


CAS: 23244-49-7
MF: C20H42O6
MW: 378.54388
Synonyms: 3,6,9,12,15-Pentaoxapentacosan-1-ol


James W Schneider

Carnegie Mellon University
Co-reporter: Stephen B. Istivan, Daniel K. Bishop, Angela L. Jones, Shane T. Grosser, and James W. Schneider
pp: 11433
Publication Date(Web):October 10, 2015
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b02931
We demonstrate that the use of wormlike nonionic micelles as drag-tags in end-labeled free-solution electrophoresis (“micelle-ELFSE”) provides single-base resolution of Sanger sequencing products up to 502 bases in length, a nearly 2-fold improvement over reported ELFSE separations. “CiEj” running buffers containing 48 mM C12E5, 6 mM C10E5, and 3 M urea (32.5 °C) form wormlike micelles that provide a drag equivalent to an uncharged DNA fragment with a length (α) of 509 bases (effective Rh = 27 nm). Runtime in a 40 cm capillary (30 kV) was 35 min for elution of all products down to the 26-base primer. We also show that smaller Triton X-100 micelles give a read length of 103 bases in a 4 min run, so that a combined analysis of the Sanger products using the two buffers in separate capillaries could be completed in 14 min for the full range of lengths. A van Deemter analysis shows that resolution is limited by diffusion-based peak broadening and wall adsorption. Effects of drag-tag polydispersity are not observed, despite the inherent polydispersity of the wormlike micelles. We ascribe this to a stochastic size-sampling process that occurs as micelle size fluctuates rapidly during the runtime. A theoretical model of the process suggests that fluctuations occur with a time scale less than 10 ms, consistent with the monomer exchange process in nonionic micelles. The CiEj buffer has a low viscosity (2.7 cP) and appears to be semidilute in micelle concentration. The large drag-tag size of the CiEj buffers leads to steric segregation of the DNA and tag for short fragments and attendant mobility shifts.

Fang Li

University of Jinan

Bernhard Hauer

University of Stuttgart

Albrecht Berkessel

Universit?t zu K?ln

R. Strey

University of Cologne

H. Klemmer

University of Cologne

Julian Eastoe

University of Bristol