Co-reporter:Kallol Ray, Florian Felix Pfaff, Bin Wang, and Wonwoo Nam
Journal of the American Chemical Society October 8, 2014 Volume 136(Issue 40) pp:13942-13958
Publication Date(Web):September 12, 2014
Selective functionalization of unactivated C–H bonds, water oxidation, and dioxygen reduction are extremely important reactions in the context of finding energy carriers and conversion processes that are alternatives to the current fossil-based oil for energy. A range of metalloenzymes achieve these challenging tasks in biology by using cheap and abundant transition metals, such as iron, copper, and manganese. High-valent metal–oxo and metal–dioxygen (superoxo, peroxo, and hydroperoxo) cores act as active intermediates in many of these processes. The generation of well-described model compounds can provide vital insights into the mechanisms of such enzymatic reactions. This perspective provides a focused rather than comprehensive review of the recent advances in the chemistry of biomimetic high-valent metal–oxo and metal–dioxygen complexes, which can be related to our understanding of the biological systems.
Co-reporter:Dr. Inés Monte Pérez;M. Sc. Xenia Engelmann;Dr. Yong-Min Lee;Mi Yoo;Dr. Elumalai Kumaran;Dr. Erik R. Farquhar;Dr. Eckhard Bill; Dr. Jason Engl; Dr. Wonwoo Nam; Dr. Marcel Swart; Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 46) pp:
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/13
Iron Oxo Complexes In their Communication on page 14384 ff., W. Nam, M. Swart, K. Ray, et al. show that the oxoiron(IV) center in [FeIV(O)(TMCO)(OTf)]+ (bottom right) with an N3O environment is significantly more reactive than that in [FeIV(O)(TMC)(CH3CN)]2+ (top left) with an N4 environment.
Co-reporter:Dr. Inés Monte Pérez;M. Sc. Xenia Engelmann;Dr. Yong-Min Lee;Mi Yoo;Dr. Elumalai Kumaran;Dr. Erik R. Farquhar;Dr. Eckhard Bill; Dr. Jason Engl; Dr. Wonwoo Nam; Dr. Marcel Swart; Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 46) pp:14384-14388
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/13
AbstractThe sluggish oxidants [FeIV(O)(TMC)(CH3CN)]2+ (TMC=1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane) and [FeIV(O)(TMCN-d12)(OTf)]+ (TMCN-d12=1,4,7,11-tetra(methyl-d3)-1,4,7,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane) are transformed into the highly reactive oxidant [FeIV(O)(TMCO)(OTf)]+ (1; TMCO=4,8,12-trimethyl-1-oxa-4,8,12-triazacyclotetradecane) upon replacement of an NMe donor in the TMC and TMCN ligands by an O atom. A rate enhancement of five to six orders of magnitude in both H atom and O atom transfer reactions was observed upon oxygen incorporation into the macrocyclic ligand. This finding was explained in terms of the higher electrophilicity of the iron center and the higher availability of the more reactive S=2 state in 1. This rationalizes nature's preference for using O-rich ligand environments for the hydroxylation of strong C−H bonds in enzymatic reactions.
Co-reporter:Xenia Engelmann;Inés Monte-Pérez ;Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 27) pp:7632-7649
Publication Date(Web):
The selective functionalization of strong C−H bonds and the oxidation of water by cheap and nontoxic metals are some of the key targets of chemical research today. It has been proposed that high-valent iron-, manganese-, and copper-oxo cores are involved as reactive intermediates in important oxidation reactions performed by biological systems, thus making them attractive targets for biomimetic synthetic studies. The generation and characterization of metal–oxo model complexes of iron, manganese, and copper together with detailed reactivity studies can help in understanding how the steric and electronic properties of the metal centers modulate the reactivity of the metalloenzymes. This Review provides a focused overview of the advances in the chemistry of biomimetic high-valent metal–oxo complexes from the last 5–10 years that can be related to our understanding of biological systems.
Co-reporter:Xenia Engelmann;Inés Monte-Pérez ;Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 27) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Xenia Engelmann;Inés Monte-Pérez ;Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 27) pp:7760-7778
Publication Date(Web):
Die selektive Funktionalisierung starker C-H-Bindungen sowie die Oxidation von Wasser durch preiswerte und ungiftige Metalle sind einige der Schlüsselziele der heutigen chemischen Forschung. Es wurde vorgeschlagen, dass hochvalente Eisen-, Mangan- und Kupferkerne als reaktive Intermediate an diesen wichtigen Oxidationsreaktionen, die von biologischen Systemen ausgeführt werden, beteiligt sind, was sie zu begehrten Zielobjekten für biomimetische Synthesestudien macht. Die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Modell-Oxidometallkomplexen von Eisen, Mangan und Kupfer, zusammen mit detaillierten Reaktivitätsstudien, kann dazu beitragen, die Rolle der sterischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften der Metallzentren zur Regulierung der Reaktivität entsprechender Metalloenzyme zu verstehen. Dieser Aufsatz bietet einen fokussierten Rückblick auf die jüngsten Fortschritte in der biomimetischen Komplexchemie hochvalenter Oxidometallkerne der letzten fünf bis zehn Jahre, die mit unserem Verständnis von biologischen Systemen in Beziehung gebracht werden können.
Co-reporter:Xenia Engelmann;Inés Monte-Pérez ;Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 27) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Kallol Ray, Florian Heims, Matthias Schwalbe, Wonwoo Nam
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2015 Volume 25() pp:159-171
Publication Date(Web):April 2015
•Water oxidation and dioxygen reduction are important in fuel cell technology.•Role of metal-oxo cores as vital intermediates in these reactions is reviewed.•Subtle electronic changes can drastically affect the metal-oxo reactivity.•Metal-hydroperoxo acts as a metal-oxo precursor during dioxygen reduction.•Possible role of calcium in dioxygen release during water oxidation is discussed.Four-electron reduction of dioxygen to water and splitting of water to dioxygen are extremely important processes in the context of attaining clean renewable energy sources. High-valent metal-oxo cores are proposed as reactive intermediates in these vital processes, although they have only been isolated in extremely rare cases in the biological systems thereby making the mechanism ambiguous. Recent biomimetic studies have, however, aided in our understanding of the fundamental reactivity of the high-valent metal-oxo species in various reactions relevant to energy conversion. All these studies are summarized in the present review.
Co-reporter:Sarah-Luise Abram, Inés Monte-Pérez, Florian Felix Pfaff, Erik R. Farquhar and Kallol Ray
Chemical Communications 2014 vol. 50(Issue 69) pp:9852-9854
Publication Date(Web):08 Jul 2014
The behavior of the Lewis-acid adducts of two copper–nitrene [Cu(NR)]+ complexes in nitrene-transfer and H-atom abstraction reactions have been demonstrated to depend on the nature of the nitrene substituents. Two-state reactivity, in which a singlet ground state and a nearby triplet excited-state both contribute, provides a useful model for interpreting reactivity trends of the two compounds.
Co-reporter:Subrata Kundu, Enrico Miceli, Erik R. Farquhar and Kallol Ray
Dalton Transactions 2014 vol. 43(Issue 11) pp:4264-4267
Publication Date(Web):04 Dec 2013
Oxidation of phenols by heterodinuclear CuIII(μ-O)2NiIII complexes containing nucleophilic oxo groups occurs by both proton coupled electron transfer (PCET) and hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) mechanisms; the exact mechanism depends on the nature of the phenol as well as the substitution pattern of the ligand bound to Cu.
Co-reporter:Seungwoo Hong;Florian F. Pfaff;Eunji Kwon;Yong Wang;Mi-Sook Seo;Eckhard Bill;Dr. Kallol Ray;Dr. Wonwoo Nam
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 39) pp:10403-10407
Publication Date(Web):
High-valent cobalt-oxo intermediates are proposed as reactive intermediates in a number of cobalt-complex-mediated oxidation reactions. Herein we report the spectroscopic capture of low-spin (S=1/2) CoIV-oxo species in the presence of redox-inactive metal ions, such as Sc3+, Ce3+, Y3+, and Zn2+, and the investigation of their reactivity in CH bond activation and sulfoxidation reactions. Theoretical calculations predict that the binding of Lewis acidic metal ions to the cobalt-oxo core increases the electrophilicity of the oxygen atom, resulting in the redox tautomerism of a highly unstable [(TAML)CoIII(O.)]2− species to a more stable [(TAML)CoIV(O)(Mn+)] core. The present report supports the proposed role of the redox-inactive metal ions in facilitating the formation of high-valent metal–oxo cores as a necessary step for oxygen evolution in chemistry and biology.
Co-reporter:Seungwoo Hong;Florian F. Pfaff;Eunji Kwon;Yong Wang;Mi-Sook Seo;Eckhard Bill;Dr. Kallol Ray;Dr. Wonwoo Nam
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 39) pp:10571-10575
Publication Date(Web):
High-valent cobalt-oxo intermediates are proposed as reactive intermediates in a number of cobalt-complex-mediated oxidation reactions. Herein we report the spectroscopic capture of low-spin (S=1/2) CoIV-oxo species in the presence of redox-inactive metal ions, such as Sc3+, Ce3+, Y3+, and Zn2+, and the investigation of their reactivity in CH bond activation and sulfoxidation reactions. Theoretical calculations predict that the binding of Lewis acidic metal ions to the cobalt-oxo core increases the electrophilicity of the oxygen atom, resulting in the redox tautomerism of a highly unstable [(TAML)CoIII(O.)]2− species to a more stable [(TAML)CoIV(O)(Mn+)] core. The present report supports the proposed role of the redox-inactive metal ions in facilitating the formation of high-valent metal–oxo cores as a necessary step for oxygen evolution in chemistry and biology.
Co-reporter:Florian Heims ; Florian Felix Pfaff ; Sarah-Luise Abram ; Erik R. Farquhar ; Maurizio Bruschi ; Claudio Greco
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 136(Issue 2) pp:582-585
Publication Date(Web):December 20, 2013
The redox properties of Ni complexes bound to a new ligand, [DMC-nit]+, where a N-heterocyclic nitrenium group is anchored on a 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane backbone, have been examined using spectroscopic and DFT methods. Ligand-based [(DMC-nit)Ni]2+/+ reduction and metal-based [(DMC-nit)Ni]2+/3+ oxidation processes have been established for the [(DMC-nit)Ni]+/2+/3+ redox series, which represents the first examples of nitrenium nitrogen (Nnit)-bound first-row transition-metal complexes. An unprecedented bent binding mode of Nnit in [(DMC-nit)Ni]2+ is observed, which possibly results from the absence of any Nnit→Ni σ-donation. For the corresponding [(DMC-nit)Ni(F)]2+ complex, σ-donation is dominant, and hence a coplanar arrangement at Nnit is predicted by DFT. The binding of the triazolium ion to Ni enables new chemistry (formate oxidation) that is not observed in a derivative that lacks this functional group. Thus the N-heterocyclic nitrenium ligand is a potentially useful and versatile reagent in transition-metal-based catalysis.
Co-reporter:Kallol Ray;Florian Heims ;Florian Felix Pfaff
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Volume 2013( Issue 22-23) pp:3784-3807
Publication Date(Web):
This review summarizes the properties of group 9–11 metal–oxo and metal–imido complexes, which have been either isolated or proposed as reactive intermediates in metal-catalyzed organic transformations. We begin with a general description of the bonding of transition-metal–oxo and –imido complexes in various geometries, followed by a discussion of complexes from groups 9–11. The focus of this review is to provide a clear picture of the state of the art as well as insight towards potential future synthetic endeavors.
Co-reporter:Subrata Kundu;Florian Felix Pfaff;Enrico Miceli;Dr. Ivelina Zaharieva;Dr. Christian Herwig;Dr. Shenglai Yao;Dr. Erik R. Farquhar;Dr. Uwe Kuhlmann;Dr. Eckhard Bill;Dr. Peter Hildebrt;Dr. Holger Dau;Dr. Matthias Driess;Dr. Christian Limberg;Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013 Volume 52( Issue 21) pp:5622-5626
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Subrata Kundu ; Enrico Miceli ; Erik Farquhar ; Florian Felix Pfaff ; Uwe Kuhlmann ; Peter Hildebrandt ; Beatrice Braun ; Claudio Greco
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 36) pp:14710-14713
Publication Date(Web):August 28, 2012
High-valent copper–nitrene intermediates have long been proposed to play a role in copper-catalyzed aziridination and amination reactions. However, such intermediates have eluded detection for decades, preventing the unambiguous assignments of mechanisms. Moreover, the electronic structure of the proposed copper–nitrene intermediates has also been controversially discussed in the literature. These mechanistic questions and controversy have provided tremendous motivation to probe the accessibility and reactivity of CuIII–NR/CuIIN•R species. In this paper, we report a breakthrough in this field that was achieved by trapping a transient copper–tosylnitrene species, 3-Sc, in the presence of scandium triflate. The sufficient stability of 3-Sc at −90 °C enabled its characterization with optical, resonance Raman, NMR, and X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopies, which helped to establish its electronic structure as CuIIN•Ts (Ts = tosyl group) and not CuIIINTs. 3-Sc can initiate tosylamination of cyclohexane, thereby suggesting CuIIN•Ts cores as viable reactants in oxidation catalysis.
Co-reporter:Florian Felix Pfaff, Florian Heims, Subrata Kundu, Stefan Mebs and Kallol Ray
Chemical Communications 2012 vol. 48(Issue 31) pp:3730-3732
Publication Date(Web):24 Feb 2012
Ni(III)-intermediates are trapped by EPR and UV/Vis spectroscopy in the reaction of a Ni(II) salt with mCPBA. On the basis of their oxo-transfer and hydrogen-atom abstraction abilities the intermediates are assigned as the elusive terminal Ni(III)–oxo/hydroxo species. The findings suggest that Ni(III)–O(H) moieties are viable reactants in oxidation catalysis.
Co-reporter:Florian Heims;Valeriu Mereacre;Antonella Ciancetta;Stefan Mebs;Annie K. Powell;Claudio Greco
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2012 Volume 2012( Issue 29) pp:4565-4569
Publication Date(Web):
The site-directed generation of a heterodinuclear FeIIICuII complex by using a new asymmetric dinucleating ligand FloH is reported. The iron(III) ion is introduced first on the preferential metal-binding site of the ligand that leads to the formation of the thermodynamically favored five-membered chelate rings upon metal-binding. Copper(II) is introduced in the next step. The stepwise metalation strategy reported here may be extended to the preparation of other heterometallic complexes with the view of avoiding a statistical distribution. Such complexes can offer novel spectroscopic properties, electronic structures, and reactivities in comparison to their homometallic analogues.
Co-reporter:Subrata Kundu;Dr. Eduard Matito;Dr. Stephan Walleck;Florian F. Pfaff;Florian Heims;Battist Rábay;Dr. Josep M. Luis;Dr. Anna Company;Dr. Beatrice Braun;Dr. Thorsten Glaser;Dr. Kallol Ray
Chemistry - A European Journal 2012 Volume 18( Issue 10) pp:2787-2791
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Florian Felix Pfaff;Subrata Kundu;Marcel Risch;Dr. Shanthi Pian;Florian Heims;Dr. Iweta Pryjomska-Ray;Peter Haack;Ramona Metzinger;Dr. Eckhard Bill;Dr. Holger Dau;Dr. Peter Comba;Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011 Volume 50( Issue 7) pp:1711-1715
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Florian F. Pfaff;Subrata Kundu;Marcel Risch;Dr. Shanthi Pian;Florian Heims;Dr. Iweta Pryjomska-Ray;Peter Haack;Ramona Metzinger;Dr. Eckhard Bill;Dr. Holger Dau;Dr. Peter Comba;Dr. Kallol Ray
Angewandte Chemie 2011 Volume 123( Issue 7) pp:1749-1753
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Seungwoo Hong, Yong-Min Lee, Kallol Ray, Wonwoo Nam
Coordination Chemistry Reviews (1 March 2017) Volume 334() pp:
Publication Date(Web):1 March 2017
•Recent advances in the O2-activation by biomimetic complexes are described.•Synthetic and mechanistic developments of O2-activation processes are presented.•Versatility of metal-oxygen species in various reactions is discussed.The activation of dioxygen (O2) by metalloenzymes proceeds by binding O2 at their active sites and then generating highly reactive, thermally unstable metal-oxygen intermediates, such as metal-superoxo, -(hydro)peroxo and -oxo species, via electron and proton transfer reactions. The synthesis, characterization and reactivity studies of the chemical model compounds of the key metal-oxygen intermediates can provide vital insights into the chemistry of such enzymatic reactions, and our understanding of the biologically important metal-oxygen intermediates has improved greatly by the success of synthesizing their analogues recently. In this article, we provide a focused review on the recent advances in the dioxygen activation processes at biomimetic iron, copper and chromium centers, paying particular emphasis to the factors that control the O2-activation reactions, such as the effects of ligands, redox potentials and spin-states of biomimetic compounds. Among the most significant findings of these studies are the use of O2 as an oxygen source in the generation of iron-oxygen intermediates and the autocatalytic radical chain reactions involved in the iron-mediated O2-activation processes. Similarly, new approaches to achieve less overpotential have been identified, which is more desirable for the catalytic four-electron reduction of O2 using copper complexes. In addition, the versatility of metal-superoxo species as reactive intermediates in various oxidation reactions has been elegantly demonstrated in the recent synthesis of a mononuclear nonheme chromium(III)-superoxo complex. This review will provide clues that lesson us how synthetic and mechanistic developments in biomimetic research can advance our understanding of O2-activation processes in enzymatic reactions.
Co-reporter:Kallol Ray ; Florian Felix Pfaff ; Bin Wang ;Wonwoo Nam
Journal of the American Chemical Society () pp:
Publication Date(Web):September 12, 2014
Selective functionalization of unactivated C–H bonds, water oxidation, and dioxygen reduction are extremely important reactions in the context of finding energy carriers and conversion processes that are alternatives to the current fossil-based oil for energy. A range of metalloenzymes achieve these challenging tasks in biology by using cheap and abundant transition metals, such as iron, copper, and manganese. High-valent metal–oxo and metal–dioxygen (superoxo, peroxo, and hydroperoxo) cores act as active intermediates in many of these processes. The generation of well-described model compounds can provide vital insights into the mechanisms of such enzymatic reactions. This perspective provides a focused rather than comprehensive review of the recent advances in the chemistry of biomimetic high-valent metal–oxo and metal–dioxygen complexes, which can be related to our understanding of the biological systems.
Co-reporter:Sarah-Luise Abram, Inés Monte-Pérez, Florian Felix Pfaff, Erik R. Farquhar and Kallol Ray
Chemical Communications 2014 - vol. 50(Issue 69) pp:NaN9854-9854
Publication Date(Web):2014/07/08
The behavior of the Lewis-acid adducts of two copper–nitrene [Cu(NR)]+ complexes in nitrene-transfer and H-atom abstraction reactions have been demonstrated to depend on the nature of the nitrene substituents. Two-state reactivity, in which a singlet ground state and a nearby triplet excited-state both contribute, provides a useful model for interpreting reactivity trends of the two compounds.
Co-reporter:Maria-Chrysanthi Kafentzi, Maylis Orio, Marius Réglier, Shenglai Yao, Uwe Kuhlmann, Peter Hildebrandt, Matthias Driess, A. Jalila Simaan and Kallol Ray
Dalton Transactions 2016 - vol. 45(Issue 40) pp:NaN16000-16000
Publication Date(Web):2016/07/28
Two new heterobimetallic [LNiO2Cu(RPY2)]+ (RPY2 = N-substituted bis 2-pyridyl(ethylamine) ligands with R = indane, 3a or R = Me, 3b) complexes have been spectroscopically trapped at low temperatures. They were prepared by reacting the mononuclear side-on LNiII superoxo precursor bearing a β-diketiminate ligand (L = [HC-(CMeNC6H3(iPr)2)2]) with the Cu(I) complexes. In contrast to the oxo groups in known high-valent [M2(μ-O)2]n+ (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) cores that display electrophilic reactivities, 3a and 3b display rather nucleophilic oxo cores active in aldehyde deformylation reactions. However, the spectroscopic and reactivity properties of 3a/3b are found to be distinct relative to that of the previously reported [LNiO2Cu(MeAN)]+ complex containing a more basic (nucleophilic) N,N,N′,N′,N′-pentamethyl-dipropylenetriamine (MeAN) ligand at the copper centre. The geometry and electronic properties of the copper ligands affect the electron density of the oxygen atoms of the heterodinuclear {Ni(μ-O)2} core and 3a/3b undergo slower nucleophilic and faster electrophilic reactions than the previously reported [LNiO2Cu(MeAN)]+ intermediate. The present study therefore demonstrates the tuning of the electrophilicity/nucleophilicity of the oxygen atoms of the heterobimetallic [Ni(μ-O)2Cu]2+ cores by controlling the electron donation from the ancillary ligands, and underlines the significance of subtle electronic changes in the physical and chemical properties of the biologically relevant heterobimetallic metal–dioxygen intermediates.
Co-reporter:Subrata Kundu, Petko Chernev, Xenia Engelmann, Chan Siu Chung, Holger Dau, Eckhard Bill, Jason England, Wonwoo Nam and Kallol Ray
Dalton Transactions 2016 - vol. 45(Issue 37) pp:NaN14543-14543
Publication Date(Web):2016/07/14
In addition to oxometal [Mn+O] and imidometal [Mn+NR] units, transient metal–iodosylarene [M(n−2)+–OIPh] and metal–iminoiodane [M(n−2)+–N(R)IPh] adducts are often invoked as a possible “second oxidant” responsible for the oxo and imido group transfer reactivity. Although a few metal–iodosylarene adducts have been recently isolated and/or spectroscopically characterized, metal–iminoiodane adducts have remained elusive. Herein, we provide UV-Vis, EPR, NMR, XAS and DFT evidence supporting the formation of a metal–iminoiodane complex 2 and its scandium adduct 2-Sc. 2 and 2-Sc are reactive toward substrates in the hydrogen-atom and nitrene transfer reactions, which confirm their potential as active oxidants in metal-catalyzed oxidative transformations. Oxidation of para-substituted 2,6-di-tert-butylphenols by 2 and 2-Sc can occur by both coupled and uncoupled proton and electron transfer mechanisms; the exact mechanism depends on the nature of the para substituent.
Co-reporter:Subrata Kundu, Enrico Miceli, Erik R. Farquhar and Kallol Ray
Dalton Transactions 2014 - vol. 43(Issue 11) pp:NaN4267-4267
Publication Date(Web):2013/12/04
Oxidation of phenols by heterodinuclear CuIII(μ-O)2NiIII complexes containing nucleophilic oxo groups occurs by both proton coupled electron transfer (PCET) and hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) mechanisms; the exact mechanism depends on the nature of the phenol as well as the substitution pattern of the ligand bound to Cu.
Co-reporter:Florian Felix Pfaff, Florian Heims, Subrata Kundu, Stefan Mebs and Kallol Ray
Chemical Communications 2012 - vol. 48(Issue 31) pp:NaN3732-3732
Publication Date(Web):2012/02/24
Ni(III)-intermediates are trapped by EPR and UV/Vis spectroscopy in the reaction of a Ni(II) salt with mCPBA. On the basis of their oxo-transfer and hydrogen-atom abstraction abilities the intermediates are assigned as the elusive terminal Ni(III)–oxo/hydroxo species. The findings suggest that Ni(III)–O(H) moieties are viable reactants in oxidation catalysis.