRB2m dimers into monomers. Radii of gyration and hydrodynamic radii, gained from dynamic light scattering, FCS, and fluorescence cross-correlation experiments, led to comparable conclusions. Our study demonstrates how RNA–aptamer fluorophore complexes can be simultaneously structurally and photophysically characterized by FCS. Furthermore, fluorophore binding RNA aptamers provide a tool for visualizing single RNA molecules.
Co-reporter:Marc Struhalla Dr.;Rico Czaja Dipl.-Biochem. Dr.
ChemBioChem 2004 Volume 5(Issue 2) pp:
Publication Date(Web):29 JAN 2004

Although ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) is one of the best-characterized proteins with respect to structure and enzymatic action, numerous attempts at altering the specificity of the enzyme to cleave single-stranded RNA at the 3′-side of adenylic instead of guanylic residues by rational approaches have failed so far. Recently we generated and characterized the RNase T1 variant RV with a 7200-fold increase in adenylyl-3′,5′-cytidine (ApC)/guanylyl-3′,5′-cytidine (GpC) preference, with the guanine-binding loop changed from 41-KYNNYE-46 (wt) to 41-EFRNWN-46. Now we have introduced the asparagine residue at position 46 of the wild-type enzyme as a single-point mutation in variant E46N and in combination with the Y45W exchange also occurring in RV. Both variants show an improved ApC/GpC preference with a 1450-fold increase for E46N and a 2100-fold increase for Y45W/E46N in comparison to wild-type activity. We also addressed the challenge of altering enzyme specificity with an evolutionary approach. We have randomly introduced point mutations into the RNase T1 wild-type gene and into the gene of the variant RV with different mutation rates. Altogether we have screened about 100 000 individual clones for activity on RNase indicator plates; 533 of these clones were active. A significant change in substrate specificity towards an ApC preference could not be observed for any of these active variants; this demonstrated the magnitude of the challenge to alter the specificity of this evolutionary perfected enzyme.

Co-reporter:Katja Eydeler, Eileen Magbanua, Arne Werner, Patrick Ziegelmüller, Ulrich Hahn
Biophysical Journal (6 May 2009) Volume 96(Issue 9) pp:
Publication Date(Web):6 May 2009
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is suitable for the detection of fluorescent molecules in living cells. For the visualization of mRNA, we genetically fused a fluorophore-specific RNA aptamer to the coding mRNA of the green fluorescent protein, as well as to noncoding sequences. Using these constructs, we showed that the aptamer portion of the mRNA still binds the fluorophore in the nanomolar range as determined via FCS. Furthermore, the binding took place in the context of total RNA extract. A tandem construct of the RNA aptamer even exhibited a lower Kd than the monomer. This FCS-based method establishes a tool for minimal invasive detection of RNA at the single molecule level in individual living cells.
Co-reporter:Katharina Berg, Tobias Lange, Florian Mittelberger, Udo Schumacher, Ulrich Hahn
Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids Volume 5() pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 January 2016
The heterodimeric laminin receptor α6β4 integrin plays a central role in the promotion of tumor cell growth, invasion, and organotropic metastasis. As an overproduction of the integrin is often linked to a poor prognosis, the inhibition of integrin α6β4 binding to laminin is of high therapeutical interest. Here, we report on the combination of a cell-systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment and a bead-based selection resulting in the first aptamer inhibiting the interaction between α6β4 integrin and laminin-332. This Integrin α6β4-specific DNA Aptamer (IDA) inhibits the adhesion of prostate cancer cells (PC-3) to laminin-332 with an IC50 value of 149 nmol/l. The Kd value concerning the aptamer's interaction with PC-3 cells amounts to 137 nmol/l. Further characterization showed specificity to α6 integrins and a half-life in murine blood plasma of 6 hours. Two truncated versions of the aptamer retained their binding capacity, but lost their ability to inhibit the interaction between laminin-332 and PC-3 cells. Confocal laser scanning microscope studies revealed that the aptamer was internalized into PC-3-cells. Therefore, in addition to the adhesion-blocking function of this aptamer, IDA could also be applied for the delivery of siRNA, microRNA or toxins to cancer cells presenting the integrin α6β4.
Co-reporter:Sven Kruspe, Cindy Meyer, Ulrich Hahn
Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids Volume 3() pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 January 2014
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses the therapeutic properties of light in combination with certain chemicals, called photosensitizers, to successfully treat brain, breast, prostate, and skin cancers. To improve PDT, current research focuses on the development of photosensitizers to specifically target cancer cells. In the past few years, aptamers have been developed to directly deliver cargo molecules into target cells. We conjugated the photosensitizer chlorin e6 (ce6) with a human interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) binding RNA aptamer, AIR-3A yielding AIR-3A-ce6 for application in high efficient PDT. AIR-3A-ce6 was rapidly and specifically internalized by IL-6R presenting (IL-6R+) cells. Upon light irradiation, targeted cells were selectively killed, while free ce6 did not show any toxic effect. Cells lacking the IL-6R were also not affected by AIR-3A-ce6. With this approach, we improved the target specificity of ce6-mediated PDT. In the future, other tumor-specific aptamers might be used to selectively localize photosensitizers into cells of interest and improve the efficacy and specificity of PDT in cancer and other diseases.
4H-1,3,2-Benzodioxaphosphorin, 2-chloro-6-nitro-
b-L-Galactopyranosyl azide,6-deoxy-, 2,3,4-triacetate
N-[9-(2-carboxyphenyl)-6-(dimethylamino)-3H-xanthen-3-ylidene]-N-methylmethanaminium perchlorate
[(2r,3r,4s,5r,6r)-4,5-diacetyloxy-6-azido-3-[(2s,3r,4s,5r,6r)-3,4,5-triacetyloxy-6-(acetyloxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxyoxan-2-yl]methyl Acetate
(2S-trans)-18-carboxy-20-(carboxymethyl)-13-ethyl-2,3-dihydro-3,7,12,17-tetramethyl-8-vinyl-21H,23H-porphine-2-propionic acid