Co-reporter:Maximilian Wolf, Astrid Herrmann, Andreas Hirsch, and Dirk M. Guldi
Journal of the American Chemical Society August 30, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 34) pp:11779-11779
Publication Date(Web):July 27, 2017
Porphyrin arrays consisting of three peripheral Zinc porphyrins (ZnPs) and a central free base porphyrin (H2P)—all rigidly linked to each other—serve as light-harvesting antennas as well as electron donors and are flexibly coupled to an electron-accepting C60 to realize the unidirectional flow of (i) excited-state energy from the ZnPs at the periphery to the H2P, (ii) electrons to C60, and (iii) holes to H2P and, subsequently, to ZnP. Dynamics following photoexcitation are elucidated by time-resolved transient absorption measurements on the femto-, pico-, nano-, and microsecond time scales and are examined by multiwavelength as well as target analyses. Hereby, full control over the charge shift between H2P and ZnP to convert the (ZnP)3–H2P•+–C60•– charge-separated state into (ZnP)3•+–H2P–C60•– charge-separated state is enabled by the solvent polarity: It is deactivated/switched-off in apolar toluene, while in polar benzonitrile it is activated/switched-on. Activating/switching impacts the recovery of the ground state via charge recombination rates, which differ by up to 2 orders of magnitude. All charge-separated states lead to the repopulation of the ground state with dynamics that are placed in the inverted region of the Marcus parabola.
Co-reporter:Daniela Dasler, Ricarda A. Schäfer, Martin B. Minameyer, Jakob F. Hitzenberger, Frank Hauke, Thomas Drewello, and Andreas Hirsch
Journal of the American Chemical Society August 30, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 34) pp:11760-11760
Publication Date(Web):August 1, 2017
Graphene–porphyrin nanohybrid materials with a direct covalent linkage between the graphene carbon network and the functional porphyrin unit have been successfully synthesized via a one-pot reductive diazotation approach. A graphite–potassium intercalation compound (KC8) was dispersed in THF, and different isolated porphyrin–diazonium salts were added. The direct covalent binding and the detailed characterization of the functional hybrid material were carried out by Raman spectroscopy, TG-MS, UV/vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy. LDI-ToF mass spectrometry was introduced as a new versatile and sensitive tool to investigate covalently functionalized graphene derivatives and to establish the composition of the respective nanohybrid materials.
Co-reporter:Gonzalo Abellán, Stefan Wild, Vicent Lloret, Nils Scheuschner, Roland Gillen, Udo Mundloch, Janina Maultzsch, Maria Varela, Frank Hauke, and Andreas Hirsch
Journal of the American Chemical Society August 2, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 30) pp:10432-10432
Publication Date(Web):July 4, 2017
Herein, we have developed a systematic study on the oxidation and passivation of mechanically exfoliated black phosphorus (BP). We analyzed the strong anisotropic behavior of BP by scanning Raman microscopy providing an accurate method for monitoring the oxidation of BP via statistical Raman spectroscopy. Furthermore, different factors influencing the environmental instability of the BP, i.e., thickness, lateral dimensions or visible light illumination, have been investigated in detail. Finally, we discovered that the degradation of few-layer BP flakes of <10 nm can be suppressed for months by using ionic liquids, paving the way for the development of BP-based technologies.
Co-reporter:Gonzalo Abellán, Milan Schirowski, Konstantin F. Edelthalhammer, Michael Fickert, Katharina Werbach, Herwig Peterlik, Frank Hauke, and Andreas Hirsch
Journal of the American Chemical Society April 12, 2017 Volume 139(Issue 14) pp:5175-5175
Publication Date(Web):March 21, 2017
Covalently functionalized graphene derivatives were synthesized via benchmark reductive routes using graphite intercalation compounds (GICs), in particular KC8. We have compared the graphene arylation and alkylation of the GIC using 4-tert-butylphenyldiazonium and bis(4-(tert-butyl)phenyl)iodonium salts, as well as phenyl iodide, n-hexyl iodide, and n-dodecyl iodide, as electrophiles in model reactions. We have put a particular focus on the evaluation of the degree of addition and the bulk functionalization homogeneity (Hbulk). For this purpose, we have employed statistical Raman spectroscopy (SRS), and a forefront characterization tool using thermogravimetric analysis coupled with FT-IR, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry (TGA/FT-IR/GC/MS). The present study unambiguously shows that the graphene functionalization using alkyl iodides leads to the best results, in terms of both the degree of addition and the Hbulk. Moreover, we have identified the reversible character of the covalent addition chemistry, even at temperatures below 200 °C. The thermally induced addend cleavage proceeds homolytically, which allows for the detection of dimeric cleavage products by TGA/FT-IR/GC/MS. This dimerization points to a certain degree of regioselectivity, leading to a low sheet homogeneity (Hsheet). Finally, we developed this concept by performing the reductive alkylation reaction in monolayer CVD graphene films. This work provides important insights into the understanding of basic principles of reductive graphene functionalization and will serve as a guide in the design of new graphene functionalization concepts.
Co-reporter:Julian Gebhardt;Sebastian Bosch;Ferdinand Hof;Frank Hauke;Andreas Görling
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2017 vol. 5(Issue 16) pp:3937-3947
Publication Date(Web):2017/04/20
The charging of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) mixtures by reduction via alkali metal atoms is an established first step towards covalent SWCNT functionalization. In this combined density-functional theory and experimental study, we investigate this reduction with respect to differences occurring between tubes of different electronic type (metallic (m) and semiconducting (sc) tubes, respectively). We find that metals, specifically potassium, adsorb stronger to m- than sc-SWCNTs, which can be explained by the different band structures of both tube types. We investigate this trend in detail for a variety of different chiral SWCNTs, finding a potassium coverage dependent preference of m- over sc-SWCNTs, which is predicted to allow for a selective charging of metallic tubes for K/C ratios ≤ 1/200. This selective charging can be translated into the enrichment of m-SWCNTs during dispersion of SWCNT mixtures, since only reduced tubes are dissolved from the bulk material. The results for isolated tubes can be generalized to SWCNT bundle arrangements, which means that the theoretical predicted selective charging is transferable also to this more realistic description of the experimental systems. The theoretical findings regarding an electronic type selective charging of SWCNTs have been verified by an experimental study. By a combination of Raman and absorption/emission spectroscopic analysis, a preferential dispersion of charged metallic carbon nanotubes in THF as solvent was found for the predicted low potassium concentrations. Our results lead to the conclusion that previous m/sc selective reductive functionalization reactions cannot be explained on the basis of an electronic type selective charging step, as these reactions used much higher alkali metal concentrations.
Co-reporter:Dr. Johannes Holzwarth;Dr. Konstantin Yu. Amsharov;Dr. Dmitry I. Sharapa;David Reger;Dr. Kateryna Roshchyna;Dr. Dominik Lungerich; Norbert Jux;Dr. Frank Hauke; Timothy Clark; Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 40) pp:12352-12358
Publication Date(Web):2017/09/25
AbstractHexa-peri-hexabenzocoronides (HBC) was successfully used as a model system for investigating the complex mechanism of the reductive functionalization of graphene. The well-defined molecular HBC system enabled deeper insights into the mechanism of the alkylation of reductively activated nanographenes. The separation and complete characterization of alkylation products clearly demonstrate that nanographene functionalization proceeds with exceptionally high regio- and stereoselectivities on the HBC scaffold. Experimental and theoretical studies lead to the conclusion that the intact basal graphene plane is chemically inert and addend binding can only take place at either preexisting defects or close to the periphery.
Co-reporter:Dr. Gonzalo Abellán;Dr. Christian Neiss;Vicent Lloret;Stefan Wild;Julio C. Chacón-Torres;Katharina Werbach;Filippo Fedi;Dr. Hidetsugu Shiozawa; Andreas Görling; Herwig Peterlik; Thomas Pichler;Dr. Frank Hauke; Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 48) pp:15267-15273
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/27
AbstractBlack phosphorus intercalation compounds (BPICs) with alkali metals (namely: K and Na) have been synthesized in bulk by solid-state as well as vapor-phase reactions. By means of a combination of in situ X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and DFT calculations the structural behavior of the BPICs at different intercalation stages has been demonstrated for the first time. Our results provide a glimpse into the very first steps of a new family of intercalation compounds, with a distinct behavior as compared to its graphite analogues (GICs), showing a remarkable structural complexity and a dynamic behavior.
Co-reporter:Dr. Johannes Holzwarth;Dr. Konstantin Yu. Amsharov;Dr. Dmitry I. Sharapa;David Reger;Dr. Kateryna Roshchyna;Dr. Dominik Lungerich; Norbert Jux;Dr. Frank Hauke; Timothy Clark; Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 40) pp:12184-12190
Publication Date(Web):2017/09/25
AbstractHexa-peri-hexabenzocoronides (HBC) was successfully used as a model system for investigating the complex mechanism of the reductive functionalization of graphene. The well-defined molecular HBC system enabled deeper insights into the mechanism of the alkylation of reductively activated nanographenes. The separation and complete characterization of alkylation products clearly demonstrate that nanographene functionalization proceeds with exceptionally high regio- and stereoselectivities on the HBC scaffold. Experimental and theoretical studies lead to the conclusion that the intact basal graphene plane is chemically inert and addend binding can only take place at either preexisting defects or close to the periphery.
Co-reporter:Dr. Gonzalo Abellán;Dr. Christian Neiss;Vicent Lloret;Stefan Wild;Julio C. Chacón-Torres;Katharina Werbach;Filippo Fedi;Dr. Hidetsugu Shiozawa; Andreas Görling; Herwig Peterlik; Thomas Pichler;Dr. Frank Hauke; Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 48) pp:15469-15475
Publication Date(Web):2017/11/27
AbstractBlack phosphorus intercalation compounds (BPICs) with alkali metals (namely: K and Na) have been synthesized in bulk by solid-state as well as vapor-phase reactions. By means of a combination of in situ X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and DFT calculations the structural behavior of the BPICs at different intercalation stages has been demonstrated for the first time. Our results provide a glimpse into the very first steps of a new family of intercalation compounds, with a distinct behavior as compared to its graphite analogues (GICs), showing a remarkable structural complexity and a dynamic behavior.
Co-reporter:Giovanni Bottari;Ma Ángeles Herranz;Leonie Wibmer;Michel Volland;Laura Rodríguez-Pérez;Dirk M. Guldi;Nazario Martín;Francis D'Souza;Tomás Torres
Chemical Society Reviews 2017 vol. 46(Issue 15) pp:4464-4500
Publication Date(Web):2017/07/31
Graphene-based materials (GBMs), with graphene, their most known member, at the head, constitute a large family of materials which has aroused the interest of scientists working in different research fields such as chemistry, physics, or materials science, to mention a few, arguably as no other material before. In this review, we offer a general overview on the most relevant synthetic approaches for the covalent and non-covalent functionalization and characterization of GBMs. Moreover, some representative examples of the incorporation into GBMs of electroactive units such as porphyrins, phthalocyanines, or ferrocene, among others, affording electron donor–acceptor (D–A) hybrids are presented. For the latter systems, the photophysical characterization of their ground- and excited-state features has also been included, paying particular attention to elucidate the fundamental dynamics of the energy transfer and charge separation processes of these hybrids. For some of the presented architectures, their application in solar energy conversion schemes and energy production has been also discussed.
Co-reporter:Kathrin C. Knirsch, Ferdinand Hof, Vicent Lloret, Udo Mundloch, Frank Hauke, and Andreas Hirsch
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 48) pp:15642-15647
Publication Date(Web):November 2, 2016
Herein, the combined application of characterization tools, such as Raman spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometry, and optical and atomic force microscopy, confirms the reductive silylation of synthetic carbon allotropes as a new covalent functionalization strategy for the formation of heteroatom–carbon bonds. In particular, our study gives interesting insights into the topology-driven retrofunctionalization of nanotubide and graphenide derivatives.
Co-reporter:Ricarda A. Schäfer; Daniela Dasler; Udo Mundloch; Frank Hauke
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016 Volume 138(Issue 5) pp:1647-1652
Publication Date(Web):January 15, 2016
The hydrogenation and deuteration of graphite with potassium intercalation compounds as starting materials were investigated in depth. Characterization of the reaction products (hydrogenated and deuterated graphene) was carried out by thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometry (TG-MS) and statistical Raman spectroscopy (SRS) and microscopy (SRM). The results reveal that the choice of the hydrogen/deuterium source, the nature of the graphite (used as starting material), the potassium concentration in the intercalation compound, and the choice of the solvent have a great impact on the reaction outcome. Furthermore, it was possible to prove that both mono- and few-layer hydrogenated/deuterated graphene can be produced.
Co-reporter:Lukas Zeininger, Fabian Lodermeyer, Ruben D. Costa, Dirk M. Guldi and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2016 vol. 52(Issue 57) pp:8842-8845
Publication Date(Web):17 Jun 2016
We report on the orthogonal, highly directional and reversible self-assembly of porphyrins onto TiO2 nanoparticles by means of hydrogen bonding interactions. Unifying the stable covalent surface attachment of tailored, synthesized Hamilton receptors with the advantages of a non-covalent supramolecular immobilization of porphyrin cyanurates resulted in a redox- and photo-active nanohybrid. The latter was successfully implemented into a new type of supramolecular dye-sensitized solar cells.
Co-reporter:Kathrin C. Knirsch;Ricarda A. Schäfer;Dr. Frank Hauke ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 19) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Kathrin C. Knirsch;Ricarda A. Schäfer;Dr. Frank Hauke ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 19) pp:5861-5864
Publication Date(Web):
For the first time, the bisfunctionalization of graphene by employing two successive reduction and covalent bond forming steps is reported. Bulk functionalization in dispersion and functionalization of individual sheets deposited on surfaces have both been carried out. Whereas in the former case attacks from both sides of the basal plane are possible and can lead to strain-free architectures, in the latter case, retrofunctionalizations can become important when the corresponding anion of the addend is a sufficiently good leaving group.
Co-reporter:Kathrin C. Knirsch;Ricarda A. Schäfer;Dr. Frank Hauke ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 19) pp:5956-5960
Publication Date(Web):
Wir berichten zum ersten Mal über die Bisfunktionalisierung von Graphen auf der Basis zweier konsekutiver Reduktions- und kovalenter Additionsschritte. Dieser Ansatz wurde sowohl für die lösungsmittelbasierte Funktionalisierung von Graphen im präparativen Maßstab als auch für die Derivatisierung individueller Kohlenstofflagen auf Oberflächen genutzt. Im ersten Fall ist der elektrophile Angriff aus beiden Halbräumen der Basalebene möglich, was zum Aufbau spannungsfreier Architekturen führt. Im zweiten Fall hingegen gewinnen Retrofunktionalisierungsreaktionen an Bedeutung, insbesondere wenn das entsprechende Anion des Erstaddenden eine gute Abgangsgruppe darstellt.
Co-reporter:Kathrin C. Knirsch;Ricarda A. Schäfer;Dr. Frank Hauke ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 19) pp:
Publication Date(Web):
Co-reporter:Fabian Rodler; Boris Schade; Christof M Jäger¤; Susanne Backes; Frank Hampel; Christoph Böttcher; Timothy Clark
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 9) pp:3308-3317
Publication Date(Web):February 19, 2015
The first highly water-soluble perylene–calix[4]arene hybrid with the calixarene scaffold acting as a structure-determining central platform is presented. In this tetrahedrally shaped amphiphilic architecture the hydrophilic and hydrophobic subunits are oriented at the opposite side of the calixarene platform. The hydrophobic part contains the two perylene diimide moieties, which enable strong π–π interactions in self-assembly processes. Two hydrophilic Newkome-type dendrons provide sufficient water solubility at slightly basic conditions. The tetrahedrally shaped amphiphile displays an unprecedented aggregation behavior down to concentrations as low as 10–7 mol L–1. The intriguing self-assembly process of the compound in water as well as under changed polarity conditions, achieved by addition of THF, could be monitored by the complemented use of cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), UV–vis spectroscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Molecular-dynamics and molecular modeling simulations helped in understanding the interplay of supramolecular and optical behavior.
Co-reporter:Volker Strauss; Ricarda A. Schäfer; Frank Hauke; Andreas Hirsch;Dirk M. Guldi
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015 Volume 137(Issue 40) pp:13079-13086
Publication Date(Web):September 16, 2015
Understanding the phenomenon of intense photoluminescence in carbon materials such as hydrogenated graphene, graphene nanoribbons, and so forth is at the forefront of investigations. In this study, six different types of hydrogenated graphene (phG) produced from different starting materials were fully characterized in terms of structure and optical spectroscopy. Comprehensive photoluminescence lifetime analyses of phGs were conducted by combining time-correlated single-photon counting with steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The conclusion drawn from these assays is that graphene islands with diameters in the range from 1.1 to 1.75 nm reveal band gap photoluminescence between 450 and 800 nm. As a complement, phGs were implemented in hybrids with water-soluble electron accepting perylenediimides (PDIs). By virtue of mutual π-stacking and charge transfer interactions with graphene islands, PDIs assisted in stabilizing aqueous dispersion of phG. Implicit in these ground state interactions is the formation of 300 ps lived charge separated states once photoexcited.
Co-reporter:Konstantin Dirian, Susanne Backes, Claudia Backes, Volker Strauss, Fabian Rodler, Frank Hauke, Andreas Hirsch and Dirk M. Guldi
Chemical Science 2015 vol. 6(Issue 12) pp:6886-6895
Publication Date(Web):22 Sep 2015
A water soluble naphthalenebisimide derivative (NBI) was synthesized and probed to individualize, suspend, and stabilize single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Besides a comprehensive photophysical and electrochemical characterization of NBI, stable suspensions of SWCNTs were realized in buffered D2O. Overall, the dispersion efficiency of the NBI surfactant was determined by comparison with naphthalene based references. Successful individualization of SWCNTs was corroborated in several microscopic assays. In addition, emission spectroscopy points to the strong quenching of SWCNT centered band gap emission, when NBIs are immobilized onto SWCNTs. The origin of the quenching was found to be strong electronic communication, which leads to charge separation between NBIs and photoexcited SWCNTs, and, which yields reduced NBIs as well oxidized SWCNTs. Notably, electrochemical considerations revealed that the energy content of these charge separated states is one of the highest reported for SWCNT based electron donor–acceptor hybrids so far.
Co-reporter:Cordula D. Wessendorf, Regina Eigler, Siegfried Eigler, Jonas Hanisch, Andreas Hirsch, Erik Ahlswede
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2015 Volume 132() pp:450-454
Publication Date(Web):January 2015
•We investigated four pentaarylazafullerenes as acceptors for BHJ solar cells.•The pentaarylazafullerene derivatives have raised LUMO levels compared to PC61BM.•High VOCs up to 837 mV and moderate PCEs up to 0.9% are obtained.•With 1-methylnaphtalene as additive the morphology and performance can be improved.In a comparative study a novel class of pentaarylazafullerene derivatives is investigated as acceptor material in solution-processed organic solar cells. Due to their raised lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) compared to phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM) the orbital matching to P3HT is optimized so that an increased open-circuit voltage (VOC) compared to the standard PC61BM acceptor is gained. However, the performance of pentaarylazafullerene solar cells is limited by rather low short circuit currents (JSC) and fill factors (FF) which can be partially improved by using 1-methylnaphtalene as additive. Within this series the azafullerenes with phenoxyphenyl and phenoxymethyl addends 1 and 3 show the best results with encouraging VOCs of >800 mV and power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 0.9%.
Co-reporter:Jing Li;Leanne C. Nye;Lennard K. Wasserthal;Chau Vinh;Rolf W. Kirschbaum;Ivana Ivanovi&x107;-Burmazovi&x107;;Thomas Drewello
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015 Volume 2015( Issue 10) pp:2282-2290
Publication Date(Web):
A novel polycationic [60]fullerene hexakis-adduct has been synthesized and investigated by electrospray ionization and tandem mass spectrometry. The polycationic ligand system comprises 12 pre-formed positive charges, compensated in the neutral molecule by bromide anions. Stable quasi-molecular cations were obtained through the release of the anionic counter ions covering a charge-state envelope from 3+ to 12+. Collision-induced dissociation experiments revealed three fragmentation pathways. A dominant neutral loss channel leads to daughter ions of the same charge state as the highly charged precursor ion and singly charged daughter ions can be expelled from the polycations through two distinct dissociation channels involving both the neutral and the charge-carrying part of their ligands.
Co-reporter:Jörg Schönamsgruber
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015 Volume 2015( Issue 10) pp:2167-2174
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The synthesis and characterization of a new type of very large perylene-based molecules 9 are reported. The extension of the conjugated π system was accomplished by the facile condensation of two bay-functionalized perylene moieties with 1,2,4,5-tetraaminobenzene. The resulting chromophore in 9 consists of 35 conjugated π-electron pairs and, therefore, is comparable to pentarylenes and hexarylenes containing 31 and 36 conjugated π-electron pairs, respectively. The unsubstituted imine N atoms of the benz-bisimidazole bridges in 9 can be readily and reversibly protonated to give the dications 9aH22+. The twofold protonation of 9 is accompanied by a bathochromic shift of the main absorption band and pronounced fluorescence quenching. The experimental results were corroborated by quantum mechanical calculations.
Co-reporter:Derya Baran, Sule Erten-Ela, Andreas Kratzer, Tayebeh Ameri, Christoph J. Brabec and Andreas Hirsch
RSC Advances 2015 vol. 5(Issue 79) pp:64724-64730
Publication Date(Web):21 Jul 2015
It is crucial to control the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of electron accepting materials for producing efficient charge transfer in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells. Due to their high LUMO level, soluble bis-adducts of C60 are of high interest for improving the Voc in BHJ solar cells. In this work, we have developed a novel bis-4-propylpentyl[6,6]methanofullerene bis-adduct, NCBA, using a alkyl solubilizing group. The optoelectronic, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties of this bis-product are investigated. NCBA is successfully applied as the electron acceptor with poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) in a BHJ solar cell showing a high Voc of 0.73 V.
Co-reporter: Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie 2015 Volume 127( Issue 32) pp:9262-9263
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Co-reporter:Dr. Alexer S. Konev;Dr. Alexer F. Khlebnikov;Pavel I. Prolubnikov;Dr. Andrey S. Mereshchenko;Dr. Alexey V. Povolotskiy;Dr. Oleg V. Levin;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 3) pp:1237-1250
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A series of covalently linked axially symmetric porphyrin–fullerene dyads with a rigid pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrolic linker enabling a fixed and orthogonal arrangement of the chromophores has been synthesized and studied by means of transient absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. The lifetime of the charge-separated state has been found to depend on the substituents on the porphyrin core, reaching up to 4 μs for a species with meso-(p-MeOC6H4) substituents. The ground and excited electronic states of model compounds have been calculated at the DFT and TD-DFT B3LYP(6-31G(d)) levels of theory and analyzed with regard to the effect of the substituent on the stabilization of the charge-separated state in the porphyrin–fullerene ensemble with a view to explaining the observed dependence.
Co-reporter:Alexra Burger;Dr. Rubén D. Costa;Dr. Volodymyr Lobaz;Dr. Wolfgang Peukert;Dr. Dirk M. Guldi;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 13) pp:5041-5054
Publication Date(Web):
In the current work, we present the successful functionalization and stabilization of P-25 TiO2 nanoparticles by means of N1,N7-bis(3-(4-tert-butyl-pyridium-methyl)phenyl)-4-(3-(3-(4-tert-butyl-pyridinium-methyl)phenylamino)-3-oxopropyl)-4-(3,4-dihydroxybenzamido)heptanediamide tribromide (1). The design of the latter is aimed at nanoparticle functionalization and stabilization with organic building blocks. On one hand, 1 features a catechol anchor to enable its covalent grafting onto the TiO2 surface, and on the other hand, positively charged pyridine groups at its periphery to prevent TiO2 agglomeration through electrostatic repulsion. The success of functionalization and stabilization was corroborated by thermogravimetric analysis, dynamic light-scattering, and zeta potential measurements. As a complement to this, the formation of layer-by-layer assemblies, which are governed by electrostatic interactions, by alternate deposition of functionalized TiO2 nanoparticles and two negatively charged porphyrin derivatives, that is, 5,10,15,20-(phenoxyacetic acid)-porphyrin (2) and 5,10,15,20-(4-(2-ethoxycarbonyl)-4-(2-phenoxyacetamido)heptanedioic acid)-porphyrin (3), is documented. To this end, the layer-by-layer deposition is monitored by UV/Vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, ellipsometry, and profilometry techniques. The resulting assemblies are utilized for the construction and testing of novel solar cells. From stable and repeatable photocurrents generated during several “on-off” cycles of illumination, we derive monochromatic incident photo-to-current conversion efficiencies of around 3 %.
Co-reporter:Sebastian Schlundt;Walter Bauer ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 35) pp:12421-12430
Publication Date(Web):
Flexible, linked dendritic tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP)–fullerene hybrids were synthesized. They were designed to gain insight into and mimic the primary events in the natural photosynthetic reaction center. These multiporphyrin moieties are based on a light-harvesting concept. Moreover, they incorporate multiple redox components aligned along a redox gradient. Newkome-type dendrons were added to these TPP–fullerene hybrids. In principle they can mediate pH-dependent water solubility, which, however, could not be observed in this case. A protecting-group strategy using tert-butyldiphenylsilyl groups allows convergent synthesis of the dendritic compounds. The dendritic multiporphyrins were synthesized separately and can be used as individual building blocks. Atropisomerism was observed in the dendritic compounds, and single atropisomers could be assigned to the corresponding peaks of a characteristic pattern in the NMR spectra. Deprotection of the Newkome-type dendrons was shown to be feasible under mild conditions that leave the redox gradient intact.
Co-reporter: Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015 Volume 54( Issue 32) pp:9132-9133
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Co-reporter:Lukas Zeininger;Stefanie Petzi;Jörg Schönamsgruber;Luis Portilla;Dr. Marcus Halik;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 40) pp:14030-14035
Publication Date(Web):
The facile assembly of shell-by-shell (SbS)-coated nanoparticles [TiO2PAC16]@shell 1–7 (PAC16=hexadecylphosphonic acid), which are soluble in water and can be isolated as stable solids, is reported. In these functional architectures, an umpolung of dispersibility (organic apolar versus water) was accomplished by the noncovalent binding of ligands 1–7 to titania nanoparticles [TiO2PAC16] containing a first covalent coating with PAC16. Ligands 1–7 are amphiphilic and form the outer second shell of [TiO2PAC16]@shell 1–7. The tailor-designed dendritic building blocks 3–5 contain negative and positive charges in the same molecule, and ligands 6 and 7 contain a perylenetetracarboxylic acid dimide (PDI) core (6/7) as a photoactive reporter component. In the redox and photoactive system [TiO2PAC16]@shell 7, electronic communication between the inorganic core to the PDI ligands was observed.
Co-reporter:Ferdinand Hof, Frank Hauke and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2014 vol. 50(Issue 50) pp:6582-6584
Publication Date(Web):05 Mar 2014
Herein we report on the facile preparation of brominated SWCNTs based on two complementary reductive activation routes. The respective brominated SWCNTs are highly reactive and can be used in nucleophilic substitution reactions and represent versatile starting materials for the generation of sidewall functionalized SWCNTs with a high density of functional moieties.
Co-reporter:Regina Eigler, Frank W. Heinemann and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2014 vol. 50(Issue 16) pp:2021-2023
Publication Date(Web):20 Dec 2013
The photooxidation of triaryldihydro[C59N]fullerenes was achieved by treatment with air and light leading to a new selective core functionalization of azafullerenes, which serves as a model case for oxygenation of carbon allotropes.
Co-reporter:Mario Marcia, Prabhpreet Singh, Frank Hauke, Michele Maggini and Andreas Hirsch
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2014 vol. 12(Issue 36) pp:7045-7058
Publication Date(Web):10 Jul 2014
The synthesis, characterization and metal complexation of a new class of perylene bisimides (PBIs) as an integral part of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) are reported. The simplest representative, namely derivative 1a, was synthesized both by a convergent as well as a direct approach while the elongated derivatives, 1b and 1c, were obtained only via a convergent synthetic pathway. All these new prototypes of water-soluble perylenes are bolaamphiphiles and were fully characterized by 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy. In order to acquaint ourselves with the behaviour in solution of our PBIs bearing dendritic wedges, the simplest derivative, 1a, was chosen and tested by means of UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by zeta-potential measurements. A photoexcitation induced intramolecular photo-electron transfer (PET) can be observed in these molecules. Therefore their potential applications as sensors can be imagined. Model compound 1a efficiently coordinates trivalent metal cations both in water and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Significantly, the effects of the complexation strongly depend on the aggregation state of the PBI molecules in solution. As a matter of fact, in water, the presence of M3+ ions triggers the formation of light emitting supramolecular aggregates (excimers). On the other hand, in DMSO-rich solutions metal complexation leads to the suppression of the PET and leads to a strong fluorescence enhancement.
Co-reporter:Bhasem Gharib
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014 Volume 2014( Issue 19) pp:4123-4136
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A series of several new families of ferrocene-containing imidazolium salts were synthesized by etherification of ferrocene methanol, acylation of ferrocene, and amide coupling of ferrocene carboxylic acid. The etherification was achieved by an acid-catalyzed procedure and very good yields of between 86–93 % were obtained. Next to the nature of the linkage itself, the lengths of the alkyl chains linking the ferrocenyl moiety and the imidazolium group and the nature of the counterions were also varied. Interestingly, a γ-effect can be observed for the ether compounds but this effect was only visible in 13C NMR spectroscopy. These new redox-active ionic liquids were fully characterized by FTIR, 1H, 19F, and 13C NMR spectroscopy, and by MS, HRMS and elemental analysis.
Co-reporter:Sebastian Bosch;Lukas Zeininger;Dr. Frank Hauke;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 9) pp:2537-2541
Publication Date(Web):
Through a combination of an electronic-type selective diazonium-based attachment of a Hamilton receptor unit onto the carbon nanotube framework and a supramolecular recognition approach of a cyanuric acid derivative, we herein introduce a highly promising strategy for the tuning of carbon nanotube solubility and, directly related to that, a solution-based easy and straightforward separation of covalently functionalized carbon nanotube derivatives with respect to their unfunctionalized counterparts. The supramolecular complexation of the cyanuric acid derivative provides the driving force for the dramatically increased dispersibility and for the long-time stability of the individualized single-walled carbon nanotube derivatives in chloroform. The selective covalent functionalization of metallic carbon nanotubes can easily be analyzed with the aid of scanning Raman microscopy techniques. The functional derivatives have furthermore been characterized by UV/Vis-NIR and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by mass spectrometric coupled thermogravimetric analysis. The investigation of the supramolecular complexation is based on an in-depth UV/Vis-NIR analysis and atomic force microscopy investigations.
Co-reporter:Jörg Schönamsgruber;Lukas Zeininger ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 9) pp:2529-2536
Publication Date(Web):
A new prototype of dendritic perylenes suitable for the chemical functionalization of inorganic nanoparticles was synthesized and characterized. The bay-functionalized perylene core of these molecular architectures was coupled to a catechol moiety, which serves as an anchor group for the functionalization of metal oxides, in particular ZnO. To increase the solubility of both the perylene and the targeted hybrid nanostructures, a Newkome-type dendron bearing nine positive charges was introduced. This charge was also employed to stabilize the nanoparticles and further protect them from Ostwald ripening through Coulombic repulsion. ZnO quantum dots with an average diameter of 5 nm were synthesized and functionalized with the perylene derivative. Successful functionalization was clearly demonstrated by dynamic light scattering, zeta-potential measurements, thermogravimetric analysis/MS, and UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. The generated particle dispersions were stable against agglomeration for more than eight weeks.
Co-reporter:Ferdin Hof;Ricarda A. Schäfer;Cornelius Weiss;Dr. Frank Hauke ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 50) pp:16644-16651
Publication Date(Web):
The covalent functionalization of carbon allotropes represents a main topic in the growing field of nano materials. However, the development of functional architectures is impeded by the intrinsic polydispersibility of the respective starting material, the unequivocal characterization of the introduced functional moieties, and the exact determination of the degree of functionalization. Based on a novel carbon allotrope functionalization reaction, utilizing λ3-iodanes as radical precursor systems, we were able to demonstrate the feasibility to separate and to quantify thermally detached functional groups, formerly covalently linked to carbon nanotubes and graphene through thermogravimetric GC-MS.
Co-reporter:Jörg Schönamsgruber;Dr. Harald Maid;Dr. Walter Bauer ;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 51) pp:16969-16979
Publication Date(Web):
The synthesis and characterization of a new type of chromophore, namely PePc consisting of a central phthalocyanine core and four fused perylene–bisimide (PBI) units is described for the first time. The entire architecture represents a highly extended conjugated heterocyclic π-system with C4h symmetry. In order to guarantee pronounced solubility in organic solvents the corresponding PBI units were bay-functionalized with tert-butylphenoxy substituents. Next to the metal-free macrocycle, PePcH2, also metallated macrocycles PePcM (M=Zn, Ni, Pb, Ru, Fe) were synthesized. The extensive fusion of the corresponding aromatic building blocks to the very large extended π-system leads to a very narrow HOMO–LUMO gap and as a consequence to transparency in the visible but light absorption in the NIR region. Significantly, the azomethine N-atoms N1N4 of PePcM and PePcH2 are highly basic. The corresponding tetraprotonated systems can only be deprotonated with very strong non-nucleophilic bases such as phosphazene bases. In the protonated forms PePcMH44+ and PePcMH64+ the absorption maximum is shifted back to the visible region due to the loss of conjugation. The experimental findings were corroborated with quantum mechanical calculations.
Co-reporter:Dr. Siegfried Eigler;Dr. Andreas Hirsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 30) pp:7720-7738
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The chemical production of graphene as well as its controlled wet chemical modification is a challenge for synthetic chemists. Furthermore, the characterization of reaction products requires sophisticated analytical methods. In this Review we first describe the structure of graphene and graphene oxide and then outline the most important synthetic methods that are used for the production of these carbon-based nanomaterials. We summarize the state-of-the-art for their chemical functionalization by noncovalent and covalent approaches. We put special emphasis on the differentiation of the terms graphite, graphene, graphite oxide, and graphene oxide. An improved fundamental knowledge of the structure and the chemical properties of graphene and graphene oxide is an important prerequisite for the development of practical applications.
Co-reporter:Ferdinand Hof ; Sebastian Bosch ; Siegfried Eigler ; Frank Hauke
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013 Volume 135(Issue 49) pp:18385-18395
Publication Date(Web):November 20, 2013
The reactivity of reduced single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) (carbon nanotubides), prepared under strict inert conditions in a glovebox with respect to the covalent functionalization with hexyl iodide and subsequent exposure to ambient conditions (air, moisture), was systematically investigated by Raman, absorption, fluorescence, and IR spectroscopy as well as by TG/MS measurements. We have discovered that the alkylation does not lead to a complete discharging of the tubes since follow-up reactions with moisture still take place leading to mixed functionalized carbon nanotube derivatives containing H- and OH-addends (but no carboxylates) next to the hexyl groups. This was confirmed by the exposure of carbon nanotubides to ambient conditions. The degree of hexylation determined both under strict inert (ic) and ambient (ac) conditions increases with an increasing K:C ratio of the reduced SWCNT starting material. The presence of OH-groups covalently attached to the nanotubes was also confirmed by postfunctionalization reactions with 2-thiophenecarbonyl chloride, leading to the corresponding esters. Control experiments with KO2 give rise to the formation of the same oxygen functionalities. These combined findings allowed for the suggestions of a plausible reaction mechanism, describing all the observed reactions on the SWCNTs side walls. The amount of subsequent side reactions after the treatment of reduced SWCNTs with electrophiles is strongly influenced by the reduction potential of the electrophile, which is responsible for the extent of reoxidation. Incomplete quenching of negative charges allows stronger oxidants/electrophile (e.g., O2) to perform follow-up reactions.
Co-reporter:Kathrin C. Knirsch, Jan M. Englert, Christoph Dotzer, Frank Hauke and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2013 vol. 49(Issue 92) pp:10811-10813
Publication Date(Web):27 Sep 2013
Reductive alkylation of three graphite starting materials G(flake), G(powder), and G(spherical) reveals pronounced differences in the obtained covalently functionalized graphene with respect to the degree of functionalization, exfoliation efficiency and product homogeneity, as demonstrated by statistical Raman microscopy (SRM), TGA/MS, IR-spectroscopy and solubility behavior.
Co-reporter:Lennard K. Wasserthal;Andreas Kratzer
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013 Volume 2013( Issue 12) pp:2355-2361
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A method for the sequential fullerenylation of bis-malonates with parent C60 and C2v-symmetric pentakis-adducts is reported. This approach relies on the finding that (a) chloromalonates can be used for the nucleophilic cyclopropanation of [6,6] double bonds of C60, and (b) chloromalonates, in contrast to bromomalonates, do not undergo base-catalyzed halogen exchange reactions. For the proof of concept, we synthesized a heptafullerene by using a divergent approach based on a fullerene hexakis-adduct with six bis-malonate addends in octahedral positions, each of which is suitable for an additional cyclopropanation of a fullerene building block.
Co-reporter:Alexer Gmehling
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013 Volume 2013( Issue 23) pp:5093-5105
Publication Date(Web):
A new class of C3-symmetrical fullerene building blocks with a well-defined spatial arrangement of addends has been developed. They comprise compounds with a e,e,e-trisaddition pattern and a mixed octahedral hexakisaddition pattern. Fullerenophosphates with a e,e,e-addition pattern were used for the spatial preorganization of the addends. After deprotection seven different trisbromides (12–16, 15a, 16a) with varying chain lengths and orientation of the functional groups were obtained. Acetylenes could be coupled to these compounds by click chemistry through an intermediate trisazide. For the synthesis of mixed hexakisadducts 19–21 a template system based on a central benzyl moiety was attached to the free hemisphere of the trisadduct fullerenophosphates. It was shown that the phosphate and the benzyl template can be removed independently. Fully deprotected building block 24 bearing both terminal bromide and hydroxy moieties was prepared. In addition, rather complex hybrid architecture 29 bearing three porphyrin units in the polar addend zone was successfully synthesized.
Co-reporter:Jan M. Englert, Philipp Vecera, Kathrin C. Knirsch, Ricarda A. Schäfer, Frank Hauke, and Andreas Hirsch
ACS Nano 2013 Volume 7(Issue 6) pp:5472
Publication Date(Web):May 13, 2013
We report on the introduction of a systematic method for the quantitative and reliable characterization of covalently functionalized graphene based on Scanning-Raman-Microscopy (SRM). This allows for recording and analyzing several thousands of Raman spectra per sample and straightforward display of various Raman properties and their correlations with each other in histograms or coded 2D-plots. In this way, information about the functionalization efficiency of a given reaction, the reproducibility of the statistical analysis, and the sample homogeneity can be easily deduced. Based on geometric considerations, we were also able to provide, for the first time, a correlation between the mean defect distance of densely packed point defects and the Raman ID/IG ratio directly obtained from the statistical analysis. This proved to be the prerequisite for determining the degree of functionalization, termed θ. As model compounds, we have studied a series of arylated graphenes (GPh) for which we have developed new synthetic procedures. Both graphite and graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were used as starting materials. The best route toward GPh consisted of the initial reduction of graphite with a Na/K alloy in 1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME) as it yields the highest overall homogeneity of products reflected in the widths of the Raman ID/IG histograms. The Raman results correlate nicely with parallel thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) studies.Keywords: covalent functionalization; graphene; intercalation compounds; Raman; Raman statistics
Co-reporter:Lukas Zeininger, Fabian Lodermeyer, Ruben D. Costa, Dirk M. Guldi and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2016 - vol. 52(Issue 57) pp:NaN8845-8845
Publication Date(Web):2016/06/17
We report on the orthogonal, highly directional and reversible self-assembly of porphyrins onto TiO2 nanoparticles by means of hydrogen bonding interactions. Unifying the stable covalent surface attachment of tailored, synthesized Hamilton receptors with the advantages of a non-covalent supramolecular immobilization of porphyrin cyanurates resulted in a redox- and photo-active nanohybrid. The latter was successfully implemented into a new type of supramolecular dye-sensitized solar cells.
Co-reporter:Regina Eigler, Frank W. Heinemann and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2014 - vol. 50(Issue 16) pp:NaN2023-2023
Publication Date(Web):2013/12/20
The photooxidation of triaryldihydro[C59N]fullerenes was achieved by treatment with air and light leading to a new selective core functionalization of azafullerenes, which serves as a model case for oxygenation of carbon allotropes.
Co-reporter:Ferdinand Hof, Frank Hauke and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2014 - vol. 50(Issue 50) pp:NaN6584-6584
Publication Date(Web):2014/03/05
Herein we report on the facile preparation of brominated SWCNTs based on two complementary reductive activation routes. The respective brominated SWCNTs are highly reactive and can be used in nucleophilic substitution reactions and represent versatile starting materials for the generation of sidewall functionalized SWCNTs with a high density of functional moieties.
Co-reporter:Kathrin C. Knirsch, Jan M. Englert, Christoph Dotzer, Frank Hauke and Andreas Hirsch
Chemical Communications 2013 - vol. 49(Issue 92) pp:NaN10813-10813
Publication Date(Web):2013/09/27
Reductive alkylation of three graphite starting materials G(flake), G(powder), and G(spherical) reveals pronounced differences in the obtained covalently functionalized graphene with respect to the degree of functionalization, exfoliation efficiency and product homogeneity, as demonstrated by statistical Raman microscopy (SRM), TGA/MS, IR-spectroscopy and solubility behavior.
Co-reporter:Mario Marcia, Prabhpreet Singh, Frank Hauke, Michele Maggini and Andreas Hirsch
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2014 - vol. 12(Issue 36) pp:NaN7058-7058
Publication Date(Web):2014/07/10
The synthesis, characterization and metal complexation of a new class of perylene bisimides (PBIs) as an integral part of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) are reported. The simplest representative, namely derivative 1a, was synthesized both by a convergent as well as a direct approach while the elongated derivatives, 1b and 1c, were obtained only via a convergent synthetic pathway. All these new prototypes of water-soluble perylenes are bolaamphiphiles and were fully characterized by 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy. In order to acquaint ourselves with the behaviour in solution of our PBIs bearing dendritic wedges, the simplest derivative, 1a, was chosen and tested by means of UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by zeta-potential measurements. A photoexcitation induced intramolecular photo-electron transfer (PET) can be observed in these molecules. Therefore their potential applications as sensors can be imagined. Model compound 1a efficiently coordinates trivalent metal cations both in water and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Significantly, the effects of the complexation strongly depend on the aggregation state of the PBI molecules in solution. As a matter of fact, in water, the presence of M3+ ions triggers the formation of light emitting supramolecular aggregates (excimers). On the other hand, in DMSO-rich solutions metal complexation leads to the suppression of the PET and leads to a strong fluorescence enhancement.
Co-reporter:Konstantin Dirian, Susanne Backes, Claudia Backes, Volker Strauss, Fabian Rodler, Frank Hauke, Andreas Hirsch and Dirk M. Guldi
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2015 - vol. 6(Issue 12) pp:NaN6895-6895
Publication Date(Web):2015/09/22
A water soluble naphthalenebisimide derivative (NBI) was synthesized and probed to individualize, suspend, and stabilize single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Besides a comprehensive photophysical and electrochemical characterization of NBI, stable suspensions of SWCNTs were realized in buffered D2O. Overall, the dispersion efficiency of the NBI surfactant was determined by comparison with naphthalene based references. Successful individualization of SWCNTs was corroborated in several microscopic assays. In addition, emission spectroscopy points to the strong quenching of SWCNT centered band gap emission, when NBIs are immobilized onto SWCNTs. The origin of the quenching was found to be strong electronic communication, which leads to charge separation between NBIs and photoexcited SWCNTs, and, which yields reduced NBIs as well oxidized SWCNTs. Notably, electrochemical considerations revealed that the energy content of these charge separated states is one of the highest reported for SWCNT based electron donor–acceptor hybrids so far.
Co-reporter:Giovanni Bottari, M
Ángeles Herranz, Leonie Wibmer, Michel Volland, Laura Rodríguez-Pérez, Dirk M. Guldi, Andreas Hirsch, Nazario Martín, Francis D'Souza and Tomás Torres
Chemical Society Reviews 2017 - vol. 46(Issue 15) pp:NaN4500-4500
Publication Date(Web):2017/07/12
Graphene-based materials (GBMs), with graphene, their most known member, at the head, constitute a large family of materials which has aroused the interest of scientists working in different research fields such as chemistry, physics, or materials science, to mention a few, arguably as no other material before. In this review, we offer a general overview on the most relevant synthetic approaches for the covalent and non-covalent functionalization and characterization of GBMs. Moreover, some representative examples of the incorporation into GBMs of electroactive units such as porphyrins, phthalocyanines, or ferrocene, among others, affording electron donor–acceptor (D–A) hybrids are presented. For the latter systems, the photophysical characterization of their ground- and excited-state features has also been included, paying particular attention to elucidate the fundamental dynamics of the energy transfer and charge separation processes of these hybrids. For some of the presented architectures, their application in solar energy conversion schemes and energy production has been also discussed.
Co-reporter:Julian Gebhardt, Sebastian Bosch, Ferdinand Hof, Frank Hauke, Andreas Hirsch and Andreas Görling
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017 - vol. 5(Issue 16) pp:NaN3947-3947
Publication Date(Web):2015/06/23
The charging of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) mixtures by reduction via alkali metal atoms is an established first step towards covalent SWCNT functionalization. In this combined density-functional theory and experimental study, we investigate this reduction with respect to differences occurring between tubes of different electronic type (metallic (m) and semiconducting (sc) tubes, respectively). We find that metals, specifically potassium, adsorb stronger to m- than sc-SWCNTs, which can be explained by the different band structures of both tube types. We investigate this trend in detail for a variety of different chiral SWCNTs, finding a potassium coverage dependent preference of m- over sc-SWCNTs, which is predicted to allow for a selective charging of metallic tubes for K/C ratios ≤ 1/200. This selective charging can be translated into the enrichment of m-SWCNTs during dispersion of SWCNT mixtures, since only reduced tubes are dissolved from the bulk material. The results for isolated tubes can be generalized to SWCNT bundle arrangements, which means that the theoretical predicted selective charging is transferable also to this more realistic description of the experimental systems. The theoretical findings regarding an electronic type selective charging of SWCNTs have been verified by an experimental study. By a combination of Raman and absorption/emission spectroscopic analysis, a preferential dispersion of charged metallic carbon nanotubes in THF as solvent was found for the predicted low potassium concentrations. Our results lead to the conclusion that previous m/sc selective reductive functionalization reactions cannot be explained on the basis of an electronic type selective charging step, as these reactions used much higher alkali metal concentrations.