Co-reporter:M. Sc. Isabel T. Alt;M. Sc. Claudia Guttroff; Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 35) pp:10718-10722
Publication Date(Web):2017/08/21
AbstractDer nucleophile Fe-Komplex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]) katalysiert die direkte intramolekulare Aminierung nicht-aktivierter C(sp3)-H-Bindungen durch Aktivierung von Arylaziden. Substituierte Indolin- und Tetrahydrochinolinderivate sind so gut zugänglich.
Co-reporter:M. Sc. Isabel T. Alt;M. Sc. Claudia Guttroff; Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017 Volume 56(Issue 35) pp:10582-10586
Publication Date(Web):2017/08/21
AbstractThe nucleophilic iron complex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]) catalyzes the direct intramolecular amination of unactivated C(sp3)−H bonds in alkylaryl azides, which results in the formation of substituted indoline and tetrahydroquinoline derivatives.
Co-reporter:M. Sc. Claudia Guttroff;M. Sc. Aslihan Baykal;M. Sc. Huanhuan Wang;Dr. Peter Popella;M. Sc. Frank Kraus;Dr. Nicole Biber;Sophia Krauss; Dr. Friedrich Götz; Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie 2017 Volume 129(Issue 50) pp:16065-16070
Publication Date(Web):2017/12/11
AbstractIn den vergangenen 20 Jahren wurden peptidbasierte Antibiotika wie Vancomycin, Teicoplanin oder Daptomycin als Reserveantibiotika betrachtet. In den letzten Jahren erschienen jedoch vermehrt Berichte über Vancomycin-resistente Krankheitserreger, was die Entwicklung neuartiger Leitstrukturen für neue wirksame Antibiotika motivierte. Hier wird über die Totalsynthese einer definierten endo-Typ-B-PPAP-Bibliothek und deren antibiotische Aktivität gegen multiresistente Staphylococcus-aureus- und diverse Vancomycin-resistente Enterococcus-Stämme berichtet. Es wurden vier neue Strukturen identifiziert, die zeigen, dass das PPAP-Grundgerüst eine neue nicht-peptidbasierte Leitstruktur in der Antibiotika-Forschung werden könnte, die sich durch die Kombination von hoher Aktivität und geringer Zytotoxizität auszeichnet.
Co-reporter:Johannes Teske and Bernd Plietker
ACS Catalysis 2016 Volume 6(Issue 10) pp:7148
Publication Date(Web):September 14, 2016
The cationic complex [(Ph3P)2Fe(CO)(NO)]BF4 catalyzes the redox-neutral cycloisomerization of enyne acetates to diastereomerically pure allenyl pyrrolidines in good to excellent yields.Keywords: allene; cycloisomerization; diastereoselectivity; enyne; heterocycle; iron catalysis
Co-reporter:Di-Han Zhang;Jakob Knelles
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2016 Volume 358( Issue 15) pp:2469-2479
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Co-reporter:Che-Hung Lin
Israel Journal of Chemistry 2016 Volume 56( Issue 6-7) pp:409-416
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Acceptor-substituted vinyl- (VCP) and arylcyclopropanes (ACP) are reactive substrates for nucleophilic activation using Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]). In this account, the application of this catalytic strategy in traceless allylic substitution, [3+2]-cycloaddition, and Cloke-Wilson rearrangement will be presented. Additional information, derived from detailed spectroscopic and theoretical investigations, is discussed. These results not only lead to a deeper understanding of the reactivity of the catalyst in VCP and ACP activation, but also set the stage for a new type of catalyst activation using photochemical irradiation at 415 nm.
Co-reporter:M.Sc. Isabel T. Alt ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie 2016 Volume 128( Issue 4) pp:1542-1545
Publication Date(Web):
Der nukleophile Fe-Komplex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]) katalysiert die direkte intramolekulare C-H-Aminierung von α-Azidobiarylen oder (Azidoaryl)alkenen zu den entsprechenden Carbazolen und Indolen unter milden Reaktionsbedingungen mit geringen Mengen an Katalysator. Dies und die breite Toleranz für funktionelle Gruppen machen dieses Protokoll zu einer attraktiven Alternative zu den etablierten Edelmetall-basierenden Verfahren.
Co-reporter:M.Sc. Isabel T. Alt ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016 Volume 55( Issue 4) pp:1519-1522
Publication Date(Web):
The nucleophilic iron complex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]) catalyzes the direct intramolecular C−H amination of α-azidobiaryls and (azidoaryl)alkenes into the corresponding carbazoles and indoles, respectively, under mild conditions and with low catalyst loadings. These features and the broad functional-group tolerance render this method a particularly attractive alternative to established noble-metal-based procedures.
Co-reporter:Che-Hung Lin, Dominik Pursley, Johannes E. M. N. Klein, Johannes Teske, Jennifer A. Allen, Fabian Rami, Andreas Köhn and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Science 2015 vol. 6(Issue 12) pp:7034-7043
Publication Date(Web):03 Sep 2015
The base metal complex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]) catalyzes the rearrangement of vinyl and arylcyclopropanes both under thermal or photochemical conditions to give the corresponding vinyl or aryldihydrofurans in good to excellent yields. Under photochemical conditions the reaction is performed at room temperature. Spectroscopic investigations show that the metal carbonyl catalyst is not decarbonylated. The best performance was observed at a wavelength of 415 nm. icMRCI+Q analysis of the excited singlet and triplet states of the [Fe(CO)3(NO)] anion was performed and used to calculate the vertical excitation energies which are in good agreement with the experimental data. CASSCF analysis indicates that the Fe center in all excited states of the ferrate becomes more electrophilic while adopting a distorted tetrahedral configuration. Both aspects have a positive synergistic effect on the formation of the initial π-complex with the incoming organic substrate.
Co-reporter:Fiene Horeischi, Claudia Guttroff and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Communications 2015 vol. 51(Issue 12) pp:2259-2261
Publication Date(Web):22 Dec 2014
(+)-Clusianone, an exo-type B PPAP with reported anti-HIV and chemoprotective activities, was synthesized in eleven steps with 97% ee starting from acetylacetone. An enantioselective decarboxylative Tsuji–Trost-allylation and a Ru-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis-decarboxylative allylation were used to control both diastereo- and enantioselectivity.
Co-reporter:Susanne Rommel;Dr. Christian Belger;Dr. Jeanne-Marie Begouin;Dr. Bernd Plietker
ChemCatChem 2015 Volume 7( Issue 8) pp:
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Co-reporter:Dr. Cecilia Socolsky;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2015 Volume 21( Issue 7) pp:3053-3061
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A short total synthesis of (±)-garcinol and (±)-isogarcinol, two endo-type B PPAPs with reported activity against methiciline resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is presented. The separation of framework-constructing from framework-decorating steps and the application of two highly regio- and stereoselective Pd-catalysed allylations, that is, the Pd-catalysed decarboxylative Tsuji–Trost allylation and the diastereoselective Pd-catalysed allyl–allyl cross-coupling, are key elements that allowed the total synthesis to be accomplished within 13 steps starting from acetylacetone. After separation of the enantiomers the absolute configurations of the four natural products (i.e., (−)-garcinol, (+)-guttiferone E (i.e., ent-garcinol), (−)-isogarcinol, and (+)-isoxanthochymol (i.e., ent-isogarcinol)) were assigned based on ECD spectroscopy.
Co-reporter:Susanne Rommel;Dr. Christian Belger;Dr. Jeanne-Marie Begouin;Dr. Bernd Plietker
ChemCatChem 2015 Volume 7( Issue 8) pp:1292-1301
Publication Date(Web):
Iron hydride complexes of the general formula P2Fe(NO)CO)H are highly active catalysts for the hydrosilylation of aldehydes or ketones and phosphine oxides. Depending on the solvent, the in situ reduction of the phosphine oxide can be faster than the corresponding hydrosilylation of a carbonyl group. This unusual activity was used within the context of catalytic Wittig olefination.
Co-reporter:Christine Häcker and Bernd Plietker
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015 Volume 80(Issue 16) pp:8055-8064
Publication Date(Web):July 23, 2015
A straightforward enantioselective total synthesis algorithm for the preparation of 8 out of 13 macrosphelides within 9–11 steps starting from tert-butyl sorbate is presented. The use of a cyclic sulfate as both protecting and reactivity directing group is the key element within this algorithm. A high-pressure transesterification allows for the selective ring-enlargement of the 15-membered macrosphelides into the 16-membered counterparts. The absolute configurations of the natural products were unambiguously assigned both by the chemical synthesis and by X-ray structure analysis.
Co-reporter:Fiene Horeischi ; Nicole Biber
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014 Volume 136(Issue 10) pp:4026-4030
Publication Date(Web):February 22, 2014
Polyprenylated polycyclic acylphloroglucinols (PPAP) are a constantly growing class of natural products that exhibit a common bicyclo[3.3.1]nonatrione core and consist of currently more than 200 members. A subclassification among the various natural products of this class includes the position of the exocyclic acyl group, the prenylation grade of the core, and the relative configuration at C-7 within the core. About 10% of the reported structures, however, possess an additional chiral center at C-6. Herein we describe a straightforward access to guttiferone A and epi-guttiferone A, in which full control of stereoselectivity is achieved via conformational control, and a strict separation of framework decorating from framework constructing operations sets the stage for a short 13-step synthesis.
Co-reporter:Fritz Weisser, Johannes E. M. N. Klein, Biprajit Sarkar and Bernd Plietker
Dalton Transactions 2014 vol. 43(Issue 2) pp:883-887
Publication Date(Web):01 Oct 2013
Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] displays unique catalytic properties in electron-transfer catalysis such as in allylic substitutions, hydrosilylation, transesterifications, or carbene transfer chemistry. Herein we present a detailed spectroelectrochemical investigation of this complex that unravels an interesting electrochemical–chemical transformation in which two parts of [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− are oxidized and undergo a disproportionation in the presence of CO to [Fe(CO)5] and [Fe(CO)2(NO)2]. Upon re-reduction the former two complexes regenerate [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− to about 85%.
Co-reporter:M.Sc. Johannes E. M. N. Klein;Dr. Burkhard Miehlich;Dr. Michael S. Holzwarth;Dr. Matthias Bauer;Dipl.-Chem. Magdalena Milek;Dr. Marat M. Khusniyarov;Dr. Gerald Knizia;Dr. Hans-Joachim Werner;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 7) pp:1820-1824
Publication Date(Web):
Fe-katalysierte Reaktionen haben sich in den vergangenen 10 Jahren fest in der organischen Synthese etabliert. Das ursprünglich von Hogsed und Hieber beschriebene komplexe Ferrat [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− zeigt katalytische Aktivität in zahlreichen organischen Reaktionen und wird allgemein als isoelektronisch zum [Fe(CO)4]2− betrachtet. Allerdings zeigt der letztgenannte Komplex kaum katalytische Aktivität. Die hier vorgestellten spektroskopischen und quantenchemischen Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das komplexe Ferrat [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− nicht wie angenommen als eine Fe−II-Spezies, sondern vielmehr als eine Fe0-Spezies, in der das Metall kovalent über zwei π-Bindungen an ein NO− gebunden ist, aufgefasst werden sollte. Eine Metall-N-σ-Bindung wird nicht beobachtet.
Co-reporter:M.Sc. Shih-Fan Hsu;Dipl.-Chem. Susanne Rommel;M.Sc. Philipp Eversfield;Dr. Keven Muller;Dr. Elias Klemm;Dr. Werner R. Thiel;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie 2014 Volume 126( Issue 27) pp:7194-7198
Publication Date(Web):
Außer der wirtschaftlichen Energiegewinnung sind auch die effiziente Speicherung und Freisetzung von Energie wesentliche Anforderungen beim Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung. Wir berichten hier über die Entwicklung einer wiederaufladbaren Wasserstoffbatterie, die auf dem Prinzip einer Ru-katalysierten Hydrierung von CO2 zu Ameisensäure (Aufladevorgang) und einer Ru-katalysierten Zersetzung der Ameisensäure zu CO2 und H2 (Entladevorgang) beruht. Beide Prozesse laufen mit dem gleichen Katalysator unter identischen Bedingungen bei hoher Temperatur unter Druck (Aufladevorgang) bzw. bei hoher Temperatur unter druckfreien Bedingungen (Entladevorgang) ab. Bis zu fünf Lade-Entlade-Zyklen können ohne Verlust an Speicherkapazität durchlaufen werden; das entstehende CO2/H2-Gemisch ist CO-frei und kann direkt in der Brennstoffzelle verwendet werden.
Co-reporter:Martin Albrecht (Guest Editor) , Robin Bedford (Guest Editor) , Bernd Plietker
Organometallics 2014 Volume 33(Issue 20) pp:5619-5621
Publication Date(Web):October 27, 2014
Co-reporter:M.Sc. Shih-Fan Hsu;Dipl.-Chem. Susanne Rommel;M.Sc. Philipp Eversfield;Dr. Keven Muller;Dr. Elias Klemm;Dr. Werner R. Thiel;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 27) pp:7074-7078
Publication Date(Web):
Apart from energy generation, the storage and liberation of energy are among the major problems in establishing a sustainable energy supply chain. Herein we report the development of a rechargeable H2 battery which is based on the principle of the Ru-catalyzed hydrogenation of CO2 to formic acid (charging process) and the Ru-catalyzed decomposition of formic acid to CO2 and H2 (discharging process). Both processes are driven by the same catalyst at elevated temperature either under pressure (charging process) or pressure-free conditions (discharging process). Up to five charging–discharging cycles were performed without decrease of storage capacity. The resulting CO2/H2 mixture is free of CO and can be employed directly in fuel-cell technology.
Co-reporter:M.Sc. Johannes E. M. N. Klein;Dr. Burkhard Miehlich;Dr. Michael S. Holzwarth;Dr. Matthias Bauer;Dipl.-Chem. Magdalena Milek;Dr. Marat M. Khusniyarov;Dr. Gerald Knizia;Dr. Hans-Joachim Werner;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014 Volume 53( Issue 7) pp:1790-1794
Publication Date(Web):
During the past 10 years iron-catalyzed reactions have become established in the field of organic synthesis. For example, the complex anion [Fe(CO)3(NO)]−, which was originally described by Hogsed and Hieber, shows catalytic activity in various organic reactions. This anion is commonly regarded as being isoelectronic with [Fe(CO)4]2−, which, however, shows poor catalytic activity. The spectroscopic and quantum chemical investigations presented herein reveal that the complex ferrate [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− cannot be regarded as a Fe−II species, but rather is predominantly a Fe0 species, in which the metal is covalently bonded to NO− by two π-bonds. A metal–N σ-bond is not observed.
Co-reporter:Shih-Fan Hsu ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 15) pp:4242-4245
Publication Date(Web):
A defined (P^N^N^P)–Ru complex possessing tertiary amines within the ligand backbone proved to be highly active both in transfer hydrogenations and hydrogenations of a variety of ketones. As compared to the existing catalytic systems, no bifunctional activation of H2 or of the substrate by the metal center and a secondary amine within the ligand backbone is required to obtain high activities at catalyst loadings of down to 10 ppm.
Co-reporter:Johannes E. M. N. Klein;Dr. Gerald Knizia;Dr. Burkhard Miehlich;Dr. Johannes Kästner;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2014 Volume 20( Issue 24) pp:7254-7257
Publication Date(Web):
A quantum chemical investigation of the Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)]-catalyzed Cloke–Wilson rearrangement of vinyl cyclopropanes is reported. It was found that allylic CC bond activation can proceed through a SN2′ or SN2-type mechanism. The application of the recently reported intrinsic bond orbital (IBO) method for all structures indicated that one FeN π bond is directly involved. Further analysis showed that during the reaction oxidation occurs at the NO ligand exclusively.
Co-reporter:Susanne Rommel;Lara Hettmanczyk;Johannes E. M. N. Klein ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry – An Asian Journal 2014 Volume 9( Issue 8) pp:2140-2147
Publication Date(Web):
A series of defined iron–hydrogen complexes was prepared in a straightforward one-pot approach. The structure and electronic properties of such complexes were investigated by means of quantum-chemical analysis. These new complexes were then applied in the dehydrogenative silylation of methanol. The complex (dppp)(CO)(NO)FeH showed a remarkable activity with a TOF of more than 600 000 h−1 of pure hydrogen gas within seconds.
Co-reporter:Isabel Alt, Philipp Rohse, and Bernd Plietker
ACS Catalysis 2013 Volume 3(Issue 12) pp:3002
Publication Date(Web):November 13, 2013
A defined NHC-Fe–S complex proved to be an efficient catalyst for the selective hydrosulfenylation of α,β-unsaturated ketones or vinylnitriles. A wide range of different aliphatic thiols were transferred in this atom-economic reaction into the corresponding thioethers. Mild reaction conditions, equimolar amounts of substrates, low catalyst loadings, and mild reaction conditions are characteristic for this transformation.Keywords: addition; carbene ligand; catalysis; iron; sulfur
Co-reporter:Tobias Schabel, Christian Belger, and Bernd Plietker
Organic Letters 2013 Volume 15(Issue 11) pp:2858-2861
Publication Date(Web):May 28, 2013
The chemoselective reduction of alkyne, ketones, or nitro groups using (Ph3P)3RuCl2 as an inexpensive catalyst and Zn/water as a stoichiometric reductant is reported. Depending on the nature of the additive and the temperature, good chemoselectivities were observed allowing, e.g., for the selective reduction of a nitro group in the presence of a ketone or an alkyne.
Co-reporter:Johannes E. M. N. Klein, Burkhard Miehlich, Johannes Kästner and Bernd Plietker
Dalton Transactions 2013 vol. 42(Issue 21) pp:7519-7525
Publication Date(Web):02 Apr 2013
The mechanism of carbonylation of alkyl halides using [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− has been studied using density functional theory (DFT). Our results suggest an SN2 mechanism for the alkylation event followed by a well-defined oxidative addition and alkyl migration. An experimentally elusive common intermediate [Fe(CO)2NO(Ac)] has been identified in two isomers and reacted in silico with a number of ligands (CO, PH3 and PPh3) to give the corresponding iron acyl complexes. Pathways between the two isomers, including direct involvement of a solvent molecule (THF) or iodide, have been elucidated.
Co-reporter:Johannes E. M. N. Klein and Bernd Plietker
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2013 vol. 11(Issue 8) pp:1271-1279
Publication Date(Web):17 Dec 2012
In search of recent challenges in synthetic organic chemistry transformations of substrates possessing formally unreactive bonds have been thoroughly addressed. Amongst those reactions a small number of iron-catalysed reactions have emerged and will be presented showcasing that only a mere starting-point has been reached and many opportunities are to be found in this area.
Co-reporter:Susanne Rommel;André P. Dieskau
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013 Volume 2013( Issue 9) pp:1790-1795
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Phosphonates are useful building blocks for organic synthesis, and are also bioactive compounds. Traditionally, they are prepared by nucleophilic substitution under thermal conditions. The preparation of more densely functionalized phosphonates is still a synthetic challenge. In this paper, we present a convenient one-pot three-component phosphono-allylation of activated olefins to give phosphonates bearing a variety of functional groups.
Co-reporter:Johannes E. M. N. Klein;Michael S. Holzwarth;Stephan Hohloch;Biprajit Sarkar
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013 Volume 2013( Issue 28) pp:6310-6316
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Triazolium-derived N-heterocyclic carbene (aNHC) ligands, which are readily accessible by deprotonation of the corresponding triazolium salts, proved to be versatile ligands in diverse allylic substitution reactions. The corresponding triazolium salts are formed from azides and alkynes through the application of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition and N-alkylation reactions. The unique property of these ligands is to be zwitterionic in their liberated form and to act as strong redox-active σ-donor ligands. By virtue of these qualities, these ligands enable the development of an unprecedented Fe-catalyzed regioselective aryloxylation of allylic carbonates.
Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Katharina Lindermayr ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013 Volume 52( Issue 46) pp:12183-12186
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Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Katharina Lindermayr ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie 2013 Volume 125( Issue 46) pp:12405-12408
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Co-reporter:Tobias Schabel ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 Volume 19( Issue 22) pp:6938-6941
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Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Daniel Weickmann;Dr. Wolfgang Frey ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2013 Volume 19( Issue 8) pp:2741-2748
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A series of new hexacoordinated {RuII(NNNN,P)} complexes was prepared from [RuCl2(R3P)3]. Their structure was determined by X-ray crystallography. The catalytic potential of this new class of complexes was tested in the alkylation of aniline with benzyl alcohol. In this test reaction, the influence of the counteranion plus electronic influences at the tetradentate ligand and the phosphine ligand were examined. The electrochemistry of all complexes was studied by cyclic voltammetry. Depending on the substituent at the ligand backbone, the complexes showed a different behavior. For all N-benzyl substituted complexes, reversible RuII/III redox potentials were observed, whereas the N-methyl substituted complex possessed an irreversible oxidation event at small scan rates. Furthermore, the electronic influence of different substituents at the ligand scaffold and at the phosphine on the RuII/III redox potential was investigated. The measured E0 values were correlated to the theoretically determined HOMO energies of the complexes. In addition, these HOMO energies correlated well with the reactivity of the single complexes in the alkylation of aniline with benzyl alcohol. The exact balance of redox potential and reactivity appears to be crucial for synchronizing the multiple hydrogen-transfer events. The optimized catalyst structure was applied in a screening on scope and limitation in the catalytic dehydrative alkylation of anilines by using alcohols.
Co-reporter:Michael S. Holzwarth ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
ChemCatChem 2013 Volume 5( Issue 7) pp:1650-1679
Publication Date(Web):
A growing world population and increasing energy demands are without a doubt the most important challenges for mankind within this century. Catalysis is a key technology in various fields of chemistry and offers the potential to increase the material output of chemical synthesis without an unreasonable increase in the energy necessary for the production of new materials. Hence, the various disciplines of catalysis are “sustainable” by definition. However, for a wide range of catalytic transformations to take the necessary next step from academic research to industrial application, the catalytic processes do not only have to be sustainable with regard to the substrate-to-product conversions, but they also have to be sustainable with regard to parameters such as solvent, energy source, and the nature of the catalyst. Currently, the vast majority of transition-metal-catalyzed homogenous reactions are based upon late and expensive transition-metal complexes. In the present review we summarize the current state of the art in sustainable metal catalysis, that is, catalysis based upon inexpensive biorelevant metals such as Ca, Mg, V, Mo, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, B, Si, and Se. These metals are part of nature’s catalytic toolbox and have experienced a tremendous comeback in metal catalysis within the past 10 years.
Co-reporter:André P. Dieskau ; Michael S. Holzwarth
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012 Volume 134(Issue 11) pp:5048-5051
Publication Date(Web):March 7, 2012
The low-valent iron complex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBAFe) catalyzes the allylic C–C-bond activation of electron-poor vinyl cyclopropanes to generate synthetically useful a1,a3,d5-synthons which are prone to undergo multiple consecutive reactions. The versatility of this approach is demonstrated by a traceless allylic substitution and a formal [3 + 2] cycloaddition to give either functionalized acyclic products or densely substituted cyclopentanes and pyrrolidines in high yields and regioselectivities.
Co-reporter:Christian Belger and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Communications 2012 vol. 48(Issue 44) pp:5419-5421
Publication Date(Web):17 Apr 2012
The defined Fe hydride complex FeH(CO)(NO)(Ph3P)2 is highly active as a catalyst for selective hydrosilylation of internal alkynes to vinylsilanes. Depending on the silane employed either E- or Z-selective hydrosilylation products were formed in excellent yields and good to excellent stereoselectivities.
Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem.Dipl.-Ing. André P. Dieskau;Dipl.-Chem. Michael S. Holzwarth ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2012 Volume 18( Issue 8) pp:2423-2429
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We present herein a versatile and broadly applicable Fe-catalyzed regioselective alkoxy allylation of activated double bonds. Substituted allylic carbonates are converted into the corresponding σ-enyl Fe complexes by reaction with Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBAFe) at 30 °C. The liberated alkoxide adds to an activated double bond with the generation of a C-nucleophile, which is trapped by the σ-enyl Fe complex in a regioselective manner. Alternatively, the alkoxide acts as a base in deprotonating an external pronucleophile, which undergoes Michael addition. The method is characterized by a broad functional group tolerance, mild reaction conditions, low catalyst loadings, and high regioselectivities in favor of the ipso-substitution product.
Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Michael S. Holzwarth;Isabel Alt ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie 2012 Volume 124( Issue 22) pp:5447-5450
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Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Michael S. Holzwarth;Isabel Alt ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012 Volume 51( Issue 22) pp:5351-5354
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Co-reporter:Michael S. Holzwarth, Wolfang Frey and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Communications 2011 vol. 47(Issue 39) pp:11113-11115
Publication Date(Web):12 Sep 2011
Binuclear Fe-complexes that are readily prepared by treating Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] with an excess of thiol or from Fe-salts under reductive conditions are potent catalysts for the regioselective allylic sulfenylation. Low catalyst loadings of only 0.25 mol% and reaction temperatures of only 40 °C allow for the coupling of functionalized allylic starting materials with functionalized mercaptans in good yield with full retention of the configuration.
Co-reporter:André P. Dieskau;Jeanne-Marie Begouin
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2011 Volume 2011( Issue 27) pp:5291-5296
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The nucleophilic Fe complex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBAFe) has been used as a highly active catalyst for the mild hydrosilylation of a variety of functionalized aldehydes and ketones using inexpensive PMHS as stoichiometric reductant. The corresponding alcohols were obtained in good-to-excellent yields at low catalyst loadings of only 1 mol-% and reaction temperatures of 30–50 °C.
Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Silja Magens ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2011 Volume 17( Issue 32) pp:8807-8809
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Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Markus Jegelka ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2011 Volume 17( Issue 37) pp:10417-10430
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Allyl sulfones are versatile intermediates in organic chemistry. The presence of two distinct functional groups sets the stage for a plethora of subsequent transformations. However, despite these advantages the preparation of regioisomerically enriched sulfones is not easy. The use of sulfinate salts as nucleophiles in substitutions is frequently accompanied by side reactions such as π-bond migration, β-elimination, and so on. Herein we present a preparatively simple way to synthesize a variety of different aryl or alkyl allyl sulfones starting from readily accessible allylic carbonates. By employing aryl or alkyl α-sulfonyl succinimides as sulfinate synthons, mild and regioselective ipso substitution of diverse allylic carbonates was realized.
Co-reporter:Dipl.-Chem. Christian Belger;Dipl.-Chem. N. Matthias Neisius ;Dr. Bernd Plietker
Chemistry - A European Journal 2010 Volume 16( Issue 40) pp:12214-12220
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By using a readily available, air- and moisture-stable dihydrido–Ru complex, a variety of Z olefins are accessible under transfer-hydrogenation conditions with formic acid as the hydrogen source in excellent yields and Z/E selectivities.
Co-reporter:Markus Jegelka and Bernd Plietker
Organic Letters 2009 Volume 11(Issue 15) pp:3462-3465
Publication Date(Web):July 9, 2009
In contrast to the formation of C−O and C−N bonds it was only recently that the selective C−S bond formation by means of transition metal complexes moved more into the center of research. This is somewhat surprising given the fact that the sulfur atom in a functional group can possess different oxygenation levels which correspond to different chemical properties and reaction portfolios. Herein we wish to communicate a regioselective Fe-catalyzed allylic sulfonation that allows for the preparation of various chiral aryl allyl sulfones in good to excellent yields.
Co-reporter:Bernd Plietker ;André Dieskau
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2009 Volume 2009( Issue 6) pp:775-787
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Nowadays demand for selective, energy-efficient, and sustainable chemical transformations has spurred an increasing interest in the development of “sustainable metal catalysis”. This expression defines a type of catalytic transformation in which non-toxic, readily available and inexpensive, stable metal complexes are used for catalysis. The increasing prices for energy and noble metals, which are commonly used for catalysis, represent an economical and ecological dilemma. If the price for a catalyst exceeds the savings on the energy side an industrial application does not make sense. As a consequence of this dilemma, chemists are looking for exit strategies with catalysis by small organic molecules (organocatalysis) or by inexpensive, readily available metal complexes (sustainable metal catalysis) being the most prominent ones. It is an irony that these two major catalytic strategies are based on research that had been initiated several decades ago but was somehow forgotten. In the present Microreview, the story of the reincarnation of another forgotten metal complex species, that celebrates its 50th birthday this year, will be told, the [Fe(CO)3(NO)]– anion. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)
Co-reporter:Michael Holzwarth;André Dieskau;Misbah Tabassam Dr.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2009 Volume 48( Issue 39) pp:7251-7255
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Co-reporter:N.Matthias Neisius Dipl.-Chem. Dr.
Angewandte Chemie 2009 Volume 121( Issue 31) pp:5863-5866
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Co-reporter:Michael Holzwarth;André Dieskau;Misbah Tabassam Dr.
Angewandte Chemie 2009 Volume 121( Issue 39) pp:7387-7391
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Co-reporter:N.Matthias Neisius Dipl.-Chem. Dr.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2009 Volume 48( Issue 31) pp:5752-5755
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Co-reporter:Bernd Plietker Dr.;André Dieskau;Katrin Möws ;Anja Jatsch
Angewandte Chemie 2007 Volume 120( Issue 1) pp:204-207
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Co-reporter:Bernd Plietker Dr.;André Dieskau;Katrin Möws ;Anja Jatsch
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2007 Volume 47( Issue 1) pp:198-201
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Co-reporter:S. Scholz and B. Plietker
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2016 - vol. 3(Issue 10) pp:NaN1298-1298
Publication Date(Web):2016/08/03
The low-valent Fe-complex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]) catalyzes the reductive cleavage of N–O-bonds in oxazines under salt-free conditions using malononitrile as reductant. The mild reduction conditions allow the development of a sequence of [4 + 2]-cycloaddition/reductive cleavage, a process that can be considered as an efficient way for the diastereoselective 1,4-aminohydroxylation of 1,3-dienes.
Co-reporter:Fiene Horeischi, Claudia Guttroff and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Communications 2015 - vol. 51(Issue 12) pp:NaN2261-2261
Publication Date(Web):2014/12/22
(+)-Clusianone, an exo-type B PPAP with reported anti-HIV and chemoprotective activities, was synthesized in eleven steps with 97% ee starting from acetylacetone. An enantioselective decarboxylative Tsuji–Trost-allylation and a Ru-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis-decarboxylative allylation were used to control both diastereo- and enantioselectivity.
Co-reporter:Michael S. Holzwarth, Wolfang Frey and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Communications 2011 - vol. 47(Issue 39) pp:NaN11115-11115
Publication Date(Web):2011/09/12
Binuclear Fe-complexes that are readily prepared by treating Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] with an excess of thiol or from Fe-salts under reductive conditions are potent catalysts for the regioselective allylic sulfenylation. Low catalyst loadings of only 0.25 mol% and reaction temperatures of only 40 °C allow for the coupling of functionalized allylic starting materials with functionalized mercaptans in good yield with full retention of the configuration.
Co-reporter:Che-Hung Lin, Dominik Pursley, Johannes E. M. N. Klein, Johannes Teske, Jennifer A. Allen, Fabian Rami, Andreas Köhn and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Science (2010-Present) 2015 - vol. 6(Issue 12) pp:NaN7043-7043
Publication Date(Web):2015/09/03
The base metal complex Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] (TBA[Fe]) catalyzes the rearrangement of vinyl and arylcyclopropanes both under thermal or photochemical conditions to give the corresponding vinyl or aryldihydrofurans in good to excellent yields. Under photochemical conditions the reaction is performed at room temperature. Spectroscopic investigations show that the metal carbonyl catalyst is not decarbonylated. The best performance was observed at a wavelength of 415 nm. icMRCI+Q analysis of the excited singlet and triplet states of the [Fe(CO)3(NO)] anion was performed and used to calculate the vertical excitation energies which are in good agreement with the experimental data. CASSCF analysis indicates that the Fe center in all excited states of the ferrate becomes more electrophilic while adopting a distorted tetrahedral configuration. Both aspects have a positive synergistic effect on the formation of the initial π-complex with the incoming organic substrate.
Co-reporter:Fritz Weisser, Johannes E. M. N. Klein, Biprajit Sarkar and Bernd Plietker
Dalton Transactions 2014 - vol. 43(Issue 2) pp:NaN887-887
Publication Date(Web):2013/10/01
Bu4N[Fe(CO)3(NO)] displays unique catalytic properties in electron-transfer catalysis such as in allylic substitutions, hydrosilylation, transesterifications, or carbene transfer chemistry. Herein we present a detailed spectroelectrochemical investigation of this complex that unravels an interesting electrochemical–chemical transformation in which two parts of [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− are oxidized and undergo a disproportionation in the presence of CO to [Fe(CO)5] and [Fe(CO)2(NO)2]. Upon re-reduction the former two complexes regenerate [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− to about 85%.
Co-reporter:Johannes E. M. N. Klein and Bernd Plietker
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2013 - vol. 11(Issue 8) pp:NaN1279-1279
Publication Date(Web):2012/12/17
In search of recent challenges in synthetic organic chemistry transformations of substrates possessing formally unreactive bonds have been thoroughly addressed. Amongst those reactions a small number of iron-catalysed reactions have emerged and will be presented showcasing that only a mere starting-point has been reached and many opportunities are to be found in this area.
Co-reporter:Johannes E. M. N. Klein, Burkhard Miehlich, Johannes Kästner and Bernd Plietker
Dalton Transactions 2013 - vol. 42(Issue 21) pp:NaN7525-7525
Publication Date(Web):2013/04/02
The mechanism of carbonylation of alkyl halides using [Fe(CO)3(NO)]− has been studied using density functional theory (DFT). Our results suggest an SN2 mechanism for the alkylation event followed by a well-defined oxidative addition and alkyl migration. An experimentally elusive common intermediate [Fe(CO)2NO(Ac)] has been identified in two isomers and reacted in silico with a number of ligands (CO, PH3 and PPh3) to give the corresponding iron acyl complexes. Pathways between the two isomers, including direct involvement of a solvent molecule (THF) or iodide, have been elucidated.
Co-reporter:Christian Belger and Bernd Plietker
Chemical Communications 2012 - vol. 48(Issue 44) pp:NaN5421-5421
Publication Date(Web):2012/04/17
The defined Fe hydride complex FeH(CO)(NO)(Ph3P)2 is highly active as a catalyst for selective hydrosilylation of internal alkynes to vinylsilanes. Depending on the silane employed either E- or Z-selective hydrosilylation products were formed in excellent yields and good to excellent stereoselectivities.